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01x01 - We're Gonna Rule the School

Posted: 04/10/23 13:08
by bunniefuu


Shake, baby, shake, shake, shake ♪

Till the meat rolls off your bones ♪


Shake, baby, shake, shake, shake ♪

Till your momma and daddy comes home ♪


Shake, shake ♪




Jane, we need to talk.

Before you say anything,

I just wanna say

thank you for the best summer

of my short life.

[CHUCKLES] What? No.

I should be the one thanking you.

First, you saved my hide by helping me

plan a pep rally that is gonna knock

- this whole town's socks off.


But I enjoy that sort of thing.

And then this happened.

And and this

Has been a dream.


I need you to know,

I am not some naive girl.

You're popular, and I'm not,

and those are just the facts.

Listen, I know it wasn't easy

being the new girl

- at Rydell last year.

- It wasn't.

But I started to hope

that this year, maybe

Never mind.

No, what?

I had this dumb idea.

I could run for student council.

And I know that popular kids usually win,

but I thought after

everyone sees our pep rally,

maybe I'll have a chance.

And if when you win president again,

we could still be a team.

As friends, of course. [CHUCKLES]

Wow. That

That is a dumb idea.

Jane, we're not gonna be friends.

- Oh.

- At least

At least I hope not.

Because I've been trying

to ask you to go steady.

- What?

- And you should definitely

run for student council, I'll endorse you.

This this isn't the end?

Of course not.

It's only the beginning.


I solve my problems, and I see the light ♪

- Is that Brainy Jane?

- We got a lovin' thing ♪

- We gotta feed it right ♪

- In Buddy's jacket?

There ain't no danger ♪

- We can go too far ♪

- BOTH: Aww!

We start believing now ♪

- That we can be who we are ♪


Grease is the word ♪

How did she get that?

Aw, crumbs!

Susan's going to be crushed.

We better go tell her. [LAUGHS]

- Grease is the word ♪

- ALL: Grease is the word ♪

It's the word that you heard ♪

It's got groove it's got meaning ♪

Grease is the time,

is the place, is the motion ♪

Grease is the way we are feeling ♪

Jane and Buddy are going steady.

No way!



Oh, gee.


Girls, look!

Balenciaga just released his fall line,

and the silhouettes are to die for!

- Nancy.

- We're busy.

- With what?



We take the pressure and we throw away ♪

Conventionality belongs to yesterday ♪

ALL: Yesterday ♪

There is a chance that

we can make it so far ♪

We start believing now

that we can be who we are ♪

Grease is the word ♪

[YELPS] Weirdo!

Watch where you're going!



Didn't think she'd show her face again.



Hey, nobody watch my sister walk away!

ALL: Grease is the word,

is the word that you heard ♪

It's got groove It's got meaning ♪

Hey, chica!

Where are you going so fast, beautiful?

Oh, sorry, I forgot

I need a teaching license

before you put out.


This is a life of illusion ♪

Wrapped up in trouble ♪

Laced with confusion ♪

What are we doing here? ♪


Grease is the word ♪

Whoa, it's got groove ♪

It's got meaning ♪

Happy last day of summer, dipsticks!

ALL: Grease is the time,

is the place, is the motion ♪

Grease is the way we are feeling ♪

Grease is the word,

is the word that you heard ♪

We are feeling ♪

ALL: It's got groove it's got meaning ♪

- Whoa ♪

- ALL: Grease is the word ♪

BOTH: Whoo!






Have a fun summer, Jane?

Yeah, have a fun summer?

Dot, don't be rude!

- Don't be rude.

- I'm sorry.

They're just being protective,

because, well,

Buddy and I used to go together.

Oh, but that's ancient history.

Now you're going with him, steady.

That makes me so happy.

- It does?

- Of course.

When Jane showed up at Rydell

in the middle of last year,

I was worried she'd never find her place.

I suppose I shouldn't have worried, though.

Looks like you fit right in.


- It's okay.



See you later, alligator.


It won't last!

She's so square, she's a cube.

