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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 04/10/23 19:00
by bunniefuu

Fine, bracing day.

I think Sanditon
has the healthiest breezes

of any seaside town in England.
What do you think, Charlotte?

I think if we were anywhere else
we could call it a gale, sir.

Exactly, exactly.
But we have no gales here.

Gales are not permitted to blow
in Sanditon, are they? Well said.

You see, my dear,
I have made a convert.

Ah, Mrs Griffiths and her charges.

They made a charming debut
at the ball last night.

And there's Lady Denham.
She certainly enjoyed it, too.


Morning. Miss Heywood.
Looking very well, if I may say so.

Good morning.

It seems you have gone backwards in
Miss Heywood's estimation, Edward.

Clara has been spreading
false rumours about me, I fear.

"Consider the lilies of the field.

"They toil not,
neither do they spin."

A young lady, I often think,
is like a flower.

And looking around me this morning,

I see many lovely young ladies.

As it were,
lilies of the fields of Sanditon.

There are some lovely English roses.

Pink and white.

And I see among us today
one or two more exotic blooms.

And, yes, friends,
there is room for them, too,

in the garden of the Lord.

And I say unto
all you young ladies,

you fulfil Jesus's will
by simply blossoming...

..and readying yourselves for
the day when you shall be plucked.

You shall...


And now to God the Father,
God the Son, God the Holy Ghost.


Thank you, Mr Hankins.
What a charming sermon.

Thank you, Mrs Griffiths.

And should your young charges
need any spiritual guidance,

please do not hesitate.
How very kind of you, Vicar.

Good day.
Good day.

What did you think of Mr Hankins'
address, Charlotte?

I didn't care for it.

I would rather be a toiler and
a spinner than a lily of the field.

Why should not young gentlemen
be lilies of the field? Hm?

That would suit me very well.

I think I could blossom and be
admired with the best of them.

Very well.

I will toil and you can blossom.
Each to his own.

As long as there's plenty of
buttered toast and port wine, though.

More damn bills.

Miss Heywood's behaviour
was very strange this morning.

What did happen with Clara Brereton,

Clearly something's
gone wrong there.

I can hardly bring myself
to speak of it.

But you will, Edward.

Come, it was your job to seduce her
and disgrace her.

She proved too much for me, Esther.

She resisted you.
That's only to be expected.

- You should have pressed your point
to her. - She pre-empted me.


- She took me in hand.
And quite undid me. - Edward...

I was as shocked as you.

She is no novice,
I can assure you of that.

And when I looked over
her shoulder...

- What?
- Miss Heywood was observing us.

I don't believe she understood
what she had seen.

But she was clearly distressed.

Edward, what have you done?

Do you realise
you could have ruined our prospects?

I would like to know what you would
have done, under the circumstances.

You were thoroughly outplayed.

She can hardly blacken
your character to Lady Denham

without blackening her own.

I will deal with her.

- Have you a box for Lady Denham?
- Aye, this one here.

- Ooh! Have a care there.
- Why, what's in it?

I don't know.

But whatever it is,
Lady Denham sets great store by it.

What is it, a b*mb?

My poor child. Such ignorance.

Born of poverty and deprivation.
Why, it brings a tear to my eye.

No, my dear.
This is a pineapple.

A rare and exotic fruit
cultivated expressly for me

by an old friend
at the Chelsea Physic Garden.

It will form the centrepiece
at my luncheon party.

Luncheon party?

What a delightful idea!

But then you are always thinking
of bringing pleasure to others.

Yes, I know. And though it is
rather an extravagance,

I thought we might make an exception

to welcome Miss Lambe
to our little community.

- A luncheon party for Miss Lambe?
- Mm.

Miss Lambe will be the guest
of honour wherever she goes.

No matter where she's from.

"Lady Denham requests
your attendance at a luncheon party

"and pineapple tasting
in honour of Miss Lambe."

That sounds very grand indeed.

And quite uncharacteristic
of Lady Denham.

I wonder what she's up to.

Miss Lambe is a prize
well worth the winning.

You will be seated next to her.

And you will present yourself
as a serious and eligible suitor.

You are an English baronet
of impeccable family.

I am well aware that you have so far
frittered away these advantages

and used them
in pursuit of petty conquests

and the sowing of wild oats.

- No, no. Really, you misjudge me.
- I do not.

I trust you do understand
the difference

between the arts of courtship
and seduction?

I hope I do.

You'd better.

If you don't win her hand,
I will be very disappointed in you.

And you don't want to fall
out of favour with me, do you?

No, Aunt.

You have your work cut out for you.

Once you've secured
her hand in marriage,

you can tomcat around
to your heart's content.

