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05x01 - Week-end mortel

Posted: 04/04/23 12:28
by bunniefuu
Chief Superintendent
Sylvie Delmas,

I'm arresting you
for ordering the m*rder

of Sébastien Briard.

Once she's been interviewed
by Internal Affairs,

she'll go to court.

I can think about myself.

That's good.

We need to make up for lost time.

It's time to end this.

How did you get out?

- Pascal.
- Kader.

- What did you do?
- Police! Don't move!

- What are you doing?
- I saw her sh**t.

3 weeks later

I didn't k*ll him.

Captain Briard.

How many times have we met?


You're sticking to this version.

It happens when it's true.
You repeat the same things.


As my colleague Mendernier said,
this will take a while.

Please don't interrupt the judge.


we've seen your text exchange
with the victim.

It's very instructive, as you say

you'll meet him at the crime scene.

Two: your car was found there.

Three: officer David Martin,
here present,

maintains what he said.

- Lieutenant?
- I do, Your Honour.

I was on a stake-out

and I saw Captain Briard
sh**t Commander Garnier,


Four: the powder test

done on your right hand
proved positive.

Five: the g*n you were holding

is the one used
to k*ll the commander.

Now really!

Who needs a sixth?

But I have it.

You consider Commander Garnier
directly responsible

for your brother's death.

So you k*lled him.

That's the truth.

Thank you, Lieutenant.

Your Honour, Lieutenant Martin
is the only witness.

He kept the rest of the team
at a distance.

As for the powder test,
my client explained that:

she was struck.
She lost consciousness.

The k*ller put the g*n
in her hand to fire it.

Yes! The black-out.

Maybe she doesn't remember
k*lling him.

Delmas fired.

She k*lled Pascal.

- Hello.
- Hello.

May I see your summons?


Judge Langlois!
He isn't easy.

- It's the 3rd floor.
- They said 1st.

That's Geneviève,
it's because she...

Drinks too much herbal tea.

Room 237.

He's been intercepted.
They're on their way.

Do you know many people
who get out of prison,

commit m*rder

and go back to their cell?

Bring her in.

Judge Langlois

Come in.

Your Honour, here's the person
you summoned.


Brigadier Girona, sit down.

I was arrested
by Captains Cherif and Briard

as I left my office.

I was then questioned
by Commander Dupré,

and put in a cell
at the police station,

until I was transferred
to the law court,

where I was interviewed
by Judge Drouet.

She managed to escape

and k*ll Garnier.
I'll keep repeating it.

This seems like persecution.

You think you'll get off
by trapping Captain Briard?

We'll meet in prison.

We can talk

about Pascal,

about Sébastien.


It's what she wants.

My client has nothing more to say.

We went straight to the court.

You had no contact
with Commissioner Delmas?

- I'd never seen her.
- Before driving her to court?

- Clerk.
- Yes?

- The file.
- Yes, Your Honour.

Thank you.

Do you recognise
this phone number?


It's your daughter's number.

Yes. Miss Cécile Girona,

18, living at 1, rue Ingres.

Leave my daughter out of this!

You can still change your version.

I've summoned the man

who drove Mrs Delmas to court.

I can't help you after this.

You're sticking to your version?

Very well.

Check if the witness is here.

Delmas called your daughter

before she was arrested
in the car park.

- So?
- "So"?

She has a long CV.

Yes. Multiple convictions
for selling dr*gs,

as*ault, embezzlement.

A 4-year suspended sentence.

It's Langlois.

Let me know
when Brigadier Girona arrives.



could have put her in prison.

But she didn't.

When you were accompanying
Commissioner Delmas,

you agreed to make a detour
to Vienne.

A port of call!

And the Commissioner

committed m*rder.

I've nothing to say.

Watch them.


- Yes?
- Code red.

Judge Langlois
is looking for you.



It makes no sense.

- What's the officer's name?
- No idea,

but my colleague said
he mentioned room 237.

Excuse me.

Eva, they're heading for Kader.
Do something.

Room 237 is Burtin.
Burtin is on holiday.

For the first time ever.

Now listen, Brigadier.

I can't spend all day on this.
You were helping your daughter.

But you'll go to prison
as an accessory to m*rder.

We need to take a break.

I've nothing to say.

If you have proof, show me.
Or I'm leaving.

