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Ernest Rides Again (1993)

Posted: 04/11/23 10:11
by bunniefuu
[walking footsteps]





[alarm sounding]

[brakes screech]


[music - "yankee doodle"]

Oh no!

ANNOUNCER: Scanning the

globe to bring you the very

worst news stories of the day.

It's the Slugtone Newsreel.


would've guessed it?

Mr. Bill, the little clay man

from a little town of Despair,

considered the biggest

long shot in the history

of American politics,

has won the Presidential

election in a landslide!

It's going to fall!

NEWS ANCHOR: The worst

in Midwest history.

Yes, it was a grueling,

hard-fought campaign,

one that will long be

remembered for achieving

new heights in the political

art of mudslinging.


NEWS ANCHOR: But the little

man just kept bouncing back,

exerting his hands-on

approach to the never-ending

tasks necessary for a successful

bid, like kissing the baby--

[mr. bill squeaks]

--pit-- bulls, and the

interminably long bus tours.


Row, row, row your boat,

gently down the stream.

Merrily-- ohh!



hard work paid off,

as the American

public turned out

in droves to cast their vote

for the little man from Despair.

Now the celebrations are

over, and the real work

begins for President Bill.

[music - "hail to the chief"]

Oh boy, what a

comfortable chair.

It sure is great

being President.

Huh, Spot?

[spot barks]

MAN: Say, Mr.

President, it's time

to sign some important bills.

Oh boy!


MAN: Whoops.

MR. BILL: Oh no, the first

day on the job and we've

already messed up the rug.

MAN: Gee, you're right.

We'd better use

some spot remover.

[spot barks]

Oh no, you leave Spot alone.


[spot barks]






MAN: There, perfect.

And it's a good thing.

Because you know

what they always say.

Uh, the-- "The

buck stops here."

Now, what does that mean?

[buck grunts]

Oh wait!


I get the point!

No, wait!


[buck grunts]


Ooh, the thorns!


MAN: Oh, I see you

found the rose garden.

No time to smell the roses

though, because the Chairman

of the Joint Chiefs of

Staff would like to discuss

some new cuts in defense.

Cuts in defense?


Oh no, he's going

to be mean to me!

MAN: Nah, it's General Sluggo.

And he just wants to show

you his new Star Wars cuts

Uh, no, that's OK.

Uh, we don't have to make

any cuts in the films.




Don't do that!




Oh wow!



Boy, what a

splitting headache.

Being President is a lot

tougher than I thought.

MAN: You're right,

President Bill,

because there are some

big problems left over

from the last administration.

Like Slugga Hussein.

Oh, no.

So what does he want now?

MAN: He just wants to give us

what we've hoped for all along.

The new peace treaty?

MAN: No, all the oil

you could ever want.

No, don't do that!


MAN: Now it's time to go to

the Hill to meet Congress.

Oh boy, Capitol Hill.


[marching band music playing]

Gee, I sure hope me

going to the hill

will help clean up Washington.

Well, I hope Congress likes

my new budget proposal.

Hey, and the

Washington Monument.

You know, I once cut down a

cherry tree and lost a a foot.

Oh, and there's the

Jefferson Memorial.

Yeah, I tell ya, Washington

DC is sure a beautiful place.

MAN: Well, here we

are the Capitol Steps.

Oh boy!

The Capitol Steps!

Hey hey!

MAN: Hey, it's Senate

Minority Leader, Sluggo.

MR. BILL: Oh no.

MAN: And he wants you to

look over his revisions

to your new budget.

- Oh wait!








[bell rings]

Oh no.

MAN: Oh gee, it's Senate recess.

[children laughing]

- Oh, no!

Don't do that!


Wait! [WINCING] Ow!





Gee, President Lincoln,

you know, being President

is sure a lot tougher

than I ever thought.

But I guess someone's

got to do it.

And-- and you know--


I've taken everything those mean

old Sluggos have thrown at me,

and I'm still standing tall.

Yeah, maybe everything's going

to be all right after all.

Change is hard.

But things can be different.

Uh, maybe good can

triumph over evil.


Oh, wait, no.



MAN: See you next time.

Bye bye.

[ragtime music]

[waves crashing, gulls squawk]

[sparks ignite]

[music playing]

[tribal drums playing]

[distant growling]

ERNEST: Sloughing my way

up the Kantezi river,

fighting malaria,

river blindness

and savage Matabele

warriors, I, Indiana Worrell,

have at last come face to face

with the pinnacle of my quest.

The two-by-four temple of pine.


Hey, bring my

those two-by-fours.


I got 'em here.

[equipment running]

The royal guard

has left their watch.

And the sacred

treasure of Nefertiti

lies just within our grasp.


Don't you go and be takin'

nothin' from no Nefertiti.

She mighty particular

about that jewelry.

[AS OLD MAN] Now, Nefertiti?

Yeah, I remember Nefertiti.

She used to drive

a '36 Chrysler.

[AS HIMSELF] Men, a narrow

window of opportunity

has been made available to us.

And we'd be fools

not to take it.

I'm going in.

[AS OLD MAN] Don't worry,

Indy, I'm right behind you.

Yes sir, I'm a-stickin'

to ya like glue.

You're waitin' on me,

you're backin' up.


[metal detector humming]

Ooh, a soon-to-be-discovered

marvel sings

out its haunting love call.

Ah, to find a diamond.

A flawless, 30-carat, D-grade,

10-power water-white crystal.

I believe cut in

Antwerp, an exact match

to the one Fitzgerald died for

whilst coating on the Zambezi.

[horn honks]


Ah, what's this?


A diamond of this

brilliance and quality

could only have come

from one source.

From the diamond

necklace which surrounds

Cleopatra's crystal skull.

But to find that, I

must delve even deeper

into the bosom of mother earth.

[horn blares]




Could it be?

Is it possible?



It's Cleopatra's crystal skull.


[saw buzzes]



[nail g*n firing]


[nail g*n firing]

[tires squeal]







[engine hums]

[engine revs]


[tires squeal]

[fearful panting]

[engine rumbling]

What's all this about?

I never did anything to you.

[tires squeal]

That's it.

Every time a power tool cops an

attitude, I get blamed for it.

They're going to

blame me for all this!


What are you doing

this to me for?

I'm not your enemy.

Some of my best friends

are power tools.

[engine revving]

Go away.

[engine revs]

How'd you like to

come over to my house?

I could introduce you to

a nice little skill saw.

You're going to

get me in trouble.

I'm going to get framed.

[tires squeal]

[engine revs]

[nervous panting]


[nail g*n firing]



Good thing it hit the hard end.

[engine revs]




[saw buzzing]


Get out of here!

This place is going to k*ll me!

[saw buzzing]


With stealth and

agility, Indiana evades

the serpent of endless teeth.





[birds chirping]




[tires squeal]




Look at this.

It's a genuine prehistoric

television antenna component.

Wait'll Dr. Melon sees this.


Makita warriors.

Hey, what's the-- what--

Look at that!


[wood cracking]

Uh-- ha-- uh--

Hey you!

Come here!

Believe it or not,

I didn't do this!

[workers shouting]

The saw did it!

I just watched!

[bells ringing]

Dr. Mellon, this

university has worked hard

to build a good reputation.

And you, with one

preposterous paper,

have come close

to destroying it.

But my theory is sound.

History is not dead pursuit.

It grows and changes every day.

Not here.

Here, you teach the curriculum

as approved by this board.

But my theory,

the Green Mountain

regulars, it has validity.

Until your theory

is fact, it is

fiction, and belongs in

the English department, not



Yes, sir.

Ladies and gentlemen,

that concludes

our meeting for today.

