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05x02 - Mauvaises rencontres

Posted: 04/04/23 16:50
by bunniefuu

- Sleep well?
- Yes.

It was just an idea.

Is it too much?

No. It's sweet.
It's great. Thanks.

That's a shame.
Duty calls.

Don't make fun.

Yes, Joël?

Hi, Jim Phelps.
I've got a mission for you.

We've the body of a girl
in a house.

If we had the tiger
it would be like...

- Very Bad Trip.
- No!

- Very Bad Trip.
- That's it.

- How's Cinnamon?
- She's fine.

OK, Joël. On my way.

Good luck, Jim.

- I'd rather be with you.
- I know.

Well, make the most of your week.


Know what that's called?

A heated pool.

Well done.

I like it.

Well done.


Theme music!

Unpleasant Encounters

You without Adeline, it's like...

Laurel without Hardy,

Tigana without Giresse.
Something's missing.

- I could be her replacement.
- No.

I've always wanted to be
like Starsky and Hutch.

So, Gaby.

What have we got?

- We haven't identified the body.
- Say hello first.

Young people!


Hello, Captain.


The victim had no ID or phone.

She looks around 16, 17.

A teenager with no phone,
that's unusual.

Only I can play Baudemont.

What's unusual

is the inside of the house.

It looks like
a herd of buffalo came through.

But it was teenagers.
Around fifty of them.

Make sure
you don't make a mess.

Fifty teenagers.

The neighbour called us at 3 AM
to complain about the noise.

He told them
he was calling the police.

The kids took him seriously
and cleared off.

The party was over by 3:30.

So the m*rder and the end
of the party may not be linked.

The victim could have died
after they left.


What's Adeline doing this week?

She's supposed to rest,

but I give her 2 days
before she's back to work.

- You know her.
- Not as well as you do.

What about the body?

She fell from the balustrade.

Broken skull.

Given the trajectory,
she had help.

Signs of a struggle.
She died around 4 AM.

I'll do the autopsy
and tell you more.


Lapsus, that's the title
of a short film.

What about the owners?

Right... a couple, no children.

Yann and Judith Rampach,
aged 44 and 39.

He's a registrar,
she's a composer.

They were at their country house,
in Ardèche.

There are signs of forced entry.

They checked the place out.

We've had similar cases,
Project X.


It's a film, Project X.

It's about a party

organised in a luxury villa,
like this one.

With alcohol, dr*gs,
ransacking, you know...

I'm not up to date with films.

The priority
is to identify the revellers.

We don't know the victim's name...

You just have to look

and find the right door.

- Take that to the lab.
- OK.

I've got all I need.

- Come on.
- Hold on! Don't move.

- This will be good.
- Yes.

Is it a good one?


- Let me see.
- OK.


Our door is called Skizo.

Like all teenagers,
he'll have posted photos

of the party.

Facebook, Instagram...


They tagged the photos.

Makes our job easier.

welcome to the 21st century.


- Cherif is connected.
- Yes.

You've seen it all.

If only such things could talk...

- No.
- No.

The victim:
Zoé Santiago, aged 16.

Parents unknown.
Lived in homes.

Not an ideal childhood.


Her social worker described her
as a stubborn child.

A classic rebel.

But in the last few weeks
she'd calmed down.

She was going back to school.

How did she explain this change?

She couldn't.

The girl told her very little.

Three days ago,

she left the home.


Start with the usual:
search the home,

speak to her friends.

We've made a list

of the damage.

Thank you.

They went into every room.

Went through the drawers.

My underwear
was all over the bed...

It's all right, darling.


You said you didn't know
the victim, but...

I'd like to show you her photo,
just in case.

Must you?

We don't know
any of these young people.

I'm going to insist, I'm afraid.

It could help us.

I've never seen her.


Knowing a m*rder took place...

We can't live there now.


Guess who's coming to dinner.

- Sidney Poitier?
- My father.

He wants to meet you.

- I understand.
- Is it OK?

