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01x05 - Huddle Up

Posted: 04/10/23 19:21
by bunniefuu


BELL BROTHER : We knew who we were
and what we were becoming.


BELL BROTHER : Resplendent,
as in magnificent, as in luminous,

as in gleaming, glittering...

-...glorious stars about to blaze.




BELL BROTHER : The thing
about a fire, though...


BELL BROTHER : that it can burn too fast.




BELL BROTHER : The greatest legacy
we can share

is the one etched
into the pages of our heart.

When the story of our life is written,

no one will remember
whether we won or lost,

only that we made our mark
playing the game.

In the end, the only things
that will matter are how we loved,

what we left behind,

and who is going to carry that weight.

How long are y’all
gonna continue like this?

We just took quarters.

The only thing y'all should be focusing on
is the semifinals.

I can’t focus on anything
until someone tells me why I’m grounded,

have no phone, and can’t leave the house
for something I didn’t do.

Don’t act like Mr. Perfect.

You were gonna have Alexis over while Mom
and Dad were at their anniversary dinner.

But that didn’t happen, did it?
Instead, she’s ghosting me

because you wanted to cause a scene
in front of my girl.

-Your girl? (SCOFFS) Or Aniq’s girl?
-CHUCK: Hey, Filth.

Now, I know this beef is about
what happened down at the Roll Call.

But both of y’all got played
by your emotions.

Now, look. Things is about to get real
for the both of y’all.

High school is about building
a whole new legacy.

And y'all need to figure out who you are
before somebody else does it for you.

And right now, Aniq and your emotions
is running point.


-Yo, Mom, we’re home.
-And kept me waiting, too.

-Ooh, Granny!
-Grandma! (CHUCKLES)

BARBARA: Mm. My babies! (CHUCKLES)

-Oh, look how big you are.

BARBARA: Oh! Filthy,
you getting a mustache?

I should have worn a swimsuit.

-Those waves making me miss the ocean.

-SKINNY: Did I hear my nephews?

-FILTHY: Yo! Let's go!
-JB: Yo!

What's up? What's up? Hey, lil' Chuck!

Let me see that...
Let me see that twin shake.

All right.

Boy, you better stop
looking like Travis Scott.

-Come here!

Hey, there he is!

-There goes my brother!
-What up? What up? What up?

-Good to see you.
-What’s wrong with y’all?

Looking like two hound dogs
who lost the scent.

CRYSTAL: Mm-hmm.

They got wrapped up
in some pre-high school drama.

Nothing that a little punishment
and good food won’t fix.

You’re ordering out?

Actually, I’m cooking.

Oh, God. Those frowns
aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

-Come on, girl, everybody know.

You got a lead hand

-when it comes to seasoning.

-Oh, Mama, I missed you.
-Stop laughing.

BARBARA: (CHUCKLES) Missed you too.
And a little birdie told me

you just might need to see your mama
right about now.

-Oh, yeah?

-A little birdie, huh?
-BARBARA: Mm-hmm.

Was this a brown bird?

-BARBARA: Mm-hmm.
-CHUCK: Okay.

Babe, you called my mama?

Chuck, we need family
more than ever right now,

no matter how sarcastic
they are about my cooking.

Don’t get me wrong, okay?
I mean, I'm... I’m excited.

Don’t I look excited? I love surprises.

I didn’t think
she would come the next day.

-Baby, don’t you know my mama?
-I thought at least hours.

(SIGHS) All right, now. Just so you know,
when it comes down to cooking,

-my mom and Skinny, they don’t play.
-Mm, yeah, I've heard.

So, I hope you have enough
of those smoked turkey wings.

Actually, I do not.

And that is why I need you to go
to the store. Take the boys with you.

As for Skinny, I don’t know what to say
about that. Take him with you.

He may not be blood,
but he might as well be.

Just make sure you put your purse
in the closet.

-I’m just kidding, babe. (CHUCKLES)
-CRYSTAL: No, you not.

You just make sure
you have a talk with her.

Talk with me? About what?

-CHUCK: About how excited I am to see you.

I’m excited too.
You know what I’m excited about?

Groceries on the kitchen counter
in minutes.

Mm. Okay.


(CHUCKLES) JB, let’s go!

-We leaving again.
-FILTHY: Where we going?

And I’m excited to hear
what it is you wanna talk to me about.


Just how do I not be heavy-handed
with the seasoning?

Oh, girl, that’s a long conversation.

-But you know what it starts with?

Using a measuring spoon.

-Got it. Measuring spoon.
-Mm-mm. Measuring spoons. Uh-huh.

Because the problem is,
you keep trying to improvise.