Thank you very much for

your time and consideration.


That reference book you

have there is irreplaceable.

I hope you're not planning

to take it off campus.


I'll be careful with it.

See that you are.

[WHISPERING] We've been

having trouble with Dr. Melon.

It's a troubled time.


Dr. Melon, I'm Dr.

Radner Glencliff.


Dr. Radner Glencliff, I'm

honored to meet you, sir.

I've read so much about you.

Well, thank you.

I must apologize for

my fellow trustees.

But both you and I know that

the infighting in academia

is so vicious only because

the stakes are so small.

Exactly, so small.

Let's assume for the moment

that your theory is true.

Well, that would

mean that the crown

jewels residing in the

Tower of London are fakes.

And the real jewels are

hidden inside a cannon

somewhere in Virginia.


Listen, I have more of an

open mind than my colleagues.

If you should come

across anything that

might help substantiate

your article,

you be sure and

call on me first.

I think I may have a

better chance than you

of getting them to accept it.

Oh, well, thank

you very much, sir.

I will.

You're a good man.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

Take care.

- Yes.



Hmm, let's see.

Mosquito repellent?

Yeah, that ought to scare them.

Blasting caps.

A brain is a terrible

thing to waste.

Map, map, where's the map?

[BRITISH ACCENT] Oh, come now,

don't tell me you've lost

that bloody map. [AS PIRATE]

Oh no, sir.

That map's around

here somewheres.

Hey, professor!

What's new in the history biz?


Well, why the long face?

I thought you were a

hysterical professor.

Well, look, no time

for games today, OK?

I just had a meeting with

the Board of Regents.

And it really

didn't go that well.

Hey, you got

something on your shirt.

- Where?

- Gotcha.




Why do you insist

on playing these

outdated sophomoric pranks?

Hey, speaking of

outdated, look what I found.

I don't have the

time nor inclination.

No look, you see,

it's curved here,

and it's got a beveled edge.


And I bet it would

make a swell boomerang.


It'll be just the w*apon


when our mates are thrashin'

about in the water,

trying to keep away from them--

right, all right-- sharks.






Oh, Ernest, you

are unbelievable.

You really are.

That's the university's book.

I'm responsible for it.

Well, it's OK.

I'll fix it.

And they'll be none the wiser.



Just pull this out.



Oh, Ern--

I'm sorry.

Oh, please-- look,

I have an idea.


Next time you see me,

just don't speak or wave

or say anything like, hey Dr.

Miller, look what I found!



Where did you get that?

I found it.

- Where did you find it?

- In France.

I found it in France.

Where in France?

Outside Paris.

Where outside-- you've

never been to Paris.

Let me see it.

Where did you find it?

Well, I found it

near some, uh, ruins.

ABNER: If this is

what I think it is,

we are on the verge

of a major discovery.

You mean it's part of an

alien spaceship or something?

You want your pickle?

Stamped out insignia

like these were used

as identification plates

on American b*ttlefield

wagons in the 1700s.

Well, why?

Didn't the wagons

know who they were?

If [LAUGHING] by some

miracle, there is a 3, a 1,

and a 4 on this

plane, it will prove

that the Green Mountain Regulars

Unit 314 really did exist.

And at least part of

my theory is true.


There's a 4.

You see, I told you being

buddies would pay off.


collaborators, perhaps.



[chewing loudly]

Who makes this bread anyway?


ABNER: I believe King George

III sent the Crown Jewels

of England to America, to remind

those revolutionary colonists

they were still subject

to the British crown.

But the old 314th ambushed

the English guard unit

and stole the Crown Jewels

right here in Virginia,

then hid them in the

barrel of a gigantic

regiment mechanical Goliath.

There's a 1.

Vindication is so close.


There's a 3!


There was a 314th!

[grunts excitement]

Finally it's true!

My theory is true!

It's true!



DOCTOR: Yes, absolutely, Doctor.

I agree.

I've tried mutual funds,

money market CD's, and I just

can't seem to keep

ahead of inflation.

Risk, Dr. Keen, is

the fuel of wealth.

Take the conquistadors

of the 1500s.

They risked everything to

find wealth in the New World.

And they found it.

Didn't they?


But many men died.

MR. BILL: So your

doctor friend will know

what my metal boomerang is?

ABNER: Oh, absolutely.

Dr. Radner Glencliff is the

preeminent private collector

of historical artifacts

in the nation.

And fortunately for

us, he's a wise man

with no preconceived notions

about how history was written.


please report to Emergency.

Can I help you?


I had a preconceived

notion once.

But it turned out

to be something

I'd already thought of.

When he sees this,

he'll get behind my theory

and the Board of Regents

will listen to him.

Well, what can I do for you?

Dr. Abner Melon to see

Dr. Radner Glencliff please.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Dr. Glencliff is not

available at the moment.


Oh, I'm-- I'm sorry.

But I did have an appointment.


MR. BILL: Let me handle this.

My good woman, kindly

tell the doctor

that the two persons

waiting in the anteroom

are in possession

of a metal plate

from a giant cannon

called Goliath.




You stand over there.

- Over there?

- Over there.

MR. BILL: Over--

Over there!

Over here?

I'm supposed to be doing this.

I've got the D-R-period in front

of my name, not you, Ernest.

Could I have my

boomerang back please?





I don't know him.

He followed me here.

He did.

Gentlemen, gentlemen,

come right in.

Sorry to interrupt

you, doctor.

Oh, this is overwhelming.

Look, the Greco-Roman

bust of Zeus.

Oh, Cleopatra's--

Tube top.

Ben Franklin's kite.

Doctor, I've seen pictures

of these items in magazines.

But to see them

in person is truly

a breathtaking experience.

I've spent a lifetime

and service fortunes

collecting what you see here.

I knew a guy who

collected roach wings.

He's got one from Africa.

It's as big as a fly swatter.

Ms. Wilson said something

about an ID plate.


Ernest found this at

the construction site

at the Fairway Estates.


3, 1, 4.


[shutter clicks]

Certainly has the

right markings.

Seemed like the right

alloys for the period.

Have you done a

carbon dating yet?

No but the chip

points are so obvious.

GLENCLIFF: Yes they are.


I agree with you.

This could be the

genuine article.

Well, good for you.

ABNER: Then you'll

support my theory

with the Board of Regents?

GLENCLIFF: Now, Abner, we

can't go off half-cocked here.


Other than this little bit

of evidence that the regiment

existed, you have nothing.

Now, Dr. Melon, even if

we were to accept this--

[disgusted groans]

--as proof that the Green

Mountain Regulars were not just

a fiction, surely you

can see that we're still

a long way from having

any real evidence

that the crown jewels of England

were hidden inside a cannon.

Now, if this

artifact were to lead

to some remnant of

Goliath, well, then you'd

have something I could support.

Well, if I could

find Goliath, I--

I'd have the proof I need.


Melon, believe me.

I want your theory

validated as much as you do.

But I've just got to have more.


Let's go, Dr. Melon.


GLENCLIFF: Expecting great

things from you, Abner.

The university

doesn't appreciate

what an asset they have in you.

Well, thank you very much.

Now, if you should come

up with anything more--

- Ernest, let go.

- --you be sure and call me.

I'll have my girl

call your girl.

We'll take a meeting.

We'll do lunch.

Right now we're vapor trails.

- Excuse me.

We're out of here.

As they say in your

hobby, we're history.


- Sorry, doctor.

Let's go, Abner.

How could you do that?

He's my only friend

on the board.

Do you remember

when Indiana Jones

grabbed the idol and the big

rock started rolling after him?

I think we've got that same

kind of situation here.


[birds chirping]

This neighborhood looks like--

--a Mighty Workboy



FRANK: A customer.

