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02x02 - Dead Man's Footsteps

Posted: 04/10/23 18:28
by bunniefuu
'You're listening to Coast
Radio South. It's Friday.

'It's just coming
up to five o'clock,

'and the weekend starts,
quite literally, here.

'It's nearly home time.
We've got news on the hour.

'But before that, we've got a
little traffic and weather check...'







It's going to take the whole
weekend to get her free of the silt.


The male skeleton is
generally more robust,

and the proportions are
different. The hyoid is broken.

The small, U-shaped bone that
keeps the tongue in place.

Strangulation? Textbook.

Presence of the wisdom teeth
tells us she is over 17.

I'd put her between 25 to 40.

Any idea how long
she's been here?

There's evidence of
some dental work.

White fillings,

which tend to have been more
common over the past three decades.

But there's a cap on one maxillary
incisor which looks more recent.

Last ten years, maybe?

Looks like someone's career's
going down the sewer, eh?

It's a storm drain for the old
Brighton to Kemp Town railway.

It was built to stop
water flooding the line.

And nobody knew it was here?
Well, that's planning for you.

People forget.

Now, the line links the
city's sewerage system,

which discharges a
mile or so out to sea.

So if the pathologist
is saying foul play,

then, presumably, the k*ller
put the body down the drain

expecting the same
thing to happen.

Yeah, but they hadn't considered
it not flooding the drain.

Oh, Christ.

Good luck, boss.
Here comes Pepe.

Evening, Roy.

Cassian. I wasn't
expecting you till Monday.

Allie Vosper
suggested I drop by.

Well, it's very kind
of her, but, erm

it'll be slow work until Monday.

You got all the CSIs and
search officers you need?

I have. Thank you.
No Glenn Branson?

Usually Me And My Shadow
with you two, isn't it?

Or is he still on light
duties after getting shot?

Wedding anniversary.

I'm sorry you've had
a wasted journey.

If you'd given me a call, I
could've saved you the bother.

Never a bother, Roy.

Pleasure. Always.


You know what Hughie
Green would've said?

"If you can't
spell Cassian Pewe,

"just write down 'pompous shitehawk'
and we'll know who you mean."








BANGING I'm stuck!
I'm in the lift!


Somebody help!

Am I the love of your life?


Am I, Grace?

You are.

You're not lying to me, are you?

You're so needy. SHE LAUGHS.

You're so boring!

We're on a romantic
weekend away,

and you've got your nose
stuck in whatever it is.

Annual crime report.
It's important.

Oh, and I'm what?

Work, work, work.
Read, read, read.

Just so boring, boring, boring!

What's up? Pay attention to me.

Come on, Dobbin. Giddy-up!

Once around the Great Hall. Mm.

"My Sex Pest Hell,
by Top Brighton Cop."




Oh... Hey... Hey...

It's OK.

You're OK.

Yeah, sorry. Er...

Do you want to talk about it?

It's not... It's not
good to keep it inside.

If not to me, then someone.

Glenn, whoever.

Is it work?


I-I'm OK.

Sorry I woke you. Mm.

DNA samples from the hair and
a bone sample from the thigh

have been sent for analysis.

I'm no orthodontist,
but four fillings.

Three white composite,
one gold inlay.

An all-porcelain bridge from
upper right six to four.

But this is interesting...

I might be wrong, but I think
lab analysis will tell us

that this is carpet fibre.

Too hard to be from a pullover
or a skirt or a cushion cover.

Where did you find it?

Artificial nail.
From a nail bar.

A plastic compound, glued on.

Somehow, the nails didn't
get to be washed away

while the skin beneath rotted.

The fibre was beneath
the middle finger.

It could be that her assailant
dragged her along a carpet

and she dug her nails in.


Bit of luck that it
didn't get washed away.

So, what did I miss? Anything
from the site to go by?

Search is continuing,
but nothing as yet.

I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Whatever went in there with her,
if there was anything at all,

has long since washed away.

Hey, your old mate Cassian Pewe

gets his boots under the
desk today, doesn't he?

what's up, isn't it?

You're not right.

Sandy had a tooth capped.


Same height. Same build.

It's not her. Same hair colour.

Come on... Same age.

Roy, no. Stop, OK?

You can't keep imagining that
every Jane Doe is gonna be Sandy.

You can't do it.

You really think that's not how
it is every time I get called out?

Every time the phone rings
in the middle of the night?

It's the last thing I think
of when I go to sleep,

and the first thing I
think of in the morning.

Is today the day? Roy...

Is today the day that
I find Sandy? Roy.

Look, I'll, er...


Darren's had to...
cry off his shift.


So I'm going to be
on call tonight.


We should probably talk.

Yeah. Course.

I'm gonna book off for an hour.

I'll see you back
on the shop floor.


You all right? Yeah.

Yeah, there's just something
I need to take care of.



MAN: Can you hear me down there?


There. You all right, love?
You all right in there?

Don't worry, you're safe, pet.

You've had a weekend
of it, haven't you?

Come on.

That's it.


I've just been welcoming
Cassian to the team.

Since you'll have your hands full
with this body in the storm drain,

I'd like Cass to
start his time here

by looking through
your cold case files.

I have

quite a particular
system in place, Ma'am.

Which you can explain to Detective
Superintendent Pewe, I'm sure.

Thank you, Cassian.
That'll be all.



The Met is the biggest and most
innovative police force in the UK.

I think we can learn something
from Cassian. Such as?

Off the top of my head

how to run an operation that
doesn't leave Branson shot

and Boutwood with possible
career-ending injuries.

You don't think your methods
leave room for improvement?

I don't want a
personality clash.

If you two can't get along...


Last in, first out,
isn't it? Traditionally.

You know me, Roy.

I was never one for tradition.


'Hello?' Hi, Mum. It's me.


'Oh, this is a good line. I
can hear you ever so clear.

'Where are you? You
still in Spain?'

No, Mum. South of France.

You're all right? 'Oh, yes.'

Seen anyone?

'Me? No!

'No-one's been near nor
by. Which is how I like it.

'You're all right, are you?'

Yeah, I'm all right. 'How's
that fella of yours, Harry?'

Horry, Mum. He's fine.

Nobody's called you?

'Called me? Who's gonna call me?

