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03x03 - Témoin gênant

Posted: 04/04/23 12:19
by bunniefuu

Accident & Emergency

Hello, sir.

Come and sit down.

- What happened?
- I think...

I think I was running.

Stay there.


Professor Diane Delpeyrat.

Captain Kader Cherif.

What happened to you?

I... I don't know.

Right... Close.




Don't I know you?

Yes I do. 2 years ago:
little Médérose's m*rder.

Don't you remember?

No, but I should.

What year is this?



take Mr Cherif for an emergency scan.


Because it's 2016.

Cherif, where are you?
I'm at the scene.


You working on your own now?

Cherif isn't answering...

That's not normal for him.

He must've got laid last night.

It's no reason to be late.

the victim is Aurore Surgères, 20.

A labourer found her.


Is that from the fall?

No, she defended herself.

White foam in the mouth.

She drowned.

She was att*cked
before being thrown in:

it must've happened upstream
given the current.

You have 1 new message:

Cherif, we have a homicide.
Please call me.

- You nearly made me wait.
- What're you doing?!

What's up with you?

I told you.

Your ex-husband
has retrograde amnesia.

We separated?

You were right.

Cops and lawyers
don't make good couples.

An amicable divorce.
Not a total failure.

And Sarah?

We share her.

Don't worry.
She found her bearings quickly.

Mr Cherif,

I'd like to
keep you here under observation.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I won't remember anything
if I stay here.

I have a job, friends and,
above all, a kid waiting for me.

Don't worry about me. May I?

- You should stay.
- I'll sign a discharge form.


Here's my number.

Please take
your painkillers regularly.

OK. Thanks, Doctor.

- Shall we go?
- Yes.

I'll need a little briefing
on the last 5 years.

When your mother finds out
you left hospital...

I'll get a real ticking-off.

As usual.

I think I've covered most of it.

D'you remember your partner's name?

Adeline Bondart.


She left 7 messages in 2 hours.
Seems intense.

Do we get on?

What's she like physically?

Not at all your type.

You call her "Barracuda".



Look, Kader, stop.

You haven't a clue.
You won't fool them,

especially not Doucet...

In a few hours,
it'll all be fine again.

I don't want
to be put on the sidelines...

I'm not ill.

You could keep quiet.

Please, Debs.

You haven't called me that for years.

OK. But call me.

Yeah, OK.
Who is Sarah with this week?

You. Tell her the truth.

Of course.

Who could do such a thing?

Aurore was our only child.

We really struggled to have her.

We did loads of tests
before finding out I was the problem.

So, we resorted
to artificial insemination.

It was a gift from above...

Morning, Captain.

Er... Hi.


- Alright?
- What happened?

A little fall during my morning jog.

A bit groggy, nothing broken.

Adeline's interviewing.
File's on your desk.

I'll have a look,
then join Barracuda.


It's nothing.
One of Deborah's jokes.


My wife's devastated...

If you want her here
to help find the k*ller...

We'll talk to her later.

For now, tell us
all you know about your daughter.

Every detail counts.

Eg. Was Aurore
worried about anything recently?

Any threats?


I don't know what to say.

She had the normal life
of a 20-year-old girl.

A boyfriend?


Jérémy Belfort.

They were moving in together.

- She manages well by herself.
- Yes.

Your daughter was holding this.

We don't know anyone in a wheelchair.

Who is it?

We need to find that out.

Not bad.

How was your lie-in?

What's happened now?


A scratch.
Don't worry, mate.

You're calling me "Mate" now?

It's about time, isn't it?

What d'you think?

Next time, please pick up your phone.

Very well, boss.

Jérémy and Aurore were happy
according to her dad.

Strange: he's known for vandalism,
and 36 hours ago,

he smashed her door in.
Neighbours were alarmed.

A sudden passion
for my methods, Captain?

She committed su1c1de.


It was a passionate romance
that went wrong.

He looked all over for her.

She leapt off a bridge, heartsick.

Another one of your intuitions?

Dejax is positive it was m*rder.

I love it when you talk about me.


no sugar, but...

made with love.

Yes please!
Thank you, Philippe.

- Are you two...?
- D'you ever stop?!

Don't be jealous.

