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05x04 - Under Pressure

Posted: 04/10/23 06:46
by bunniefuu
- Oh, you're back.

- I'm not staying.

I'm not gonna force you to co-parent.

It's up to you what you want to do.

I got Alice a meeting for

a writing job on a TV show.

"America's Funniest Ferrets

and Friends."

I am Morty. This is Murray.

That's Morrie.

If I can have a moment with Jenna.

Can you come with me?

I wanna leave.

He locks me in at night.

CALLIE: I know it must've been traumatic

for you and your sister.

How is she?

Uh, she's She's okay.

Just laying low.

DR. PARK: Well, there's still swelling

in his brain and spine.

He need surgery.

We can't guarantee

he'll come through it.

According to his

advance health care directive,

the decision falls to his second

choice, which is you.

Me? Hey. Is Mom there too?

I need your help.


I can't do this.

Tell me what to do.

Pa-pa-paa, pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

Pa-pa-paa, pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

Then we'll find our peace of mind ♪

You and me, Bel Ami ♪

Pa-pa-pa, pa-paaa ♪

LENA: Evan has already put you

in charge of his company.

STEF: Which is stressful enough.

And now you're supposed to be the one

to decide whether he has

a risky surgery?

STEF: This burden shouldn't be yours.

But it has to be mine.

His sister can't make a decision.

And And I'm the reason

why he might not be able to walk again!

Because of the choices that I made.

I asked you here

to help me make a decision,

not talk me out of it.

So please just help me make

the right one.

[SOFTLY] Okay.

If you are determined

to do this, sweetheart,

we need to get more than

one doctor's opinion.


Do I have your attention? ♪

- Your attention ♪

- Your attention ♪

Do I have your attention? ♪

Your attention ♪


No! How do you keep doing that?

It's just a simple algorithm.

Okay, simple and algorithm

don't go together.

Speaking of ferrets,

how's your dream job going?

We weren't speaking of ferrets.

We were in my head.

It's not going.

We haven't written a good joke all week

'cause I can't get these guys to focus.

They take all morning just

to order lunch!

And we have a deadline coming up.

You know, solving a Rubik's Cube

is not a necessary life skill.

- Yes, it is.

- Yes, it is!

Your problem is that

you obsess over everything.

It's not true. sNot true. Not true.

Not true.

You must be so relieved

Isabella brought her back.

I am, yeah.

And Isabella relinquished

her parental rights, so

she can't change her mind again.

She also said it was okay

if I wanted to do this alone

as a single parent.

I think what's best for Lyric is

having all the support she can get.

So if you guys are still willing

to co-parent with me

Of course, we are.

- SPENCER: We'd love to!

- Shhh.

Okay, great.


I think, for now,

I think it's probably easier

if I spend the nights here,

you know, to help

with the feedings and all.

Oh, um

- Yeah, that sounds good.

- Yeah.

Of course, we can

make up the couch for you.

All right. Perfect.

You're more than welcome

to eat upstairs if you want.

I guess I just feel

- safer down here.

- Okay.

Silas isn't gonna show up here,

if that's what you're worried about.

He's probably in Mexico by now.

Adam fired the g*n, not Silas.

Silas isn't perfect, but

he's brilliant and insightful.

He's a healer.

He healed so much pain in me.

You know, sometimes

he could be harsh, but

maybe I needed him to be.

To grow.

Remember, Silas locked you in a room.

Okay? You were trying to escape him.

I know, uh

I I'm sorry. I think

I'm just confused.

I think I just

miss the peace and quiet of the farm.