'I don't know anybody.

'The only calls I get are about
a car accident I've never had.'

I tell them I can't drive any
more. Doesn't seem to stop 'em.

Nothing outside of that? Nobody
asking about me, or anything?

'About you?'


Where are you? You
still in Spain, are you?

No, Mum.

South of France.

'And how's that fella
of yours, Harry?'


He's good, Mum. He's good.

Listen, that Clerwell
House I told you about...

They've got a beautiful room with
a view of the river coming free.

I've reserved it.

'Where are you gonna
get the money for that?'

Don't worry about that.
I'm taking care of it.

Once it's all settled, I'll
come over and help you move in.

'All right. Well, I
won't run your phone up.'

My programme's coming on.
Him with the antiques.

OK, Mum. All right, well,
I'll call you soon, OK?

You take care. 'Love you.'

Love you, too.

ROY: What you got, Nick?

This is a list of all missing
persons in the county of Sussex

who fall into the estimated time
period of the victim's death.

Everything all right?

Yeah. It's just

the list includes your wife.

And so it should.

OK, where are we with the
sewer and the storm drain?

There's a few entry points.

The council sewer team are
drawing us up a schematic.

The outlet goes far enough out
to sea to ensure all sewage

gets transported offshore by the
current, rather than towards it.

Presumably, that's what
the k*ller was banking on.

Could be an engineer, then?
Someone who knows the system.

The storm drain for the
Brighton to Kemp Town railway's

not part of the sewerage
system, as such.

Most people wouldn't
even know it's there.

That line's been out of
service for donkey's.

Trainspotters, maybe?
Urban explorers?

We'll get a lot further once
we've put a name to her.



MAN: Miss Jennings?
Katherine Jennings?

It's Kevin Spinella,
Brighton Argus. Er...

I wanted to talk to you
about your terrible ordeal.

Stuck in a lift for the weekend?

No, sorry. I really don't
wanna talk about it.

Miss Jennings?

Miss Jennings?

'With regard to the body found in
the storm drain on Friday last,

'although we can't be certain
as to the cause of death'

whoever m*rder*d her
would probably have had

a good local knowledge
of Brighton and Hove.

We're obviously very keen
to identify the victim.

'At the time of her decease,

'she would have been
mid-to-late 30s.

'Height approximately
five foot three inches.

'And her hair
colouring was brown.

'Anyone recognising
this description'

as someone they might
have known, locally,

who went missing in
the last ten years,

can reach me or a member of my
team here at East Sussex House.

Thank you.


'Express Send Couriers.

'Jonathan speaking.
How can I help you?'

I have a package
I need delivered.

'Certainly. Let's just
start with a few details.

'What time would you like
your package picked up?'

'Around seven tonight, please.'

I sent her dental profile to a
number of Brighton practices.

Got lucky.

Her name is - or rather,
was - Joanna Welbeck.

Single or married? Married.

She was an actress.

Don't know the full story
yet, but they split up,

and she went to Los Angeles
to, you know, make her name.

Or so the husband told everyone.

Sounds like we should have
a chat with Mr Welbeck.

That'd be a bit one-sided.

He died in a plane
crash seven years ago.

Light aircraft went
down in the Channel

on a private charter
flight from Jersey.

Although, given the crowd
he was running with,

there's talk it might
not have been accidental.

Mrs Balkwill?

Detective Superintendent
Pewe, East Sussex CID.

I wonder if I might have a quick
word with you and your husband?

It's about Sandy.

I've been brought in from the Met
to review cold cases in East Sussex.


I don't think your
daughter's disappearance

has been adequately

In what way?

Well, normally, when
a wife goes missing,

the husband is instantly
the prime suspect.

But it doesn't seem
that your son-in-law

was ever formally
regarded as such.

Are you saying that's
what you think now?

Not at all.

But I think radical
steps need to be taken

to eliminate him from
suspicion, and...

I mean to take them.

For everyone's sake.

Would you say Sandy's
was a happy marriage?

Well, she had to put up
with being on her own a lot.

And being disappointed
at the last minute

when he got called out for work.

I mean, you must have
a bit of that too.

Oh, I'm not married,
Mrs Balkwill.


don't think that
Roy is a suspect.

Y-You mustn't go jumping
to the wrong conclusions.

This is merely about closure.

Enabling you and your husband

to move on with your lives.

And, of course, hopefully

clearing Roy's name,
once and for all.

Thank you.

Now, there was very
little wreckage recovered,

but what there was indicated

that the aircraft was subject
to a sudden catastrophic event.

What do you mean, like...
What, like a b*mb?

Yeah. Or a lightning strike.

See, it was a very stormy night.
But there was no mayday sent.

It was just there one
minute and gone the next.

Speculation was that it most likely
exploded and broke up in mid-air.

What about bodies?

Never recovered. Ronnie
Welbeck, nor the pilot.

Now, they found some
personal property,

and a shoe of Ronnie's

that indicated he was on
the plane when it went down.

Now, his wife, Lorraine,
identified it all as his.

Lorraine? So he... remarried?

Yeah, looks that way.

All right. Well, let's
try and track her down.

In the meantime, what information
do we have on Joanna Welbeck?

Any family we can talk to?
No. Parents are deceased.

Same as Ronnie Welbeck. Yeah,
well, Ronnie had previous.

First time on the radar was '97.

He worked for a dodgy
second-hand car dealership,

clocking cars and knocking out
cut-and-shuts with Sean Klinger.

Sean "The Snowman" Klinger, eh?

Brighton and Hove's
very own Escobar.

Yeah, well, him and Ronnie
started out working together.

Then they got into
a bunch of trouble

over a bunch of clocked cars,

and the business
disappeared overnight.

The entire garage burned
down, with all the records.

12 months, suspended.


Come on up. Seventh floor.




Nice to see you, Abb.

Not mad about the new look.

'Just a few questions about the
late Ronnie Welbeck, Mr Klinger.'

You were close, I understand.

Well, I knew him. What about
Joanna, his first wife?

Yeah, I knew both of
'em. Jo and Lorraine.

What was Jo like?

Ex-lap dancer. Nice arse. But

volatile. That's
the word, isn't it?

I find you often get that,
with the highly-sexed sorts.