Ugh, girls, I'm fine. Truly.

Buddy's moved on, and so will I.


Just watch.

The T-Birds? BOTH: Ew!

They're JDs.

Susan, you wouldn't!



What do you say, gentlemen?

Let's get loaded!

Ditch this passion pit

and have some real fun!

- Sorry, Cynthia.

- Ahh!

The T-Birds are on the prowl tonight.

All right, boys!

You know the drill.

First to get a girl gets the keys.


I'll stay with you.

- See the movie.

- Are you crazy?

You don't go to the theater

to watch a movie.

That's how come they invented TV.

Get out of here.

Hey, I'm with Shy Guy.

These Rydell chicks are inept.

Now that I'm a junior,

I'm focusing on college.


- College?

You barely go to class.

Whoa, college girls.

I want the kinda chick

who's got her own mind,

her own ideas, her own

Buy me a soda, Richie?

Let's bop.


Hey! How you doing?

- You like cars?

- What a drag.

Summer's over.

I'm already freezing my teets off.

You uh you wanna borrow my jacket?

- [CHUCKLES] Please!

- I'm not the type of gal who

Wait, your T-Birds jacket?


Look at that.

It suits you.

I'd, uh

I'd like to see that jacket

on you more often.

Finally, someone says it!

I've been too afraid to ask.

You think the other guys would go for it?


I meant, um



My own T-Birds jacket.

Night's looking up.

I think I'll go eat my weight in hot dogs.


Never gonna catch it.

Everyone, I've got an announcement to make.

Jane and I are going steady.


Big commitment.

You could've just paid her

to do your homework for you.


You'll get used to Neil.

We all have.

- Welcome to the crew, Jane.

- Thanks.

I wanna travel lots after I graduate.

Tahiti, Machu Picchu

Bless you.



- Uh, come on.

The movie's about to start.

We don't want to miss it.

Oh, my God. Do

Do you think anyone can see us back here?



This part's very romantic.



[WHISPERING] Dot! Don't look now,

but there's a boy making eyes at you.

And he's really cute.

So cute.



You guys had me going there.

Popcorn, anyone?






Everyone's being nice, Mom.

Just pick me up.



Dot, are you the [RECEIVER CLICKS]


- Louise, you won't believe it.

- They didn't!

Buddy and Jane? [PHONES RINGING]

- All the way?

- No!

She is from New York.

What does that have to do with anything?

I heard she had a real reputation there.

- Jane?

- Went all the way?


- That's why she has

She's such a nymphomaniac.

And the baby's not Buddy's?

I just found out.




Spent my best years in the hallways ♪

Hoping the world would see me

and my telescopic truth ♪

Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

CHORUS: Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

Today, I'm gonna

burst their eyes wide open ♪

First day of school,

and I'm flying in brand new ♪

Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

CHORUS: Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

New and improved ♪

No more teenage fears ♪

It's gonna be different this year ♪


Mom, please!

I'm done talking about it, Fran.

It's my last year of junior high!

I'm practically a woman!

Pierced ears are for fast girls.

- Betty's doing hers.

- Ha!

And what does that tell you?

You got your ears pierced

when you were a baby!

Because that's how they

did things in Puerto Rico.

Here, no one is doing it,

so you are not doing it.

Uh-uh, no Spanish.

We left that in New York.

Fran, you are half-Italian.


Daddy doesn't even speak Italian.

Sure, I do!



Jane, please have a talk with your sister.

This Betty character is a bad seed.

I will.


Whose jacket was that?


Look out, I am here ♪

It's gonna be different this year ♪

That goody two-shoes Frigidaire?

- Dream on, boys.

- It's true.

I heard she made it with

half the Brooklyn Dodgers

before she left New York. [LAUGHTER]

They had an awful season that year.

Oh, look!

It's the belle of the ball!

Change your face, Richie,

or I'll rearrange it.

Ah, let her do it, chato.

Can't get uglier than what you've got now.






Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

- Whoo!


Student council sign-ups.



