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01x04 - Of Butchers and Betrayals

Posted: 04/10/23 06:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Gotham Knights"...

DUELA: Beware the Court of Owls...

FORD: days before he
was m*rder*d, Bruce Wayne

made an appointment to alter
his last will and testament.

DUELA: ... That watches all the time.

TURNER: They think I k*lled my
dad because I wanted his money?

The night he was k*lled,
this was found on your father.

DUELA: Ruling Gotham
from a shadowed perch...


... behind granite and lime.

Court of Owls were hunting the
Wayne family for over years,

starting with his
great-great-grandfather Alan Wayne.

Maybe looking through his cold case

will help us prove they k*lled my dad.

DUELA: They watch you at your hearth.

Every scrap of paper the GCPD
has on Alan Wayne's death...

autopsy reports, eyewitness
statements, all of it.

DUELA: They watch you in your bed.

The Court k*lled my dad,

and now they're trying to k*ll me.

DUELA: Speak not a
whispered word of them

or they'll send the Talon for your head.


MAN: Oh, God.

Please. Please. They're everywhere.

Please. They're coming for all of us.





- Sir, calm down.

Can't you see 'em? They're over there.

See what? Nothing there.

[FIRES p*stol]

Hey! Get down!

Put the g*n down.



It's too late. They're already here.

[g*nsh*t, PEOPLE SCREAM]

SOULWAX: ♪ Do you
wanna, do you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get into trouble? ♪


♪ Do you wanna, do you wanna ♪

♪ Do you wanna get into trouble? ♪

Liberated this from
the teachers' lounge.

"Congratulations Cathy."

Hey. I'm sorry.

I couldn't find one that said,

"Good luck trying to
solve Bruce Wayne's m*rder

by investigating the alleged k*lling
of his great-great-grandfather."

Slice, anyone? Slice?

No? All right.

HARPER: Uh, you do realize
the Talon almost k*lled you

- with that thing, right?
- Yeah.

Now I'm repurposing it for good, so...


I've been through this
hundred-year-old police report

a thousand times, and
there's nothing in here

that even remotely suggests Alan
Wayne could've been m*rder*d.

All it does is confirm what
the newspapers already reported.

"The renowned architect
died by accidental drowning

upon falling into a sewer following
a sudden bout of dementia."

DUELA: Beep beep! Coming through.


You find anything interesting?


Maybe it's nothing.

See those marks on Alan Wayne's body?

It's weird, right?

Yeah. They mentioned
those cuts in the report,

but they said that it had nothing
to do with the cause of death.

Yeah, I'm... I'm not a medical examiner,

but I'm pretty sure falling down a sewer

doesn't cause marks like that.

But these marks don't prove anything,

and if Alan Wayne's
death was an accident,

it means he wasn't k*lled
by the Court of Owls.

Which means this can't help us

solve my dad's m*rder
or clear our names,

so this is all a dead end.

You seem tired.

I am tired.

I'm tired of living in a stupid belfry.

I'm tired of showering
in a dirty locker room.

I'm tired of worrying about
whether I'm gonna end up

dead or in prison...

and I'm tired of losing everybody
that ever gave a damn about me.

And I'm tired of your constant bitching.

I just wanna go home.

I want my life back.

DUELA: I found something.

Hold onto your asses, guys,

because this is gonna change the game.

Yes... Ladies and gentlemen...

Bat-Brat was a member

of the Never Get Laid Brigade.


No, no. Let me see that.


So embarrassing.




REPORTER: Gotham is
once again in mourning

as Mayor Hamilton Hill is laid to rest

after his shocking m*rder.

For a city that seems to
be running out of heroes,

it hasn't forgotten DA Harvey Dent's

heroic takedown of the Mutant g*ng

during the terrifying hostage
situation of the Founders' Gala.

Dent remains the frontrunner in the race

to elect Gotham's new mayor.

However, a new candidate has
thrown his hat in the ring...

industrialist Lincoln March.

Well, if Harvey Dent

is as committed to fixing
this city as he claims to be,

then why has he allowed Bruce
Wayne's K*llers to remain at large?

Now, is that really
what Gotham City needs?

Just another two-faced politician?




There you are. I've been
looking for you everywhere.

