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03x01 - Dead like You

Posted: 04/10/23 18:54
by bunniefuu
The next

service to London Victoria

calling at Haywards Heath,

Gatwick Airport, Redhill,

East Croydon, Clapham Junction,

and London Victoria.

Ladies and gentlemen,

may we remind you that smoking

is not permitted

- Johnny?

- Hello.

- Royal Edward Hotel?

- Yes, please. Thank you.

Big do, is it?

It's a party, but it's more of

a work thing, really.

Your lipstick's the same colour

as the sunset.

Sorry, what?

Your lipstick, it's the same colour

as the sunset.


There's water in the back

if you want it.

I'm all good.

- It's free.

- No, really.

I'm fine, thanks.

Thank you.

Hi, so lovely to see you.

You're not my cab.

I need a drink.

Get in!

This way, gentlemen.


Olly, Olly, Olly!

- Oi, oi, oi!

- Hey.

- Good to see you, Rollo.

- Do you remember m1ngo, Punt, Badger?

Yeah, of course.

Isn't young Oliver looking

exceptionally well?

- He's kept his figure.

- And his hair!

How are you chaps doing?

Well, I'm flat broke,

Punt is a cuckold,

and Badger's come to

the attention of HMRC.

More fool them, it's all offshore.

Young Oliver is quite

the success story.

Had a bit of a nose through

Companies House recently

and he's been posting tidy profits.

Well, you better not ask me

for another loan.

So, think drinks are on you tonight,


Yeah. Can't drink this muck

all night, can we?

- Champagne?

- Good chap.

That would be bloody marvellous.

Down the hatch.

I've ruined your evening.

Vosper's leaving do. Hardly.

Passing the baton

to Cassian Pewe, hey?

I was looking for an excuse not

to go, actually. I should thank you.

Hey, you are welcome.

What's going on, Glenn?

I caught Ari cheating.

- No.

- I went to the hospital to

to surprise her

and saw her kissing some guy.

- Who was he?

- I didn't stay to find out.

How many bottles is that?

Come on.

Neck it! Neck it! Neck it!

Oh, what?!

Guys, would you mind

just leaving that?

Seriously, can you put that down?

I'm Cassian Pewe.

I've been introduced

to everyone here except you.

I'm Mimi.

I work in Joanna's office.

Yes, of course.

Have you worked in Brighton long?

Five years.

I moved here from London.

Oh, I'm moving from London.

Very soon, in fact.

Have you found a place yet?

I've been looking, but no, not yet.

I'm trying to find somewhere

where you can't hear the seagulls.

Good luck with that.

That's why I'm glad I live

in Haywards Heath. No seagulls.

Excuse me, it's time.

I'm sorry, Mimi, can we

continue this later?


We're on.

First of all, I would like to thank

you all for this lovely send-off.

I am going to miss Brighton

and all of my colleagues, of course.

Where's Roy Grace?

He should be here by now.

Now, there will be a formal

announcement in due course

but I'd like to take this

opportunity to introduce you

to my successor as ACC,

Detective Superintendent

Cassian Pewe.


We do with the drunken sailor?

What shall we do

With the drunken sailor? ♪

Early in the morning! ♪

What shall we do

With the drunken sailor? ♪

What shall we do

With the drunken sailor ♪

No! Please.

We're not kids any more.

Guys, stop, this isn't funny.

Please stop, seriously.


Oh, no.

Oh, look!

Are you cold, Olly?

Yeah, of course I'm bloody cold.

Mate, here you go.

Gotta do it properly.

You never fight back!

Look at him. No backbone, no fight.

Wait, wait, here he comes.

Come on. Take a swing at me.

You know you want to.

- Come on!

- No.

- Just stop it, please.

- Hit him!

- Just leave me alone!

- Leave me alone!

Just leave me alone!

Rollo, we're friends.

I'm not your friend!

What gave you that idea?

I'm bored.

Let's go back and have some fun.

You slag, you dirty

Party in my room.

Hey, lads, party in my room.

Hey, ladies. Ladies.

- Mini bar.

- Excuse me.

Leave me alone, Rollo.

Come on, little Olly,

we're just mucking about.

Poor little Olly.

- Don't sulk, Olly.

- Go away!

Come on, I can put a smile

back on that face.

The rumour is he's having a party!

Not that one.

Hey, hey, you, girly!

Hey, you, girly. Come and party.

Are you deaf?

She's deaf as a board.

- Par-ty.

- No, thank you.

Why not? Who do you think you are?

- Not even pretty.

- Boys, boys.

Have some class.

Sorry. Sorry.

My friends,

they don't know when to stop.

I'm fine. But thank you.

Good night.

I knew she wasn't happy with me.

The way I'd been behaving.

You mean the recklessness?


I knew it was a problem

and I wanted to fix it.

That's the reason why we were

going to couples' therapy.

But why did Ari agree to it

if she knew

that she was interested

in this guy from work?

I mean, why was she

wasting my time, man?

Making me feel like it was me,

like it was all my fault.

Well, listen,

you're welcome to stay here

until you get things sorted out.

OK? As long as you like.

You don't have to do that, Roy.

No, I know.

Forensics from the plant were

Glenn. Excuse me.

