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05x17 - Imminent thr*at – Part Two

Posted: 04/10/23 06:19
by bunniefuu
Nina. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Scott, Nina's down.

Get over here with the car now.

Jubal, Jubal, help me.

Find the nearest hospital now.

Keep watch.

Is it bad? Is it bad?

Shh. You're OK. Look at me, look at me.

You're OK. Listen to me.

- You're OK. You're OK.

- Yeah. Yeah. OK.

How far? Do you have one?

Hospital's three miles away.



- Come on.


Pressure on the wound.

Directions for the hospital.

I got you. I got you.

Go, go, go, go, go!

- You're gonna be fine.

- Don't let me die.

You're OK. Listen. You're OK.


Hang in there. Hang in there.

- You keep those eyes open, kid.

- Yeah.


- How much further?

We're almost there. Mile and a half.

- Jubal, Jubal.

- Yeah?

I need you to tell Scola something.


Tell him we're going to be OK.

- Me and the baby.

- I know. I know.

Tell him tell him we'll be OK.

Nina, Nina, hang in there.

We're almost there. I know.

- Tell him

- Nina, Nina.

Stay with me. Nina! Stay with me.

Listen to my Nina, open your eyes!

How is she? Is she still

Get us to the damn hospital!

Hello? Hello? Hello?



- Please. Hurry.

Please. Thank you.




Listen to me. [SPEAKING ITALIAN]

Everything. Thank you.

It all happened so fast.

We should have waited.

We should have

we should have gotten more

backup from the Italians.

There was no time,

and and they were not

going to cooperate.

We did what we did.

Uh, hi. What do we know?

She lost a lot of blood,

but it appears none of

her major organs were damaged.

OK. So she's going to be all right?

More like she stands a chance.

Like I said, she lost a lot of blood.

Right. What about the baby?

We have a heartbeat,

but there's been lots of trauma.

We'll do everything that we can.

OK. That's good.

Look, Nina is strong,

and she is going to be

she's going to be OK.

You know what?

Why don't you go back to work?

Keep moving forward.

Lenkov and his crew sure as hell are.

Yeah, we'll search the house,

see if these bastards

left anything behind.



I thought it was Jubal

coming out of the tunnel

and they just started f*ring.

I know.

It's not your fault, OK?

It's not your fault.


I think I have something.

Not sure what, but it's

a bunch of numbers and letters.

- It looks like a tail number.

- Yeah.



What the hell are you doing?

That is my question for you.

Excuse me?

You come into this villa,

in my city, in my country,

and sh**t everyone in sight?

How do we even know

that they're involved?

David Laporta is dead

in the basement downstairs

because you didn't provide resources.

And one of my teammates is

in the damn hospital right now!

So what more do you need?


- Hey.

- Hey. It's me.

So listen, I have some bad news.

I know. I just got off

the phone with Forrester.

This is terrible.

Are they giving you

any update on her condition?

Well, she's alive, the baby's alive,

but the prognosis is unclear.

The doctors are doing

everything they can.

But they don't know much yet.

She's strong, so she's

going to pull through.

Exactly. So I'm going to stay here.

I'm going to manage the doctors,

make sure she gets the

attention that she needs.

No, no. I need you back

here in New York.

Forrester found a notepad in the villa

with a tail number on it.

And Lenkov flew into

Teterboro early this morning,

which means this terror event

is imminent.

I need all hands on deck,

especially yours.

Look, I cannot leave Nina here alone.

Agreed, which is why

I already talked to Forrester.

He's staying in Rome until she recovers.




What about what about Scola?

Have you talked to him?

Uh, no. I'm going to call him now.

I don't think it's a good idea.


Scola is working undercover,

and he is under a tremendous

amount of pressure.

Nina's the mother of his baby.

He has a right to know

that she got sh*t.

No, of course. Of course he does.

But maybe just not right this second.

I get what you're saying, but

that is a hell of a thing

to withhold from somebody.

It is.

Except when that someone

is your only nexus

to an imminent,

large-scale terror event.

Look, like it or not,

we cannot lose Scola.