Dynamite under the duvet,

but an absolute liability in
any kind of decent company.

In what way?

She'd let her mouth run
away with her in drink.

Ronnie'd tell her to tone it down,
next thing it's a screaming match.

Nobody wants that.

Did he ever hit her?

Never saw him give
her a proper dig.

Would he have been capable
of k*lling her, do you think?

We're probably all
"capable", aren't we?

But it's sort of
academic now, isn't it?

And how's that?

Well, when Jo realised that Ronnie
didn't have the Midas touch,

she left him. Went
off to the States.

Human remains found in a storm drain
in the centre of Brighton on Friday

have been identified
as Joanna Welbeck.

She'd been there a long time.

I'm shocked.

And you think Ronnie did it?
It's an avenue of enquiry.

What about his second wife?

Lorraine? Hmm.

Now, she could have the top
off the milk any morning.

Fantastic tits. Sold
timeshares abroad.

But Ron and I had kind of dropped
out of each other's orbit by then.

What do you mean?

Well, people come and
they go, don't they?

Were you in touch with Ronnie
when his plane went down?

No. I sent a wreath with
my sincere condolences,

but when Ronnie died, I hadn't
seen him for a couple of years.

What about the rumour that it
might not have been accidental?

That there might have
been a b*mb on board?

Well, in general, I
try not to increase

the sum total of nonsense in the
world by repeating baseless rumour.

What was he doing in
Jersey? I've really no idea.

Where can we find Lorraine?

Well, you won't.

Unless you've got a boat
and a deep sea diving suit.

She topped herself.

Stepped off the Newhaven
to Dieppe ferry one night.

About a year after Ron died.

Summer 2016? Round then.

Besides yourself, who were
Ronnie's closest mates?

He was pretty tight with
a guy called Chad Skebbs.

But he emigrated to Spain.

Anyway, as I said, I only
had ten minutes, so...


Now, why would you want to courier
old newspapers in a Jiffy bag?

Unless it was to make
somebody keeping an eye on you

think you'd sent
something else altogether.

Enjoy your weekend?

I thought with you safely boxed up,
I'd be able to get into the flat

and give it a proper going over.

But you've got it locked down

tighter than a camel's
arse in a sandstorm.


gave you a little fright, eh?

Where are they, Abb. Hmm?




I'm gonna ask you some questions
and you're gonna answer. Yes?


So, are they here?

OK, are they in Brighton?

In a safe-deposit box maybe?

Look what I found.

I wonder if I might have
a word about Roy Grace?


Off the record.

You know, in the last seven
years, the only officer to review

the investigation into his
missing wife is Roy himself.

Now, this is no criticism of
East Sussex and, of course,

it pre-dates your
appointment but

that would never have
happened in the Met.

What are you saying?

Well, erm, her parents feel that
nobody at East Sussex Police

carried out an
impartial investigation.

And what do you think?

Well, I just want to make sure
we've done everything possible

to put their minds at rest.


So one wife sets off to America,

ends up in a storm
drain in Brighton.

The second jumps off
a cross-Channel ferry.

Oh, well, I guess some people
are just unlucky in love, eh?

According to US authorities,
there's no record of Joanna Welbeck

ever having entered the United
States on any documentation.

No surprises there, then.

So Ronnie kills her, dumps
her in the storm drain,

and then tells everyone she left
him and ran off to Hollywood.

Lorraine Welbeck, second wife,

is still officially
recorded as a MISPER.

We've a sister for a next of kin.
Maureen. Lives in New dig ate.

So Ronnie's death must have come

as a great shock to your
sister, Miss Finton.

Lorraine was in a terrible
state. Depressed. Suicidal.

Well, obviously.

He left her in a right mess,
financially, with his debts.

When did she meet Ronnie?
About eight years ago.

He was looking for a place
in the South of France

as an investment, and
that's where they met.

She sold timeshare,
is that right?

Well, it was more just
overseas property.

Undeveloped plots of land people
could build on. That sort of thing.

Spain. France.

Jersey? A little bit, I think.

And did they have anywhere
abroad, if Ronnie was looking?

Not that I ever knew. What
was Ronnie doing in Jersey?

That last trip, do you know?

He had some business
there, Lorraine said.

His stamps, maybe. Stamps?

What was that, a hobby?

More of a business, really.

One night in the pub he showed
me this stamp out of his wallet

he paid 50 grand for.
All wrapped in tissue.

I said, "Don't put that
on a letter, will you?"

Was he insured, do you
know? Oh, I expect so.

Not that Lorraine saw any of it.
His creditors were all over her.

When they cleaned her out, she just
sort of retreated into a shell.

Ended up in a wee rented
flat down Montpelier Road.

To be honest, I think that's
what put her over the edge.

That come-down.

And... losing Ronnie, of course.

So eight years.

Ronnie would still have been
married, when he met your sister.

Lorraine said he wasn't
getting on with her.

His first wife. Joanna, was it?

He thought there might've
been another man.

And then she just
walked out on him.

We should talk to the
overseas property firm

that Lorraine worked for.

See if Ronnie Welbeck ever
did find his investment.

What, you reckon he's
got somewhere abroad?

It's possible, isn't it?

If he was trying to keep
his finances hidden.

You know much about stamps?
First or second class?

Look, I'll have a ring round.

See if we can find any
dealers that remember him.

We should check out the
life insurance as well.

See how much debt
he left her with.




I suppose you think
you're very smart.

Lock it all away in
a safe-deposit box

that requires iris
recognition to open it.

How about I cut your eye
out and take that with me,

see if it recognises that?

If not, I'll come back
for the other one.

Of course, if that doesn't
work, then we're both stuffed.

You'll be blind, and
I'll be no better off.

But you know that,
don't you? So...

What would get you to play ball?

Clerwell House I told you about.

'It's got a beautiful room with
a view of the river coming free.

'I've reserved it.'

ABBY'S MUM: 'Where are you
gonna get the money for that?'

'Don't worry about that,
I'm taking care of it.'

"Don't worry about
the money, Mum."

That's what I like
about you, Abb.

You're all heart.

Talk to me.


I'm sorry. It was a bad weekend.

There were similarities
between the skeleton and...


The dental work. And the
age. And the hair colouring.