Ahh. Thank you.

Same clothes as yesterday.
Interesting night?

You may want to freshen up
before you head to the briefing.

- What time is that?
- minutes ago.

What is it?

It's not my key.

Guess you did have an interesting night.

- Stop it.
- And now you're minutes late.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, if you're looking for a connection

between the Court of Owls
and Alan Wayne's death,

I think X marks the spot.

Oh, Little Miss Wire Cutter's got jokes.

Should get you an open mic
night at the Iceberg Lounge.

Hopefully, you won't b*mb.

A lot of words to say thank you.

Maybe this is some signature w*apon

that's been passed from
assassin to assassin for decades,

and if it was used on us and Alan Wayne,

then maybe it was used on others?

Is that crazy?

In his journals, my dad said
that he suspected the Court

had been responsible for
decades worth of murders.

I kinda wonder if there are
more accidentally dead bodies

with strange scars out there.

We'd have to access all of the
GCPD autopsy records to find out.

It's gonna take me a lot of trips.


Just one.

It's called a rubber ducky.

It'll give us remote access.

A little juice of the
bean for the sarge.

You're learning, rook.
What can I do you for?

Just returning this to Records.

Well, get to it, son.


Mr. Dent.

Harvey's there?

I... I'm so sorry.

Me and the boys appreciate everything

that you're doing for the city.

You've got my vote.

You all stay safe out there.

We'll try.


Heading to the server room.

Which is more like a server closet.

STEPHANIE: OK, pop the rubber
ducky into the main server.

The program will self-initiate download.

Got remote access. We're in.

And I'm out.

OK. Searching for...

accidental deaths or suicides.

Cross-referencing with
anomalous cross-like scars.

- This may take a minute.

Or not.



Looks like Dad was right.

STEPHANIE: These cases span
decades and multiple jurisdictions.

Which is why nobody noticed
the pattern until now.

So, the Court has been k*lling
people for over years,

making them look like
accidents or suicides?

This is gonna take
us days to go through.

Well, when was the last body found?

Two weeks ago.

You're kidding. That's the
same day I was arrested.

A lawyer shot himself in Robinson Park.

"Witnesses say he was suffering
from paranoid delusions

or some form of psychotic break."

- Sound familiar?
- Yeah. So does the name.

Pericles Jones.

He was one of my dad's lawyers,

one of the ones he trusted the most.

Why would the Court target him?

Maybe he knew too much.

Which means we gotta
find out what he knew.

You want to break into
that lawyer's house?

Yeah. You think you can give me
a crash course in lock picking?

Ooh, look at you, thinking
like a criminal. It's so cute.

- What do you think you're gonna find?
- Maybe nothing.

Maybe something that'll
point us toward the Court

and why they wanted him dead.

Anyway, gotta follow all leads.

I'm coming with you.

I've gotten you in
enough trouble already.

Maybe see what you can find
out about our mystery knife...

where it came from?

I can stay and do that.

In that case, I'm team
breaking and entering.

Easier for me to pick the
lock than teach you how.

I'll help you with that knife.

Where do we start?

By asking an expert in
the sharp and pointy.


Ohh. Rich people can always
afford the toughest locks.

Be glad I came along
instead of your girlfriend.

- She's not my girlfriend.
- Hmm.

You have better taste than I thought.

OK, what is it you
have against Stephanie?

- She's risking a lot to help us.

Your not-girlfriend
just about got me k*lled

while she was busy cosplaying rebel.

You sure that's the reason?

What are you, my therapist?

Look, it just seems like
you two are a lot alike.

You're both literal geniuses,

incredibly stubborn.

And if I just had a celebrity dad

and a multimillion-dollar trust fund,

we could be twinsies.


Another yearbook?

Hmm. Guess you could say that.

A yearbook for serial K*llers.

Superlatives include

best strangling
technique... [MOCK CHOKING]

most limbs hacked off.

And that's not all.

Let me see. Oh. Felix Harmon.

He was a famous knife thrower in
Haly's Circus in the early s.

You know, where they... they
spin the woman upside down

and then they throw knives
blindfolded and try not to hit her.

Well, Felix was the best.

Never stabbed a woman. Not once.

Well, at least not during work hours.