Woke up on the left side of the bed ♪

I'm walking in two directions ♪

You keep turnin' me around

Round, round, round ♪

You keep turnin' me around

Round, round, round ♪

Yeah-yah-yeah yah-yah-yah-yah ♪

Tu-tu-tu, turnin' me ♪

Yeah-yah-yeah yah-yah-yah-yah ♪

Tu-tu-tu, turnin' me ♪




Oh, yeah, turnin' me ♪



Yeah-yah-yeah yah-yah-yah-yah ♪

Tu-tu-tu, turnin' me ♪

Yeah-yah-yeah yah-yah-yah-yah ♪

Tu-tu-tu, turnin' me ♪

Yeah-yah-yeah yah-yah-yah-yah ♪

Tu-tu-tu, turnin' me ♪


DR. PARK: Evan's CT scan shows

evidence of b*llet fragments

at T6 and T7.

In time, those fragments

could impact nerve function

of the spinal cord,

which could lead to paralysis.

It's my recommendation

that we surgically remove

those fragments

before they shift

and cause Evan to lose

the use of his legs.

I don't think surgery

is the right call here.

The risk of doing more harm to the spine

from the intervention

could ensure paralysis.

The real danger of surgery

at this juncture

is Evan's present condition.

DR. PARK: I strongly believe if

we don't intervene now,

Evan will lose all muscle

control below the waist.

He may never walk again.

DOCTOR 1: It's a risk without

an assured reward.

DOCTOR 2: He could still live

a very active and fulfilling life.

DOCTOR 3: Really comes down

to a judgment call:

what you think he would want.

Thank you very much

for your opinion, Dr. Castro.

- I appreciate it.

- DR. CASTRO: Of course.

[MARIANA SIGHS] Well, now I'm

more confused than ever.

What do you think?

I think that it is a lot

to process, sweetheart.

Let's give it a beat and think it over.


MORTY: because of you.

MORRIE: Thank God.

MORTY: I can't afford it.

Oh! Ferret Bueller's Day Off.

Isn't that funny?

The snack situation is abysmal.

No prunes. No pistachios.

How am I supposed to get my fiber?

Somebody ate my mixed nuts.

Oh, please! No one's eaten

your nuts in years.

Can we focus here?

Enough with the nut talk.

I have an allergy, and

we have a deadline.

I can't write without snacks.

Fellas, fellas, she is right.

- We need to work.

- Thank you.

But first, let's go for a grocery run.

- We're out of Pringles.

- Great idea! Great idea.

- Come on, let's go.

- No! Bad idea. Bad idea!

Morrie's driving, take a coche.

Oh, you You better.

That's not safe. God!


Why can't you tell me what you want?

Because I'm in your head.

Trust your moms.

They'll know what to do.


I think the choice

is pretty obvious, don't you?

Yeah, I think so.

- Don't do it.

- Do it.


No, that's too much coriander.

- I'll try the Asian coleslaw.

- I'm so sorry.

- Morty.

- What?

People are waiting!

How many samples have you had?

They can wait their turn,

just like I did.

You didn't. You cut in line.

Okay. It's time to go.

Did you know gelatin,

it's made out of the connective

tissue of animals?

Ew. Just please fill your cart.

- We have work to do.

- Fine. Fine.

Uh Did you just steal that?

What're you talking about?

The Brick O'Honey that's in your pocket.

Hey, hey, hey. On real shows,

the network pays for the snacks.

And seltzer waters with flavors.

Do you see this number?

What does this number say?

Number 10.

- Put it back!

- Make me.

What the Hey, that's illegal!

I hate when they put all

the good stuff on the top shelf.

Be careful!

Stealing is not allow

Uh Uh This is, um,

this is not elder abuse.

- Is that number from today?

- MORTY: No, last week.

I didn't use it,

so I thought I'd use it today.

I don't think that's how it works.

Silver Alert! Silver Alert!

Do you wanna share a hard-boiled egg?

Be careful!

MORRIE: I'm okay.

Pick that up. Let's go.

Hey. You remember my moms?

Of course.

I'm really sorry

for everything that happened.

I should've never let Mariana

get involved

in this thing with my sister.

It's not your fault

that I went to the farm.

It's my fault that

I let Evan come with me.

How's your sister?

Uh, she's okay. Thanks.


- Sorry.

