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05x01 - The Slaughterhouse

Posted: 04/10/23 07:33
by bunniefuu





- Good evening, sir.

- Looking for a little fun?


No one will bother us

if you'd care to join me.

We can do anything you want.

Get your f*cking hands off of her.

I told you you're not welcome

here, Jack, so piss the f*ck off!

If this is a matter of payment

It's a matter of you being

a sick f*cking pervert.

You should know that that

walking stick is worth more

than your putrid, rat-infested,

pathetic life.

A man does have a right to protect himself.

A woman does, too.

Except my girls can't against

sick, rich bastards like you.

Stay away from my girls and boys.

Or I'll carve you.











Not safe is this part of town for a

young widow at this hour.

What are you hiding?

Might need to take a little peek

at that pretty face.

Although I don't know

if it's gonna stay pretty

much longer.


Just let me go. I will disembowel you alive.


Wait. What are you No. Oh, what

are you doing? No, no, just just stop.

That's it. Just just stop. No, no, no.

Let me go. No! Let me go! Let me go.

Stop! No, no, stop! Stop! Leave me alone!

Set me free at once!

What are you doing?!










You know, it's not easy,

waiting here with this thing dripping

blood and God knows what else beside you.

This thing has a name.

It's Alistair Simcoe.

You told me he was called Jack.

Society man wandering around

this side of town, he'd go by an alias.

Well, he wasn't fooling anyone

with the Jack bullshit,

getting off on pretending

to be Jack the Ripper.

Unless he was.

You remember that woman all chopped

up years back not too far from here?

Ah, no, they caught the

sick f*ck who trapped her

Hung him up by the neck until it

stretched out, right, Detective? Gah!

I just don't understand. How does

someone do that to another living being?

Looks like her k*ller was

using a double-bladed w*apon.

Yeah, here and here.

Got the telltale pinching of the

skin where two blades would meet.

Large pair of shears, I were to guess.

Yeah, I think that was

a moral question, Detective.

And how did you happen across him?

I was with a fella.

He was going down the alley there,

and a lady in black raced past,

all bloody and breathy.

- A woman?

- Saw her with my own eyes. I did.

And I

found him.

The alleyway is very dark.

How could you have possibly seen

what she was wearing?

They was widow's weeds.


Perfect name for a k*ller.

But why did you call

Mr. Simcoe Jack the Ripper?

He'd get a hard-on carving up some of

my working girls. Carved up their faces.

You ask me, he had this coming.

The f*ck's lucky it wasn't me.

- I don't know if I'd call that lucky.

- Outta' the way.


Glad I skipped breakfast.

- Wh-what was he doing down there?

- Tsk. My selfless sister,

Venetia, has often ventured

to the dark corners of the city

to administer to the needs

of the downtrodden,

but only during daylight hours, of course.

Your dear, departed Alistair was a

a saint among men,

to be down there at night.

Did he often venture to the Devil's Elbow?


Ah Oh.

You have a guest. I must be off.

Our half-sister arrives from Boston

this very day. Remember, Regina,

Venetia and I are only three

houses down if you need us.

Mrs. Simcoe, I'm Detective

Kenneth Rijkers with the Toronto Police.

I'm afraid my neighbour, Viviana

Botticelli, has already beaten you to it.


I'm so sorry for your loss.

If my husband was down there

he was down there to help someone.

Someone in desperate need of it.

Did your husband have any enemies?

Anyone that would have reason to m*rder him?

He was in the wrong

place at the wrong time.

That may very well be true

It is the truth, sir.

My my husband could not possibly

have become the target for some kind of

premeditated m*rder; he is

He was an upstanding member of society, sir.

- Mrs. Simcoe

- we want to catch who did this.

And that means asking

some uncomfortable questions.

I promise we will catch them.

"The Widow is Here"?

"Is the Widow stalking the rich,

"or have the poor of Toronto

finally had enough?" Ah, bullshit.

Alistair loved mucking around in

the gutter, the poor, stupid bastard.

Enid Jenkins keeps trying to fan the flames.

That Cockney bitch will need a reminder:

I own the Echo Tribune, not her.

Would you like me

to pay her a visit, Mr. Garvey?

I'd like you to rip her f*cking throat out.

Get your ass down to the

Devil's Elbow, Queen's Chamber,

any dark corner where people

sell their bodies.

Somebody k*lled Alistair, so

somebody will have to be dealt with.


I got a licence. I own this property.

I pay you f*ckers and that shit-stain

Basil Garvey enough as it is already.

- If you're here to try

- Mr. Crenshaw, that's not why I'm here.

There was a m*rder last night.

- There's a m*rder every night.

- Yes.

But this was a john m*rder*d

down in the Devil's Elbow.


So he was a member of the upper classes.

Alistair Simcoe?

You knew him?

Everyone knew that sick sadist.

