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01x03 - A New Organ

Posted: 04/10/23 13:49
by bunniefuu
I can't breathe, I can't breathe!

Honey, we're almost

there, try and relax.

Sir, she has to take a seat

I know. I'm so sorry,

she's afraid of flying.

I understand, but we've

already started our descent,

I need you both to sit down

Don't touch me!

- Makayla

- Dad!

- Sir

- Honey, she's just trying to help

- No, stay away

- Miss, please calm down.

- It's on fire

- Oh, my God!

What we know for sure,

the pilot sent a

distress code at 5:48 a.m.

Just as the plane was

beginning to descent.

They managed to divert here

for an emergency landing,

but they came in too low.

The casualty count is

it's significant.

God. Do we know what caused this?

Off the pilot comms,

we think there was some kind of

electrical malfunction on board.

Shit. Press.

Get to our media contacts,

no names to be released

until the families have been notified.

We should prep a statement

as soon as possible.

Don't worry. Already

got my guys on that.

Daniel, uh, I can handle this

I know, but you've been up

for hours. Take a break, okay?

Let me deal with this mess. You

just take care of your people.

Great work.

All right, let's go.

I mean, it sounds supportive, so why

do I feel like I'm getting f*cked?

'Cause fuckery's the only

language guys like Daniel speak.

You know that video from

Nigeria of the electricity?

Were there any teen girls on this plane?

The survivors were taken

to U-Dub. Let's find out.


Tunde, this is Vin Sena from CNN.

CNN? Wait, sorry

Did you just say CNN?

Yeah. We've seen your

footage of the electric girls.

Look, we'll buy what you have and

I'll put you on a contract for more.

I don't know what to say, it's


I'm so sorry, I think

you have the wrong number.

- Tun

- You have a business exam coming up when?

- Three weeks.

- Only in three weeks?

You have plenty of time, abi?

- No.

- Your age mates are facing their books

and instead, you're gallivanting

around town filming rubbish.

And the poor girl

forced to go to the village.

People are saying she's a witch.


You're puffing up your chest at me?

Awon big boy, big guy in town, abi?

You want to end up like your uncle Deji?

Philandering his way

into an early grave?

It is high time that you faced front.

That journalist thing, forget it.


Leave Ndudi and her family in peace.

You have brought enough shame.

I lost my appetite ♪

I cannot sleep at night ♪

I cannot concentrate ♪

I do not feel too great ♪

The world is caving in ♪

And I'm kinda struggling ♪

But I kinda like it ♪

'Cause it feels like being in love ♪

Being in love ♪

- Being in love ♪

- Not today.

Not today.


No girls.

Your parents should have gotten a text.


What the f*ck are you doing?

- Hey!

- What the f*ck?

- So he didn't let you on the bus?

- No.

He said all girls get off.

Her elbows were sparking

like chainsaws, man.


- I'll catch up with you later.

- Okay.

- Jos, hey.

- Hey.

You hanging out with Cat again?

Like, you know she has it.

Does she?

Did you see the one where

the girl sneezes it out?

- You're lying.

- Oh, my God, it's lit!

Uh, what are you doing later?

I'm hanging out with Cat but

maybe I'll see you Friday?


- Hey. You good?

- Hey.

I would've gotten out the bus earlier

but I didn't know what was happening.

No, that guy was crazy.

And so, I was thinking,

what are you doing later?

Wanna hang out tonight?

I actually have plans

with Cat tonight. Sorry.


Sure. Yeah.

Did you see the one

where she sneezes it out?

- No way.

- It's f*cking lit.

This is South Seattle High.

First period is suspended.

All students report to your home rooms.

Quick as you can, please.

That's great. Okay.

Let's get seated. Get yourself seated.

We're leaving this open.

Okay, settle down now.

Uh, we have a directive

from the Governor's office,

to address the rumours that are

circulating regarding an issue,

that some of the girls in the

school may be experiencing.

It's related to

"sudden and unpredictable

discharges of electricity".

This isn't about anyone

getting into trouble,

this is about the safety of

all our staff and students.

So, if you have it

please, could I ask you

to identify yourself?

How about you raise your hand

if you know someone who has it?

