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02x09 - Au feu

Posted: 04/04/23 12:16
by bunniefuu
Well done, guys!

That was a difficult operation!
You rocked!

- A photo for the blog.
- Come on!

- Lina, come here.
- Strike a pose...

Where's Lucas? Wait.

Lucas! Wait.
Lucas, come here!

Fill out the log later.
Come on.

Shit... Lucas!


Of course I know where it is.

Next time, don't leave
my USB stick in your office.

- In you go.
- Hi, Adeline.

- Captain.
- Hello.

No... You slept here!

Well, yes.

I thought I was good
living opposite,

but you've gone one better.

It's temporary. A burst pipe.
The assessor's due.


The showjumping's in town,
all the hotels are full.

Why can't she stay with us?

No, it's only one night,
two at the most.

Exactly. She can stay with us.

Sarah, you have your stick.

Go watch TV.
We have work to do.

See you tonight, Adeline.

Off you go.

You'll be more comfortable in my bed.

I didn't mean to say that.

- Sharif.
- Hi, Captain.

A fireman was found dead
in his cab.

Looks like su1c1de.

They found a box of tablets

with "Sorry" written on it.

Let Dejax know.

Baudemont, what is it?

It's better if you come.

I knew him.
It can't be su1c1de.

OK. On our way.



The kid's name is Lucas Hervieu, 32.

We often met on duty.
He was always smiling.

All the better to hide his problems.

Last week we were on a su1c1de.

Lucas said he'd never do
anything like that.

- You OK, Stéphanie?
- Yes.

She's not seen
someone she knows dead before.

Or rather...
You know what I mean.

- What do the others say?
- They're in shock.

It's hard. They're a close crew.

- Kader. All right?
- Yes.

- Adeline.
- Hi, Philippe. You OK?


Blue lips,

of poisoning by digitalis.

- Were these in his locker?
- Yes.

He took meds to k*ll himself,
then went on a call-out?

Surrounded by rescuers...
A call for help?

- Is this where he was found?
- Yes.


Mrs Hervieu.

They were a lovely couple.

If you ever become Mrs Dejax,

I'll always keep you on me.

I mean the photo.
Not one on top of the other.

I know what I mean.

Excuse me...

Could you come here, please?

- Is this the rota?
- Yes.

If someone wants to change shifts,
he writes in here.

If someone accepts, he puts it there.

"OK to take your shift, LH."
Lucas Hervieu?


Do you know what time he wrote it?

Yes. This morning at 5am,
when he came on duty.

We all checked the rota
before having coffee.

Thanks. I'm sorry for your colleague.

Dejax, how long does
what Lucas took take to work?

2 to 4 hours.

It fits. You were right.
It's not su1c1de.

Get statements from everyone,

their movements, everything.
- OK, Captain.


He agreed to swap a shift
next week

just when he swallowed the pills.

- It doesn't make sense.
- No.

Of course I've told his wife!

She's a nurse on night shift!

How is she?

How do you think?

Why don't you go back
to your meetings?

Morel, I'm your superior officer.

Captains Sharif and Briard, police.

Warrant Officer Morel.

- My guys aren't your suspects.
- We'll explain everything.

And you are?

Commander Garnier.

I'm responsible
for the entire station.

We're at your disposal.

Lucas was one of my men.
I want to be kept informed.

Lucas was m*rder*d.
Anyone dislike him?

Not in the station, anyway.
Outside, I doubt it.

My men are sappers,
with a sense of responsibility.

No need to meddle
in his private life.

We'll need to check his phone.

- To what end?
- To solve a m*rder.

We'll check the movements
of all your "sappers".

Where were you this morning?

Helping out the night shift
on a motorway pile-up.

We finished at 6am.

When I heard my men
were on a tricky job, I joined them.

We came back
to the station together. OK?

Now I'd like to rejoin my group.

Be my guest.

Is he always like that?

You'll have to excuse him.
He doesn't realise.

We're discussing budgets.

I went to the Prefecture in the week.