The ladder you requested

for your pep rally banner.

Gosh, Ms. McGee, are you all right?

Oh, just enjoying a little

vigorous exercise, dear.

Usually, I'd have Rose's help,

but she retired

over the summer,

and Principal Nicholson felt

there was no need to hire a new secretary,

since I have all the necessary skills

required to do both jobs.

How wonderful to have the confidence

of your superiors.

No hats inside, young man!



- We're back, baby.


Ooh, goody-goody! The pep rally!


I beg your pardon?

I'm sorry, honey.

It's just, my friends here

have never been to New York.

And we heard under your skirt

is New York City's

most visited tourist attraction.


Come on, morons!

Excuse me.

What else are people saying about me?

Hey, name's Bennett, and I'm not in it.


Look, they're saying you had to flee

the New York mafia to seek treatment

for your nymphomania.

But it didn't work.

Now, you've given Buddy

Aldridge venereal disease.

- What?

- You're knocked up too.

- Twins!

- Different fathers.



Catch you later.


Buddy, people are saying

the most awful things about us.

I know, I heard.

Did you tell somebody about last night?

Of course not. Did you?

No, no!

- Could somebody have seen us?

- Well

even if they did, we didn't go all the way.

We did other things, but that's different.

And private.


the other rumors?

[CHUCKLES] Obviously, they're not true.

Buddy, you don't believe them?

No, no.

Of course not.

[SIGHS] Okay. Okay.

Well, as long as you believe me,

I don't care what anyone else thinks.

Well, maybe we should.

Student council kids are supposed to be

the good, clean-cut type.

Who's gonna vote for us if they think

we're sex deviants with each other?


We just have to clear our reputations

before the pep rally tonight.


The rumors are everywhere.

We'll divide and conquer.

You take the boys, I'll take the girls,

and eventually, just like with the rumors,

word will get around.

See, this is why you date a brain.


Don't worry.

- We can fix this.


It'll be a



Good morning, boys and girls,

and welcome to the 1954-55 school year,

sure to be our greatest year at Rydell yet.

It's time to make new friends.

Make new friends, but keep the old ♪

One is silver, and the other's gold ♪


Was it on?

I'm not sure.



Oh, oh, oh, oh



Saved you a seat

on my lap!


Maybe you've heard.

I don't fraternize with high school boys.

Strange things are happening ♪

Things that I just can't understand ♪

Oh, oh, oh, oh


Hello, you may have heard some unfortunate

rumors about

About me and Buddy Aldridge.

Hello, I

Whoa! Back up, sister.

We don't wanna get the clap.

I don't have the clap.

What what is the clap?

We don't know!

And we don't wanna find out.


- That's it.

- All right, all right, fellas,

but that's not what happened.

We are waiting for marriage.

Come on.


Hello, you may have heard

I don't care about your sex life.

But I didn't

I don't have one.

- That makes sense.


Thank you!

Would you tell your friends that, too?

Probably not.

My friends and I only talk

about interesting things.




Hi, Nancy.

Look, they finally came!

- Our applications!

- For what?

For the Traphagen School of Fashion.

Our dream.

Feel them.

Even the paper is luxurious.


We are one step closer to becoming

famous New York designers

and getting out of this dump.


We promised Roy and Bill

we'd eat lunch with them today.

On the bleachers.

The bleachers?

They're only for JDs and tonsil hockey.


OK, let's go.

Hi. I'm Jane.

Hi. I'm busy.

I'll make it quick.

I just wanted to address some rumors

going around about me and Buddy Aldridge

going all the way.

They are not true, and quite frankly,

- I just think

- A little advice?


Once the gossip train

gets going around here,

there's no going back to the station.

Either get on in the direction it's going,

or get run over.


Thank you so much for that advice.

But I do think most kids here

at Rydell are reasonable.

- I just

- Okay, honey.

- It was a misunder

- Take a glass half-full,

and drown in it, then.

Richie! Richie!

- Hi!

- Oh, hi, Susan.

I had a wonderful time last night.