Mr. Ellis, come on, man.

Let's just get this done.

Taylor White has it.

That's bullshit.

To the front please, Taylor.

Get out here.

We broke up last week and

now are you serious?

I can do it.

Ashley, thank you.

Brie Diaz can do it.

- Angel says she can do it.

- She's just pissed at me.

This is bullshit.

- I can do it.

- Out.

Cat Cole and Jos

Cleary-Lopez both have it.

Let's go, ladies.

Leave your bags.


- Anyone else?

- Mr. El That's absurd.

You can't do this.

Stop her! Don't let her leave!

Eyes front.

Come on, nothing to see.

Keep coming.

This is f*cked up.

Come on, hustle. Move, move. Come on!

Forty-six passengers,

one flight attendant.

That's how many people

survived this crash.

- You can't keep her from me.

- I understand

No, you don't understand a damn thing.

My kid is 12, you're

holding her without cause.

I wanna see her now!

Mr. Kelly, please calm down.

The hell are the Feds doing here?

I wanna know where Makayla is right now.

We assure you, your daughter is fine.

She's being treated in the building,

and she'll be released once we

determine there's no ongoing threat.

Threat of what?

A couple of other

passengers ID'd your daughter

as part of the incident on board.

She is a 12-year-old kid,

not a god damn t*rror1st!

Is everything okay over here?

This is FBI business, ma'am.

I'm Margot Cleary-Lopez, the mayor.

Uh, I thought crashes were NTSB domain.

Unless I'm missing something and

it was criminal activity on board.

Dr. Sheldon operating room three.

Dr. Sheldon OR three.

Where were you stationed?

Uh, Afghanistan.

Thank you for your service, mister

Kelly. John Kelly.

Wanna take a seat?

- How's the arm?

- It's fine.

I'm fine.

I wanna see my daughter,

and these arseholes

Her name's Makayla?

She's probably terrified right now.

Yeah. I mean, I get that.

I've got three myself.

Look, she didn't do anything wrong.

I mean, she didn't mean

I don't even actually know happened

She's afraid of flying and she panicked.

But she's a good kid.

She wouldn't hurt anyone.

Listen, I'm gonna find

out what's going on.

But in the meantime

can you do me a favor?

If you deck one of those agents,

I'm pretty sure you're not

gonna see your daughter today,

so sit tight 'til you hear from me?

Yeah, I can do that.

Yeah? Okay.

Helen, I need to get

in to see Makayla Kelly.

These Feds won't let her

own father in to see her.

Okay. So we'll go around them.

Hey, is everything okay?

Yeah. Do you know anyone at U-Dub

Northwest who works in isolation?

I have some Feds blocking access to

a crash survivor I need to talk to.

Yeah, yeah. I do. Let me

put you in touch with Tash.

Tash, your ex?

Uh, sure. That'll be great.

Lazarus has risen.

Praise be.

It's okay, girl. No one

is gonna hurt you here.

Where am I?

This is the Sisters of Christ

Convent. I am Sister Maria.

What's your name?


Ooh Good choice.

Those are fresh. We grow

most of our food here.

And we make soap, with seaweed,

to pay for anything else we need.

Which is more and more. Since

we've started taking you all in.

We get more girls like you every day.

Girls like me? What

kind of girl is that?

Girls with no place else to go.

You're gonna meet them soon

enough They're in the dormitory.

We found this in your bag.

You went through my stuff?

I have to.

We don't allow dr*gs,

alcohol, weapons

Are you a believer?

I talk to God every day.

Do you now?

And He talks back?

She. She does. All the time.

How lucky. To have such faith.

Eve. I am glad to meet you.

It was no accident I

found you on that road.

So rest as long as you like. Please.

You're just gonna

stare at her like that?

Sister Veronica!

- Hey!

- Sister Veronica!

What, you never seen a girl fit before?

No evidence that the

footage was doctored

Some even believe it's an ad.

For Taters. It looked like Taters to me.

Or could this be another

issue caused by video gaming?


Later today, we'll be

hearing your thoughts

together with expert analysis,

on the Internet phenomenon,

"The Electric Girl" hoax.


- Yo move.