And then Nadiuska found
the blue carpet fibres...

The bedroom rug is...
Yeah, I know. I've seen it.

Come in? I don't really want a
back and forth on the doorstep

like we're in a Richard Curtis.

I can't imagine what it's like to
lose someone the way you lost Sandy.

But then... you can't imagine
what it's like being with someone

who has lost someone
the way you lost Sandy.

If that's still a
thing for you, then...

It isn't.

She's gone.

And she's not coming back.

But if she did?

She's not going to.

There were only ever
two possibilities.

She can't come back,

or she won't come back.

And if it's the former,
then me or somebody like me

will get to the bottom of it.

But I accepted a long time ago

that I might never
find out what happened.

And if she won't come back?

Then I'll know that
it's me she left

and that no harm's come to her.

And I hope more than anything...
that that's the case.

And that thing that
you said to Glenn,

about always thinking
the next call-out

will be the one
that finds her...

There's not really anything
I can do about that.

Why didn't you say something?

Because I didn't want

something that
happened in my life

to change

how we are with each other.

To let it define
whatever comes next.

Then you have to be honest.

Nothing that means anything
can ever grow out of secrets.

Try anything clever and
your mum's dead. Got it?

Maybe a little smile.


'Southern Deposit Security.'
Katherine Jennings.

I want to access my
safe-deposit box.

'Of course. Come in.'

Far end, on the right.

Come on, what you
doing? I feel sick.

I haven't eaten
anything in 24 hours.

I just need to catch my breath.


Eastbourne, please.


'I can hear you breathing.'

Better make the most of it.

We are now able to put a
name to the human remains

discovered in the New Laines Quarter
of the city on Friday evening.

They are those of
Joanna Welbeck.

At the time of
her disappearance,

Joanna was married
to a Ronnie Welbeck,

who died some seven years
ago in a plane crash.

Is he your prime
suspect in this?

My team are pursuing a number

of promising lines of enquiry,

although, I would urge anyone who
knew Joanna to please come forward.

Thank you.

Detective Superintendent,
can I have a quick word?

Of course, Mr Spinella. Er,
it's nothing to do with this.

Just something that I
thought I ought to mention.

I got a call from a contact
with the fire brigade, Monday.

They had a shout to Embassy
Court in town for a young woman

stuck in a lift. Slow news week?

Er, she'd been there
since Friday night.

Thing is, I felt
something wasn't right.

Her building supervisor
reckoned that vandals must have

broken in to the lift motor room and
tampered with the brake mechanism

and the electrics. He found a
couple of syringes in there.

She was unlucky. Sure.

But what he wasn't able to
explain was why the alarm system,

which should have rung through
to his flat, failed to do so.

Or why her front door was fitted
with more locks than Fort Knox.

If I didn't know better, I'd say
she was frightened of something.

Or someone.

Katherine Jennings, Flat 120,
Embassy Court, Kings Road, Brighton.

I know we're up to our ears,

but maybe swing by,
see if everything's OK.

Just to be on the safe side.

I know Spinella's
a pain in the arse,

but even a stopped
clock and all that.

Could be a domestic
issue? Abusive boyfriend.

Yeah, well, if she's in
trouble, I don't wanna miss it.

Hi. I've got a step-brother
for Joanna Welbeck.

Goes under the stage
name of Mitzi Dufors.

Member of Brighton and
Hove's thriving and vibrant.

LGBTQ+ community.


We've got cocktails
for two this afty.

I spoke to the property company
Lorraine Welbeck worked for.

There was a plot of land that Ronnie
was interested in at the time,

not too far from Biarritz.

Did he go through with it?

Er no, no, he didn't, but it
was acquired shortly thereafter

on behalf of an unknown
client from a firm called.

Cape Trafalgar Holdings.

The name stuck with the
French office, apparently.

I can see why it might. And?

Well, I've asked the
locals to take a look,

but from the paperwork
I managed to track down,

Cape Trafalgar Holdings
was a sole trader outfit.

Its, er, owner was a
David Irvin Nelson.

Registered office is
a PO Box in St Helier.

Any connection with
that and what, er,

Ronnie Welbeck was
up to in Jersey?

A friend in the NCA says
Ronnie Welbeck was running gear

in and out of the island
on behalf of Sean Klinger.

There's talk Welbeck was
skimming more off the top

than Klinger might have been
prepared to put up with.

So what are we saying, Klinger
brought the plane down?

Well, it's certainly
the suspicion.

♪ You don't have to stay forever

♪ I will understand

♪ Believe me

♪ Believe me

♪ Believe me. ♪


Very nice, your Dusty. Thanks.

Do you do any others?

When the wind's in the right
direction, I do a mean Ann-Margret,

not that there's much
call for her these days.

No, I meant any more
Dusty Springfield tracks?

Oh. You're a fan. Who isn't?

Ah, well, Preacher
Man, of course. Aye.

Dusty In Memphis is
an absolute classic.

You didn't come here
to talk about Dusty.

No. No.

You mentioned something
about a photo of Joanna.

I'll want it back.

Yeah, course.

When was this taken? Around
the last time I saw her.

London Olympics, maybe?

More recent than
anything we've got, so...

Um, you're her
step-brother, then, is it?


Our father left my mum to
take up with Joanna's mother.

And the old man died when she
was ten, so I kept an eye.

Got the odd phone call,
maybe at Christmas,

but she had her
life and I had mine.

Next thing I heard is she was
getting married to Ronnie.

Did you ever meet
him? Once or twice.

It was money this, money that.

I just thought he was
dodgy. Well, they all were.

Who's all? His mates.

Villains. But she
was happy enough.

To begin with, at least.

And then what, it all went off?

I think she was after
an out for a while.

And there was this
fella sniffing around.

What fella? Pal of Ronnie's.

I can't remember his name.
Chas, was it? Chet, maybe?

Right, was she having an affair?

I did wonder if it was
him she'd gone off with.

You see, when her mother died,

she left her this little
place in Brent wood.

When was that? About six
months before she went.

I heard on the grapevine via
Ronnie that she'd gone to LA.

So I thought she must've
used the money from the house

to fund going to America.

And you didn't hear anything
from her after that?

I didn't really expect to. Not if
she'd gone off with a new fella.

