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05x09 - Sur le fil - partie 1

Posted: 04/04/23 16:55
by bunniefuu
I'll offer you a deal:

you stop bunking off lessons,

and in exchange,

you can see her more often.


You're hurting me!

That's no way
to talk to a lady.

- Let go!
- Easy.

- I'll see you again.
- OK.

I want to file a complaint.


Do you know his name?

Captain Kader Cherif.

Police! Don't move!

Hands up! Now!

I was leaving the club by the hotel.
Alone. He was waiting for me.

He grabbed me by the neck

and hit me several times.

I was at home all day.

Did anyone witness the attack?

No. He chose his moment.

One question:
we're not friends, are we?

- No way.
- OK.

So how did I find you?

By following me.

Yeah, that's easy.

If you wish to press charges,
an officer will help you.

But making false accusations
against a police captain

will cost you. Out!

- Hear that?
- f*cking dirty cop!

You attack me
and I'm in trouble?

- You won't get away with it!
- File a complaint or go!

Yeah, right.

- Get lost.
- Let go!

- Where do you think you are?
- Mr Razowsky knows the way out.


You were right to say
no one would believe me.

Like your shit series,
Rectify or whatever.

- Get lost!
- Shit!

- How rude.
- Rectify?

I don't know. I forget.

He's talking nonsense.

Give me a full report
on your altercation yesterday.

And Kader,

don't leave anything out.


- Was that the guy from yesterday?
- Yeah.

Tell me.

Nothing to tell.

It's the start of the episode.

This is where I get a call
from Baudemont.

I understand, you're in a hurry.

Everyone's in a hurry.
I'm in a hurry...

Excuse me.

Now sit there and calm down.

I can't stay here.
Don't you get it?

No, I'm stupid. Look.

- What's going on?
- I didn't do anything.

I just want to go home.

That's easy to say.

He was caught
burgling his own wine shop,


Insurance fraud, classic.

Next time there's a raid

on a wine shop,
let me know, OK?

I have to go home.

My wife's waiting for me!

You're oddly dressed.
Did you fall out of bed?

Let's see what your wife thinks.

No! Don't, please.

A guy's holding her hostage.

If I don't take him those bottles,
he'll k*ll her.

Why didn't you say so before?

On the Edge - Part 1

Captain, there's no-one in the house.

We're on our way to the wine shop.

We should get there before you.


Mrs Lacombe?

Mrs Lacombe?

She's dead.

She was k*lled
by a violent blow to the head.

With something heavy.

Like a bottle of plonk?

Yeah, that's right.

When Lacombe didn't come back,

he panicked

and came here with his hostage.

Quite a nerve.

The blow came from behind.
I doubt she saw it coming.

I'll ask for CCTV footage
from the street.



He must have been scared
she'd identify him.

- What?
- Nothing.

Go on.

You're on form
for a guy who doesn't sleep.

- I don't follow you.
- Come on!

I was at the cinema
with Mélanie last night.

We saw you
outside the hotel at 1am.

Who was she?

A Russian model
harassed by the paparazzi?

A billionaire's wife?

Adeline leaving
hasn't hurt your mojo.

- You're keeping your end up.
- Captain!

Have you been drinking?

I checked the inventory.
50,000 euros' worth is missing.

I didn't go out last night.

I was at home.

All night.

You were?


I could have sworn...

I'm telling you.

Excuse me.

See you soon. OK?

OK, yes.

but something important's come up.

I'll be back when I can.


Does that happen often?

No, never.

Do you have news of my wife?

Mr Lacombe, I'm sorry.

We found your wife dead.

I wish I had the words
to console you, but I don't.

You said your attacker
wore a hoodie.

Was his voice familiar?

- Had you heard it before?
- I don't know.

He was pointing his g*n
at my wife.

I was so scared.

Do you remember anything?
Even a small detail?

Something insignificant?

I've already said all this.

He wore a black hoodie.
No distinguishing features.

He just spoke

about the Grignon-Hanskotters.

He wanted me
to bring them to him.