- And so, as adults catch up

with what the kids have

apparently been watching for weeks,

we have the latest footage

from around the globe.


Is this a hoax? You decide.

Some viewers may find the

following scenes distressing.

Watch out.

Holy crap. Holy crap.


- Hey!

- Run!

Okay, okay. Okay.

Nobody's looking at the

rise of violent crime.

Hey, yo! Can you move?

The US Police force

has a breaking point.

And suggesting that this might

be a good thing we got going on.

That's dumb.

You got this thing?

We all do. Well, most of us.

That's why we're here.

So everyone has it now?

Everyone's special.

None of these girls can

do what you can, baby.

- We got a clothes donation.

- Okay.

Girls, outside now! Family meeting!

It has come to our attention

that the recent issues

that some of you have

reported regarding your fingers

and, uh, sparks, has been spreading

across America, possibly further,

and it would seem that this

mutation is incredibly dangerous.

I think the unfortunate

business with the chicken,

which I won't get into again

has shown us just

what we are dealing with.

This is about all our safety. It's

my word and you'll be out of here.

No Electricity! Now get to work!


Is this necessary?

It's just a precaution until we know

for sure what we're dealing with.

There are a lot of rumours floating

around and not a lot of answers.


So you and Rob met at

Doctors without Borders?

Yeah, yeah. Six months in

Cambodia right out of med school.

Hmm. He says that trip changed his

life, his whole outlook on medicine.

Yeah, mine too. It really

put things in perspective.

Okay. The agents have been

doing checks every 20 minutes,

so just watch your time.

- Thank you again.

- You're welcome.



I'm Margot. I'm the

mayor here, of Seattle.

I want my dad.

I actually just spoke to

your dad. He's right upstairs.

Why won't they let me

see him? Am I in trouble?

No. No, no one is in trouble.

No, I'm just here to

find out what happened.

I already told them.

I didn't do anything.

I just

hate when the plane shakes,

I feel like I'm gonna die.

My daughter Jos used to be

terrified of flying, too.

You remember anything

about what happened?

Might help me clear

things up and get you home.

My hands.

They started hurting a few days ago.

You know, like when you touch laundry

in a dryer and you get a shock?

I was really nervous for the flight,

so my dad gave me a

Benadryl to help me sleep.

Then the plane was shaking,

I woke up, I was so scared

and it was so hard to breathe.

And then a lady started

telling me to put on my belt.

The the flight attendant?

And then my hands started hurting again.

And then she reached

over to put on my belt.

And then suddenly the

blanket was on fire and

everyone was screaming

and everything went flying,

and then the plane just

I swear, I didn't mean to hurt anybody.

- I don't know what I did.

- Hey.

It's okay. We're gonna figure this out.

It's okay. It's okay.

Tell the lady I'm sorry.

What lady? The flight attendant?

I think I hurt her.

I thought the kid just didn't

want to put her belt on

but then it looked like she was seizing.

So I grabbed her.

I just wanted to make sure she

didn't hit her head or something

And then? Did you see it? How

the blanket caught on fire?

No, I didn't see

anything it was so fast

She was trying to push me

off, and her hands were here.

And then there was this, like, jolt.

And it hurt like hell, and then

it didn't hurt at all.

It felt f*cking amazing.

I can't explain it.

I think she gave it to me.

I think we both brought the plane down.

Let's go, Mayor. You're done.

This room is strictly for

approved personnel only.

Oh, my God, Rob. You're

not gonna believe

It's Jos. We gotta get

to her school right now.

What? What? What's going on?

Thank you for getting here

so quickly, Mrs. Cleary-Lopez,

I know you're very busy


Jocelyn Cleary-Lopez!

Jos! Jesus

- Jos!

- Christ.

Mom, I'm I'm over here.

- Oh, my God!

- Jesus!

- Are you okay, honey?

- What the hell is going on here?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

- Oh, my God!

What are you doing here?

I thought only dad was gonna come.

Well, we were both worried.

What are you doing, Joe?

You've been to our house.

We've served you dinner.

And you're gonna treat our

kids like f*cking criminals?

What's wrong with

you, man? Are you sick?

- Have you lost your humanity?

- They're gonna have to be taken care of.