It's the detective from the hospital.

Hello? Yeah, this is me.

Uh Uh, yeah.

Okay. Yeah, we'll be there

as soon as we can.

Thanks. Bye.

They got Silas and Adam.

[SIGHS] Okay, well, that's a relief.

And, uh, they want

Jenna and me to come down

to answer some more

questions. So I'll, uh

I'll let you know how that goes.

Why the hell did you get plastic bags?

- What?

- Yeah, don't you care about the Earth?

Please. The paper The handles tear.

Okay! We got the snacks!

Two hours later.

Can we please get back to the office?

Guys, it's almost time for lunch.

We didn't order. Should we go

to Canter's?

- Oh, I love that.

- You can eat your snacks.

We gotta go back to work now.

- No, we gotta eat.

- It's 12:30 now.

By the time we get seated and served

- Yeah, day's pretty much over.

- Yeah, I agree.

We better start fresh in the morning.

- Okay, let's do it.

- We'll pick up where we left off.

Uh Excuse me!

"Pick up where we left off"?

I don't remember leaving on anything!

Hah, that's good.

Well, we just wasted the entire morning

and now you're gonna

bail on the rest of the day?

Don't worry.

We'll make the deadline, Toots.

Don't call me Toots!

And sweetie and honey!

Jeez! Doesn't this network

have an HR department?

- No!

- Thank God!

So we're going to Canter's?

- MORRIE: Sure. It's good.

- MORTY: Yeah. Good.


If you don't care, neither do I!

Ooh, what's with her?

Maybe it's her lady time.

I don't think we can say that anymore.

What? Woman time?

STEF: When I was shot,

if if I'd been in the position

that Evan is now,

I would've wanted you

to make the decision

that gave me the chance

for the best quality of life.

- What about no life?

- Well

I would rather have had you alive,

even if you couldn't walk,

than to lose you.

And what if Mariana chooses the surgery

and something happens and

and Evan dies on the operating table?

She's already wracked with guilt

as it is.

She would never forgive herself.

I'm so angry with Evan,

putting her in this position

in the first place!


Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe

Maybe she says no to the surgery

so that she doesn't feel responsible

if, God forbid, he doesn't pull through.

And then, if he never walks again,

then she'll feel responsible for that.

So what're we supposed to do?

Because we can't agree

on what to tell her.

The truth is, it's not about what we do.

It's It's about guessing

what Evan would want.

And we have no idea

because we don't know him.

- Mariana knows him.

- Does she?

Know him that well, Lena?

He must think so.

He must have a lot of faith in her.

Now what she needs

is to have faith in herself.

To trust her intuition.

It's the only thing she can do

in this situation.

[SIGHS] I think I have an idea.

But you can't make fun of it.

I can't make any promises.

MARIANA: What are you guys

doing up here?

Uh, just getting, uh some fresh air.

What do you guys think I should do?

Well, apparently, Mama has an idea.

Sorry to keep you both waiting.

Please follow me.


Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

What What is he doing here?

I thought you guys arrested him?

DETECTIVE: We arrested Adam Miller.

What does that mean?

You're not gonna arrest Silas?

If you'll just step into the room?

Hey, come on. Don't look at him.

Let's go.


Hey, starfish! You're home early.

I need to find another job.

Wait? What? Did you get fired?

No, but I'm pretty sure

we're all going to

because we have a deadline tomorrow

and we still don't have a script.

I can't work like this!

Well, I really hope you're not

thinking of quitting.

Because those guys

are really seasoned writers.

Ugh! They're definitely salty.

And yes, I am quitting.

Not the job.

- Just the stupid devil cube of pain!



You know, I think that actually

was a good thing to quit.

DETECTIVE: So Mr. Miller

confessed to sh**ting the r*fle

and will be charged

with the attempted m*rder.

What about Silas?

DETECTIVE: He didn't fire the w*apon.

And according to everyone's statements,

including yours, he yelled,

"Don't sh**t"

before Miller pulled the trigger.