I'll make sure everyone
co-operates with you.

Will you tell me now,
or must I wait?

Nothing to say. An old friend...

"Old friend"? Sure...

The victim is part of Morel's group.

Morel, 45, with 22 years' service
of which 19 in Paris.

He's kept his military habits.
He should have a higher rank.

He refuses all promotions.
Prefers it on the ground.

That's unusual.

The k*ller had access
to the changing room.

Yes. Like Commander Garnier.

Pascal, isn't it?

No-one said he was there
this morning.

True. And you know him
much better than me.

Not bad.

Forget it, Sharif.
I've nothing to say.

I understand.

An ex turning up like that

is always weird.

I feel the same.

Not an ex?

Am I wrong?

Getting warmer?

OK. I won't insist.

After all...

We all have a past.

And our secrets.

It's hot in here, isn't it?
I'm going to get some air.

- Hello.
- Hello.

I'm Captain Sharif.
I'm expecting you.

Shall we go over there?
It's quieter.


Pascal? It's Adeline.

He wanted a baby.

I don't understand what he did.

We think he was m*rder*d.

Everyone liked him.

It can't be easy
building a relationship

working the hours that you do.

Your husband leaves for work
when you're coming home.

10 days ago, Lucas was granted
day shifts only.

I'd requested it,
but it takes longer.

A fireman not working nights
is rare.

Morel's not the type
to give out favours.

What with the call-outs,
the weekly aptitude tests,

preparing for his exams,

Lucas was exhausted.

He couldn't concentrate.

That's why Morel agreed.

The advantage
of being in Morel's group.

It's the only one, believe me.

They're always together,

closer than a family.

Minus the wives.


So things weren't so good
between you?

Why don't we start again?

Where were you this morning,

Excuse me, Captain.

The victim's phone log.
Calls, text messages...

Thanks. Stéphanie?

Are you OK?

You'll find nothing.

Lucas had another phone.

How do you know?

I was sleeping with him.

We met on duty
and we saw each other a few times.

It wasn't serious.
We didn't ask questions.

- When was the last time?
- A month ago.

But when I found out
about the other phone,

I teased him:
"You're a professional adulterer."

It was true.

- Does his wife know?
- No.

He said if she found out,
she'd k*ll him.

- You think he was serious?
- I don't know.

I'm surprised he didn't have
his other phone,

either on him or in his locker.

Someone must have taken it.
We'll put a search out.

Thank you.
We'd never have known otherwise.

In that phone,
there are photos which are...

- I don't want...
- Don't worry.

No-one needs to know
the details.

Sharif and Doucet are discreet.

But you should stay out
of the inquiry.

I understand.

This morning,
I checked his wife's alibi.

Maybe she found
the other phone and...

And k*lled Lucas?

She was on duty till 5am.


Are you sure?

I thought she left around 7.30.

Thanks, Stéphanie.
See you later.

Thanks for being so frank.

We may need to talk to you again
for the inquiry.

- Was that Elodie Hervieu?
- Yes.

- You let her leave?
- Yes.

She threatened to k*ll Lucas
and lied about her schedule.

She left work in time to poison him.

You must have had a good reason
to let her go.

"Michaël Lombard." Who's that?

The man for whom she makes
herself up after a night shift.


When I come off a night shift,
I normally chill out:

tracksuit, a cop show...

Unless she had an appointment.

She knew Lucas was cheating
and she did the same.

Not easy for her to admit.

All that thanks to a cup of tea.

And a smile.

I'll ask Baudemont
and Stéphanie about Lombard.

Not Stéphanie. Just Baudemont.

It's good that Stéphanie told you.

It shows my methods pay off.

What methods?

She confided in you
at the pizza stand.

What do you call it?
A "Sharifism", right?

I wondered where you were.
How's the burst pipe?

I can help.
I always wanted to be a plumber.

And I a builder. So?

The preliminary autopsy report shows

he'd just eaten:
the croissant was intact.

No trace of the pills.
No doubt dissolved in the coffee.