Yeah, yeah, that's right. So
it's mixed roses. Red and white.

And that's delivered to Ari Branson
in the Radiology Department.

Yeah. No, this
afternoon's great. Cheers.

Thanks a bunch. Thank
you. Bye-bye. Bye.


Bit early to be making
amends, isn't it?

Haven't you just come back
from a romantic weekend away?

Don't tell me you've blotted
your copybook already.

You know I said it went fine?

It didn't go fine, did it? Nope.

No, it did not go fine.

I mean, you tell me, what is
so wrong with a tandem skydive?

OK, how about, A, you're
scared of heights,

and B, you hate flying.

Apart from that, no,
yeah, it's perfect.

That's the thing. I'm not.

I'm not scared of
heights. Not any more.

Since when? I don't
know. But it's just...

It's just gone.

I don't know how to
describe it. I mean...

What's that thing
that people say?

"Feel the fear
and do it anyway."

I mean, once, even just being
up high, my legs would just go,

right, just turn to jelly.

Now? Well, now it's like...

It's like I'm, I'm over it.

And that's, that's gotta be
a good thing, though, right?


Although, sometimes fear is the
only thing that keeps us alive.

In this job anyway. Fools
rush in and all that.

Maybe try and lay off the needless
heroics for the time being.

Speaking of fools

has Cassian Pewe
redecorated your office yet?

All right, go on. What is
it? What is it with you two?

One time, the Met sent down
reinforcements to help us out

with the Labour Party
conference in town.

Pewe was a DI.

He ended up nicking a
couple of informants

that I'd been cultivating
for several years.

He refused to drop charges.

So I took it to Vosper,

and she sided with the blue-eyed
boy down from the Smoke.

Never rub another man's rhubarb.



The lift mechanism's
been tampered with.

Sabotaged, according
to the engineer.

Someone interfered with
the brake mechanism

when the lift was in operation.

And the alarm and
phone cables were cut.

And what did Miss Jennings
say? 'Nothing yet.'

She's a new tenant,
apparently. Short let.

Lives on her own and
only goes out after dark.

Where is she now?

Last seen earlier today leaving
the building with a man.

Caretaker says she's single.

Nick about? No.

I did see him talking to
old Cassian Pewe at his desk

just before lunch.

What did he want? Your
guess is as good as mine.

Did you want him for
anything in particular?

Yeah, I asked him to run a PNC on
that known associate of Welbeck's

that Klinger
mentioned. Chad Skebbs.

He asked me to do it. Full
name - Richard Skebbs.

Turns out he's
wanted in connection

with an allegation of
indecent as*ault, from 2014.

Didn't Klinger say that
Skebbs went abroad?

Spain, wasn't it? 'DS Moy.'

I think you'll find the
correct term is "fled".


Spinella. Line three.

Says it's important.

Mr Spinella. We're looking
into Miss Jennings.

Thank you for the tip-off,

we've got nothing official
to say at this time.

Er, actually, it was
you I was calling about.

I wondered if you had any comment
about what's going on at your house?

My house?

Well, if you don't
know anything about it,

maybe you should get over here.

I'll be outside.

You all right?

I'll be with you in a minute.

What the fu...


What the hell is this? GPR.

Ground penetrating radar. I...
I assumed you had OKed this.

OKed what?

Nick? I've got a search warrant.

Is this a joke?

Who requested the warrant?

How dare you?!

What, this?

CSI crawling all over my home.

Taking soundings
in my back garden

for the body you think
I have buried there.

Call it off. Now.

I'm sorry. But having spoken
to Margot and Derek...

You spoke to Sandy's parents?

Allie Vosper asked me to
take over your backlog.

And Sandy's was the first
case you turned up, was it?

She remains a cold case,
Roy. You're telling me that?

There isn't a stone
I have left unturned.


Psychics? Cranks and mind readers?
End-of-the-pier fortune-tellers?

If you'd lost
somebody you'd loved,

you would know that there is nothing
you wouldn't do to get them back!

No matter how unlikely. How
do you know what I'd do?

But I'll tell you this, I wouldn't
turn it into a three-ring circus.

I was cleared of any involvement in
Sandy's disappearance. Exonerated.

Not to the standard that we
would've applied in the Met.

The Met? Really?

Well, as we all know, they're
infallible, aren't they?

Ronnie Welbeck's life insurers
finally got back to me.

The pay-out was
three million pounds.

Three months before she
stepped off that ferry,

Lorraine withdrew the
entire amount in cash.

She died in poverty, with nearly
three million in the bank?

Except the money
wasn't in the bank.

Ronnie and Lorraine
Welbeck's joint account

shows an ever-increasing

with just occasional
small amounts coming in.

Yeah, we knew they
had money issues.

Yeah, right up until
the day he died.

But an account was opened in
Lorraine Welbeck's sole name

nine months after
Ronnie was k*lled.

For the life
insurance, presumably?

Yeah, but I don't understand
how it was paid out that fast.

Well, the insurance company assigned
to the case weren't entirely happy,

but the dr*gs Squad investigation
suggested there was another dealer,

possibly French,

who wanted to give Klinger a
message to keep off his turf.

They blew the plane up?

Using Ronnie as collateral.


that to one side for the minute,
is there some sort of pattern here?

Look, Ronnie Welbeck's
first wife inherits money,

disappears to the States and
ends up in a storm drain.

Then his second
wife inherits money

and ends up at the
bottom of the Channel.

So what're you saying, she didn't
commit su1c1de? Somebody k*lled her?

I'm just what-iffing.

PHONE BUZZES Couldn't've
been Ronnie, then,

because he died in that
plane crash or bombing

or whatever it was a year
before Lorraine died.

Yeah, but what about
his mate, Skebbs?

Mitzi Dufors said one of Ronnie's
mates was sniffing around Joanna.

Couldn't remember the name, but it
was something like Chas or Chet.

Hmm. Not too much of a
stretch to Chad, is it?

Well, I've been doing some digging
around Richard "Chad" Skebbs.

And it seems that it wasn't
in the public interest

to follow him to Europe.

He thought they'd
fled to Albania,

but he's last been seen in
Spain and southern France.

Keep digging.

I've got a lead on a guy
called Hector Hegarty.