You see, Felix was also known
as the Butcher of Gotham,

a serial k*ller, who terrorized
the gaslit streets of Gotham

by dismembering his victims bit by bit,

right down to cutting out
their little, pink tongues.

Guess you could say his w*apon of choice

allowed him to mix
business with pleasure.

Those look exactly like
the knives the Talon used.

[CLAPS HANDS] Yes. Thank you.

See, I knew I'd seen this knife before,

and then I remembered where.

My dad told me about this book.

Pretty sure he just wanted me
to read the parts about him,

but, uh, I was always
drawn to dear old Felix.

So, what happened to dear old Felix?


Caught and ex*cuted in the city square.

Always did love an audience.

OK, so, how did the Talon

get ahold of knives
belonging to a serial k*ller

who's been dead for almost years?

This says Felix Harmon
had a daughter. Hmm.

She must be part Galapagos
turtle, because she is still alive.

Goes by Eunice Monroe now.

Wait. She changed Harmon
but stuck with Eunice?

- Yup.

Currently resides at the
Robinson Park Nursing Home.


Well. I wonder if the old biddy knows

how Daddy's cutlery made it
into the hands of the Talon.


HARPER: Looks like
someone had a similar idea.

I think we were planning on
being a little more subtle.

[g*n COCKS]

MAN: Turn around slowly,

or I'll paint the
walls with your insides.


You're Bruce Wayne's kid.

What the hell are you
doing in my father's house?

Looking for answers.

You gotta believe me.

I don't think your dad
chose to k*ll himself.

No kidding.

Suddenly goes insane?

Trashes this place?

Your dad did this?

Right before somebody made him want

to blow his brains
out in broad daylight.

I think whoever k*lled my father

was responsible for
your dad's death, too.

And who would that be?

The Court of Owls.

So, you know about them?


But clearly, my dad did.

[KNOCK KNOCK] Evening, Commissioner.

Anything new on the mayor's death?

Well, the "Gazette"
has a source who says

the b*mb found in Mayor Hill's limo,

same type the Mutants threatened
to set off at the gala.

So, what's your best guess here?

Mutant g*ng could've used the gala

as a distraction to plant
a b*mb in the mayor's car.

And why do you not look convinced?

[SIGHS] Close the door.

They found this in the mayor's limo.

It's the same type of coin that
was found on Bruce Wayne's body.


You think the murders are connected?

Could be.

Could be the Mutant
g*ng trying to copycat.

What do you know about
the Court of Owls?

Should I check under my bed for
monsters before I answer that?

Come on. I'm serious.

It's an old-timey nursery rhyme.

Don't hear it much anymore.

Every once in a while, some perp

will try to use it
as a catch-all excuse.

"Wasn't me. The Court of Owls did it."

Yeah, but how many of them
leave coins like these behind?

TURNER: Do you have any idea why the
Court would want to k*ll your dad?

Can't help but think that
it has something to do

with the fact that two days
before Bruce Wayne was m*rder*d,

he came here...

to meet with my dad in secret.

Do you know what for?

To change his will.

They worked on it all day.

The police told me he was
planning on changing his will,

but he died before he could.

That's not true. My dad tried
to tell that to the police,

even called the lead detective.


Yeah. That's the guy.

My dad told him that it wasn't
true that your father was planning

to cut you out of his will.

Then hours later, my
dad starts acting crazy,

ranting, raving,
tearing the place apart.

And not long after...

he was dead.

Do you know what changes
they did make to the will?

No. Your father took the only copy.

But as he was leaving,
I heard my dad tell him

that what he was doing

was gonna change everything,

and that he was about to become

the greatest man in
the history of Gotham.

I think whatever was in that will

got both our fathers k*lled.

Their entire argument is that my dad

was gonna cut me out of his will,

which, apparently, is why I
hired you guys to k*ll him.

But if we can get our
hands on that will,

it'll prove he didn't cut me out.

Then there's no motive. Their case
against us starts to fall apart.

There must be a copy of it somewhere.

There's only the original,

and, apparently, my
dad took that with him.

Well, what would he do with it?

I don't know, but I do
know someone who might.


She was my dad's attaché.

What makes you think she's
not gonna call the cops?