What are
the Grignon-Hanskotters?

Great vintage wines

costing 3,000 euros a bottle.

We don't sell many, but...

I'd ordered a case of them.

I placed the order 2 days ago.

1981 vintage.

Who knew about the delivery?

No one.

Except my son. He...

took delivery of the order.

Two weeks ago,

he asked us for money.

My wife wanted to give it to him,

but I didn't.

Thank you.

Geoffrey Lacombe is in debt.

He often asked his parents
for money.

But robbing them
and k*lling his mother!

He frequented casinos

and had debts all over.

You'd recognise your own son,
hoodie or no.

He had an accomplice.

Gabriel and Baudemont are on it.

Good. Keep me posted.

Where's Kader?

I don't know.

Lyon-Corbas Prison

My love.

Are you OK?

I miss you, my love.


How are you doing at school?


If I may,

Eddy and I have had to agree
some new rules

to encourage him to apply himself.

Of course.

But all he needs is his mum.

The main thing
is to get off on the right foot.

You look after him well.

Not many people would do that.

I'm grateful.

He's a good kid.


There's a good chance
I'll get early release.

Really? You're coming out?

But when?


And we'll live together,
like before.

Room service.

Ah! Coffee?


To what do I owe the honour?

Nothing special.
I was just passing.

You're never just passing.

A certain Eugène Razowsky
has filed a complaint in the 8th.

A complaint for v*olence

against Captain Cherif.

I've seen the file.
It looks serious.

I'd never have imagined it.

What do you think?


I think it's not like him.
But thanks for the heads up.


I hope it gets sorted out.

Are you worried about him now?

Not especially. But...

You're different.
You're new to the department.

It'd be a shame
if you were tainted by scandal.


I'll call you, Roxane.

Captain Cherif.

See you again soon.

Was it something I said?

No. He said Razowsky filed
a complaint against you in the 8th.

Against me?

You'd better get a lawyer.

I've done nothing wrong.

Lacombe junior's
in the interview room.

Can you tell me why I'm here?

Don't you have any idea, Geoffrey?

Recognise her?

- What's that?
- Your mother.

What happened?

Your mother is dead

because someone
wanted her wine.

You didn't know?

Tell us what happened.

I've no time to lose.

Don't mess me around.

All that for money?

Is that why you had
your mother k*lled? For money?

Do you understand me?


Look. It's your mother.

I'm talking to you!

- Kader!
- Just wait.

Was it for money? Eh?


Stop messing us about!

Cherif, take it easy.

- A case report to sign.
- Not now.

I'm talking to you!

Look at this, dammit!

- He promised.
- What?

He promised what?

- He was just meant to scare them.
- Who?

Who's "he"?

- Who?
- Xavier Debaye.

Xavier Debaye, OK?

You see?

It wasn't that hard.

Xavier Debaye, 32.

Villeurbanne police want him
for abduction.

They've been after him for months,

but the witnesses always back out
or disappear.

The guy sent someone
to hold up his parents.

Those people deserve no pity.

He's on the wanted-persons file.

If there's a check,
he'll be arrested.

Then you can let off more steam.

I need some air.

I've put the word out.

If the bottles come onto the market,
I'll know about it.

If you'll excuse me,

I have a date.

I saw you questioning Lacombe.
What are you playing at?

I'm doing my job.

I got the name of the accomplice,
Xavier Debaye. Me.

You know what I mean.

Everyone's looking at you, Kader.

The v*olence complaint
won't go away.

And you're doing this now!

This is no time to lose it.


May I go?


we'll keep in touch.

I nearly missed you.

Oh, Roxane!

Do you have 5 minutes?


I was coming to see you

Not you as a woman,

but you the police officer.

- I'm engaged.
- I'm married.

Ah. In another life, then.

I've got something for you.

We worked hard on these.

Preliminary reports.

- Oh, right.
- Here.


But that's not why you wanted me.

No, that's true.

I was thinking about what you said
at the crime scene.

My notes confirm, head trauma...