Adam is Silas' right-hand man.

Silas knew he went to prison.

He should've never let him

have a g*n on the farm.

And what what about

my sister's kidnapping?

I mean, she was held against her will.

Will you tell me more about that?

You tried to leave and Adam found you

and brought you back unwillingly?


[SPUTTERS] I mean, uh

I I snuck away at

a farmer's market in Fresno.

Uh, I wandered around for hours.

Then it got dark.

And, uh, I I didn't have any money

or anywhere to go.

So I called Silas,

and he sent Adam to pick me up.

Well, why didn't you call

your brother or the police

if you truly felt you were in danger?

She was in danger.

- He locked you up.

- I I know.

No, he He did. That's the truth.

When I got back, he

he locked me in a room.

The other girls said

that you walk in your sleep sometimes

and they lock the door

for your own safety.

Okay. This is bullshit!

DETECTIVE: I am sorry,

but without any evidence

that a crime was committed,

we have nothing to charge him with.

So thank you for your time.

And we will call you

if we need anything else.

[SARCASTICALLY] Great. Thank you.

Hey. Wait right here. Silas.

Hey! If you ever come

near my sister again,

I'll k*ll you.

A death threat at a police station.

It's a bold move.

Let me give you a word of advice,

stay off my farm and away from my girls.

And tell Jenna she's always

welcome to come home.


LENA: Take deep breaths.

In and out.

Feel your body grounded

and clear your mind.

The answers to some

of our biggest questions

can be found in our bodies.

If we can just quiet the mind

and feel our intuition.

Remember, you're feeling, not thinking.

So, Mariana,

notice the way your body feels

after I make each statement.

You should choose for Evan

not to have the surgery.

And now,


you should choose

for Evan to have the surgery.

How did you feel after each statement?


when you said that

I shouldn't choose the surgery,

I I felt a knot in my stomach.

Like you were wrong.

STEF: And when Mama said that

you should choose the surgery?

The knot went away.


You okay?

You've been pretty quiet

since we left the station.

[SCOFFS] Am I okay?

Were you gonna tell me

that you called Silas

to take you back to the farm?

I I was scared.

I didn't know who to turn to.

Me! You could've turned to me!

Okay, please, just,

please don't yell at me.

Evan is in a coma! Do you get that?

He could die right now

because you called Silas

instead of your brother!

You don't understand.

No, you're right, Jenna. I don't!

I don't understand any of this!

You told Mariana he abused you,

do you remember that?

- Or was that a lie?

- No!

No? No, but also,

he's not that bad of a guy?

And you miss the farm?

You know, if you miss the farm so much,

why don't you go back

to the farm? Go! Now!

You call Silas. He'll come pick you up!

[CRYING] I'm sorry.

I'm just so confused.




I get it.

I I know that you're confused.

Which is why you need help.

You're my sister. I love you.

You're all that I have.

Please don't go back to that farm.

Please, just let me

Just let me get you help.


I keep hearing you tell me

to trust my gut, too.

So I think you would want me

to choose the surgery.

Just don't die on me. Please.


- [GASPS] Spencer!

- Mm. What? What is it?

The baby didn't cry all night.


- What happened?

Did she sleep through the night?

I I wish.

But she was up all night again.


- You done? Okay.

I, um I unplugged the monitor

so you guys could sleep a little longer.

You didn't have to do that.

I know, but I'm asking so much

of you guys

to co-parent Lyric, so.

Gael. We want to be her parents.

Yeah. We don't mind getting up.

And I am so, so grateful.

I'm just trying to make things

easier on you guys.

Thank you. Come on, baby.

So I'm gonna go home

and shower and change.

And I will see you and Spencer

at the doctor's office

for Lyric's checkup.

Okay. Sounds good.

And don't forget Mono. She likes him.

- JAZMIN: We won't.

- Hi.



- MORTY: Okay, that's good too.

- MORRIE: All right. All right.

