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03x10 - Rien ne va plus

Posted: 04/04/23 12:26
by bunniefuu
No answer.
Can I leave a message?

No. No. No!

No, Deborah,
those b*ll*ts were meant for you.

- You said the target was...
- Paul Blanchard.

We thought he was k*lled
to stop him talking, but no.

Carmen and Marco
admitted everything but the sh**ting.

Are you surprised?

They'll only get 8 to 12 years

rather than double that.

They have solid alibis.
They can't have shot him.

Maybe you missed an accomplice.

So I'm a target?!

All 3 of you
will be subject to close protection.

The anonymous calls:
let's see your client list.

- We'll all go through it.
- Of course.

We'll take no risks.

You can stay here:
you'll be safe. OK?

- A team will be here.
- Serious!

Yes, but you know
I always find the culprit in the end.

It's my trademark.

If Deborah's a target,
why hasn't the k*ller

made a 2nd attempt on her life?

She wasn't under protection
for 2 days.

- Why not do it then?
- He couldn't find her?

Deborah left just after the sh**ting.

- Baudemont?
- Remember Bertrand Monnier?

Yes. The Nina Wermeer case.

We're doing him
for metal trafficking.

- Why?
- He's dead.

Come again?

He's gone deaf.

If you had any questions for him,
it's too late.

We found a mobile on the dash.

Guess what?
The last number called

was yours.

- Monnier called you?
- No idea.

Stay there, I'll look.

No, no!

The Die is Cast

- Captain.
- Good morning.

That way.

- Who found the body?
- The postman.

Gate was open.

Colleagues noticed tyre marks.

k*ller followed on motorbike.

Like when Deborah was shot at?

We can identify the make
by the tracks, eh?

By the way,
Doucet's going to allocate

teams of us to protect Deborah.

We'll do the 1st shift.

- I hope you don't mind.
- Shut up, she's family.

Hi, Adeline.
Didn't think I'd see you so soon.

See the boats? Lovely, eh?

I was imagining us naked,
facing the immensity of...

The Saône?

The k*ller sat here, fired twice.

He died instantly.

Same g*n used against Deborah?

I'll confirm that later on.

- Time of death?
- Between 6 and 8am.

He rang me at 6.48am.

Where'd you find the phone?

Like this.

Balanced on the edge.

So the car was stationary
when it was put there.


What's the link
between Deborah and Monnier?

Good question.

Look where the car was parked.
Odd, eh?

Simpler to hide it behind the shed.

He wanted us
to find the body quickly.

Police Station

- Why did he call you?
- Good question.

We released Monnier.

He was to be investigated for fraud.

He had something to tell me?

Or the k*ller rang
so you would hear the m*rder.

Officers are scouring the yard.

We're looking for witnesses.

Did you ask Deborah
if she'd heard of Monnier?

She doesn't recognise
his name or photo.

I want you to treat these 2 cases


Find who wanted rid of Monnier.

This metal trafficking
may be bigger than we think.

We protect Deborah, eh?

Of course, Kader.


OK. Thank you.

- Mrs Monnier is at reception.
- OK.

We're very sorry about your husband.


- Please take a seat.
- No thank you.

You accused my husband
of helping to m*rder his employee

and kidnap Nina Wermeer.

You put him in custody.

Only while checking
he wasn't involved.

Afterwards, you fell back

on this story of undeclared metal.

He was in a terrible state
after you released him.

My husband was a good person.

He didn't deserve to die.

When did he go this morning?


Did you see
a motorbike following him?

Yes, a large, black motorbike.

Can you remember the make?


Did you notice anything unusual?

- Anything unusual?
- Yes.

I'll tell you what I find unusual:

being in this office with you
while my husband's in a morgue.

May I go now?


That's better.

- D'you want some help?
- No, I'm nearly done, Mum.

She says for the 3rd time.
Who else says that?

I haven't been here for a while:

Cherif used to have parties here.

It's really nice.
Is that his bedroom?

Why? You want to have a snooze?

I'm ready.

Right, let's go.

- Shall we go?
- Yes, yes.

How long will you guys be with us?

Another team will replace us tonight.

Right, off we go.

Hey, you OK?

He was there. Franck Munoz.
He's behind all of this!

No, he's still in prison.

- Who's Franck Munoz?
- Tell you later.

Call the prison administrator.
He'll tell you.

Yes, hello?

It's Deborah Atlan.
Could you check

if Franck Munoz is still inside?

OK, thank you. Goodbye.

Nothing from Monnier's neighbours.
No one saw a bike.

