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04x08 - La dernière séance

Posted: 04/04/23 16:44
by bunniefuu


Sir, are you OK?


Call someone!

Forget Lyon or Paris.

Maybe we could meet halfway
between the two.

Somewhere like... Auxerre?


Near the station, : pm.

There's a café, the Duplex.

- Right. See you later.
- See you later.

Just a second!


But... what are you doing here?

They're replacing all the pipes.

We've had two gas alerts.

I thought it was an opportunity

to visit my beloved son
and stay a few days.

- Charming!
- It's not that...

- What about my bags?
- I'll bring them in.

It's not that at all.

On the contrary,
I'm very glad you're here.

- Really?
- What's more,

Sarah's room is free
since she went to Boston.

- You can use that.
- She got there OK?

- Why haven't I heard?
- It's...

I'm tired...

She sent me a text
to say she'd landed OK

and that everything was fine.

She's just tired from the jet lag.

I mean...

the time difference.

We can call her tomorrow
if you like.

Why not?

Hold on. Excuse me, Mum.

- Yes.
- Cherif,

we have a homicide at a cinema,
, rue de la Croix-Rousse.

- On my way.
- OK.

I have to go, Mum.
Duty calls.

Obviously, touch nothing,

especially not my room.
- I'm not gonna do your housework.

No kiss?

I'm sorry, Mum.

I was distracted by the phone call.

OK, Mum.

Stop it, Mum!

OK, I'm late, Mum.

- See you.
- See you.

All that blood...

It matches the colour of the seats.

You know what they say:
"Better dead than red."

The Last Picture Show

You know,

it was in this cinema

that I first kissed Déborah.

It was May
at the pm show.

She screamed.
Because of the film, Scream.

Well, obviously!

Very romantic, a Wes Craven movie.

You like horror films.
You keep things quiet.

I could say the same of you.

Well, yes.

My contact who was going
to help me tap Delmas's phone.

It seems he's changed his mind.

He won't even talk to me.
I guess...

I have you to thank, right?

If you get caught,
it's jail, Adeline.

In cop shows, it's the bad guy
who goes to prison, not the heroine.

So what do we do now?

We work on the Garnier angle.

When I say we, I mean me.

You were very close.
You may have missed something.

Believe me, Pascal Garnier
can't tell us anything.

Ah, there you are!

Get a move on, the movie's starting.

The victim is Antoine Schwartz,
the famous businessman.

, divorced.

Stabbed at the am show.
Not many in the audience.

Gabriel took them to the station
to interview them.

Follow the usherette. This way.

Here we are.

Philippe not here?

Here I am!

It was meant to make you jump.

It's called a jump scare.

It's used in films to scare people.

Thanks, Philippe.

Right, this is what happened.

The k*ller is behind him.
Silences him with his left hand.

Stabs him twice with his right.

In the heart and abdomen.
Instant death.

Time of death
around minutes ago.

- Thanks, Joël.
- Anytime.

If you're going to k*ll someone
during a film, wait for a noisy scene

so as not to be noticed.

What better than a horror film?

- Any sign of the w*apon?
- None. We've looked all over.

What was someone of his standing
doing at an -o'clock film midweek?

I know.

Look where he's sitting.

He had a romantic date.

What do you mean?

From experience, when you sit
in that seat in a cinema,

end of row at the back,

it's so as to recognise
the person you're meeting.

Or you arrive late
and don't want to disturb anyone.


I bet we find a message
with his date's identity.

No message.

There will be. Trust me.

All we need is an ice cream.

Yes, only we don't yet know

if this is a rom-com or a thriller.


It was in the popcorn machine.

Are you sure? OK.

Could you call in

and put that in writing?

Thank you. Goodbye.

Schwartz's secretary confirms it.

He cancelled all his meetings
with no explanation.

So he must have been
meeting someone.


What then?
His date kills him,

runs from the cinema,

first hiding the knife
in the popcorn machine.

Why not take it away?

There are no prints,

and it's too common a make
to trace the buyer.

The cinema-goers
just made their statements.

Coming, Captain?


Commander Marchal.

You were at the cinema?

Yes, but your young colleagues
didn't recognise me.

I didn't leave that long ago.

It's been years.