JOE: A doctor.

A good customer.

A real--

- --good--



am Mighty Workboy,

and I will work for you.

I do upholstery and

watch it as a I do.

I'm the Mighty Workboy.

I work for all I do--

- Good morning, ma'am.

- Fine morning.

Nice car.

Pay cash?

You know, unless this is

the cure for the common cold,

fellas, I'm afraid

you're wasting your time.


Ma'am, we are just so

terribly pleased to be

able to offer you the amazing--

--Mighty Workboy

vacuum cleaner.

For only $22.

And 75 cents.


BOTH: And 75 cents.

- Really.

- No strings attached.


Ooh, and such a good price?

Although there is a

small financing charge.

- And carrying cost.

- Plus cord.

- And the motor.

- Handle.

And attachments.

And taken together

with the price of--

- The cute little headlight.

- Wheels.

And the dirt container bag.

And of course, the

amazing Mighty Workboy--

--bug fogger.

It comes to a total of 235--

- --dollars--

- --and 16--


And that's American money.

Well, good luck to you both.


- That's our only--

- --copy.

- Get it.

- Can't.

- Get it.

- Can't.

- Get it.

- Can't.

- Get it.

- Can't.

Get it.



NAN: Abner?


Guess what I bought?

It just spoke to me.

- Not more clothes.

- Oh, it's such a good move.

Nan, I thought I told you

that we can't afford any more--

No, that new car I've been

wishing and dreaming for.

- A car?

- Mhm.

A new one?

Well, of course, dear.

A new car?

On what I make?

Abner, don't yell at me.

You're a well-respected

university professor,

and I'm your loving wife.

I just knew you wouldn't

want me to go to the Dean's

tee in that rickety

beat-up old Dodge Dart now

would you, honey?

And this spring,

of course, we'll

be invited to the

Chancellor's Easter Egg hunt.

Now we can arrive in style.

So how'd it go today

the Board of Regents?

Did they like your article?


Uh, they-- um--

They what?

Well, they were, uh,

somewhat reluctant.

I-- I would say.

You embarrassed me

again, didn't you?

No, no, no, no.

I didn't, Nan.


Mm, you brought up that

theory again, didn't you?

Maybe a little bit at

first, I brought it up look.

But look, look.

Ernest found a cannon

plate at Fairway Estates

in the subdivision.


Abner, how many times have

I told you never to be seen

socializing with that bonehead?

Now, you're a

professor of standing.

You will ruin our

sterling reputation.

But I think he's made a

pretty incredible discovery.

Now, you keep your little

discoveries to yourself.

Especially when that

Ernest is involved,

and everything'll be just fine.

Your tenure will

lock in our future

and we will have

nothing to worry about.


Tell me I'm pretty.


Gimme a kiss.

Really hate that tie, dear.

Really do.

Ooh, yummy.


[birds chirping]

Hey, so what's next?

A press release. [AS REPORTER]

New find proves lost regiment.

Hey, "The Enquirer"

will call for sure.


"Unsolved Mysteries."

If it's sweets week, we might

even get to meet Madonna.

Oh now, Ernest, please.

Hold on.

We should go to DC and

talk to those Smithsonians.

Now, there's a family that

knows a lot about old stuff.

No, Ernest, you

go back to your job.

I go back to mine.

We do nothing.

Boy, aren't we a team?

And what about that Goliath.

Don't you just love big cannons?

Taking those big wire brushes

and running them up and down

that barrel?

Please, Ernest,

enough with the cannon!


If I even mention

my theory again,

the university will lock me

up and throw away the key.

Come on, Dr. Melon, through a

stroke of incredibly dumb luck,

you have the chance to

have a 40-pound adventure

on a 5-pound test line.

So what do you say, huh?

What do you say?

You got something on your tie.

- Huh?




I hate that!

Do you think that's clever?!

Because I don't

think it's funny!

Look at me!

I'm not laughing!


I'm sorry, Dr. Melon.

I-- I was just trying

to cheer you up.

Ernest, don't bother!


Dreaming of finding

Goliath was nothing more

than a fiction, a soap bubble.

Nobody believes my theory.

I'm not even sure I do anymore.

Well, I have faith

in you, Dr. Melon.

[music playing]

Just my luck.

Ernest P. Worrell

is my only ally.

As the day is long.



So what's it going to be, huh?

Is it to going to be [IMITATES

STUDENT] Oh, Dr. Melon,

I forgot my homework.

Oh, do I have to

take that test again?

My foot's asleep.

Or are we going to walk over to

that car, roll those big dice,

never mind the

consequences, come what may,

the sky's the limit

for adventure.

Come on, we're a

team, aren't we?

Aren't we?

Stanley and Livingston?

Lewis and Clark?

Sonny and Cher?

Worrell and Melon?

- Melon are Worrell?

- Yes!


We're going to tie one on!

Tear one loose!

Rip one off!

- Muckle onto some antlers!

- Yes!

- Yes!

- Yes!


I have to teach a class.

I'd have to have the

brain of a six-year-old

to even consider it.

Ready when you are.



But I'll drive!

Nan's insurance is very

specific on that point!

Gosh, I never get

to drive new cars.

Can I just take it out

of the parking space?


direct evidence.

Computer access the

Oxford Historical Library.

I want to know everything there

is to know about King George

III, the crown jewels,

the Green Mountain

Regulars and a pre-Revolutionary

w*r siege cannon named Goliath.

If we start the research,

we may be exposed.

What we need is an

alias, or a buffer.

Use J. Quentin

University, Dr. Abner Melon.

[british music playing]

[spy music playing]

This information just

came through from the Oxford

Library, sir.

They thought you needed to

be notified straight away.


Well, well, after a silence

of more than 200 years,

someone is finally

poking their nose about.

The Goliath, sir?

And perhaps, the Crown Jewels.

You know what this means

for Britain, don't you?

I'm afraid so sir.

A change in the status quo.


New car smell.


- This is where you found it?

- Yeah.

I found it in that construction

site, right over there.


Then what are we

doing sitting here?

Well, now's not a good time.

Uh, Makita warriors.



Well, it was certainly the

right time when you pulled

me away from my classroom.

Hey, lunch guys.


OK, now's a good time.

Let's go.

Roll up the window.

Lock the door.

And don't slam it.

You slammed it!

- Shh.

Makita warriors.

Makita warriors.

It's expensive.


ERNEST: Man oh man, you should

have been with me the day

I found Cleopatra's

crystal skull.


That was a red-letter

day to remember.

The Tencholocator 2000-C

is the world's greatest

finding device.


It eliminates any unnecessary

digging for worthless objects.


I had a finding device once.

I lost it.

Doesn't seem to be turning

up any evidence of a cannon.

Well, maybe I should just look

for it the old-fashioned way.

Oh, I have the

utmost confidence

in the Tencho, Ernest.

Any other method would

be entirely superfluous.

Abner, listen to the

voice of experience.




Ernest, are you dead?


Well, I guess I would be

if I weren't just that close

to being an actual cartoon.

- Oh.

- Oh.


- What is it?



Swing your detector over here.


ABNER: Some sort of

round metal object.

A hubcap?

Its density is too

high for a hubcap.



It's a cannonball.

A can--

A-- a real cannonball, Abner.

A really, really,

real cannonball.


Not the cannonball

you did in the pool

when your sister was wearing

her graduation dress, no.

A real boom-boom cannonball, the

kind they used to use to storm

mighty fortresses and--



Oh, right.










[SINGING] Didn't

really wanna--

you-- Abner, you didn't.

Darling, it's my

car, not our car.

Where is my car?!

[music playing]

Stop the car!