What are you doing here? I thought

I told you to take the day off?

And do what?

You don't even have Netflix, Roy.

I mean, all your DVDs

are Spaghetti Westerns,

you don't have an Xbox or a PS5.

I mean, seriously, what do you do

when you're at home.

Are you saying that my house is sad?

Er tragic.

- OK, well

- Excuse me, Roy.

A young woman called Mimi Taylor

was r*ped last night

in the Royal Edward Hotel.

The suspect's unknown.

They assaulted the victim

with a sex toy.

The sexual offences

investigative officer

says it's politically sensitive

and wants you to take a look.

Are you telling me that the victim

was at Vosper's leaving do?

She was indeed.

The SOIT officer's on her way

over to see her.

- You went to bed?

- Yes.

What's the next thing you remember?

I woke up

and he was already in my room

crawling on my bed.

Exactly what did you see?

It was dark.

I could barely make him out.

I could feel the weight of him,

but I couldn't see him.

And then what happened?

Then I realised he was covered

in black rubber.

His face and everything,

like an alien, a monster.

You're doing really well.

I felt like I was

watching it all happen

from the other side of the room.

I wasn't in my body at all, I was

I was just numb.

I didn't move. I didn't scream.

I should have screamed,

but I couldn't.

And I was frozen, trapped.

What kind of sick mind dresses up

in a full latex body suit

and assaults his victims

with a dildo?


Are you OK?

Ten years ago when I was a DS,

there was a series of r*pes

just like this.

The press called him

The Brighton Prowler.

We didn't catch him.

And when the att*cks stopped,

I hoped he was dead.

So much for hope.

All the victims report

being snatched by a bloke

driving a white van

who steals their lipstick

after assaulting them.

Find the van, find their lipsticks,

that's our r*pist.

Simple. OK?

So, who drives white vans?


I wanna look at every self-employed

able-bodied man in this city.

That is every plumber, plasterer,

electrician, builder,

anyone who has access

to a white van.

The guy we're looking for

is willing to grab a girl

off of the streets

so he's reckless, impulsive.

Go ahead, sergeant.

The r*pist wears a latex body suit

and uses a sex toy, right?

- Kinky sod, yeah.

- Or forensically aware?

We haven't found a trace of fibre

or DNA on any of the victims.

Point being?

Well, the point being that

that doesn't sound reckless

or impulsive to me.

That sounds controlled and planned.

He's a perv

grabbing girls off the streets

at night when he sees the chance.

Dumps 'em in a lay-by after.

Does it after work

with a van full of tools.

This isn't the work

of a criminal mastermind.

I think we might be underestimating

who we're dealing with here.

So what would you have us

do differently, sergeant?

I would widen the suspect profile.

To what?

Every man in the city?

Ten years ago, a guy wearing

a full latex body suit

r*ped his victims with a sex toy

in the back of a white van.

We called him The Brighton Prowler.

Skerritt was convinced

he was a local tradesman.

We put hours into tracking down

every white van man in Brighton.

We never caught him.

So, what? He just stopped? Why?

Well, jail time is

the obvious answer.

It's also possible he moved away,

abroad, perhaps,

and continued offending

and now has returned.

Or he could have been in

a relationship which has now ended.

Mimi was r*ped in her hotel room.

So same guy, different MO?

Or different guy altogether?

Copy cat.

The Prowler used to steal

the victim's lipstick

after the attack.

And Mimi Taylor has confirmed

that her assailant stole one too.

A MAC Lady Danger.

Nick, could you go down to storage

after the briefing and pick up

all the files on Operation Moonfall.

You'll need a swipe card to get in.

Yes, boss.

OK, we have a list here

of all the attendees

at Vosper's party and all

the other functions in the hotel,

all the guests that stayed overnight

and the staff.

The attacker was in the hotel

on Friday evening.

His name could be

on that list somewhere.

Are police interviewing

the top brass?

This one's gonna ruffle

a lot of feathers.

Yeah, I'd prefer to call it

material witnesses to be eliminated

from our inquiry.

And, by the way,

do we have any volunteers?

Looks like I'm the only one

with the balls for the job, eh?

OK, also find out who on that list

was in Brighton July 2012.

Most of the guests don't seem local

and the staff turnover's pretty high

- so I'm gonna say not many.

- Good.

Hotel only has cameras in the foyer.

So if the attacker

was a member of staff,

he could have used the service entrance.

Is that not covered?

Afraid not.

Where are we with Mimi Taylor's

mobile phone?

Waiting on digital forensics.

OK. Let's get to it.

This is everything?

Isn't this enough?

Well, the victim statement files

aren't here.

This is all of Operation Moonfall.

There's nothing left downstairs

but dust.

We've checked. This is it.

I need you to go through

all these boxes, log every file,

find out if anything else

has gone missing.

I'm gonna have to re-interview

the original victims.

Find out where they are.

Set that up.

After all these years

thinking you'd put it behind you

then getting a call like that.

Without the victims' statements,

there is no case.

I've got no choice.

So Norman and Bella

tracked down the Prowler's victims

and found that Jade Albright

committed su1c1de in 2015

Lea Brooks moved to New Zealand,

and Anna Bolney stayed put.

So I hear nothing for a decade,

and then you turn up out of the blue

and tell me

you've lost my statement?