Yeah, good flick.

Yeah, it was really romantic.

Richie. Richie!

Are you gonna ask me

on another date or what?

Listen, I'm real sorry, but I can't.

Why not?

Because kissing you

is like going through

a car wash without a car!



Oh, Richie Valdovinos, you're despicable!



What is it?

- Oh.

- What's going on here?

I had one soda with him

last night to be nice,

and now he won't leave me alone.

- He's stalking me!

- She's flipped!

She's been tracking me

like a bloodhound all day!

As if I would chase after a boy like him!

- What's that supposed to mean?

- It means

she doesn't wanna

be bothered by any lowlife,

dirty greasers.

Or their whore sisters.

Nobody talks about

- Oh!


Oh, nice one.

Yeah! Stay down.





Richie was telling the truth, I saw it.

I was under the bleachers.

Well, that figures.


Richie rejected Susan for a second date,

not the other way around.

He was a little rude about it.

Richie Valdovinos has

never even had a second date.

Yeah, not with a girl like her.

Susan, someone could get hurt.

I may have exaggerated a little.

Okay, that's it.

Everybody, move on. Come on.


Just remember your place

here at Rydell, turkeys.

- Come on!



We will be studying cooking, cleaning,

rearing children, sewing,

and budgeting for the home.

What else does the modern

woman need to know?

I hear Jane could teach us a few things.



I'm going to go grab the tuna

from the cafeteria

for our Jell-O molds.

You may begin your assigned tasks.


You know, you're right, Susan.

I think Jane could teach us a few things

about those kinds of girls.

Oh, yeah?

And it's not what you think.

My cousin in New York knows Janey ♪

Said all the girls

there hate Miss Brainy ♪

See, NYC girls are so risqu ♪

They love fun, they love g*ns ♪

They love whiskey ♪

They're sex-crazed and g*ng-adjacent ♪

So goody two-shoes Jane

and her boring killjoy ways ♪

Drove the New York girls insane ♪

And she'd k*ll their fun in every way ♪

They'd say ♪

CHORUS: Shake, shake, shake off ♪

That good girl act ♪

Shake, shake, shake off ♪

That good girl act ♪

Out all night with the fakest of IDs ♪

Borough to borough, dropping

boys to their knees ♪

So much eyeliner they can't even see ♪

Jane clutched her pearls

as she held back her scream ♪

Then they'd say, good girls finish last ♪

And nice guys,

they finish too fast, yeah ♪

So give in, embrace the bad ♪

And shake, shake, shake, shake off ♪

That good girl act ♪

Shake, shake, shake off ♪

That good girl act ♪

Shake, shake, shake off ♪

That good girl act ♪

These New York girls,

tell me, what do they wear? ♪

- Uh-huh, uh-huh

- Heels so high ♪

They make the baddest boys stare ♪

- Uh-huh, uh-huh

- Sweaters so tight ♪

That the seams would all tear ♪

And in the back of the car ♪

Nothing but a smile, my dear ♪

Then they'd say ♪

Good girls finish last ♪

And nice guys they finish too fast, yeah ♪

So give in, embrace the bad ♪

And shake, shake, shake ♪

Shake off that good girl act ♪

Shake, shake, shake off ♪

That good girl act ♪

Shake, shake, shake off ♪

They tried seducing her into a life ♪

Of sex, dr*gs, and crime ♪

She had the strength to resist ♪

- Every single time ♪


- They'd smoke ♪

- She'd choke ♪

- They'd stray ♪

- She'd pray ♪

- They'd steal ♪

- She'd pay ♪

ALL: And tip ♪

The girls would come after her ♪

Verbally m*ssacre ♪

Then it got physical ♪

Beat down by mannequin fists ♪

Jane went to confession, ♪

Exposed the girls messing ♪

Around with strange boys ♪

With dr*gs and possession ♪

The priest called the police ♪

The police came knocking ♪

The girls got the word ♪

That Jane did the talking ♪

So they circled the building ♪

Screaming and shouting ♪

Set out of town ♪

Or we'll do some pounding, yeah ♪

Shake, shake, shake off ♪

Shake off that good girl act ♪

Shake, shake, shake off ♪

Shake off that good girl act ♪

- Shake, shake, shake off ♪

- Stop it!

