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03x09 - Les jeux sont faits

Posted: 04/04/23 12:25
by bunniefuu
You haven't eaten, sweetie.

D'you prefer my hair
like this or down?

You're beautiful whatever.

You're picking my dress
for Mum's wedding.

That doesn't include your hair.
So I'll pass on that.

Hey, time to go. It's late.

- Come on, Sarah. You'll be late.
- I'm coming.

I'm at Mum's tonight.

I know:
to advise her about wedding venues.

- You sound like a broken record.
- Who?

Your daughter.

- Hi, Mum.
- You OK?

I'm not sure she can wait 2 months.

She'll have to.

- Off you go. Pick you up tonight.
- Bye.

- Alright?
- Yes.

My mother wants to know
what present you'd like.

OK, yes! Excuse me.

Thanks for phoning back, Mrs Muller.

I just wanted to tell you
that the hearing's now at 2pm.

See my amazing karaoke last night?
I've got a hit. Listen.

I leave alone with you
You leave alone, without me

Where are you

I'd rather hear Adeline sing.

Like a cheesy 80s' duet!
When you've finished,

could you help me?

I'm not talking about you:

remember, I'm a singer-songwriter.

- It's a paper jam.
- It's driving me crazy.

You need to let go sometimes.

I didn't think you gave up so easily.

Me neither.

- You left early last night.
- Missed me?

- What's up?
- Motorbike.


Deborah, please get up.
Tell me you're OK.

Yes, I'm OK.
It was a biker. He fired at us.

- OK. I've secured the area.
- Quick!

- He's dead.
- Baudemont?

I'm out of jokes right now.

Call an ambulance!

Ambulance coming!

I barely saw the bike.

I just heard the sh*ts
and the man collapsed.

Don't go near any windows.
Audrey, take her

to the locker room.

You'll be safer there.

- You'll be OK?
- Yes!


I'll sort it!
We have to secure the area!

- I'll call you.
- Anything?

Paul Blanchard,
50, boatyard watchman.

We have a driver's licence,

rental receipt, betting slip.

It wasn't his lucky day.

A pedestrian,
wrong place, wrong time?

The barista
saw a biker on the corner.

A powerful, black motorbike, he said.

Deborah was lucky.

4 sh*ts fired:
1st hit the window,

2nd hit the bonnet, 3rd, the wall.

4th hit the man:

he died instantly.

- .38 Special?
- Check with Forensics.

Captain, we've lost the motorbike.

OK. Thanks.

Bike was lost at Croix-Rousse.

Cameras only cover main routes.

Looks like a pro.
Deborah was lucky.

If I hadn't bent down to get my file,
I'd be dead?

What case did you come in for?

A woman arrested for drink-driving.

Have you received any threats?

What kind?

Anonymous calls.
Nothing serious.

It happens to every lawyer.

- Work phone?
- Yes.

We need to check all your calls.

My conversations are confidential.

Someone tried to k*ll you.

We must stop him doing it again.

Do as we ask.

I wasn't the target!
Why would anyone want to k*ll me?

We don't know.

But if it's true,
we have to protect you.

- What about Sarah?
- We've sent a car to fetch her.

- Darling? Are you OK?
- Yes.

- Sure you're OK?
- Yes.

- Sure?
- Yes.


I came ASAP.
How's Deborah?

Shocked, but stubborn as ever.
She'll be OK.

I'll ask
for the files she's working on.

Get Pierre's too.
We have to protect their home.

are we sure she was the target?

- No...
- It's a theory.

Do it discreetly.
No point alarming them any more.


Blanchard's call history.
How is Deborah?

OK. 2 months before her wedding:

He rang police 1 hour before he died.

- Is she marrying Mr Clément?
- Yes.

Clearly, you weren't invited.

OK. The exchange confirmed
that a man phoned in a panic.

The number matches Blanchard's phone.

Did they say why he rang?

No. Bad connection.
Probably why he came here.

