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01x08 - Blackjack

Posted: 04/04/23 12:12
by bunniefuu
- Don't pick up pebbles.
- I know, Dad.

We've been fishing together
for 20 years.

That makes me feel old.

- Are you catching any?
- Same as you.

Let's try over here by the tree.

I'm all-in.


What is it?



"See you tonight, I'm late."

As usual.

Hi, Eric.

You were right, it was a bad idea.

Criminals caught in the act.
What's going on?

- My birthday next week?
- Girls' stuff, drop it.

- I'm off. See you tonight.
- Bye, darling.

Don't even try.
No comment without my lawyer.


Two bodies in Cornavent woods.

Seems they were having a picnic.

I'm no expert,

but it's not indigestion.

OK. See you later.


Here we are.

Two crayfish fishermen found them.

It's not even the season!

Sharif, Captain.

Carole Legall, 32 years old.

No record. Her ID was in her bag.

- Hi, Dejax.
- Hi.


Call me Philippe.

If we keep meeting like this,
people will talk.

I doubt it.

The b*llet went through her hand
into her heart.

- Close range. She had no chance.
- My thoughts exactly.

What do we have on him?

Zilch. No papers.

In my opinion,
it's a crime of passion.

He brought her here to k*ll her,
then k*lled himself.

That's not how it happened.

- The g*n's in his right hand.
- So?

His watch is on his right wrist.

It's a leftie,
a watch for left-handers.

He's right.
The winder's on the left.

- Check their hands for gunpowder.
- There had to be

a third person here.

We're sorry about your daughter.

Don't touch me.

When she said

she was working at the Club,
I knew she'd die.

The Club?

Yes, the Perrache Club.

She was a hostess.
It had come to that.

Mrs Legall...

If you'd supported me...
Like when she left her studies,

you stuck up for her.

It's a haunt of junkies and...

Stop it!

Do you know this man?

He was k*lled
along with your daughter.

I'm going to take Mr Legall
to sign some papers.


excuse us.

No, no, stay there, please.

Carole wasn't a hostess.
She was a cashier at the Club.

She'd done a course.

She'd just been made a croupière.

That's a real profession.

She wasn't...

She was a good person.

No-one thinks otherwise.

I went to the Club once.

To see where she worked.

It's a good, clean place.

There's nothing to sign,
is there?


You seemed bothered
by the photo.

- Did you know the dead man?
- Not really.

Four months ago, Carole said
she was seeing someone.

It was serious.
I guess she was talking about him.

Did she say anything
that would identify him?

All she kept saying
was that she was finally happy.

Do you think my wife is right?
Is it linked

to the Club?

It's too early to say.

I must go back to my wife.

She... She needs me.

Of course.

I can't believe it.
What happened?

An inquiry's under way.
I can't say.

What time did Carole
leave work yesterday?

I think she was on afternoons,
but I'll check.

We're trying to identify this man.

Ever seen him before?

I don't think so.
A lot of people come here.

Mr Chevais, we'll need

the CCTV footage
and Miss Legall's work schedule.

Of course.
I'll fetch them.

Fancy a game?


Unless it's strip poker...

- Really?
- Yes.


Here's the schedule,
and the last 2 weeks' recordings.

If you need anything else,
just ask.

Where were you yesterday
between 8 and 11 pm?

I'm trained in law,
so I'll make this clear.

I run a clean establishment.

My staff are all declared,
and I obey the rules.

Given the speed at which
they change, it's no picnic.

- And last night?
- I was here. A guest had a stroke.

It's rare, but it happens.

You know what he said
when he came round?

- Tokens?
- No, he's suing us.

Strange times.
Excuse me, I have work to do.


- Clean club, eh?
- Don't bet on it.

- Did you see the security?
- Yes.

I know them.

I pity any clients who cross them.

You sure?

I just checked.


It pains me,

but the Club is clean.

Nothing since Chevais took over,

two years ago.
You should have bet.

It pains me, but you were right.

Chevais was involved
in money laundering,

but never convicted.

Four people were beaten up around
the Club, none filed complaints.

- The security guys?
- I think so.

The last was David Zywak,
the owner of the Nelson Bar.

Carole Legall was working
that night.


Lunch and a week's paperwork
if you tell me

what Sarah's planned
for my birthday.

Talk to your daughter, Sharif.

You're too good.

- Two weeks' paperwork.
- How can you be

such a good investigator
and yet so useless?

A good investigator?
Is that a compliment?

Mr Zywak, you were beaten up
last Saturday.

You were found
staggering in the road.

Two minutes
from the Perrache Club.

What happened?

You needn't be frightened.