She's the closest thing
to family I have left.

When I was , my dad
was away on business,

and I thought it would be a good idea

to take out his favorite
vintage car for a joyride.

It wasn't.

Banged it up pretty good,

and I knew I'd be dead meat,

but when my dad got home,

instead of telling him
what really happened,

Cressida took the blame.

I'll never forget that.

She's always looked out for me.

Still, it's a risk.

I know, which is why I'm going alone.

Are we any closer to figuring
out how the Talon ended up

with knives belonging to
a long-dead serial k*ller?

That is what I'm going to
ask Felix Harmon's daughter.

Nursing home visiting hours
start in about minutes.

And I'm going with her.

HARPER: Nice wig.

DUELA: What?

You know, Eunice and I happen
to have a lot in common, OK?

Both daughters of serial K*llers.

I'm sure we're gonna
have a lot to talk about.

I'll be doing all the talking.

Thank you.

Hi. We're here to see Eunice Monroe.

We're from Gotham Academy
doing community service.

You know, reading to old people.

Sign in.

Down the hall, second door to the right.




Do you have a minute?
I need to talk to you.

What is it? Your internal polling
come back less than you'd hoped?

This isn't about the election.

I, uh... I need your help.

What is it?

Is it true that Bruce
Wayne and Mayor Hill

both received antique coins
before they were k*lled?

Where'd you hear that?

You're not the only one with
an in at the GCPD, Harvey.

I can't discuss an ongoing
case. You know that.

Look, I'm not asking for the gossip.

I'm asking because...


because I got one, too.

I just need to know.

Am I in danger?

Mrs. Monroe?

It's, uh, Miss Monroe. Heh heh heh.

I never married. But,
please, call me Eunice.

We're doing a project for school,

and we were hoping you could tell us

what it was like
growing up in old Gotham.

Heh. Oh, there's so much to tell.

You must have so many
interesting stories.

[SIGHS] Oh, honestly, I
wouldn't know where to begin.

Uh, well, we could start
with what it was like

having your pops be
the Butcher of Gotham.

You know, we don't
have a lot of time here,

and, frankly, I don't think
she does, either, so...

We're not supposed to talk about that.

[WHISPERS] It's a secret.

[WHISPERS] Well, we love secrets.

And we know just how to keep them.

[CHUCKLES] What do you
want to know about Papa?


Here's what I don't get.

All of the Talon's victims had
sudden bouts of dementia or insanity

with no prior history
just before they died.

So either being att*cked by the Talon

is so scary that it literally
drives you wackadoo...

I'm not gonna lie. He is
a big ol' pile of scary.


the Talon's knives are laced
with some kind of toxin,

a hallucinogenic maybe.

None of the cuts were
deep enough to k*ll, but

maybe he dipped them in something

that made his victims lose their minds.

CULLEN: I buy it.

It... my dad's an alcoholic.

When he drank, he just became
a different person. I mean,

he wasn't great to begin with, but...

add alcohol and he was screaming
and smashing everything.

- But when he sobered up...
- All apologetic,

promises it'll never happen again,

buys you stuff to make up for it.

You know, we should check
if the autopsies showed

any strange chemicals or
dr*gs in their systems.

EUNICE: As a child, my father was
always traveling with the circus.

Ohh. I loved the beautiful
costumes, the spectacle,

but I especially loved the music.

Heh. I so rarely saw Papa,

but he knows how much I loved the music.

He never forgets.

And even though he was
traveling with his act,

he managed to watch over me.


He still does.

And he sends me these music boxes

to add to my collection.

- Sends?
- EUNICE: Yes.

This one's my favorite. [CHUCKLES]

Of course, I always like

- the newest ones best.

Did your dad give away
other things of his?

Like, I don't know, say, his knives?


- Excuse me?
- You know,

the ones he... [MOCK CHOKING]

carved people up with. [CHUCKLES]

I mean, Butcher of Gotham and all.

'Cause there is actually
somebody out there right now

doing very bad things with them.

Such a crude name.

Papa never butchered anyone
despite what the papers said.

You... I'm a little chilly.

- Can we get my blanket?
- Yes. Of course.

Papa was always so precise.

He used to dissect his prey

with the skill of the finest
surgeon in all of Gotham.


