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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 04/10/23 19:02
by bunniefuu

Morning, miss.

Georgiana. Mrs Griffiths.

Miss Heywood.

Charlotte. What a lovely surprise.

I've brought you that book
that we were discussing.

Oh! That book.

I shall devour it with interest.

And what is the title of this opus?


by Mary Brunton.

Oh, it's educational.

I'd be more than happy to sit
and read it with her

for a short while.

If you have something else
you need to do.

No, perfectly happy. Thank you.

The truth is, Mrs Griffiths,

I'm rather self-conscious
when it comes to reading.

Please do not be offended
if I confess I'd prefer to do it

with Charlotte, alone.

On account of my shyness.

I shall be just outside.


LOUDLY: "Chapter One.

"All was yet dark and still."

My darling Otis says
he wants to see me.

Nay, he MUST see me,

or he shall die from the wanting.

WHISPERS: I'm sure talk of his death
is somewhat premature.

"When Laura..."

WHISPERS: We cannot take that risk.

We must think of a plan.

It's not going to be easy,

given you're practically
under house arrest.

It's outrageous!

I only want to see him
for a brief hour.

Or two.

RAISED VOICE: Why is that so wrong?

WHISPERS: We'll think of something.

Do not despair.

NORMALLY: Now you, Miss Lambe.


I was wondering
when you were finally

going to leave your bedroom.

Are you unwell?

Lady Denham.

I was passing, so...

..I thought I'd do you the honour
of taking tea with me.

Oh, how thoughtful.

We'd be delighted,
wouldn't we, Esther?

Of course you would.

So, Esther...

..I'll come straight to the point.

What news of Lord Babington?

None, Aunt. Sorry to disappoint.

Good thing he's been sharing
plenty of news with me, then.

You? How? I have written to him.
On your behalf.

To what end?

To assure him that you are delighted
at his attentiveness.

It seems I must take matters
into my own hands.

I wish you hadn't have done that.
Now I'll appear rude.

Rather late to worry
about appearances, Esther.

Make yourself presentable.

And then, you will write
to Lord Babington immediately,

to tell him how much you are
looking forward to seeing him

at the cricket match on Thursday.

As I have agreed.

How long will it be?
It has been weeks, sir...

Patience, patience. I-I-I beg you.
All in good time!

You'll get every penny you are due.
You have my word.

We've been patient for weeks now,
Mr Parker.

No sign of the men,
or equipment you've been promising.

Men here have mouths to feed.

You're a father.
You must understand.

All I ask is a little more time.

Give us a date, Mr Parker.

Then we all know where we stand,
and we can get on with the work.

Miss Heywood...

Mr Parker, Mr Stringer, Mr Robinson.

Miss Heywood. How splendid to, er,
happen upon you like this.

Yes, erm...

Yes, I-I was sent on a mission
by my dear wife,

with the absolute instruction
to fetch you to the river.

Come along, my dear.

Good day, then, Mr Stringer.

Nice to see you again, Miss Heywood.

I didn't know that you and
Miss Heywood were friendly, James.

We've had the odd
interesting conversation...

about architecture.

She's very knowledgeable, you know.

Architecture, eh...?

That woman is quite intolerable.

Well, it's too bad,

you'll just have to grin and bear
her ridiculous match-making.

I'm glad you're amused.

Oh, humour her.

Don't worry,
it won't come to anything,

and you could have some fun
at Lord Poppycock's expense.

Why do you think
it won't come to anything?

Because you can't stand him.
He's a buffoon.

I think I've been unfair to him.

Unfair? He deserves
all of your contempt and more.

Does he?

I could do far worse.

And if I must marry,
why not marry a lord?

I think we know the answer to that.

You said yourself I have to consider
marriage, did you not?

Did I?

Yes, Edward, you did.

Perhaps our interfering aunt
has done us both a favour.

Henry. Henry. Go and get it.

Come and see.

This game is teetering
on a knife edge.

I can hardly breathe, watching it.
You're on my team, Tom.

I'm afraid you've drawn
the short straw.

Good practice for Thursday, my dear.


Careful, dear Arthur,
you must preserve yourself

for the match itself.


The annual cricket match.
The gentlemen play the workers.

Everyone'll be there.

Oh, yes, everyone.
No-one'll miss it. Will they, Tom?

Certainly not.
It's a perfect opportunity

for everyone to come together.

If you'll excuse me,

I've just remembered something
I really must attend to.

But you've only just arrived...
I won't be long.