You lost 50 euros and protested?

50 euros? In six months,
I lost over 35,000 euros.

That's quite a lot.

My life's savings.

The bar does OK,
but it's not enough.

I've got two mortgages.

My wife left me.
I don't see my daughter. I'm broke.

It's no fun.

You could say that.

- They know how to fleece you.
- Any cheating involved?

It's not that.

They know how to manipulate you.

They teach the croupières
to feel the rhythm of a game.

If you start winning,
the croupière speeds up.

To raise the stakes.

Drinks on the house,
everything's cool.

What happened last Saturday?

I lost my last 500 euros.

I started shouting
at the croupière.

The security guards arrived,
took me outside and they...

taught me some manners.

When you were beaten up,

was the manager there?

Was this the croupière?

A word of advice.
Keep away

from gaming clubs.

Why don't you just stop?

I want to make up my losses.

David Zywak runs a bar.

He's got a head on his shoulders,
and he blows it all.

It's called addiction,

- like cigarettes or alcohol.
- Really?

Or sex?

Or work?

OK. Concentrate on the Club.

If that's how they treat clients,
imagine a recalcitrant worker...

Captain, I'll buy you lunch
at the pizza kiosk.

You've been in Lyon a while.

I'd like to know
your impressions and things.

And talk about Sarah
and things, right?

You're wasting your time.

Got him.

He was there 9 days ago.

His name?

He's come from the poker table.
They must have registered him.

Jean-Jacques Verdier, 48 years old.

Married for 15 years
to Véronique Verdier, one son.

Now I see why they were hiding.

- Yes?
- Hello.

Police. Captains Briard and Sharif.

Are you
Jean-Jacques Verdier's wife?

Yes. Is there a problem?

We don't have good news.


It's the police.


Can I help you?

A twin brother? Here.

But you were registered
at the Club.

Mr Verdier?

Pardon? When was this?

Nine days ago.

I remember.

My brother lost his ID card.

He asked to borrow mine...

for a flying visit to London.

I can't believe it.

Why London?

He wanted to open a personal
service firm in England.

They're way ahead of us
in that field.

Another of his get-rich quick
ideas. He was unemployed.

My husband won't tell you,

he always took care
of his little brother.

A difficult birth,

with 1 minute 17 seconds
between them.

It wasn't easy for Eric.

I'm lucky.

I run a company in Geneva.

It's going well.

I know I'm not responsible
for his choices.

Do you know this person?

No, I don't.

Tell them about the 15,000 euros.

Sorry. I heard you talking
when he came to ask you.

Eric came here

last week.

He asked for money.

Did you know what he wanted it for?

He'd been unemployed for a while,
so obviously...

He never mentioned
his gambling debts?

His gambling debts...

I didn't even know he gambled.

- We'll keep you informed.
- Axel, my son.

- What's going on?
- They're police. I'll explain.


How can twins be so different?

A CEO and father,
and a gambler on the dole.

- Something's not right.
- What?

Eric Verdier borrows
his twin's ID card,

then goes to the Club.

Why didn't he use his own?

Eric may have been banned.

That's exactly what I think.

Hi, it's Sharif.

Can you check something?

Was Eric Verdier
banned from casinos?

I'll wait.

If so...

A croupière
and a gambling addict.



Can you send me a copy?
Yeah. Thanks. See you.

Banned ten days ago.

What were they up to?

Let's see what the search
on Carole's place found.

I don't get it.
What happened?

We'd finished the search
and we found Christelle Vorski, 33,

breaking Carole Legall's mail box.

Bad timing...

That's what I said.

She tried to leg it
with an envelope from the mail box.

With Miss Triathlon here...

You caught her, didn't you?

- Then what happened?
- She'd already broken the CD.

She's in the cells.

Not a word from her.
She wants a lawyer.

- Did you find one?
- Maître Michel Decroix.

He'll be here in an hour.

I'll see if Carole's parents
know the name Christelle Vorski.


Lend me your glasses.

Hello, Mr Legall.
Captain Briard here.

Sorry to bother you.
I wondered if by any chance

your daughter knew
a certain Christelle Vorski.

Number two, please.

Thank you.

- Miss Vorski?
- Are you my lawyer?

- Can you get me out?
- Kader Sharif. I'm here to help.

Everything will be fine.

Look, the best thing
is to tell me everything,

so I can decide a strategy.

I work as a cashier
at the Perrache Games Club.

I work really hard.

I was meant to be made
a croupière, but a colleague

got the job.

I got her to sign her up
for the casino training school.

- And this is?
- Carole Legall.