It was a massive inquiry

and sometimes

evidence gets misplaced.

I'm so sorry.

Well, I can't say that

I'm that surprised, to be honest,

given the way I was treated.

What do you mean?

The contempt.

You know, after the attack,

all the detective wanted to know

was how short my skirt was,

if I was wearing any make-up,

how much I'd had to drink.

He acted like he was hardly

surprised that I'd been r*ped.

I was 20.

I was walking home

from a friend's house

that was only five minutes away

and pulled into a van.

Why does a few drinks mean

that I deserve that?

We're we're really sorry

you were treated that way.

I can't change the past, Anna,

or take away the pain

of what happened to you,

but I can promise to do better

if you will give us the chance.

I think I was in shock

after the attack.

I could barely speak.

Then a few days after the interview,

I remembered

the radio had been playing

in the van.

I thought about telling

the detective

but I couldn't face

seeing him again.

Tell me about the radio.

It was just so strange.

I was being att*cked by this monster

in the back of a van

and the music was



That's a really useful detail, Anna.

Thank you.

It's not nothing.

I can't stand to listen to anything

like that now.

It makes me spiral.

Can you remember the name

of the detective

who took your statement?

Sid Barrow.

Get him on the phone.

No, I can't, boss, he's gone.

- I know he's retired.

- No.

He shuffled off this mortal coil.

Heart attack in Malaga

year after he got his pension.

He interviewed Anna Bolney

after she was r*ped,

treated her with contempt.

- Made her feel like she was to blame.

- Course he did.

Yeah, I did a stint with him

back in the day.

Talk about old school,

he was your teacher.

I know the type.

Chauvinistic, misogynistic.

Look, I'm not saying it was right,

I'm just saying he was

last of the old breed.

Because of Barrow's

complete lack of empathy,

Anna didn't feel able to report

a crucial detail

- about the r*pe.

- What detail?

The Prowler was

a classical music fan.

Right, so

not your average white van man.

When did you ever hear

a few bars of Schubert

being played

on a building site? Hm?

I wish I'd known this ten years ago.

Well, his name is Jack.

And I swear, Sasha, if he doesn't

look exactly like his profile pic,

I'm going home.

I'm so tired of short, middle-aged,

bald men walking up like that's OK.

Well, his suits are on point,

though, so wish me luck.

And don't wait up, OK?

Love you! Mwah.

Thought you might be hungry.

Oh! Starving.


- Hello.

- Hello.


I don't want to interrupt your flow.

No, please interrupt.

I needed a break.

- So, this is your home from home?

- Mm-hm.

I've slept here more times

than I can remember.

There's actually a knack to

putting the chairs together

that makes them almost comfortable.

How's it going with Glenn?

It's like living with a teenager.

Dirty plates in his room,

loud music.

Has he spoken to Ari yet?


I feel so sad for them.

It's driving me crazy that

I can't get him to talk to her.

I really want them

to get through this.

Maybe they can't.

But they're so good together.

You can't save everybody, Roy.

- Oh, er, sorry.

- No, go, take it.


Roy, it's Detective Marcel Kullen

from Munich Police.

Marcel, I wasn't expecting

to hear from you so soon.

I visited the place your friend

Dominic thought he saw her.

I have shown Sandy's picture

in all the cafes and shops.

I am sorry to tell you that

no-one remembers seeing her.

Is it possible that your friend

was mistaken?

Yeah. Yeah, it's

it's possible.

It's just that

Sandy's grandmother had a house

outside Munich.

Sandy used to go there as a child.

It held good memories for her.

I can see why you thought

it was a good lead.

I am so sorry I don't have

better news for you, Roy.

No, not at all.

Thanks again for your help.

You all right?

Yeah, nothing to report.

Did you save me a spring roll?

Roy, digital forensics sent through

all the texts

they got off Mimi Taylor's phone.

I've highlighted the last text she

received the night of the attack.

Cassian Pewe?

Looks like he wanted to see her

that night,

and she said no,

she wasn't in the mood.

Has he been interviewed yet?

No. He's on my list.

- Move him to the top.

- Absolutely.

Sorry to bother you, Sid,

I'm looking for Skerritt.

Stuck at a press conference.

- You got a lead?

- Yeah.

It's all right,

I'll talk to Skerritt later.

You can talk to me now.

You know everything

has to go through me first.

Chain of command.

Clear lines of communication

prevents misunderstandings.

We've had a report

of a missing woman, Rachel Ryan.

Last seen walking home

along St James's Row last night.

Her parents were

expecting her home today

as it's her birthday,

but she never showed up.

They checked her flat

and it looks like

she never made it home.

- That's it?

- No. The CCTV

picked up a white van

travelling down the road at speed.

Now, I think there's a good chance

Rachel Ryan was abducted

- by the Prowler.

- Plates?

No, the CCTV was really

poor quality.

The other victims were abducted

for an hour or so

and then dumped in a lay-by

outside the city.

They didn't disappear for days.

It's the wrong MO, it's not our man.

Maybe something went wrong.

Maybe he kept hold of her longer.

Maybe, maybe, maybe.

Anyone see this girl get in the van?


No reports of screaming,

cries for help?



So she could be at a pal's house.