Munoz is out.
He was in front of the station.

How long's he been out?
You sure it was him?

Yes. He was released 3 weeks ago!

What's this about?

In 2006,
he was done for armed robbery.

I represented
the family of a guard he k*lled.

He got 15 years,
but with remission he's out.

Cherif here.

Find me Franck Munoz' parole officer.

It's urgent.

Thank you.

What Deborah hasn't said
is that she did a great job.

When the verdict was announced,
Munoz att*cked her.

He considered her
responsible for his sentence.

- Munoz has a motorbike licence.
- It's him.

Why would he k*ll Monnier?
And why call Cherif?

We'll ask him
when I get my hands on him.

I'm all in.


Not really. She's ruining me.

I need to talk to her for 2 secs.

Thanks, Joël.


- Everything OK?
- Yeah, no worries.

You've tripled your pocket money.

- Are you OK?
- Yes.

It's Mum you should be asking.

She was so scared.
Have you arrested the guy?

- It's on the cards.
- No, then?

It means, I will soon.

You look doubtful.

Right. Let's have a bet.

If I don't get him
in the next 48 hours,

we'll have a weekend in London.

- Really?
- Yes.

- Can Quentin come?
- Don't abuse my kindness.

Yes, Adeline?

Franck Munoz' parole officer is here.

I'm coming.

Right then.

It'll work out. OK?

Let Joël win a little. OK?

- There you go.
- Thanks.

You're welcome.

He's the ideal client.

He's come to all our appointments,

he went to 2 job centre interviews.

Perfect, very serious.
Nothing to say.

Can you call him?

This is the thing:

since your call,
I've left 3 messages.

Mind you, he's not obliged
to be by his phone 24/7.

- That's a pity.
- He'll ring back.

We'll have to put out an APB on him
as a dangerous individual.

That's a bit excessive.

He may have k*lled 2 people
and nearly another:

we'll turn the city upside down,
find him and bring him in.

No need, he's here.

I heard you were looking for me.

Here I am, at your service.

There you go,
there was no need to worry.

Got a lawyer?
If not, I can give you a list.

No need.

I want Deborah Atlan.

She's a very pugnacious lawyer...

and she has a great body.

No way. You threatened her.

Find someone else.


I don't need a lawyer.
I've done nothing wrong.

I don't even know
what you're accusing me of.

You knew I wanted to talk to you.

Yes. My parole officer
left loads of messages

on my answerphone.

It sounded important.

Come to think of it,
has it got anything to do...

with that sh**ting 2 days ago?

Did your parole officer say that too?

Ah no. I saw that myself.

Passing by in the street
that morning.

Well, in a manner of speaking.

I recognise a crime scene...

Of course you do.

When I see one.

Right. I've got news on the g*n.

It was the same one used on Deborah

and Monnier.

- D'you mind?
- Go ahead.

Where were you between 6 and 8am?

Because witnesses
noticed you prowling

around a boat repair workshop

belonging to Monnier.
- Really?

Ah! That's strange:

I was at
a job centre interview at 8.30am.

- No kidding.
- Rue de Cuire.

Nowhere near the yard.

Not far by motorbike.

- Still got your bike?
- No, I sold it.

That trial cost me a lot of dosh.

- In lawyer's fees. Remember?
- Of course.

I miss that bike.

Knowing you, I'm sure you bought
another in a different name.

Actually, no.

I'm waiting to get a job.

Right, well. You know...

I love talking to you, but...

What're you accusing me of exactly?

The attempted m*rder
of Ms. Atlan, for starters.

Attempted? I hope she's not hurt?

No, she's OK.

That's reassuring

because Lyon
is not as safe as it used to be.

I make sure it's safe.

If you have no other evidence,
then custody is unfair.

We'll keep him in for a medical
and while his home is searched.

OK. It's 9pm.
That gives you till tomorrow morning.

Am I still seeing you?
We need to discuss Paris.

Sorry. Lost track of the time.

Fancy a quick bite over here?

OK. Whatever. Big kiss.


Know what annoys me?

That you think
I could do those things.

the real culprit's still out there.

Anyone who att*cks my family
won't get far.

Say hi to Ms. Atlan from me.
Actually, don't bother.

Lyon's a small city.

I'll end up meeting her
one of these days.

Why did you come back?

You've messed up big time.

Get in there!

If you're after Adeline,
she's at the station.

I know.

Are you OK?

A guy's threatening my ex
and I can't nab him.

I've had better days.


I imagine so.