OTIS' VOICE: "Every day apart
from you, I'm grow in sadness.

"And I know that my spirit,
my whole self is not the same,

"when I'm not with you."

Charlotte... how did you get past
the gorgon?

Shh... she's only in the next room!

Will I never be free of her?

Do not despair,
because I have a plan.

"My beloved Otis.

"I would be most delighted
to meet with you.

"Shall we say four o'clock?

"This Thursday coming.
Outside the hotel.

"Yours in anticipation,
and love, Georgiana."

This must be
the least enticing hostelry

that I've ever had the good pleasure
to get blind drunk in.

Your round, Parker.

No, I think I need
to go and see Tom.

All right.
We'll see you at the match. Right.


I knew you wouldn't let me down.

Good news, I hope?

I'm afraid the situation
is unchanged, Tom.

I'm sorry.

Well, at least I have your prowess

on the cricket field
to be grateful for.

Well, in truth, you have
Lord Babington to thank for that.

I'm here at his behest.

To give him moral support
in his time of romantic need.

God knows, he'll need it.

You're a good friend, Sidney.

I don't suppose you could try
just one last time, I...

Tom, please stop.

I can't be drawn
on the situation any longer.

Mr Parker.
Miss Heywood.

My dear.

Now, I must get back to the terrace.

If the men are to have
the afternoon off,

I should ensure they complete
certain tasks beforehand.

Mary will be delighted to see you,
Sidney. Delighted.


I assume you're here
for the cricket, Mr Parker.

Never short of assumptions,
Miss Heywood.

Well, I was not expecting
to see you back so soon.

Believe me, neither was I.

Sidney, what a lovely surprise.

Have you seen Tom?

Yes, I, er...
just I caught him on his way out.

But if you'll excuse me,
I must go and see Mrs Griffiths.

Good day.

I'm so thrilled he could make it.

The men are angry, Mr Parker,
for good reason.

That's as may be, but I need you
to do your job now and pacify them.

They're talking about
refusing to play in the cricket,

to show how unhappy they are.

They can't!

If they... if they do that,
the whole town will know.

That's what they're banking on, sir.

Very well.

Tell them I'll pay them
in a fortnight.

No later. Tell them.

You can't break any more promises,
Mr Parker.

We won't stand for it.

I'll find the money.

I'll do my job, so you do yours
and tell them thus from me.

Two weeks. Not a day longer.
They have my word.

Come now, it's not that bad.

I intend to indulge in
a spot of light flirtation.

In here?

Not here.

But here, if you get my drift.

Oh. Not Miss Denham, please.

I'm becoming quite exhausted
at the mention of her name.

You're uncommonly smitten
with that women.

Heaven knows why.
Though she's clever, I grant you.

She knows it's the chase
that keeps you dangling.

Well, you could not be
more wrong, Crowe.

Miss Denham does not waste time
with... petty games.

She is entirely herself
at every turn.

She has finally answered my letters.

And the response is... short

and lacking in
any courtesy whatsoever.

I have taken great heart from it.

Oh, good grief, man.

You are lost.

And I'm rather enjoying it.

Mrs Griffiths. Where is Georgiana?

I trust she hasn't slipped
your net again?

No, no, no, Mr Parker, rest assured.

I have been assiduous
in my vigilance

since that last unfortunate episode.

She is with the Beaufort girls,
she's quite safe.

I trust you'll be as watchful
in the future, please.

Now, the responsibility
for Miss Lambe's welfare

will rest entirely with you
from now on. Do you understand?

Oh. I see.

Will you be travelling
abroad again, Mr Parker?

In the first instance, I'll be at
Lord Babington's country estate.

After that... I don't know.

But what I do know is
I will not be returning to Sanditon

for the rest of the summer.

I've settled Miss Lambe's accounts,

in full, for the entire duration.

What are you doing here?


Seeing as you ask so politely,
I'm here to play cricket.

Oh, Mr Parker! That will make it
even more exciting to watch.

The young ladies have asked
to attend, Mr Parker.

Presumably, you mean
to forbid me from attending?

And what makes you think that?

Because you keep me locked up,
like a criminal,

when my only crime is love.

Georgiana, as long as you do
exactly as Mrs Griffiths instructs,

you can do what you like.

Am I meant to thank you
for that contradiction?

If Mrs Griffiths is happy
to bring you to the cricket,

then so be it.

The sea air might even restore
your good humour.

Good day.


Charlotte, my dear.

You've been guarding that plate
for the past five minutes.