Take mine, I'll get another.

Hang on, Philippe,

d'you have any more news for us?

She's something, eh?!

She never switches off.

OK. The autopsy showed
that Aurore was pregnant.

Which brings us back to Jérémy.

So, Jérémy Belfort.

3 arrests
at anti-abortion demonstrations.

- Pro-life.
- Anti-abortion.

1st time, you were 16.

What's the link with Aurore's death?

We exercised
our right to demonstrate.

By assaulting staff

and destroying a maternity ward?

You were very angry with Aurore.

You couldn't accept
she didn't want the baby.


Yes, Aurore made an appointment
with Family Planning.


She'd never have done such a thing.

Aurore and I
both wanted the baby, OK!

I think the pregnancy
just overwhelmed her.

Why was she looking

for her biological father then?

- Her biological father?
- Yes.

She was conceived by AI.

She went to the HFEA
to find out about him

2 days ago.
I haven't heard from her since.

Where were you at 6.30 this morning?


Tell me all.

This girl who kept you up:
do I know her?

I can't remember her name.


Anyway, er...

Jérémy told the truth.
He was on his way to uni.

His travel card and CCTV confirm it.

I'll go and fetch him:
his parents are at reception.

I'll contact the HFEA.

Something must've happened there.

Is it me or is it very hot?

It's you.

Go home, you look unwell.



You OK, Dad?


You've grown up.

Mum told me.

You'll get your memory back.

- You're a true warrior.
- Am I?

China Beach or Tour of Duty style?

You're still funny.

I've prepared
a roundup of the last 5 years.

You only missed 1 World Cup.

- Result?
- We won!

- No?!
- Only joking.

- We lost the quarter final.
- Minx!

But most importantly,

I'm a mature teenager
who's no trouble at all.

I expected no less of you.

I'm allowed out
with my boyfriend every weekend.

I assure you, it's brilliant.

- Really?
- Yes.

Sarah, I may have
some memory problems, but...

I haven't lost my bullshit radar.

So, tell me about this boyfriend.

That was Granny's block party.

Even Adeline joined in:
a great Wonder Woman!

Yeah, not bad.

It must be strange not to remember.

Well, let's say that...

I feel a bit like these old albums:

we'd love to have
the memory and speed of your tablet.

I won't let myself forget
all those moments with you.

Tomorrow first thing,
I'll go and see the doctor.

I bet you'll work till then.
I know you.

You know me well.

Aurore Surgères. 20 years old.
Drowned, assaulted.

Feeling better?

Nothing like a nap.

Have you made any progress?

According to the HFEA,
her parents never got a donor.

They lied to Aurore.

Somebody didn't want

her to discover
her father's true identity.

We need to review
Mrs Matthieu's treatment.

- She's in so much pain.
- Oh?

- Will you see to it?
- Er... Increase her dosage.

I'm really glad you called.

I was going to call you.
Come with me.

I'd rather go outside, if possible.

Yes, of course.

And when will I get my memory back?

- Are you taking the pills?
- Yes.

Any improvement since yesterday?


Well, yes.

I get flashbacks,

but they're vague.

Images of murders.

Not surprising, given your job.

It's not a wise idea
to go back to work.

You look tired.

I'd like to keep you in.

I know, but it's not possible.


Well, unless it's to stay with you.

It's your health I'm interested in

for now.

- Excuse me.
- Go ahead.


OK, fine.

Yeah, I'll be there.

- I must go.
- Captain...

Call me Kader.

Kader, please keep me updated.

D'you promise?

I promise.

No, impossible.

If she'd known, she'd have told us.

But that's what she did, didn't she?

Did you tell her?

Hello. Sorry.

What did you tell her, Mrs Surgères?


That the donor waiting list
was endless

and I didn't want to wait any more.

Did you call someone you knew?


No, we called an illegal donor.

A guy who'd donated
to lots of infertile couples.

It wasn't easy.

No, but it worked.

9 months later, we had our baby.

Aurore told me she understood.

- She just wanted the donor's name.
- Why?

What difference would that make?

Aurore was pregnant.

To be sure it would be healthy
and have no genetic disorders.

That's why she wanted
the biological father's name.