Nathalie, Captain Briard.

Captain Briard, Nathalie Marchal,
our ex-commander.

She was Jean-Paul's deputy
when he was group chief.

I'd just got out of school.

- Nice to meet you.
- And you.

Did you see or hear anything?

No. The victim was behind me,
but if I heard right,

a couple of students
were at the back

and saw a suspect.



Did you make your statement?

Right. Well...

It was nice to see you again.
Can I call you?


- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

I want a debrief in minutes.


Care to explain?

Yes. Over a coffee?

Doucet nearly got fired
thanks to Nathalie.

She was accused of bribing a witness.

She swore she was innocent.
Doucet believed her

and took her side.

But later it emerged
she was faking her cases.

She was transferred,

then took early retirement.

This is our victim, Antoine Schwartz.

An entrepreneur

who employed , people.

He'd buy up firms in difficulty,

restructure them
by firing half the staff

and selling them for a fortune.

For once we have witnesses.

The only ones who saw anything
are Alice and Samuel,

st-year psychology students,
no record.

They were beside the victim.

They saw someone
in a coat with a red hood

who left minutes before the end
and came from where Schwartz was.

Obviously Nathalie Marchal
saw nothing.


But she confirms
the statement of Nicolas Sater.

He sold tickets
and was in charge of projection.

He sold a ticket
to a woman wearing red.

Nathalie was in the queue.

She saw the red coat on someone
about . m tall weighing kg.

A face?

No. Sater says
he wouldn't recognise her again.

Nathalie never saw her face.

The two students
say she had the hood up.

A mysterious Little Red Riding Hood.


Nothing in the cinema or the alley.

There are two in adjacent roads.
Gabriel and Joël are on it.


Right. Thank you.

The victim's ex-wife is here.

Is that your daughter?

Yes. Sarah.

She just went to the US,
to Boston, to study.

I miss her already.

It's hard to watch them leave.

Do you have children?

Yes, a daughter.

Not with Antoine.

From my first marriage.

I was .

A youthful error, as they say.

My finest error.


She died nearly years ago.

We're sorry.

A road accident.

She'd just passed her test.

Antoine gave her a lovely car.

She was so proud of it.

Our marriage didn't survive.

We got divorced.

How did Antoine die?

Your ex-husband was stabbed.

I always told him that one day
someone would get him.

Did he have many enemies?

Some people...

get to the top
without trampling others.

But not Antoine.

It wasn't enough for him to win.

What mattered was that others lost.

He saw people as objects
to be thrown away

when they're of no more use.

I'm guessing your divorce
didn't go well.

He used the whole process
to destroy me.

Believe me, there are some people
you can't fight.

Mrs Audoux,

a young woman was seen
leaving the cinema during the film.

. m tall, roughly kg.

Wearing a red coat.

Any idea who it might be?

A colleague of your husband's,
or a friend perhaps?


Antoine and I had no real reason
to see each other.

One last question.
Where were you between and ?

At home.

I live at ,
boulevard de Bapaume, Lyon.


She's a bit short
to be the suspect.

Yes, but faced
with someone untouchable,

you can get bad ideas.

Age before beauty.

I mean...

Seniority counts.

Right, bad news.

We've checked the videos.
No sign of a red hood.

- She must have taken it off.
- It's a busy road.

Yes. Even frame by frame,
there are too many people.

Stop by my office,
I need to talk to you. Excuse me.

He doesn't have an office.

The changing rooms.

Maybe you went a bit far.

Captain, here's what you wanted.

Thanks, Gabriel.

This is a list
of all Antoine Schwartz's businesses.

Manufacturer of sports equipment,

co-owner of the newspaper
Le Nouveau Jour,

sponsor of various
sporting charities.

- Any familiar names?
- No.


Nicolas Sater.

The projectionist?

He's not just an employee.
He owns the place.

And he owes our victim , euros.

So... Nicolas Sater,


You live at , rue Henri Bosco,
single with no children.

Who's this?

My goddaughter.
Did you bring me here for that?

You left out some important things
in your statement.

Notably that you are the owner

of the Saint-Denis cinema.

And that you owe over , euros

to Antoine Schwartz,
who was m*rder*d in your cinema.