Why do I get the feeling
it's always like this with you?

It's not the 1st time

you've been
personally involved in a case.

It can't be easy
for those around you.

Is this your way of saying
that your life is simpler?

I'm worried about Adeline.

She deserves better.

A safer, more structured life.

Time for me and her, too.

Your memories together
make you feel you know her well.

I think you're wrong.

It's funny you're so sure
about a mere colleague.

What more can you offer her?



Just watching her live, as she is.

Without trying to decide for her.

Sorry I took so long.

Sorry, nothing on Munoz:

no witnesses,
no g*nsh*t residue

and no joy in the search.

He must have a hideout.

I can't let him go like that.


- See you in a bit.
- OK.

- OK?
- Yes.

I get the feeling
Munoz is taking us for a ride.

He may not even be the sh**t.

If it was him,
why did he come to the station

and look down on us in that way?

It does make me wonder.
He's here for another reason.

He likes to provoke.

What did I do?


I'm just looking at you.


When we met again, I was
about to accept that job in Paris.

Now it's all got complicated.

I know it's a bad time,
but they're waiting

for an answer.

I won't go without you.

It's not a 5-minute decision.

You've had time to think.

Things are a bit tense right now.

Once Cherif's involved,
nothing else matters.


You know about team spirit,
don't you?

- I can't leave Kader now.
- "Kader"?

Like that, is it?

I'd rather you said Cherif.

Don't pressure me, please.

Not now, at least.

- I have to go. See you tomorrow?
- Yep.

You're sure? OK. Thanks.

The concierge is positive.

During the sh**ting, Munoz was doing
his flat inventory with him.

Munoz could've given us
his alibi right away.

What's his game?

He's wasting our time.

I don't like it,
but we have to release him.

We can lock him up again next time.

Up all night for nothing...
Right, I'm going for a shower.

Munoz' day has only just begun.

My shortest time ever in jail.

I'd really like to see Cherif again.

It's the start of a great friendship.
Bye-bye, piggies.

Thank you. Keep looking.

- Where's Kader?
- At his place. Why?

I've been calling him for ½ an hour:
no answer.

D'you really think
my client k*lled Munoz?

You didn't waste any time.

Ah! I got lucky: Internal Affairs

are dealing with a case here already

so they don't need
to send a 2nd team over.

We know you hate Munoz.

Witnesses saw you thr*aten him.

You vanish the moment he's released

and we find you by his body.

Maybe because
my client rang the police himself.

Pure guess, of course.

They suspect me of sh**ting Munoz.
I can understand that.

But to imagine
that I att*cked Deborah...

You wouldn't be the first.

I already told you:
the k*ller was on a bike

like Deborah's sh**t,

like whoever followed
and k*lled Monnier.

That's who we're after.

You didn't get the number,

nor did you see who was on the bike?
- No.

Neither did anyone else.

Convenient, this ghost rider.

I know, being questioned
sometimes has this effect...

How could I have shot at Deborah

from inside the police station?

Ah yes...

Yes, of course.

Very good, Chief Prosecutor.

He wants police officers
treated like everyone else.

He sees your point.

They've nothing on Captain Cherif.

Don't trust witnesses in cells.

You know and I know.
But in the meantime...

- I'm sorry, Kader.
- Me too.

- Inspector, you're not going to...
- Wait.

I don't understand.
This is procedure.

Believe me, I'm not enjoying this.


Captain Cherif,
I am placing you under arrest

for the m*rder of Franck Munoz.
Time: 11.30am.

What nonsense.

You got what you wanted.
You'll sleep well tonight.

Hi, sweetie. No worries.

I always wondered
how a night in the cells would be.

- The service isn't great.
- Really?

It's a disgrace what they're doing.
I'll get you out.

I'm counting on it.

Jean-Paul promised
to keep the protection going.

That's enough. Let's go.

You're making a serious mistake, pal.

He's being polite, believe me.

- Yes?
- Is this a bad time?

Go on.

Sorry, but I really need
an answer about Paris.

OK. Can you come over?
We need to talk.

OK. I'm on my way.

Hey there.


Yes, we do need to talk
and I need to give you my answer.

Look, my life is here.

But you go to Paris.
It's a golden opportunity.

We'll see each other every weekend.

Any chance you'll change your mind?

Things aren't improving.

You'll be OK.

Know what?
I always thought,

if you'd worked
with your brother before he died,

you'd have got him out
of that awful property mess.

Excuse me.

Garnier here.

No. Use Stations 4, 5 and 6
and inform Headquarters.