No, not that.

I'm sure you're right. No, I...

Did you see Kader last night?

Coming out of a hotel
or something?

Yes, maybe.

Do you remember the time?
Was he alone?

Is this about the guy
who filed a complaint?

I can't really remember now.

- Philippe!
- Are you with Internal Affairs?

I want to know
who I'm working with.

Kader's a great guy.

You should know that.

Have a nice day.

It was great with my mother.

When she gets out,
she'll have friends

and loads of great plans.

Can you help her?

Of course. Yes.

If she wants me to.

I told you about my father?

When I was your age,

I dreamt of him doing
fabulous things,

good things.

But it's not for children
to save their parents.

What are you trying to say?

Your mother made her life,
made her choices.

You have your life,
she has hers.

It's hard, but that's how it is.

But she's my mother.

If she's in trouble, so am I.

That's one way of seeing it.

So I should give up on her?

I didn't say that, Eddy.

But that's what you mean!

I never said that.


- Philippe, come in.
- All right?

Hi, Eddy. All good?

Glass of wine?

Got a minute?

To talk.

- On the terrace?
- Yes.


His hair's grown!

I think you should thank me.

For what?

Your colleague.

She came asking questions
about you.

About where I saw you last night.

She did?

And what did you say?


But you were there, right?

I can't really talk to you right now,

Has anyone else asked questions?

It's serious, then.

The guy who filed a complaint,

did you grab him near the hotel
where I saw you?

Yes, but I didn't beat him up.

I swear.

OK. Good enough for me.

OK. Cool.

- How about that wine?
- With pleasure.

Calm down! Not a very chatty
wine thief, are you?

- f*ck you!
- Not very original, either.

Mr Debaye.

Take him to the interview room.

Where's Kader?

Absolutely no idea.

What's he doing?


Hi, Jennifer.

I thought we should talk
one to one.


You're very close to Eddy.
That's good.

- It's important.
- But?

I take it there's a "but".


Let's say that...

Eddy's sort of at a crossroads.

Lying to his teachers,

skipping lessons.

It's the start of a slippery slope.

Oh, really?

- And it's my fault?
- I didn't say that.

Do you really think
I chose to be parted from my son?

It's Eddy I want to talk about.

Are you going to tell me

I'm a bad influence on him?


That's not what you're going to say?

You know, I have a daughter...

Stop it. Eddy told me
she went to Boston.

It's a little more complicated
than that.

I'm warning you,

I won't let anyone steal my son.

Not even a cop.


No one wants to steal your son.

I'm done.



On my way.

- Kader, where are you?
- Razowsky's wife called.

Her husband's
breaking the door down.

- Bring support.
- On our way.

Don't do anything, OK?

Kader? Kader?

- I'll get Joël.
- No time. Come on.

No! Let me go!

Joseph! Joseph!

Stop it!

Kader must be up there.
Watch the exits. I'm going up.

Let me go! f*ck it!


Did he push him?

Sure he did.
And Mike Brant, too.

Don't be stupid. Kader arrived,
the guy saw him, stepped back,

the window was open
and there you are.

You were there.

It happened fast, but...

- What? Spit it out.
- I don't know.

I'd say he was pushed.

Absolute rubbish.

What's up?

- "What's up?"
- Yes.

Where were you?

I needed a coffee.

Is that a joke?

You can see it's not.

OK. Can we talk, please?

I wasn't listening.

How did you get in?

Via the stairs.

So what happened?

I tried to catch him as he jumped,
but I couldn't.

My kids lie better than that.

- Do you realise what you'll get?
- A medal?

I meant a medal
for trying to save him.

He's going to file a complaint
for attempted m*rder.

It's his version against ours.


You're going to court!
That's all you'll get out of it.


The guy was beating up
his girlfriend.

Was I supposed to do nothing?

Watch this.
The boss'll sort it out.

Xavier Debaye
is in the interview room.

Not you, Kader. Le Goff.

There you are. Sorted.

You're off the Lacombe case.

So now you're on their side too?