Umm, yum, yum, yum, um.

This toothpaste tastes like tomato!

[IN A FEMININE VOICE] That's because

it's tomato paste, ding-dong!

All right. Okay, that works. Next.

- Good morning.

- Hey.

[IN A FEMININE VOICE] I know there's

a Brick O'Honey in there somewhere.

[LAUGHING] Okay, that's good too.

All right. All right.

[IN A GRUFF VOICE] Ooh, I hate when

they put the ferrets on the top shelf.


- All right, what if you

Wait, wait, wait!


Paper bag? I said paper!


Don't you care about the Earth?


What're you doing standing

there? We have a deadline.

Listen I'm sorry about yesterday.

Nah, forget about it.

The thing about writing is

it ebbs and it flows.

Sometimes you just stare

at a blank piece of paper,

or nowadays, a computer screen,

and nothing comes.

So what do you do?

You just, uh, keep on staring

and bang your head against the wall,

or you go out in the world.

You go to a grocery store.

Talmudic wisdom.

- Talk to me.

- Yeah.

The trick is, this works

in real life too.

Sometimes to solve a problem,

we have to walk away from it.

- Like your third wife.

- Yeah. You remember her?

Oh, yeah. She was my second wife.

MORRIE: Yes, a lovely girl.

- MORTY: She still has the house.




Oh, yeah.


How'd it go?

Everything went well.

We were able to remove

all the b*llet fragments from the spine

without any complications.

So he'll be able to walk again?

We won't know anything

for sure until he wakes up

and we can get him on his feet.

But we're optimistic.

Thank you, Doctor.

- Thank you.


- I'm so relieved.

- Okay. You're okay.

I don't know how

I would've lived with myself

if something else would've

happened to Evan because of me.

Thank you both for being here.

Oh, honey, that is our job.

To love and support you.

And the occasional mama sandwich.

But now that, uh, Evan is okay

Yes. Mariana, we are worried about you.

You can't carry around all this guilt.

STEF: Yeah, baby, you gotta let it go.

- Okay?

- I I can't just

decide not to feel guilty.

Especially when I have every reason to.

LENA: Mariana.

Do you think it's possible

you're clinging to your guilt

because you

think it would make you

a bad person without it?

STEF: Yeah, as though forgiving yourself

means that you aren't truly sorry?

I guess I

would feel guilty

if I didn't feel guilty.

And that would tear you up inside, babe.

And keep you from dealing

with the trauma

you've experienced.

Honey, you saw someone

that you care about shot.

That's absolutely terrifying.

Your mom and I both talked

to a therapist

after she was shot.

STEF: You need help

processing this, Mariana,

whether you realize it or not.

LENA: Promise us you will see someone.

You will talk to a therapist. Please.

Okay. I will.

Now, can I have a mama sandwich?

Come here, baby.


- STEF: I love you.

- I love you too.

Oh, baby, it's okay.


Shit. Shit!



I am so sorry, Jaz.

I fell asleep and

my alarm didn't go off.

Ah, what a relief. We were worried.

Is everything okay with Lyric?

JAZMIN [OVER PHONE]: The baby is fine.

And don't worry about it.

You needed the sleep.

I feel awful about it.

Did you have to reschedule

the doctor's appointment?

No, um, we were already there,

so we just went ahead

and saw the doctor.

She is doing great!

She's gaining weight. She's perfect.

Wait, you You went without me?

Why would you do that?

Uh, we were already there.

It didn't make sense to cancel.

It was just a checkup. No big deal.

It It is to me!

You should've rescheduled, Jazmin!

I'm coming over right now.


I don't know.

Oh. Hey, I didn't know you were in town.

Hey, everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine.

Where's this adorable baby

we've been hearing about?

Yeah! Congratulations.

Thank you. Um

Yeah, she's, uh She's

at my sister's, actually.

I'm co-parenting Lyric

with Jazmin and her husband.

Oh, that's so nice.