We found several reminder letters
in your apartment.

Mr Schwartz demanded
you repay him immediately.

So I k*lled him?


My client doesn't deny
owing the victim money.

But as he said,
he didn't know he was there.

But it was you who sold the tickets
this morning, wasn't it?

Mornings I work alone,
without an usherette.

When I start the film,
latecomers can get in free.

I guess that's what he did.

Several people saw a girl in red.

Why don't you try to find her?

The red hood.

- Let's talk about that.
- Yes, let's.

You could've organised the m*rder.


Let's say you had an accomplice,

whom you sold a ticket
and who deliberately stood out,

without being recognisable.

The ideal accomplice.

- I won't listen to this.
- You will.

You'd have to sell the cinema
to pay him back.

It's easy to imagine your anger.


A guy I've known for years
lends me money

so that a local cinema
can survive the multiplexes,

then puts a knife to my throat.

It's very upsetting,
but it's not a motive.

It isn't?


My client obtained a loan
by mortgaging his home.

He was able to pay the sum
demanded by Mr Schwartz.

Schwartz's legal advisor
confirmed Sater's story.

If Sater could pay,
he had no reason to k*ll him.


Admit that you love it,

being the centre of attention.
Especially thanks to your mum.

Let me put this down, Mum.

- I saw you this morning.
- So?

- Adeline!
- Mrs Cherif.

I'm not stopping.
I can see you're both busy.

I just wanted to invite you
to dinner.

Tonight? Tonight I'm...

She must have other plans.
You can't...

I already shopped.

A mesfouf with peas
and broad beans. Unmissable.

- I'm sure, but...
- So you'll come.

Mum, don't insist.
You're embarrassing her.

Come on, make an effort.

- Feel free to...
- OK.


You see, she said OK.
Thank you.

I'll leave you to your work.
See you tonight.

All the best. Bye.

Bye, Mum.


Mum, wait a second!

Wait a second.

- You might have told me.
- I don't see the problem.

Let's do it tomorrow night instead.

It'll be easier.

You have plans tonight?

It's a work thing.

A work thing!

Give me that file.

- You're lying!
- Mum...

You're lying, son.

That's not good.

- You're working without Adeline?
- No.

Come on, explain,

or I'll hit you again.
- You're showing me up.

I'm meeting her ex in Auxerre.

- Adeline doesn't know?
- Quiet!

- She mustn't know.
- OK.

Perfect. That way
I can get to know her better.

What would I do without you?

Go back to work.
And stop lying, OK?

Yeah. Bye, Mum.

Express delivery for Captain Briard.

The victim's car
was towed away this morning.

We searched it and found this.

Great. Thanks a lot.

Sorry, I had to catch her.

No problem.

- Can you sign this?
- Yes.

He brought me
Antoine Schwartz's laptop.

Only... part of it is encrypted.

Either it'll work straightaway,

or it'll take hours.

A coffee would be nice.

- I'll see what I can do.
- Thanks.

Captain? We can put off
tonight if you prefer.

No, don't worry.
I'd love to come.

Now I know why you're so persuasive.


It worked.

I've found what Antoine Schwartz
wanted to hide.

I found a folder of photos.

All young girls.

Schwartz was meeting someone
this morning.

They'd been chatting for a month,
exchanging photos, etc.


Clémentine, . pm.

"Meet me tomorrow at the Saint-Denis
for the am sitting.

"I so want to see you."

I'll try to find her contact details.

Did he meet other young girls?

Not on this site.
Seems it was the first time.


Yeah, I know.

I've got her number.

Get her in.

Can I leave you to it, Captain?

I need to call Sarah.
She'll be on her break now.




They're hours behind us.

Miss Chapier?

Yes, Captain Briard.

Can you tell us why we're here?

It sounded serious on the phone.

we can talk alone if you wish.

I'd rather he stayed.

I'm not leaving.


We traced your conversation
with Antoine Schwartz.

The guy they're talking about
on Twitter?

The one who died?

That's right.

Hold on.

You're saying
my daughter talked to him?

Is that true?

Dad, are you crazy?
I don't know that guy.

I don't know him.

You've been chatting
for over a month.

If she says it wasn't her,
it wasn't her.