So when I saw her in a cafe

with one of the gamblers,
I took their photo.

They were hiding to kiss.
It's forbidden.

We're not allowed
to go out with clients.

I see.

I knew what they were up to.

He only played at her table,
and she let him win.

Is that what's on the CD?

Photos of Miss Legall
and the gambler?

I went there yesterday
and put the CD in her mail box.

I wanted to freak her out.

But when I found out they
were both dead, I panicked.

And naturally
you wanted to recover the CD.

I understand.

You know, a good way to divert
the police's suspicions

is to implicate another suspect.

Is there anyone who knew
Miss Legall

who may have wanted to k*ll her?

Did you show the photos to anyone?

To whom?

Did you tell Mr Chevais

that Miss Legall
was stealing from him?

Mr Chevais?
How do you know my boss's name?

I sometimes gamble there.

I've never seen you.

But I've noticed you.

Anyway, your boss...

I thought he was going to fire her.

But as nothing happened,
I made the CD.

I didn't think he'd go that far.

After all, Carole was his ex.

I see.


is a friend of Carole Legall's.
She suggested she...

Enrol for the croupière's course.

- I know.
- Where were you?

Want to know what's on the CD?

Photos of Carole Legall
and Eric Verdier.

And guess what?

- Carole was Luc Chevais's ex.
- You talked to Christelle Vorski.

You impersonated her lawyer?

NYPD Blue, Season 2, Episode 22.

Do you know the shit
we could be in?

Captain Sharif.

- Or should I say "Maître"?
- Let's keep it informal.

Don't think you can abuse
my client's rights.

Impersonating a lawyer?

I didn't lie.

I simply didn't say
who I really was.

She took me for her lawyer?

I see.

For what it's worth, she's not
under suspicion. She can go.

You can tell her that.

Shall we interview Luc Chevais?

It depends. Got any more
mad ideas, or can we work?

Why didn't you say that Miss Vorski
had warned you about Carole Legall?

Don't worry, I checked.

No sign of theft,
nothing irregular.

- No reason to beware of Carole.
- None?

Spare us the routine, Captain.
Mr Chevais is here voluntarily.

He's doing his civic duty
by helping the police.

I see. I thought it was to avoid
having the police turn up.

Funny you forgot to mention
Carole was your mistress.

Do you want to see
your text exchanges?

It was over long ago.

Our relationship
was strictly professional.

I'll be right back.

What is it?

It's about Carole Legall.

She was more than a month

Really? Was the other victim
the father?

We're checking the DNA.

Good timing. Thanks, Doctor.

- Philippe.
- Thanks, Philippe.

Can't have been easy to accept
that the woman you loved,

who worked for you,
tried to steal from you.

Don't answer that.

Is that what I'm paying you for?

For the last time,

if I'd had the slightest doubt
about Carole, I'd have fired her.

Do you fire people in the woods?

- She wasn't serious about the guy.
- Enough to have his child.

Carole was pregnant.

She wouldn't have kept it.

She didn't want kids.
That's why we separated.

That's it. I'm off.

Stay where you are.

- You're under arrest.
- My client has an alibi.

He's still not leaving.

Until we've checked
if he delegated his ex's m*rder.

If Chevais had them k*lled,
he'd have used someone he trusted.

The two security guards
you recognised?

No, they're not reliable enough
for a double homicide.

I'll look into it.

It's late and we've got
a big day tomorrow.

See you tomorrow,
same time, same channel?

- Good night, Captain.
- Captain.

Captain Briard.

I'd like a list of everyone
hired by the Perrache Club

in the last 5 years.

Sarah, you can't talk about our
private life to Dad's colleague.

What do I look like?

Coming here was a bad idea.

I had to talk to someone.

Instead of scolding me,
you should tell Dad everything.

Evening all.


Everything OK?

It's serious.

You didn't find Brett Sinclair's
Aston for my birthday?

Kader, I've something
to tell you.


Pierre and I are
moving in together.

That's great.

Can't sleep?

I just spoke to Déborah.
She's moving in with her lawyer.

You OK?

You already knew.

Look, I'm sorry.
I don't know why she told me.

She asked if I was with anyone.

I'm the one who's sorry.

I need to talk to her.

What's that?

Everyone the Perrache Club hired
in the last 5 years.

Full and part-time.

I've got one security guard

convicted for v*olence,
Christophe Petit.

What did you tell my daughter?

About what?

If you had someone.

I hadn't time to answer.
You came in.

- Fancy going to the Club?
- Now?

A good client of ours.
Ludo Zyta.

I arrested him twice,
in 2006 and 2011.

I know...

You'd rather stay here
with me scouring cases.