What was so important
that he had to tell us?


What colour?

OK. Thank you.

Blanchard rented
a black C5 last night.

There's no sign of a car.

He arrived here on foot.

I'll put an APB out on the car.

So, Deborah wasn't the target.

I'll tell her the good news.

Captain Briard here.
I need... Hello?

I need... Hello?

Blanchard must've rung from here:
there's no signal.

Yes, Captain Briard here.
I need Forensics down here...

What the hell are you doing here?!

Paul! Paul!

At the boatyard.

We're after a holiday rental.

It's already taken, eh?

- Shall I see them out?
- No one's going anywhere.


Paul Blanchard's been k*lled.

1 or 2 questions.


- What happened?
- Who are you?

Bertrand Monnier. The owner.

This is Marco. He works for me.

I saw Paul last night
when we closed.

Yeah? D'you know
if he had any visitors?

No. Paul's quiet:
all he has is his dog and his job.

And he goes to the racetrack.

He got divorced 6 years ago,
came to live here.

Watches the place at night.

We found this inside. Who is she?

Nina Wermeer,
our biggest customer's daughter.

- Wermeer, the manufacturer?
- Yes.

- What're the photos?
- She here often?

We're fixing their yacht.

She's designing the interiors.

She's Daddy's little girl,
always on the phone.

The bad signal drives her nuts.

She even bought a phone mast
for Paul to set up.

Is this her house?

Yes. A big mansion in Vernaison.

So, Nina Wermeer, 25 years old,

only child of large industrialists.

Mother's dead.

Lives with her father,
a few petty crimes to her name:

driving without a licence,
possession of dr*gs.

Bored, poor little rich girl
dreaming of Prince Charming.

Not all girls dream of that.


So, when are Cdr. Garnier and you
having a house-warming?

Pascal isn't the type to rush things.

Right now, we have our own places
and it's fine.

If you say so.


Capts. Cherif and Briard.

We want to talk
to Nina Wermeer, please.

- I'll let you in.
- Thanks.

- Hello. Come in.
- Thank you.

I'm Carmen Oliveira,
Miss Wermeer's PA.

Sorry, she's not here.

Leave your cards
and she'll contact you.

- Isn't that a schooner?
- You can't do that.

I love sailing.

Can you contact Miss Wermeer?

She's in a meeting.

I'm usually with her,
but I had a fall.

So I had to wait
in casualty for 2 hours.

Hey! You can't do that!

Come back! Hey!

Sh! I'm trying to listen.

What is he doing?

I've found Nina Wermeer's phone

and her bag.

Hide-and-seek in a mansion: my dream!

Nina! Nina!

Who are you?

What're you doing?

I was playing hide-and-seek.

Police. Where's your daughter?

I was clear:
you weren't to tell the police!

I followed instructions!

- That's enough. Where is Nina?
- Excuse me!

You have no clue, coming here!

Do you want
the kidnappers to k*ll her?!

Nina was kidnapped
a few hours before the sh**ting.

The death of the boatyard watchman
must be connected.

They k*lled Blanchard?
They've got my daughter?

We think Blanchard
was on his way to tell us something.

- Is your daughter asthmatic?
- Yes.

She usually has her Ventolin on her.

Don't stay here.

If they find out the police
have been told, they may k*ll her.

Nina's designer. I forgot.

Yes, yes, answer it!

Sorry, I forgot to phone back.

Nina won't be able
to make the meeting...

It'll be OK, Mr Wermeer.
The BRI will back us up.

They're specialists
in this type of situation.

Tell us about Nina.

Her habits? Her acquaintances?

Nina never got over
her mother's death.

She was an amazing woman.

It was very hard for Nina.

She let loose.

Alcohol, dr*gs, bad acquaintances.

She had an alcohol coma.

She nearly died.

When she got out of rehab,
I hired a chaperone.

- The young lady?
- Yes.

She was in head office.
Always on time, hard-working.

