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05x08 - Au coeur du crime

Posted: 04/04/23 16:55
by bunniefuu
Commissioner Doucet,
it's 1988,

you're 30

and you're in charge of the case

of what the press were calling
the Butcher of la Croix Rousse.


His 4th victim is discovered here,

a few metres from the Place Bellevue
police station.

It's as if he's setting you
a challenge.

The k*ller remains elusive,

but on December 4, at 10pm,

you receive a phone call
that changes everything.


A man had been stopped
for speeding.

As the ticket was being issued,

one of the officers
noticed a red mark

on the car's bonnet.

It's going to work.

Of course it is.


How do you get it to record?

The red button.

Ah. Cool.


I promised Jean-Paul
I'd record the whole show.

There, it's going.

- It's recording.
- Yes.

He discovered the body
of Géraldine Massard.

Géraldine Massard,

tortured like
the 4 previous victims.

The driver, Bernard Schwarz,

was placed in custody

by the officers present.

And taken to the police station,

where I joined him
shortly thereafter.

Schwarz's car belonged
to the firm for which he worked,

and was used
by other employees.

You needed a confession.


That's where it got complicated.

It's happening next door,
and we're on desk duty.

And Joël's off with the flu!

I'll invite him to watch it on replay
when he's better.

You will?

- Yes.
- Shush!

He denied ever
having opened the boot.

But my instinct told me it was him.

We'll look at the crucial phase
of the interrogation,

when everything changed.

But now it's time to welcome
Mélanie Tanger

for our feature
Remembering the Victims.

- I know the Commissioner.
- Shush!

Mélanie Tanger joins us now.

Mélanie, are you OK?

Can I come?

Stay there.
I'll tell you when you can leave.


Police! Don't move!

Seal off the area!

m*rder live on air.

Almost as if it was staged!

One for you, Joël.

At the Heart of the Crime

The location changes
with each episode.

The k*ller knew

where to find her.

It's not that difficult.

They put up signs everywhere

announcing the sh**t.

First we have to take
Noémie Fouchet's statement.

No. I'll do it.

- You will?
- See you later.

I'll take yours myself, then.

She was k*lled with a knife

or something similar,

between the 3rd and 4th vertebrae.

Got any gloves?


Never without protection.

Only one eye made up.

A new fashion?

This is where she was stabbed.

She was sitting down
when the k*ller struck.

Smells of lipstick.

He stabbed her with scissors

and quietly left

while everyone
was glued to the screen.

He left her for dead.

She dragged herself to the stage.

Sometimes it works,

sometimes it doesn't.


This time it worked.

An old conjuring trick.


Go to school.

You're not skipping anything.

Julie and Marc Debrandt,

the show's producers, are here.

They're still in shock.

- Got anything?
- A possible lead.

- I'll tell you later.
- Right.

It's a real curse.

First the programme 2 years ago,
now this.

Last time I go on TV.

Have I invited you for tea
at my place?


Mint tea.


- Will you take one?
- No. I'm fine, really.

I had a heart transplant
a few years ago.

Sometimes I think it's my husband
who had the operation.

Did Mélanie
know anyone called Cécile?


Initially, Mélanie hosted two items:

Remembering the Victims

and Lyon Scoops.

In each programme,

she uncovered minor scandals,

insurance frauds,


She had her Huggy Bear.

Do you know
where she got her information?

- No.
- She wouldn't tell us.

But she was well informed.

Then there was the scoop.

She exposed a garage owner
who was ripping people off.

There was an inquiry
and it all came out:

the fraud, but also the fact that...

he was sleeping
with his married secretary.

Was her name Cécile?


The poor woman
committed su1c1de a few days later.

A complaint was filed
and dismissed,

but we immediately pulled the plug
on Lyon Scoops.

Mélanie never understood why.

She never felt responsible
for her death.

Well, someone thought she was.

Her husband.

Studio security threw him out
several times.

There's even a photo of him
at reception.

Jacques Rancet.

Jacques Rancet,

47, carpenter,
no criminal record.

But police received 2 calls

when he tried to attack Mélanie.

His face rings a bell.

Hold on.

Are you OK?


- That's him.
- Yes.

So he goes into the trailer,

writes his wife's name on the mirror,
Mélanie catches him.

They argue, he stabs her.
He panics and runs,

but she makes it
as far as the stage.

Excuse me.


Don't tell me

Eddy has hit another pupil.

No, I never got the message.