[tires squeal]


Take me to the university now.

This is an emergency.

Opportunity knocks--

- --more than once--

- --whenever your work--

--the neighborhood.


BOTH: Well, hello.

- Move it.

- Oh!

You're sitting on

my loose change!

Ah, quiet.

Give it to the homeless.

[car backfires]

From the markings on this

ball and it's unusual size,

there is no doubt in my mind

it was fired from the Goliath,

the largest cannon ever cast.

Made at the Delacroix Foundry

in [inaudible], France, in 1727.

I can start a fire with

that magnifying glass.

Roll it over.

Roll it over.

The Goliath fired a maximum

load of 18.9 kilograms

of black powder.

A ball of this diameter and mass

would have an effective range

of 1,300 yards.

You didn't cut a lot of

classes in school did you?

From the striations on those

rocks there, it's obvious.

The shot was fired

from that grassy knoll.


I never believed that

Warren guy anyway.

Did you?

Makita warriors!

- What?

Run, Dr. Melon!





Chow mein, chopped

suey, sweet and sour--

[music playing]

[wood cracking]



- I left my detector!

- Me too!

But it was a Tencho!

Mine was an 11-cho!

But why are we running?

Because our legs are

moving very, very fast!


Open the door, Dr. Melon.

Open the door.

- Let me see.

That one's for the ignition.

This is for the--

Unlock the door!

unlock the door!

Unlock the door!

If I scratch the paint,

Nan will have a fit.

How's she going to

feel about scraping

your brains off the hood?

Good point.

It's him!

Get him!

The one in the

ball cap's mine.

ABNER: Watch the

door handle, Ernest.


ABNER: Thank you.

[men shouting]

[engine starts]

Let's move!

Come on!

Let's go!

Let's go!

I have to let

it warm up first.


[engine revs]

ABNER: Whoa!

[men shouting]

ERNEST: Aim for the big ones.

Be a moving target.


You guys are in trouble

when my wife finds out!

She's definitely--

--taking the bait.

Now all we have to do is--

BOTH: --reel her in.


Well, Abner is not here.

I just know he's

with that Ernest,

looking for some

imaginary cannon.

Did we mention--


- --the Mighty Workboy--

- --is ideal--

--for cleaning

swimming pools--

--septic tanks--

--oil spills--

--and other natural disasters?

Is my nose bleeding?

The Goliath had a

range of 3/4 of a mile.

So it's got to be

around here somewhere.

[music playing]


Isn't this one of

those little lizards

that when the tail falls off,

it can grow another lizard?

Oh, what am I doing here?

How did I let you

convince me that Goliath

could be anywhere around here?

Oh I know, it's obvious.

I must be losing my mind.

What I want to know is,

when it does lose its tail,

does it grow one back

real fast like, overnight?

Or does it take a couple weeks?

I'm a well-read, intelligent,

literate man with two PhDs.

So how is it I'm on a wild

goose chase with a refugee

from "Sesame Street?"

Gosh, going two weeks without

a tail would be tough.

That's it.

Forget it.

I'm finished.

No more, Ernest.

It's probably not here anyway.

We're just wasting time.

Oh, is your

little nest in here?


[ECHOES] Hello?

Dr. Melon, come up here.

You've got to hear this.

It's really neat.

Herpetology is not

my field, Ernest.

[ECHOING] Budd, Shackleton,

Perry, don't worry lads.

We're going to lower a line

down into the ice cave!

And you'll be up here with

us in now time, sipping tea,

before you can say Jack B--

[echoing screams]




That little lizard's got to

be around here somewhere.


Are you all right?


- Oh!


Is there anything there?

Did you find something?


There's nothing down here.


We came so close

to catching them.

They took off up there.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

We'll send somebody

by to pick it up.




Oh, it actually exists!

Oh, I can't believe it.

Look at the size of it.

Oh, oh, it's true.

All my theories are true.

Oh, oh, look, look, look!

The fuse is even still intact!

Oh, those irregulars must

have left in an awful hurry.

I was irregular once.

Oh, it's too tight.

I can't get in to see.


Dr. Jones, I see

you have found the arc for us.


Give your adventure

delusions a rest for a second

and give me your hand.

No problemo.

I'll just move this chalk.

ABNER: What are you doing?


And roll it back for you.

ABNER: Oh, be careful, Ernest.

[WITH ACCENT] You know,

June, I'm sure glad that cobra

venom didn't zap my strength.

I don't mind

telling you, Ernest,

that made me a little nervous.


to worry, Zahib.

I had complete control of

the situation at all times.

Thanks for shopping with us.


It's going to go.


Hey, I can stop it.




[music playing]





[birds chirping]

[spy music playing]

Why didn't I stay at school?

This is Nan's brand-new car.

Not anymore.

But hey, don't sweat it.

As soon as we get those

Crown Jewels out of there,

we'll just reach around, pluck

out a couple of diamonds,

and you can buy

her two new cars.

Just think of it,

his-and-her Humvee's.

Know what I mean?

Let's get to work.

I always wanted a Humvee.

It looks like there's some

leaves and mud and sticks

and stuff.

I-- I can't make

out exactly what.


Give me a toe up, and I'll

kind of scooch in here.


How'm I doing?

ERNEST: Dr. Melon?


I'm not very good at

this toe-hold thing.

ERNEST: Push, doctor.






ERNEST: Dr. Melon.

Dr. Melon, I'm stuck!

Pull me out!

I-- I could help you

if you'd just hold still.


ERNEST: Dr. Melon!

Dr. Melon?

You can pull me out

now if you want to.

Dr. Melon?

It's awful cramped in here.

I wouldn't mind at all if

you'd pull me out right now.

Dr. Melon?

There might be bugs in here!

Or vampires!

Or a dentist!

Dr. Melon!


[music playing]

For the very last time,

gentlemen, I am not-- repeat--

not even a tiny bit interested

in buying, renting, or lease

purchasing a vacuum cleaner.

- Perhaps that's because--

- --you haven't seen--

--all the attachments.

Some are quite unique.

Watch the road.

Now, if you'll just

take a look at this,

I know you'll agree--

--that the Mighty Workboy

home-cleaning system--

--is simply the

most versatile--

--and the most economical--

--as well as the

most entertaining--

--combination vacuum cleaner--

--and video

cassette recorder--

- --on the market today.

- Try one.

- Ow!

- And they're cheap.

- Try two.

- Ow!

My kids are in private school.

Shut up and drive.

We have got to find my husband.

What's that--


Oh, do you like it?

It's called Night Chill.


BOTH: Very nice.

- Thank you.

- Smells like--

--road k*ll.



Dr. Melon!

Pull me out!

Dr. Melon?

Dr. Melon?

ERNEST: I'm real sorry if

I got you into hot water

with that fancy--

- Dr. Glencliff?


ERNEST: --that

mummy was real old.


Oh, what a pleasant surprise.

As you can see, [LAUGHING]

we have located Goliath.


Dr. Melon?

Talking to yourself is not

a sign of mental stability.

Oh, Ernest, it's

Dr. Glencliff!

He's here to help us.

ERNEST: Dr. Melon?







He's-- he's stuck, doctor.

We'll take it to the

clinic and cut him out there.

Well, you can't cut Goliath.

It's a priceless relic.

Who said anything

about cutting Goliath?


Oh, oh, good

joke, Dr. Glencliff.

Humor's a little

dark for my taste.

But as I say, to each his own.



I'm laughing.



Oh, you're not joking, are you?

How else would I get

the crown jewels out?

Put him in the wrecker.


I warn you!

I'm skilled in the

Oriental discipline.




Skipping school like

some eighth grader.

I mean, this theory of--


My god!