But we can't have everything.

Come on.

- I thought we were here to work.
- You'll bring me luck.

Good evening.

Hello, Ludo.

I feel lucky.

This lady is my lucky charm.

No more bets.




Hard to find good staff nowadays.


You could find yourself opposite
a professional cheat.

Eh, Captain? Card.




Gentlemen, time for my break.



Keep the change.

Do you want me to lose my job?

No. I want you not to be accused
of conspiracy to m*rder.

Carole Legall was k*lled.
We think

it was linked to this club.

The night she was k*lled,
you were on duty.


Chevais says he never left
the Club.

That's true.

Trouble with a client.

How was it between
Carole and Chevais?

He wound her up all the time.

He made her life impossible.
She wanted to leave.

- That bad?
- Yes.

One night, a colleague
tried to pick her up.

Next day he called him in.

Two weeks later, he fired him.

- He was crazy about her.
- Anything unusual happen

the night of the crime?

Come on, Ludo.

He was anxious.

Not himself.

He shut himself in his office
at midnight with a security guy.

Is that him?

Yes, that's Christophe Petit.

Can I drop you somewhere?

I'm off. See you tonight.


Why were you talking
to Captain Briard?

She said she wouldn't tell.

That's not the issue.

And I'm not completely stupid.

I'm waiting.

Doesn't it matter to you that Mum
has a new boyfriend?

Matter in what way?

Every time I ask you a question,
you answer with another.

Of course it matters.

We lived together.

We were a family for 12 years.

It leaves a mark.

I wanted it to work.

Now, your turn.

Why were you talking
to Captain Briard?

Because I'm worried about you.

Mum has someone
and you're all alone.

I wondered if you and Adeline...

I won't always be here.

Don't worry.
It's fine.

- I have to go.
- OK.

See you tonight.

Didn't you have a good night?

The service is terrible.

We're looking
for one of your employees,

Christophe Petit.

He's disappeared.

He called you
on the night of the crime.

Know where he was
calling from?

The call originated
from near Carole Legall's home.

Why did you send him there?

Mr Chevais, we know how
you handle problem clients.

Know what we think?

That you gave Carole
the same treatment.


It's hard to see the woman
you loved with someone else.

That's human.
You have to accept it.

But not you.

And the theft.

The very idea that she thought
about it drove you crazy.

No. I didn't k*ll Carole.

I could never have hurt her.

It's true that...

I needed to know
who she was seeing,

what she was doing.

I couldn't help it.
But I didn't k*ll her.

You had her followed?

My client had Carole Legall

hence Christophe Petit's
presence at her home.

He took these photos of her
leaving with Eric Verdier.

He asked me what to do,
and like an idiot

I told him to go home.

We've seen that helmet.

And the person wearing it.
Jean-Jacques Verdier's son.

How can we interview
a teenager without a lawyer?

We'll say
it's a PlayStation 3 session.

That'll loosen him up and
give you time to call the parents!


Hi. Remember me?

Captain Sharif.

Follow me, we need to talk.


I didn't know this game.

Well played.

So you can speak.


Why am I here?

Axel, I won't lie to you.

You were outside Carole Legall's
house the night she was k*lled.

What were you doing?
Following your uncle?

Not my uncle,

my father.

The other day I saw him
with this girl.

He was supposed
to be away on business.

Did you mistake your uncle
for your father?

I've never confused them.


And you followed them there?

I wanted to see
where they went.

I didn't believe it.

My father.
Mr "Follow my example".

Always caring what others think.

It's all rubbish.

Did you speak to him?

- My father?
- Yes.

There was no point.

My parents
don't talk about problems.

My father
hasn't really been there,

except to tell me
to strive to be perfect.

Only my mother can see it's a lie.

He thinks he can buy me.

Tablet, moped...

It means nothing to me.

His life is a lie.

Axel is certain his father
was Carole's lover, not Eric.

And it's coincidence that Eric
was k*lled when he replaced him?

Carole was pregnant.
Maybe she was no longer satisfied.

What if she mentioned marriage?

There goes the image
of the perfect husband and father.

Why k*ll his brother? And how
did he persuade him to replace him?

Let's go and ask Axel's parents.

I'll take the wife,
you take the twin.


You were Carole Legall's lover.

I thought we were here about Axel.

I don't know Carole Legall.

Can you prove otherwise?


You've got nothing.

My brother was her lover.

- Your son saw you with her.
- He confused me with Eric.

My son is going
through a difficult age.

I am often away on work.

He's seeing a psychiatrist.

He seems very well-adjusted
to me.

Yes, well...

You never know...