He's a stamp dealer, remembers
doing business with Ronnie Welbeck.


'My God, it's a
nightmare as well.'


Don't get up. Don't get
up. What're you doing here?

I thought you were still away.
I wanted to surprise you.

Oh, Mum. I've
missed you so much.

So much. Ohh!



Detective Superintendent Pewe.

'This is DS Franks
from Interpol.'

How can we help you?

'I believe you asked our
colleagues in France to look at

'a development sight for
you. Is that correct?'

Oh, yes, I did a fair bit of
business with Ronnie over the years.

He wasn't the easiest person
to deal with. In what way?

Well, you know.
To put it crudely,

the provenance on some of his
stuff was doubtful, shall we say?

What about his second wife?

Did Lorraine Welbeck ever contact
you after her husband's death?

I don't suppose it matters now.
But she had me swear to secrecy.

Well, a m*rder inquiry trumps

any word you might
have given, Mr Hegarty.

She came to see me, spring 2016,

wanted to invest
some money in stamps.

Can you remember the sum
involved? Not offhand.

But any big order draws
attention in the stamp world.

She wanted it done
quietly and discreetly.

So I fronted the purchases for
her. Spread the money around.

Said I was buying for
an anonymous collector.

Can you provide us with a list

of all the stamps that
you sold to Mrs Welbeck?

And the value.

Give me a little time
to consult my records.

Could you also give
us a list of anyone

who might have been
able to afford them,

if she'd wanted to sell them on?

I can give you the dealers,
and a few individual collectors

like myself. Course,
back then, round here,

there was a chap Ronnie knew
well himself, but he went abroad.

Who was that?

Richard Skebbs.
Called himself Chad.

Always dealt in big numbers.

Still does, but all done
over the internet now.

And did you ever buy from
him? Oh, once bitten...

I bought some Spanish Civil w*r era
stamps from him. Did me right up.

They weren't in anything like
the condition he had promised.

When I complained, he
told me to sue him.

Frankly, I'm amazed
he's still in business.

What's going on, Ab? What is it?

I may be getting forgetful,
but I'm not stupid.

You're frightened.

It's just someone who wants
me to go out with 'em.

He's trying to get to me
through you. That's all.

What's your fella doing about
it? Nothing, Mum. He's not here.

Why isn't he? It's complicated.

The taxman's after him.

And if he comes into the
country, he could get picked up.

Doesn't sound like
much of a boyfriend.

A man ought to take care
of the woman he loves.

Hi, I need some new
locks at my mum's flat.

'Right.' And a safety
chain and a spyhole.

Lorraine Welbeck's name is
on a Post-it on my desk.

"DS Franks"?

Ah, yes. This location you've
asked the French to take a look at.

What's this? It's to do with the
body in the storm drain, Ma'am.

Remains of an unidentified,
pregnant woman

were found in the boot of a car
pulled from a lake on the property.

It's been there for some years.

They've obtained DNA
from her and the foetus,

but they haven't been able to make
any matches on their database.

Where does Lorraine
Welbeck fit in?

Lorraine Welbeck is the second
wife of Ronnie Welbeck, Ma'am.

She was working for
the estate agent

that sold the plot
of land in France.

Oh, it's rather
more than that, Roy.

The corpse in the boot of the
car had silicone breast implants.

Now, you may not know this,

but they're all printed with
the manufacturer's batch number.

This particular
pair was supplied

to a cosmetic surgery hospital
in Woodingdean in 2015.

So I called them.

They matched the
implants with the name...

Lorraine Welbeck.

That's excellent.

Don't you think so, Roy?

What are we saying, Lorraine
Welbeck swam the Bay of Biscay

with three million quid stuffed
between the Devil's dumplings?

Doesn't seem very likely.
Probably not, Norman.

But she was four
months pregnant.

The French have no
paternal DNA match,

but we're checking our database, we
should hear back later or tomorrow.

Anything on cause?

Same as Joanna Welbeck.

Did we get any further on the owners
of this plot of land in France?

Cape Trafalgar Holdings and
this elusive David Nelson?

No. Nothing.

At least we know that Lorraine
Welbeck didn't commit su1c1de.

Run a check on the passenger
manifest for the ferry

on the night that she
supposedly jumped.

What am I looking for?

Anything out of the
ordinary. Chad Skebbs, maybe?

Mitzi Dufors said he was
sniffing around Joanna Welbeck.

And she came into money
shortly before she disappeared.

So could he have been behind the
b*mb on Ronnie Welbeck's plane?

So he kills Ronnie Welbeck

and he's waiting to catch Lorraine
Welbeck and Ronnie's life insurance.

Yeah, possibly. So,
where's the money?

There's not gonna be room for
three mil in the bazooka bag

if it's already stuffed with
bought-and-paid-for silicone norks.

Did he really just
say that out loud?

I don't think it
was cash, Norman.

'When Ronnie Welbeck's plane went
down, he died leaving massive debts.

'Every penny he left to Lorraine
had been taken by his creditors,

'and their house repossessed.

'Before she got on that ferry,

'Lorraine Welbeck converted
her husband's life insurance

'into something much
easier to transport,

'and far easier to conceal.'

Oh, my God!

Are you all right?

A man who hates me

is trying to convince the
people that I work with

that I k*lled my wife. So...

You said to be honest.

Hmm. Is there anything I can do?

Unless you're a dab hand
with carpet grippers...

Do you want to talk about it?

Do you?

Maybe not tonight.

Maybe tonight is exactly the
right time to talk about it.

I'm not about to kick
a man when he's down.

If I've got to be honest...


All right.

I just keep thinking

what if she walked through
the door right now?

Where does that
leave you and me?

It's not gonna happen.

See, erm

that's not the answer.

The answer is, "It
wouldn't matter, Cleo.

"She walked out on me seven
years ago. And I'm with you now."

Call me when you're
through... with all of this.




MAN: Mrs Morton? Yes.

Silver light Lock works.
Your daughter Abby called.

Come in.

You called, Mr Hegarty?

I've just had a phone call from
a rather nervous young woman.

She asked if I'd be able to sell
a collection of high-value stamps.

When I asked for details,

she described exactly the stamps
I purchased for Lorraine Welbeck.

Are you sure? If I hadn't
gone through my files today,

I doubt I'd have realised
they were such an exact match.