I can put him off.

Don't do that.
This is a priority.

I want to have dinner with him.

Nothing happens for 4 series
and now you meet Dad?

Will the wedding be
the last episode?

Everything will be fine.

- If you say so.
- You'll see.

Captain Briard,
I have good news.

- Talk to you later?
- Stay, Kader.

You can come back to work

once you've seen the psychiatrist.

You have an appointment

Call to confirm.

OK. Thanks.

Tonight, we're having dinner
with the padre.

Oh! Well?

More importantly,

the victim had no connection
to the owners.

As well as the damage,

three Rolex watches were stolen.


- Here.
- Thanks.

The victim's phone records.

Nothing suspicious.

No calls after 11 PM.

One name came up
in the interviews:

Paul Michelin, 17.

Several witnesses
saw him fighting with Zoé.

- Good work.
- Yes.

I won't get an invite
to the wedding.

Where were you last night, Paul?

At home.

Wrong answer.

Isn't that you?

Last night.

Whose place is that?

You wrecked it!

I don't believe it!
Did you do that?

- It wasn't me...
- Stop lying!

This is bad enough.

We'll take the money
from your savings account.

I'm sorry.

Will he be charged?

This is a m*rder investigation.

Zoé Santiago
died last night.


Mum, I didn't do anything.

Several people saw you hit her.

No, no. OK, but...

We met two days ago.

I tried to kiss her
and she pushed me away.

Two days?

- You've known her two days?
- Yes.

She was mates with Eddy.
She stayed in his room.

You brought a girl home?

Not me, Eddy.

Who is Eddy?

He's my brother.

Eddy Valette.

A child we're fostering.

He's been with us for a year.

He wouldn't do this.

No. Obviously not.

When we left the house,
he stayed with Zoé.

They were fighting.

- Yes?
- May I?

Come in.

Eddy Valette, aged 15.

He's in care, like Zoe.

Several arrests for theft.

Paul says he took the Rolexes.

Where is he?

Gone to sell the watches.

We traced his phone
to the thieves' market.

I know the place.

If a stranger turns up,
they'll scarper.

I suppose you have a plan?

I don't understand.
I look at the sky?

No, not the sky.

Look at a spot, a roof, a window...


This won't work.

It will work.

Tenspeed and Brown Shoe.
That's the way.

Ah, yes!


What's he doing?

He's nuts.

What are you looking at?

What is it?

You can't stay there.

I'll sell them.

Drop the price a bit!

- Come on...
- OK.


I don't care.

Don't I know you?

No. What do you want?

I'm sure you've got
something for me.



Don't move!

Is this a joke?

I've been here before.

Are you new?

Where's the stuff?

Back right pocket.

- Captain Kader Cherif?
- That's me.

In the flesh. And you are...?

Roxane Le Goff,
Juvenile Squad.


He had the three Rolexes...

- Did I miss anything?
- Not much.

We've wasted two months' work.

Sit down, Commander.

The fence we're after
had kids working for him.

Let's put this down
to a lack of communication.

It won't happen again.

What do you have on Eddy?

Father unknown

and mother in prison.

He's heading towards
a life of crime.

But we hadn't heard
anything of him recently.


Captain Cherif
is investigating a m*rder.

We'll work together.

You know Eddy,

and your experience
will be useful.


You're here.

- Hello. All right?
- Yes.

I've brought you some things.



All made with love.

Are you cooking?

- Yes.
- Why didn't you call me?

It's only roasted vegetables.

A romantic dinner?

No. Nothing like that.

You don't want to tell me.

My father is coming.

Ah, your father.

I'd have liked to meet him.

But not to worry.

I'll go home,

and you spend the evening
with your family.


We caught you in possession
of stolen Rolex watches.

It wasn't me.

Of course not.

What about Zoé?

Take your time
before answering.


If you know something, tell us.

What happened last night?

I don't know! It wasn't me.

You were the last person
to see her.

- You have proof?
- Yes.