Thank you for letting me know.


That was the school.

Apparently, Eddy's been truanting,
and he's been intercepting my calls.

That requires a certain talent.

I'll congratulate him right now.

Yes, Eddy. Can you call me
when you get my message?

It's urgent.

Congratulations will have to wait.

I've got Rancet's work address.
Shall we?


Mélanie, are you OK?

Yes. That's me.

So what?

I didn't k*ll her.

You must admit
you're the ideal suspect.

If I'd wanted to k*ll her,
I'd have done it elsewhere.

You knew
where she was appearing.

I always know where to find her.

You do?

When my complaint was dismissed,

I thought I'd go mad.

I thought if the law wouldn't act,
it was up to me.

I started to follow her.

I soon found out

how she got her "Lyon scoops".

And how was that?

She had contacts in government.

In return for tickets to the game,
dinners or whatever,

they gave her information.

That's why my wife died.

I created a website
to reveal what I knew.

So basically,

you wanted to avenge your wife.


Death was too good for her.

He was determined to expose
every little scheme

involving Mélanie Tanger.

We've checked, it's all there.

He listed all her contacts:
police, prefecture...

It was his idea of revenge.

You don't think it was him?

No. If it was, he'd have said so.

He was at the crime scene
when the m*rder took place,

and has an obvious motive.

He's not leaving here yet.

- He was obsessed by the victim.
- Who's that?


- Any news?
- Oh, yes.

The body just came into the morgue.

It'll take me a while.

I'm not a machine.

See what you can find online.

- We need to know her secrets.
- Ah! Secrets.

The little secret gardens,
butterflies we catch

In our little vegetable patch...

Going to open the barrier?

- Barrier?
- The toll.

Oh, shit!

See you.

Philippe! Wait!

No, I didn't see anything.



It's huge. Huge.

You know the presenter,
the one who...

Noémie Fouchet,
she's going out with someone here.

- Oh, right.
- Yes.

- What do I care?
- Really? OK.



With Doucet.

- No!
- Yes.

- I don't believe it.
- I saw them.

- It's not true.
- It is.

- It's impossible.
- I saw them.

You spend too long
on your microscope.

Maybe so, but I saw them.

I feel like saying:

"Hats off, Doucet."

He has a secret...

Eddy, call me, please. OK?


No news?

That kid's beyond me.

I haven't found the right angle.

It was easier with Sarah.

Start by not comparing him
to your daughter.

Talk to him calmly
and find out why he did it.

OK, Doctor.

I've got something.

Rancet's information links our victim
to government workers:

hospitals, tax office,

fraud squad...
You name it.

They all risk being fired.
But there's more.

Mélanie Tanger went twice a week
to this address,

always at 9pm.

"A life without addictions".

Maybe she was doing
a report on them.

- Not according to TVL4.
- Oh.

Maybe she wanted to contact
a member of the group.

I'd bet on it.

But it won't be easy.
Those people protect their identity.


No one wants their private life
made public.

- How about a search warrant?
- Not before tomorrow.

I have a better idea.

We have 4 hours.
Meet me outside the group tonight.

We'll have some fun.

Hands up, Mum!

What are you doing here,

Godfather brought me.

Greg was stuck
on a conference call.


- He couldn't fetch her.
- He could've called me.

And deprive me of time
with my goddaughter?

- Show me your office!
- I don't have time.


Come on, Mum, please!

- Please.
- Come on, please.

All right, then.


- But not for long. I have to work.
- OK.

I tried to call you.

My phone's playing up.
I don't know why.

How was your philosophy class?


We talked about freedom,
free will,

that kind of stuff.

Interesting, then.

So you've learnt

that freedom without education

isn't worth a thing.


I know you weren't in class.

You've had 4 absences
since you've been at the school.

Care to explain?

Right. OK.

I didn't tell you, but...

I suffer from both claustrophobia
and agoraphobia.

I'm not joking.
I'm telling the truth.

The doctor at the home
diagnosed it.

I get you a place
in one of the city's best schools.

You get in fights and skip lessons.
What are you playing at?

I can't do it.

Arriving in the middle of a year,

in a school where I know nobody.

And the level's really high.

I've tried,

but I can't do it.

So your solution is to run away?

Nick Ryder said:

"Running away
is never the answer."

If I'm reduced to quoting him
as your philosophical guide,

I must be desperate.

Are you going to try?

Otherwise I'll call the school
and say...

and say you're...

throwing in the towel.

