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02x05 - Désaccords majeurs

Posted: 04/04/23 12:13
by bunniefuu
Police! Police!

Turn round.
I said turn round!

Come on, turn round.

Dealers, rooms 12 and 16.
Not 12 and 13.

Wrong room.

Sir? Sir?

What the hell is this?

Don't move!
Hands where I can see them!

Don't move.

OK, I'm coming.


You just missed Sarah.

I came to see you.
Got any tea?


Let me guess.
You're my next suspect's lawyer.

No, but that can be arranged.

No, thanks.


- Thanks.
- You OK?

do you remember last month,

my trip to the States with Pierre?

You had Sarah for the weekend.

- It wasn't for the scenery.
- Spare me the details.

I've been offered a job
in Boston for a year,

with Crane, Poole and Schmidt.

That's great news!

In their
international law department.

I haven't told Sarah.

I wanted to talk to you first.
We share custody.

What do you think?

She'd love it.

- A year?
- It's a great opportunity for her.

You always wanted
to go to the States, right?

Kader, your phone.

Your phone.

Don't tell Sarah
until it's certain, OK?

Yeah. Sharif.

dr*gs Squad raided a hostel.

They left us a package.

Only this time,
we know who sent it.

Thanks for staying.
Makes it easier for us.



As soon as classes are over.

Yes, fine.

Don't worry.
Work hard, darling.

See you later.

- What?
- You tell me Déborah is going

to Boston and you're terrified
Sarah will go with her.

- "Terrified"? I don't recall that.
- It's subtext.

You've asked to see her?

I don't know what you're playing at,
but give it up.

The victim is not linked
to the cannabis dealers.

Ahmed Saadi, 50.
Left prison a week ago.

A loner.
He spoke to no-one.

And him?

- Who's he?
- Patrick Ariège.

Runs the Ariège company.
He was next to the victim.

Says he's the k*ller.

- Want to see him?
- No. Statements first.

- Then see what he says.
- OK.

Where were you between 11pm
and 2am, Captain?

None of my business,
but he was dying.

- Wound with a sharp implement...
- A knife.

No need to...

What the...

No cuts on the hands.
He didn't fight back.

He must have known Ariège.

Haemorrhagic wound and bruising.
Victim stabbed ante mortem.



Odd, isn't it?

Letters returned to sender.

All addressed to Aïcha Saadi.
Not even opened.

Get these sealed
and take the rest.

It always starts with a detail.

Look at the missing page.

It's the page
the victim was writing on.

He has ink stains on his hand.
Typical left-hander.

The bin's empty.

Did you find a page?

No, Captain.

Ariège took it away.
The question is, why?

Captains Briard and Sharif.

- Let me talk to Jean-Paul.
- Pardon?

Commissioner Jean-Paul Doucet.
Him and no-one else.


Ahmed Saadi wrote a letter
every month, on the same date,

to his daughter.

- What's he done?
- He was in the room

where Ahmed Saadi
was stabbed to death.

He'll only talk to you.

Do you know him well?

- What did you do?
- What I should've done 12 years ago.

- Got a lawyer?
- I don't want one.

Just take my confession.

Get a lawyer and say nothing.

"Get a lawyer"? Is he
the best one to question him?

I thought you'd understand.

Understand what?
That you're in pain?

I was there 12 years ago.

I arrested Saadi,
testified at his trial.

What will you tell Florence
and your daughter?

I've settled my affairs.
It's fine.

Flo and I are having problems.
As for Karine,

she'll understand
I did it for her sister. She's ready.

She'll take over Ariège.

Say hello to your daughter.

You'll soon be a grandfather.
That's good.

Don't try that with me, Patrick.

I cried at Isabelle's funeral.

- I was there...
- You know what he did to Isabelle.

- He deserved to die!
- No.

Ahmed Saadi was arrested.
He confessed.

He was sent down
and served his time.

Now keep quiet
until I get back with the lawyer.

She'd have been 41 on 29th March.

I should've checked
Saadi's release date.

Leave him here for now.

I'll call a lawyer
and contact Florence.

His wife?

It was my first case as group head.

Saadi was a store keeper for Ariège.

He had money problems
and raided the stock.

Several thousand euros' worth.

He got caught,
Isabelle fired him

and reported him to the police.
With a residence permit...

It was prison and deportation.