Someone poisoned him at breakfast.

You'll have more details

once I've analysed
the stomach contents.

I can't wait.

He doesn't change.

That puts Morel's group
in the frame.

It was easy for them to poison him,
to hide the pills...

And get rid of the other phone.

What's up?
Why aren't you at school?

A teacher's away.

I came to say
I'm staying with Mum tonight.

So you won't be disturbed.

She inherited
her mother's sense of humour.

And your sense of hospitality,
I see.

I don't need a go-between.
I'm a grown-up.

You're right. Just don't let her
sleep in my room.

Yes, boss.


Are you casting for a movie?

The whole of Morel's group.

The gendarmes confirm Morel's alibi.

He was with them till 6am
and wasn't at breakfast.

- So he's in the clear.
- Not quite.

- Morel chose his men.
- None has a police record.

But they all have addiction problems
or broken families.

He helped them and they're grateful.

Unlikely they'd disobey him.

And Lucas had another phone
that must contain information,

and it's disappeared.

- Morel?
- I'm willing to bet he took it.

He's nervous
about Lucas's private life.

So why are you still here?

Gently! Remember it's a rescue!

Give him some slack!

That's it. Take your time. Good.


Warrant Officer Morel?

We're looking for Lucas's phone.

You have it.
Don't sully his memory.

Sully? So you know
about his other phone.

Lina, will you cover for me?

I told him to stop.

It could destroy his marriage.

Too much hassle.

Now he's gone, all that matters
is to honour the fireman and the man.

To hell with the rest.

I agree.

But you're obstructing the inquiry.

I didn't want his wife to find it.
She deserves better.

He's weird.
He's always giving orders,

but he has a human side.

That's bosses for you.

I'm going to get some food.
Tell me what you think.

- No...
- Don't upset my mother.

It won't fill you up.

I brought you...
some sustenance.

Captain Briard is having dinner
with Commander Garnier.

- Want to share?
- No, thanks. I'm not hungry.

Here's Lucas's other phone log.

Stéphanie, you needn't worry.

You had an affair, so what?

But the text
"I have to see you or else"

bothers me.

- Did his wife write that?
- No. Lucas to Commander Garnier.

I didn't think you'd call.

It's not so hard
to pick up the phone.

I called you when Sébastien died.

You were his best friend

and you disappeared overnight.

You can talk to me.

May I? Thank you.

Good evening. Do you mind?

What are you doing?

I'd like to invite you to dinner,
but I'm on duty.

Here. Read it.

So, Commander,
what would you prefer?

To talk here, or at the station?

I don't understand.

"I have to see you or else"?

I received that text,
I didn't send it.

Yes. Only the person who wrote it
was found m*rder*d.

I have nothing to do with his death.

Is that why you called me?

To get me to talk?

You've changed.

Commander, you're under arrest.


Can't it wait till the morning?

You're right.

We'll start the interview
at 8am sharp.

- Will you sleep at mine?
- I'd rather die.

I had a feeling you were upset.

Let's go.

Maître Atlan?

Adeline Briard. Leave a message.

Why didn't you ask me about the text?

We'll talk tomorrow with a lawyer.

You never answered my question.

Why didn't you call?

Just when I needed you,
you disappeared.

The day he died...

I had a drink with Sébastien.

You talked?


We'd not met for a while.

He told me work was difficult
for him,

that he'd had to make choices.

He told me, as a joke,

that a guy had reported him
to Internal Affairs,

that he was under investigation
but it was OK.

It was just a jealous colleague

who resented him.

- Did he say who?
- No!

I didn't know he was suffering.

Adeline, I didn't see
he was going to k*ll himself.

- He fooled everyone.
- I could've saved him.

I've had the conversation
in my head, over and over!

It was his decision.

Don't let it stop you from living.

Your coffees look good.

I'll take two. Thanks.

Hello! Sleep badly?
I've brought you a pick-me-up.


- Yesterday you dined with a man...
- I did.

...who received threats
from the victim.

- He was there the night in question.
- And?