Let me tell you another secret.

Papa didn't cut

their tongues out to keep the
bystanders from hearing their screams.

[CHUCKLING] That's absurd.

I mean, you can scream
perfectly well without a tongue.


No. It was their insipid pleas

to spare their lives
he couldn't tolerate.

His victims got what they deserved...

just like you.


Papa will be quite displeased with you

for tricking me into
saying things I shouldn't.

Beware the Court of Owls,

that watches all the time.

EUNICE: Ruling Gotham
from their shadowed perch

behind granite and lime.

They watch you at your hearth.

They watch you at your bed.

Speak not a whispered word of them,

or they'll send the Talon for your head!



Oh, my God.

Turner, how did you get in here?

I've been sneaking in and
out of here since I was .

I've missed this place.

Are you all right?

As all right as someone
wanted for m*rder can be.


Do you have any idea
how worried I've been?

Why didn't you come to me sooner?

I didn't want to drag you into this.


well, I thought maybe

you believed what they
said about me was true.


I know you.

You loved your father. I know
you'd never do anything to hurt him.

- Thank you.
- For what?

- Believing in me.
- There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.

Good, because...

I think I know a way that you
can help me prove I'm innocent.

Whatever you need. You're home now.

I'm not seeing any hallucinogenics
coming from these autopsies,

but a lot of them have trace
amounts of an unknown substance.

What does that mean?

It means the body
metabolized some kind of drug,

breaking it down, so we
can't know what it is.

Certain dr*gs, like opiates,
break down really quickly,

so after a while, they won't
even show up on a drug test.

I watch a lot of true crime.

It's OK. You don't have to do that.


Make excuses. I mean,
I know what it's like.

I actually do love true crime.

And my mom's an addict.

Pills, mostly.

That's why you're working
on this so late with me?

You don't want to go home?

Not until she's passed out.

Nobody knows...

not even Turner.

I'm not saying anything. But,

you know, if you ever do need someone
to talk to about anything, I...

I'm literally not going anywhere, so...

DENT: Checking out item -.


Uh, item -?

It's an Athenian coin connected
with the Bruce Wayne case.

Sorry. Do you mean checking back in?

- You already checked it out.
- What do you mean?


right there.

You already signed it out.

That doesn't make any sense.

No. I'm telling you, she had
that crazy old woman strength.

- CULLEN: That's not a thing.
- CARRIE: Oh, it's a thing.

STEPHANIE: This can't be a coincidence.

Eunice Monroe associated
with the Court of Owls?

Mm-hmm. She was off her rocker, man.

She kept insisting that
her dearly departed daddy

was still sending her little presents.

So the Court is having
someone bring her trinkets

to make her think her
dad is still alive?

- Why would they do that?
- I don't know why,

but I think I know who.

STEPHANIE: Cressida Clarke.

CRESSIDA: So your father
did change his will?

In secret.

And he didn't make any
copies, just the original,

which I think he brought back here.

Do you have any idea
where he might have put it?

There are a few places I could
check. I won't be a moment.


- Hey.
- Turner, you need to get out of there right now.

What? Wh... what do you mean?

Cressida is one of them. She's
working with the Court of Owls.

- That's impossible.
- [g*n COCKS]

Hang up the phone.


I must say, your detective work

to this point has been impressive.

Your father would be proud.

I'm sorry it had to come to this.

The phone, if you please.

I trusted you.

So did my dad.

Have you been working
for them the whole time?


I never meant for any of this to happen.

Did you do it?

Did you k*ll my father?

You have to understand,

one does not defy the Court.

They're too powerful.

- They'll k*ll me.
- Not if I do it first.

Please, Turner, I did not k*ll him.

- TURNER: You're lying.
- CRESSIDA: I didn't.

I helped the Court...

by making his death possible.

- How?
- I slipped a toxin into his food,

a small amount at a time,

just enough to weaken
him to dull his reflexes.

And then they sent the Talon.

You know the rest.

Why did they do it?

Gotham is their city.

Your father was a threat to that.

- And what about me?
- You were...

collateral damage.

Give me one good reason I
shouldn't k*ll you right now.

I can't.

But please understand

I never meant to hurt you. I always

cared about you.