And if we break the news to him,

who knows what the hell he might do?

And even if he doesn't

abort the operation,

he will be emotional and erratic.

- It's too dangerous.

- It feels wrong.

I know it does.

But that doesn't mean it is.


It's OK. Don't worry.

I was very careful. We're safe.

Quick update.

We now know the leader of the operation

is a top m*llitary figure from Belarus,

General Stanislau Lenkov.

He is close to Putin

and apparently highly engaged

in the Ukraine situation.

So what actually happened in Rome?

What do you mean?

Did we find Laporta?

Right. Yes.

Uh, we did, but he was dead.

They tortured him and then k*lled him.


What's Laporta got to do

with any of this?

We think that Lenkov

was trying to att*ck

one of Laporta's buildings

or infrastructure projects,

and he was probably looking

to get some inside information.


Anything else?

We do know that Lenkov

is now in the tri-state area.

He flew in on a G5 early this morning.


This thing's going down soon.

Right, so we need

to dial up your approach.

You need to work your

way up that food chain

as fast as humanly possible.


Oh, when's Nina coming back from Rome?

Uh, you know, I'm I'm not sure yet.

You're not sure if he's willing to meet?

But what does that even mean?

We've been talking about this

for three weeks.

I know, I know.

I'm trying to make it happen,

But these guys operate

on their own schedule.

Are you saying I should

find another buyer for my C-4?


I think my guy is interested,

but he doesn't tell me too much.

Set up a meeting. Let me talk to him.

I'll try.

But these dudes are hard to figure out.

What dudes?

The ones my boss is working with.

They're from Europe.

The scary part

where they drink lots of vodka.


You have any clue what

they're planning on doing?


Look, man, I'm not stupid.

These people are looking to buy C-4.

That means that

they want to blow something up.

Now, I don't need to know what,

but I wouldn't mind

knowing where and when

so I'm not out walking my dog

when this goes down.

I'll be in touch.

See what I can do.

That son of a bitch is useless.

I keep asking to meet his boss.

He keeps stiff-arming me.

Yeah. It makes me think his

boss has other options for that C-4.

Or Nico or his boss doesn't trust you.

We've got to find a way

to solidify your cover,

convince Nico and his boss

that you're legit.

Look, I'm trying, but

No, we need a new approach.

Like what?

Like Remy Scott.

He's done a lot of undercover.

He worked that Chechen g*ng in

Brighton Beach for six months.

Maybe he has connections

to help move the needle.

- Good to meet you, Scola.

- Yeah, you too.

I've heard good things.

So Nico Sabalenka.

Doesn't ring a bell.

- I'll reach out to my sources.

- Appreciate that.

If you don't mind,

I need this one quick.

There's a major terror event

in the works.

Nico here, he's looking to buy C-4.

There's a good chance the minute

he gets his hands on this stuff,

this thing goes live.

I'll see if my fax machine still works.

Just messing with you, kid.

I'll make some calls.


Good morning, folks. Glad to be back.

Missed your faces and your brains.

Let's catch up.

This terror plot seems to be escalating.

We believe Lenkov is now

here in New York.

Presumably he and whoever else

was on that plane

used fake passports to clear customs,

so goal number one is to find him,

goal number two is to find out

who the hell he's working with,

and goal number three

is to figure out what their target is.

Now per Scola, we know

one of the players is,

that's right, Nico Sabalenka,

who apparently is keeping

his cards close to his vest.

Either way, we need more intel,

so pull out those speed shovels,

start digging,

let's get ahead of this thing.

Yeah? Go to work. Hey.

Hey. Welcome back.

Listen, I just spoke with

Forrester about an hour ago.

The doctors aren't saying much.

There's no real news.

Yeah. Um

you still think it makes sense to

Yes. Yes, I do.

Listen, let's make sure that

no one around here finds out either, OK?



It's Scola.

He wants to meet up.



Hey. How you doing?

- I'm good.

- Yeah?

Just still trying to get

some traction with Nico,

but it's taken longer than I expected.

Right. OK.

I just wanted to get your

opinion on something.

- Yeah.