You need an "and"?

He could have put the dr*gs
into Lucas's locker

and made him a poisoned coffee.


Last time, it was me
who refused to see the truth.

- My mother's surgeon.
- It's different.

I think we got off
on the wrong foot.

- I went a bit far last night.
- A bit far?

You acted out of jealousy.

- Jealousy?
- Jealousy?

You're in mid-argument.
That's good for my client.

We had an appointment.

You asked my ex-wife
to defend your ex-boyfriend?

Now I see.

The firefighter,
Commander Pascal Garnier?

Room 1? 2?

I'll find it myself.

Don't look at me like that.

You started it.

So it's your ex... Your ex.

What did Lucas know about you?

- Was he blackmailing you?
- You don't have to answer.

No, I want to.

He called my secretary
for an appointment.

You can check.
A little obvious for blackmail.

What was it for?

It was about a transfer.

He wanted to move
to another station.

- When was the appointment?
- There was none.

I told my secretary
to explain the procedure.

Lucas had to talk
to his group leader first.

Lucas wanted to leave his group
and you sent him to Morel.


The rules stipulate
that a request for an interview

must follow protocol.

Why didn't you meet him?

Because I knew what he wanted.

There were rumours

that Morel let girls
into the station.

I wanted to check.

I didn't want to start proceedings...

Because of a jealous colleague?

I wanted to do things right.

Not to make the same mistake
as with Sébastien.

If that's all,
my client is free to leave.


If you think Morel was involved
in Lucas's death,

you can count on my help.

Garnier was your brother's friend.

His best friend.

I hadn't seen him
since Sébastien died.

- I don't know what to say.
- You couldn't know.

Lucas demands to see Garnier
the day before his death

to talk about a problem
in the group.

He broke with the group
on 29th May.

He did no more nights after that.

What could be serious enough
to get him k*lled?

I don't know.

All the firemen's statements
are identical.

I bet the same is true for the 29th.

- I've got an idea.
- So have I.

I'll try feminine solidarity.
And you?

Lina, stay here!

The doctor said I was OK.

Betty, get the truck.
You, with me. Go!

We have some questions.

No time.

Hey! Don't make us take you in!

Go ahead.

Riding with the firemen
is every little boy's dream!


Civilians aren't allowed.

I'll sign a disclaimer.

If you get the chance.

On a call-out,

you know when it starts,
but not when it ends.

Don't thr*aten me.

thr*aten you?

That's the reality of the job.

- Put your phone away!
- Yes, boss!


The flu.
It's only a routine exercise.

The flu, eh?

It's nothing.
I was att*cked on my way in.

That'll teach me.

It can't be easy being a woman
with Morel.

He seems harsh.

Not true.
Devotion to the job's what counts.

Ask Betty.
He doesn't discriminate.


How do you sign up?

That's the thing. You don't.
He chooses us.

Forget it's an exercise.
We play it for real.

ETA 3 minutes.

I want a safety perimeter,
water supply and an evacuation.

Received loud and clear, boss.

I'd like to know a bit more
about the girls

that you let into
the station at night.

- You a gambling man, Captain?
- Sure.

We'll see.

Another problem:
our vehicle is out of action.

- Betty, we'll join you when we can.
- Received.

Stop here.

A drunk individual
entered the vehicle.

Overpower him.


- w*apon!
- Neutralise it.

You see? Anything can happen
on a call-out.

You can't imagine
what this will cost you.

Don't be a bad loser.

Well done, guys.

3 years ago, I was on a call-out
for a newborn.

He died in my arms.

A month later I was in a psych ward.
Depressed, alcoholic...

No-one could help me.

Morel came to see me.
The legendary fireman himself.

You know why he wanted me?

Because of my reaction,

because I was alive
and focused, so he said.

He saved my life.

No-one in the group will say
anything against him.

What's Lucas's story?

Something about girls
entering the station...

Civilians aren't allowed
in the station.

And yet...

Were you on duty
the night of 29th May?

Why the 29th? No.