Her parents are from Portugal.
She had a good education.

She wants to succeed,

takes the initiative.

Carmen, you saw the attack.

Tell them about it.

It all happened very quickly.

Nina and I went out.
2 guys were there.

They put her in a car boot
and pushed me to the ground.

Can you write a statement
at the station?

Each detail is important.

Do you remember the make of the car?

Léonard Wermeer here.

Who are the people with you,
the Arab and the bird?

Nobody. Estate agents.
They're leaving.

Where's my daughter? Where's Nina?

You have 3 minutes

to get them out
and 12 hours to get ?1M.

If you tell the cops, she's dead.

No, I'll pay. Don't do anything.

Please, I'd like to talk to her.

Her health is fragile.

She has asthma.
She needs her medication. Hello?

They're watching the house. Go.

- No. We won't leave you alone.
- If you stay, they'll k*ll Nina.

We'll leave, Mr Wermeer,

but not in the way they expect.

The Mentalist, season 1, episode 4.

I opened him up
and found a huge swelling.

Have you solved the kidnapping?

Oh, sorry.

You cloned Adeline?

It's for the investigation.
I'll explain.

Can you wait
in the 1st office on the left?

You OK? Deep breath.

Give me her mobile number?

We'll negotiate.

I need a requisition on this phone.

It belongs to a Nina Wermeer.

- To do with the sh**ting?
- Yes. May I?

Go ahead.
I'll do it right away.

I need a precise description
of the abduction.

Any detail you remember,

someone you may have met,
for example.

Take your time.

You weren't followed?

No. Two men outside the house
forced Nina into the car boot.

Number plate?

No, but it was a black C5,
the make that Blanchard rented.

He panicked.
He wanted to tell us.

His accomplice realised
and k*lled him.

I hate kidnappings.

We'll let the BRI take over
as soon as we can.


I hope you find her soon.

Yes. Thank you.

When I was offered this job,

I took it to boost my career.

But Nina isn't unbearable.
She has loads of money,

but lacks the essentials.

So you became friends.

She has a boyfriend?

Yes, but I don't know who.

You won't tell Mr Wermeer?

Nina often disappears
for 2 or 3 days.

- Know where she goes?
- No.

She's forceful and secretive
like her dad.

He's tough on her.
That's why I never told him.

At 25, she should have her own life.

Fine. You're safe here.

- You can go home soon.
- OK.


The rental car hasn't been found.

Mind you, the driver's going nowhere.

I have info on Nina's mobile.

Marco Moreno's number often appears:

he works at the yard.

I saw him this morning
with his boss.

The texts between them
don't really mention work.

They're the texts of secret lovers.


Marco Moreno
is an itinerant labourer.

He's known for insurance fraud
and dubious bankruptcy.

Now I realise
why you never eat with us.

She works too hard.

Moreno's gone into kidnapping?

Great work. Thank you.

Bring him in.
Don't mention Nina Wermeer.

Sure thing.

Unless my partner
has already questioned him...

I must see Sarah.
I'll leave you to it.

Call me when you get there.

No hard feelings, darlin'.

Do not call me darling,
pet or anything else. Got it?!

What's wrong with you?!

She's completely nuts!

That bloody hurt!

Ready to go, sweetie?

- Remember my friend, Karine?
- Yes.

Her folks are opening
a B&B in the Alps.

Great, eh?

Good idea for the holidays.

Imagine we did the same?

You at reception, smiling,
Pierre and Mum on the accounts,

Granny cooking.

That would be so cool.

And you'd be Heidi?

Sarah, I'm a policeman.

I know, Dad.

But B&B owners don't get shot at
as much as you guys.

True enough, sweetie.

But your mum wasn't the target.

And in the mountains,
they get avalanches,

landslides, storms...

On you go.

- See you tomorrow.
- See you.

- Be careful.
- You too. Sarah?


Baudemont, you're not there already?