If you really mean that,

you'd better apply
for a transfer right now!

It'll be a pleasure to approve it!

That went well, then.

No, I've got it.

It's perfectly rational.

This guy is Kader's evil twin.

That's it!

Like a twin brother.

Maybe Kader came out first

and he resents him for it.

Kader was the first
and became a policeman.

So the other one thinks:

"Why don't I take his place?"

And the evil twin says:
"I'm going to ruin your life.


"Your life will be..."

That's it. It has to be.

The evil twin.

I'll make out a report.

But I'll use a different name.

Geoffrey Lacombe
talked in custody.

I don't know any Geoffrey.

These were taken last week.

That's odd,
you seem to know each other.

I don't remember
all the mugs I beat at poker.


Make an effort.

He said you offered to pay off
his gambling debts

in exchange for info
on his parents' cellar.

You weren't supposed
to k*ll his mother.

I don't know
what you're on about.

Where were you
between 5 and 7am?

In bed with my girl.

She'll remember,
if you know what I mean.

You've been convicted

of violent offences.

I've settled down.


Since yesterday?

You've got nothing.
I've got an alibi.

If you had the w*apon,

you'd have said.

I'll be home in 2 hours.

I'm keeping you in custody.


Screw you!

Article 63-1 of the criminal code.

- I've the right to silence.
- OK.

You can exercise your right
in a cell.

Hi, guys.


I need someone to help
with an interrogation.

Someone who's up for it.


Are you free?

Yes. OK.



Kader, can I talk to you?

I won't be a moment, Arthur.

One second.

- Are you OK?
- Yes, why?

I thought...
This'll seem strange,

but I was wondering...
Can you remember my birthday?

- Yes, can't you?
- Just asking.

- 23rd July.
- Yes.

- When did you join the police?
- 1995.

How old is Sarah?

- Are you OK?
- Yes.

She'll be 18 in 2 months.

- I have to go.
- OK.

It can't be his evil twin.
I don't get it.

Time for your cigarette break.

- I don't smoke.
- Have a coffee, then.

- Warn me if someone comes.
- OK.

What's going on?

Sit down. Get comfortable.


The bad cop routine?

Good cop, bad cop,
that's so old-fashioned.

I'm a different sort of cop.

Vic Mackey, heard of him?

The Shield,

season 1, episode 1.

Get the idea?

The knee...

or the elbow?

The knee.

- Can you get new kneecaps?
- You wouldn't.

You reckon?

Your career would be over.

I'll say...

you went for my g*n.

I had to defend myself,

and it went off.

It was self-defence.

- You're crazy!
- No.

I'll ask a question
and you answer it.

Where were you
yesterday at 6am?

Leave me alone!

Wrong answer.

- No!
- Shush...

Don't scream.

Where were you

yesterday at 6am?


Fine, fine!

I k*lled her.

k*lled who?

Elise Lacombe.
I k*lled Elise Lacombe.

I want the details.

Tell me.

I realised her husband
wasn't coming back

and took her to the cellar
to do the alarm.

She tried to get away.
I had to stop her.

I hit her with a bottle.

You see,

that wasn't so hard.

There was no need
to make a fuss.

Commander Dupré.

All good things come to an end.

- What a nice surprise.
- Thank you, Captain.

I'm here because of a complaint

against an officer.


this tops it.

An attack on a 2nd victim,

I couldn't ask for more.

It must be your birthday.

I intend to celebrate.

He was playing Russian roulette.

- He's a nutter.
- I was kidding.

Just having some fun.

Commander Dupré,
Internal Affairs.

His actions won't go unpunished.

Captain Cherif,

give me your g*n.

I got a confession.

It isn't loaded.

Dempsey & Makepeace.

Seen it?

Season 3, episode 5.

Have you lost your mind?

His confession is worthless.
Now we have to let him go.

Take him away.

He can go.

He was just doing his job.

Our superhero, however,
is quite another matter.

Your costume doesn't fit you.

Let's go.

Commander Dupré,

I'd like to be present
while you question Captain Cherif.