Did you ask her
where she got them?

She said she inherited them from
a woman she looked after in Spain.

Somebody she'd met at
a party there told her

she'd get a better
price in the UK

and I was one of the
dealers she should talk to.

She's coming in this afternoon
to show me the stamps.

What's her name?

Miss Jennings? Police.

Open it.

Miss Jennings?

Nice quiet hobby,
eh, stamp collecting.



'Abbs. It's me. It's Mum.'


Mum, where are.. Where
do you get a mobile?

Ricky wants to talk to you.
Please do what he tells you.

Hello, Ab. Where's my mum?

Where is she, you
bastard? Where is she?

She's fine. So far.

I'm calling the police.

Look, I don't care about
anything else any more.

'What're you going
to say to them?'

"I stole everything this man had

"and now he's caught up with me
and taken my mother hostage?"

What, I stole from you?
You and himself, obviously.

Was there any position he
didn't tell you to shag me in

to get what you wanted?

This has got nothing to do with
my mum, Rick. She's not well.

Look, just bring her
here and we'll talk.

No. You bring me everything
you nicked and then we'll talk.

Look, I meant what I said.

I'm hanging up now and
calling the police.

You do that, and all they're gonna
find is a chronically ill woman

who's committed su1c1de,
and her daughter,

a self-confessed thief
with a cock-and-bull story

about a man she stole from.
Is that really what you want?



So I've been going through the
passenger manifest for the ferry

that Lorraine Welbeck
didn't step off.

It seemed to me, if you're
leaving one identity behind,

it makes sense to have
another one lined up. Right?

You mean, she got on the
boat as Lorraine Welbeck

and stepped off as someone else?

So I went through all the other
women passengers travelling

on a single ticket
and I compared them

to anyone travelling
on from Dieppe.

I found one passenger who
got on an Air France flight

within an hour of the
ferry docking. Where to?

San Sebastian. Hold on. So she
got on the ferry to Dieppe,

and then within an hour she got
on a plane from there to Spain?

Why not just fly
direct from the UK?

Name? Margaret Nelson.

Only, her ticket was paid
for by one David Nelson.

Ah, the same David Nelson of
Cape Trafalgar Holdings maybe?

So what're we thinking? Maybe
David Nelson is Ronnie Welbeck?

More than maybe.

I also have a David Nelson
who got on a flight to Madrid,

then on to San
Sebastian from Jersey,

the morning after Ronnie's light
aircraft disappeared in the channel.

So Ronnie Welbeck
fakes his own death

in order to escape
his creditors.

And Lorraine converts his
life insurance into stamps

in order to fund her
new life in Spain.

Isn't that where Chad Skebbs
went off to? Potentially.

But where Lorraine was found
just outside of Biarritz,

well, that's half an hour
from the Spanish border.

Which is an hour
to San Sebastian.

Just two Brighton boys
having fun in the sun...

We've got DNA confirmation on
the Lorraine Welbeck foetus.

Guess who the father is?

Ronnie Welbeck.

Not bad for a dead guy, eh?
The Immaculate Erection.


This is why we can't
have nice things.

What about Katherine Jennings?
We couldn't find her.

No. I mean, she's
here. She's downstairs.

My real name's Abby Morton.

I flew back to England to
try to escape my boyfriend.

I thought using a different
name would make it easier.

But I was wrong.

OK, Abby, would you like
to tell us what's going on?

Everything we need to know
about you, your mother,

and the man you say
who kidnapped her.

I was left a
collection of stamps.

I didn't know anything about them,
but I was dating this guy, Ricky,

in San Sebastian, who was in the
rare stamp and coin business.

Ricky? As in Richard Skebbs?

Yeah. Yeah, you know him?

Yeah. We know him. Go on.

Well, I asked him to have
a look at 'em for me.

See if they were worth
anything. I gave them to him.

He gave 'em back a
couple of days later.

He said there were a few there
that might be worth something,

but most of them were replicas.
Collectable, but not valuable.

He said they're worth a couple
of thousand euros at most.

But a few days later, I was having
a look at one of his stamp mags

and I came across this article
about a Plate 77 Penny Red,

went for over 450 large
at auction in London.

It was similar to the
plate of Penny Reds I had.

Anyway, later that
night he was wasted,

so I had a look at
his laptop and I found

this bunch of emails to
dealers all over the world,

offering stamps that were
clearly mine for sale.

He'd broken 'em up so they couldn't
be identified as a collection.

And did you confront him?



When I first met him, he told me
how easy stamps were to conceal.

How they were a great
way to launder money

and transport it all
across the world.

Even if you got stopped,

most customs wouldn't have
a clue about their value.

'Ricky said the best way to
hide 'em was inside a book.

'Hardback. Or
anything like that.

'So, I searched his shelves.

'And I found them.'

I packed a bag and flew out on
the first flight I could get.

So why didn't you go to the Spanish
police, report what he'd done?

I thought he might spin the
police a story to get them back.

Or come after me,
try and hurt me.

My mum's not well.

I need the money from the stamps
to pay for her to be in a home.

Did you ever meet this man?

No. Why? Who is he?

His name's Ronnie Welbeck. He's
a known associate of Chad Skebbs.

We're looking for him in connection
with a double m*rder. m*rder?

That's right, the
body of his first wife

was found recently in a
storm drain in Brighton.

And his second wife, Lorraine, was
recovered from the boot of a car

in a pond on land that we
believe Welbeck owns in Biarritz.

She was four months pregnant.

Both his wives had just
come into considerable sums

before they were k*lled.
You're sure you don't know him?

He may be calling
himself Dave Nelson now.

Call himself what he likes, I... I
wouldn't know. I've never met him.

So you say you were
left these stamps.

Yeah. That's right. By whom?

Mrs Jennings.
Katherine Jennings.

She was an old lady I was a
live-in carer for in Spain.

And where are
they now? They're

they're safe.

You believe her? Not really.

But whatever else she's lying about,
I do believe she's frightened.

There's no way she
would come and see us

unless she was genuinely
scared for her mother's life.

But she's lying about where she came
by the stamps. Almost certainly.

Ronnie was already
seeing Lorraine

by the time Joanna came
into her inheritance.