We already had a team there
securing the victim's place.

- And...
- Ah, there you are!

Marco's vanished.
No one's seen him.

- Since when?
- Just after you went to the yard.

Put out an APB on him,
but don't lock him up.

Adeline? Adeline?


- You OK?
- I'm fine, it's OK.

- Alright?
- Yes.

Get any hassle dressed like that?

No hard feelings.

The back of the house
wasn't monitored.

What is it?!

Just one question.
That dress...

Does it have a defibrillator?

My heart's going crazy.

2 officers are with Wermeer.

We tapped his and Carmen's phones.

Was the call traced?

No. BRI are awaiting instructions
on the ransom.

Their boss
wants the utmost discretion.

You standing there all evening?!

- Yes.
- No, you're not.

- No, I'm not.
- No.

- No.
- No.

Paul is involved.

His accomplice may be Marco,
Nina's boyfriend.

- He's probably with her.
- I'll tell everyone.

We need to cooperate fully
with the BRI.

I'm peckish.
D'you want anything?

No. Pascal's picking me up.
I must get changed.

- Hi.
- Alright?

- Ready, eh?
- Not really, no.

One sec.

Yes, Captain Briard here.

- What're you investigating?
- A kidnapping.

The BRI want to wait
till the ransom's handed over.

You don't, then?

Cherif finds it hard
to stand idly by.

If it was Sarah, he wouldn't wait.

He's quite a character, Cherif.

I mean, he's an excellent cop,

but his life is chaos.

How can anyone
have a relationship with him?

I'm just his partner.
You've no need to worry.

I hope not.


What I'm about to say
may seem a bit hasty.

I've been offered a job
with the Paris fire service.

- No way?
- Yes.

- That's great.
- Yes.

Mind you, I'm not surprised.
You're very talented.

The thing is...
I'm not sure if I'll take it.

You're joking?! Go for it!

The 1st time I saw you,
you wanted to go back to Paris.

I don't want
to hinder your career, OK?

Paris is only 2 hours away by TGV.

That's nothing.

That's clear, then.

Why d'you say that?

You've been frank with me.
I'll be frank with you.

In fact,

I was thinking that
maybe you'd come with me.

I thought...

we were going to take our time?

I know, but that's life.

Your dinners get quicker and quicker.

To summarise:

Marco arrived under a year ago.

And Paul is the stay-at-home type.

Yes. He spends most of his time
at his place.

When he goes out,
it's to bet at the racetrack.

The yard is the perfect place.

But a team's already searched it
high and low.

Without success.

They didn't look in the right spot.


- I'm sorry, Adeline.
- About what?

Your romantic dinner is turning
into a Tupperware party.

And we'll be dissecting
the yard's accounts.

Take one.

You OK?


It's nothing, it's just that...

It's just...

It's just that last night
you were radiant.

You declared your love
for Cdr. Garnier.

Right now,
you should be very much in love.

It's complicated. It's...

I'm so mixed up.

There you have it.

These things happen.

Right. These accounts.

OK. The usual, eh?

Let's not change a winning team.

- Here.
- Thanks.

- Come in.
- We've a lead: the yard owner...

Capt. Briard, Capt. Cherif,
meet Jean-François Marty.

He's running the BRI team
dealing with the abduction

as of now.

A photo of Nina
was emailed to Léonard Wermeer.

The background's a bit basic.

The exchange
is in Gerland park in 1 hour.

Léonard Wermeer
will want to go alone.

We'll cover him.

We put a bug in the ransom bag.


What if the kidnappers notice?

We have to trace the bag
to arrest them.

Can we take part?

No, but you can follow my men live.

- Frequency 238.
- Thank you.

It'll be educational.

What a nice guy.

The BRI do abductions,
you do murders.

you mentioned the boatyard owner...

He's hardly declared any metal

although he repairs boats:

he must bury it nearby
to avoid paying tax on it.

He owns land surrounding the yard.