Saadi confessed to the m*rder.

He got 18 years.
He ended up staying in France.

He'd stopped talking about vengeance.

I should have checked!

No-one question him
till his lawyer arrives.


Wait, nothing's certain.
We can check some things.

Later. Only when his lawyer is here.

He's not about to escape.

No surprises.


Received loud and clear.

The victim's daughter's here.

Captain Briard will see her.
Thanks, Stéphanie.

And what will Captain Sharif do
in the meantime?

Did you hear Doucet
ask him any questions?

- I didn't.
- Me either.

But he said:
"No questioning without a lawyer."

If I were your mother,
I'd have smacked you more often.

I don't doubt it.

What are you doing?

Looking for a letter.

The one Saadi was writing.
It's missing.

I thought you had it.
Where is it?

I threw it away.

- Where?
- Out the window.

So your prints will be
on the window latch.

We'll search around the hostel.

Just to be certain,

did you throw it away after
wiping your prints off the knife?

I want my lawyer.
I'm saying nothing.

It's odd.


You're the first suspect to ask
for a lawyer to prove his guilt.

Miss Saadi?

I'm sorry about your father.
If I can...


I'm still here, yes.

Every client must have
an up-to-date file. It's important.

I missed the tram,
but I'll be there on time.

See you soon.

Yes. Sorry.

I'm sorry about your father,
Miss Saadi.

Aïcha Bouzaffa.
My mother's name.

My father died 12 years ago,
when he k*lled that woman.

Anything to sign?

A bit more than that.
You need to identify the body.

- Do I have to?
- Yes.

You sent back
all your father's letters.

- Do you want to read them?
- No. Keep them.

I'm busy. I'm a project manager
at Arsena Communications.

No time to cry over the man
who nearly ruined my life.

Project manager, you've done well.

When did you last see your father?

When my mother died.

I was 19.

Yes. We're agreed.

You'll reserve me two places
front of stage?

Fine. Thank you. Goodbye.

- This fridge is always empty.
- You OK?

Not much affection for her father.

Remind you of anyone?

She reminds me of me
when I arrived.

How about you?

Ariège is obviously lying.

Jean-Paul's bothered
about his friend, not the facts.

Don't get involved.
Leave it to him.

Doesn't sound like you.

Yes, it's Adeline.

I need the bank statements
of Aïcha Bouzaffa and Ahmed Saadi.

Yes, no problem.

You're close.

It'll backfire on you.

No. Jean-Paul? He's cool.

Did you question him?

Patrick lacks answers.

Did you question him?

It's wrong to wait for his lawyer.

I gave you an order.
Here's another. Respect it.

Stay away from Patrick
and everyone linked to the case.

- I think your case...
- Captain Sharif.

Do I need to spell it out?


Captain Briard, come with me.

You haven't given me
your quarterly figures.

I want them on my desk this evening.

Yes, Justine? It's Sharif.

I need a favour.

The case notes on Isabelle Ariège.
A m*rder in 2002.

Yes, thanks.

And not a word to Doucet.

I didn't know, Jean-Paul.

I know.

What will he get?

I've called a good lawyer.

But it's hard to deny premeditation.
15 years.


15 years?

When the guy k*lled his daughter?

He'd served 12 years in prison.

They won't look kindly on him.

And what you said won't help Patrick.

Yeah, right.

Will this never end?

How could he be so selfish?

Your husband wasn't with you?

- No.
- And you weren't worried?

It wasn't the first time.

We've been growing apart for a while.

He'd been staying out a lot.

Even at night.

I thought there was someone else.

I wish there had been.

- Can I see him?
- Of course. I'll see to it.

You know,

when my brother died,
I couldn't believe it was su1c1de.

Yes, and?

When you're too involved,
you can't be objective.

Shall we go?

We questioned all the residents.

They all say the same.
He didn't mix with the others.

He only went out
to the café opposite,

le Bercail.
He went there every day.

Le Bercail?
What does the owner say?

It was his closing day,
he wasn't there.

We've spoken to everyone.

Everyone? Are you sure?

What hold-ups
have there been recently?

One where the guys
haven't been caught yet.

Lyonnaise de banque?

4 hooded men, heavily armed.

A security guard shot.

Can I borrow your handcuffs?


Your handcuffs?

A few hours in the cooler
will do you good.