Witnesses state
he was with her at the end.

He's accusing me!

- Zoé was like a sister!
- Hey!

Keep it down.

You want me in prison?


do you have a problem
with my client?

Not at all.

Eddy, we're on your side.

Tell us what happened.

Did she have any enemies?
Why were you arguing?

Tell us.

It's going well
with your new family.

Eight months.

You like them.

When it's going so well,

it would be a shame to ruin it

by doing a search at their place.

Imagine it:
ten cops turning up

and turning the place over.

You realize
this interview is being filmed?

Stop threatening my client.

We're following procedure.

What's your problem?

You want to send me to jail,
like you did with my mother?

Go on!

Go on, then!

What's going on?

We need to talk.

Sit down.

What's wrong, Roxane?

- You arrested his mother?
- Does it matter?


He hates you.
He won't talk to you.

Don't go soft.

Not now.

Are you listening?

We're not the best people
to question him.

We'll ruin our investigation

and theirs.

I won't talk.

That's OK.

I know what it's like
to have someone you love in prison.

When I was your age,

the cops came to our house
one day.

It was very early.

They were with my dad.

They handcuffed him.

They searched the place.

That day, I realised

that wasn't the life I wanted.

You can do the same.

You don't have to follow
the pattern,

be swallowed up in the role,

a cliché.

I didn't k*ll her.

I know.

I believe you, kid.

I need your help.

Tell me about Zoé.

We met in the home
5 years ago.

She was like a sister.

Why did you argue?

As we were leaving the house,

she got a message
on her phone.

She went back in.

I told her not to go,

I said the cops
were on their way.

She started shouting at me

and said she needed to be alone.

I tried to stop her but I couldn't.


I looked at Zoé's phone records:

she received
no calls or messages after 11 PM.

You think I'm lying?

I didn't say that.

I tell you she had a message.

Amongst her friends,

had she fallen out with anyone?

All I know is that...

she was up to something
with her friend Samie.

Zoé and Samie
were in the same home.

For the last 8 months,
they've been on dating sites,

for fun, to pick up guys,

and to get money to buy clothes.

Eddy sold some stuff for her,

but nothing much.

- Prostituting themselves?
- He says not.

So you're Cherif, right?

That's right.

Why are you believing this kid?

You've ruined
a 2-month investigation

and now you're questioning
our suspect.

So, Mr Cherif,

is this your idea of teamwork?

I think he's innocent.

All the elements of the investigation
lead back to him.

That's all.


- Hello.
- OK, Philippe?

Yes. The DNA from Zoé's arms
and fingernails

matches Eddy Valette.

Haven't we got enough
to charge him now?

Let's not get carried away.

Eddy never denied
arguing with Zoé.

His DNA would be on the victim.

Éric, the DNA
doesn't prove anything.


I suggest we keep Eddy
in custody overnight.

we'll decide on charges tomorrow.

Follow up the leads
on the dating sites.

You're ignoring the evidence.

- Are you sure about this?
- Yes.

Don't be influenced
by your own experience.

Don't worry.

Off you go.

How is the kid?

Don't worry about him.

He's tough.

You concentrate
on the investigation.

I know he's in good hands.

So is the investigation.

What's happening to Eddy?

He's fine,

but he's in custody.

You can't do that.

It's not that different to a home.



- Paul!
- No! No!

Leave them to it.

We can't always play parent.

You're right.

I'm always right. Got to go.

Yes, Joël?

Welcome to everyone
joining us...

Stop trying out
your one-man show on me.

I have information.

- We're at the home.
- OK.

Zoé's friend, Samie.

No one's seen her for 48 hours.

OK. Thanks.

See you later.

They're searching the home.

Samie's been gone for two days.

The day of the m*rder?

We'll put out her description.


He left quick.

- Is it just us two now?
- Yes.

He's got a lot of work on.
It isn't easy.

It is difficult.


My partner is on holiday
for a few days.

There's a vacancy, for now.

