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01x06 - Broken Things

Posted: 04/10/23 16:31
by bunniefuu

What the f*ck?


Aah! Bitch!

Are you kidding me?

Oh, my God.

Ow! Uh Uh Ah.

Why're you being weird?

I'm not. I'm not being weird.

I'm just not being



I got a call last night inviting me back

to the land of the employed, so.

Oh, is that why you brushed your hair?

What? I always brush my hair.

Yes. It's so good.

Wait, who is that?

Wait, what is happening right now?

- What is that?

- Oh!

- God, Dad is watching porn

- What is that?

and he doesn't know it's on Bluetooth.


Oh, my God. How are you my parents?



- What are you doing?

- I'm

- What are you doing?

- About to get in the shower.

Uh, no, you're not!

I just heard what you were doing.

We We Your daughter heard

what you were doing!

- What? How?

- The Bluetooth! The speakers!

- Oh

- No!

This is a Home Depot.

You're watching people f*ck

- in a Home Depot?

- Okay.

Just Get out, please? Could

Do you know that we

could've been doing this?

We could've been,

just you and me, this whole time, in person.

I was just, like, 20 feet away.

I'm just saying.

Hey, girl.

Want a ride?

From you? No.

Can you get in the car?



I like your jacket.

Rae, what are you


Hey, what's up, Kev? Come on in, man.

Good to see you.

- Hey. Kevin, right?

- Yeah.

Uh, have a good one.

Oh, and we have therapy later.

Oh, hey. Yeah, um, about that, can we not

Can we not mention, you know, what happened?

Oh! I'm gonna lead with that,

'cause every week it's about

something terrible

that I have done, so

Okay, just I didn't do anything

- terrible or wrong or

- Okay.

I don't like this whole

telling-the-teacher vibe

that you got going on.

I'm not There's I don't have any

- Excuse me.

- What is that?

Is something buzzing?

No. That's not No, it's just the bag.

There's garbage.

- What? Hold on.

- You're gonna go through trash right now?


Died in the b*ttlefield.

Thank you. Thanks.

Oh I'm sorry.

Are you watching porn?

What? No. No.

No, uh-huh.

- Oh, uh

- Wow.

So, uh, gotta take care of these.

Uh a a turtle just flew out of your

- something.

- Oh, that's weird.

Oh, right.

Uh, that was I bruised my

Um, so, were you watching porn?


What can I help you with?

These applicants need

their health insurance info filled out.

They need a callback.

Some of them don't

have a callback number.

That's great. Okay.

Glad to be back?


But, I mean, I am to a paycheck,

to not lying in bed at night

worrying about mortgage payments

and losing my health insurance, so

That's what you Boomers think about in bed?


I'm f*cking Gen X.

No one wants to hear

who you're f*cking.

Fish dumped me.

And the senior guys put me

fourth on the most-fuckable girls' list.

f*cking fourth!

Sorry for your loss.

Damn. You don't have to be

so harsh about it.

Your mom already went apeshit on me.

God. Um

Yeah, she's, um, just going

A total psycho?


Look, by your feet.

What is this?

THC in a can. My mom swears by it.

Dear Sugar,

I wrote to you a while ago.

And, uh, there's this situation

that happened recently.

Um, I have this boyfriend.

We've been seeing each other

for a while, like a year.

And, uh, I don't know, he

He usually tells me everything,

but one day, I got off of work early

and, uh, I opened my bedroom door,

and I saw him wearing my underwear.

And now I I don't know what to say.

Do I say something?

Or ignore it?

I really love him.

But I don't think I like him right now.

Actually, I really f*cking hate him.

I f*cking hate you.


You ready?

How are you both?

- Great. Good.

- Fine.

Good. Great.

So better than last week?

- Definitely.

- Uh I mean, it's been

Danny blasted porn on the Bluetooth speakers

- this morning

- Clare's vibrator

literally melted from overuse.

Have you ever had a patient

that's into just, like, watching

average people

- f*ck each other's brains out

- Wow.