Alistair did that to you?

It was his idea of a tip.

For my services.

- Was he charged?

- A gentleman like that?

I banned that piece of shit from

the Queen's Chamber for life.

We had nothing to do with his death.

No? Because that looks like

pretty good motivation for revenge.

We were all here last night, Detective.

Got a bar full of patrons to verify it.

You do, huh?

Men who'll go on record about spending

an evening in an establishment like this?


I protect my girls and boys.

Queen's Chamber is a safe place

for them and my clients,

and because of that, that demonic prick

was reduced to hunting street walkers.

You want to know who might've

wanted revenge against Alistair Simcoe?

Any of the cheap pimps

and lost souls out there.

When you find out who it was

tell me.

I'll buy them a f*cking drink.


Whoa, whoa.









- Ah.

My word.

Look how pretty you are.

Prettier than your picture even.

It is incredible to finally meet you

after the passing of our dear father.

Sisters united in grief.

Let's get you inside, you poor dear.

You must be exhausted.

Travelling all the way from Boston.

It is so good that you're here.


I hope Toronto isn't too provincial

for someone as worldly as you.

Verdi, my dear?

Pardon. Uh worldly, no.

Exhausted, however.

- Ah.

- But you're here now.

The Botticelli sisters.

Finally together.





Today, I will be performing

a radical nephrectomy

for a patient who suffers

from kidney disease.

Now, to get to the kidney,

I must cut through muscle.



Remove some perirenal fat.

Our patient enjoys his food and his drink.


- Ahem.

Next, I must remove the ureter.

The tube that transfers urine

to the bladder.

- She means piss.



And once I've snipped

the last of the blood vessels


I can remove the kidney.




Is that my

Looks like somebody dropped by for a visit.

- Is that my - Shhh

- My




- Nighty-night. [LAUGHTER]

No fingerprints or trace. He

was alive at the start of the attack,

which began at his groin and

continued up along his spinal column.

Most likely bled to death,

but not before suffering extensive

damage to his internal organs.

The knots that were around his wrists

seem to be of a kind common

in Japan called the hayanawa.

How on Earth do you know that?

I'm curious about detective work everywhere.

So our victim suspended,

incapacitated, like a butterfly

on a mounting board.

Yes. Why?

The victim's arms restricted, the

k*ller could get to work with the shears.

And what I find interesting

about this is the attack. It's overkill.

Not if you want to display

the body on a horse post.

- Makes the m*rder

- Personal.

The k*ller is strong.

Or very angry.

The anger could supply the strength.

This isn't just a random m*rder.

The k*ller's sending a message.

- Bullshit.

- Please, sir, hear me out.

The v*olence visited upon Alistair Simcoe,

it's it's not random.

This is years of hate.

H-his body was put on a horse post

Because the k*ller wants to know if

a horse post could fit in a man's ass.

Now we all know. He's a pervy,

sick f*ck, just like the rest of his kind.

Her kind.

Witnesses say they saw a woman.

A woman? Tying a man to a wall,

giving him an ass extension up

to the back of his neck? Come on.

Son, you've been newly promoted

to detective,

so you're missing a

little of the obvious. One:

You got a man with a history of slicing

the faces of guys and gals he fucks.

TWO: You got a lot

of angry pimps and whores.

Add some booze and a dark, desolate street

and Mr. Fancy Pants winds up

with a cave for an ass.

Sir, I suppose I just

don't see it that way.


That's 'cause you're new, fresh. You

think you gotta reinvent the wheel

when the wheel just keeps rolling through

the same shit year after year after year.

You wouldn't want us walking on the

carpets, let along f*ckin' in your beds.

I'm inviting you. Please, come on.

What we do doesn't have to be

a gutter trade.

You want to know the biggest

thing keeping me away from there?

- Pay me 10%. It's nothing.

- See, you, I can handle.

It's Basil f*ckin' Garvey.

We work at the Queen's. I'm

putting money in his pockets, yeah?

He owns the entire district. Can't buy a

meal down here without giving him money.

- Leave.

- Ah! Get your hands off of me!

- Hey!

- Get off my street and maybe I will!

Your street? What are you

going on about, your street?

My boss sent me down.

He doesn't own the f*ckin' pavement!

No. But he owns the walls

you and your sluts f*ck against.

Hey, hey, hey, hey! Calm down! Calm down.

You can't force people off a public street.

Oh, really, Terrence?

You want to go back to Mr. Garvey

and tell him that's what you think?

That's what I'm talking about.

Come to the Queen's Chamber

You can f*ck off.


And you can f*ck off.

And so can Basil Garvey.

'Cause we're no longer gonna be

taking crap from you rich bastards.

You hear me? Us street rats are rising up!

So why don't you run off to your bastard,

and you tell him that if he keeps this up,

I'm gonna have my fist so far

up his f*ckin' ass

that he'll be licking his own

shit pipe when I'm done with him.