Well, 'cause I thought you feel it
from your soul, you know? You seas...

I know. But your soul got to be right,
baby. You see?

It’s got to be in tune, you know?
That takes a little time.

CHUCK: All right. Let's go.


Whoo! All right, huddle up.
All right, look. We got minutes.

-We're gonna spread out.
-All right.

Filthy, you take the left,
focus on the produce.

JB, you have the dairy.

-Got it.
-Bypass the snack section.

-No distractions.

You hear him, you hear him.
So, where you want me, Chuck?

Oh, come on.
How you gonna do me like that?

I drove with your mama’s
uncontrollable gas

and you ain’t even gonna
put me in the game, coach?

Absolutely not. You’re with me.

-SKINNY: Can I at least push the cart?
-(SIGHS) Diva! Y'all, come on.


-JB: What's up, man?
-How’d you get a hold of us?

Thought you didn’t have a phone.

Well, me and Filthy found this antique
in the attic. It’s crazy, man.

It looks like a radio,
but when you spin the numbers, it dials.

Can’t decide if I’m more impressed
that you figured out

how to work that thing,

or that you memorized my phone number.

You heard from Alexis?

-How? I’m grounded, man.

Parentals haven’t let us out the house
since Friday.

Well, consider your punishment halted
for the next minutes.

Thank you.

All right.

Looks like she went to Burger Palace
with Treasure and Addyson.

Hold up.

That burger looks smack. Can’t even lie.

Can you focus on anything other than food?

I think you know the answer to that.

All right.

They also went to see
that new Marvel movie, then bowling.

If all three of them are in that picture,
who’s taking the photo?

What are you ?

I hate to say this
but Beacon prom in less than a month,

Aniq might have his eyes
on a potential date.

Any available cashier needed up front.

FILTHY: Dad's gonna freak
when he sees these prices.

Heads up! (CHUCKLES)

-A simple "Hello" would have been nice.
-Still World w*r III in the Bells house?

-JB blames me for everything.

-Aniq. Alexis. Him getting grounded.
-Hang in there, he’ll come around.

But it might be a minute
after Aniq’s last Instagram post.

What post?

Well, rumor has it,
he wants to invite Alexis to Beacon prom.

Look what he put on his story
a few hours ago.

JB is never gonna talk to me
when he finds out.

Oh, Aniq is desperate
for Alexis’s attention.

I’ve gotta do something.
Something that’s gonna make this right.


Oh, boyfriend calling?

Seems like it’s not just Aniq
who's looking for some attention.

How many times do I have to tell you?
He’s not my boyfriend.

-Oh, really? Let me answer it.

-Yes, give me the... Gimme... the phone!

Hey. Oh, okay. Yeah.
I’ll call you back in a few minutes.

-(CHUCKLES) Okay, bye.

-You and Zuma seem

to be kicking it pretty hard
for you guys to be "just friends."

Okay, look. Zuma and I don’t kick it
any differently than you and I do.

And nothing’s ever happened
between us, right?

Look, all I’m saying
is you can’t control everything.

-Not JB, not Alexis and not Zuma.

You just gotta be okay
with the way things play out.


That big promotion
is doing wonders for you.


And that hair,
oh it's making a statement now.

(CHUCKLES) Thank you. Yeah, I love it.
It’s sophisticated, you know.


I’d wear it too
if I had a little peanut head.




-Okay, I think it’s ready for the celery.

-CRYSTAL: Mm-hmm.




Uh! Now, you know it’s bad luck
to mess up somebody else’s recipe.

Well, if somebody else could really cook.
How about we play a game of dominoes

while we wait for that groceries to come?

And some of this salt to boil off?

Hmm. Can’t wait. (EXHALES)

You want me to put the onions in too?

-Might as well.


-Now, what’s this supposed to be, now?


-You ever had it?
-No. How’s it 'posed to taste?

Flavorful. You know, savory.

-BARBARA: Oh, savory?
-CRYSTAL: Mm-hmm.

Well, we just gotta keep working on it,
and we might get there.


I am not messing with you today, ma'am.


Come on, Crystal. (CHUCKLES)

How long is it gonna take you
before you make your next move?

Patience, Barbara. Patience.


You better up your game
'cause I’m 'bout to break this table.


I see you, running around,
asking everybody how they doing.

-When's the last time somebody asked you?

Well, if you're asking, right now...

Well, to be honest...

I’m mad at myself.

I know that son of yours
hates the doctors.

I still can’t help
but feel like I’m failing my family.

BARBARA: You sound like me.

For the longest time, I blamed myself
after Chuck’s father passed.

But these men are grown,

and you can’t catch it all the time.
This isn’t on you.