Everything about you has been a lie.

Do you expect me to believe that?

No, but it is true.

MAN: She's telling the truth.

Ms. Clarke has always
spoken very highly of you.

In fact, she's quite
vocally petitioned the Court

- to spare your life.
- And why is that?

We have misjudged you, Mr. Hayes.

You've proven to be quite
formidable as well as resilient,

qualities the Court
holds in high regard.

Swear your loyalty to us,

and you will rise to such heights

that the pain and misery of this world

will be but a distant memory.

The charges against you will
be dropped, your name cleared.

You will once again be a prince
of Gotham and so much more.

All we ask in return is your loyalty.

You k*lled my father.
You destroyed my life.

You expect me to forget that

and just let you get away with it?

The Court will get away with it

no matter what you do or don't do.

How can I trust you to honor your word?

The fact that you're still
breathing is all the proof you need.

However, membership into this family

- does not come without a price.
- Right. Loyalty.

Tell us where we can find
the remaining fugitives.

You're asking me to betray them?

Do it.

It's the only way to save your life.

Then it's not a life worth saving.

How disappointing but, sadly, expected.

If you're determined to die
in the gutter you came from,

- the Court will oblige you.



Come on.


Which way now?

Follow me.


CARRIE: Get ready to run.


I've been replaying the last years

over and over in my head.

Every kind word she ever said to me,

every homework assignment
she helped me with...

every time she sat with me
when my dad was working late...

every one of them was a lie.

'Cause all that time,

Cressida was plotting to m*rder my dad.

"The Owls are in the house."

It was a warning.

Alan Wayne said it

and Pericles Jones.

And it was true.

The Court was in my house...

and I was too blind to see it.

My dad, too...

- because we trusted her.
- We all did.

I'm not OK, Stephanie.

It's all right not to be.

I had it in my head I could
go back to my old life...

that I could go home.

- How could I be so wrong?
- Because you're human.

Anybody would want that.

She was the last piece of
family I had left, Steph.

I know.

But that doesn't mean you're alone.

You still have me

and you've got those
weirdos downstairs, too.


This is the part where you're
supposed to make me feel better.

Hey, I'm working with what I got.

Are pizza empanadas
different than calzones?

Why don't you ask your new friend?

Stephanie? You know, she's pretty
cool if you actually get to know her.

- I don't want to get to know her.
- Why not?

Because in another life, I would be her.

- What?
- I am just as smart and just as capable as her,

but she got born into a better Zip code

and has everything I ever wanted...

teachers who give a
crap, fast track to MIT,

parents who didn't abandon her,

a life where she doesn't have
to fight for every damn thing,

where you get judged for who
you are and not where you are.

And every time I look at her,

I see what I could have
been just staring back at me.


Luckily for you, I know who you are,

all right, and it's pretty amazing.

And the person you're gonna be...

off the frickin' charts.

Who Stephanie is isn't
gonna change that.

Just so you know, she doesn't
exist to make you feel bad.

Her life definitely isn't perfect.

Yeah, right.

Get to know her.

Don't judge her the way others judge us.



SOTO: Forensics finished up their
analysis of the mayor's limo.

No fingerprints other
than the mayor's, no DNA.

I don't see any pry marks.

Do we know how the bomber got inside?

Well, according to the
mayor's security detail,

there is a key unaccounted for.

If we find the key, that
could lead us to the k*ller.



It's the lab.


What'd you find? All right.




Did you steal from an old lady?

No. I stole from a
crazy old lady. [LAUGHS]

And you know what, I deserve it
after what she put us through.

All my dad ever gave me
was a bloody playing card.

I mean, her dad was a rampaging psycho,

and yet he managed to look after her.

She still got her yolk scrambled.


I'm glad you came along.

Now hand it over.

Seriously? You're gonna return it?

No. I have a better idea.

I'm gonna check it for prints.

STEPHANIE: OK, eliminating
nursing home staff,

eliminating Eunice.

You'd think someone with "nice" in
their name wouldn't be so creepy.


- Got a match.



OK, last one.

It's only a partial print,

so it may not be enough
for us to get a match.

The Butcher of Gotham was ex*cuted
almost a hundred years ago.

How the hell is he the Talon?