Could have found something

more exciting to do

than tea with her parents

on her birthday.

- With all due respect, sir

- With all due respect

we've got the press

baying for blood

and the last thing

we need right now is more panic

cos of your long shot hunch that

doesn't even fit the suspect's MO.

What about Rachel Ryan, then?

You want to look for her

in your own time,

I'm not gonna stop you.

Oh, congratulations, sir,

on your new appointment.

We're all really looking forward

to working with you.

- Erm

- Potting, sir.

DS Norman Potting.


Oh, of course,

we need to clear up that

small matter of your text

you sent to Mimi Taylor

on the evening of her as*ault.

I beg your pardon.

Your text, sir.

It's a bit unfortunate,

don't you think?

Asking a woman if she's up for it

moments before she's r*ped.

Follow me.

I sincerely hope you're not implying

that I was responsible.

No, I'm talking to all

the top brass, you know,

tying up the loose ends,

making myself popular.

After the event ended,

I had a drink in the hotel bar

with Alison Vosper,

the Police and Crime Commissioner

and the leader of the council.

I hope those alibis

are good enough for you.

And what time did you

get back to your room?

Around 11.

Where were you at 12:15?

- In my room.

- Alone?

Of course.

You didn't leave the room

to go and see Mimi Taylor

after you texted her?


Her reply said

she wasn't interested.

And there's no alibi for that,


Oh, sir, sir, sorry,

just just one more question.

Were you in Brighton in July 2012?

You know, the time of the Olympics?

I'll have to check my diary.

You have

Right, you don't know where you were

at the time when we were winning

all those gold medals?

Bradley Wiggins,

Victoria Pendleton, Anthony Joshua?

I was on secondment in Brighton

but also in London.

If you give me the exact dates,

I will check against my diary.

Well, thank you, sir.

And believe me when I say that

this is uncomfortable for me too.

I think we're done.

How did your date go

with Jack last night?

Honestly, I thought

it would be all right

because he looked like his profile,

but after a few drinks

he suggested we go to a hotel,

and I was like, "No".

Then he went completely silent

and just stared at me.

- Urgh, awkward.

- Yeah, I left.

- Obviously.

- Next. Wrist band.

Why are guys like that?

I mean, is it all of them, though?

Or is it just the ones that I pick?

No, no, no, no!

Please do not step out of the car.

Get off!

I want to get out!

What's going on?

He just put his hand inside my top.

I can't be here, I have to get out.

He was just scaring you.

No, I'm not an idiot!

He touched me up.

You was grabbed.

It's part of the experience.

People like it.

I didn't like it.

Well, then, maybe you'd better stick

to the kiddies' rides.

- Come on.

- What the

- Waste of time.

- Ridiculous.

I know.


What have I told you

about grabbing girls?

Do you want 'em scared or not?

You're gonna get into real trouble

one of these days.

Get off.

Detective Kullen has said

the Munich Police

have drawn a blank on Sandy.

There's no trace of her.

So I have to ask you, Dom

are you 100% certain

that it was her you saw?

I was at the time.

Is there any chance

you could have been mistaken?

I thought I saw her,

then she was gone.

I went back to the cafe

a couple of times, you know,

hoping she'd be there again

so I could speak to her

but nothing.

Maybe I imagined her.

Well, I've imagined her

quite a few times.

Look, I've started the process of

having Sandy legally declared dead.

I've taken out ads

in the German newspapers.

Anyone that might know her has

21 days to reply to the High Court.

- Has anyone come forward?

- No. No-one.

Oh, sorry, Roy.

Yeah, me too.


What is it?

Roxy Harris was att*cked and r*ped

last night in her own home.

Her description of the assailant

suggests it could be the Prowler.

- Any lipstick stolen?

- Yeah. Vincenze in Bold Rose.

Initial reports from forensics

aren't good.

There's no prints or DNA samples

found at the scene so far.

So he used to grab his victims

off the street and into a van,

and now he's entering hotel rooms

and houses.

That's a big change in MO.

I always knew he was

a careful planner.

He appeared to be a risk taker

but each of these abductions

was flawless,

no witnesses, no clues.

I think what we're seeing now

is not so much a change in his MO,

more a evolution.

In these two recent att*cks,

he waited inside for his victims.

That shows an enormous degree

of planning and confidence.

He must know these areas here

very well.

He knew his way around the hotel,

he knew everything

about Roxy's house.

He's got to be scoping them out

before he strikes.

Yeah, Nick,

check all the CCTV footage

- around Roxy's house from the past week.

- Yes, boss.

And if everything's planned

and nothing's left to chance,

he's carefully selecting

his victims.

Do they have something in common?

Bella, check their mobile phones,

their social media,

where they visit, where they eat,

there must be

a connection somewhere.

Oh, and as of today,

I am adding Rachel Ryan to the list

of the Prowler's victims.

She disappeared July 27th, 2012.

Yeah, but she wasn't included

in the Operation Moonfall inquiry.

Which was a mistake.

I think that Rachel could have been

the last of the victims

before he disappeared for ten years.

She might be the reason

he was gone for so long.

Are you OK?

I'm just thinking.

About what?

Why am I being treated as a suspect?

- You were asked a few questions, sir.