That’s the problem with a strong,
Black woman right there.

She’s a fixer.

My mother did it, I did it,
and now you doing it.

Well, what am I supposed to do
if he doesn’t...


How am I gonna raise these boys on my own?

You won’t. And we don’t talk like that.

Because I will be here for Filthy and JB.

All of you.

Dominoes, sucker! (CHUCKLES)


-You tried to make me cry

so you could win.
That’s what you doing.

-I see you.


-FILTHY: Uh-oh,

-Mom's gonna flip.
-What was that?

I don’t know. But whoever it is,
better not have broken those eggs!

You heard her!

FILTHY: Would you relax?

Aniq hasn’t even asked Alexis to the prom.

It’s just speculation.
You could be overreacting for no reason.

Look, look at this as a blessing
in disguise.

Clearly Alexis likes the clout.

Which gives us the opportunity to focus

on getting into Beacon,
then you can show Aniq up, then boom!

You’re back on her radar.

How have you managed
to singlehandedly ruin

my last year at Hughes?
I swear I don’t get you, man.

Love you, too.


-CHUCK: Oh, my God!

-SKINNY: Mm, got you, brother.
-CHUCK: Wrong catch.

SKINNY: Yo, you gotta come here.
Come over here, come over here.

-No, but... real talk, Chuck.

-No, but... real talk, Chuck.

-What’s the good word from your doc?


They said eventually I might...
need a kidney.

You know,
being that I’m this blood type O,

that makes that complicated.

-It’s really like that, huh?
-CHUCK: Yeah, man.

SKINNY: So, how long you have to wait?

I mean, it depends.

-It might be a minute.
-I’m gonna pick up another snack cake.

This is a little too much blood talk
for your boy.

Yeah, they want me to look
for a living donor.

So, are you gonna get everyone
in the family tested?

Man, I can’t ask the boys to do that.
I mean, they’re kids.

Plus, they gotta be over .


See, this is what you do.
You playing stupid with me, man.

You know I’m not... (INHALES)
Chuck, I’m not talking about the boys.

What about asking Kelli?

-Ask Kelli what?

Boy, you just popping up outta nowhere.
You like my ex-girlfriend. What you...


Anyway, okay. So, Pops has told me
that you and your brother

got into a little entanglement.

-CHUCK: Mm-hmm.
-SKINNY: Mm-hmm.

Yeah? So, you know Uncle Skinny
gonna keep it real.

Okay, I don’t care if it’s Alexis
or Mercedes Benz.

You gotta stay tight
and keep it right with the fam.

Anyway. Chuck, you know

-what these boys need right now?

-Jungle, jungle, jungle, jungle!
-Jungle, jungle, jungle!

-Jungle Ball! Jungle Ball!
-Jungle Ball! Jungle Ball...

Jungle Ball! (GRUNTS)

-What the heck is Jungle Ball?
-SKINNY: Out here, boy! Come on.

BELL BROTHER : Jungle Ball,
a rite of passage.

-SKINNY: Hey, yo.
-FILTHY: This how it's like?

You know,
this is a grown folks game, right?

BELL BROTHER : No rules. No refs.

Just pure adrenaline,

-and heart and revenge.

Like I said, whatever your issues are,
work it out on the court.

Let’s play two-on-two.

If the little lions got beef,

we take it to the court
until it’s settled.

CHUCK: Knock 'em down. Knock 'em down.


who the real king is.

You’re an embarrassment.

I should have never brought you there
in the first place.

JB: The only thing that's embarrassing
is you trying so hard

to fit in with Aniq and his crew

-that you ruined my relationship.
-What relationship?

-JB: Come on, man.
-Man, get off me, man.

SKINNY: Yeah, yeah. Come on, come on.
Beat him down.

-Okay! Okay. Oh, crossover!
-Get 'em up! Get 'em up

-Oh! Straight to the hole!

All right, ball. Thank you. Thank you.

Nice, nice. Get open, get open.
Come on, come on.

Oh, you want the screen?

I don’t need it.
Filthy and his ankles ain’t ready.

FILTHY: Oh, you shook? Huh, you scared?

Everybody knows
you have a hard time focusing, JB.


-What were you saying?

SKINNY: Yeah. I mean,
that boy looked pretty focused to me!

That’s game point, fellas.

Okay, y'all gonna eat
all that trash-talking.

Don't let nobody live in your head
but you. You hear me now?

Maybe I could if Filthy stopped trying
to be the center of attention.

-So what, you jealous now?
-JB: Ain't nobody jealous, man.

I'm just sick of you trying
to fight my battles.

Trying to help you, us, get into Beacon.