Jesus f*cking Christ.

Can you get those f*cking things

off her or I'm gonna wrap them around

your mother f*cking neck?

- You hear me? You hear me?

- Yeah.

If all of these girls

aren't with their parents

at home in the next hour,

you have a huge problem.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah.

- This will be fine, all right?

- Okay.

I know some girls can, like,

aim it or control it more.

It's like they know

what they want to hit

and how hard they want to hit it.


But mine

mine doesn't work like that.

Okay. How does yours work?


Hey! Hey!

- This?

- Mm-hmm.

You know, this is some weird ass

convent shit you got going on here.

You were in pretty bad shape, you

almost died out there on the road.

Do you know that?

You need a doctor to check you over

but we have a storm coming Friday

so it'll have to be after that.

There'll be no one

in or out for a while.

Can I leave?

Well, as long as you're

out by this afternoon.

After that we have to

lock the place down.

You need to stop by the office

and fill out the identity forms.

All girls must be on record.

Uh-uh, girl. No paper trail.

As soon as I get my shoes, I'm gone.

That suits us just fine.

You won't find much.

We take a vow of poverty.

Sister Monica, Patron

Saint of Wayward Children.

Have a seat, Eve.

I don't want trouble. No police.

Just talk.

Sister Veronica can be a hard ass

but I promise, she's a good woman.

She has done amazing things.

Doesn't seem very Catholic-y.

It isn't. We're nuns in our hearts.

Sisters of Christ in our hearts.

But not in the church.

When I was younger, I

decided to live my truth.

I told my family, this is who I am.

I am a woman.

Not the man that you believed me to be.

I was cast out, no family.

I lost my job.

I was on the streets.

And Veronica found me.

And she guide me.

But for her kindness

she was excommunicated.

All of the women here,

they have been cast out.

Standing up for justice.

Standing up for the weak.

If she stands up for people, why

is she so against the electricity?

Veronica's a revolutionary.

But this power is a crisis of faith.

And she worries.

She knows that consequences

come with change.

Have patience and stay.

Rebel nuns and wayward girls. See?

I told you there's a

place where you belong.

And then, in 2016

Is it impossible? Maybe

Maybe it's transferrable.

Maybe she touched something.

Wait, you're talking about

a virus here? What the hell?

The kids have been posting about

it, everyone is calling it a hoax.

I mean, there's fires and outages

I warned Dandon about this.

I know you did.

I can't believe this

is happening to my baby!

Shh! Shh!

I'm telling you. She's gonna

be okay. She's gonna be fine.

No, she's not. That girl from the plane?

They had her locked up like

E.T., running tests on her.

It is not okay with me that the

world is gonna use our daughter

- as a lab rat.

- Honey, honey.

I don't think it's headed that way.

- How do you know?

- I mean, if there are 50 in a high school

- and you extrapolate from there

- Yeah?

statistically, that's

hundreds and thousands of girls

going through this.

I think we need to get her some help

- and we need to do it quietly.

- Okay.

Can you contact that therapist

that Matty worked with last summer?

What was his name? Doctor

And we need to tell Helen

before this gets out.

Whoa, how would it get out?

Well, we can't keep something

like this a secret forever, Rob.

It's gonna get political.

- Don't do that. Don't do that.

- What?

Don't use that Mayor

Seattle voice on me, okay?

- Because I'm not the enemy, okay?

- Seriously?

You wanna argue about my

tone of voice right now?

- Thank you!

- Hey!

The electric eel is the only animal

that can produce a k*lling

shock of electricity.

Oh, look, Jos, it's

your long-lost family.

Despite the name eel

Give it back I was watching that.

Poor Mom and Dad.

It's like their favourite kid got

an STD from having sex with an eel.

What's an STD?

- Give it. Matty.

- What are you doing?

Let go!

Matty, are you okay?

- Jos! Jos! What's happening?

- I didn't mean to. It was an accident.

Come here.

Let me see Let me check.

Is he okay? What happened to his eye?

Margot, tell Frank to pull up front.

We gotta get him to

a hospital right away.

It was an accident accident.

It's gonna be fine, champ,

I'm telling you. Relax.

Come on, Ndudi.

- What are you doing here?