I'm coming right away.

I've got to go.
Fire on the industrial estate.

Can you repeat
what you said just now?

I'm not angry about your choice. OK?

You're the woman of my life.

I love you.

Yes, sir.

I'm coming right away.

You've reached Cdr. Garnier.

Leave your message and number.

I'll call you back ASAP. Thanks.

It's me, Pascal.

You said something earlier

about Sébastien
and that property business.

You said he'd never talked to you
about the case he was on.

That Paris property scam
was never made public.

I just wanted to know
how you knew about it.

To listen to your message, press 1,

to confirm, press 2,
to delete, press 3.

To listen to your message, press 1,

to confirm, press 2...

Message deleted.

To leave a message...

You've reached Cdr. Garnier.

Leave your message and number.

I'll call you back ASAP. Thanks.

Pascal, it's me.

Listen, I've...

had a think...

I'll come to Paris with you.

Call me.

Baudemont was right.

It's not 5-star service.

I've even brought you a real fork.

I take back what I just said.

Are you OK?

You look upset.

Things to sort out.
Tell you later.

We must get you out.

You miss me more than you thought.

- Want me to go, to prove you wrong?
- No, no! Stay!

What's your plan?

We ride off into the sunset?

Better than that!

Better than us
riding into the sunset?

Thanks, Mum.

Let's get to work!

I see the connection
between Munoz and Deborah.

But where does Monnier come into it?

We must treat the victims separately.

Let's look at Deborah.

An attempt on her life 4 days ago.
And then nothing. Why?

The k*ller changed his mind?

The only logical explanation.

Deborah was no longer a threat?

The fact that she was shot at
changed things. But how?

Did you see the Star Trek episode
where McCoy...

Captain, are you listening?

We've made a mistake.

Munoz and Monnier are linked.

One name links all three of them.

You're Deborah's ex.

Monnier threatened you when he left

and you arrested Munoz in 2006.

The common thread

is you, Cherif.

Good morning.

I thought this would do you good.

Strong, one sugar: as you like it.

Thanks, Christelle.

- How are Sarah and Deborah?
- Fine. Don't you worry.

- Supt. Doucet wants to see you.
- Could you?

- Yes.
- Thanks.

Did you get any rest?

You worked all evening.

Mattress is a bit hard, but I'm OK.

It'll work out, you'll see.

You won't get rid of me that easily.

You can go now.

Thanks, Christelle.

- You're free to go.
- Good.

That was the good news.

You have to
go before Judge Caron later.

He doesn't seem to be a fan of yours.

He isn't.
But I can look at the case file.

If it was up to me,
you'd be detained until the hearing.

- You're off the case.
- Thank you, Inspector Dupré.

That'll be all.


Go home.

Something'll turn up.



I'll get my things and go home.

I'll be at the hearing.

Thank you, Jean-Paul.

- Sign there.
- Stéphane, can I take one?

- Cheers, mate.
- OK.

One, two. One, two.

And some people think
the A-Team is tacky.


Doucet told me.

- About...
- Don't worry.

We'll stay in touch.

Excuse me.

You know that Cherif's no m*rder*r.

I don't know anything.

And neither do you.

I know a good cop can slide.

When his family's at risk.
I read your file.

Am I a suspect too?

When I investigate someone,
I like to know his environment.

So, your brother k*lled himself

whilst being investigated by us.

You're wrong about Captain Cherif.

You know him
better than your brother?


Let me say this:

if anything ever happened to me,

I'd like him
to run the investigation.

You're wasting your time.


There you are!

Thought you'd gone
without saying bye.

We'll catch up later, eh?

Still like the atmosphere?

Good news:

my pal with the speed camera rang.

A black bike
was flashed at 9.15 this morning.

Right near Munoz' garage.

- Got the owner's name?
- Yes.

"Agnès Martin, 89."
Old folks love speed.

She's in an armchair in a home.

So I did a little search.

Different address on the insurance:

34, Rue Vendôme.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome!

I'll tell Doucet.

Maybe I'll get a raise.

Oh, really!

Did you get that address?

Thank Baudemont for me.
Thanks for what you said.

Thank me when I've got you out.

Meet me outside.

- Keep me updated.
- OK.

Give me the keys.

- You're just an observer, OK?
- Thank you.

Glad to see you, Captain.

I just heard
there's been an expl*si*n

in that industrial fire.
Capt. Garnier's hurt.

Can I take you to Casualty?

- We'll join the team later.
- Go.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

Police! Open up!



The common thread is you, Cherif.