- Let me go!
- Shit!

Shut your big mouth, I tell you.

Get in there.

You'll tell us where the Lyonnaise
money is.

- Go f*ck yourself.
- Have fun.

Were you in the g*ng
that stole the 3 million?

Don't move. Sit down.

We're not wired. Relax.

I'll just check, OK?

We're not cops.
We got caught last night

by the dr*gs Squad.



well done.

- 3 million!
- Thanks.

But I have a cellmate
who was k*lled last night.

The guy who was stabbed
in the 7th?

Yes. What do you know?

We were staying at the same hostel.

Last night, we were waiting
for our mule...

A mule?

Dustbin men.
Works like a dream.

I saw the guy they arrested
arriving at your mate's.

The guy who k*lled him?

Only the cops screwed up.

We heard yelling in the room before.

Before midnight.
An Arab girl showed up.

A real stunner.
Around 25-30,

a little shy, but classy.
You see?

Around midnight?

Thanks, guys.

Seriously, if you need anyone,

I'm Manu.
- And I'm Greg.

I'm Sharif.

Captain Sharif.

Thanks for the dustbin-men tip.
dr*gs Squad were struggling.

You imbecile.

You talked to him.

I'll never work with you again.

You made a new friend.

Shut your mouth, you.

- I did it for Isabelle.
- No.

You had no right.

I sorted everything for you all
with the notary yesterday.

Are you the only one suffering?

And what do I feel,

when I pass her office?

I think of her every second.

I wanted to sell up and move away.

But he wouldn't.

I held on for you.

- Why did you do it?
- Why?

Because they let him out.

He had the right to a normal life.

Whereas Isabelle...


she'd never have wanted you
to sacrifice the family for her.

Excuse me.

We found your prints everywhere:

on the chairs, the door...

So why wipe the handle of the knife?

Because they weren't yours, Patrick.

You didn't k*ll him.


Someone already had.

But I would've done it.

I wanted to see the fear
in his eyes.

Have you seen this woman before?

No, never.

Be right back.

Ahmed's daughter: 2 witnesses
confirm she was there.

- Did they see her leave?
- No. But they heard yelling.

She was the last person
to see him alive.

In theory.

Get onto it.


You were right, Adeline.
Being too involved...

Forget it.

But I need another week
for the quarterly results.

I checked up on Aïcha Bouzaffa.

Before Arsena Communications,
she did courses at Arcec,

an architecture school,
and at ENEC, a business school.

- Expensive fees.
- Over 30,000 euros over 3 years.

How did she pay for it?

Her father was in prison,
and her mother died soon after.

You wanted to see me?

- I'll only be a second.
- Don't mind me.

- Right. You working hard?
- Yes.

You've seen my grades.
What's going on?

Good question.

I thought you deserved a reward.

- What is it?
- For you.

Daft Punk? Front of stage?

What generosity!
I'll take those. Bye, Sarah.

It's in Paris.

- How will I get there?
- Don't worry.

A Peugeot 504 tells me
you and your friend will be there.

It's in September, I've got school.

I've thought of everything.

Off you go.

Sarah? By the way,

not a word to your mum.

She won't like you missing class.

I'll tell her.

Here's the file.

Thanks, Justine.

If you think a concert
can rival the USA,

you haven't got a clue.

I hadn't even thought about it.

I got the bank statements.

On Aïcha's account,

there's a 1,000-euro transfer
every month.

From the CHDP.

- What's that?
- A Luxembourg bank.

Francis, it's Adeline.

I've got some questions.

I'm with Sharif.
I'll put you on speakerphone.

Hello, Sharif.

Is it about the CHDP transfer?

No flies on you.

We've been working on the bank
for a while.

The account holder is Ahmed Saadi.

- Ring any bells?
- Yes.

Francis, when was
the account opened?

31st October 2002.

A deposit of 160,000 euros.

A monthly transfer of 1,000 euros.

I'll send you the paperwork.

OK. See you later.

Saadi opened an account
with 160,000 euros?

No. Not Ahmed Saadi.

If I remember right,

Isabelle Ariège was k*lled
on 28th October 2002.

The next day,
Saadi was arrested.

He confessed
and was held on remand.

He couldn't have gone
to Luxembourg on 31st October.

He was already behind bars.

An accomplice?