I have work to do. Excuse me.

It won't cost me anything.

It'll be the word of a cop
against 3 irreproachable firemen.

Let's go!

No hard feelings?

Adeline, if you're done with Lina,
come and get me.

- I'm in Feyzin.
- No problem.

Feminine solidarity is dead.


I love it when a plan comes together.

I think I know how to find out
what happened on the 29th.

You should have arrested them.

We'd have wasted time
and no-one would have talked.

Unlike now.

It's theft, Sharif.

I just borrowed it
for the sake of the inquiry.

There's a code.
It won't be easy to get access.

You think?

If something happened
on the night of the 29th,

maybe we'll find a video.

I hope so.

This generation films everything.

- Right...
- Good.

The 29th...


There you go.

A fireman and a girl having fun
had to be filmed.

I'll never understand it.

You have to admit
it helps the work of the police.

- How to identify the girl?
- Good question.

It'll take a while,
but we should manage it.

So you remember to call me back.

I love uniforms.

You don't say...

There are only two firemen with you.
Where were the others?

In the duty room.

How did the night end?

They ditched me.

They've left in a hurry before,

but normally there's an alarm.

Last time,
they left after they got a call.

- There was no alarm?
- No, just a phone call.

Morel turned up.
He was on the phone.

I didn't catch it all.

He had to ask for the address twice,

but I know it was near Bron.

Very precise.

I've failed the police
entrance exams twice.

Something else surprised me.

Normally when they leave
they're excited.

But this time they were just angry.

- Remember the time?
- Yeah...

When I left, I put Radio Scoop on.

The 10 o'clock phone-in
had just started.

- Thanks, Laura.
- You're welcome.

- Good luck with the exams.
- Thanks.

Will they get in trouble?

They're nice guys.

- After you.
- Thanks.


On the call-out log,
there's nothing at 10pm on 29th May.

Only one at 10.37.
A su1c1de: Sami Farez, 23.

Threw himself under a train
near the stadium fence.

The stadium.

The area Morel mentioned
on the phone.

They left for a su1c1de
30 minutes before being alerted.

If the log says 10.37,
Laura must be wrong.

You've seen her.
She's not 100% reliable.

It's not her brain
we're interested in.

Classy. The call you received
at 10pm, who was it?

I don't remember any call.

You could trace the owner
of the phone.

No. It came from a payphone.


Who is Sami Farez?

Didn't he throw himself
under a train?

You'd know better than us.

What's your link to him?


Except that my group
went out to him.

I don't understand.

Aren't you investigating
Lucas's death?

Do cops treat all suicides as m*rder?

Lucas wanted to leave your group.

We think he witnessed
something shady.


I think it's linked
to Farez's su1c1de.

Now you suspect me
of k*lling Farez too?

Not yet, but...

I'll tell you a secret.

I was a little young at the time,
but Kennedy...

That was me.

That's a good one.

Can I go now?

I'm on duty.

For now, yes.

We need to find the weakest link
who will talk.


I can't think on an empty stomach.

I know a cook
who does fabulous pastry.

- He gets it from his mother, right?
- Yes.

He also does accommodation.

You never give up, do you?

Almost never.

The finishing touch.

Try this.

You've added...

ras el hanout.

- Ras el hanout.
- "Ras el hanout."

Very nearly.

A family secret.
I can't say more.

Let's get Laura in with the firemen,

find out their little secrets.

She may change her story.
She's really fond of them.

You never know what
might happen if you put them...

face to face.

There. We can eat.

What about the room?

I thought I'd put you in mine.

I'll sleep on the couch.
No choice.

That's right. No choice...

It's burning.


No... It's burning, Sharif.

I was distracted.

Madam's room is ready.

I could have slept here.
I'd have been fine.

Looking for a reason
to share the couch with me?

That won't be possible.

OK. Well...



So the legend is true?

You never sleep.

Something I don't understand.

Sami Farez had a regular accomplice:
Dylan Morsay.

Every time Sami was arrested,

Dylan was involved.