- in a hardware store?

- Uh

- I mean, I know it sounds niche but

- Let's Okay

What When you

When you think about it, it's just like

- power tools and it's

- Clare.

- hard hats.

- Okay, I

Screws. Ma kit as.

Okay, would you stop? Jesus!

- Danny.

- What the f*ck?

- I'm just

- Danny.

In here?

There is nothing

to be embarrassed about.

Stay in the room, please.




it seems like you're both having

individual experiences.

Guess so.

Mm. I know it's hard,

but maybe we should just dive

right into the discussion

of, like, why is it

that you two aren't

having sex with each other?

I mean, we have a lot of life stressors

going on at the moment,

so that kinda

saps the juice.

Like what?

Um, I I'm back at my job.

You know, the thing that, um

gives us health insurance and a 401.

And no word from your brother

on when he's gonna pay us back. Shocker.

You want to go down that road again?

Have that fight again and again and again?

Is that interesting?

- Know what? I'm sorry.

- Does that make this interesting in here?

- That my my

- Helps?

My endless stream of weddings

and and teaching kids

how to play the f*cking trombone

doesn't come with a 401.

I'm sorry, but it is money.

And it is money that I made

that you just gave away.

Clare, do you resent

having to go to the job

that gives you the

health insurance, the 401?

Or maybe you resent

Danny for making less money than you do.

No. We, um, we made

those decisions together,

you know, a long time ago.

It's not like I forced her to take

But I still did it.

I still did it.

I did it so you could keep doing

what you loved.

Okay, so so so what? So

So because you make

more money than me,

you just get to do whatever you want

or give it to your brother?

My mom

built that house as a f*cking sanctuary

against our dad.

That's where she's

He knows what it means to me.

You know.

You know.

You know what? I'm gonna

give you an assignment.

You two need to have sex.


Each other.

Just Just go find a place.

Just somewhere that's not your home.


My dad's porn blasted

all over Bluetooth this morning.



I literally walked in

on my dad jerking off once.

He looked like a sad gorilla

wearing headphones.


Guys are so gross.

Tell me something

no one knows about you.

- Pass.

- Come on!

Why? You wanna

humiliate me on Instagram again?

No, thanks.

Tell me something no one knows about you.

I'm a virgin.

What? Wha What about Fish?

We talked about doing it,

and we did other stuff.

And then he dumped me.

I'm sorry, but I just

You do not act like a virgin.

Hm. You mean I don't act like you?

Oh. Oh, no.

I'm not a virgin.

Shut up!

Who have you slept with?

Stef Johnson.

The goalie with the blue hair?


And, uh, Sofia Serrano.

Kind of.

How did I not know about this?

Because you didn't ask.

Well, what was it like?

Like, how did you know what to do?

I mean

I have a body, and I know

what feels good, so

Like that.

Is that from one of your lovers?


It's just from my mom.

She and my dad are going out, I guess.

So your place is free then?

We could, like

hang or whatever.

Then those are gonna need to come off.

So the cheapest room is 200 bucks.

- What?

- Yeah.

Great. We can't even afford

to f*ck each other.


Well, I mean, at least,

you know, we're at a hotel,

so technically,

we did half the assignment.



Why don't you wanna have sex with me?

I don't know. I mean, you haven't

Haven't exactly seemed like you

want to have sex with me lately.

I feel like you hate me

because of the money.

- The money thing.

- I I

Because I just

I think you think I'm, like

a crazy mom.

I I don't hate you.

I don't

I just feel far away.

I don't know. I just

I just feel far away lately.

What have you been working on?

I hear you typing.

Are you working on your book again or


No, that's just I

No, I'd I'd

- I don't even know if I

- I got you.

So what was it this morning?

Was it f*cking J.Lo on the jumbotron

or was it was it hosting game day?

- It was game day.

- Mmm.

Do you feel like

we're getting ripped off by Mel?

'Cause that was like half a session

before she told us to go f*ck each other.