No. I'll try.

I don't know who Nick Ryder is,
but he's right.


So no more playing truant.


On Monday I was on the metro.

There was this woman in a skirt.

I thought it'd be so easy
to take photos of her legs.

She had such lovely legs.

But I didn't take any photos
and managed not to look.

Well done, Philippe.

But I see we have a newcomer

to our group.

- Hello. My name is Kader.
- Hello, Kader.

And I...

I'm completely addicted
to TV cop shows.


I'm a serious binge-watcher.

What with new series and classics,
I watch a lot of them,

and several simultaneously.


I'm a little ashamed.

I watch them on fast forward.

I understand.

But you're in the wrong place.

The office can send you
to the right support group.

Believe me,
my life's become a living hell.

In every situation,
I quote from a series.

The season, the episode number.

"Cherif, season 5, episode 8".

- See what I mean?
- OK.


We'll find you the group
that you need.

That's great.

For example, this morning,
I watched a new police series

in which a man is unmasked
due to his addiction.

He's being pursued
by a journalist

called Mélanie Tanger.

Is there a problem, Philippe?

The man stands up

and gives himself away.

I think that's when
he gets arrested.

Police! Stop!

Captain Roxane Le Goff,

Lyon police.

Come with me.

Like that.

Just as I told you.

OK, you're holding him.

He was in touch with Mélanie Tanger.
What else?


- Er...
- We'll find out.

Or not.

We've held people for less.

Tell me again
exactly how it happened.

I don't remember.

Did he run away before or after
you stated your identities?

- Couldn't you wait till he came out?
- No, that's just it.

Right. Keep me posted.

Oh, by the way...

Say hello to Anne.

She's on holiday.
But yes, I will.

You seem full of beans right now.

See you tomorrow.

Doucet's right.

Apart from the fact he ran away,
we've got nothing on him.


But he doesn't know that.

Philippe Duval,


owner of the bar Le Repaire,

convictions for illegal gambling,

sexual as*ault,


And that's just the old stuff.

Given what Mélanie told us,
there's worse to come.

She swore she wouldn't tell.

I know.

Disappointing, isn't it?

We want to know where you were
between noon and 2pm.

I didn't k*ll her.

She swore she'd say nothing.

In exchange for what?

What was the deal?

Right. It's getting late.

I have to put the kids to bed.

Have a good night.
It's not very comfortable.

- You'll see the magistrate...
- Wait, wait, wait.

She turned up

at the support group.

A woman in the group
was weird enough.

I realised she was there
just to find out things about me.

Last week she came into my bar.

She did?

But she wasn't meant to know
who you were.


I thought it was by chance.

But that didn't last long.

She'd done her homework.

A real tax inspector.

She knew I was fiddling
the machine takings.

I've got a few video games
that turn into poker.

With that and the recordings
she'd made of me

confessing things

to the group,

she had me.

What did she want
in exchange for her silence?

That I tell her everything

about an ex-girlfriend,

Juliette Barroux.

That's what interested her:

her little secrets.

She wanted to destroy
Juliette's relationship

by exposing her past.

No Juliette Barroux on file.


So, what do we know?

Duval says

she was just a telephonist in love,

ready to do anything for him.

And she did.

dr*gs, orgies
and who knows what else.

Tomorrow I'll call the prefecture
and get her photo.

Shall I drop you?

Don't you trust me?

It's only just calmed down,

after your videos and nightclubs.

- Right. See you tonight.
- Yep.


You're withholding your number now?

What ill wind brings you here?

Yes, I know the place.


Why? Can't it wait?

Sorry to dash off,

but I have to see my mother.

Anything serious?

No. No.

- I'll be there when I can.
- OK.

- Captain.
- Commissioner.

Where's Kader?

Mummy Cherif.

Nothing serious?

I hope not.

When Philippe Duval was arrested,
he was in a relationship

with Juliette Barroux.

I feel like I've seen her before.

Barroux was the maiden name
of Julie Debrandt.

You've changed a lot
since this photo.

And how does that concern
my client?

It's OK.


A lot has changed in a few years.

My heart was meant to give out
by the end of 2012.

The chances of getting a transplant
were slim.

If you'd told me...

I'd become a production assistant,

then a producer,
alongside the man I love,

I wouldn't have believed you.

It's quite a journey.

I saw in her what others didn't.

It's more than that.

You guided me, step by step,
through the ins and outs of the job.