- Kids can use all the love they can get.

- Yeah.

I'm just a little pissed off

at my sister at the moment.

We We had a doctor's

appointment for Lyric and I

Hmm, I accidentally slept through it.

And they went ahead and

saw the doctor without me.

Yeah, that's hard.

You don't wanna miss out

on any of the little moments,

but truth is, you're gonna

miss some firsts.

Mmm. When we were co-parenting

with Mike, Brandon's father,

there were milestones

he got to experience

and ones we did.

The important part was that,

you know, to Brandon,

it didn't really matter.

Oh, usually always one of the

three parents were around.

LENA: And three of us to turn to

if he needed anything.

STEF: That was the beauty of it.

But, man, it was hard sometimes

to remember that it wasn't about us,

- it was about Brandon.

- It's true.

Oh, I don't mean to go on about us.

I'm sorry that you feel

like you missed out today.



I should get to my sister's.

It's really good to see you.

- Good to see you.

- Bye.

I thought that was nicely played!

Me too! Good work!

How do these kids figure anything

out when we're not here?

I love you.

I'm still a better mom than you are.

Oh, shush.

So Silas just gets away with it?


It doesn't help that

he was there the whole time,

just staring Jenna down.

Well, at least she's willing

to get help now.

Yeah. Yeah.


How was the, uh, the the surgery?

It went well?


Time will tell.

What What about you?

How are, uh How are you doing?



you know, still

struggling with the guilt.

I know I need to let it go, but

it's not easy.

Yeah, I get it.

No one really knows

what we went through but us.

I'm, you know, I'm always here to talk

if you need to talk.


It's the hospital.


Yes, this is she.



I I'll be right there.


Evan's awake.


I'm sorry I snapped at you.

I just think I've been feeling guilty,

maybe, about

not raising Lyric by myself.

But I I want this. Co-parenting.

And I I know it's what's

best for her.

I'm just [SIGHS]

I just want to be the best father.

You are.

And you will be.

And I I understand.

I feel like if I miss something,


I'm not a good mother.

But we have each other to lean on.

That's what's so great.

No one's doing this alone.

And as far as tonight goes,

after we put Lyric down,

why don't you take the night off

and trust that Spencer

and I've got this?

- Yeah, that sounds good.


Oh, God, this is

I'll I'll tell you later.

- Tink.

- Tink.


MORTY: Sometimes to solve a problem,

we have to walk away.


I did it!

I solved it!

Ha-hah! Whoo! Whoo-hoo!

- You did it?

- Whoo! Wow!

- You did it?

- Algorithm zero. Alice one.

- Demon Cube, revenge is sweet.

- [GASPS] Congratulations!

How did you finally do it?

I went to the grocery store.

What? What does that mean?

It means that

you were right.

I need to relax

and trust that shit will get done.

Well, I am very impressed.



Well, look who's finally

graced us with his presence.

- Well, I did just have a baby.

- YURI: Huh.

What the hell is going on here?

I am done, mate.

I've had it with this town,

and I wanna be near my daughter.

Something I'm sure

you can now relate to.

So I am going back

to Australia for a bit.

What about your show?

YURI: That can wait.

I've got more money

than I know what to do with.

Yeah, Yuri, I I don't.

I was counting on

the commissions from the show

to raise my kid.

I understand, but I've got

to be there for mine.

So I still own the lease on this place

for another three months.

Use it. Indulge.

I left some supplies in the corner.

Do your own work.

You are a talented artist,

Gael Martinez.

It's been a pleasure working with you.

Good luck.

It all could change ♪

In just one minute ♪

It all could change, could change ♪

Yay, ay-ay, oh-oh ♪

Oh, oh-oh-oh ♪

Any minute, any hour ♪

Oh, oh-oh-oh ♪

Even just for a minute ♪

Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh ♪


Just one minute ♪

Who are you?

I'm I'm Mariana.

Just one minute ♪

Do I know you?

It all could change ♪