You can put it down. The sandwiches
will be quite safe here.

Forgive me.
It's, it's all so exciting.

Do help yourself, Mr Parker.

Oh, oh.

We shall set ourselves up...
there, by the dunes.

We won't see anything from there.

Miss Lambe, Miss Beaufort,
Miss Beaufort. Mrs Griffiths.

Miss Heywood.

My despicable guardian is here,
and is going to ruin everything.

No, he's not.

We do exactly what we agreed.

Once the game starts,
everyone will be distracted, anyway.

Listen for the church bells
at a quarter to four,

and you I will sneak off.

What a lot of whispering.

We were just discussing
the next part of our book.

I really must read this book.


ALL: Reverend.
Mr Hankins.

Are you looking forward
to the match, Reverend?

Oh, yes, indeed.
I am to be an umpire.

Very impressive, Mr Hankins.

Are you partial to a ball game,
Mrs Griffiths?



Come along, ladies, let us settle.

Until later...

Good day, Miss Lambe.


Excellent, you're all here.

We are, but the opposition aren't.

Is it off, then?
No. No, of course not.

Oh, that's a relief.

I wouldn't like to think
I've done all that exercise

for nothing.

It's two o'clock. Tom.
They're late.

Probably just, er,
delayed at the site.

Right, here I am.
Willing and able.

Where do you want me?

Are you drunk?

No more than usual.

Here. You take this, I can't
be expected to carry everything.

Lady Denham, how splendid. Splendid.

Over here is
a particularly pleasing spot

from which you shall see everything.

Well, I'm glad it's got something
to recommend it.

Why the delay, my dear?

If it goes on much longer,
we'll run out of sandwiches.

Don't worry, my dear.

We'll be up and running shortly.

He's coming. Sit straight. Smile.

No, don't smile.
You'll confuse him.

Lord Babington. Delighted, I'm sure.

Likewise Lady Denham.
Miss Brereton.

Miss Denham.
I'm pleased to see you here today.

I had no idea you were
such a cricket enthusiast.

I'm not.
She jests, Lord Babington.

Sadly, she lacks my wit.

And I thank you
so much for your letter.

I was...

I was delighted
to finally hear from you.

Esther was delighted to oblige.
Weren't you, Esther?

Yes. Delighted.

That makes three of us, then.

She's positively mirthless.

On the contrary,

she's the wittiest woman
I've have ever met.

Then you are moving
in the wrong circles.

My fan, Clara.

Yes, Aunt. Of course. Here it is.

I'm glad someone considers
my welfare.

A little charm
goes a long way, Esther.

At this stage in the courtship,
at least,

you'll need to make
more of an effort.

Lord Babington!

I imagined you to favour
a rather different kind of man.

Perhaps you should be wary
of where your imagination leads.

Excuse me.

Well, sorry, Tom.

It looks like the other side
have let you down.

There's no point in wasting
the entire afternoon.

Back to the bar.

From one gentleman's pursuit
to another.

Here we are.

I knew they'd be here.

I don't wish to alarm,
but they look rather good.


Good luck, Captain Parker.

Thank you, Captain Stringer.

Will there be a prize
for the winner, Mr Parker?

Not money, then? Didn't think so.



It's heads.

We'll bat first.

Very good, Mr Stringer.
Good luck.


Miss Denham!

The opposition have come prepared.

At least one team has.

Good luck, Mr Stringer.
Not that you'll need it.

Thank you, Miss Heywood.

You seem to have gathered
several admirers already.

I hope you're among them.

Ask me again,
once I've seen you play.

Good luck to you too, Mr Parker,

although I imagine
you don't think you'll need it.

Yet more assumptions, Miss Heywood.

Sidney bowling first.


Come on, Stringer!

Come on, chaps.

Play on, gentlemen.

Bowl him good, Sidney.

Come on, Sanditon.

Catch it!

Come on, back to me.

Come on, Sydney.


Come on.
Charge again!

One more.

Right, boys, come on.
Well done!

You picked a good spot.
You've hardly touched the ball.

Anyone would think
I chose it for a reason.

Did you?

You know I did.


Yes, another single.

Quick one.

Very good. Ha-ha.
Well done, Sidney.


Well bowled, Sidney.


This was entirely my aunt's idea.
Not mine.

She does seem to be taking
a great interest in our activities.

She takes a great interest
in everyone's activities.

Babbers, are you playing?

Your friend Crowe
doesn't care much for me.

He's a strutting peacock.
You're two of a kind.