Perhaps our aunt has a point.
Miss Lambe is very rich.

Where is this confounded thing?

Ah, Charlotte, there you are.

I came to see
if I could be of any assistance.

Bills, invoices, plans, memoranda.

Let me sort them for you.

Would you?
I'd be eternally grateful.

I keep meaning to engage
an assistant.

Perhaps I could be that assistant.

You see, if we could separate
these papers into piles.

Income, expenses, rental payments,
bills and so on.

You have an eye
for this sort of work, I can see.

Oh, that's beautiful.


The future of Sanditon
when it's complete.

This will be the square,
the promenade along the beachfront.

New shops.

That will be the new terrace.

You approve?
Most heartily.

Who's the architect?


That is to say, er, I use
Hargreaves' Catalogue Of Plans.

Look, here.

At first, I'd take the design
straight out of the book.

And now I've grown in confidence,
I adapt them to suit my taste.

Choose a little of this,
a little of that.

Talk it through with my foreman
and off we go.

Would you like to see it
taking shape?

Very much.

Excellent. Good.

Yes, very good.
And what of the facade?

We're making progress,

And the interiors? The structure
should be more than sound by now.

Have you made sense of the latest
designs? They are most ambitious.

Yes, yes, excellent.
What do you think, Miss Heywood?

I think it's a splendid enterprise,

And only the best materials,
of course.

No timber here,
except red pine and oak.

With Welsh slate and Cornish stone
for the roofs and frontages?

Did you hear that, young Stringer?

We have a lady architect amongst us.

I've been trying
to persuade my father

to refurbish his tenants' cottages
along modern lines.

Am I right in thinking there'll
have to be different roof levels?

Aye, miss.
Different roof levels.

And these all...?

Draw the eye down the hill
towards the vista of the sea.

Exactly, miss.

Yes, that was my idea, you know.

Was it not?

Indeed it was, sir.

Ah, here's my brother
and his friends.

Sidney! Gentlemen.

We just came to have a last look
before we head to London, Tom.

But we counted on your staying
until at least the end of the week.

Lady Denham's luncheon.

Has no need for my presence.

Sidney, I need you here.

And your friends
have not yet seen enough

to appreciate the town's delights.

You were to persuade your friends
to take houses for the season.

You know I'm relying
on your associations

with fashionable society.

And what of your young ward?
My young ward? She will soon settle.

I have a life, Tom, many obligations
you know nothing of.

A couple of days, man.

Very well.

A couple of days.
I'll talk them round.

Mr Parker, may I have a word?

Our conversation at the party.

I expressed myself badly
and I fear you misunderstood me.

I didn't mean to disparage
your brother or to offend you.

Indeed, I have the greatest admiration for

what you and he are doing here in Sanditon.

You were right to rebuke me
and, indeed, I am sorry.

I hope you won't think
too badly of me.

Think too badly of you?

I don't think of you at all,
Miss Heywood.

I have no interest
in your approval or disapproval.

Quite simply, I don't care
what you think or how you feel.

I'm sorry if that disappoints you,
but there it is.

Have I made myself clear?

Only, if you really don't care.

I wonder that you take the trouble
to be quite so offensive and hurtful.

Good day.

It's one of those fellows
Sidney Parker brought from London.

Oh, Babington.

We met at the ball.

I wondered when he'd come
sniffing around.

Lord Babington, ma'am.
Send him up.

I was just passing, you know,
and I thought I might call upon you.

Did you?

You are looking...

..uncommonly well.

If I may say so.

You may.

And your hair...

if I might be so
bold, has such a glossy sheen on it.

There. You see, Edward?
Your efforts were not in vain.

- Your brother tends to your hair?
- Stepbrother.

His father married my mother when
we were young. And, yes, he does.

Well, that is a commission
I should happily undertake.

Not a chance, Lord Babington.

Shall I have the pleasure of seeing
you at Lady Denham's luncheon party?

I suppose.


till tomorrow, then.

Oh, Miss Denham?

I shan't be put off, you know.

Has he gone?

Oh, how I hate your sex.

Miss Lambe?


- Will you come out?
- I will not!

Yes, Parker!

Put both shillings on Mr Parker!

Yes! Yes!

Mr Parker!

That challenge
goes to Mr Parker!

What is it?

I am not your sl*ve.

Nobody said you were,
but apparently you have to attend.

You're Lady Denham's
guest of honour.

To be gawped at and served up
for the general amusement.

"Here we have the pineapple
and here we have the negress.

"Feast your eyes!"

Georgiana, you know that you're worth

far more than Lady Denham
and all her circle put together.

