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01x09 - The Great Fabricator

Posted: 04/10/23 16:42
by bunniefuu
- [cell door slams]

- [lock buzzes]

[Issac] If he sees me, he's gonna run.

- I can't just pull up on him.

- You every day with this shit.

What else am I gonna do in here?

Get ripped? That's stupid.

Oh, just chill. You got seven years

to plan your cousin's death.

Chill? This stupid f*ck.

All he had to do was vouch for me.

He wouldn't have done a day.

He would've got fined.

Here, let's talk about something else.

What's your favorite season?

I like summer. Now you go.

I gotta get the f*ck out of here, man!

The Filipinos are gonna k*ll me.

- [lock buzzes]

- Oh, shit.

- We're gonna open on cell four.

- [lock buzzes]


You're free to go.

For real? Why?

Phone call came in.

Some lady said it was your cousin driving,

not you.

He's gonna k*ll his cousin.

He's got Nutter Butters behind his back.

- All right, give me the Nutters.

- Whoo!

[Jordan] Got it. Good to know.

So do you have any questions?


You made some stupid decisions.

You covered your ass to secure the deal.

Pretty clear.

Yeah, again, Jordan, I'm really sorry

that I hid all of that from you,

but I've come clean to everyone:

the police, Naomi, George.

Let's not belabor this, please.

What do you need, Amy?

Well, you see,

George didn't mean to sell the Tamago.

It's a pretty good chair.

I'm willing to pay whatever you want.


Do I look like I need money?

You wanted honey on the side, right?

[Jordan] That's how I always take it.

- Thanks, Naomi.

- Mm-hm.

- Do you want anything to eat or?

- We're good.

Could you give us some space, please?

[Naomi] All right, yeah, yeah.

- I have emails to do. I'll see you later.

- Thanks.

She's so attentive.

Is that a cultural thing or?

No, Jordan, it's not a cultural thing.

- Hm.

- [cell phone buzzes]

Um, sorry, just Just one second.


[cell phone continues buzzing]

[George] Amy, are you there?

- Is everything okay?

- He took June!

Danny took her! I can't find her!

- Wait, what?

- He came in and knocked me out.

When I woke up, she was gone.

That piece of shit took her in his truck!

- Oh, my God.

- The police are here.

You've gotta talk to them.

We have to find her.

[door opens]

Yo, one of my shitcoins is mooning, man.

Thank God you took my passwords.

Okay, come on, Junie.

Just gonna sit right here.

And wait right here with your puppy, okay?

I don't have time to explain.

I gotta pack.

Yo, what the f*ck?

Did you kidnap her kid?

It was an accident.

She jumped in the truck, I don't know.

Why didn't you leave her?

There was police. I couldn't stop.

So drop her off somewhere.

What if something bad happens to her?

Then that's on me.

- So you brought her here?

- I don't know. I kept driving, I'm here.

Just shut up and call Amy, tell her

her kid's okay, she can pick her up.

- What are you gonna do?

- I don't know.

I'm gonna

drive down to Mexico or something.

No. We can explain everything to the cops.

I knocked out her husband.

I knocked him out.

They'll get me for as*ault.

Why were you even there?

You got questions?

I was cleaning up your mess.

Zane, the video's done.

Yo, who's Zane?

- Dude, I

- [knocking on door]

Yo, it's Michael and Bobby! Open up!

[knocking on door]

Yo, what's taking so long?

[Danny] Just a second. God.

- Is she good?

- [Paul] I think so.

- Hey, guys.

- Oh, shit!

Thought you could get a W off of me?

- Piece of shit! Get over on me?

- [Paul] Get the f*ck out of here!

I swear to God, if the f*cking cash

isn't in those rice cookers

You spent it! You spent it, huh?

Isaac, I can explain!

I need that f*cking money today!

I need it today!

The Filipinos are gonna castrate me!

What the f*ck is he talking about, Danny?

Stop. No fighting.