- So the other day,

I was out with Nico,

and four other guys were there.

All of them in the g*ng, you know.

And they started partying

and doing coke.

What? You did a line

to protect your cover?

I tried to simulate it, but

they were all staring me down.

They were all strapped, so I

Hey. Stuart, you were in danger.

Don't don't worry about a 302, OK?

Consider it reported.

Let's just forget it.

Thank you.

When did you get back to New York?

Uh, uh, an hour ago or something?

Nina stayed?

Uh, yeah, yeah.

She she had to take care

of some stuff

for us over there, so

You know when she's coming back?

Um, I'm not not sure.

Oh. 'Cause I keep calling her.

It just goes straight to voicemail.

I'm just trying to find out

when she's coming back

'cause we actually have an appointment

with the OB-GYN next week, so

Look, Stuart, I

- I got to tell you something.


Shh, shh.

I think I've seen those guys before.

OK. It's probably

just me being paranoid.

What were you saying?

Yeah, I was just going to tell you

you're doing a great job

on this, you know?

I know you got a lot going on,

And, uh, I think you should

just stay focused on the case.

Everything else will be fine.


- Oh, it's good news.

- Yeah?

Looks like Nico wants to meet.

All right. Go to it.





Excuse me, sir. Sir?

Hey! My friend needs help now!

Do you understand?



Hey, what's going on?

We need to operate.


Stuart, meet Theo.

Tell Stuart what you just told me.

I know your boy, Nico.

Yeah? He legit?

Nah, he's a low-level punk.

But he's dangerous.

Look, all I care about

is meeting his boss.

That's my target.

I need to find out who's actually

looking to purchase all this C-4

he's been asking about.


Why the hell is Nico looking

for plastic expl*sives?

That's what I've been trying

to figure out

for the past three weeks.

Anything else you can tell me?

More I know, more I can give.

Yeah, you're like Mother Teresa.

All you do is give.

We think Nico's working

with some serious people

from Belarus and their m*llitary.

That means the people

they're working with over here

are serious.

So Nico

plus m*llitary people from Belarus

plus serious people in New York

with ties to Belarus

equals Andre Chernin.

Who's that?

He's a scary dude with

lots of powerful connections

back in the motherland.

Sells coke, traffics girls.

He's got a club in Brighton Beach.


What's up, baby?


The boy's smooth.

He's straight crazy.

Vodka on the rocks.

So is Andre here tonight?

Yo, dude. I asked you a question.

Yo, I asked you a question!

You've got three seconds to leave.


One! Two!

What the hell is going on here?

Alex, let him go.

You said you

didn't want to talk to anyone.

I meant people that

I don't know, not him.

Not Theo.


- Sorry, bro.

- It's all good.

I have a lot going on right now,

so my people get spooked pretty easy.

So the reason why I'm here

is I want to put in a good word

for a friend.

Dude's name is Stuart.

I don't know anyone Stuart.

He's been trying to meet up

with you to discuss some business,

but your boy Nico

keeps blocking his ass.

You said the clock was ticking.

You needed the results.

Came in too hot.

Are you really giving me notes

on how to be an informant?

For what it's worth,

I thought you did a hell of a job.

Well, at least someone around

here appreciates my talents.

- I appreciate results more.


Good news. That's Nico.

Andre wants to meet up, 30 minutes.



[OVER RADIO] I know you're busy,

so I'm going to get straight

to the point, all right?

I've got access to large quantities

of m*llitary-grade C-4.

91% RDX, 5.3% adipate,

2.1% polyisobutylene.

All I need is 24 hours' notice.

Wow. So fast, huh?


Tell me.

Where does someone like you

get access to all this

high-grade m*llitary material?

With all due respect,

that's none of your business.

And you know Theo?


We used to do some work together.

Yeah. He says good things.

I'm going to ask you one more time.

Where is the C-4 coming from?

I've got a connection

at an Army base in New Jersey.

Nice to meet you, Stuart.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Wait, wait, wait. What is that about?

Excuse me?

Well, Nico said you were a businessman.

Theo did too.

Here you are walking away for no reason.