You're gonna be sorry you said that.

Yeah we'll see.


- It's for Daisy.

- [MAN]: Go on, get off of here!


[SNIFFLING] - Hmm. Maybe you

aren't ready for the Queen's Chamber.

That was a mistake.



- Your bedroom, it's

- My Shangri-La.

Isn't it otherworldly?

Yes, truly.

Tell us, sister ours,

do you have a dress

befitting a night full of magic?

I have the one I arrived in.

A-and another one very much like it.

Oh, that will not do.

No, it will not do at all. No, no.


This, however [VENETIA GASPING]

will make you positively


Oh, yes! Yes.

[LAUGHING] You'll be the belle of the ball.

We're going to a ball?

Even better.

- Mm.


His bullheadedness is putting

his boys and girls in grave danger.

- It's not our problem.

- I've worked those streets for years.

And then you built this pleasure dome.

And when Horatio winds up

spread-eagled with a hot poker up his ass,

his boys and girls will flock to us

and we'll get them at a bargain.



You don't build a business

like this without thinking like that.

You're not a saint and neither am I.

That's the nature of our bond.

You didn't perform last night.



so where were you, then?

Every lady has her secret.

Georges Rondeau is an evil occultist!

He is a Satanist who cohorts with the dead!

God sees it and God will punish

all who condone it!

And he smote the men of Bethshemesh,

because they had looked

into the ark of the Lord,

over 50,000 men, simply for looking

at what was not theirs to admire!

And you would risk this for entertainment?

We believe you will entertain

demons in hell


I'm sure our friend over there has

strayed from the path of righteousness

at least once in his life.

Every man has. Trust me.

Would you think ill of me if I told

you even I have had impure thoughts?

Viviana, my dear, I've

encountered them before, remember?

And I hope to again.

You can have every last

thought of mine, good sir.


All you have to do is get down on

one knee and ask me to marry you.

I'll be back momentarily.

- Where's our sister?

- Talking to an eligible bachelor.

His father's in the pork trade,

which, of course, is déclassé,

but he's richer than sin, a perfect match.

And you'll make it clear that we require

compensation for any love connection?

Ah, can't happen soon

enough. Selling Papa's

Chippendale desk was

a bolt through my heart

Shh-shh-shh. Here she comes.

My sisters, what a glorious evening.

I'm so lucky. I can't imagine a

better way to be introduced to society.

Of course. And perhaps you

might find your Prince Charming.

Perhaps you already

have. [CHUCKLING] Mr. Garvey,

may I introduce you to Verdi Botticelli,

our youngest sister,

newly transplanted from Boston?

Verdi, this is Basil Garvey,

the most prominent man in

- No, no, no, no.

- I'm but your humble servant.

And so very pleased to meet you.

And I you, Mr. Garvey, I'm sure.

My sisters speak so very highly of you.

Oh, I don't know how they've

managed to keep you such a secret.

You Botticellis really are

a trove of treasures.

Would you permit me to escort you both

into the theatre?


I can't believe we're

actually seeing this



I can only hope





Greetings, worthy supplicants

to the darkest of arts.

Welcome, timid hearts and frightened souls.

If you doubted coming here, it's too late.

If you feared what I might do to you,

it is already done.

You are under my power

and ready to receive that

which you so secretly crave.


to the




You're perfectly safe, Verdi.



- Oh!


We don't know

what might happen here tonight.

The forces I work with are

peculiar and deadly.



No one is immune to the danger

in this world,

as I'm sure the rich men in

this city are now only too aware.


While they all nurse

their tender backsides

let us begin

with a ceremonial bloodletting,

as I take my dear assistant, Shanika

and saw her in half!

Dark agents

abide by the rules of life and decency.

I've never used this saw before.


[PANTING] The last one broke

on my previous assistant's bone.



So I made sure this one was very


[SCREAMING] sharp!

I cannot bear to witness this!


just a magic trick, my dear.

That's the thing about magic.

It comes at a great cost.


My dear.

My beauty.

Oh, what have I done?


And all my fault.

- Oh.

- Ah



I possess the power of Osiris.

I shall restore her

at great cost.






to life!





Magique, mes amis.


pour vous.



You have a fetish, Detective?

I don't think so.

I'd hate to have to tell Superintendent

Kashtinsky that I suspected that.

I was certain there had to be

some sort of clue on the body.

You don't trust my work?

Uh no.

No, that's not it. I

I can have a hard time letting go of things.

I obsess.

Our friend had a lot of vices.

Not unusual in those

who frequent sex workers.

Right there.

You feel that?

What do you suppose that is?




Quite unique, Detective.

You realize that?



The boa-constrictor knot

is a secret of the Egyptian royal family.


There are only three people who

have managed to escape it ever.