- Kader?
- Ah.

- Can I talk to you?
- I was just talking about you.

Captain Le Goff, Juveline Squad.
Captain Adeline Briard.

- Nice to meet you.
- You too.

- Yes?
- You...


I'll see about Samie.
Catch up tomorrow.


- So?
- Guess who's coming to dinner.

Your father?

Your mother.

She turned up.
I had to invite her.

Welcome to the Cherif family.

This is too much.

I've been thinking
about your suggestion.


Yes. Which one?

The house in the country, kids,

cat, dog...
Not a place opposite the station.

- Was that my idea?
- Yes.

I have such great ideas!




Well, well.

You look lovely.

Fit for the red carpet at Cannes.


Are you OK?

Yes. It isn't the Queen of England.

You look great.

It's good to see you.

Good to see you.

You look lovely.

Come on, come in.

- Dad, this is...
- Salima, Kader's mum.

Let me give you a kiss,
Mr Briard.

- For us?
- Yes.

How kind. Thank you.

So here you are.


My regards, father-in-law.

I'll go and help your mother.


We could continue shaking hands

on the terrace.

Of course.

After you.

I have to thank you.

Without you, my daughter
would still be in prison.

And Delmas
would be savouring her victory.

I hope your partnership
is as good at home

as at work.

We know each other well enough
to be able to talk.

You have experience,
you were married before.


To Déborah,
the mother of my daughter.

- Sarah.
- Yes.

Who lives in the US.

You're well informed.

We could go to the station.

Use the interrogation room.

OK. Sorry.

I was a bit...


I know.

I'm not the perfect
son-in-law in your opinion.

I'm divorced,
I'm not a graduate,

my father is in prison

and I love cop shows.

But I love your daughter.

And I have
since the day I met her.

25th October 2013.
8:56 AM.

She was wearing a raincoat,

a white shirt,

and her hair was up.

There was this spark in her eyes,

a look that was sincere,


She said: "Seriously, Captain,

"you live
opposite the police station?"

She'd just handcuffed me.

I liked her straightaway.

So it's chakshouka?

- Shak-shou-ka.
- Chak...

- Chak?
- Not chak.

Shakshouka, it's not difficult!

- It is.
- No. Shakshouka.

Leave them to it.

We should tell them.

- What?
- Tell them?

You're getting married?

No. I'd have told you.

We're looking for a house
in the country.

What's wrong with this place?

How will I get to see you?

- Mum.
- You didn't tell me!

- I'll go.
- Sure?

It was a surprise.

- It was.
- Don't be like that.

- Kader.
- Excuse me.

I hope I'm not disturbing you?

What is it?

Is there a problem?

I wanted to tell you
about the search.

That's all.

- You look nice.
- Yes.

- Very elegant.
- As always.

I wanted to tell you
Eddy was right.

Samie's room
was like Aladdin's cave.

Luxury clothes everywhere.

She didn't buy them
with her pocket money.

We found a computer.

We're looking at it now.

Had you lost my number?

So you came in person?

- Everything OK?
- Yes.

We've got a lead
that might clear the kid.

Excuse me.

You must be Adeline's father?


Will you stay for dessert?

- Well..
- I haven't eaten since 2.

I feel a bit faint.

We need to discuss
our working conditions.

I don't know if you've noticed,
but today, the police...

- Baudemont.
- That's me.

Did you know they were moving?

It's not serious.

We're only moving...

Is that red wine?

Another, please.

I'm done in.

I thought they'd never leave.

It turned out OK.

- Want a drink?
- Yes, please.

Sorry about my father.
He was in fine form.


- My mother was a match.
- True!

But I see her more,
I'm used to it.

And Baudemont!

The cherry on the cake.

To the move.

The move.

I'll finish up.

Did you get anything
from Samie's computer?

The day she disappeared,

she was meeting Olivier78.

He has the same IP address
as someone

the girls had already talked to.

Someone the girls had ripped off
who wanted revenge?