The heiress from the West Indies,

rich and black as treacle!
Hold her upside down and shake her.

Hear the sovereigns jingle, 100,000!

Stop talking nonsense!

This is what your father wanted,

for you to take your place
in polite society.

What about what I want?

I'm afraid what you want
is neither here nor there.

You have taken me
from the one thing that I love.

If you only knew how much
I hate this miserable chilly island.



I can do nothing about the climate.

But as for the rest...'ll just have to trust me.

Courage, Arthur.
Think of the pineapple.

If I can manage it, so can you.

Do you know, the fellows with
the sedan chair refused to carry me.

They said I was over
the weight limit.

Infernal insolence. As you well
know, I'm practically wasting away.

Good God.

I say!
Could you possibly take us with you?

Can't stop, Arthur.

Save you a seat, Parker!

That wasn't very brotherly.

I swear, the house has grown in size
since I was last here.

Excellent, excellent.

This is very good of you,
Lady Denham.

Very generous and hospitable,
to be sure.

And here we all are,

waiting for the guest of honour
to deign to make an appearance.

I'm sure it's no fault of hers,
Lady Denham.

You're looking remarkably well

You've no need to butter me up.

And Miss Brereton, too.
What a pretty dress.


I told you to stay...

Mr Arthur Parker
and Miss Diana Parker.

Wine. Wine!

Thank you. I really thought
I was about to expire.

And poor Arthur has such a delicate
constitution, you know.

But duty calls. Lady Denham.

You'd think they'd walked
from Inverness.

Thank you, thank you. I...

I think I shall pull through. Right.

What a fool that young man is.

Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Beaufort
and Miss Lambe.


There's your quarry. Hunt her down.

Lady Denham.

Good day, good day.

So sorry to be late, Lady Denham.

Better late than never.

Slightly better.

Miss Lambe, finally.

Shall we go through
to the dining room?

Lord Babington.

An honour, Lady Denham.

Miss Lambe, may I have the pleasure?

You can stop playing
the injured innocent.

My brother told me
exactly what happened the other day.

Lady Denham would be surprised
to hear about

your little whore's tricks.

Where did you learn them, I wonder.

From a man even more depraved
than your brother,

when I was too young
to know a prick from a pencil.

You and I should not be enemies,
Miss Denham.

How can we be otherwise when
we are competing for the same thing?


What else?

Excellent, Lady Denham.

A pineapple! That really is
the height of fashion.

I thought it might remind you
of home, Miss Lambe.

Antigua, was it not?

Or some such place.

That ain't no Antigua black.

Me tink you been sold a pup,
Lady Denham.

Someone done took you for a fool.

Well, of course,
I know this particular fruit

was not grown in Antigua.

It was specially cultivated,
under glass here in England.

And it is here in your honour,

as a mark of respect
for your... heritage.

Do you understand that?


Of course I do.
I was just pulling your leg.

- But in trut', it ain't no Antigua black.
- Georgiana, that's enough.

I think you've made your point.

Jolly good.

Well done, Miss Lambe.

Please take your seats.

Miss Lambe.

What a very great pleasure
it is to be

seated next to you, Miss Lambe.

Is it? Why?

Well, erm, you know, your, erm...

your beauty.

Your fascinating background.

And my money.

I imagine that's what you're after.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

Tell me, how do you like Sanditon?

For God's sake.
Is that the best you can do?

Who is your favourite poet?

So, Miss Heywood, any observations
on the assembled company?

As you have no interest
in my opinion,

I shan't trouble you with it,
Mr Parker.

I'm sure you have one.

Come, share it with me.

Not for the world.

I've endured two tongue lashings
from you and I won't court a third.

Save your unpleasantness
for someone else.

Or better still,
why not try to be civil?

Well said. Perhaps I might.

But not with me, pray.

Mr Crowe, how do you rate
Sanditon's chances of succeeding?

Miss Lambe,
what are your views on matrimony?

An heiress with 100,000 must
be in want of a husband, I think.

I don't care to be any man's
property... Lady Denham.


I should have thought
someone like you

would be quite used
to being a man's property.

Was not your mother a sl*ve?

She was.

But being used to a thing and
liking it are not the same, my lady.


I'm beginning to think you're a very
opinionated young lady, Miss Lambe.

What do you think, Miss Heywood?

I know young ladies are not expected
to have opinions, Lady Denham.

But I think that Miss Lambe is quite
right to value her independence,

just as you do yours.

Don't you agree, Mr Parker?

Miss Lambe is aware of my position
on the matter.

No answer from Mr Sidney.

And you, miss, are you still
keeping up the pretence

that you are not in Sanditon

in search of a wealthy man
to marry and to keep you?