Carole Legall was pregnant.

We can do a paternity test
on the foetus

- to determine the father.
- That won't help.

My brother and I are identical.
We have the same DNA.

Impossible to tell apart.

What time did you get home
the night of the m*rder?

8 o'clock.

It was our wedding anniversary.

I wouldn't have missed it
for the world.

I understand.

Of course Jean-Jacques was there.

He managed to leave early.

It was important to him.

Do you remember
what time he arrived?

Just before 8 o'clock.

We think your husband was
having an affair with the victim.

That's ridiculous.
He's not like that.

He wouldn't jeopardise
the family's opinion of him.

He runs the business in Geneva,
but he handles everything.

You don't work?

No, my husband's position allows
me to look after my family.

A promise kept.

Carole Legall was pregnant.


My husband's father
was an alcoholic.

He had mistresses,
he gambled.

He squandered the little money
they had put aside.

He ended up committing su1c1de
when Jean-Jacques was 12.

My husband swore he would
never be like his father.

He can't be the man you describe.

I'm sorry about the girl,
but it's not

my concern.

You can say anything you like,

your husband
didn't come home at 8 o'clock.

You're an accomplice.

- Do you realise...
- Stop it!

I'm leaving.

It was Eric who was sleeping
with her and got her pregnant.

It's nothing to do
with my husband.

I can understand
about Carole Legall.

She tells you she's pregnant.

Then what?
She wants to marry?

What a mess!

But why Eric?

Why k*ll your own brother?

How did you persuade him
to be you that night?

What was the deal?

- Cancelling his debt?
- Enough of this.

Do you have a link
between Carole and me?

Calls, texts? Anything but a kid
who can't tell father from uncle?

You know...

Carole thought
she'd finally met the right person.

As I thought.

If there are no further questions?

Can you smell it?

That smell.


I understand.

I'll tell him.

Custody is refused
for Jean-Jacques Verdier.

- Why?
- Verdier

has an alibi
and you have nothing concrete.

And Judge Caron
sends his best wishes.

- The case of the poisoned bottles?
- I see.

No custody authorisations
when he's on duty.


We'll find another way.
I'll get Jean-Jacques to crack.

It won't be that easy.

He saw his father commit
su1c1de when he was 12 years old.

Release him.

- I know it's him.
- Véronique is key.

As long as
she's covering for him...

We need to speak to her
without him being there.

on Jean-Jacques Verdier.

I can understand him k*lling
his pregnant mistress,

but why his brother?
We're missing something.

Find it.

There's nothing on Verdier's phone.

He turned it off
when he m*rder*d them.

I've found something.

According to the bank,
Jean-Jacques had debts.

That's not all.

Money was transferred,
but not how he said.

Eric lent his brother money.

Not the other way round.

His company had gone bust.

He's bankrupt.

And he still persuades his brother
to replace him?

Verdier is facing two threats.

His mistress and his brother.

Both about to reveal
his true nature.

He can't bear it.

He's a psychopath.
He's a ticking b*mb.

Be careful when you arrest him.

It could turn

to carnage if he feels trapped.

Tell the team
to meet us at Verdier's.

Get me the response team.

We need to get in.

It might be too late
by the time they arrive.

It'll be OK, darling.

It'll be OK.

I'm coming.

Axel! Dinner!

Don't move!

It's over.
It's over.

It's over.

I didn't think...

Jean-Jacques is so...

I don't understand.

I don't understand.

Your husband is bankrupt.
He owed his brother money.

His mistress was going
to reveal she was pregnant.

He didn't want you
or his son to know the truth.

I'm sorry.

has signed a confession.

- You can call the prosecutor.
- OK.

Verdier lived
with the ghost of his father

and couldn't move on.

Bonds between parents
and children are incredible.

Know what Sarah said?

She was worried about me.
She's 15.

I don't want her to worry.

Tell her that.

You're right.

Excuse me.


OK. On my way.

Excuse me a moment.

Hi. What's up?

I wanted to speak to you.

- It's not a good time.
- It's important.

Sarah panicked me.

I didn't know how to tell you.

It was weird when you told me.
I knew you'd find someone but...

Know what?

When Sarah said
she worried about me,

it shocked me.

It's like she's living up
to expectations.

You are demanding.

Her behaviour, her school results.

I know but... I don't want her
stressed because of me.

You should tell her.

You're the second person
to say that today.

Pierre Clément...

Is he serious?

He should be.

He's a good guy.

You deserve someone nice too.

- I think you might have found her.
- Sharif?

We have to finish up.

See you.

Captain Briard?
We need a woman for a body search.

My lucky day.