Olivier78 is Olivier Gazzi, aged 39.

Psychologically unstable
according to his file.

Two women have complained
of harassment.

His address is...

Thanks, Joël.

Take your time.
It's a 52-minute episode...


Did you know
Kader and Adeline are moving?

It's all changing.

We don't know where we are.

Thanks, Joël.
Close the door on your way out.

Police! Don't move!

What's going on?

It's OK. It's over.
It's over.

The doctor is still with Samie.

It doesn't appear
she's been harmed.

- What about him?
- Nothing.

His lawyer
has told him to say nothing.

- Say nothing?
- Yes.

- That can't be easy for him.
- Why?

I read the interview

when he was arrested
for harassment.

Gazzi needs an audience
to feel good.

That's interesting.

He's a narcissist.

He wants people
to talk about him.

Do you fancy being Tony Hill?

- Who?
- Wire in the Blood.

I need to check the episode.


I told you.

My client won't answer
any questions.

Perfect. Don't say anything.

Turn your back on him.

What is this?

He's taking the bait.

That's good. Keep going.

Samie loves me.

- Mr Gazzi, I told you.
- OK!

Don't answer.

Let him talk.

- You only saw the handcuffs.
- Stop.

Say nothing.

It was for her own good.


To keep her
from a life of debauchery.

All because of Zoé.

He's taken the bait.

Get him.

You know Zoé?

She came with Samie
two months ago.

During dinner, I got up.

When I came back,
they'd gone.

It was because of Zoé,

she was jealous.

She couldn't bear
how Samie felt about me.

Where were you Saturday night?

I was at home.

I was with Samie.

We should patent this.

So Gazzi has an alibi?

She says he was with her.

She's nothing to gain
by protecting him.

We need to go back further.

Two months ago,
Zoé grew away from Samie.

The social worker said the same.

She stopped the con tricks
and went back to school.

As if she'd met someone

who was a good influence.

A romantic interest?

Did I say something wrong?

No. He's had an idea.

That's how he works.

Excuse me.

Getting ready to come back?

I'm just picking up some things.

You belong here.

I'm sure everything will go well
with the psychiatrist.


You didn't confirm the appointment,
did you?

I don't like telling people
my life story.

It's just a formality

so you can get back to work.

Everything will be like before.

Isn't that what you want?

Of course it is.

It's my fault. It's my fault.
It's my fault.

It's my fault.

I didn't know
it was him I was meeting.

It's my fault Zoé's dead.

You're not to blame, Samie.

If I'd listened,
I'd have been there,

and she'd be fine.

Samie, it's not your fault.


One more thing.

We found these things of Zoé's.

Do you recognise them?

This, yes.

And this.

Not this.

Are you sure?

I've never seen this.

So she got it
after you went your separate ways?

This cost a lot of money.

She didn't buy it herself.

Can I take this dress off?

- We'll get your clothes.
- Of course.

- We've got something.
- Very good.

Thanks. Yes?

A bracelet that should lead us
to Zoé's boyfriend.


Tell me, Kader...

There's a rumour you're moving.

News travels fast.

Did Jojo tell you?

It's sudden.

Where are you going?

A little house.

Not too far away.

Not too near either.

We've got something
from the serial number.

Yann Rampach bought it.

The owner of the house.

Zoé came into A&E.

She had a sprain.

I examined her, fitted a splint.

The next day she came back

to thank me.


there was an attraction.

I wanted to stop,

but I couldn't.

I'd never hurt her.

Of course not.

16 and 44, it's fine.

I loved her.

And you love your wife too.

You'd do anything
to hide the truth.

We found the messages
you deleted.

Last Thursday,
you told Zoé it was over.

You were determined:

you never answered
any of her messages.

Zoé went crazy.

Knowing you were away,

she organised the party
at your place in revenge.

And that night,
she sent you a message.

You use WhatsApp
to communicate.

That's why there was nothing
in her phone records.

She told you she was pregnant.


What did you say?