Don’t nobody need your help, Filthy,
'cause you’re not very good at it.

You’re not just hijacking my plans,

-you’re hijacking my life.
-What’s that supposed to mean?

Have you ever considered
that maybe I don’t want to go to Beacon?

Why’s everybody standing around here
like statues?

You better come on in this house
and wash up for dinner.

SKINNY: You ain't said nothin' but a word.
(EXHALES) Coming through!



SKINNY: Uh-huh. Mm!

This is good.
Was this a collaborative effort with you?

-It was.

-Thank you.
-She was under supervision.

SKINNY: Okay. What? Hey! Hey, no, no.
Back to the conversation, okay?

Here. Look, I don’t care
if it’s the best kidney clinic in Arizona.

I don’t think that you should go, brother.

Do I need to remind you
of the Tuskegee experiment?

Look, I hear you. I do.

But the mistrust of medicine

is what got us in this predicament
in the first place. Is it not?

Hey, come on.
Let’s not have this conversation.

Crystal and I think that this clinic
would be very good for you.

And we know you don’t wanna go,
but six weeks isn’t that long.

(CLEARS THROAT) Look. The boys,
they... they need me.

We got the semifinals coming up.
This could be their last game at Hughes.

-All right?

-Are you excited about the game?
-Uh. I can’t wait. (CHUCKLES)

Now, I know all those coaches

-will be there watching...

-...ready to scoop my babies up.

-FILTHY: I’ve got the plan on lock.

-SKINNY: Tell 'em, neph.
-Beacon's gonna get us

into a college of choice, Duke, a given.

Duke is going to send us straight
to the NBA,

but not before signing
our endorsement deal

-with, guess who? Nike!

FILTHY: No shade to Adidas
or nothing like that,

-but I'm just saying like...
-May I please be excused?

Uh. (CLEARS THROAT) Yes, you may.

SKINNY: (EXHALES) He hot like me.
This food is spicy. (SNIFFLES) Mm.



-CHUCK: No. No. What was I wearing?

Man, I don’t know how you...
you dealt with it.

With what?

(SIGHS) Being a teenager.

You being a teenager? That was not easy.
Now, that is for damn sure.

-That was not easy.

But then there is nothing easy
about parenting.


-Thank you.

For not telling Crystal
about my diagnosis, you know,

until I was ready to tell her.

Yeah. Three months is a long time
for me to hold the water.


How’s she taking it?

How Crystal takes everything.
Brave, facing it.

-Just reassuring everybody around that...

...everything’s gonna be okay.
I mean, she’s ready to fight.

-So am I.

Well, that’s why
you should’ve told her then

before you got to this point.


(SIGHS) come you and Dad
never told me that he was sick?

That... that blindsided me.

It was terminal.

We didn't want you to be afraid.

But to this day, not telling you
is one of my biggest regrets.

Well, we wanna...


Well, we're choosing to keep it real
with the boys.

I want them to be prepared.
I want them to know everything.

There’s a possibility that these meds,
that they...

Hey. We gotta believe
in something greater than ourselves.

What do I always tell you? Huh?

Put it... put it in God’s hands. (EXHALES)

Yes. That's right.

Oh, man.

It’s gonna be all right.

That's right.

-Here we go.

SKINNY: All right.

All right, but let me get this straight,
okay? So, you... (SCOFFS)

You decked a dude for insulting Chuck
and now JB doesn’t have a girlfriend?

Ah, yeah, that sounds about right.

SKINNY: Mm, you...
that math does not add up to me.

Here. Come here and get this "H."

Oh! Ooh!

-Look. You don’t get it. (GRUNTS)

Dad needs us to get into Beacon. Okay?

And JB's acting like
he wants to screw all that up.

Okay, so, you think that you guys
getting into Beacon is gonna cure Chuck?

-That's what you think? Hmm?

Look. What he needs right now is family.

JB and I have been planning this
since we were five.

He can’t just up
and change his mind. Like...

Oh, okay. "He can’t just up and..."
No, no, no, you've been planning this.

And you and JB are two completely
different people,

and up until now, everything has gone
the way that you've wanted it to.

And you know I love you,
but you’re selfish, man.

You know you selfish.
Look, look. All right. (GRUNTS, SIGHS)

There’s gonna be a lot of things

outside of basketball
that mean a lot to JB,

and you have to understand
that that’s okay.

Because life ain’t all about ball.

So, what is it about?

Finding your shot and hitting it
before the buzzer sounds. You feel me?

Look, take me and your pops,
for example, right?

He went to the NBA, and I went back to...

Whatever, it’s not important, all right?
The point is, is that the older we got,

the more we realized that time
is precious...

and tomorrow ain’t owed to nobody.