- Oh, come off it, Roy.

You texted the victim.

My team are just following

procedure, it's not personal.

Oh, really?

So this has nothing to do with me

looking into Sandy's disappearance?


It's not revenge

for me digging up your garden?

You were doing your job.

I'm doing my job.

My movements for July 2012.

It's the best that I can remember.

Oh, and don't get excited

about the gaps.

Had I known I was going to be

persecuted a decade later,

I would have been more meticulous.

I was wondering if I could speak to

someone about the r*pe

at the Royal Edward Hotel.


His name is Rollo Mercer.

We were all at the hotel that night.

It was our school reunion.

And why do you think Rollo's

the Prowler?

Because he's been a deviant

since he was 14.

I knew it was him straightaway.


Cos he likes to dominate.

Both men and women.

He enjoys their fear.

He's a sadist,

and he thinks that he's untouchable.

What did he do to you?

I couldn't say no.

I wasn't allowed to.

He put lipstick on me, and

Tell me about the lipstick.

That's in the past.

All that matters now

are these women.

Bella had a tip from a walk-in

naming a man who is also

on our hotel guest list.

We're investigating

a series of r*pes

and we know that you were in

the Royal Edward Hotel on July 15th.

The school reunion.

Yeah, I was there.

Do you know the victim, Mimi Taylor?

Not one of ours, no.

Can you tell us

where you were at midnight?

Absolutely. I was with my very good

friends, m1ngo

Sorry, Miles Hawthorn, Freddie Punt,

and Caspar Barclay, aka Badger,

in the hotel bar.

We were sampling a fine Armagnac

and ruing the smoking ban

that prevents one from enjoying

a fine cigar.

And you were with them

the whole time?

Well not the whole time.

I went for a slash,

caught up with my old house master,

it was a social evening.

Is there anything else?

Yeah. Where were you last night?

Last night?

Er Sunday

I was here, working.

- On a Sunday?

- Hm. Not unusual.

Bo was here, she'll vouch for me.


Last night,

we were working here, right?


- Are you sure?

- Yeah.

There you go. Thank you, Bo.

July 2012.

Sorry, what about it?

Were you in Brighton?

It was the London Olympics,

if that helps.

I Yes.

I was in a tight spot financially

trying to set up this agency.

Then I managed to secure some

funding from an angel investor.

Stressful times. But look at me now.

Anna Bolney.

Jade Albright.

Lea Brooks. Rachel Ryan.

- Do they ring any bells?

- Not on my books. No.

Is that it?

Are we done?

For now.

Think he could be the Prowler?

I think he's something.

Made my skin crawl.

Yeah, right, thanks.

I've been looking through

Mimi Taylor and Roxy Harris's phones

and I found a link.

They both used the same cab app

and they both gave a one-star review

to a driver called Johnny Kerridge.

What do we know about this guy?

Kerridge works part-time at

the Horror Hotel ride on the pier.

Tripadvisor have had several

complaints from women

saying they assaulted them.

- And he still works there?

- His mam owns the ride.

You'll love this.

The character he plays on the ride

is the faceless ghoul.

- Faceless?

- Dresses head to toe in black.

What do you think?

Ten years younger, right?

Am I the prettiest girl you know?

Course, Mum.

And you'll never leave me

for someone else?

I'm not going anywhere.

We're a team, Mum.

You know that.

Are you OK?

Have you ever had 100 red flags

on a date?

When have I not?

Go to the bar

and order an angel shot.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Can I get an angel shot, please?

Yeah, course you can.

Just follow me.

- I've called you a cab.

- Thank you so much.

Fine, it's not a problem.

- Have a safe night.

- Thank you, I will.

I hope I done you proud, Reg.

Sleep tight, mate.


Excuse me?

Sorry, you can't park here.

It's private property.

I'm on my break.

There was an incident

at the Royal Edward Hotel on Friday.


you dropped someone off there.

Recognise her?

Yeah, I guess.

Why did she give you

a one-star review?

Cos she was a diva.

You can't say anything

to some of these girls.

They take offence at everything.

Hm. You offend Roxy Harris too?

She's another snowflake.

You get a lot of dissatisfied

customers at the fun fair.

- There's a lot of happy ones too.

- Not the ones you as*ault.

It's not as*ault.

It's part of the ride.

They pay to get scared, so I make

sure they get their money's worth.

I don't discriminate either.

I grab everyone, male, female

gays, straights.

But some of these girls

complainers, you know,

they're feminists.

They wouldn't know a good time

if it bit 'em.


So it's your word against theirs?

It's how it works, innit?

Yeah, well, he's denying everything,

but he would, wouldn't he?

Yeah, all right. Good call, boss.


What are we doing?

Keeping him on a tight leash.

ANPR, CCTV, the works.

Any news on the sighting of Sandy?

Well, Dominic's backtracking.

He's now saying he's not even sure

it was her that he saw.

There you go.

- It was a mistake.

- Yeah, I think so.

Bet you Cleo was relieved

to hear it.

Yeah, I haven't actually

mentioned to Cleo the sighting.

Oh, what?

- Roy, why?

- Because


I've lived with Sandy's ghost

all these years

and I am trying

I am trying to move on

without messing up

what I've got with Cleo.