We have to go.

I don't believe it!

I'm so sorry.

You half-wit!

- I'm clumsy.
- You should be careful!

You don't want to co-operate.
That's your right.

Put that in writing,
sign it and get out of here.

Let me get you a cloth.

- It's fine.
- I'll go fetch one.

No, it's fine.

- It's fine. Thank you.
- OK.

Nothing to say.

Brigadier, one last thing.

How did they get
to your daughter?

Room 237
Judge Burtin

Delmas told us everything.


- Clerk.
- Yes.

Delmas's statement, please.

"Delmas". Right.

She confessed, in exchange...

In exchange for...

A reduced sentence.

Yes. A reduced sentence.

Your daughter will go to prison.

What a waste!

And you too.

When you have the chance

to save her.

Delmas manipulated you.

Go. Off you go.


- What floor did he say?
- 3rd.

What's going on?

I'm Judge Langlois.
What are you doing here?

I need to speak to you,
Your Honour.

Crown court

Deadly Weekend

You mean I'm free?

Yes. The witness admitted
driving Delmas to Vienne.

That's all I know, but...

you're out of prison.

Thanks, Déborah. Thanks.

They all helped.

I don't want to boast,

but it was mostly down to me!

Let me give you a kiss.

I didn't think it would work.

Did you record it all?

We've got it all.

Everything is fine.

Good to have you back.

Let's go have a drink.

- Come on.
- Let's go.

Are you buying, Joël?

Your round.




- Thanks.
- OK.



It's not much, but...

We weren't sure
you'd be released.

Are you kidding?

We've got crisps!
Go get the drinks.

They'll be the best crisps
I've ever had.

- Where's Kader?
- I don't know.



- Were you in on it?
- Me, I...

I don't know
what you're talking about.

- But I'm pleased you're here.
- Yes.

It's good to see you.

I can't wait to get back to work.

It's not that simple.

Your duties will be restricted

until the Delmas case is closed.


here you go.

I hope it won't take too long.

Don't worry.

I'll deal with the Delmas case

She enjoyed being out of prison,

I'll make sure
she goes back there for good.

Excuse me, I'll be right back.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.



It's good
not to see you in a cell.

I feel like I've been gone months.

I'm pleased for both of you.

- Déborah, you mustn't...
- Yes, yes!

I won't tell the others.

Professional confidentiality.

Where is Kader?

I don't know.
No one seems to know.

Kader Cherif: Look in your drawer.
2nd down on the right.

Is that him?

Excuse me.

- Will Cherif and Briard hook up?
- Not as long as I'm here.

Hello, Captain Briard.

Your mission, should you accept it,
is to go to the Pavillon.

It should bring back memories.

The management has changed
since your last visit.

But this establishment,
known for its calm and delight,

is the hideout
for a dangerous individual

that you must question
and capture.

Yes, that's him.

You must drag
the information out of him

using every available technique.

A room has been reserved
in the name of Cinammon Carter.

You'll find instructions

in the glovebox of the car
with the registration DC-19-47,

parked opposite
Chez Lio & Steph.

This tape will self-destruct
in five seconds.

A table has been reserved
in the restaurant.

Be there at 10 pm
in evening dress.

That's why we've provided

everything you need
in a case in the boot.

You thought of everything.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

- Do you have a reservation?
- Yes.



Cinammon Carter.

- The honeymoon suite.
- That's right.

The honeymoon suite.

Have you been here before?

You could say that.

"Love reveals its pleasures

"only to those
whose thoughts combine."

- Nice.
- Thank you.

We change the quote every day.

Room 501.

- There you are, Mrs Carter.
- Thank you.



Good evening.

Please take the lift.

Thank you.

Please enter.

The honeymoon suite.

I'll put your luggage here.

"Never lose an opportunity
of seeing anything beautiful.

"Beauty is God's handwriting."

Charles Kingsley.

If there's anything you need,
dial 9.

Thank you.

Enjoy your stay.

And as always,

should any member of your force
be caught or k*lled,

the State Department will disavow
any knowledge of your actions.

Good luck, Adeline.

Mrs Carter.

- Mrs Carter?
- Sorry.

Come this way.

Good evening.

- Kader Cherif.
- Cinnamon Carter.

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

Was a m*rder committed here,
a few years ago?