Is that really all you think of me?
You've yet to convince me otherwise.

Then perhaps I could invite you
on a short ride later.

Give me the opportunity
to prove you wrong.


Your ball, Lord Babington.

Babbers, your ball!
Thank you, Miss Denham.

Come on, Babington.



Come along, gents.

Well done, Edward.

All out for 86.
Change of innings!

Well done, gentlemen.

Good show.

This really is one of the most
exciting cricket games

I have ever seen!
I sincerely doubt it.

Did you see that? Young Mr Stringer
is the most accomplished bowler.

He has taken
a great many wickets already.

I pity anyone who has to face him.

I know. I can hardly bear to look!

Why don't you move a little closer?

BOTH: Oh, please.

No. I mean, we're perfectly fine
where we are.

I will just say, though,
Reverend Hankins

is one of the most formidable
umpires I have ever seen.

Come on, gents.

Jolly good shot!


Is everything all right?

No, it's not.

I cannot get cool,
and my, my throat is parched.

I'll fetch another cordial.





Run! Run!

Keeper's end.


Well played.

I'm gonna get him.

Right, one more wicket.
One more wicket.

He sees him celebrating.
Does he know?


Well played, Arthur.

Let's play.



Gosh, that was close,
wasn't it?! Phew!

Come on, Tom. Next time.
Come on, Thomas.

Come on, Tom.
Bowl him, Stringer.


Leg before wicket!
It's leg before wicket!

No. I'm sorry,
I don't think it was.

You're out. Now listen,
I really don't think I am.

His leg stopped the ball
from hitting the stumps,

he's got to be out.


Now, come along.
Fair's fair, be reasonable.

The ball was nowhere near
the wicket.

Oh, I might have known
you'd try and cheat.

Your sort always do.
No thought for anyone but yourself.

Don't you dare talk
to my brother like that.

Why shouldn't he? We haven't been
paid a penny in weeks.

Now I'm sorry, I, I must confess,

in the heat of the moment,
I made a mistake.

Not out.

Tom... Tom...

You can't leave like this,

the game hasn't finished yet.
It is finished, Sidney.

Where are you going?
Come on, come back to the game.

What do you care?


STRINGER: You haven't got another
player to replace him.

We win.
That's right.

I'll play.

Ah, but isn't this
a gentleman's pursuit?

Women play cricket
in Willingden, Reverend.

Willingden sounds infinitely more
lively than Sanditon.


You heard the umpire.
He was wrong. My brother wasn't out.

We play on.

Play on.


Why didn't you tell me?

Tell you what?

That you couldn't afford
to pay the men.

Because it was
a temporary situation,

and the men knew that.

The regatta will sort it out.
You're making too much of it, Mary.

It was hot out there.
Tempers got frayed. That's all.

Stop lying to yourself, Tom,
and stop lying to me!

You couldn't find the money
to pay your men,

yet you can give me this.

I could bear anything, anything,
if you had confided in me.


Mary, please..., the children,
you are my life.

I will repair this.
You have my solemn word.

I will go straight to London now.

I'll make amends,
if it is the last thing I do.

Not more promises, Tom.
All you ever do is break them.

Keep your eye on the ball,
all right?

Thank you. I know what I'm doing.

If you can't make the run,
just stay put.

Yes, thank you.

I know exactly what I'm doing.

Now please. I'm concentrating,
and you're putting me off.

All right.

Let's play!


MAN: Yes!

Go on, Miss Heywood. Go on!


This is too much
excitement for one day.


All by yourself, Edward?

I would offer myself as company,

but your aunt sent me to tell you
she's retiring for the day.

What's that to me?

Shall I tell her that?


Your aunt seems delighted
by the prospect

of Esther's growing liaison
with Lord Babington.

With clever Esther
safely married off

and in the lap of luxury,
that just leaves you...

..and me.

And your aunt's money.

I wonder which of us will triumph?

Actually... I don't.


He's wonderful, isn't he?

Miss Lambe?!

Where is that silly girl?


It's very beautiful here.

I thought your heart lay in London,
Lord Babington.

Are you suggesting
a change in affection?

I think that's exactly
what I'm suggesting.

And, believe me,
no-one is more surprised than I.

What are your feelings, Miss Denham?

About what?

The sky?

The water?

The company?

All of that.

It's growing on me.

Though I wouldn't want to be
in agreement with you

too much, too soon.

No-no-no-no. Whatever you do,
you must guard against that.

The humiliation.