You were frightened
that she'd tell your wife,

so you arranged to meet her
at home at 3 AM.

Things went badly.

She jumped on you,
you pushed her

and she fell.

You took her phone

so we wouldn't trace you.

She was pregnant?

Either he's a great actor,

or he had no idea.

Someone else
arranged the meeting.

His wife.

How are you getting on?

Getting there.

Kader, I have bad news.

Eddy has been released.

Mrs Michelin realises
how upset her son is

and will no longer foster Eddy.

Where is he?

He's going back to the home.

With your permission,
I'll take him myself.

- I'll deal with Mrs Rampach.
- Thanks.

I never thought
he'd cheat on me.

After all we've been through.

I'm sorry, Mrs Rampach.

I know it's difficult,
but I have some questions.

Could you account for your time,

hour by hour?

It's not complicated...

In writing.

Let me move this.

Oh! Sorry.

Leave it.


I really am.

Where do I start?

Where were you Saturday evening?

In our house in the country,
with my husband.


I'd taken sleeping pills that night.

So you can't say

if your husband was there
between 3 and 5AM?

I'm sure Yann is innocent.

He wouldn't do that.

We think someone
saw the message

sent to your husband,

and this person arranged
to meet Zoé and k*lled her.


You think it was me?

Mrs Rampach,
look at it like this.

You find out your husband
is cheating on you,

you're angry...

Not enough to k*ll his mistress!

You're right.

That's not why you k*lled Zoé.


How long have you been taking
those dr*gs?

If I look at your arms,

I'll see marks from injections.

Hormone injections?

All the sacrifices you made
to have a family.

I know how hard that is.

I know how each failure
knocks you back.

You were angry

when you found out Zoé
was pregnant by your husband.

You arranged the meeting...

I didn't mean to k*ll her.

I swear I didn't...

Tell Yann I'm sorry.

Captain Le Goff.

Thank you.

How did you know
about the IVF?

My sister took the same dr*gs.

With a better outcome.

I'm impressed.

Are you going straight back
to the Juvenile Squad?

I wanted to talk to you about that.

I'm listening.

- I'm not sure where to start.
- Come on.

I've been thinking...

I checked, after you called.

Zoé Santiago wasn't pregnant.

She said that to keep Yann?

Thank you...

Philippe. Philippe Dejax.

Or Philou.
Fifi even, to my friends.

I'm both...

Come into my office.

And a pathologist.

OK. I admit it,
I was wrong about Eddy.


That's not why
I wanted to talk to you.

So what is it?

It's... not easy to say.

Now you're worrying me.

I'm leaving the Juvenile Squad.

I spoke to Commissioner Doucet

and he offered me a job.


You didn't waste your time.

I promised Grégory

the day work took precedence
over my personal life,

I'd stop, and here I am.

A new job,

new colleagues,
new responsibilities,

you'll obviously have
more time for your family.

What's the real reason?

It's us, Éric.

I don't know if it's you, or me,

but we're not
on the same wavelength.

I see.


you're godfather to my daughter.

You're part of the family.

That won't change.

Of course not.

We'll keep in touch.

About family reunions.


Éric, don't be like that...

Thanks for bringing me back.

The vintage car is a bit much,

but I like it.

I like it too.


Thanks for everything.

You're welcome.

We caught Zoé's k*ller,
thanks to you.

You were right about
there being a message.

I'm sorry the family
haven't taken you back.

I didn't really want
to go back anyway.





I know I'm just a cop to you,

but if you ever need me,



Don't worry.
I'm not a problem child.

- It's my father.
- Oh?

- He's been charmed.
- By...?

You. I don't get it.

I get it.

- It's understandable.
- Oh?

I'm charmed by myself.

You see, for example,

I'd love to meet me.

You're unbelievable!

You'll never change.

Do you realise?


We're leaving this flat.

It's all happening.

We can take our time,
if you like.


Take our time...
as in take our time?

If we had to leave tomorrow...

What do you think?