Or he was paid to k*ll Isabelle
and Aïcha got the money.

Either way,

Jean-Paul missed it.

Thanks for coming.

You left me no choice.
I didn't want you at the agency.

I understand.

Bad for the image
of a future partner. Sit down.

Tricky, your father re-appearing.

At Arsena Communications,

no-one knows
you're Ahmed Saadi's daughter.

k*lling runs in the family,
everyone knows that.

- I haven't seen my father...
- Since last night, we know.

Why did you lie?

To avoid all this.

He came to the agency yesterday.
No-one saw him.

I agreed to see him.
I went to the hostel

and told him
I didn't want to see him again.

We know it got violent.

How far would you go
to protect your life?

Everything you'd worked for,

making your name?

It's true it was violent.

But not like you think.

School records,
teachers' questions,

birthdays when he was never there.

You can't understand.

What did he say?

That I should make room
for him in my life.

He said he was innocent.

Like I'd swallow that.

He even convinced himself
he'd done nothing.

I listened, then I left.
He was alive.

- And then?
- And then I went home.

He'd no right to come back,

like I owed him something.

- I made my own life.
- Maybe.

You didn't send back the money.

Didn't you ever wonder
where the money came from?

My father was front-page news
when he was arrested, and again

18 months later, at his trial.

There's no advantage
to being a k*ller's daughter.

If he had some scheme
to make up for what he'd done,

why should I refuse?
- Scheme?

We think the money
was for k*lling Isabelle.

Look, I came.
Now I'm going.

No, no.

You're staying.

While we check what happened
with your father.

We can give you
a list of duty lawyers.

First thing tomorrow,
forensics will be at Aïcha's place.

A convicted assassin
and someone pulling the strings

whom Doucet missed.

Why pay 160,000 euros
to k*ll Isabelle Ariège?

It's a huge sum.
We have to tell Doucet.

Can't it wait till tomorrow?

Goodnight, Captain.



Hi, Dad.


- I'm working.
- A crime scene?

Come here.

Is there a problem with the concert?

No, it's not that.
It's just that...


I've signed you up
for driving lessons.

- You're not serious.
- I am.

That's great! Thanks.

You start in September.
You'll be driving for your birthday.

Better than Christmas.

Not a word to Mum.

Hello, Mum?

Captain Briard.

Are we going out?

I'm not ready yet.

I see you already have an escort.

Adeline was trying
to get the Ariège file.

I told her you already had a copy.

It's my police station.

Thanks for telling me.

Don't blame him.
He was trying to protect you.

Saadi was paid to k*ll Isabelle?

The Ariège family was up and coming.
They had enemies.

Not to that extent.

In 2002, the Ariège company
was Patrick.

He turned a family firm

into the world number 2
in digital printing.

Isabelle was Head of HR,
not the CEO.

It doesn't make sense.

- Who profited from the crime?
- No-one.

No, no-one.

You knew them.
What changed when Isabelle died?

She was a bright girl.

Always in the limelight.

It was hard for Florence and Patrick.

- And Karine?
- Nothing was expected of her.

There was a huge void to fill.

Was she jealous of her sister?

But to k*ll her...

And Karine didn't have the money.

- What department was she in?
- Accounting.


Fine. It's your inquiry.

I'll call Dejax.

It's 1.20am.
He'll never answer you.

Want to bet?

Can you call me back? It's urgent.


- What are you doing?
- Calling him.

- You said he wouldn't answer.
- I said he wouldn't answer you.

Hello. Yes. Adeline?
What is it? Is there a problem?

No, everything's fine, Philippe.
Someone's here.


Yes, Philippe.

- I need you to check something.
- Go on.

Could the wound that k*lled Saadi
have been made by a woman?

I'll check, but not for free.

Speak to my colleague about that.

For you.


Tomorrow we'll question Karine.

I'll come with you.

We won't be welcomed
with open arms.

Yes, I know.

But this time
I want to do things right.

It's unbelievable.

What are we paying you for?

It's not the first time.
Are you doing it on purpose?

Is the franking machine
for decoration?

The mail's collected at 2pm.
She'll be ready.

- Karine.
- Hi, Jean-Paul.

- Is your father in?
- Of course.

- Haven't you done enough?
- Not yet.

We're all on edge right now.

Come with us.