What are you doing!

Having fun! Try it, Susan.





Who started this?

This is marvelous.

Now I can tell everyone

here what I think about them

without saying a word.

Hall passes, anyone?


Please, sit down.

We don't want to get into any more trouble!


Oh, man.

I don't know how I got

caught up in all this.

[CHUCKLES] You have a real funny way

of saying thank you, you know that?

If you could just take a few moments

to approve these budgets, I filled out

everything in triplicate.

I have lunch with the boosters.



Ms. Valdovinos, my office.

For your decolletage.


Smells like Friday nights at home. [SCOFFS]

From your personal collection?

I'm calling your mother.

No, wait!

She said if I screw up again, she'll send me

to St. Bernadette's.

The nuns hit you there. [CHUCKLES]

I've never gone to school

without my brother, so

Last year, after your

incident with Mr. Daniels,

I advocated for you to stay at Rydell,

because you're a promising student,

and I believe in second chances.

I do not believe in third chances.

Yes, Ms. McGee.

Ladies, first days are difficult.

But remember, future misbehavior

will not be tolerated.

Thanks a mil, Ms. McGee.

Ms. Zdunowski, a reminder.

Try as you might,

you'll never be one of the boys.

Kinda like you'll never

be a real principal, eh?

Jane, you're a good girl.

You must be careful with whom you associate.

After all, a girl's reputation

is all that she has.





You didn't get into much trouble, did you?

Did you get the paddle?

- No.

- We're sorry

we believed all those rumors.

Especially after what you

went through in New York.

Jeepers, I hope we can still be friends.


Is Susan all right?

Don't worry about her.

She's a moody Judy.

She'll snap out of it.

What's going on? Heard you were in

- the principal's office?

- Well


I did it.

I cleared our reputations.

Hey, that's swell!


- I knew you'd do it.

Uh, I gotta run to practice, but


ALL: Aww!

We've gotta do something!

The T-Bird name demands respect.

The T-Bird jacket demands respect.

Speaking of jackets

Let's just forget the whole thing.

You know our place?

Our place is at the top.

I wanna be a T-Bird.



Come on! Fellas, I'm serious.

I'm with you guys all the time, anyway.

And I always bring the booze and reefer.

Reefer? You got us one half

a birdie, one time.

You smoked it!

Please, I'll earn my way in.

A bona fide initiation.


What are you gonna do?

I'll get you revenge.

The world's changing, boys!

Howdy Doody, Joe College

he's on the way out!

The wild one, Marlon Brando, the T-Birds.

That's who's next.

We got the cars, the bikes, the chops.

Yeah, we're covered in grease!

That's why we're so slick!

We just gotta 'em know it.

No more disrespecting ♪

No more gettin' double decking ♪

Better bet that I'll be

checking every square I know ♪

Teach the social lesson

Might be Catholic ♪

As confession but no more genuflectin' ♪

I'm Jewish, though!

Down with the phonies

and up with the new cool ♪

The T-Birds are ruling the new school ♪

Down with the phonies

and up with the new cool ♪

The T-Bird are ruling the new school ♪

Ooh, ooh ♪

ALL: The new cool, yeah,

the new cool, yeah ♪

Ooh, ooh ♪

ALL: The new cool, yeah, the new cool ♪

Come on, someone tell me ♪

Why do all the pretty preppies ♪

Run the school like Thomas Jeffy? ♪

'Cause their Daddy's rich ♪

It's 'cause they're Anglos, no offense ♪

With khaki pants their mamas pressed ♪

Silver spoons in all their fists ♪

This BS has gotta end ♪

Down with the phonies

and up with the new cool ♪

The T-Birds are ruling the new school ♪

Down with the phonies

and up with the new cool ♪

The T-Birds are ruling the new school ♪

Ooh, ooh ♪

ALL: The new cool, yeah,

the new cool, yeah ♪

Ooh, ooh ♪

ALL: The new cool, yeah, the new cool ♪

All the footballers,

they aren't that much taller ♪

And somehow they lose every game ♪

ALL: Somehow they lose every game!