I have my reasons.

I don't trust you.


The hell is that?

[OVER RADIO] I don't know, man.

He wasn't feeling you.

Seems real nervous.

Like I've been saying,

the guys we're working with,

they play for keeps.

Got Putin on speed dial, bro.

sh*t a damn FBI agent over

in Rome like it was nothing,

so Andre's being careful.

Wait, wait. What are you talking about?

They sh*t an FBI agent?

Look, I don't know the details.

All I know is they got into

a sh**t with the feds,

and they sh*t one of 'em.

You guys know anything about that?

FBI agent getting sh*t in Rome?

No. We haven't heard anything.



Hey, Andre and Nico

just walked away from Scola.

Well, you think they made Scola?

I have no idea.

They definitely don't want

to do business with him.

Which means Scola's

not the only game in town.

There's got to be other sellers

in the mix.

OK. Let Nico walk.

We might need him later down the road.

But grab Andre.

We need to find out what he knows.

OK. On what charge?

Conspiracy. Just grab him now.

Got eyes on Andre.

He's heading east on foot

on Bridgewater Court.

Copy that.

I'm headed north on 7th Avenue.


He made us. He's running!



- Stop!



- [g*nshots]

- Let her go!

Drop the g*n!

Get out of the car!

Get out of the car!

Go, go, go!

The suspect is fleeing

in a blue Volkswagen Passat,

headed north on 8th Avenue.

I'm in pursuit.



OK, come on, let's get him out.

Hurry up.

Hurry, hurry. Come on!

Come on, come on, come on!

Let's go!

I keep telling you

I don't know anything.

I haven't met General Lenkov.

This is a waste of time. I'm innocent.

Innocent people don't sh**t FBI agents.


Oh. Hey, guys.

I'll take it from here.

Bruce Ellis, State Department.

Orders to remand the prisoner

into my custody.

We need to talk this over with our boss.

Talk what over? You see the paper.

I did, and they look amazing.

But we're not going to

release him into your custody

until we talk it over with our boss.

OK. Will do.

The ADIC is on board.

He has agreed to collaborate

with the State Department.

Uh, OK. I'm not sure what that means.

That means we need answers and fast.

According to the ADIC,

there is a lot of chatter,

and it is louder than we thought

and bigger than we thought.

Word is the planned event

is on the scale of 9/11.

I-I don't get it.

I mean, I know the t*rrorists

are looking for C-4,

and that can do a lot

of damage, but not that much.

Yeah. I'm just repeating what he said.

I'll circle back

after the interrogation.

No, I'll I'll go with you.

I'm good.

But like I said,

I'll keep you in the loop.

OK, just please.

ADIC said collaborate, not hand over.

I should


ASAC Valentine will go with you.

I know this case is important to you,

but you might be better off

staying outside.

I can be helpful. I know more

about the case, about the players

I'm not sure that matters.

I'm gonna ask three questions.

Who's in charge, what's the target,

when's the b*mb going off,

and he's gonna give me the answers

one way or the other.



So I'll say this one more time.

It's in everyone's best interest

for me to interrogate

this punk Andre by myself.

Agent Ellis, I'm telling you

I'm not gonna get in your way.

You're not hearing me.

You don't want to be a part of this.

Trust me.




I keep telling you

I don't know anything

about C-4 or any b*mb.

I don't know anything, you understand?

I know that's what you keep saying.

Thing is

I don't believe you.


Well, that's your problem.



That's your problem.



I don't know anything!




What the hell are you doing?

Get the hell out of here!

- I told you to wait outside!

- No.

You can't do this.

Let me in. Let me in!

Open the door! You cannot do that!

You don't tell me what

I can and what I can't do!

I do not care how

many lives are at risk.

- This is not OK.

- You want answers?

This is how we get them.

You want to save lives,

or do you want to protect

the lives of t*rrorists?

Agent Ellis,

this is not how we do things!

You need to stand down

Whatever is happening here is outdated!


This man needs to be

interrogated properly.


- No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no!


Get me a towel! Get me that towel!


Andre, stay with me.