Indeed I am not, ma'am.

I have no thoughts of marriage
at all.

And if I were to choose a husband,
wealth would not come into it.


Should not be a good marriage be
based on mutual love and affection?

Without equality of affection,

marriage can become
a kind of sl*very.

Or an escape from it.

Miss Lambe's mother
would be a case in point.

A pretty young negress
catches the master's eye,

casts her spell on him.

That's the way the world works.
Ain't it, Miss Lambe?

And now here you are,
with your 100,000.

A rich prize
for any young fellow with a... title

and a leaky roof.

So, what do you say to Sir Edward?

- Would you and he not make a
pretty match? - Really, Aunt...

You seem incapable of furthering
your own interests.

How about it, Miss Lambe?

We ain't suited, Lady Denham.

Good for you.

Well said, Miss Lambe.
"We ain't suited."

Very good.
May I cut you a slice of pineapple?

Mr Parker.

Mr Parker,
the pineapple is not yours to cut!

Mr Parker!

Mr Parker, would you please
put that knife down.

What's the matter?

It's rotten, Lady Denham.

Rotten to the core.

- It's alive! - Don't worry,
my dear, I'm sure it can be saved.

Mr Parker!

No, not you. Mr Tom Parker.

I want a word with you.

And the rest of you can clear off.

Did you mark that insolent girl?

I think that she may have felt
offended by some of your remarks.

Am I not permitted
to speak my own mind

in my own house?

And that other girl, Miss Heywood!

YOUR guest, Mr Parker.
Too outspoken!

And as for your boorish brother...

Stirring them up, encouraging them.

And then he has the effrontery
to handle my pineapple.

I'm afraid
I can't be held responsible

for my brother's behaviour,
Lady Denham.

He is his own man. He is what he is.

Well, think on this.
I am my own woman.

And I have a good mind
to withdraw my entire investment

from the Sanditon venture.

I beg you... not to consider that.

Without your contribution,
we would be in dire straits.

I am very displeased.

I am very displeased indeed!

I feel it is my fault.
At least in part.

I felt I had to defend Miss Lambe

and nobody else
was ready to speak for her.

Except your brother, Arthur.

Lady D is very angry with him
as well.

And not so much for anything
he said, but for the...

for the disrespectful manner
in which he handled her pineapple.

She is an appalling old woman.

But she holds the fate of Sanditon
in her hands.

That's the problem.

I couldn't forgive myself if I've
put your great project in danger.

I will go and beg her pardon.

My dear Charlotte...

Really, Charlotte...
I don't mind.

I will go tomorrow morning.


Good morning.
And what brings you here?

The way I conducted myself
at your luncheon was... regrettable.

And so I humbly beg your pardon,
Lady Denham.

- Mr Tom Parker made you come,
no doubt. - No.

Indeed, ma'am,
I came of my own will.

You expect me to believe that?

Whether you do or not,
it is the truth, ma'am.


You just can't help it, can you?

Help what?

Speaking your mind,
standing up for yourself.

What's to be done with you?

I am truly very sorry
if I offend you, ma'am.

You don't offend me, you amuse me.

I like to tease and provoke.

I expect you thought I was too hard
on that young woman yesterday.

But she gave as good as she got,
did she not?

Come on, Miss Heywood, answer me.

I do think you were very impolite
to Miss Lambe.

I gave a luncheon in her honour.

You made a spectacle of her.

You didn't consider
what her feelings might be.

Far from home, amongst strangers...

It was unkind of you.

She has 100,000 to comfort her.

I only speak the simple truth.


You insisted on hearing
my honest opinion, ma'am.

So I did.

And if I don't like it,

it's no-one's fault but my own,
you imply.

Well, off you go.
You got what you came for.

And you can tell Mr Tom Parker
he has nothing to fear from me.

For now.

If you please,
is this the coach for London?

It is, miss.
Then may I board it now?

Indeed you may, miss,
for six shillings.

No-one here's got any objections,
have they?

I... I have no money
on my person,

I am not in the habit of carrying any.
- Hear that?

Not in the habit?

Go on, off you trot.

Please, my banker in London
will make sure you're paid.

Banker in London, is it?
Now I have heard everything!

Do you not know who I am?
No, I don't. Who are you?

I am Miss Lambe, I am an heiress.
I have ã100,000.

Six shillings will do, miss.

Don't you understand?
I have to get to London.

- Excuse me!
- Get off!

How's your pursuit of Miss Denham
progressing, then, Babington?

Very well.

She professes
she wants nothing to do with me.

- She's deliciously disdainful.
- Saucy bitch.