Whose f*cking kid is that?

It's Paul's new girl's

It's her kid.

I wasn't gone that long.

It's a different dude from before.

It's been an adjustment for sure.

[Amber Alert sounds via cell phone]

Yo, how do I turn Amber Alerts off?

Chill, he'll get it.

[dog barks]

Oh, shit.

[man] Amy, I'm Detective Doran.

You called this in, but just so I'm clear,

Daniel Cho, he's the man

you got into a road rage with, not Isaac.

- Yes?

- [George] Tell them about the brother.

- Maybe he's with him.

- [Doran] George, please.

Let's remain calm.

Yeah, he's got this younger brother, Paul.

- He's about six feet and

- [George] Hmm, 5'11".

More like 5'11".

- [Doran] George, please.

- Sorry, give me one sec.


[Isaac] Amy Lau?

Who is this?

Your daughter's safe.

She's ready to be picked up.

Oh, my God.

Thank you.

$500,000 cash. No cops. No husband.

Who is this?

- Is Danny there?

- Five hundred thousand cash.

I don't even know

if I could withdraw that much. Please.

I'm in the middle of nowhere

and the banks aren't even open today.

Shut the f*ck up. I know you're rich.

Come up with the money today.

Get the f*cking cash today.

Don't tell anyone.

I'll call you with the location.

No, no, no. Please. Do not hang up.

I want to give you the money, okay?

I really do.

Don't f*ck with me.

I'm not. I swear.

There are people more dangerous than me

who want this money right away.

I'm at a billionaire's house

Good for you, bitch. Stop trying to stall.

You triangulating my location?

Jordana Forster. You heard of her?

Yeah, she's hot.

Yeah. Well, she's got these artifacts,

like honest-to-God crowns,

they're worth hundreds

of thousands of dollars.

You could come here

and clear north of a million, easy.

A million? Shit.

- How do I know this isn't a trap?

- Because you have my daughter!

Why would I risk it?

I don't even know

how I would withdraw like 500k.

I would move money between accounts

and that could take days.


Look, write down this address.

22 Mountain View Trail.

My car's parked right outside.

Please just leave my daughter

in the car seat, okay?

I'll make sure that nobody,

no one, calls the cops.

You'll be in and out, okay?


I'm heading over now.

I swear, if you tell anyone,

I'll k*ll your f*cking daughter.

- [ June ] Mister, where are we?

- Wait!

[line disconnects]

[rock music playing]

- You pack the masks?

- Of course I packed the masks.

The masks were my idea.

There wouldn't be masks

if my mom didn't help us.

[Michael] Shut up.

It's f*cking weird

how much your mom loves d*ck Cheney.

You stole his money

for Mom and Dad's house?

- Yeah.

- Are you okay, Zane?

We're gonna go see your mommy now.

Don't you worry, okay?

I'm not. This is fun!

Dude, be careful, man!

She doesn't have a seat belt on.


So cute seeing this side of you, Zane.

Just let them go.

You're mad at me. Not them.

Paul, you really didn't know

big bro was letting family rot in jail,

and robbing them blind?

I would've done the same.

Ooh, ouch. Cho Bros. So mean.

- Yo, you missed the turn.

- Not with the g*n, Bobby.

You don't think I know where the turn is?

Kid's the only leverage we have.

I'm not putting her in her car yet.

Stupid f*ck.

Thank you, guys.

Please, just keep me posted.

You got it. We'll let you know

if we hear anything.

[cell phone buzzing]

Hey, are you okay?

Are the police still there?

They just left. Let me grab them.

No, no, George, don't.

I need you to come over to Jordan's now.

What is going on, Amy?

Junie is safe.

Oh, thank God.

Someone called and it wasn't Danny.

They want 500k in cash today.

Let me get the police.

No, George,

they explicitly said no police.

Of course they did.

George, you're not listening.

They said they'd k*ll her.

Oh, my God.

Please, just come to Jordan's.