I ended up giving her
what she wanted.

D'you think she died
as a result of that?

What's the donor's name?

Serge Bongrand.

- Hello.
- We...

We didn't make an appointment,

but my wife and I need you.

How did you get my address?

A couple we're friends with.

Thanks to you, they've a family.

- Their names?
- They're very discreet.

Jonathan and Jennifer, let's say.

Come on in.

Come into the lounge.


My wife and I are very close.

We just need a baby
to make our happiness complete.

- But not just any old how.
- Or with just anyone.

I presume you can show us
a blood assessment.

Of course.
Blood tests, vaccinations, screening.

- Have a seat.
- Thank you.

Just coming.

The supporting evidence.

You'll see,
I only make beautiful babies.

64 little marvels.

- 64?
- Yep, 64.

Look at that one.

- You're never in the photos?
- No.

It's the deal I have with the mums.

They send me a photo of
the baby and them after the birth.

Nice photos. Reassuring.
Eh, darling?

Here. Look at mine.

Not bad, eh?

Capts. Cherif and Briard.

Aurore Surgères' m*rder.

This photo?

Yes, that's her.


She turned up at mine
3 days ago, hyper.

She asked lots of questions.

What sort of questions?

She wanted to know
about my genetic make-up.

My arse...

When I realised
she was one of the 64 kids,

I gave her the album.

I thought she wanted her photo.

She flicked through it...

It seemed to reassure her,

then she went crazy.

- When she saw this photo?
- Yes.

She tore it out.

- Why that one?
- I don't know.

Who is this woman?

Catherine Moineau.

I remember:
she was my youngest customer.

20 years old

or just over...

Single, but determined.


she wasn't in a wheelchair
when she visited me.

Did you try
to get the photo back off Aurore?

Yeah, but no chance.

And you grabbed her.


- You pushed her off the bridge.
- No!

She was too quick
and ran off with it.

You caught her,

hit her, then cast her

into the void.



- Your colleague's not well.
- I...


Sure you are!

- Don't let him out.
- Right, Captain.

You followed me.

Cherif, what's wrong?

I'm feeling edgy.

I witnessed
the m*rder of Aurore Surgères.

I'm sure it happened here
on this bridge.

I saw the m*rder*r.

I was over there.

I saw everything.

Was the m*rder*r Serge Bongrand?

I thought so,

but I don't know now.

Were you at the crime scene or not?

Yes, but...

everything's a blank
until I got to the hospital.

Did you lose your memory
for a few minutes?

A bit more than that.

An hour?

It's not post-traumatic amnesia?

That's funny.

That's the term
that Prof. Delpeyrat used.

How long is this memory lapse then?

5 years.

Pardon, I...

It's noisy, I didn't hear you.

5 years.

You're joking?
And they let you leave hospital?

Ah, I see. You did what you wanted.

Come with me!

To your place?

To have
a complete checkup in hospital.

Wait, can't we negotiate?

With me maybe,
but if I ring your mother...


Didn't think I'd see you so soon.

68/38, it's too low.

Don't you think work can wait?

Says the professor
who probably sleeps in her office.

- Your son?
- Yes. Handsome, eh?

I was 20 when I had him.
Thought I could do it all.

The CGPE course,

the sleepless nights, my thesis...

the seminars, the lectures.

So I didn't see him grow up.

When his dad left me,
he went with him.

So yes, today, all I have is my work,

which allows me
to examine charming, amnesic cops.

Sorry. I talk too much.

Right, then.

The scan results were good,

but I'll prescribe you
some stronger painkillers.

2, twice a day, minimum.

- Anti-inflammatories?
- Yes.

They'll reduce your headaches.

And unless you decide
to stay here with me,

I'll see you soon.

- In your surgery?
- Of course.

- Yes.
- Make a note:

tomorrow, 10am.
I'll squeeze you in.

It'll be a pleasure.

- Thank you, Professor.
- Diane.

- Diane.
- See you tomorrow, Kader.

No, no. No sick leave.

Just some meds for headaches.

And above all,
lots of love and attention

from my partner.


How about
not mistaking fantasy for reality?

Yes, that too.

Ah! Now I believe you.

I checked the ID card
and driving licence file.