And you, a peer of the realm.

I love it.

So, how long before you, er,
bring her to heel?

"Bring her to heel"?

She's not a dog, Crowe,
she's a young lady.

- She needs to be mastered.
- Mind you, I like a bit of spirit in a girl.

Little Miss Heywood, for example.
She's got a bit of spunk about her.

Or Miss Lambe.

The way she stood up
to that old witch yesterday,

you can tell she'd be
a lively handful in bed.

Don't even think about it, Crowe.

There's no need to take that tone.
I was only saying.

I mean it.

All right. Understood.

But if a fellow might ask
without having his head bit off,

what's your history with her?

I am simply her guardian
until she comes of age.

Not a job I wanted
and I'm finding it damned irksome.

The girl misses her homeland,
hates the climate here...

And she doesn't care for you.

Pretty much takes exception
to everything I say or do.

Still, she's safer here
than she is in London.

Anything can happen, though.

Anything can happen anywhere.


Let's have another bottle, hm?

Yes. Bottle!

And raise the stakes, shall we?

Hello? Miss Lambe?

Are you all right? Miss Lambe?

Miss Lambe?

It's me.

Charlotte Heywood.

We met at Lady Denham's.

What is it? What's the matter?

It's all right, Esther,

I would never have gone through
with Miss Lambe,

even if she liked me.

We have to dislodge that little
interloper Clara Brereton.

She's determined to discredit us.

I just wish this would end.

Believe me, so do I.

And when we have the money, it will.

I think it must be very difficult
for you.

I feel something of it myself.

I'm a stranger here, too.

But people don't look at you
the way they look at me.


But people do wish you well.

Mr Arthur Parker.

He's a funny man.

But very kind-hearted, I think.

And his brother Sidney.

He's your guardian, isn't he?

He doesn't relish that role.
Nor do I.

But being in possession of a fortune
means I must be managed.

I'm sure he regards me
as an infernal nuisance.

If it's any consolation,
I find him very impolite.

And cold, too.

Do you think me very spoilt
and sulky? Not at all.

After what you had to endure
at Lady Denham's...

She's a horrid old woman.
She can be.

But I think she means no real harm.

I wanted to stuff her
rotten pineapple down her throat.

We can survive this, Miss Lambe.


♪ A man is oppressed with care ♪

♪ The mist is dispelled
When a woman appears ♪

♪ By the notes of a fiddle
She sweetly, sweetly ♪

♪ Raises our spirits
And charms our ears... ♪

Ah, the great projector himself.

Mr Parker.

If I might have a word with you,
Sidney. Of course.

Come on, sit down.
Join us, have a drink.

In private.

We'll go and join the young ladies
over there.

My apologies.

Well, what is it?

I'm anxious to know
what progress you've made.

In what direction?

Why, in securing tenants
for our enterprise, of course.

YOUR enterprise, Tom.

From which you stand
to profit richly.

If it succeeds.

You know I depend
on your connections.

And when I see you do nothing
but carouse...

Easy, brother, easy.


Men like Babington and Crowe,
they can't be bullied into staying,

they have to be jollied into it.
You know that.

Sidney... I'm beset with worries.

The workmen need paying.

Lady Denham is threatening
to withdraw her investment.

I'm at my wit's end.

She has it in her power to ruin me.
While you...

All right, all right.

The promotion of Sanditon
is a very delicate business

which I'm sure
you truly understand.

But I am trying my best for you.


That is all I ask, brother.

And I'm sorry to have interrupted
your pleasure.

Work, man.
This is how I work.

If you say so.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.

If you'll excuse me,

I think I need some fresh air
and bracing exercise.

Enjoy your rest.

You can exercise indoors, you know.

Good afternoon, Miss Heywood.

It is, Mr Stringer.

It is.

Let's go and paddle.

Come on! I dare you.

Come on, it's fine!

Good for you, come on.

It's freezing!

Miss Lambe!

My keeper.
Come here!

Where have you been?

Where have you been?

This is most irresponsible of you.

Mrs Griffiths, forgive me.

Paddling in the sea was all my idea.

Don't blame Georgiana.

Come home at once.


I am surprised at you.

Anyone could have seen you!

Bare-legged with your skirts up!

At least I was enjoying myself for
the first time since I came here.

Enough. Proceed.

Come along.

Stop sniggering.

Goodness me, come along!
I thought you'd set sail for home.

Here's my parasol?


Move along.


Miss Heywood.

Am I never to get away from you?

Mr Parker, I assure you you're
the last person I wish to see.


You're right, I spoke out of turn.

Forgive me.

Of course.

Excuse me.