Nina's photo
may have been taken there.

OK. Send Baudemont and Laurent
over there.

Have them call us
if they find anything.

"Frequency 238.
It'll be educational."

East exit secured.
Car 14 in place.

Gate B secured.

- See anything?
- No.

I'm sorry about your arm.

You break wrists
quicker than you apologise.

Don't worry, I understand,
I won't make any more jokes.

Thank you.

Mind you, you're very discreet.

- How could I have guessed?
- Guessed what?

Look, I'm tolerant.

You like women, no problem.

It's no reason to be violent.

But... I'm not a lesbian!

- I'm not!
- Yeah, yeah.

I'm not. I live with a great guy.

We're getting married next year.

You're crazy.
You can come,

but please don't talk about it.

We've decided to have
a quiet, intimate ceremony.

- What's he called?
- There.

- That's not a name?!
- There!

Team 1, nothing to report?


Team 2, d'you see anything?

Suspect approaching.

A White guy, 5 foot 7, wearing jeans,

black hoodie.

He's approaching Wermeer.

No, stop! False alarm.

He's meeting a kid.
He's going past Wermeer.

The kidnapper must know
the park is a trap.

He'll come, but without Nina.

They'll make the exchange later,

- Yes?
- You were right about the car.

It's on the site.

We're on our way.

Radio silence until further notice.

Copy that.

Found anything?

Of course.
The car's locked.

We didn't want to remove any clues.

Some people have all the fun.

We'll see if there's any DNA on this.

Oh, shit!

The kidnappers
don't know we've found Nina.

Marty's team

will arrest him when he shows.

He has nothing to exchange.

OK. We'll be back ASAP.

- Well?
- Death by asphyxia.

- No doubt about it.
- What's the rug for?

To prevent leaving
Nina's traces in the boot.

Or make it more comfortable.

Well, it's covered in dog hairs.

If she was allergic,
it would've been fatal.

- When did death occur?
- Over 24 hours ago.

24 hours.

Nina died during the journey
when she was kidnapped.

How did they take the photo?

BRI experts confirm
the photo wasn't falsified.

There's only one explanation.

It was taken beforehand.

And Nina was
in cahoots with the kidnappers.

Paul, Marco

and Nina fake the kidnapping.

They have a witness.
Dad pays up.

Except Nina suffocates
in the car boot.

Paul and Marco panic.

Paul tries to call the police.
No phone signal. He comes in person.

Marco kills him,
decides to continue as planned.

That seems to fit.

But evidence gathered by colleagues

that when Paul was k*lled,

Marco was at the yard.

He couldn't be in 2 places at once.


Great teamwork!

Marco Moreno
was Nina's 2nd kidnapper.

He was arrested in the park.
They're bringing him in.

- Was he alone?
- Yes. Why?

We think that
Marco did not k*ll Paul Blanchard.

One more thing.

Tell me.

You're sure about Nina?
It's a serious accusation.

In any case, it fits.

Ah! Here they are.

Good work.
His partner's missing.

I know.
My men have gone to get Monnier.


The car was found on his land.

His metal dealings
show he was broke.

He has a bike licence.

I'll deal with Moreno.
Keep me updated.

Yes, of course!

How did Wermeer react to the news?

We haven't had time to tell him.

I don't think the station
is the best place to tell him.

Why? I was going to pay.

I want to know what happened.

Because it's possible

my daughter died
thinking I'd abandoned her.

And that...

I couldn't live with that.

She meant the world to me.

- She was worth more than 1 million.
- She knew that.

Maybe a little too well.

Your daughter never doubted
you would pay the ransom

without telling the police.

You won't like
what I have to tell you.

We think
Nina organised her abduction.

No. No.

No. That's complete nonsense.

I'll tell you what happened!

You did nothing to save my daughter!

And now you're accusing her.
It's pathetic!

I forbid you
to talk about her like that!