- What's this crap?
- My officers are doing their job.

- There have been developments...
- Developments?

Meaning what?

I'm sorry, I can't tell you.

We need your accounts
from 2002 to 2004.

What's that got to do
with Saadi's death?

You can question Karine here,
in front of us.

Sorry, Mr Ariège.
It doesn't work like that.

Madam, come with us.

Let her go.

Don't worry, Dad.
It'll be OK.

- What do you want to do?
- I'm coming with you.

The night of the m*rder,
we were together.

You'll want to verify her alibi.



Once you've released my daughter,

and I say this calmly,

never set foot in here again.

Laurent and I went home together,

around 8 o'clock.

I made dinner and we went to bed.

At what time?

I don't remember.

I was worn out.

We got home at 8pm.
We ate.

Then I crashed out.

When I went to sleep,
Karine was there.

And when I woke up too.

Do you always sleep heavily?


I'm working hard.

We've reached our target,
but I want to do better.

Do you take sleeping tablets?

How long have you been together?

18 years already.

Married for 15.

I met Karine
when I was hired by Ariège.

The firm saved my life.

I was unemployed.
I'd just lost my parents.

After Isabelle's death,
I gave them what support I could.

Patrick gradually became
a second father to me.

How did Karine and her sister get on?

Isabelle succeeded
at everything she did.

Top of her class.

She played piano,
did athletics, theatre, etc.

A hard act to follow.

Still, you're a beautiful woman,
if I might say so.

It's not easy.

You have to exist.

Seeing her doing her plays,
her competitions,

while you...

What did you do?


I was asthmatic as a kid, so...

I know what you're thinking,

but I met my husband.

For once, someone looked at me
and not her.

How did Isabelle feel?

She was happy for me.


- Did you know Ahmed Saadi?
- Yes.

I would call the stockroom
to prepare each order.

I spoke to him a couple of times.

I just did the payslips.
I didn't know him.

Did you have a copy
of his work contract

and his residence permit?
- Of course.

Enough to open an account
in Luxembourg.

He went out

like a light.

If Karine gave him a sleeping pill,
she could have k*lled Saadi.

It doesn't look good.

Karine benefited
from her sister's death.

And she could have opened
the Luxembourg account.

Sorry, Jean-Paul.

Let's take a break.
Her lawyer's here.

- Do we have the accounts?
- No. I saw Laurent.

I asked him to hurry Patrick along,
but I know him.

He'll search his accounts
to find what we're looking for.

A gap of 160,000 euros
doesn't go unnoticed.

If Karine's involved,
we should keep her here.

Commissioner. Adeline,
I didn't sleep again thanks to you.

But this time it paid off.

What did you find?

Something good.

- Go ahead.
- First, your question.

The wound could have been made
by a woman.

I compared the conclusions
of Isabelle's autopsy to mine.

Given the height of the wounds
and the angle of penetration,

I can tell you that...
- Isabelle

and Ahmed Saadi were k*lled
by the same person 12 years apart.

You OK?

Ahmed Saadi
didn't k*ll Isabelle Ariège.

- I condemned an innocent man.
- No.

Saadi made a choice.

He took the money
in exchange for a prison sentence.

I should have been more careful.

Even the video
confirmed he was there.

We'd all have been had.

Saadi confesses,
tells you where the knife is.

His prints are on it.

And the video shows him
at the crime scene.

Even DNA
would have made no difference.

He condemned himself.

I never overestimated myself.

I always did my best.

Stop talking in the past tense.

We find out who paid him
and that's it.

I had a call from Head Office.

Internal Affairs are coming tomorrow

to look into
the handling of my cases.

Patrick has influence.

The Chief of Police

has hated me since I refused
to send his daughter to Paris.

Adeline's father?

They'll be here at 8 o'clock.

I've got a feeling
they'll start with the Ariège case.

We still don't have
Ariège's accounts.

- We'll have to seize them.
- Maybe not.

12 years ago,
someone k*lled Isabelle

and paid Ahmed Saadi
to take the rap.


But why k*ll him now?

Maybe he asked for a bonus.


Or Saadi,
who wanted to help his daughter,

realised she hated him.

And he told her the truth.

How did the k*ller know
Saadi constituted a risk?

They must have made contact
when he got out of prison.

Saadi had no mobile phone.

I think I know how he did it.