Stay with me.

You have medical in the building?

Hey, call medical!

Hey, Andre!

Hey, Andre! Stay with me!


He's dead.


This punk was our

last chance to find out

what the hell is going on,

and now he's dead

because you had to be a hero.

If that b*mb goes off, it's on you.

So the suspect is dead

because he committed su1c1de.

[SIGHS] Yeah.

Obviously, he was terrified of

the people he was working for,

so he figured this was

his best way out, I guess.


And he was able to do this

because you and Ellis

got into an argument?

There is a line that we can't cross.

I agree. I do.

But where that begins and where it ends?

We are back to square one.


I don't know, maybe we can

put Scola back under.

No, that ship has sailed.

All we have is Andre's phone

and police is working on that now, so

Well, if he's not going back under,

we've got to tell him what's going on.



- What the hell is going on?

I just talked to Forrester,

and he told me what happened.

That Nina got sh*t.

I had to hear about this from Nico?

You couldn't tell me that?

The hell is that?

I was just trying to protect you.

Protect me from what?

I know how much pressure you're under.

I didn't want you to feel overwhelmed.

You do not get to make that decision.

You do not decide what I

might do or how I might react.

You're wrong.

I actually do.

In fact, that is my job, to

make those kinds of decisions.

And based on everything

that was going on,

withholding that information

felt like the right call.

Thousands of lives are at stake.

So as awful as this might sound,

it isn't just about you.




Hey, Stuart, look, I just

want to tell you that I

Look, I can't tell you how sorry I am.

Don't do that.

You lied to me.

You did what you did.

You can't buy it back now.

- Everything OK with Scola?

- Uh, yeah.

Well guess I should tell you.

Nina was sh*t in Rome.

She's in critical condition.

Oh, my God.

[CLEARS THROAT] We're all just

we're all just hoping

for the best, you know.

Uh, you know where we are

with Andre's phone?

Oh, yeah. Elise cracked it.

They need you back on the job.

All right, so these texts confirm

everything we've been talking about,

but this series of messages here,

it seems pretty clear

who Andre's talking to.

- Mm.

- Lenkov.

They talk about procuring C-4

here in New York,

they talk about imminent pain

to America.

They even mention the name Kazimira,

which we know is the name

of Lenkov's deceased daughter.


that phone's been turned off.

Yeah. Surprise, surprise, it's a burner.

Right, but we can assume

the person on the other side

of this text message chain

is General Lenkov.

Sorry to interrupt.

I just got a call from the commissioner.

A woman was just kidnapped

in the West Village.

He thinks it might be

connected to Lenkov.


We got a call about

an abduction 25 minutes ago.

Pulled video, ran facial rec.

Got a hit on the taller of the two men,

Alexander Sinsovich from Belarus.

Belarus is a small country

with 9 million people,

but that doesn't necessarily

mean it's connected.

Well, I already called

the State Department.

Sinsovich is a known mercenary

with ties to General Lenkov and Russia,

so this isn't a coincidence.

What about Sinsovich?

Is he a U.S. citizen?

No, and there's no record of him

entering the country either.

And the woman who was abducted?

How is she involved in all this?

Don't know.

Her name is Allison Green.

She's an HR exec in the West Village.

Do we have any other video

from the abduction scene?

Do we know how they fled? Car, SUV?

No. Still working on it, though.


You guys are the best of the best

at finding people

who don't want to be found.

That's why you're here.

We need your help.


Forrester, it's Scola.

Just hoping for an update.

Just, uh, give me a call

when you get a chance.



Anything new?

All we know is two

of Lenkov's boys grabbed up

a civilian named Allison Green,

no obvious connection.

I heard about Nina. So sorry, man.

Yeah. We can't imagine

what you're going through.

If there's anything you need

Thanks. I'm I'm good.

Not really.

I feel like I should be

on a plane to Rome right now,

but there's nothing I can do.

Let's find these bastards.

So we have a general

from Belarus who kidnaps

and kills an architect

in Rome named Laporta.

He then comes to New York,

buys plastic expl*sives,

and in the middle of all of that

decides to abduct an HR executive

named Allison Green?