So Ronnie rids himself of Joanna,
and then ends up with the money,

and Lorraine into the bargain.

Further down the line, he fakes his
own death to escape his creditors

and then cashes in on
his life insurance.

Which Lorraine collects
and converts into stamps.

And then, Lorraine fakes her death,
flies under an assumed name to Spain

to join Ronnie and start a new
life as Margaret and David Nelson.

And then history repeats itself.

Ronnie meets Abby, the
next thing you know,

Lorraine's in the boot of
a car in a pond in France.

And the stamps? Well, I think she's
twisting the story a little bit.

So Ronnie gets in touch
with his old mate Skebbs

with a view to
selling the stamps.

And Skebbs rips him off by
replacing the real ones with fake.

And Ronnie sends in
Abby to get them back,

and, well, the rest goes down
pretty much the way she said.

Yeah, but we'll get
to the bottom of it.

But right now, our priority is
getting Abby's mum back alive.

And on that score, all we can do

is wait for Skebbs to
make his next move.


Abby Morton, Katherine Jennings,
is currently sitting in a hotel,

awaiting instructions
from Skebbs

for the handover of the
stamps and her mother.

I'd like Cassian on the team.
In an observational capacity.

The man has tried to
suggest I m*rder*d my wife.

That's an observation. Cassian is
an experienced hostage negotiator.

I'd like Skebbs taken
alive, with no loss of life,

and no major injury to any of my
officers or members of the public.


It's her.

I should probably clear the air.

You should probably clear your
desk. I was trying to help.

And what did you find, Cassian?

In your search of
my house and garden.


No. And do you know why?

Because I didn't m*rder my wife.


ABBY: 'Yeah.'

RICKY: 'You're late.'
I missed the turn-off.

Where do you want me to go?

'Take a left at the top and a right
after the barn.' 'Where's my mum?'

'Safe enough. But I swear, if I see
anybody besides you, she's dead.'


You're not following
her? You heard him.

Where's my mum?
Where's the stamps?

I want to see my mum. Just
give me the stamps, Abby.


Shit. What's she doing? Mum?

MUM: Abby? Abby! Mum?

Abby, help me! Go! Glen! Go!

Abby! Abby! Help me!
Please stop! Mum!

Please stop the van!







Give me your hands,
give me your hands.


We're going to get out.

It's all right. Don't let go.

I just need you to follow
me out. Mum, Please.

Get in the van! Give
it some extra weight!

Lean on it! Lean on it!

More gas!

MUM: Oh, God! Hold on.

Mum. Mum, come on, we
need to go. Gonna fall.


Give me your hand.


Floor it!

Mind out, mind out.

More weight! Put your weight
on it. I am trying. Go, go!

Cassian, no, it won't
take your weight!

Come on. Come on!

I've got you!

Roy! Help! Give me your hand!

Give me your hand!


Push! Push!


So you think Skebbs got hold of
the stamps from Ronnie Welbeck,

then Abby Morton, in her turn,
ripped off Skebbs for Ronnie?

Something like that.

So where are the
stamps now? With Abby.

We've had them scanned and
photocopied, for our records.

And she's agreed to produce them
as an exhibit, if necessary.

And Hegarty is certain
they're the ones

that he bought for
Lorraine Welbeck?

Not so certain that he's willing
to testify in a court of law.

None of this brings
us a step closer

to arresting Ronnie for
Joanna and Lorraine.

We've got two m*rder victims
here, Roy. Two dead women.

Don't want us to lose sight of
that fact. I haven't, Ma'am.

Not for a second.

'What about putting more
surveillance on her?'

I suspect that Ronnie Welbeck
will have long flown the coop

from wherever he's
been holed up.

He'll have seen online that we've
found the remains of his wives.

He wouldn't risk coming back here.
Abby'll go and meet him somewhere?

Put out an "all ports".

She buys a ticket, or someone
matching her description

turns up at passport control,
hopefully she'll lead us to him.

What are you trying to win?

"A fortnight for two at a
luxury hotel in Mauritius."

Mum, you don't even
have a passport.

I know, love, but
you could easily

get me one if I needed
it, couldn't you?

I might be losing my marbles,
but I'm not as daft as I look.

I'd love you to get a passport.

I'd love you to join me.


When I get settled somewhere.

We won't see each other again.

But it's all right.

I'd sooner you
remembered me as I was.


If you ever decide to have
children, just remember.

First, you give 'em roots.

Then you give 'em wings.

I love you.

I know.


Go on. Go quickly,
don't look back.

So when will I see you again?

MAN: 'Soon.'

How soon is soon?


I'll be there to meet
you at the airport.

You got 'em?

Yeah. I got 'em.

That's my girl. Safe flight.

Roy, Abby Morton, AKA
Katherine Jennings,

just checked in on a
SpeedyJet's flight to Nice,

leaves at 3:45. Let her run.

'I need to know
she's on the plane,

'and for Police Judiciaire to pick
up surveillance at the other end.

'We need her to
lead us to Ronnie.'



'I have information for you
regarding Ronnie Welbeck.'

He'll be at Lipa Noi
Airport at 11am local time,

waiting to meet someone off
Bangkok Airways flight 271.

Who is this?

Miss Morton?

Flight 309 connecting
through to Rio de Janeiro.

Put your passport in there.

You lost her.

Yes, Ma'am.

But Ronnie Welbeck, Dave Nelson,

is now awaiting extradition
to the UK from Thailand

on suspicion of the m*rder of
both Joanna and Lorraine Welbeck.

And the stamps?

Well, Hegarty's certain that the
stuff we photocopied is all rubbish.

And no-one's actually
reported the stamps stolen.

Well, couldn't the insurance
companies that paid out

on Ronnie Welbeck's
life have a claim?

Same problem. Chain of title.

Without Hegarty testifying
that they are the same stamps,

how are they going to prove it?

So where do we think she is now?

Lying on a beach somewhere.

'Sipping margaritas,

'and grinning her
head off, I suspect.'

Smart lady.

Yeah, I certainly wouldn't
want to cross her.

On the upside,

I did hear a rumour
from Ground Control.

"Pepe le Pew" has
applied for a transfer.

That's right. Back to the Met.

What brought that on?

I think being here was
pushing him over the edge.