Inseparable, but not at that moment?

It appears not.

Dylan isn't mentioned
in the su1c1de report.

He wasn't even questioned.

Strange not to question
his best friend.

There's a reason.

Dylan was on the list
of people wanted for theft.


He was arrested last week
during an ID check.

We'll question him tomorrow.

Good call.

If I didn't hold back...


...I could kiss you.

Well, if it wasn't 3am

and I wasn't worried
about taking advantage.

So many "ifs"...

Would you risk ruining
our beautiful partnership, Captain?

Save your energy for tomorrow.

We've a m*rder to solve.


Hi, Dad.

Can I borrow season 1 of
The Fugitive? Quentin hasn't seen it.

No problem.

- Who's that in the bathroom?
- Open Sesame...



It was your idea, remember?

I slept on the sofa.

- Is that true?
- Yes. You can trust him.

You're so cute together.

The Fugitive is on the shelf
by the TV.

Shall we?

We've got a fugitive to question.


All right for some.

It was just for one night.

Did you mean to say that?

- What's he got over me?
- What's she got over me?

40 centimetres.

Remember 29th May?

Yes. It's the day
my best friend died.

Were you there?

I know what will happen if I talk.

And if you don't talk...

We don't care
about the other stuff.

We're interested
in your mate's su1c1de.

Is that the new word for blunder?

Blunder? What do you mean?


We were having a smoke and 4
masked men att*cked us: 4 cops.

We ran and they chased us.

- How do you know they were cops?
- The way they spoke.

I'm telling you they were cops.

I went left
and they carried on chasing Sami.

How do you know
they were after Sami?

They didn't chase me.

Sami must have decided
to cross in front of the train.

But he miscalculated?

When I turned round, he'd gone.

So I left.

We know some people
who were in the area.

Naturally, you stick together.

We think you were chased
by firemen.

Recognise anyone?

I recognise him.

He was at Sami's funeral.

He was really upset.

I'm not lying.

His name's Lucas, ask him.

That will be difficult.
He's dead.

What about him?

I've never seen him.
I know her.

Sami never said Lina
was in the fire service.

Sami dumped her the day he died.
They had a fight.

Lina Leclerc was Sami's girlfriend.

Lina lied and said
she'd been att*cked.

- The guys went to see him.
- It went wrong.

Lucas, filled with remorse,
went to the funeral.

He decides to tell Garnier,
but he's k*lled first.

Morel poisoned him?

No. Morel was out on a call
that morning.

But Lina wasn't.

Call Garnier.

Get out of here!

but we're taking Lina Leclerc.

- She's under arrest for m*rder.
- What is this?

It's over, Morel.

They know Sami Farez
was Lina's boyfriend.

- He was your bloke?
- Shut it!

You lied to everyone.

Sami was an accident,
but not Lucas.

You k*lled him in cold blood.

You didn't, Lina?

Lucas was going to talk!
We'd all go to jail!

Take her away.

He'd never have told.

You knew and covered it up.

Don't lecture me!

- You knew she'd k*lled him?
- He knew.

I realised afterwards.

What's done is done!

My role is to protect my men.


But you didn't protect Lucas.

What a waste
for a man of your calibre.


Warrant Officer Nicolas Morel,

Sapper 2nd class Pierre Arévalo,

Tanguy Arséna

and Denis Dubuc,

you are relieved of your duties

and under investigation

in the inquiry
into the death of Sami Farez

and Lucas Hervieu.

Let's start again.

Commander Garnier.

Call in groups 2 and 4.
I'll be there for the briefing.


Seeing you
has changed things for me.


If anything comes back to you,
your conversation with Sébastien...

I'll call you.

All right, Captain?

Your place?

No, don't get any ideas.

The assessor has been
and the plumber's due in an hour.

I wasn't getting any ideas.


Go on.

It seems odd for you
to be leaving.

You haven't had time
to get used to it.

Thanks, anyway.

My place is your place.

With my own room?

Don't push it.

I might be prepared to negotiate.

I said "might".