Yeah. There's got to be a reason.

Looks like this little baby

was sideswiped.

OK. Well, let's assume they

park the getaway car there.

They throw Allison in the back.

Driver floors it, starts driving north,

whilst doing so, scrapes this

car's driver's side mirror.


A lot of crappy drivers

in this city, though.

Would be nice to have some video.

Got a camera.

Angle's the right direction too.


All right. That's got to be the car.

Timestamp was exactly 34 seconds

after Allison's abduction.

Kelly, zoom in.

I'll run facial rec.

Nico Sabalenka.

That's Scola's contact. Nico.

Maya, Nico Sabalenka's

last known address.

Don't see anything listed,

but he's on probation.

Let me track down his PO,

find out what's going on.

Hurry, please. In the meantime,

let's start pulling video.

We know he was headed north.

We'll have traffic cams

in that area, right?

Uh, Elise, let's ping his phone.

I just tried. It's shut off.

Nico's last known address

is in Long Island City.

His work address in Brooklyn.

That's exactly where

that maroon car is heading.

Just pulled two videos.

Got hits.

One on Stillwell Avenue,

the next on 18th Avenue.

That's right in the heart of Brooklyn.

He could be headed to where he works.

Maya, I need the exact

address of his place of work.

- 3236 17th Avenue.

- Thank you.


Hey. You sure you up for this?

I'm not sure about

anything right now, Tiff.

It's probably best just to keep moving.

OK, well, if you

need anything, let me know.

Appreciate it.

Guys, I got eyes on the maroon car.

[SIGHS] It's empty.


No, I haven't seen Nico in a few days.

You want to be a little more specific?

- One day, two days?

- Two.

His car was parked right outside.

So? Doesn't mean I've seen him.

- Call him.

- For what?

Tell him to come by and say

you have something important

you want to talk to him about.

Look, I sell real estate.

I'm not looking to be

a crime fighter or a rat.

We think Nico is working

with t*rrorists, and if he is

and these guys actually

pull off what they're planning,

I promise you with every bone

in my body,

you will be the first person I arrest.

Like I said, I work in real estate.

I don't know nothing about

this t*rror1st crap.

This building is vacant. Right?


So then why are there people upstairs?

The target's in the penthouse.

If I were you, I'd think hard and fast

about what comes out of your mouth next.

- Let's move.

- Might be the difference

between living the rest

of your life in freedom

or a federal penitentiary.

Who's upstairs in that penthouse?

- [SCREAMS] Who's upstairs?

- Remy.

I don't know their names!

I-I-I rented the place

to some friends of Nico's

from Russia, I think.

Good. Now you're telling the truth.

We're gonna ask you one more time.

When was the last time you saw Nico?

20 minutes ago.

I saw him walking toward a van,

a cargo van.

- What color?

- Black.

- Make and model.

- I-I don't know.

- Was there a woman?

- Not sure.

I just saw him

out of the corner of my eye.

Ah! What the hell?

I told you everything I know!

Yeah, well, you took too long.


Stay here and keep an eye on this prick.

Eyes on Lenkov!

- [a*t*matic g*nf*re]

- Take cover!

sh*ts fired!


- Stay back!

- Go, go, go!



- Fan out!

- Move, move, move, move, move!

[a*t*matic g*nf*re]

- [g*nshots]

- We got a runner.

OA, Tiff, you're with me.


Let's get in position.




You're under arrest.

Remy, there's a ladder over here.

Guys, Lenkov could be on the street.

I got him.

He's underneath the bridge.

Copy that. I'm heading that way.



I'm coming around again.






I lost him.

Last headed south. Black cargo van.



Remy, I did a full sweep of the office,

and I found something

that might be interesting.

But I don't speak Russian.

We have choppers in the air

looking for Lenkov

and have set up a containment.

What's up?

I think I figured out

what the target is.

Or should I say who?

The president of the United States.

"The president is vulnerable."

"The target remains the president."

"Project President is a go."


He's in town too.

He's supposed to give a speech

at the United Nations this afternoon.