Let that sink in. But while you do,
you can fix your jumper too.

-All right, let's go. (CHUCKLES)
-Oh, really? It's on!


All right, boys. I’m heading out.

-FILTHY: Already?

And it sure would be nice to see you
talking to your brother before I go.

Sorry, Grandma.


When I was younger,
my sister used to irk me to no end.

We’d get into the worst of it.

And it took a long time
before we stopped butting heads.

But as we got older,

we realized that our time together
was precious.

-Time with everyone is precious.
-Like Dad?

Your father isn’t dying any time soon.

But there will come a day
when your father,

your mother and I won't be here.

And you know what you’ll be left with?

Each other.

-That sounds depressing.

Okay. Well, you just give it some thought.

(CHUCKLES) Come on.

Filthy... behave yourself.

Of course, Grandma.

BARBARA: Give it some thought.

-FILTHY: Yeah.

And y'all need to clean this room up.

Anything could be hiding up
underneath here. Oh, my goodness.

Wait, wait. Grandma?
Uh. About what you said.

-BARBARA: That was fast thinking.

Yeah, um, I was wondering, could I borrow
your phone for a quick second?

Please? For your favorite grandbaby?

All right.

-Thank you.
-You have one minute.

Thank you.

-And don't you dare tell your mother.
-FILTHY: 'Course not.

CHUCK: Mama. Thanks for coming
all the way down here.

You know it was exactly what I needed.

I don’t want you to go.

You know I got to sleep
in my own bed. (CHUCKLES)

Skinny, come on.
You gotta get outta here before traffic.

-SKINNY: Okay. A brother just took...
-BARBARA: All right, missy. All right.

Take care of those boys and this family.

-And especially yourself.
-I will. I’ll do my best.

-BARBARA: All right.
-Thank you.

BARBARA: Come on, Skinny.
It's getting dark out here.

SKINNY: Hey, you know you gonna miss me,
all right?

-Mm. A little. Maybe. (CHUCKLES)
-SKINNY: Uh-huh. Good to see you.


SKINNY: My man. Hey!
I'm here whenever, man.

-SKINNY: So, hit me, okay?

-Man, don't wait so long next time.
-SKINNY: I love you, boy.

Do I hear a open invitation?

Absolutely not. Safe travels, Skinny.

SKINNY: S... Uh. Okay,

-you know you gonna miss me.

-SKINNY: A brother just took a hot shower.
-CRYSTAL: We love you.

-JB: Your water temperature's...
-SKINNY: Love you.

CRYSTAL: Well, that went better
than expected.

Sure did. It was a nice surprise.
Thank you.

You're welcome.

Whatcha thinking?


Master Skinny,
he suggested that I reach out to Kelli

to see if she'd be a possible match.

Being that the whole family
is getting tested.

I've been meaning to for some time now.

Hmm, we finally agree on something.

-Well, you know I think it's a great idea.

Hmm. Yeah. So, that means
we have to sit the boys down,

have this whole conversation.

-We were gonna have to sooner or later.


Hi, uh, Mr. and Mrs. Bell. Is JB here?

Uh, he is, but both of the boys
are on punishment.

Actually, I invited her over.

Did you?

Look, I'm sorry,
but before you turn Alexis away,

you can tack on another week
to my punishment.

Just please give JB and Alexis
five minutes to talk. It’ll help.

-Not now, Filthy.


Yo, just come in.



-What are you doing here?
-Uh. You can thank Filthy.

Figured you two need to talk.
Mom says you have five minutes, though.


ALEXIS: For real? (LAUGHS)





Sorry, girl. Long day.
I’ve been meaning to get back to you.

Please tell me this is not about
the pipes bursting again.

The school's budget is already stretched.

JANICE: That’s not why I’m calling.
Check your phone.

What is it?

-FEMALE STUDENT : Guys, stop!


Where’d you get this?

JANICE: One of the students posted it
on their Instagram.

The superintendent wants to meet with you
first thing tomorrow morning.




This is Chuck.

It’s your dad.




What's up, y’all? Let's get it!

Y'all are live
with LA’s two newly drafted Lakers!

BELL BROTHER : So, when you find
your north star, you go full tilt.

Follow it like the gift that it is
before it fades away.

Don’t act like that. Come on, man...

BELL BROTHER : To sample the Good Book,

-no one knows the number of our days.
-Hey, what's up?

-We just know there are dark days ahead.
-Turn that off, man!

BELL BROTHER : Yo, the phone!
I'm driving. Can you...


BELL BROTHER : And you find yourself
lost, off course, adrift. As in...