But with starch on their collars ♪

And their daddy's dollars ♪

They still walk away with the fame, okay ♪

We got the sexiest cars,

souped up to Mars ♪

We got the battling scars

from living real hard ♪

We got the good kinda nerve

the kind that's been earned ♪

It's a brand new world ♪

We're stealing your girls ♪

ALL: The T-Birds are

ruling the new school ♪

Yeah, gimme some more

Hoo, yeah, gimme some more ♪

Hoo, yeah, gimme some more ♪

Gimme some more, gimme some more ♪

Hoo, yeah, gimme some more ♪

Hoo, yeah, gimme some more

Hoo, yeah, gimme some more ♪

The T-Birds are ruling the new school ♪

Oh, yeah, yeah ♪

The new cool, yeah, the new cool, yeah ♪

Oh, yeah, yeah ♪

The new cool, yeah the new cool, yeah ♪

Hey, in the morning, I got my own jacket ♪

The new cool, yeah the new cool, yeah ♪

Oh ♪

We got the new cool, yeah ♪

- The new cool ♪



So how are we getting this revenge?

We're gonna disrupt their dumb little

hero-worship ceremony tonight.

- The pep rally?

- And if we pull it off,

I get my own T-Birds jacket.

Hell, if we pull it off, I'll give you mine.




Whoo! Yeah!

Oh, so this is what

a pep rally looks like, huh?

Very nice.


Too bad we're gonna ruin it!

Do you know where the bathrooms are?

Around to the left?

People are starting to come,

so make sure that the cars

- don't park past the cones.

- You got it, Jane!

- Come on, guys, let's go!

- Look at this!

We're so proud of you, princess.

And it's nice to have a reason

to be proud of your daughter.

Aren't they stunning?

- Oh!

- That Betty did this to her,

and she gave your sister

the most vulgar nickname


You've just got to talk to her.

I will.


Excuse me.


Don't you have some cheerleaders to stack

in a pyramid or something?

I don't blame you for being upset with me.

You saved my life today.

And I didn't even get in trouble for it,

- and that's not fair.

- At ease, Doris Day.

I'm used to it.

I know it's none of my business,

what happened between you and

Mr. Daniels.

But I know people have got it all wrong.

Careful with them.

They're not all bad.

Hey! You should come to the

Frosty Palace with us after.

You're kidding.

I just noticed that you're always


And, well, wouldn't high school

be more fun with friends?

People like you have fun in high school.

People like me survive.


Everyone's hopelessly

confused about their cues.

Help us!


You're dumping me?

We know we used to be the three musketeers.

But Edith and I

we've matured.



Welcome, Rydell Rangers!


Here's our Rydell cheerleaders!





Wait, where are the mascots?

[TOGETHER] Come on, Red, come on, White.

Go, Rydell, fight, fight, fight!

Come on, Red, come on, White.

Go, Rydell, fight, fight, fight!






What the hell is happening?

Now, go, go, go, go!

All right, let's go, let's go!





Put those away!

I wanna see those in my office!


What's your deal? Get with the program!


Rydell Rangers are losers!

- Whoa, hey!


- T-Birds rule!


- Ms. McGee, do something!

- Stop it!

- Let's go! Let's go! Run!

- Stop it! Stop it!

You! Come here, you!

I'm gonna get you!

You're not gonna outrun me. [LAUGHTER]



Jane's fast!

Poor choice of words.


- Again? Ugh!

I thought you said we were friends!

That's before we found out you lied to us.

We believed you, Jane.

And what, you believe Susan now?


They believe Buddy.

He told Neil at practice

exactly what you did

to get that jacket.