You have your reputation
to consider.

And you yours.

Though I'm sure
yours is beyond redemption.

I think you'd be surprised.

I'm not such a good-for-nothing
as I would like.

I am starting to think my life
has been something of a pretence.

I doubt there are many among us
who can say that

they've lived a life free
from pretence.

Well, then, surely,
if we're to lead a better life...

..we're honour bound to free
ourselves from such a burden.

Why, Lord Babington, you amaze me.

I'm starting to find you
slightly better company.


I have never met anyone else
who can give a compliment

in such a way
as it might also be an insult.

You are extraordinary...
Miss Denham.

Quite extraordinary.

All pretence aside, I...

I've never met any woman who has
conjured up such feelings in me.

I'm all at sea.

It's getting cold, Lord Babington.
We should go back.

I cannot go back.
I am compelled to go forward.

Miss Denham...

..will you do me the honour
of becoming my wife?

This is ridiculous.

I'm serious.

I wasn't expecting this.

They only need one more run to win.
Don't go soft on her.

You don't need to tell me that.

Come on, Miss Heywood!

Come on, Stringer!


Well done, Sidney!
Well done, Miss Heywood!


Was that a smile I detected?

Oh, I doubt it.

I'm sorry you lost, Mr Stringer,
but thank you for going easy on me.

It was very chivalrous of you.

You won fair and square.

Perhaps we might play
on the same team next time.

Yes. I'd like that very much.

Well done, Miss Heywood!

If you don't tell her,
how will she ever know?

Well done, Miss Heywood.

Thank you.

Mr Parker!

It's Miss Lambe. I've lost her.

I can't find her anywhere.


Excuse me.

Who won?
Does it matter?

I thought winning was everything
to you, Edward.

Oh, it depends on the prize, Esther.

Well, you look flushed.

Where have you been?

Down by the river. Just walking.

With him?

You know I was.
Why are you pretending?

I just wanted to hear it
from your own lips.

He asked for my hand.

Are you going to accept?

Isn't that what you wanted?

Is that what you want?

In all honesty?

He makes me laugh.

I'd forgotten how that felt.

I can do so much more
than make you laugh.

Mr Parker. Georgiana has disappeared
off the face of the earth.

No-one's seen her anywhere.
Mr Parker, there's...

Mr Parker,
there is some news of Miss Lambe.

One of the men saw her waiting,
outside the hotel.

What do you mean, waiting?
When? What, what time?

About four o'clock.

The next thing was,
a carriage drove up.

A man got out.

A man? She was meeting a man?

Was this man black?

Why would you ask that?
Was he?

All he said was,
there were two of 'em.

The other was in the carriage.

She was bundled in and,
and they took off. Bundled?!

Thank you, Mr Stringer.
I'm grateful.

I hope you find her.

Mrs Griffiths,
please show Mr Stringer out, now.

You know something, don't you?

I have been acting as go-between
for Georgiana and Otis Molyneux

since you forbade them
from seeing each other.


Her heart was broken, Mr Parker,
I could not bear to see it.

They arranged to meet today.
During the cricket match.

You did what?
I was to accompany her.

I never would have let them
meet alone.

I was caught up
in the excitement of the match

and I'd... forgot.

You... forgot?

SHOUTS: You forgot!
Yes! Yes.

And I'm sorry.

She must have sneaked off.
She was desperate to see him.

She would not be stopped.

If anything happens to her,
anything, it will be on your head.

Do you understand me?

Miss Denham.
Lord Babington.

You sent for me?
Yes, I did.

I see that I am not
to be invited in. No.

Lord Babington, please.

You must see it would be
an unmitigated disaster.

I could never contemplate a proposal
from someone as shallow as you.

You still believe me shallow?

You proposed on a whim.
It's hardly a sign of depth.

Is this your honest answer...

..without a shred of pretence?

Yes, it is.

Please, let me take the carriage.
No, Charlotte.

I will go to London
and look for her and Otis myself.

I know where he lives
because I've been writing to him.

I will start there. You would
be all alone. It's too dangerous.

I will not countenance it. Then I
will go to Tom as soon as I arrive.

You cannot rely on Tom.

No, Charlotte, that's my final word.

He is a lord! He has a fortune!

Why did you refuse him?
Because I do not love him.




What does love have to do
with anything?

Marriage is a business arrangement,
nothing more.

Do you think I married... for love?


You have the Denham name,

but a name won't see you through
without a dowry.

Go. I am done.


I feel quite unwell.


Help me!