I didn't mention the sighting to her

because I thought it might have been

a lot of fuss about nothing,

and I was right.

It was. It was a false alarm.

So, this is Verlaine Road

12 hours before Roxy was att*cked.

You know we could have done this

at your house.

On the sofas, feet up.

First of all, I don't like

taking work home with me,

and secondly, you've been dropping

chips and sauce all over the place

and I don't particularly want it

on my furniture,

thank you very much.

Come to think of it,

I am running low on shirts.

Might have to borrow one of yours.


This is an off licence

on Corinthe Street.

You know, you could always go home

and get some fresh clothes from Ari.

That would involve

me talking to her.

Would that be such a bad thing?


There. Look. That's Roxy.

This is 24 hours

prior to the attack.

Wait, just run that back.

There, doesn't that look like

she's waiting for Roxy?

We now believe that this woman

might be helping the Prowler

scope his victims,

checking where they live,

who they live with.

It's smart. The victims would notice

if a man was following them,

but not necessarily a woman.

Yeah, but what kind of woman

helps a r*pist?

She might not have a choice.


I checked the activity logs

for Operation Moonfall.

The victim statements

were definitely there

when the files went into storage

in July 2013.

They were later

checked out in August.

By whom?

- Still trying to find out.

- OK.

Let me know

as soon as you have a name.

Happy birthday, darling.

Thank you.

I thought we could have a drink

before we go for dinner.

Oh, it's a lovely idea, but

I'm on duty, I can't drink.

You've been at work all day,

now you're switching off.

For my birthday.

- Tell that to Skerritt.

- Give me his number and I will.

They've cancelled all leave.

We're on these r*pe cases

around the clock.

And I still haven't found

Rachel Ryan.

- I'm sorry.

- Just have a drink.

It's not like anyone will know.

If I get called out and someone

smells alcohol on my breath

I could lose my job.

Please, Sandy, understand.

I understand.

I understand all too well.

I will always come second.

If we have a baby,

they'll come second too.

I'll have to show

your son or daughter

pictures of you in the newspaper

so they know who you are.


Choose me.

Roy Grace.

Roy, there's a burned body

been found in a barn.

Could it be Rachel?

Can't tell.

OK, I'll be right there.

Why are you more interested

in a dead woman than me?

This is a man.

A very old man at that,

late 70s, 80s.

Small amount of

lung tissue survived,

no sign of smoke

or flame inhalation,

which means he wasn't breathing

when the fire started.

How'd the old fella die?

They found high levels

of chemotherapy dr*gs

in the remaining tissue,

so maybe an advanced cancer.

Natural causes, then?

The only unnatural thing

was the fire.

Dental records?

Intense heat caused the crowns

to explode.

There's nothing I can see remaining

that could get you anywhere.

I think DNA is gonna be

your best chance,

but a match isn't guaranteed.

Not your Rachel Ryan, then.

I still believe she was a victim

of the Prowler.

Course you do.

We all make mistakes

when we're learning.

If the old man died of cancer,

then why destroy his body?

Why set him on fire?

I can think of lots of reasons.

Number one, benefit fraud.

Cover up your grandad's death,

collect his pension.

Number two, dodgy undertakers.

Re-selling the same coffin

over and over.

Either way, it's not a m*rder.

So we're off the hook.

And before you moan at me,

go and call the Department

of Works and Pensions.

Them boys are bloodhounds

for this sort of thing.

Fancy meeting you here.

How's it going?

Are you any closer

to finding the Prowler?

I feel like we're getting closer,

but he's still out of reach.

You'll catch him.

Ever since the first inquiry,

I've studied serial rapists,

their psychology, their motivation,

and I think I know the Prowler.

There's just one thing

I would like to understand.

He steals lipstick from his victims.

I know it's a trophy, but

why lipstick?

Why not something else?

Well, lipstick can be a way for a

woman to feel powerful, in control.

I know when I'm going out

and I want to feel confident,

there's nothing like a red lip.

- w*r paint.

- Yeah, kind of.

I think maybe by taking

the lipstick,

he's trying to take their power,

their agency.

He needs people to suffer

so he can feel strong.

He's a bully.

A little thank you

for being my alibi the other day.

Wear it tonight.


Do you have time for a quick chat?

I have some thoughts about

your portfolio.

Yeah, great.

Guys, see you there, OK?

Time to hit the club, people.

Let's go, let's go.

Care to join?

Look at us.

Beauty and the beast.

I said I'd meet everyone

at the club.

So, I better go.

We can talk about my portfolio

another time.

Oh, no rush.

We have lots to discuss.

Yeah. Be a love

undo this knot.

- Oh, I don't know how to massage.

- Everyone knows how.

You just have to get in there

and feel your way.

Come on.

You have such a bright future.

I think if we work together

you could be a real star.

Boss. I found something.

- I can't quite make sense of it.

- What is it?

OK, so, the swipe card holder

who took out the victims' statements

from Operation Moonfall

also removed a statement from

an unconnected investigation.

It was taken out at the same time as

the Operation Moonfall statements

and it was also never returned.

What do we know about it?

The statement was given by a man

called Pete Cooper in August 2012.

- Who's he?

- As far as I can tell,

the Department of Work and Pensions

interviewed him

when they were looking into

an unidentified body.