- You a fan?
- Yes. I love The Avengers.

It's mine.

- Here. Have it.
- Really?

Yeah, sure.

Deborah was lucky.

- You're my guardian angel.
- Yes, maybe.


Adeline, it's me. You...


Christelle, I don't know
what your plan is.

I did it for you.

I must speak to Captain Briard.

Adeline's no longer a problem.

Look at it.
She's a total nutter!

I fell for it.

Garnier's accident,
Casualty... Idiot!


What's this?

Let's see.

Oh no!

Clozapine, aripiprazole...

Prescription's a week old.

She stopped taking them 5 days ago.

5 days ago?
The day of the karaoke!

I agreed to go with her.
I never had a clue.

A classic case of erotomania.

A delusional belief
that someone loves you.

That person is you.

You say hi,
she hears wedding bells.

Find her, quick!

- Here, Joël.
- Thanks.

Always the same story:

she was back
after taking extended leave.

It's a bit more complicated
than that.

She worked in admin
at Lille Police Headquarters.

Her boss had trouble with her.

He wanted to report her
for harassment.

The case was hushed up
and she went away on sick leave.


never trust a girl
with a bloke's name.

Remember any specific details?

She nearly strangled me.

And broke my wrist too.

Superintendent, Sergeant Laurent's
vehicle has been found.

- On its own?
- Don't know.

Go. A team will meet you there.

- Found her?
- We have a lead.

- I'm coming.
- Stay here!


I'm coming.

Back up!

Back up!

No one move.

Commander! Commander!

Let me do it.

Let me have him!

- He loves me!
- You know I have someone already.

- Liar!
- We're not an item!

Say you feel nothing for him.

You think I don't see
how you look at him!

Will he love you if you k*ll me?

I'm not going to k*ll you,
you're going to jump.

Take off your cuffs.

Back up!



It's me.

I've come to get you.

I've come for you.

Let's leave this all behind
and go away.

- And her?
- She doesn't matter.

We know that, don't we?

Remember when we first met?

I knew right away
we were made for each other.

You're the best thing
that ever happened to me.

I've no intention of losing you.

I know I should've said this
a long time ago.

I loved you.

I loved you
the first moment I saw you.

- We don't need her, then!
- No, no!

Let her go.

Let her go.

I so want to hold you in my arms.



- Here. Some ice.
- Thank you.

It's cold.

I'd thank you for saving my life,

but I was kidnapped because of you.

True. Nothing I can do about that.

It's the effect I have on women.


You were very inspired earlier.

That's just the start.

I need to go and write my statement.


See ya'.

Well, she confessed to everything.

The murders...

sh**ting Deborah,
abducting Adeline.

It was after the karaoke
that she got going.


Now I remember.

I left the karaoke.
She came after me,

asked me to stay.

I pretended I was meeting you.

Next day, she shot at you.

Well done, Kader.

If she sees me
as an obstacle between you and her,

why didn't she try again?
Not that I'm complaining.

She must've heard
you were marrying Pierre.

You're not a rival now.

As for Monnier,
she saw him thr*aten me.

Same with Munoz.

She k*lled them to avenge me.

I don't know
why she targeted Adeline.

Seeing her now,
you'd never guess:

she's so calm.

I doubt she'll be held responsible
for what she did.

I know you're there, Kader.

I know you can hear me.

You hear me, don't you?

I understand.


I understand...

You couldn't do anything else.

You couldn't.

And when we meet again...

When we meet each other again...

Just us... We'll finally be happy.

We'll finally be happy.

Wherever it may be.

Wherever you want.

Wherever you want.

Our love will never die.


Our love is a gift from heaven.

A gift from heaven.



Do you hear me?



Kader! No!

- Christelle signed a confession?
- Yes.

- Adeline?
- Gone.

She took unpaid leave.


Adeline's not coming back.

She wants to get away,
to take stock.

I tried to stop her,

but she left before I had time
to finish my sentence...


I'll be at the station
in 20 minutes, Pascal.

I know.

Me too.

See you soon.


- Part-Dieu Station.
- Certainly.

- Daddy.
- What's going on, Adeline?

You accessed your brother's file.
What are you after?

I'm not sure what to say, but...

Sébastien didn't k*ll himself.

- The case is closed.
- Listen to me for once!

Remember his friend, Pascal?


He knows more about his death.

Stop! Stop!

Wait. I'll call you back.

Adeline! I must talk to you.
Get out of the car. Please.

- Kader, I have to go!
- Stay.

I can't! I...


Let me go.