I don't know.


do you wanna go to Home Depot?

We do need light bulbs.

Who knew it'd be so crowded on a Tuesday?

Or we could, um

We could go get fishbowl

margaritas at Don Guac's.

And nachos!


Yeah, I'm hungry anyway.

I can't do it on an empty stomach.

Why didn't you tell me

about all your torrid affairs?

I don't know. People are weird.

Stef, she didn't want me to tell anyone.

Does that mean you're not gonna

tell anyone about us?

Depends on how torrid it gets.

I think

I think we should keep this a secret.

It's sexy.

- Oh, come on. I really want to know.

- No.

- I really, really want to understand.

- No.

Is it about being in public?

- Is it about being seen?

- Uh

- I wanna know.

- I don't know.

Maybe it's I like

broken things

and and like

fixing them.

Guess I'm a broken thing.

I should've never said that.

No, it's okay. It's okay.

So tell me more about game day.

So in my fantasy

I walk into our kitchen,

and I'm, like, wearing boots.

And I have, like, red lipstick on.

Oh, this is gonna be good.

There's a bunch of guys.

You know, they all, like, want want me.

They They're, like, watching me.

And then, like, my dad my dad is there.

Oh, shit.

Yeah, I know.


It's pretty sick.

- No. It's It's It's not sick.

- It's like

It's like he's the one that, uh, terr

Like, terrorized us my whole life.

It's like infiltrating my

You know?

It's, like, really f*cked up.

So anyway, to broken things.

I don't

Like, sex fantasies are not just

all about sex, you know?

- It's

- Hm.

And he's he's still your dad.

And, uh, you want him to

want you because he didn't.

Makes sense.

It's such a miracle that I met you.

Yeah, miracle for me.

Yeah. Thank God I saw you play that night.

- That was a good show.

- Ugh.


Do you miss it?

The band?

Sometimes, yeah.

I didn't do it.

You were behind me 100%.

You took a steady job so I could do it.

The touring, the albums, the the music.

I didn't do it, you know? I'm, uh

teaching people f*cking trombone

out of the back of my house.

- Danny, you still can.

- No.

- Yes.

- I can't.

I can't.


You're still you.

I'm still me.

We're still We're still those people.

Let's be those people.

Where Where are you going?

- Let's go.

- What?

Uh, what're you doing?

- Okay.

- Let's go.

I'll just be a second.


Um, can I help you?

This is Clare Pierce's house, right?


Um, my mom's busy right now.

Can I help you?

Your mom?

So you're Frankie Rae?

Who are you?


You, uh

You give this to her. Tell her

it's from Lucas, all right?

How do you know Lucas?

Just tell your mom that family

takes care of family.

Good night.

Oh, my God!

You won't believe how lame Fish is.

You should go.


What's wrong?

Just go.

No one should have

to take shit from trash people.

And my mom is not a psycho.

Dear Sharing Panties.

You walked in on your boyfriend

at what he perceives

as his most unlovable moment:

the pervert in the girly underwear.

You saw his secret self

before he told you his secret,

and that humiliates him beyond words.

And that is because no matter

how experimental he is,

his life isn't an experiment.

None of ours are.

His life is like your life and my life

and all the lives of all the people

who are reading these words right now.

Okay, but I don't think that we

should actually drive, though.

That's a good idea.

No, we shouldn't

It's a roiling stew of fear

and need and shame and hunger

Hunger to be loved,

especially for the parts of us

we are scared to let others see.

But once you see someone,

really see them, there is no going back.

Hey, guys.




Your relationship will either deepen

to a more real and honest place

Uh, do you guys know each other?

No. I don't

I gave you a ride a couple of months ago.


No, I don't think, um

No, I don't think we've ever

or your relationship will be dead,

even if you continue to fake it for a while.

How 'bout some tunes?

Everyone cool with Steely Dan?

But don't fake it,

you both deserve better.

Yours, Sugar.

Best day ever.