You didn't arrange to meet him
at the Saint-Denis at am?

At am I was in class,
you can check.

Check my phone.
It wasn't me.

Shit, they're my photos...

I've never been on that site.

Dad, Karine took that photo.

They were on Facebook.

Someone must have stolen them.

Don't worry. We'll file a complaint
for identity theft.

Right now.


Does she look like the person
you saw leaving?

I don't know.


It's definitely not her.

Mrs Marchal?


The person I saw
had broader shoulders.

Mr Sater?

I couldn't say.

I don't think so.

I think her face was much rounder.

But I could be wrong.

Can we go now?


Why did you post those photos
on Facebook?

The way you're dressed!

- Well?
- You look like a whore.

No-one recognised her.
We'll check her alibi.

- But it's not her.
- I'll trace the IP address

of the PC from which "Clémentine"
sent the messages.

Where's Cherif?

He's phoning Sarah, I think.

How long is he going to be?

Right on time.

As ever.

My Mum taught me good manners.

Let's not beat around the bush.

I told Adeline everything I know.

I saw Delmas several times,

Police-fire-brigade coordination.

That's all.

That's all?

I always do my homework.

Mum taught me that, too.

OK. So?

I know you bought an apartment.

On the development
that Sébastien was investigating.



Would you like a drink?

So it's just the two of us?

Yes. Good, eh?

Where's Kader?

Haven't the faintest idea.

That's a lie.

You don't know where he is,
but you know what he's doing.

Otherwise you'd be worried sick.

Where are you both at?

We've put out a trace,
we're checking an alibi...

I didn't mean that.

I know you love my Kader.
And he loves you.

A lot.
So why aren't you together?

This is hardly the time.

I didn't come here
to discuss personal matters.

I know the story.

His relapse with Déborah,
the fireman, then Justine.

But that's all over.
Go for it.

I don't want to talk about it.

I know you have things
to settle from your past.

But you must look ahead of you,
not chase ghosts.

Mrs Cherif, with all due respect,
it doesn't concern you.

There you go!
She's beautiful and has personality.

My future daughter-in-law's
not a limp rag.

You have to defend your territory.

That's good.

Now let's eat.

Maybe - and I emphasise maybe -

I'm not entirely indifferent
to your son.

That's a start.

But everyone knows
you're made for each other.

I have a few things
to put behind me, then we'll see.

We'll see. Inch'Allah.

A toast?

- OK.
- To love?

- Inch'Allah.
- Inch'Allah.

I won't leave
till you've told me everything.


So you can go back a hero.

It's true.

My aim in life is to make you a hero.

Why did you come,
if not to tell me everything?

You're finally living
with your ideal woman.

She accuses you of vile things,

then one day...

she leaves you without
giving you a chance to explain.

And you ask me why I came?

I want to understand.

Then start by telling me
the whole truth.

Sébastien was leading an inquiry
that could bring down Delmas.

He told you Internal Affairs
were after him and why,

and an hour later he was dead.

You're telling me you believed
your best friend committed su1c1de?

Know what I think?

I think you tipped off Delmas.

You didn't think
it would lead to m*rder.


But one way or another,
you contacted her.

I also know
why you're saying nothing.

Because once you speak,

you'll lose Adeline forever.


You're ducking out of it again.

But you can't run all your life.

You have to admit what you did.

I didn't call Delmas.

Then who did you call?

Come on, tell me.

Tell me, dammit!


- Can I have some more?
- With pleasure.

I love it. It's the first time
I've had a meschouf.

- A mesfouf.
- Mesfouf, sorry.

Know what they called him at school?

- No, tell me.
- Zorro.

- After the series?
- Yes, but not only.

He hated injustice even then.

He always had a good heart.

He hasn't changed much.

He often tries to sort out
people's lives.


- I've seen evidence of that.
- But he usually has a reason.

He intervenes in the lives
of those he wants to protect.

And that's what he's doing now?



You shone in your absence last night.

How's Pascal?

Betrayed by his own mother...

Mike Donovan, in V.

Don't underestimate me, Cherif.

Did you glean anything
from your meeting?

Sort of.

Pascal did call someone
about your brother.

But it wasn't Delmas.

It was Brossault, her deputy.