Yes. It was solved
by 2 special police officers.

I think it was their first case.

It's very romantic here.

I am very romantic.

You spend your life
in luxury hotels?

- Or police stations.
- Police officer?

Do you catch thieves, K*llers?

Crooks, rascals.

I risk my life every day,

but it's boring...

Are you armed?

For love?


But my heart is taken.

Does she know?

I didn't have time to tell her.

We were separated.

A sad story.

I'm sure you'll find a way
of getting her out,

at your peril.

I'd do anything for her.
I'd go to the end of the world.

She's lucky.

And you'd really
give up everything for her?

In an instant.

I can picture a house

in the country.

We'd have space,

a garden,

a new life.

To you.

To you.

Cinnamon, are you hungry?

- Did you sleep well?
- Yes.

We're on familiar terms now?

Is it like your series,

when the heroes get together?

That depends.

It isn't always consistent.

It just slipped out.

It must be the location.

Someone has d*ed!


His head is all bloody. Hurry!

Call the police!


The weekend started so well.

Come on! Hurry!

This hotel is cursed.

Everyone will turn up.

Joël and Philippe will be delighted.

Cinnamon Carter
and Captain Cherif.

They'll go on for months.

They don't have to know.

It's a Mission Impossible

You stay here and I'll cover for you.

Make the most of it.

I haven't touched anything.


- We'll talk to you later.
- Thanks.

I don't believe it.
We've been here before.

I thought I saw the 504.

- All right?
- What are you doing here?

I was following a lead on Delmas.

Keep it to yourselves?

Is there a link to the victim?

No, I got it wrong.

OK. It even happens
to the great Kader Cherif!

What have we got?

Good body,


Hit on the back of the head.

Too soon
to give you the cause of death.

I'll send you my report
as soon as possible.

- OK.
- Méryl.

The victim is Mehdi Khalil, 31.

A fitness coach,
hired a month ago.

The body was found at 7 am
by Fabien Durandier,

who works at the hotel.

I'll give you the rundown
on the victim.

I found the m*rder w*apon.


Check for prints.
I'll get the register.

I've got it.


I'll look at it.


No, that's enough.

Stick to your job,
I'll look after the chickens.

- Pigs.
- Goats.



- OK. See you later.
- Bye.

Enjoying the show?

I'm going back to the station.

What can I do to help?

Stay hidden.

has the list of hotel clients.

He'll realise there's a problem
with Cinnamon Carter.

Don't worry,
I'll think of something.

- See you later.
- See you later.

The victim was struck
from behind.

Intracranial haemorrhage.

Time of death around 10:30 pm.

Why were you there?

I was spending the weekend...

with Adeline.

The weekend of your dreams.
Is she sad to leave?

She's still there.

But she's staying incognito,
if you see what I mean.

What do we know
about the victim?

His name is Mehdi Khalil.

A fitness coach.
A meticulous guy.

He records
his clients' performances.

It's strange. Look.

but not great at spelling.

- Yes. Come in!
- OK.

The victim had received threats.
His tyres had been slashed.

What about cameras?

There's nothing.

No cameras
cover the crime scene.

The suspects are the clients
and staff at the hotel.

So you took the video tapes.

Don't you like being a captain?

If you want my job,
it's no picnic!

Off you go.

What's he like!


Ah, thank you.

The hotel manager has arrived.

Everyone knew Mehdi.

He was the perfect coach.

He was professional, committed.

He adapted to each client.

That's why I hired him.

How did you find him?

I met him...

8 years ago,
on an athletics track

when my son was training.

He was young and serious.

I introduced him
to the luxury market.


he became a coach
where I was working.

You brought him to Lyon?

He was popular
in his previous job.

He had a good salary,

a full-time job.

For you he worked part time.

I didn't have the budget
for full time.

Not this year.

Were you in love with him?


Mehdi -
were you in love with him?

He was single,

he gave up a good salary
to come with you.

There must have been a reason.

We were discreet.

We didn't want people to know.

He was my employee.

Hello, madam.

I'm Karl.


Are you here
for the 11:30 session?

No. No.

- That's a shame.
- Why?

Because I...

I've developed my own method
of biodynamic relaxation

and you should try it.

I still have room.
You wouldn't want to miss it.

I think I do.


Right, well...