3 Catherine Moineaus of that age.

- Any of them on disability benefit?
- No.



Thank you.

They combed the bridge

and found
no evidence of a crime scene.

You think I'm crazy.

Don't you remember anything?

Our tango,

my request for transfer...
Pierre, the punch?

Pierre, my ex-wife's boyfriend?

I hit him?

You really don't remember.

That we can always
count on each other?

A bit like Starsky and Hutch.

Or Castle and Beckett, rather.

By the way, is Castle still on?

- Have they slept together?
- I don't know.

No... and us...

- Have we ever...
- Listen, Captain,

memory lapse or not,

if you and I had done that,
believe me...

you wouldn't forget it.

Now, have a good rest.


Chocolate's good for the memory.

But not for your tummy.

Tonight's agenda is busy.

2 finales: Lost,
you won't understand,

or Breaking Bad,

but you'll need
to watch every season.

I'll get it.

- Hi.
- Evening, darling.

Coming for pudding?

but I'm watching my waistline.

Unlike some.

I'll leave you to it.
See you soon.

Night, Sarah.

Professional secrecy
only applies to clients, eh?

You don't answer my calls.
You left me no choice.

Jean-Paul had already realised.

Deborah's not the only one
worried about you.

You weren't yourself with Bongrand.

Take some time off, if you need to.

Thanks, but you needn't worry now.

I'm much better.

Remember the day I told your mother

that you'd passed the exam?

- She made me promise...
- No undue risks.


- You're not fit to work.
- Don't stop me now.

My accident is linked to this case.

Kader, a week off
never harmed anyone.


I witnessed Aurore's m*rder.

Seriously, you must believe me.

Jean-Paul, you know me.

OK. Prove it to me.

I want a complete update
on this case tomorrow.

Then I'll decide
whether you should be involved.

No problem.

Sarah, your brekky's ready!

How will you handle Jean-Paul?

I heard what he said last night.

So, you're eavesdropping now.
That's cute.

Don't worry.

I've worked with him for years.

He won't suspend me for that.

If you say so.

- Not disturbing you?
- Hi, Mum.

See you tonight.

- How are you?
- I should be asking you that!

Have you forgotten my number too?

I didn't want to worry you.

It was just a tiny fall.

That's not what I heard!

If I'd phoned you,
you wouldn't have slept.

I'd have been right, eh?

My memory's coming back now.

On your birthday, I gave you peonies

and an album with the nicest photos
of Sarah and me, eh?

You give me that every year, darling.

OK. One point to you.

Listen, Mum, I've gotta go.

You haven't forgotten that phrase.

Don't worry. Lots of love.

You OK?


Move along!

I was hit by a car.

It's coming back to me.

- I ran towards the bridge.
- Did you see the k*ller?

The colour of the car.


That's all.

I'll ask Baudemont to run
a check on local hit-and-runs.


None of the Catherine Moineaus
match up.

Aurore's parents don't know her.
The name must be an alias.

- And the donor?
- Serge Bongrand?

He has an alibi.

He'll be interviewed
about his illegal doings.

Aurore knew the person in the photo.

The woman in the wheelchair is key.

Adeline can find that out herself

unless you can prove
you were at the crime scene.

Listen, Jean-Paul,

I've no proof,
but you know me. I'll find it.

Captain Briard,
leave us for a moment.

Aurore's lungs
contained adiponitrile:

so she was k*lled
near a nylon factory.

There's a nylon factory by the Saône,

above the bridge.

That confirms
you were at the crime scene.

You almost got enforced leave.


He's here, yes.

Just a minute.

- For you.
- Thanks.


Very well.

Briard, come with me.

Looked after by Prof. Delpeyrat, eh?

- You know Diane?
- Diane?!

Are you guys close?

You don't waste time!

A useful fact about her:

it'll stop you getting dumped too.

- You went out with her?
- Yeah.

Well, no...

She wasn't really my type.

Philippe, they're all your type.

True enough.

She's very demanding.

She's the No.1
obstetric neurosurgeon.

No jokes, be on time
and don't mention her ex or her son

or she'll go nuts
and then you're buggered.

When you see a woman,
it's never wise

to talk about her ex-husband.