Come on.



- Can we talk?
- I'm in a hurry.

I have to talk to you,

to update you on my situation,

so as not to go behind your back.

OK, tell me. Are you going?

They just delayed the start date.

Two minutes, Captain.

It's not September, but January.

- Really?
- Yeah.


It's handy because
Sarah phoned me yesterday.

Her diary for September is full.

She could smell a rat.

- I had to tell her about Boston.
- And she said yes.

No. She needs to think about it.

Why are you so sure she'll go?

I wouldn't hesitate if I was her.

She doesn't have your life.
She can choose.

It's not just that.

She's growing up.
It's logical.

It's just that a year

is a long time.

I feel I'd be losing her.

Don't disappoint her.

The concert,
the driving lessons, the scooter...


It's touching.


I have to go. Talk later?

You OK?

I've got 12 hours
to save Jean-Paul's hide.

I'll explain.

Can I help you?

Captains Sharif and Briard.

A man was k*lled
in a hostel near here.

Ahmed Saadi.

You're investigating
the m*rder of an ex-con?

We just want to check a few things.

Ahmed Saadi came here, right?

He used the computers

that you provide
for the hostel residents.

Order a drink or leave.

We can seize your computers

or close your bar.
How's that?

I want to see a signed warrant.

We'll have one within the hour.

- There's a quicker way.
- I'm closing.

When you come back,

guess if the computers
will still be here.

Fancy a game of billiards?

- Are you a billiards champion now?
- No.

I take 3 balls.
2 reds in front of the yellow.

If I manage, in one stroke,
to touch the yellow but not the reds,

and without the white
leaving the table,

you help me.

Otherwise I'll get a warrant.

Without the white leaving the table?

It's impossible, but OK.

The Persuaders!

Episode: Angie, Angie.

Each customer gets 2 hours online

and the same on the phone

to look for work.

Each one has a password.

I ask for everyone's login.

- I'll get them for you.
- Thanks.

He was a good guy.

He wanted to make it up
with his daughter.

We have Saadi's
entire browsing history.

His daughter's Facebook page.

She mentions her work.

That's how he found her.

He looked at the Ariège website.

He looked at the pictures
of the managers.

Any record of his calls?


4 calls. 3 to Aïcha and 1 to Ariège,
the day before he died.

A 6-minute call on an internal line.

It's easy to trace whom he called.

6 minutes
that signed his death warrant.

Yes. Of course.

We're making progress.

If you need to call tonight, you can.

It'll be OK.
See you tomorrow.

I hope they'll leave him alone
when we catch the k*ller.

See you tomorrow, Captain.

Come on. It's 10.30pm.

You're just out of a meeting.


- It's me.
- Yes.

I'm sure you know why I'm calling.

You approve
all Internal-Affairs missions.

- And Doucet asked you to call.
- No. He doesn't know.

There's nothing to find here.

When IA searches,
they always find something.

I know.

That's not what I meant.

I didn't intervene for your brother,

and now you want me to do so

for a guy I don't even know.

No. For me, because I'm asking.


Good night, darling.

Good night, Dad.

Saadi confessed straightaway.

Isabelle Ariège has been k*lled.

I condemned an innocent man.

Is the franking machine
for decoration?

The mail gets collected at 2.

Captain? I need to see you now.

Can't it wait?

If I said I could prove
Saadi didn't k*ll Isabelle,

would that wake you up?

So what? We already watched this.
Get some sleep.

Wait. Go back to 3pm.

The mail's collected.

It's always collected at 2, remember?

There's an hour's difference.


28th October 2002 was the day
after the clocks went back.

I checked.

They didn't change the time
on the cameras.

So Ahmed left Ariège
at 7.35, not at 8.35.

Given the witness statements
and the autopsy,

Ahmed wasn't there.

He couldn't have k*lled

So why run away
like he'd seen a ghost?

I know.

An hour before the m*rder,
Saadi saw something.

- What happens an hour later?
- Forget it.

The tapes last 6 hours.
It finishes at 8pm.

The others were destroyed.

I'm only here because Flo insisted.
I'm listening.

- Sit down.
- I'm sorry.

He's holding our daughter
and attacking my company.

Sit down.

I wanted you to hear this from me.

We made... I made a mistake,
from the start.


Ahmed Saadi didn't k*ll Isabelle.