You OK?

I just need to accept the idea

that he lied to me all that time.

Thank you.

By the way, I spoke
to the administrator of the site

with Clémentine's fake profile.

It was created a month ago,

and Schwartz
was the only contact.


So to sum up...
Someone steals the photos,

creates a profile, baits our victim
and arranges to meet.

To blackmail him.

Or to k*ll him.

We know where the messages
were sent from.

A cybercafe in Lyon.

Guess who has a part-time job there?

I'm all ears, Captain.

Samuel, our witness in the audience.

The university's opposite.

That's him.

I really don't like it.

We had no choice.

We shouldn't have stolen
those photos.

- We shouldn't...
- Shut up.



- Everything OK?
- Yeah. What do you want now?

To ask Samuel some questions.
Come with us.




Samuel, wait!

How's the boy doing?

He's in a coma.

You couldn't know
what would happen.

If Schwartz is what he seems to be,

the case has to be cast-iron.

I'll try to find out more from Alice.

I'm sure she knows something.


if Samuel created Clémentine
out of thin air,

who's Little Red Riding Hood?


we just want to know
why Samuel ran when he saw us.

You never understand anything.

Then explain.
We're waiting.

You don't have to answer.

I'll tell you what we know.

Samuel stole Clémentine's ID

in order to meet Antoine Schwartz
and set a trap.

Samuel is your friend.

He must have told you something.

My client is upset.
She wishes to remain silent.

Who's the woman in red?

What part of "remain silent"
did you not understand?

Samuel's in hospital
in a critical condition.

Stop acting the fool.

Playing the fool?

Haven't you done enough?

What happened to Sam is your fault!

Why don't you leave us alone?

Haven't you done enough damage?


we understand how you feel.

We just want to know who k*lled
Antoine Schwartz and why.

Do you have a motive
with which to hold my client?


Well, then...

One second, Maître.


Samuel knew about Schwartz's
sexual predilections.

We just want to know how.

Was he one of Schwartz's victims?

Or were you?

Enough conjecture.

My client is in shock.
She needs rest.

Come on.


We'll find out, believe me.


One last thing.

Wait for me at reception.


It's been a while.

I was starting to think
Déborah abandoned you

in Lapland.

I just wondered how
a young woman of

could afford

to hire a lawyer like you.

Kader, really.

Playing the friendship card
to get information out of me...

I was just asking.

Let's say I came highly recommended.


Alice has no record.
Nor do her parents.

Same for Samuel.

That's not how she met him.

We weren't far off.

Maître Clément

is also the lawyer of Schwartz's ex.

He was her divorce attorney.

You mean it could be Christine
who's paying Maître Clément

to defend Alice?


who knows Alice,

Alice who knows Christine.

Tell me,

Captain, in your opinion,

how old
would Christine's daughter, Nina,

be now?

The same age as Alice and Samuel.

I'll check her school records.

She changed school several times.

Jean-Moulin, Saint-Riquier...



the same school as Alice and Samuel.

Excuse me.



OK, I'll be right there.

I said I'd call you.


I don't have much time.

- Just a coffee.
- Thanks.

It's easier to talk
without Jean-Paul around.

You know, I...

I don't regret anything I did.

Procedures sometimes
have to be ignored.

Only up to a point.

When you worked for me,

I wondered
when you'd lose your smile.

With all that paperwork,

procedural errors
due to a missing signature...

Or that moment

when you realise
you've missed something vital

and you can't go back.

You must live with that.

No. It's good that you still have
your smile.

Did you keep in touch
with your colleagues?

You know how it is.

At first they welcome you
with open arms.

But then the phone rings,

a witness to question,
an interview to start...

They don't have time.

Even for a coffee.

For the sake of a clear conscience.

I thought it'd be different for me.

Not asking about the family?

Should I?

Are you getting anywhere
with the red girl?

We're getting there.

Got a motive?

We're getting there.

I have to get back.

Know what's hard when you stop?

Being useless.

Putting bad guys behind bars

felt good.

See you again.

Nina Audoux was at school
with Samuel and Alice, OK.

But what links those kids
to Schwartz?

Maybe they knew
he was a paedophile.

And Nina confided in them.