If you change your mind,
there are other sessions.

Life goes on.

I might see you later.

Excuse me.

10 against 3 = jealousy

Mehdi was popular
with the clients.

His appointments were all taken,

unlike others.

That must have led to jealousy.

It did create tensions
in the old team.

It would explain
why his tyres were slashed,

his locker broken.

He never told me that.

Do you know
who might have done it?

I have no proof, but...

There is one person.

All the clients are clean.

- You?
- I had more luck.

- It's called experience.
- Yes.

Or chance.

There's one there,
Cinnamon Carter...


Cinnamon Carter.

I've heard that name.

She's still there.

- Shall we tell Kader?
- No.

I've called in the waiters.

We'll see what we get.


How long have you worked
at the Pavillon?

7 months.

Why am I here?

I'm due at work
and we're under-staffed.

This will take as long as it takes.


You see everything
whilst remaining invisible.

Cinnamon Carter,
you show her to her room...

I've told you twice.

This is the third time.
What does she look like?

Pretty woman.

Tall, around 35,
long brown hair.

I only saw her
the night she had dinner.

- Alone?
- No.

She was with a man,
a hotel client.

Tall, dark, classy.

They seemed to be in love.

Do you recognise anyone?

That's Mrs Carter.

And that was the man.

- Thanks very much.
- Thank you.

Have a good day.

I knew it meant something.

- What?
- Cinnamon Carter.

It's the name of a character
in Mission Impossible.

Don't worry, I've worked it out.

It's an actress
who was at the hotel, incognito.

She left before the m*rder.

- I thought...
- You thought wrong.

- Who was it?
- Who?

The actress.

Tall, pretty, with hair...

Alice Sapritch.


She was at the hotel.
That's how stars are.

Young, handsome, popular
and professional.

It's hard to compete.
It's annoying.

Hold on...

Are you accusing me?

You are a suspect.

Look at me. That's ridiculous.

First you tried to scare him
into leaving.

Then you got heavy.

I didn't do anything!

You didn't slash his tyres?


Lie To Me,
season 1, episode 1.

- What?
- Dr Lightman wants to park his car,

but someone takes the place,
saying he saw it first.

Except when he says it,
he shakes his head.

- So?
- It's a slip.

It means he's lying.

It's exactly what you just did.


Yes, I...

I wanted to scare him.

And I slashed his tyres.

I wanted him to understand
he wasn't welcome.

I swear I didn't k*ll him.

What am I saying now?

What is my head saying?

It's true that...

I didn't measure up.

In those environments,

You can't get old.


Once you reach a certain age,
you've had it.

The women pay for both quality
and freshness.

With Mehdi,

I was finished.

- You got rid of him?
- I didn't k*ll him!

What else can I say?

I didn't need to k*ll him.

I'd found a way to get rid of him.

Mehdi was on a dating website.

A client told me.


If I'd shown it to Laurie,

she'd have fired him.


Joséphine André.

We checked
the victim's phone and computer.

There was no trace of that site.


the profile is there under
a pseudonym: Antoine Laroche.

It dates back a year.

Maybe he used another device.

And what about the client?

There's nothing on her.

We proceed as usual, Captain.

I'll keep you posted.

- Yes.
- Tell me you're on your way.


I'm going to be delayed.

Why? You've found something?

A lead, a client:
Joséphine André.

- Be there as soon as I can.
- OK.

- Good luck.
- See you later.

What is this?

This is black tea,
I asked for green tea.

I've been waiting half an hour.

Go away!

I'll bring some cake.


Is this a joke?

- I'll clean it up.
- Leave us.

Mrs André, I'm the manager.

I do apologise,

may I invite you to use our spa?

Mrs André?

Mrs André!

Talk of the devil...

Excuse me.
Do you mind if I sit here?

No, go ahead.

Sorry, I'm not usually like this.

That poor waiter
didn't deserve that.

I'm sure you're not the first.

It should have been so different.

The best weekend of my life.

I've left my husband.

After 6 years,
he no longer looked at me.

I met someone on the Internet.

A kind man,


who said the right things.

We were supposed to meet here.

Did it not work out
as you hoped?

The man they found m*rder*d,

that was him.


I thought his name was Antoine.

How many women
did he lie to?

I've looked at the exchanges
between Antoine and Joséphine,

the only woman he talked to.