Must have been a fraud case.

Wait, I think I remember this.

Yeah, we found a burned body.

And Sid Barrow palmed it off

on the DWP.

Why would someone go into

cold case storage

and take statements

from two unrelated inquiries?

I'm Pete Cooper. How can I help you?

Detective Superintendent Roy Grace.

This is my colleague DS Branson.

- Take a seat.

- Thank you.

Mr Cooper, ten years ago,

you gave a statement to the police.

Yes. Yes, I did.

Can you remember what it was about?

A PC visited me asking if

we'd had a body go missing.

Which struck me as a bit

Burke and Hare.

They were talking to all

the local firms, I think,

looking for a rogue undertaker

who was setting fire to bodies

on the Downs.

Was quite the talk of the pub

for a while.

If you had nothing to report,

why did you give a statement?

Ah, I remember. I'd noticed a woman

parked round the back

and I went to tell her

it was private property

and I had a bad feeling about it.

Cos we keep a lot of valuables

on the premises,

jewellery belonging to the deceased,

and I was worried

she might come back.

- Did she?

- No.

No, but I was that concerned,

I tried checking the CCTV.

It had glitched that night,

it was all blank.

Can you describe the woman

you saw that night?

No. No, it was too dark.

Do you know what make of car

she was driving?


I'm sorry,

I can't remember much else.

Except that it had been

an emotional night for me,

I'd been preparing

an old friend for burial. Reg.

He used to be an undertaker too

so I was taking special care

cos I bet he was watching me.

Reg died of cancer, right?


Made it to 85

before it got the better of him.

- Was he in an open casket?

- No, closed.

And you were the last person

to see him?


I said a few words, held his hand,

closed the casket and left.

- We buried him the next morning.

- Do you have the exact date?

Yeah, bear with me.

Yeah, 29th of July, 2012.

Up at Woodgrove Cemetery.

Ten years ago

in the early hours of July 29th,

we found the body of a man in his

80s burnt to cinders in a barn.

So you think that burnt body

might be his mate, Reg?

I also think the woman

who was waiting outside the back

was involved somehow.

The same woman who waited

for Roxy Harris.

I think we have to consider that

a distinct possibility, yes.

So who's been buried in Reg's grave

for the last ten years?

You know, you'd look much prettier

if you chose a warmer foundation.


Your make-up.

You're choosing cool tones

and they're too blue for your skin.

You should be thinking apricot.

Don't look at me, thanks.

If you don't want to be looked at,

then why all the slap?

Why the short dress,

why the high heels?

Everything about you is screaming,

"Look at me." So I'm looking.

And I can see everything.

Doors are locked

for your own safety.

Open the bloody door!


Stop! Police, stop!

Come with me, come with me.

As you were chasing Daisy

through the traffic,

what were you gonna do

when you got hold of her?

Make her pay.

What do you mean by that, Johnny?

- How do you make girls pay?

- Well

usually contactless.


No-one uses cash these days,

they pay me on the app.

I was worried she was gonna stiff me

for the ride

and give me bad feedback.

Right, and you really expect us

to believe that, do you?

Do you have any idea

how hard this job is?

I try to make the experience

as enjoyable as I can.

I keep the car clean.

I provide bottled water

USB chargers,

I I play nice music.

But they still turn up drunk.

They're sick in the back,

they're abusive, they don't tip.

Does it make me angry?

Yeah. It does.

How would you feel if I turned up at

your office and puked all over it?

I bet I could throttle

a confession out of him.

Said the ghost of Sid Barrow.

Is it definitely Rachel?

Dental records just confirmed, yes.

How did she die?

A single blow to the skull

from a blunt object.

Possibly a hammer.

Are you OK?


Yeah, I can finally tell

her parents

what happened.

Rachel's parents

are gonna be devastated.

At least they'll be able to move on

with their lives.

Douglas, Gail,

this is my colleague DS Branson.

May we come in?

Pete Cooper thought

he was burying Reginald Matthews

when, in fact,

he was burying Rachel Ryan.

We believe that the Prowler's

female accomplice waited

until Pete Cooper

left the funeral parlour

and then switched the bodies.

Yeah, but that was a decade ago.

I'm guessing forensics

aren't gonna be helping out.


Which is why we need you, Nick,

to concentrate on who removed those

statements from storage.

Yes, boss.

They knew that if we ever spoke

to Pete Cooper,

there's a good chance

we'd find Rachel.

Where are we on that?

I'm still waiting

on the security company,

but I will chase them again.

I need the name of the card holder.


Or I will get a warrant

and I will come down there

and I will get it myself.


I found out who took

the victims' statements

from our cold case storage.

Roy. Welcome to my new office.

Perhaps you'd like to help me

pick out a desk.

You were seconded here in 2012/2013.

Yes. So?

Why did you remove the victims'

statements from Operation Moonfall?

- I didn't.

- Your name is on the swipe card.

I never had a card.

Well, it says here

I was that concerned,

I tried checking the CCTV.

It had glitched that night.

It says what?

Nothing. My mistake.

What did Cassian say?

Seaview Alarms

and Remote Monitoring Services.

Pete Cooper had SARMS CCTV

at the funeral parlour.