Kader, you forgot.

We were due to meet this morning.

Hello, Doctor.

Philippe, it's been ages.


You look confused.

I was right to come.

It was you.

It was you that day.
You were driving.

You're much sicker than you think.

- She was driving the car.
- No, Cherif.

She was there, I'm sure!

Kader, look at me.

Why would I do that?

Because I saw the m*rder.

The hospital's 500m away.

You have a grey Clio.

I have a blue Audi. It's outside.

I'll show you.

She was there, believe me!

- She's linked to the m*rder!
- Kader!

Your brain
is reconstructing pseudo-memories.

Sorry, Professor.
Captain, come with me.

- She tried to k*ll me.
- You must see this!

Adeline, don't let her go!


I'm sorry, but he must be treated.

- OK. I'll call you.
- Thanks.

They knocked you down!

They came of their own accord.

He panicked after hitting you.

They have a grey Clio.


it was a hit-and-run,
not a m*rder attempt!


it was Diane, I'm sure.

- I'll talk to them.
- Kader, Kader!

It's him.

Are you OK?

Why are you here?
What d'you have to gain?

Nothing. Quite the opposite.

Is Diane your doctor?

- A friend?
- No.

Let me guess.
She's your daughter?

You're protecting her?
I understand.

We don't know Diane.

Stop. Enough, Cherif.

I'm sorry.
I should've stopped to help you.

But you got up right away.

Captain Cherif,

I'm taking you off the case.


Want my g*n too?

Don't test me, Captain.

Excuse him. He's still in shock.

Did you see anything abnormal
before hitting him?

- Anyone running away?
- There was no one.

Apart from your colleague
who came from nowhere.

Prof. Delpeyrat.

- Your son?
- I was 20 when I had him.

When his dad left me,
he went with him.

South Lyon

The factory Kader mentioned...

Saint-Vincent bridge and...

the hospital.

Dr Delpeyrat's thesis:

Central nervous system deformities
in embryos.

You alright?

Can I help at all?

D'you know Diane Delpeyrat?

You investigating her?
Don't believe what Kader says.

I don't need that right now.

- This isn't Cherif's scan!?
- Whose is it then?

It's a woman's brain.

See the connectomes?

Men's and women's are different.

There must be a mistake somewhere.

- Unless...
- What?

Unless it's not a mistake.

You can't do that, sir!

Leave it, Ève.
I'll deal with it. Thanks.

Diane, I'm really sorry
about earlier.

It was tactless.

I'd have liked
to take you up on your offer.

It's not too late.

But this m*rder...

Did you know

Aurore Surgères?


And her boyfriend?


Him neither?

"Happy Birthday...


I just wanted to protect him.

Where's your son, Diane?

Can't you turn your head, Kader?

I'll get a room ready for you.

You shouldn't have come back.

I can't let you leave, now.

- What did Bongrand say?
- Diane was his customer.

Diane is Catherine Moineau.

Aurore realised that.

I got hold of
Diane's maternity records.

Epidural went wrong.
She ended up in a wheelchair.

The baby was OK.

- The baby's name?
- I think I have it.

Jérémy Belfort.

Pregnant by her half-brother!?

Aurore and Jérémy
had the same father.

Diane had a motive:
Aurore might tell Jérémy everything.

What do the scans reveal?

If Diane messed with the scans,

it was probably to hide
a subarachnoid haemorrhage.

Cherif's anti-inflammatories.

- Eh?
- They make haemorrhages worse.

Speech problems,

stiff neck, facial paralysis

and then coma.

If he's not operated on...

he'll die.

A bit young
for such bad heart problems.

it happened in my office.

I'll finish that.

Go to casualty: it's busy.

You know, Kader,

my job is
to anticipate and manage problems.

When Aurore came to find out
about her baby's risks,

I no longer had a choice.

Jérémy admires his dad so much.

He looks up to him.

He wouldn't have handled knowing
his real father was so pathetic.

He'd never have forgiven me.

I couldn't lose him
for a second time.

When I realised
she hadn't told him yet...

I k*lled her.

I k*lled her to protect my son.

He suffered enough
growing up without me.

Please forgive me.


Get Dejax.
He needs an operation!