The rich heiress
dreamt of running off with you,

a yard labourer
earning the equivalent

of Nina's pocket money.

Moreno confirmed
Nina was behind the abduction.

He was just obeying
a spoilt girl's wishes.

What did he say
about the motorbike rider?

Nothing. Knows nothing about it.

She'd had enough of her father.

Her old man went
as far as paying for a nanny.

"Big Brother", she called her.
A real bitch.

Nina wanted to live.

Not die alone in that gilded prison.

No one can disprove your story.

I can prove what I'm saying.

Nina wrote down her instructions.

Who wanted to carry on
after Nina's death, you or Monnier?

What d'you want with Bertrand?

Leave him alone.
He's done nothing.

OK. That's fine.

Let's recap.

How did you meet Nina, again?

Monnier's in room 2.
Go and question him.

- Your theory?
- Love.

- Eh?
- Handsome labourer, rich heiress.

The dad wouldn't fund the romance.

She hired a team of losers.

She imagined she could
chuck it all in overnight.

If only it were that simple...

I didn't do anything!
I thought I was here for the metal.

We're accusing you and Moreno
of kidnapping Nina

and double m*rder.

What?! Are you wrong in the head?!

I didn't do anything.

I had the petrol tanks filled
that morning.

Check with the delivery man.
The schedule will tally.

Marco joined me
the moment you arrived.

I swear we only learned
about Paul's death from you!

Marco's a good kid. A dreamer.

He wants to sail
around the world in his yacht.

He needs money too?

Were Nina and he
going to go off together?

Well... Marco's a handsome lad.
He attracts all the girls.

Nina was crazy about him,

wanted to live with him on his boat,


I warned Marco it would end badly.


He falls in love easily.
You can't hold it against him.

So much choice is hard.

Why? Did he have another girlfriend?

Yes. They were whispering
sweet nothings in Portuguese.

- Portuguese, you're sure?
- Yes!

I know what Portuguese sounds like!

Carmen Oliveira.

- Do I stay here?
- Yes, don't move.

I'm not staying till lunchtime!

Léonard Wermeer kept the ransom.
A squad took him home.

Carmen will be with him.
He's in danger.

Don't move! Up against the wall!

- Mr Wermeer?
- Move it.

He's alive. He's moving.

Cherif. I need an ambulance
at Rue de la Rossignole.

Stay calm,
an ambulance is on its way.

It's obvious I didn't do it!

My yard will now be shut down!

I hope you're happy!

Please, sir.

I do what I want!
Shut it, you Barbie doll!

It's OK. It'll be fine.

What's your name?

Cherif. Kader Cherif,
with a C, not an S.

You got off lightly.

From m*rder to fraud.
A large fine, at most.

We're not through, you smart-arse.

One piece of advice:

stop threatening police officers
if you value your freedom.

If I'm done for, you will be too.

I'll ruin your lives,
especially yours!

I'll get even with you!

- You OK?
- Yes.

- You're my guardian angel.
- Yes, if you like.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Nina fell for Marco
the minute she met him.

She wanted him so badly.

He knew what it was
to be a rich kid's plaything.

Her caprices brought us together.

I saw him secretly.

She would never dream that her PA

could interest a guy.

She saw me as transparent.
Just like her dad.

Who came up with the kidnapping idea?

Nina. She'd had enough of her father.

She dreamt of touring the world

with Marco,
using the family money.

When Marco told me,
I thought it was our way out.

But Nina died.

All because of that idiot, Paul.

Why did he put that rug in?!

I bet he didn't want to die.

Marco must've panicked.

That wasn't the plan.

Marco couldn't have shot Paul.

That just leaves you.

Don't try to pin the m*rder on me!
I k*lled no one!

Come in.

The medical results you asked for.

It is a wrist sprain:

she couldn't drive a bike
and sh**t with the other hand.

She and Marco didn't k*ll Paul?

No other accomplices.
It means that...

That Deborah was the target
all along.