You became the best producer
I've ever known.

Juliette Barroux's long gone.

But in a corner of my mind,

I'm still that little telephonist,

convinced that Marc
would wake up one day and think:

"Why did I hire her?"

That's called imposter syndrome.

Does the name Philippe Duval
ring a bell?

If you're asking me,
you must already know the answer.

Tell me what you want to know.

Maybe we should talk
one to one.

I've got no secrets
from my husband.

You must hear that a lot,
but it's true.

Very well.

Tanger was in touch with him
and asked him about you.


I was right.

Mélanie Tanger was going to be fired
and held me responsible.

I was sure
she'd try to take revenge.

She wanted to dig up your past.

There isn't much to find.

I did some stupid things
when I lived with Philippe,

out of love.

I tell all in an autobiography

coming out in June.

Yes. At a dinner
with a publisher friend,

Julie told her whole story,

and how the transplant
changed her life.

- Step by step...
- She thought it'd help people.

We weren't sure,
but she convinced us.


Marc helped me
to open up completely.

Would you like a copy?

Exclusive preview?

With pleasure.

Ah. Captain Le Goff.



I thought our victim
wanted to blackmail Julie,

but she has no secrets
from her husband.

That's rare,

especially for someone
with her past.

She seems sincere, too.

I'll check it all
when I get her autobiography.

No secrets, no motive.

Where's Kader?

I don't know.
He must still be with his mother.

Hello, Roxane.


It's incredible.

If not for me,
he'd die of hunger.

Where is Kader?

On operations.

He was meant to call me
when he was out of berkoukes.

Keep me posted on the case,

and on Kader,
if you hear anything.

Have a nice day, Salima.

You too, Jean-Paul.

That's Jean-Paul for you.
He wants to know everything.

A bit like a Jewish mother!


- Yes?
- Hello, Mr Cherif. Mr Lassalle here.

- Hello.
- Eddy wasn't at his science class.

He asked a friend
to answer the register.

Eddy's a good boy,

but we can't tolerate that.

- He'll need to be disciplined.
- Yes...

I'm sorry. I understand.

I'll keep you informed,
Mr Cherif.

Of course. Thank you.

One second.

Can you give me a list of the days
Eddy was absent, please?


Thank you.


What's he playing at?

I'm here, Mum!

I love you!

Hang on.
We'll be together soon.

How did you know?

The Head told me
when you bunked off,

and I worked it out.

Why didn't you tell me?

Tell you what?

That I miss my mother?

That I hate her
being locked up in there?

That I can't help her?

We could've worked something out.

Like what?

One visit a week's not enough.
She needs me.

I understand.

But if you want my opinion,

your mother needs you
to be at school and do well.


I'll offer you a deal.

You stop bunking off lessons,

and in exchange,

you can see her more often.


Sure. OK.

Whatever you want.

I just got the manuscript.
I'll get right on it.

Their alibis?

Julie Debrandt was in the
control room with 2 crew members,

but no one can confirm
she never left.

The husband
was with the script girl,

and you have no link
to the accused.

- Yes?
- Sorry I'm late.

All right?

Did I miss something?

How's Mummy Cherif, Kader?

Well, she's...

She's tired.

She has headaches, rheumatism.
I think it's her age.

You just missed her.

- Oh?
- She's on top form.

Good old Mum.
Always on the up.

Can you leave us, Captain?

I don't get it.

As long as your work gets done,
you can leave for an hour or two.

But why lie?

Let's say
we all have our little secrets.

Care to elaborate?

Someone saw you
with the presenter, Noémie.

- You were quite close, apparently.
- Hence your questions about Anne.

It's not what you think
with Noémie and me.

I'm not asking questions.
You do as you want.

It's your life.
I'm not judging you.

She's my daughter.


I had an affair

before I met Anne.

The mother left
without keeping in touch.

I never saw her again.
I didn't know.

That's great.

How's it feel to be
a young dad again?

A hell of a shock.

Noémie got in touch
a month ago.

Anne took it well.

Why didn't you tell me?

You've got your own troubles:

Adeline leaving, Eddy.

But back to this morning.

Where were you?


That's what you told him?

It's true.

The kid bunked off school.

I went to get him.

I'm sure you did.
It's not that.

You lied about your mother.

From what I've seen,
it's not like you.

Me? You're right.

Stop it. People can see!

He's in a state.
Be right back.

- Let me go!
- You're pissing me off!

- May I?
- You f*cking bitch!