Five months
of loving conversations,

in a literary, poetic style.

It doesn't fit with his fitness job,
is that it?

Look. This is Mehdi's notebook.

Full of mistakes.

Spelling mistakes,
grammar mistakes.


These are the conversations
with Joséphine.

All perfect. No mistakes.

And so?

Mehdi wasn't writing
to Joséphine.

Someone used Mehdi's photo

on the dating site.

And they were due to meet
last night.

He may still be there.

Antoine was in contact
with Joséphine for 5 months.

She wanted to meet him.

Joséphine told me
he'd put it off several times,

and then she realised
he worked at the hotel.


Then the real Mehdi turned up,
and he panicked.

He k*lled the real Mehdi.

With the IP address,
we can find his identity.

I'll stay with Joséphine,
in case he makes contact.

Police! Joséphine André's room.
I need a card.


What do you want?


Who are you?


It's me.

For real.

Isn't this what you wanted?

Why did you come?

You ruined it.
Now it's too late.

Stay where you are.

Don't scream.

I just want to come closer.

I just want to come closer.

Don't touch me.

Don't touch me!

Get off me!

- No!
- Police, move back!

You move back!

You move back.

I just want to talk to her!

I just...

Move back!

Alexis, put the Kn*fe down.

Why did you come?

It's over between us.

You're like the others.

- Put the Kn*fe down.
- Move back!

Keep calm.

- Move back.
- Everything's fine.

- Alexis, don't...
- Shut up.

- Move back!
- OK.

- I didn't want this to happen.
- I know.

I didn't, Joséphine.
I swear to you.


- OK, it's fine.
- No, it isn't.

Try and keep calm.


I read your messages,
your exchanges with Joséphine.

You write very well.

You're cultivated and intelligent.

- You didn't.
- Yes.

You didn't.

I saw how much you loved her.

This isn't you.

You won't harm her.

That's not the man
who wrote those beautiful things.

You're not a k*ller.

I know that.

Let her go, please.

I didn't want him to die.

I didn't.

I know.
Please, let her go.

Don't move.

- I'm useless.
- No.

- Yes.
- No.

I let myself be distracted.

It happens to the best.

I met Mehdi 4 years ago.

He was always a hit
with women.

No one noticed me.

No girlfriend, no love.

Not even a one-night stand.

When I moved to Lyon for work,

I decided to go on dating sites.

But you needed a photo.

So it was hopeless.

That's when I thought
of using a photo of Mehdi.

I thought with his looks,

I could at least talk to girls.

That's how you got in contact
with Joséphine?


I'd chatted to two girls before.

With Joséphine,

I hit it off.

The most beautiful thing happened:


I ruined it.

When you realised
she was coming to the hotel

and might meet Mehdi...

I tried to talk to Mehdi.

I asked him to go away

so I would explain to Joséphine.

He said no.

He said he'd call the police.

I panicked.

I picked up a rock and...

Know why I came?

One day, in a message,
he wrote:

"True love
should not be hidden."

- Bravo!
- Bravo!


You both had me going.

I doubt that.

Now I know why I didn't
get anywhere with Adeline.

- Cherif was jealous.
- Kader, Adeline!


I'm the last to know!

No, Mum.

It's fine.

I knew you'd end up together.

But it's so great all the same.

- Thank you.
- Son!

- I'm so happy.
- Mum, don't cry.

Everything's fine.

- Hello?
- Captain Briard?

Maître Laroche.

Do you have a moment?

My client
would like to talk to you.

She has a request.

She'll sign her statement
once she's seen you.

Hello, Adeline.

I knew you'd come.

I was supposed to be
in your place.

I'd have savoured this moment.

That's how we're different.

You're telling me
you take no pleasure

in knowing I'll spend
the next 15 years in prison?

Bye, Delmas.

Hold on, Captain Briard.

You can spare me five minutes.

Now you've solved
your brother's m*rder

and arrested Delmas,
there's no urgency.

All's well that ends well.

What will you do now?

Carry on as a provincial cop?

Spend the next 25 years
in La Croix-Rousse?

Why aren't you happier,

I'll tell you.

Avenging Sébastien's death
has changed nothing.

We're the same, you and me.

We're both behind bars.

The difference
is that I'll be free one day.