Oh boy.

What a shame.


- That's what I'd say.

- Totalled.

Complete write off.

No insurance.

You know, a good

low-mileage car--

--like that--

- --could probably sell for 25--

- --26--

- --thousand--

- --dollars.

Of course, this one has a few--


But with a little body work--

BOTH: Some Bondo--

--we could fix it, sure.

No problem.

I'm going to k*ll somebody.

We sell some

really nice g*ns too.

And b*ll*ts, lots of b*ll*ts.

- Lots of b*ll*ts, yeah.

- I think they're in the--


Just-- just take me home, OK?

Your chariot--


I think I'll poison him.


ABNER: For Heaven's

sake, drive carefully.

That's a very old cannon.


ERNEST: Watch the curb!

Watch the curb!


Boy, when they

designed this thing,

passenger safety wasn't the

first thing on their list.


Let me out!

Can't stand tight places.

And I've got claustrophobia too!

When we get back

to the clinic,

do whatever it takes to

get him out of there.


Something unclear?

What do we do

with the leftovers?

Use the surgical

disposal system.

ERNEST: Watch the bumps.



It's getting awful

tight in here.

I sure wish I had

started the day

with a good 24-hour deodorant.

My armpits are really

starting to chafe.


Oh, how cute.

Oh yes.

Eight beautiful little

hairy legs and--

200 cute little

beady eyes, and--


[music playing]



Hit him.

[tires squeal]



You didn't do the job!

Put it in reverse!

[tires squeal]

Catch the idiot!

[music playing]

Run, Ernest!


THUG: Come-- get back here!

- Oh!

- Oh!


[music playing]




- Left.

- Hey!

- No.




- Don't.

Come on!

- No.





[music playing]

Young man, do you

realize you're trespassing

on private property?

Look, lady, did you see

a goopy guy in a brown hat?

No respect.

That's the trouble with

young people today.

They have no respect

for their elders.

You're just like my

second son, Jaime.

I had to teach him manners.

He's dead now.

Listen, you old

bag, you tell me

where the goofball is

right now, or somebody's

going to get hurt.

Well, aren't we being testy?

I suspect we don't have

enough bran in our diet.

Oh, is that a .44?


Looks just like Jaime.


ABNER: You don't

honestly believe you're

going to get away with this?

You must realize they have

very effective statutes

and criminal penalties in

order to combat the theft

of historical antiquities.

And furthermore, young man,

may I be so bold to say,

I think you'd have more

control of your life

if you had a proper

post-secondary education.


[music playing]

ERNEST: Using his

Olympic-trained legs,

Indy rockets to the

Professor's rescue.

[music playing]

Hang on, Dr. Melon!

I'm coming!

[music playing]


in the name of the Sheriff

of Nottingham!

Or be issued a sound thrashing!

[engine roaring]



Hey, no fair!

You hit Ernest!






[music playing]



Dr. Melon?

Wake up!

It's me, Ernest.

I'm one of the new

boys on the hood.

Wake up!

This is no time for taking naps!

Dr. Melon!


Dr. Melon!

[tires squealing]




THUG: Come on.

What's going on up there?

He's going to throw the cannon.

[tires squealing]



THUG: Doesn't that

guy ever give up?


I'll show you.



THUG: Get off my truck!


Oh, how about a

public works enema?


Hold on!

How did he catch up to us?

This is ridiculous!


Not the cones!



THUG: Take that!








THUG: Stupid redneck!

Must have Stick-Em on his hands.


Let go of my set!



THUG: Let go of me!

Let go of me!




Just sh**t him!

Real b*ll*ts!

They're sh**ting

real b*ll*ts at us!

Be a moving target, Dr. Melon.

Be a moving target.

Nobody's driving the truck!

I can't help that.

Let's get to the cannon.

But the trucks'

out of control!

Welcome to my world!

- Let's be sensible!

- No.

Let's stay alive.

[b*ll*ts zinging]

ABNER: Ooh, ah, ah, ooh.

Moving target.

Moving target.



Where are you going?

Those cretins are

trying to get on Goliath.


ERNEST: Dr. Melon?

I'm going to pull the pin.

That's a good way to

lose a finger, Ernest.


ERNEST: Uh-oh.

ABNER: Ernest!

Jump to the cannon!


[b*ll*ts zinging]



Come on, jump, Dr. Melon!


No, no!

To the cannon! to the cannon!

Are you crazy?

That must be 13 feet!

This is no time

to be superstitious!


I-- I can't!


Take my hand!


I can't!

I don't jump!

I teach history!

I'm a history professor!

Just goes to show you,

history won't keep you alive!

Now, jump!

- I can't, Ernest!

I just can't do it!


[music playing]

Dr. Melon!

Dr. Melon!


I can't do it!



Well, safe at last.

I'm off of this thing.

I knew it was too

good to be true!


[music playing]

He's on my cannon!




[music playing]

GLENCLIFF: Follow him!

Follow him!

[music playing]


I jumped!

Wait up!

I'm coming!

FRANK: Year of the Woman.

It's enough to make you sick--

--to your stomach.

Look, lady, we can't be

driving you all over town

just because you think we're

your personal chauffeurs

or something.

- Or something.

- We got our territory.

- Our territor--


Stuff your territory.



Hey, hey, hey!


Too much--


BOTH: Oh well.

Let's go.









Let's go, honey.

We're going to be late.


WOMAN: It's so good to see you.



ERNEST: Get out of the way!

I don't want to k*ll anybody!

Not even that bad mime!

Watch out!

Get out of the way!


ERNEST: You badly-dressed

women, move!




Can't control this thing!

Get out of the way!


Watch out!


Get out of the way!

Watch out!


Get out of the way!


Sticker bushes!


MAN: I can't believe this.



Look, lady--

- --we have to go.

- We're late.

Since it doesn't look

like you're going to--

BOTH: --buy anything--

--we'll just be--

--on our way.

You two will do

exactly as you are to--

[spy music playing]

Excuse me.

Who are you?

And what are you

doing in my house?

Sorry to impose, madam.

But we are here to inquire

as to the whereabouts

of your husband,

Dr. Abner T. Melon.

You are Mrs. Melon, I presume?

Who wants to know?

Madam, it is imperative we

know where your husband is.

The severity of the situation

is beyond your imagination.

You're not from

around here, are you?

You're from--

England, aren't you?

JOE: English--



So Abner was right.

That tedious story of the Crown

Jewels getting stolen is true,

or the British government


would not be so

interested, what?

- Jewels?

- The Crown--


[ernest screaming]

ABNER: Ernest!

Look out for the neighbor's cat!

[cat snarls]


Let's roll.


[music playing]

[ernest screams]

Come on, Dr. Melon!

Come on!

You got the brains!

Get me off of this!

Come on, Dr. Melon!

[engine revs]

Wait for me, Ernest!

I'm coming!


Move on.








Call Marabone.

Tell him we've seen Goliath.

- Yes, sir.

- Get in.

Get in.

Get in.

We have to save

those Crown Jewels.

And you know, of course,

my darling husband.

- Whoa--

- Ho-ho.

- Whose car is this?

- Whose car?

- Is it stolen?

- Oh, it's not stolen.

- Or swiped.

- So it's yours.

- Lock--

- --stock--

--and barrel.

It's ours.

- Ours.

- Ours.

- Ours.

- Well, good.

I'm glad we established that.

Now, get in.


You said something

earlier about jewels?

- The Crown--

- --Jewels?


Unless you agree to give

us a cut of whatever you get,

we're not moving an inch.

- Not one inch.

Not one.

Not one.

Gentleman, that is blackmail.


You got--

--that right.

A federal offense.