- I want a ding-dong daddy

- Ding-dong daddy

[CHEERING] I want a ding-dong daddy

- Ding-dong daddy

- I want a ding-dong daddy

Ding-dong daddy

Hey, fellas. That was a real kick.

Any quotes for the "Rydell Review"?

Whatever are you talking about?

Yeah, we got no idea who were

behind those masked derrieres.


Hey, go easy now, boys.

Hey, where have you been?

McGee caught me.

But don't you guys worry.

I told her it was my idea.

Thanks, Cynth.

You're a champ.

So you need my measurements

for that jacket, or

The thing is, the T-Birds just got

a little respect around here.

We can't let a girl in the g*ng now.

You can still pal around with us.

We all want that.


Don't worry about it.

It was a stupid idea anyway.

Hey, I'll catch you guys later!

Oh, sorry!

Oh, hey.


Tough night.


Sorry. I I have to go.

Yeah. Sure.

I get it.

Did you tell Neil we went all the way?



Look, it's just how guys talk.

Nobody believes half of it.

He said he wouldn't tell anyone.


He's got the biggest mouth at Rydell!

Well, we almost went all the way,

and you were pretty eager

to do the things we did.

- So were you.

- Well, yeah, but

But girls are supposed to

Well, you know

Put up a fight.


It's not as bad as it seems.

These things blow over.

Maybe for you.

Wait, I'm sorry. I'm a jerk. Jane!

I love you!


I love you.



[SIGHS] Okay.

So what now?

I've thought this through.

And I think we have to break up.

Not not for real.

It's just until after the election.

I'll run, and then when I win,

I'll bring you back on.

And we can still see each

other in secret until then.

It'll be like summer.

Good thinking, make it, uh, look like

Summer's over.




You embarrassed us tonight.

You even going to ask if it's true?

I know it's not true.

But if people think it's true,

you must have put yourself

in some kind of situation.

We're trying to fit in here.

You need to be mindful of that.




- Hi.

- Fran!


Sometimes I sneak into your room

when you're gone, because

it's so much nicer than mine,

and then I heard Mom come in, and

Hey, uh, Mom said you wanted to talk to me?

Mother thinks your friend,

Betty, is a bad influence.

[SCOFFS] You're one to talk!

Betty, you promised you'd stay put.

And Miss Mary Magdalene preaching.

What is she doing here?

We have secret sleepovers sometimes.

- Don't tell Mom.

- Yeah.

She might take the stick out

of her ass and hit us with it.


This girl does seem like trouble.

Maybe you should consider different company.

No. When I moved here,

I got bullied every day at school.

- Oh.

- By Betty.

She made fun of how fast I talked,

and how strange I talked,

and how much I talked,

and I'd just laugh it off, you know.

'Cause what else can you do?

Except talk less.

So one day, a boy was

teasing me about my voice,

and Betty walked right up and kicked him

right in the family jewels!

Said only she can talk to me like that.

After that, I walked right on up to her

and said, Betty Rizzo,

meet your new best friend.

And she said, fine.

But I knew she meant

you're my best friend, too.

So I'm sorry, but I'm not dropping Betty.

'Cause a friend like her is the only way

I'm gonna survive junior high.

Deal with it.



So you're right about the Socs.

- Obviously.

- I know.

I was thinking, after what

happened to me last night,

and to you last year

We should become lifelong

pals forever and ever.

Wouldn't that just be the most?

You know what?

You can drown in a glass half-empty too.

- All right, settle down.





Settle down, everyone.


Shh. Okay, everyone.

Shh. Okay, okay, okay.

Please pay attention.

Settle down.

Settle down, everybody. [CHATTER STOPS]

All candidates to the stage.

All candidates to the stage.

I want to promise you all that nothing

like the shenanigans

of last night's pep rally

will ever happen again.

As the current class president,

I take responsibility for that.

I failed you.

It wasn't his fault.

Poor Buddy.

Such a good guy.

But know that because I failed you,

I will work harder than

ever to win back your trust.


If you vote for me, I promise that things

will go back to like before,

so we can all just have fun again.