They're gonna put Junie in my car

and I need you to come get her.

You can't tell anybody, okay?

They told me not to tell you.

I know I've used up

any trust left between us,

but I'm taking a leap of faith here

that we can get on the same page for June.

Yeah. Okay.

You did the right thing.

Let's do exactly what they say

and get her back safely.

Thank you.

I love you.

I love you too.

[line disconnects]

And this is my little collection.

Let me show you my favorite.

This one.

This is from the Chimú kingdom.


I used to have the earrings,

but I had to return them

to the Peruvian government, whatever.

Yeah, I used to collect Beanie Babies.

[chuckles] I don't know what that is.

Oh, and this one.


Hey, are you sure you want the whole tour?

- You seem distracted.

- Sorry. I

I'm just thinking about George.


I get it.

Really, I do. Divorce is tough.


Everything fades, Amy.

People, things, experiences.

You just gotta keep

grabbing what you can. Right?

That's what makes life so wonderful.

There's always something.

Wow, Jordan, you are so insightful.

Can I try one on?

Yes. Of course.

Which one?

Maybe the Marge Simpson.


It's one of my favorites.

- Wow

- [Naomi] It's getting late.

The roads get dark here, Amy.

You might want to start driving.

Right, yeah.

Thanks, Naomi.

Oof, the traffic is probably

pretty bad, though

Exactly, exactly.

So stay. Spend the night if you want.

[doorbell rings]

[Jordan] You're really getting

the full tour today, Amy.

This is a lovely room as well.

It's amazing.

Weird. There's no one there

- [Michael] Hands up!

- [Isaac] Move! Move!

[Michael] In the other room! Let's go!

In the other room! Let's go! Now!

Move over there! Go!

- Move!

- Oh, my God!

Let's all just stay calm

and do exactly what they say.

- [Isaac] Give me your f*cking phones.

- Where's my f*cking phone?

[Michael] Everything over 10k

in this house goes in these bags.

That's everything in this house.

[Isaac] We'll need more bags.

Hey, did my brother put you up to this?

- Jordan.

- [Isaac] What?

If he is that upset about Naomi,

he can have her back.

- [g*n cocks]

- Your f*cking stores give me migraines!

I can get more bags.

They're Goyard.


I don't know what that is, sounds cool.


Okay. Yeah. We want those bags. Move!


Panic room, southwest corner.

- Jordan, don't.

- [Isaac] You two, shut up!

[Chos and Bobby]

All around the mulberry bush ♪

The monkey chased the weasel ♪

The monkey thought t'was all in fun ♪

Pop! Goes the weasel ♪

Again, again!

Oh, my God. She serious?

It's the least you can do.

She's been good this whole time.

[Bobby] Man, guilt-tripping me.

I bet I'd be a good dad.

- Fine.

- Yeah.

- But this the last time.

- Okay.

Let's close your eyes one more time.

No peeking. Okay?

We'll sing one more time.

All around the mulberry bush ♪

The monkey chased the weasel ♪

Hey, keep your eyes closed.

Hey, guess what? We'll do a new verse.

A penny for a spool of thread ♪

A penny for a needle ♪

That's the way the money goes ♪

Pop! Goes the weasel ♪

[Paul] I need more time. Do it again.

A penny for a spool of thread ♪

Paul, squeeze harder ♪

That's not the song, silly.

Pop! Goes the weasel ♪

All right. [laughs]

- Okay.

- Pop! Pop!

[Danny] Yeah.

Bobby's napping.

[Paul] Yeah, Bobby's just very tired.

Hey, why don't we go hide

before he wakes up?

- Today's the most fun I ever had!

- [Danny laughs]

All right.

[whispers] Give me the g*n.

[Paul] Good boy.

Hey, you're not mad at me?

You looked past my mistakes.

Come on, let's go.

[Michael] That should do it.

Thanks for the cooperation, ladies.

[Isaac] See, that wasn't so bad.