In most states.

But we suggest that

you think about--

- Think about how far--

- --you'll get--

--on foot.

Shanks' mare.

- Hoofing it.


- All right, 10%?

- 25--

Would be better.

Oh, I think I said, 10.

Ah, OK!



Or Frank here swallows the keys.

I've seen him do it at parties.



Sorry, guys.


I mean, I'm just

so stressed out.

I just-- Abner and--


Oh, OK.


BOTH: 12.

- Done.

Get in.


Ah, deal's a deal.

What a witch.

I think I'm in love.

[music playing]


Over here!

Dr. Melon!

Jump the ditch!

I don't jump!

I thought I told you that!

I'll try to find a crossroad!

[music playing]

Doesn't this feel fine?

Getting away from all the

smog and crime and v*olence?

Can't believe we

didn't do it earlier.

[music playing]

Oh, these thorns hurt.






Life is so serene

on the open road.


[music playing]

What's that?


Come on, turn!



It's some sort

of alien spaceship.

It's no alien spaceship.

It is.


This must have been what it

was like before power steering.

It's some kind of advertising.

No, it's in our lane.

It's not an advertisement.

Put your blinker on.

What do you mean,

put my blinker on?

Put your blinker on.


Uh-- uh-- uh--




- I'm braking!

I'm trying!



Sorry to bust in on

you folks like this!


It's one of those carjackings!

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!


WOMAN: Stop pushing us or we'll

be forced to do something ugly!

Do something, Frank!


FRANK T: Just what exactly

would you have me do?!

Let's go.

We'll cut 'em off.

[music playing]

Believe me, folks,

this wasn't my idea!

Whip it with the rod, Frank!

I'll get the bug juice!

All right!

WOMAN: Go on, Frank!

Cast away!

Get him!



Go, Frank!

I'll teach you

to knick my camper.

WOMAN: Go on!

- Gotcha!


WOMAN: You got him, Frank!

No reel him in!

- Ow!

WOMAN: Come on!

- Catch and release!

WOMAN: Reel him in, Frank!

Let go of my camper,

you car jacker!

Take that, you highway man!

ERNEST: Don't, lady!



WOMAN: You're dead meat, buddy!






Don't you use Marvelous hooks?


All right, plow into the

back of that cannon now.

- But there's a man--

- --on that--

- --cannon.

- Yeah, I can see that!

Do it!

- Think of the danger.

Think of the horror.

Think of the humanity.

Think of the jewels.

BOTH: He'll live.

WOMAN: He's tiring, Frank!

He's laying on his side!

Reel him in, baby!


Stand your ground, men.

Only fire if they don't stop.


Stop, Frank!

His g*ng is sh**ting at us!

If we go down, this

one's going with us!


[music playing]


Get out of the way!

A diversion?

A demonstration.

BOTH: --the bug fogger!

Three, two, one.

Works every time.



WOMAN: He's still on!

Get that hook in deeper, Frank!


FRANK T: Let go of my camper!


Try to swing him

off now, Frank!

I'm swinging!

I'm swinging!

Throw me back!


I'm out of season!

Let go of my wheel.

[tires squeal]

[fishing pole reeling]

He's running!

He's running!


[music playing]


[western music playing]

Ah, hey!

Hey, on the road!


get 'em up!

Move 'em back!









Catch up to him.

[music playing]

That-- that's Ernest up there.

All right, stop him.

- We can't.

- Ram him!

- We can't!

- This is a--

--Mighty Workboy--

--company car.

[engine putting]


I'm back!

Is that-- that's Abner!

That's Abner!

Go around.

Go around!

- Go around?

We can't!

Look, the-- this thing--

- --whatever it is--

- --its taking up

BOTH: --the whole road.

[bawks like chicken]

ERNEST: Follow me!

- Ernest!

Glencliff is right behind me!

What do I do?

Jump the ditch!

I can't do that!

Evil what's-his-name

can do it!

Well, I'm not

Evil-what's-his-name, am I?

You see that drain pipe?

Crawl out on it.

And I'll snatch you

over there like a mail

bag on the Pony Express.


I can do it if I want to.

I'm just not sure if I want to.

That's all.


I'll try!

[western music playing]

THUG: I'll get him.

GLENCLIFF: Grab him!

Grab him!

I want him alive!

[suspenseful music playing]

ERNEST: Dr. Melon!

Dr. Melon!

Hang out on the end!

Know what I mean?

OK, jump as I pass!

We've been through this!

But you can do it this time!

Come on.

Found him!

[music playing]

Abner, get down

from there, darling!

It's very dangerous!

Ooh, this is going to hurt.

I'm sure glad this isn't me.

Come on, you can do it!

Rocket fire!

Rocket fire!

He's not going to--

--make it.



[metal clangs]


Great form.

Your toes were curled,

but I'll still give you--

[music playing]

I did it!

I did it!

What a rush!

I did it!


Oh, for Pete's sake,

they're sh**ting at us.

- b*ll*ts?

- Real--




[tires squealing]



You hear that?

It's obvious somebody

else is joining

the pursuit of the crown.

Tap into Northstar

and get me Marabone.


Trigger-happy idiots.

Get in the car!

- Go!

- OK!


We did it!


For once we've made it!


[big ben chiming]

Bandish, you know

you're not to contact

us unless absolutely necessary.

We've lost them, sir.


Well, we'll transmit

satellite photos of your area

over Taikon 4,000.

Talk to the links.

I don't have to remind

you what happens

if the hat is on the wrong cat.

No, sir, you don't.

Bandish, over and out.

England will have a new king.

[air hissing]

Well, don't just stand there.

Fix it!

- Look, lady--

- --this may come--

- --as a big surprise--

- --to you.

But one cannot fix--

BOTH: --two flat tires!


You two are as worthless as

the useless junk you sell!


Do you realize that

my husband has found

the Crown Jewels of England?

And he needs me!

But then, that's about loyalty!

And you wouldn't know

anything about that!

Would you?!

We know a lot--

--about loyalty!

BOTH: [SINGING] I'm the Mighty

Workboy, and I will work--


- What about--

- --our percentage?

- Our cut!

What about it?!

[truck engine rumbles]

Isn't this sweet of you?

DRIVER: Hop in, lady.

Who needs--

- --12%--

- --when we can have--





the Mighty Workboy.

And I will work for you.

I do rugs, upholstery,

and wash your dishes too.

I'm the Mighty Workboy.

I work the whole day through.

Just plug me in and turn me

on and see what I can do.


You bet!

You bet!

[metal rattling]

BOTH: It really sucks!

Get my helicopter in

the air immediately.

Let me know as soon

as you spot it.

What-- well, it shouldn't

be too hard to locate.

It's a giant cannon.

The size of New Jersey!

Now, get moving!

ABNER: I said, stay on the road.

This is off the road.

There's a difference, Ernest!

Pull the emergency brake!


[slow creaking]

[wind howling]


Would you look at that?

[metal creaks]


Uh, don't look.

You'll throw us off balance.

OK now, now, real easy, easy.

Now kinda scooch toward me.

I can't move.

I'm petrified.

Yes you can.

Just kinda scooch.







You looked.

I wasn't looking.



- You hopped.

- Hop?

How can you say that was a hop?

How could I hop on

a five-ton cannon

with my underwear in a wedgie?

I told you to

scooch and you hopped.

This is a scooch.

This is a hop--

- Oh!


All right!

I'm scooching!

I'm scooching!

You're scooching and looking.

I was not looking.

I'm scooching.

You were scooching

and looking.

And that counts as a hop.

- Says who?

- Says gravity.



OK, OK, you win!





- OK.

All right.

I think it's settling.