[STRAINED]: Two of them

eventually died from

its mysteries. [PANTING]

- Sir. - One

- Shhh.

muscular consort

- Shhh.

- of the queen

of the Ptolemaic Kingdom itself


Cleopatra is said

to have witnessed his beautiful head

[PANTING] constricted

until it popped right off

and landed in her lap. [GROANING]

If it gets too scary, just close

those beautiful eyes of yours.

So if I die

[GROANING] its dark secret

dies with me

and my severed head.

Sir, we found this

in Alistair Simcoe's body.

I don't need to see

everything shoved up his ass.

Just read it.

"Alistair was first, one of many."

The other gents will bleed

from wounds aplenty.

Friends of Margaret

"are my target."

I can head to the Simcoe

residence first thing in the morning.

You'll go there now.

- Sir, it's late.

- Mrs. Simcoe's in mourning.

That maniac is out there, free as a bird.

I don't want them taunting us

and lining up their next k*ll.

On the double, then, sir.

Report back whatever you find.

Any update on Alistair's m*rder?

We don't know just yet.

But one thing is clear.

Things are very dangerous

for people like us.

People like us? What do you mean?

People who were there that night

[DISTANT BARKING] 12 years ago.

- Why could this not wait until morning?

- My apologies, Mrs. Simcoe,

but I wouldn't have come

if it wasn't important.

We found new evidence

on your husband's body.

On his body?

- It begins, "Alistair was but"

- I prefer to read it myself.

Well, there's there's

bloodstains on it, Mrs. Simcoe. You

I can make neither heads nor tails of it.

Who's Margaret?

Well, I was hoping you could tell me.

I've never ventured inside

my husband's office before.

[CREAKING] It's like I can feel him.


Alistair is in here with us.

Right beside me.

I've been told I have the gift.


Well, this is a revelation.


- Mrs. Simcoe

- If you continue to presume yourself

to be of stronger mettle than

me, I will ask you to leave.


- I don't have a key.

- You won't need one.

What a truly wondrous evening!

However did you learn all those tricks?

And all those lovely people

wearing such finery!

I've never experienced such an

enchanting evening in my entire life!

[EXCLAIMING] - Enchanting?!

I think you mean bewitching!

Like how you tried to bewitch

Basil Garvey and steal him from me!

- I did nothing of the sort.

- We opened our doors and our arms to you.

Our hearts! And this is how you

repay us? How you repay me?!

For replacing your flea-bitten

clothes with one of my gowns?!

Basil's the man I love.

He is promised to me!

And he will see through you,

because his love for me is pure!

His love for me is pure.

I swear to you, sister, I

have no designs on Mr. Garvey.

I see through you, you viper!

You cast off my dress like a

serpent sloughs off its skin!



And let me not see you anymore this night!

I I swear to you, Venetia,

our sister has misconstrued things.

I would never try to steal her true love.

Wouldn't you?

No, that's not who I am.

And who are you, Verdi? Truly.

Our father's illegitimate

daughter, the spawn of a whore.

Your blood is tainted

with hers, which is why

on his deathbed, our

dear father sent you to us.

So that Viviana and I might

forge a virtuous woman out of you.

So that you might become worthy enough

to be betrothed to a man of your station.

Drape yourself over me.


Disease requires medicine.

I have the cure.

That's a good girl.

There's hope for you yet.


Oh, no.

We're only getting started.




Hey, how's about I plant

Toronto's biggest oak

in that sweet ass of yours in

exchange for a bank note or two?

What? Too girthy for ya?

[LAUGHTER] - Is it really

as large as you say it is?

Daisy Daisy ♪

Give me your answer do [LAUGHTER] ♪

I'm half crazy [DAISY SCREAMING] ♪

Over my love of you ♪




Unless you're here to have a good time,

and pay for it

I suggest you and your friends f*ck off.


f*ckin' bastards.


Well, at least I know Alistair

left everything to me in his will.


- My apologies, Mrs. Simcoe.

It seems I've kept you up for no reason.

No. No, you had a very good reason.

Unfortunately, Alistair is being

of no help from beyond the grave.



They're the same size.

- What are the same size?

- The cab drawers.

They're the same size

and yet

this file doesn't fit.

A false bottom.



- Margaret Mehar.



I need to take this.

Of course. But what does this all mean?

I'll tell you as soon as I know.




We gave all you scum a

warning, but you wouldn't listen!



Let go! f*cking bastard!





You murderous bastards!


Oh, Daisy.




He k*lled her.

That rich bastard Basil Garvey k*lled her.

He k*lled my Daisy.


You're here to cleanse

this godforsaken city, huh?

So forget about the small-time fucks

like Alistair Simcoe and k*ll Garvey.

[SNIFFLING] He's the source of all evil.

k*ll him.

Oh Daisy

You're too good for this world.