- Hey, hey. I just wanna talk

- Just go.

- Please.

Come on.

You shouldn't be here.

If my grandmother sees us

together, we are finished.

I know. I know, It's just

Ndudi, I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. I, I just

You just what?

I just I had to see you.


I got a job offer from CNN.

- Wait, Ndudi

- I'm so mad at you.

Tunde, that was my story.

I found it!

- You didn't even want to come.

- Shh.

You were messing around with Adunola.

Making up some nonsense

about some business.

Then you put my face

all over the Internet for

the whole world to see

and now you come here

asking me for advice?

- Because I'm a joke, abi?

- No, no. Ndudi, listen

Here's some advice.

Do something you believe in for once.

Be a man, Tunde.

Ndudi, I don't know what I want to do.

That's not my problem.


Ndudi! Come inside!

What do you think you're gonna

do at this time of the night? Go!

So you're just gonna leave?

Mom and Dad are going

to lose their minds.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime


CNN called me, they want me

to do my style of reporting.

Reporting? Bro, you take video selfies.

I can speak to people

other reporters can't.

And get into places other

reporters are not allowed

Dad is not going to allow

you to come back to the house.

You're neglecting your

school, your job

Things he wants from me. What

about what I want for myself?

Dami, Ndudi is right.

I need to be my own man.

Ah, I'm wasting my life here.

Wasting my time with studies

that don't interest me,

work I can't stand,

girls I don't care about.

I understand most of

what you are saying.

But the girls? They're not so bad.

Dami, this power is spreading.

And it's going to change things.

Here in Nigeria, but all over the

world, In ways we cannot imagine.

This is huge, Dami.

Allah is showing me my path.

This is my destiny.

Look, Jos. Do you like my boobs?

Honey. The doctor's got results.

Good news, his reflexes are strong.

His eyelid shut quickly, so the

injury is limited to the skin.

Oh, thank God.

But I hear a but.

His eye should be okay but you

should consult with a plastic surgeon

for a second opinion.

There may be some scarring.

Oh, man.

All right. Thank you so much. Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Dr. Stevens to the ICU.

It's okay, it's gonna be fine.

It's gonna be fine.

Gonna be fine. There's so much they

can do with skin graft these days.

You know?

Seriously, he's gonna get better.


Honey, hold on. I'll be right back.

Hey, Tash. How are you?

Oh, hi.

You didn't mean to.

- I know it was an accident

- Stop.

Stop what?

Stop pretending like we're so

close and that you're super mom.

I'm not pretending anything.

Today's the most time we've

spent together in over a year.

And it's only because I'm becoming

a liability for your perfect life.

Jos, that is not true.

I love you.

And sorry that I'm not around more.

I thought you didn't

wanna spend time with me.


Oh, my God. Why is he talking about me?

Jos, come on, let's go get some answers.

Honey, she's okay. They

do dozens of these a day.

Come on.

Jos, I need you to stay

as still as possible, okay?


- Dad!

- Get her out. Get her out now.

- Can you, can you play it again?

- Yeah.

So is she okay?

Watch this.

What am I looking at?

See that? It's not

coming from their hands.

It's coming from right there.

I heard from some colleagues

from around the country,

but I hadn't seen it for myself.

We've had a few cases come

through. Two girls with burn scars.

Okay, so Jos sparked when

she went through the scan.

It blew the machine but it gave

us this beautiful, clear picture.

That striated muscle tissue,

it banded into cervical

spinal nerves right here.

at these points, there and there.

Are those pacemaker cells?

- Like the sinoatrial node?

- Yeah, which would explain the

- electrical impulse.

- Layperson terms, please.

- It's an organ.

- It's a new organ.

One that generates electricity.

Well, that's

- insane.

- Well, not really.

The heart, the eye, the brain,

they all generate electricity.

Yeah, but unlike those organs,

that's all this one seems to do.

Well, where did it come from?

Well, I mean, if it was one girl,

I'd say it was a random mutation?

And then nature throws us

curve balls, I know that, but

it's hundreds and thousands.

It could be some genetic switch

that flipped.

Something that was there,

dormant, and it just

But why would it do that?

Has got to be environmental,

right? Don't you think?