Now, I'm going to

slowly turn, see if I

can safely dismount the cannon.

- OK.

- OK?

All right.

All right.





[western music playing]


I'm in the jungle!

Ernest, make this thing stop!

I'm trying to make it stop!





- Dr. Melon.

- What?


Spit on your hands.

Rub them together, and

use them like brake shoes.

You need a CAT scan, Ernest.

Dr. Melon, stick your

legs in the spokes.

That'll stop us.

You stick your

leg in the spokes!

You're the idea man!

- I can't.

I've got anti-lock legs.


- Whoa!

What's happening?

- Don't look!

Just duck!

[western music playing]


[chicken clucking]

[groaning nonsensically]

Look, Billings, a ghost cannon

can't crash a roadblock now,

can it?

You take me for a bloody fool?


Now, listen, if your bird

can read the serial numbers

of an Iraqi scud

m*ssile, it ought

to be able to find a cannon

wreaking havoc in traffic!

Well, use another satellite!

ABNER: It's amazing, isn't it?

Well, I can't believe it.

We did it.

We found Goliath.


We found the Crown Jewels.

Well, it's amazing.

What's so amazing?

We're adventurers, aren't we?


I mean like, Bonnie

and Clyde, Donald

and Ivana, Wilbur and Mr. Ed.

The stars have aligned.

The planet has tilted.

And the fat lady is on

the last three bars.

Oh yeah.

Hey, this isn't half bad.

Just part of the

knowledge of the open road.

You know, it may be sad

to realize that Nan never

believed the jewels existed.

- Yep.

I'll tell you, it's

tough on a man's ego

when his life mate doesn't

support his life's work.


[hot water hisses]

Mm, may come as a shock to

you, but up until this point,

I was afraid.


I was afraid.

You know, my-- my life

just wasn't turning

out the way I expected it to.

But now, Ernest, thanks to

your help, we found Goliath.

World's largest

cannon, thank you.

And when I get those Crown

Jewels in that barrel,

oh boy, the world's going to

know that my theory was true.

I can't wait to see the

look on their faces.

Oh, just can't wait.

Life is good.

And all because of you, Ernest.

Well, thanks, Dr. Melon.

Oh please, Abner.


Abner, yeah.

Well, I-- I guess

that means we're like,

real buddies now, huh?

Like-- like a real team.

Huh, I guess it does.

You got some

corn on your shirt.

- Huh?

- Gotcha.


- Ernest!

I told you never to do that!


No no!

I'm now Dr. Melon

to you, mister!

[helicopter whirring]

Stop it.



[sheep baaing]

Did you hear that?


Boy, I sure did.

I'll be right back.


[tires squeal]


NAN: Yeah, this was

your truck, buddy!

What are you doing--


NAN: Get out of here!

- Hey, come on!

Open that door.


NAN: I said get off!

Oh, jeez!

Ernest, you are American

ingenuity at its finest.

Batman and Robin ride

to glory with the stolen

jewels in tow.


Diamonds are forever, Mr. Bond.

This will

[engine starts]


Yeah, it'll work.

[music playing]

[phone rings]

Got him?



ERNEST: Ah, fresh air, birds,

the absence of small arms fire.

Yeah, your country life ain't

like your city environments.

And the folk out here, they

have their way of-- well,

lending a fellow

citizen a helping hand.

Like that farmer John guy,

lending us his tractor.

Then why is he following us?

Oh, exercise, I suppose.

That's why he's wearing

those massive jogging boots.

Tractor nappers!


Taikon 4,000 found them.

Lock us in on the coordinates.

Let's go.

[engines start]


ERNEST: Oh no.

Stopped by apple maggots again.

Well, we can turn this

thing around, can't we?

[tires squeal]

[music playing]

- Uh-oh.

It's that crazy doctor

in the Batmobile.

Oh, oh!

[music playing]

Oh! oh, we're in it now.

We're trapped.

Boy, this is just great.

This is like that

John Wayne movie,

when him and Butch

Cassidy were surrounded

by all those army guys.


Yeah, see, you're

Butch because you

do all the thinking.

And I'm Sundance because well,

I'm slightly better looking.

Anyway, they're surrounded by

the Mexican army in Bulgaria.


They were in Bolivia.

Yeah, yeah, that's it.


They were k*lled in Bolivia.

Well, maybe they should've

stayed in Bulgaria.

Anyway, Butch and the

Kid didn't have Goliath.

And we do.

Oh no!


Oh, Ernest, please.

You can't be serious.

Its' just like Davy Crockett

and Jim Bowie at the Alamo.

Right before Santa

Anna rushes in!

- Ernest, you can't.

- Sure I can.

I'm always Davy Crockett.

Please, Ernest, please.

Well, surely we can

reason with them.

They seem like

reasonable people.


Look, look, they have a

nice car and everything.



You can't reason

with the Mexican army.

We don't even speak Bulgarian!



Please, look, consider

the ramifications!

We don't have

any ramifications!

All we have is this cannon!

The Jewels!

You'll destroy the Jewels!

Goliath must speak!

No, no!




Don't please!

Ernest, now, look!


Use your head for

once in your life!

Look, put the fire down!

[lighter flicking]

There they are!

Now you can sh**t them.


Be a moving target.

Be a moving target.

Abner, it's us or the jewels.


[music playing]





Stop the car.


The brakes!

The brakes!


Some kick.


It fired.

It fired.

Phil Gunner Worrell,

reporting the directive, sir.

The cannonball.

Yep, about a 500-pounder,

if I'm any judge of a*tillery.

And I am.

There were no jewels.

No, but that big

mama came smoking

out of there about 500 FPS.

There were no

Crown Jewels, Ernest!

This is all your fault!

You've ruined my life!

But I thought

you and me were--

Oh, you and me, nothing!

I'm a figure of

ridicule, a buffoon!

And none of it would have

happened if I hadn't have

joined you in this--

this idiot's adventure.

But I believed in you, Abner.

Oh, get out of my sight.

Never talk to me again.

I'm going home to

scrape together

what's left of my life.

But we were

Butch and Sundance.

Get in the real world, Ernest.

And keep out of mine.

I mean it.

Luke and Han Solo.

Ren and Stimpy.

Boy, this is just great.

Robin Hood finally finds

Little John and what happens?

He runs him out of

the Sherwood Forest.

Well, guess I just

tried too hard.

I guess I--

I'm just a lone wolf,

doomed to travel alone

on the highway of adventure.

[metal clangs, echoes]




[metal clangs, echoes]








I don't believe this.

What is this?

It weighs 600 pounds.

ERNEST: As Indiana

approaches and reaches

for his sacred prize, all his

senses are attuned to the power

that it brings.

As he unearths his

treasure, the entire focus

of the civilized world is

trained on this moment.

[imitates fanfare]

[WITH ACCENT] Stand back

you groveling minions.

And prepare to meet

your sovereign.




I haven't seen anything like

this since the Bay of Pigs.

ERNEST: Hey, Abner!

I found 'em!

I found the Crown Jewels!

They were in the

secret compartment!

They weren't in the barrel!

They were in the barrel.

The keg barrel!


Hey, Abner!



Come back!

Your entire life's work

has achieved its purpose!

Look, Abner!

I'm wearing the Crown

of England right on my--



Just uh, trying it

on to see if it fits.

You know, king for

a day and all that.

Nothing like a little

royalty to boost a guy's ego.

Know what I mean?


Well, just a moment.

I'll-- I'll pop this thing

right off and give it to you.


Yes, sir.

No problem.



Get it off of him.



[metal clanks]



Oh, God, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Oh, ow!



- Me turn.

- Ugh!




THUG: Push!

Oh, push!