As you wish.

Your career is at stake too.

I've done nothing wrong.

I was pretending.
My g*n wasn't loaded.

That doesn't matter.

And what about the guy
you threw over the balcony?

I was sure that sooner or later

you'd overstep the mark.

I didn't push him off.

His fiancée, Miss Schneider,
will tell you.

I've just had
a long chat with her.


Would you believe,
they've got back together.

The power of love,

it's... incredible.

Yes, it's great.

She's changed her statement.

She says
you pushed Razowsky over.

She's lying.

She's lying.

She's been forced
to change her story.


that's as maybe,

but Christine Goupil,

who lives opposite
and says the same,

did he force her too?


And Marie Casanova,
on the fifth floor?


I see.

They're all lying.

It's a conspiracy.

- I want to speak to him in private.
- Fine.

And you can.

Once I've finished with him.

Is that it?

OK. Thanks.

- Where are you going?
- I've had enough.

- Kader!
- Forget it.

The signs were there.

Kader Cherif's reign
is coming to an end.

What signs?

- Drop it.
- No, I want to hear.

Go on.

She resigned
because of your thuggish methods.

Who do you mean?

You know who I mean.

That excellent cop

who got fed up
and crossed the Atlantic to escape.


Hold on.


Adeline Briard.

It's coming back.

Face or balls?

- Pardon?
- The Last Boy Scout.

Don't be stupid, Kader.

He asked for that.

You give me no choice.

Captain Cherif is suspended
until further notice.

For anything relating to his cases,

speak to Captain Le Goff.


Ah, Eddy.

Don't worry.

- It's fine.
- I couldn't care.

You told her
not to see me any more.

Hold on a minute,

that's not what I said.

Worried she'll be a bad influence?

What about you?

My mother never hit anyone.

Keep out of this.

It won't happen again.

That's what my mother says.

I'm going to Mummy Cherif's.

Here's to Dupré!

You really got him.

It's not funny.

What do you want?

I'm on your side, Kader.

We need cops like you.

I'm not a cop any more.

Doucet, Dupré...

They're spineless.

They don't realise
there's a w*r going on.

What are you doing?

Trying to be useful.

I'll introduce you to some friends.

Cops who share your views,

and who are fed up.

Your club of frustrated cops
isn't for me.

You're not frustrated when you act.
Believe me.

If you change your mind,

we'll be here.


What a surprise.


Stop being stupid, Kader.

Say sorry,

get a lawyer
and admit what you've done.

It's your last chance.

You'll lose your job.

Is that what you want?

To get fired?

No one can help you!

You realise that?

Do you want
to end up like your dad?

Is that it?



- All right?
- Yeah.

That was quite some stunt.


It was a close one.

What about that punch?

That wasn't in the script.

I was playing the role.

You're a great actor.

- It's nothing.
- Yeah.

And it had an effect.

It did indeed.

- Sandra not here?
- She's gone back to her unit.

He invited me this evening.

- He'll introduce me to the group.
- Mandrome?

Police sergeant
and sh**ting instructor.

For now,

all he's done
is try to boost my spirits.

I'll find out more this evening.

I'm sure about this.

Five unexplained disappearances

in two months.

Linked by the fact
they all got away:

legal technicality,

lack of evidence, etc.

Each time, less than 36 hours
before they disappeared,

Mandrome got a copy of their file.

I know, Commander,
but it doesn't prove anything.

Where are you meeting?

Near the police station.

People often have lunch there.

Don't wear a wire.

It's too risky.


we need to know
who's running the group.

He'll be there.

Excuse me.

Doucet. No doubt
worried about his protégé.

Yes, Commissioner?

Dupré can't stand corrupt cops.
What about you?

They're not just corrupt,
they're K*llers.

In my town.

We can't change who we are.
I can't look the other way.

And anyway...

I needed
to take my mind off things.

You wouldn't think it,

but Doucet is very rude.

You should have told him.
I trust him.

Come on...

It isn't a matter of trust.