Pollution, contaminated

soil, stressors, or

- Survival.

- Yeah.

Oh, God damn it. So, wait,

you're saying either

we did this to these girls or

they developed it out of necessity.

Hi, you've reached Dan's private line.

Leave a message or try my assistant.

What the f*ck, Margot?

Do you have any idea what

time it is? This is harassment.

It's an organ. Girls are

developing a new organ.

They're, they're evolving.

That's what this is.

The electricity, all the

fires, the plane crash.

And we did nothing to prevent this.

We should've put more resources

Okay, calm down, okay?

Just take a breath.

Don't tell me to calm down.

This might be contagious.

How can it be contagious? You

just said it's "evolution."

Okay, that girl from

the plane, Makayla Kelly,

she transferred it

to a flight attendant.

And how would you know that?

Unless you interfered

with an FBI investigation?

You m*therf*cker.

You know all this and you kept it

from me, kept it from the public?

I don't have any obligation to

share classified information.

Classified by whom?

There are a lot of people in Washington,

people much smarter than you

and me putting plans into place.

No one wants to go off

half-cocked and create a panic.

We wait until we have answers

No, you are in the middle of

fundraising for your senate campaign

and this might f*ck up your chances.

Well, Daniel, this is much

bigger than any campaign.

We need to prepare parents.

We need to prepare our girls.

They need to know what's

happening in their own bodies.

You know what they do

to the messenger, right?

You remember what happened with Covid?

I'm not going to put my face out

there as a target for an angry mob.

We wait until D.C. moves on this.

Until then, we try not to get hysterical

and we keep a lid on our feelings.

You love to stand in

front of the cameras

when you can present yourself as a hero.

But when you could be

a source of comfort,

when you could help people

not feel so crazy and

alone you are a coward.

Don't f*ck this up for

me, Margot. I'm serious.

Yeah? Well, so am I.

It's nothing but a hoax.

It's a hoax.

It's fake news.

We're still gathering information

on this, but we think it's a hoax.

Enough. Thank you.


Are you?

I'm so sorry to put you through this.

After all your hard work.

It's what you promised.

When we started down this

path together, you and me

in this f*cked up world of politics.

We're gonna make a splash 'cause

we're gonna do the right thing.

It's definitely f*cked up.

Well, burn it all down. Shit.

I brought the good popcorn.


Good morning.

Well, it's been a very

eventful and stressful week

in this beautiful city of ours.

I know many of you are worried

about rumours flying around.

Things that have been

happening in schools.

And it seems that people

in positions of power

have been telling us it's a hoax.

"Reject the evidence

of your eyes and ears."


This is not a hoax.

I'm here to talk to you as your mayor

but I'm also here to

talk to you as a parent.

I have two beautiful girls at home,

and I don't know about you,

but it's not okay with me

for politicians to make decisions

about what's happens

in my children's bodies.

In the past, we've all seen what happens

when we don't give women information

about what's happening

in their own bodies.

We've all seen or felt

that cycle of shame

and desperation.

Back alley abortions.

Teenage girls with no resources

forced into giving birth.

r*pe victims too afraid to come forward,

and postpartum moms

suffering in silence.

Let us be done withholding.

Okay, this is everything

we know so far

the electrical condition that's

been affecting adolescent girls

- is not a virus or a trick

- Hey, did she tell you

she was gonna do this?

Doctors have discovered

the presence of a new organ

along the collarbone of young women.

It emerges naturally

in girls aged 12 to 19.

And the ability seems

to be transferrable.

The organ appears to be mimicking

some of the electrical

impulses of the heart

We don't know why it has developed

We don't know the extent

or purpose of its power.

These are the questions we will all

face together in the coming months.

The world as we know it

may never be the same

producing electricity.

A rope like organ, composed of

hundreds and

thousands of electrocytes:

cells that can build up electricity

and then release it at once.

Which so far, has affected girls

between the ages of 12 and 19 only.

Just girls, luckily.

It's an organ we have only

seen before in electric fish.

Well, it's just I mean, carry on.

It's vital that these

girls are supported.

Locked up if necessary.

Capital punishment.


Implementing martial law.

We need to act.