Are you mad?
What the hell are you talking about?

The time on the CCTV recording
is wrong.

What are you on about?

Then who?

Who k*lled her?

We know Isabelle and Saadi
were k*lled by the same person.


We know what extension
Saadi called.

- Go on.
- 134.

134? That's Laurent's extension.

Where's Laurent Bernard?

He'll be in his office.

Tell me where Laurent Bernard is.

You're accused of the murders
of Isabelle Ariège and Ahmed Saadi.

Anything you say

will be used against you.


You son-of-a-bitch!

Patrick, the law will deal with this.
It's over.

- Why did you do it?
- Leave this to me.

You k*lled Isabelle.
You did!

I considered you my son.

I didn't do it.

Put the g*n down.
No more deaths.

Why did you k*ll her?


Why did you k*ll her?

Bastard! You'll pay.

Don't do it.

Think of Karine.

Think of Isabelle.


That's better.

The night

Ahmed Saadi was k*lled,

where were you?
- With my wife.

She told you:
"We were together all night."

She can't remember.

- She's a heavy sleeper.
- Is that what she told you?

I'm the heavy sleeper.

Could she have spiked my drink?

A drug? A sleeping pill?

Karine couldn't do that.

You know, Karine hated her sister.

And vice-versa.

It's terrible,
the rivalry between sisters.

I didn't want to tell you.

But now...

I'm sure you've heard
Isabelle was hard, very hard.

Well, that's not all.

She wanted to be
the centre of attention.

She wouldn't accept
I wasn't interested in her.

Ah, you cracked.

Did I crack?

No-one resisted Isabelle.


Do you think Karine knew

about Isabelle and me?

Do you think Karine
k*lled her sister?

No. We don't think that.

But we think you k*lled Isabelle
to stop her talking.

If Karine found out,
your promotion prospects were over.


That's what we were waiting for.

The weakness that gave you away.

We wondered where the 160,000 euros
in Luxembourg came from.

You inherited
a house worth 160,000 euros,

which you sold in June 2002.

No-one at Ariège
knows about your fortune.

Know where the money is?

We do.

Isabelle died 12 years ago.
You can't prove a thing.


2 nights ago, you went out.

- No.
- Yes.

- For an hour.
- Karine...

When you came back,
you stayed in the garage.

Stop it.

But I saw you

stuffing your shirt into a bag!

There was blood on it.

I know where he hid it.

But you see,

I thought
you'd k*lled Saadi for me.

The dr*gs were too weak.

Forensics can prove Saadi
was k*lled by Isabelle's k*ller.

I'll ask you this only once:

do you want to give
your version of events?

I've made sure the arrest report
doesn't mention

your use of a g*n.

Thank you.

The law will take over now.

With a double m*rder,
they'll come down hard.

I'm sorry, Patrick.
I was wrong 12 years ago.

We both were.

And I was a bastard.

See you soon.

See you soon.

Will he be OK?

I think so.

Aïcha hated her father,
thinking he was a k*ller.

Patrick adored his son-in-law,
who was a k*ller.

Yes, but at the end of the game,
the cards are re-dealt.



- Am I interrupting?
- No, no.


All yours, Captain.

Ahmed's letters to his daughter.

I thought you'd like
to give them to her.

She's in the lobby.

Thank you.

I was expecting Internal Affairs.


They didn't come.

Should I thank someone,
Captain Briard?

I don't think so.

You know,

this kind of miracle is rare.
Very rare.

Thank you, Adeline,

for your work.

Thank you.

Smells good.

Macaroni à la Sharif.
My darling's favourite.

I was going to a movie
with my friends.

- On a week night?
- It's Friday.

And you're so cool right now.


I know your mother told you.

When Déborah
told me about the States,

I freaked out.

But make no mistake.

- I'd have my ticket already.
- So why did you do all that?

Sometimes I treat you like a child.

The thing is...

I can see you leaving home.

So I did a little calculation

of how long we had left together,

and I had to subtract a year.

That's a lot.

But don't deprive yourself
because of me.

Like cancelling the movie
to eat with you?

Something like that.

- I love you, Dad.
- I love you too.

Can you pick us up at 10.30?

Have a good evening. Bye.

- Yes?
- Captain Briard?


Have you eaten?

No. Have you cooked me
one of your tajines at last?