- Stop it!
- That's no way to talk to a lady.

Mind your own business.

Here's a coffee.

- Very kind.
- To calm you down.

- Really?
- Yes. Here.

Take it easy.
Easy, I said.

- Let go!
- Easy.

Calm down.

OK. Are we cool? Say it.

- We're cool.
- OK. I'll let you go.

I'll see you again.

- OK. No problem.
- Yeah.

Thanks a lot.

You're welcome.

- Want to file a complaint?
- No. I'm fine.

He just gets upset, that's all.

Arthur, the coffee's on me.

She talks about her previous life,

when she was selling dr*gs.

She could've gone to prison
10 times.

Everything changed on...

May 12, 2012,
with her transplant,

which she calls: "The first day
of the rest of my life".

When researching Julie,

I found a CV for Marc Debrandt.

He had an important job at TVL4,

but gave it up in May 2012.

Did they know each other then?

No. I don't think so.
She mentions him later.

She mentions him...

on the 92nd day
"of the rest of my life".

Do you believe in fairy tales?

It depends.

3 months after her transplant,
she leaves a failed interview

and Marc Debrandt
literally runs into her.

I may have something.

An article that mentions
a road accident,

in which Marc Debrandt
is involved, in Lille,

in May 2012.

You won't believe it.

May 12?

You mentioned fairy tales?


- The file you wanted.
- Thanks.

It was early in the morning.
A bus lost control.

2 victims in the car.

Marc Debrandt was thrown out,
with slight injuries.

His passenger wasn't so lucky.

She died instantly.

- Thanks, Arthur. Good work.
- Pleasure.


Isn't the resemblance striking?


Nadine Dupin died at 9.32am.

A few hours later,
Juliette gets her heart.

And Marc Debrandt marries her.

That's what Mélanie Tanger
found out.

Crimes in Lyon

Welcome to Crimes in Lyon

for a special edition dedicated
to our colleague, Mélanie Tanger.

Thanks, Noémie.


barely 24 hours ago,

our friend and colleague
Mélanie Tanger was k*lled,

and the whole production team
and crew

would like to pay homage to her
with this portrait...

This is live TV.

Captain Cherif is here.

You're in charge of the case.

What can you tell us?

Hello, Mum.

- You're not cutting?
- No.

You should.

You're on live TV, Captain.

- Go ahead.
- Go on.

A couple are madly in love.

A man passionately in love
with his wife,

who will try to reach her
beyond death

and is willing to go to hell
to be reunited with the one he loves

and whom he saw die
on a summer's day

in his car in Lille.

No, no.

Don't go.

The woman he loves died,

but her heart continues beating

in the heart of another woman,

here in Lyon.

And this man

will move heaven and earth
to be with her.

That's it. Cut.

I said cut!

You did all you could
to recreate your life with her.


you transformed her physically,

and psychologically.

Until you made her
into the woman you loved.


Marc, is that true?

Mélanie Tanger found out,

but you couldn't let her
give away your secret.

So you k*lled her.


It's over.


I'll always be here for you.

Shut up!

Shut up! f*cking shut up!

It'll be OK.


I've had an idea
for when Mum gets out.

You have?

What's that?

I thought...

Hello, Captain.
Do you have a minute?

Yes. As long as you like.

- Sit down.
- Thanks.

You were an actress.

Before the presenting job,
I mean?

No. I'm a journalist.

Quite a show you put on earlier.


I'd like to do a report on you.

That's so cool!


It'd be funny.
You're not like other cops.

I spoke to Jean-Paul.

He's not keen
on letting the cameras in,

but if we both insist...


Thanks, but no thanks.

Jean-Paul said
you like TV cop shows.

It'd be a chance for you
to be in the spotlight yourself.

- Say yes.
- It's tempting.

You don't have to decide now.
Think about it,

and we'll talk about it
over dinner.


Have a nice evening.


See you very soon.

She was all over you!

No. She's just doing her job.
She wants to do a documentary.

She was trying to pick you up!

Even if she was...


I'm not ready
for another relationship.

You're talking rubbish.

And especially not with Noémie.

With Doudou as a father-in-law...

She's Doucet's daughter?

Well, Doudou or not...

She's hot!

Why are you laughing?

You'll understand later.

No, I won't.

Hello, sir.

Oh! What happened to you?

I got beaten up.

And I want to file a complaint
against the bastard.


Do you know his name?

Captain Kader Cherif.