It was installed at the hotel.

We've got SARMS here

guarding the storage room,

issuing the swipe cards.

The Prowler is somebody

inside this company.

Hello! Anyone home?

Jack? What the hell?

You shouldn't have done that, Jesse.

SARMS have had the contract

to manage our cold case storage

for over a decade.

- Who's in charge?

- Oliver Starling.

And Oliver Starling's the guy who

tipped us to look at Rollo Mercer.

He said they were school friends.

Was Oliver Starling

at the Alciston House reunion?

Yes, he was.

I can't believe he walked in here

and threw us Rollo Mercer as bait.

The Prowler had eyes on us

all along.

Yeah, well now we know who he is

and what he looks like.

Let's go and pick him up.

Where is everybody?

Look, the hotel. The police station.

These streets.

These are the streets he grabbed

his victims from in 2012.


Jesse Dawson, 19,

student at East Sussex.

Snatched from halls by a man

driving a white van.

But we have no visual on the van.


He's just taken a girl

from East Sussex University.

Look. There, there and there.

OK, so here,

this is where he feels safe.

This is where he hunts.

Where is he taking her?


Hey! Hey!

Thank you. Thank you!

No, no, no.

- What are you doing?

- I'm sorry.

Let go!

No, please, don't let him do this!

This is Rachel Ryan all over again,

isn't it?

Please, I don't wanna die here!

- Stop talking!

- Can't we just leave her?

Do you wanna go in the ground

with her too?

No! No, I won't


Fan out, find her!



It's OK. It's all right.

I tried to stop him.

I'm inside unit B.

Stop! Police!

Oliver, don't!


Put Jesse on the ground.

Please, Oliver.

Now step away from the pit.

I can't go to prison.

School was like prison.

I won't go through that again.


I was only 17 when I met Olly.

I thought he was so handsome

and charming.

He took care of me

and it made me feel safe.

But by the time I realised how

controlling and

manipulating he was

I was trapped

and too scared to leave.

What happened to Rachel Ryan?

She saw his face, so he k*lled her.

And he promised me

that if I hid her body

then he'd stop.

And he was true to his word

for ten years.

And then he started again. Why?

The school reunion.

I begged Oliver not to go,

but he wanted to see Rollo Mercer

to show him how

well he was doing.

And I was terrified

it would trigger Olly, and it did.

It was like Jekyll and Hyde.

He left as Olly

and he came back a monster.

Why did seeing Rollo Mercer

have that effect on him?

Rollo was Olly's abuser.

Olly was only nine.

Rollo must have been

It was devastating.

Olly never really recovered.

He never

felt like a man.

What about you?

Why did you help him? Why did you

stalk those women for him?

Because he said he'd bury me

with Rachel if I didn't.

He made me wear their lipsticks,


I never have to

wear lipstick again, do I?

Under my guidance as acting ACC,

the Prowler has been unmasked

after a decade

of missed opportunity.

I would like to praise

the inquiry team

for the sensitivity

of their handling

of this most difficult

and challenging investigation.

Would you like to add anything,

Detective Superintendent Grace?

I hope the solving of this case

gives people confidence

that we take every allegation

of r*pe and sexual as*ault

very seriously.

We have a specialist centre

for victims

and I can promise

the highest standards of care.

So if you are thinking

of reporting an as*ault,

I would urge you to come forward.

Johnny Kerridge

may not be the Prowler,

but he's a nasty piece of work,

all right.

What are you gonna do?

Just dangle him off the pier

for a bit.

I haven't done anything.

I'm here to make sure

it stays that way.

The way you touch girls

on that ride,

it's not OK.

The way you talk to women

in the cab

it's not OK.

So you have a choice.

Change how you behave towards women,

or we'll be seeing each other again.

Personal visit if you like.

Off the clock.

Just me and you

and the cold, blue sea.


I can't believe you just did that.

Oh, yeah.

I'm the Batman of Brighton, me.

Come on, let's go get an ice cream

before we head back.

- You wanted to speak to me?

- Yeah.

You said you'd take

all sexual assaults seriously.

Yes. How can I help?

We're here because of Rollo Mercer.

Who's the victim, please?

We all are.

I've been thinking.

Work is always gonna get in the way.

And I really

do not wanna lose what we have.

So I think

the only way we're gonna

be able to see each other

is if we get our own place.

Our own?


Yeah. Somewhere new just for us.

A garden.

A view of the sea, maybe a dog.

Well, erm

I'd love to, but what about Glenn?

Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine,

I'll have a word with him.

Are you sure?

One hundred percent.

So no-one in Munich has responded

to the ads about Sandy.

OK. So, what happens next?

Well, I attend a hearing

before a High Court judge

and if the claim isn't challenged,

which it won't be, that's that.

To new futures.

New futures.

God knows what my future holds.

I've lost everything, Roy.

I'm a 39-year-old man

with his clothes in Tesco bags.

I am so grateful to you.

Hey, yeah, don't mention it.

Got something for you.


Actually, it's kind of

for both of us.


Oh Yeah.

- You don't know what it is, do you?

- Course I know what it is.

- What is it then?

- It's a

It's one of those game things!

Two controllers.

I am going to kick your arse,

old timer!

Yeah, you probably are.