And I endorse him!

Let's have fun like we did before!

[TOGETHER] Vote for Buddy in '54!

Let's have fun like we did before!

ALL: Vote for Buddy in '54!


Vote for Buddy in '54!

All right, all right.

All right. That's enough.

And now, for the candidates

for student council.

First up, Jane Facciano.



I I don't wanna run anymore.

It's okay, Jane. You may be seated.

- Slut!


Who said that?


I just wanna say that I don't think Rydell

was so fun for everyone before.

It wasn't for me.

And I know it hasn't been for

a lot of kids who don't fit in

for whatever reason,

'cause we're considered strange

or the wrong type.

The truth is that most

people in this auditorium

aren't popular.

Some don't even want to be.

We just wanna be ourselves

but we haven't even gotten

the chance to do that yet

or to have fun.

'Cause we're too busy just

trying to survive high school.

Maybe you've accepted that.

Maybe you're used to things

being that way at Rydell.

As the new girl, I'll tell you,

it's crap.


Jane, if you're not going to run

I endorse her.

You can't endorse her.

She isn't running for anything.

Well, maybe she should.

I endorse her too.


Me three!

Get off the stage!


- Tramp!

- Spaz!


Stop it. Stop it.

I will give you all detention!

All of you!

All of you will fit in my office!

Now, Jane, would you like to throw

your hat back into the ring?


For president.

- What?






Vote for Jane!





Nobody look at my sister!


This is indecent!

This is fantastic!

I'm developing a sudden

interest in politics!

Where do I register?

Pull those skirts up right now!


Make Rydell fun for everyone!

All my baby ♪

- This way!

- Wants to do is the mambo ♪

Oh, my God!

All my baby wants to do is the mambo ♪

Morning, noon ♪

Ghost it!

- With the mambo ♪


- It goes ♪



Hey, hey, hey! That's my car!

Ha! I taught her that.




We did that.

Holy smokes, what did we just do? ♪

That was crazy, baby, breaking news ♪

I got chills running right,

right through me ♪

What is this feeling?

Is this the new me? ♪

Oh, my God, there's no going back ♪

I'm on the verge of a heart attack ♪

How could we have been so stupid? ♪

I don't know, it's kinda

fun being ruthless ♪

Go ahead, lock me up I'm done ♪

ALL: I'd rather that than hold my tongue ♪

Who am I to think I could run? ♪

What would my campaign be? ♪

ALL: Presidential slut ♪

Two days ago, I was in his jacket ♪

Now I've burned my

whole life with matches ♪

BOTH: Why couldn't I just

keep my mouth shut? ♪

I threw away every ounce of the love ♪

What the hell are you talking about? ♪

You're acting like we're six feet down ♪

Who said boys are the king of jackets? ♪

Those tasteless dogs

don't dictate fashion ♪

No more teenage tears ♪

Over ugly outerwear ♪

ALL: It's gonna be different this year ♪

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

La, la, la, la, la, la ♪

There's no going back, but

who would wanna? ♪

Sure, we're outcast ♪

But that's the new kind of cool ♪

- Whoo, ooh, ooh

- ALL: Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

New and improved ♪

We don't need a letter man or a leather ♪

ALL: Powerless apart

but strong together, ooh ♪

- Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

- Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

Yeah, and that's the truth ♪

ALL: No more teenage fears

It's gonna be different this year ♪

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

La, la, la, la, la, la ♪

Four of us together ♪

We should start a new g*ng ♪

We'll rule the school ♪

Doing like a big bang, boom ♪

- Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

- Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

ALL: New and improved ♪

Back each other up build a little clout ♪

Show them the new fitting in

is standing out, vavoom ♪

- Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

- Whoo, ooh, ooh ♪

Yeah, and that's the truth ♪

No more teenage fears ♪

Ahh, ahh, ahh ♪

ALL: We're the new top tier ♪

Ahh, ahh, ahh ♪

ALL: Look out, we are here ♪

It's gonna be different this year ♪

We're gonna need some jackets.