We've wasted enough time.

We'll take him to the clinic.


the Mighty Workboy

and I will work for you.

That's the chaps who

were with Melon's wife.

Assemble the unit.

BOTH: [SINGING] --wash

your dishes too.




Are you all right?

Oh, you look a mess.


There's a wittle bwuise.

Let nammy-nam make

'em all better.


I saw that Ernest riding

that cannon thing.

And you were chasing

right after it.

And I thought to

myself, my widdle baby's

going to get a boo-boo.

Was that the thing you

were looking for, dear?

Yes, Nan, that's the thing.

Well, let's take those

troublesome jewels,

put them in the

back of the truck,

and I'll just make all

the press arrangements.

You know, I will have to

have a new outfit if I'm

going to be on "Donahue."


Tell me I'm pretty.

You're pretty.

Oh, this is so exciting.

My little Abner's found the

Crown Jewels of England.

Gimme a kiss.

No we didn't.


We didn't find

any jewels, Nan.

You didn't find any jewels?

That's what I said.


You know, this has that

Ernest written all over it.

It is a complete

mystery to me how

you can even stand to

be in the same room

with that inane redneck.

I just don't

understand it, Abner.

He embarrassed

you, not to mention

me, at Dr. Glencliff's clinic.

More to the point, he has now

caused you to lose your job.

Now, what on God's

green earth has

that Ernest ever done for you?

A lot!

Oh really?


As a matter of fact,

he's changed my life.

Well, I'm sorry, darling.

I just don't see it.


[romantic music playing]



enough for you now, baby?


A hubba hubba.

[music playing]



They got him.


Listen, shouldn't you guys

have those little paper

masks on so your bad breath

won't give me any infections?


I wouldn't worry

about infection.

No, of course not.

I've got medical insurance with

an 800-number and everything.

Cranial bone saw.

Have you been a

good blood donor?

Oh, not as good as I

should be, I suppose.

You're about to catch up.



Oh, um, don't I get an

anesthetic, like an aspirin

or a b*llet to bite?

Hold his head still.

Modern anesthetic has been

used successfully in operating

theaters since the early 1840s.

And who are we to scoff at the

success of modern medicine?

How about a couple of games

of golf to kind of, you know,

loosen this up a bit.



Oh-- ahh!


I'm glad it was the hard end.


I don't believe this.







Get back!

I'll call the cops!



Leave me alone!

Stop it!

Oh no you guys don't!


FRANK: Those jewels--

JOE: --have got to

be around here--

FRANK: --somewhere.


BOTH: The stretch limo.





Get up.

Get up. get up.


I'm going to gut you

like a dead fish.


[AS ANNOUNCER] It's demolition

derby night at the fairgrounds.

And reverse is the

gear of choice.


Sunday, Sunday,

Sunday, kids eat free.

[music playing]



Oh no!

[suspenseful music playing]

Time out.

King's X. Safeties.

Uh-- ah-- ah--




Boy, this baby

really sucks dirt.

And scum.

I'll k*ll you!

Hold him back--


[vacuum stops]

Well, I-- I think that

that concludes our uh--

--dem-- dem-demonstration.

Of the--

BOTH: --M-M-Mighty Workboy

h--h--home cleaning system.


am Mighty Workboy.



I do upholstery

and wash your dishes too.

BOTH: I will work-- for-- you.


[music playing]










Oh, sorry.

Sorry about--

- Oh!

- Oh!



Excuse me!

Sorry, pardon me.

Pardon me.


Where is he?

[music playing]









Need a good doctor?

Come on, we can

get this crown off.

I know we can.

Let's be creative.

Hold still.

We haven't even tried

Mrs. Butterworth's.

GLENCLIFF: Hold still.

There we go.



Or olive oil.


Or a*t*matic transmission fluid.



Or lip gloss.

Lip gloss, you--



ERNEST: Moving target.

Moving target.

You can't hit a moving target.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.



Step right up.

Three sh*ts for $1.

[inaudible] for the little girl.

You couldn't hit the

broad side of a barn.

Hey you.


You got some ID?

I'm Dr. Abner Melon.

I'm here to see Dr.

Radner Glencliff.

He-- he uh-- he wants to buy

this off me for $100,000.

Can you imagine?

Go figure.

Hey, I didn't say

you could pass.

Oh, uh, when dealing with

items of such rare antiquity,

it's best to go

right on through.

I don't know

nothing about that.

Now blow.

But surely you know

the danger of taking--

I'm done talking with you.

Now, beat it, pipsqueak.

Excuse me, sir,

I couldn't help

but admire that marvelous

uniform you're wearing.

And I was wondering, is

that a Wilson whistle?



Ran out of b*ll*ts,

didn't you, doc?

GLENCLIFF: I'll tear your

head off with my bare hands!







Old football injury, huh?


Oh no, I'm Bigfoot.

[music playing]

Wait a minute!



GLENCLIFF: You wrecked my limo,

ruined my cranial bone saw.

ERNEST: You're tearing your rug.

GLENCLIFF: And worst of

all, demolished my mummy.

Aren't you forgetting

the Hippocratic Oath?

Weren't those axes

outlawed in Geneva?

Hold on, Ernest.

I'm coming.

You dear, sweet man.

What happened?

- He caught me off guard.

- Oh dear.

Tell me, which way to

Dr. Glencliff's office?

It's in the rear

of the building.

But you're not allowed--

Oh, but I think I am.

There we go.

[music playing]


I should have

got the crown off

like this in the first place.

Wait a minute.

Has that thing been sterilized?




The dog ate my homework!

My foot's asleep!

I've got to go to the bathroom!

I haven't had a vaccination!

Don't k*ll me!

Don't k*ll me!

Don't k*ll me!





Ernest, are you OK?

Are you all right?


Oh, whoa.

Well, that Dr.

Glencliff is sure lucky

I didn't use the

Worrell death grip.


Look at the crown.

And the jewels!

Just look at it!


My theory is true!

We did it!

We did it!


Feels good, doesn't it?


NAN: Ernest, you take that

crown off this instant

and you give it to my Abner.

You know, you are always

trying to take credit

for something you didn't do.

[AS ELVIS] Nan, cool it, baby.

Although those sapphires

really do bring out your eyes.


Hey, hunk of burnin' love.

Ernest and I are going

to rewrite history, Nan.

BANDISH: I don't think so.

Her Majesty's Secret Service

is here to return the Jewels

to their rightful home.

The crown, please.

Well, it won't budge.

Believe me, we've all tried.

It won't come off.

Well then, by the laws

of Great Britain, he who

wears the crown shall be kind.

Oh no, no, I don't take

well to responsibility.

And besides, I'd-- I'd

have to learn the language.

Know what I mean?

I'm going to miss you, buddy.

Hey, what's that's

on your shirt?


- I hate it when you do that!

- Hey!

Let go of my head!

- Noogie.

No noogies!

Time out!

No time out!

ABNER: King's X then!


No King's X!

Time out, King's X

counts as a scooch!

ABNER: What?

I wasn't scooching!

I was hopping!

ERNEST: You were

scooching and looking

and that counts as a hop!

ABNER: Give me a second!

You said that

counted as a schooch!

[music playing]

[whistle blows]

OK, Vern, I'm going to

explain this one more time.

It's my new movie,

"Ernest Goes to School."

And it's a whole lot of fun.

And here's my locker and--

and the football team,

and cafeteria food.

And Vern, they actually let

me handle some real books.

Vern, have you got

any more chalk?

That's OK.

I'll just use this pen.

See, what we're--


Oh, doesn't that sound awful?

It kind of reminds you of this.

[nails on a chalkboard]

Know what I mean?

[music playing]