I've been doing this for 8 years.

They'll be watching you

and your friends.

It's vital that Doucet, Le Goff,

everyone reacts naturally.

Stick to the plan
and everything will be fine.

That's wishful thinking.

It won't take long anyway.

Arthur has looked at a new file.

Yours, Eugène.

You're next.

- Everything ready?
- Yes.

In Eugène's file,

his address matches
a house we've rented.

A quiet location,

impasse Damien.

We have a team nearby.

So now,

put that on

and go to the house.

When you turn up,
he'll open the door.

You see each other,


Eugène will get as far back
as possible,

and Kader, you sh**t him.

The b*ll*ts are real.

Aim carefully.

I'll do my best.

I have fake blood to use.

Once they're all inside,
we arrest them.

4 officers downstairs,
3 in the garden,

and a police dog.

It can't go wrong.

They won't have a clue.


this is when you say
if I'm caught or k*lled,

the government will deny
all knowledge of my actions.

This isn't Mission Impossible,

There was this word, "chi".

There's no equivalent translation.

It means life-force energy.

Try putting that
in a detective novel!

I spent 5 hours on that sentence.

5 hours!

Chinese authors
are really not my thing.

And Matt wants to hop
all round the world

and Julie wants to get her ears,
nose and tongue pierced.

What? No!

Finally, a smile!

That's the first I've seen.

I like your smile.

I love it.

Things not going well for Kader?

No. He's not the same.

He's in self-destruct mode.

I must have missed something.

I want to check on him.

You know what?
Do what you need to do.

I'll make dinner
and keep a plate warm for you.

- Really?
- Yes.

I'll be home
to put the kids to bed.

Don't worry.
But you will have to tuck me in.


See you later.

Good evening.

Is this the Tupperware party?

I didn't think you'd show.

I didn't expect to see you either.

- Life is full of surprises.
- Yes.

- Sit down.
- Thanks.

You know Arthur.

Have you met Christophe?

- Hi.
- Hi.

Captain in the dr*gs squad,

and Benoît,
a sergeant from the 6th.

Good to see you, Kader.

I told you he was ready.

We'll see.

Lyon's coolest cop
wants to play with the big boys?


That depends what we're playing.

He'll show you.

Stand up, please.

I didn't realise we all had
to have a moustache?

That tickles.


We've had our fun,
now let's get down to business.

You said
you wanted things to change.

How far would you go?

- You saw what I did to Debaye.
- Yes.

As for Razowsky,

I might have helped him jump.


But they'll get out of prison
and start again.

I'll arrest them again.
That's my job.

There's another solution.

Eliminating criminals
before they commit a crime.

What would you call that?

It depends.

I could consider it...

preventive self-defence.

Not bad.

I knew he'd agree.

I'll ask the question again:

how far would you go?

All the way.


Time to go.

- We're not having dinner?
- Not exactly.


- And...?
- He's staying here.

We'll need an alibi.

Good luck, Kader.

The boss is counting on you.

Where are we going?

Give me your phone.

We have a surprise for you.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I don't like surprises.

You'll like this one.

Keep watch.

Oh, shit.

Eugène, stand by the window.

Know where we are?


Happy Christmas.

I thought
this would be perfect for you.

No way.

has already accused me.

If he's k*lled,
I'll be the number-1 suspect.

Clean up the town, OK,

but I'd rather not go to prison.

We trusted you.

Now it's your turn.

We know what we're doing.

Razowsky hits his girlfriend.

We know what happens
to women who live with such men.

How will you feel
when she ends up in the morgue?

If you'd rather wait
for the court to act, that's fine.

We'll forget it.

You've got two b*ll*ts.


No, don't.

Well done.

We need to get rid of the body.

Wait here.



There's no one here.

- Get ready to go in.
- No. No.


Don't move.
On my signal, release the dog.

Get ready.

Release the dog.

Don't, that's your service g*n.

We have to go.
Come on, Kader.

Stop them.

Anything could happen
once they're in the car.

Give me the g*n.