- Pleasure doing business.

- [sirens wailing]

- Wait, are those sirens?

- [Michael] What the f*ck?

f*ck. f*ck!

- You promised you wouldn't call the cops!

- I didn't, I swear.

- You called them?

- [Amy] I didn't!

- Where's my daughter?

- She knows them.

- [Isaac] You tell your husband?

- [Jordan] What's going on?

- Is my daughter in my car?

- This is who you wanna leave me for?

[Isaac] Tell Bobby to bring the car.

[Michael] I'm calling. He won't answer.

[Isaac] Who called the f*cking cops?

Who called the cops?

f*cking bitch. f*ck.

What are we gonna do?

Yo, that Hummer's an older model,

we could hot wire it.

All right.


All right, Junie.

I'm gonna lock the doors,

and I promise your mom's

gonna be here soon, okay?

Maybe you could come over,

and we could sing more songs.

Yeah, maybe.

I'd like that.

You'll be good by yourself?

I'm not by myself, silly.

I have Luca.

- Yo. We gotta go.

- Okay.

All right. Hey, watch your foot, okay?


Yo, let's hurry.

We can take the other road out.

Let's check the Hummer.

God, I hope rich people are stupid.

[sirens continue wailing]

Got thems.

Want me to get in there and hot wire?

If we're really lucky

- What?

- Dude.

Where the f*ck is Bobby? Hm?

[Isaac] Okay, f*ck, I gotta think.

There's gotta be a way out of this.

- Have you ever heard of zugzwang?

- What the f*ck you going off about?

It's the point in chess

where you have to make a move,

but every move is a loss.

[Isaac] Why do you hang out with her?

You know you're Asian, right?

[Michael] Look what I found.

- [Amy] Danny, is June okay?

- She's fine.

[Isaac] Where's the van?


Where we left it. Bobby's not picking up!


If I don't leave here

with the stash, I'm dead!

- So you might as well be dead too.

- Hey, hey, hey.

Why don't I call my husband? Okay?

He can talk to the cops.

I'm gonna tell him that Danny and Paul

are holding us hostage, all of us.


[Michael] Hey, it's a good idea.

Hey, Zugzug.

Those doors lock from this side?

- I have no f*cking idea.

- Yeah, they do.

- [Michael] Then let's go. Move!

- [Issac] Go, go. Go, m*therf*cker.

- [Michael] f*cking go! Move!

- [Isaac] Okay, go.

These cops better not test me.

I'm not going back to jail.


- What are you doing?

- This is your fault.

- [Jordan] Naomi!

- Oh, shit.

- South door's closed!

- [Issac] Get them!


I'm right behind you!


[Michael] Come here!

Where you going?

I'll break your legs!

Naomi! Naomi, not yet!

- [Michael] Come here!

- Naomi!

- [bones crack]

- [Jordan screams]

- [door opening, closing]

- [groaning]

[electronic voice] Obstruction.

- [Michael] Oh, shit.

- Obstruction.

[alarm beeps]


[alarm beeps]

- [flesh squelches]

- [gasps]

[electronic voice] Room secured.

[alarm sounding]


The f*ck?

Isaac, what the f*ck is happening?

What kind of house is this?


Here, call your husband.

- Call him now! Hurry!

- [line ringing]

- [Amy] George!

- [George] Amy!

[Amy] June's in my car outside.

- In the car?

- [Amy] Yes.

In my car outside, and Danny and Paul

are holding us hostage.

[line disconnects]


George? Hello?

[police officer] Officers are on scene.

Come out with your hands up.

f*ck. Call 911.

Get up! Call 911!

- Get the f*ck up! Call 911!

- [Amy] Isaac, please.

[dispatcher] 911. What's your emergency?

I'm at 22 Mountain View Trail.

I have a woman hostage

and I'll f*cking k*ll her!

I'll sh**t her!

Did you hear that? I'm f*cking serious!

What the f*ck?