What if Schwartz was abusing her?

Then that would explain
why they lured him to the cinema.

What do you have on Nina's accident?

We know she died
in an road accident years ago.

These are the photos.

She'd just passed her test.

The car was in Schwartz's name.

What's odd about the photos

is that it's a straight road,
there was no alcohol in her blood

and no skid marks on the road.

Doesn't look like an accident.

A su1c1de?
And the police missed it?

Who led the inquiry?

She had to be
in league with Christine.

Everyone who saw the woman
in red is linked to Nina.


Except Nicolas Sater.

No link there.

There is.

I think there is.

Mr Sater, we've been expecting you.

Come in.

Finally we can get started.

Sit down.
Make yourself at home.

Thanks, everyone, for coming.

We'd like to do a reconstruction

to be sure we missed nothing.
- Why us?

Because the other audience members
didn't see the woman in red.

They couldn't confirm
or deny her presence.

So, to sum up,

Mr Sater,
you sold her a ticket, right?


I told you.

- A tall woman...
- . m,

. m, kg. Is that right?

You were behind her
at the ticket desk.

You, Alice and Samuel
saw her in the screening room?


I noticed her going out.
She passed behind us.

Samuel saw her too.

Have you found her?

Good question.

There never was a red hood.

What are you on about?

Mrs Audoux.



Would you follow me?

Please sit down. Don't be scared.

Try to relax.

Apart from Mr Sater
and Mrs Audoux,

no-one had any links to Schwartz.

Normally a link leads to a motive,

In this case,

nothing made sense

except for another suspect death.

That of your daughter, Nina.

Leave her out of this.

Your daughter...

your goddaughter, Mr Sater.

Yes, we checked the diocese register.

Your best friend, Alice,
and Samuel's girlfriend.

Roger, if you please.

Nina didn't die in an accident,

whatever the report says.

The one you wrote, Nathalie.

It was an accident.



Just a way of relieving herself
of a secret too heavy to bear,

which she never dared tell you.

But she did tell you,

her best friends.

Tell me, Alice,

wasn't it you
who told Mrs Audoux the truth?

That Nina was being abused
by her stepfather.

You showed her the chats
with the fake Clémentine.

No-one can understand
what you must have felt.

You needed time and courage

to admit the truth.

You could've gone to the police.

But you turned to the only
policewoman you knew.

And you helped her concoct
the scenario.

You've no proof.

A scenario that was nearly perfect,

where everyone had
a precise, well-defined role.

First you needed a crime scene.

You, Mr Sater, provided that.

Samuel created a fake Clémentine
who lured Schwartz here.

Alice, you played Clémentine.

When Schwartz arrived, he saw
someone in the allotted place.

He suspected nothing.

Nathalie, you provided the w*apon.

You, Mr Sater,
shut the theatre doors,

so that no customer
would disturb you.

Then you all encircled him,

isolating him
from the rest of the room.

And in the dark,

at the noisiest moment in the film,

Mrs Audoux,
you slipped behind him

and plunged the knife
first in his abdomen

and then in his chest.

What else could I have done?

- Filed a complaint?
- Christine.

So that she'd be the victim
of a monster?

I didn't want her
to be remembered like that.

So yes, it's true.
I organised it all, yes.

I k*lled him.

I did it.

To see him get away with it...

pretending nothing was wrong...

I couldn't bear it.

You could have
talked them out of it.

What for?

What do you think?

Doucet was right.
You had no place in the police.


- Kader, I can see you.
- You can?

It's good.

Thanks for making it.

Thank you.

I had a great evening with Adeline.
She's lovely.

- Yes.
- I see why you look after her.

I love it when you're here.

You don't need an excuse to come.

I know, darling.

I just wanted to check on you

after Sarah left.

I'll be going home tomorrow.

But I'll be back!

You're always welcome, Mum.

Hey, Mum!

What did you and Adeline talk about?

Mind your own business.


One more person
charged with m*rder

and others for conspiracy.

Yes. Private justice never pays,
it costs.

I looked into Brossault.

The loyal Captain asked twice
to be separated from Delmas,

but was refused
in the interests of the department.

You mean he was
the least reliable of all?

I think he's the weak link
I've been looking for all along.