We gotta get out of here.

Yo, yo, I think if you give me a boost,

I can get up there.

What? No, that's too high.

We don't have any other options. Hurry.

I can do this.

Kneel down and give me a boost.

Right here.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- I'm gonna climb up.

- All right.

Get Yeah.

Put your leg up.

- Okay. Okay, push it up.

- All right, go up. Yup.


Oh, shit!

Holy shit!

- [laughing] Shit!

- I told you.

- Shit.

- Oh, my God.

- Okay.

- Your turn.

- f*ck.

- That's all right.

Almost there.

- Come on.

- [grunts]


You stupid bitch! You think I give a f*ck?

I'll k*ll her. Back the f*ck up, now!

- Isaac. Isaac.

- [ dispatcher ] I need you to calm down.

- You don't need to do this.

- Shut up!

- You don't know me!

- You don't seem like a bad guy.

You don't. I'm sure this is Danny's fault.

- I'm sure it is.

- Sir, talk to me or the police will enter.

- Just let me go. Please.

- Hello?

Please. You've seen my daughter.

You've seen my husband.

And I know you don't want

to rip me away from them.


It wasn't supposed to be like this.

If you let me go now,

there's a chance you'll get out in,

what, like

five years? Maybe?

And you can start over.

You can.

- [banging]

- [Michael] Isaac. Isaac!

They're coming in.

[officer 1] Get down on the ground.

- [officer 2] Go.

- [officer 3] Move, move, move!

[Isaac] f*ck!


[Michael] Take that, you f*cking pigs!

- [g*nf*re in distance]

- Come on.


Just go.

- I'm not leaving you. Come on.

- You gotta go.

I'm not f*cking leaving. Come on!

I burned down the house.


Mom and Dad's.

I put in the wrong wires.

Yo, what are you talking about?

Just come on.

No, I'm serious.

It's all my fault.

It's my fault too.

- Can you jump? We gotta go.

- No, no, no.

I've been holding you down

your whole life.

I can't. We can't.

Danny, come on.

[g*nf*re continues]

Yo, I threw away

your college applications.


At the motel, I saw them in the lobby

and I threw them in the trash.

I'm sorry.

I just wanted us to be the same.

You gotta go.

You gotta get away from me, man.

You gotta get away from me.

[officer] Hey! You! Freeze!

[Paul] Shit.






[door clatters]

[police radio chatter]

[line ringing]

Hi, it's George. Leave a message.

Hey, sir! Where's my family?

Is my daughter okay?

[officer] Your daughter's safe, miss.

We retrieved her unharmed.

Well, can I see her?

- Where's George?

- [officer] They didn't tell you?

- I'm sorry. They left earlier.

- What?

Your husband

wanted to take your daughter home.

Miss, if you just let the medic

check your vitals.

[line ringing]

Yo, you've reached Paul.

Don't be old, just text me.

You'll be given love ♪

You'll be taken care of ♪

You'll be given love ♪

You have to trust it ♪

Maybe not from the sources ♪


You have poured yours ♪

[line ringing]

[dispatcher] 911. What's your emergency?

I'm following one of the men

who robbed Jordana Forster.

- He's getting away.

- Where are you located?

I don't know. The middle of nowhere.

- What vehicle is the suspect driving?

- He's driving a

[reception crackles]


- Hello?

- [line disconnects]

It's all around you ♪

All is full of love ♪

- You just ain't receiving ♪

- All is full of love ♪

- Your phone is off the hook ♪

- All is full of love ♪

- Your doors are all shut ♪

- All is full of love ♪

- And be the little angel ♪

- All is full of love ♪

All is full of love ♪

All is full of love ♪


You'll be given love ♪

You'll be taken care of ♪

You'll be given love ♪

You'll have to trust it ♪

All is full of love ♪

All around you ♪

All is full of love ♪

And be the little angel ♪

- All is full of love ♪

- All is full of love ♪

All is full of love ♪