11x37 - Storm Before the Calm

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x37 - Storm Before the Calm

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
Power Rangers Ninja Storm:

Goodbye, Motordrone!

- We're gonna take over Uncle's ship.
- And you're gonna help us.

The time has come
to face the enemy.

We must reinforce our ranks by
rescuing all the captured Ninjas.

We'll get those Ninja home.

- I promise.
- You're on.

Now we complete our plan by
overthrowing your uncle.

Then the three of us
will rule Earth together!

Now that we have formed an alliance,

we must be very careful that
your uncle does not suspect us.

Don't worry about him.
Just get ready for the Rangers.

- You have the scroll?
- Of course we do. We always do.

Wait here, safe, away from uncle. We'll
come for you when the time is right.

- Give me the scroll now!
- Hey!

Back off! You're a loose cannon
and we don't trust you.

We're calling the sh*ts now.
You don't like it, take us on.

We'd love the competition.

Fine. I'll wait.

But not for long.

I can't believe this.

I asked for four-stroke oil.
They sent me this two-stroke stuff.

What am I supposed to do with that?

What's so funny?

Hey, look. Forget about the oil.
Pack your bags.

- Where are we going?
- You wanted to freestyle.

You're gonna get your chance.
Fill it out and sign it.

We have to get it in straight away
to make the deadline.

This is for the US Action Games!

- Are you serious?
- Yes.

And, by the way, under "Sponsor"
write "Storm Chargers."


- Did you know about this?
- I'm going, too.

Vert skateboard, baby!


Hey, Tori, check it out!

Kelly's sponsoring you
to go to the US Action Games.

How did you know?

- She told me this morning.
- Oh...

- Hey.
- Hey, guys. Guess what!

- Yeah, I know. US Action Games, right?
- Awesome!

What? So let me get this straight.

Everybody knew except for me?

- Is that about right?
- Yeah, that's about right.

Yeah, I hate that.

Did you test today for Roger Hannah,
the Factory Blue sponsorship?

- How did it go?
- A photographer from Dirt Works

said he hasn't seen anyone test
that fast since McGrath in ' !

- So what's the deal?
- Full Factory ride, if I want it!

- Awesome!
- Why wouldn't you want it?

I'm a little busy around here.

How can you pass up an
opportunity like that?

That's what I told him.

- Uncle, can we come in...
- Please?

What have you two been up to?

You know, a little of this,
a little of that.

Did he fall for it?

Oh, he took the bait
and ran with it!

Is that it?

The Scroll of Destiny.

- Can I touch it?
- No!

This scroll tells of my travels
through time and space,

recruiting the worst
this galaxy has to offer.

Then watching as they
were destroyed one by one.

Their energies are all preserved
in a well-hidden place.

- The Abyss of Evil.
- Yes.

Now the time has come
for them to be reborn.

To emerge and take arms
against the Power Rangers!

I will lead them into battle!

And then this planet
will at last become mine!

Uh, question...

Did anyon tell Sensei that
we're going to the Action Games?

Not me.

What about Cam?

Did you guys ask
him if he wanted to go with us?

So, it slipped all your minds?
I mean, Dustin I can believe.

- Hey, I was the one who remembered.
- It's true. He was.

I can understand
how this could have happened.

It is a great honour to compete in
such an event.

I can imagine the excitement
can be quite a distraction.

- So is it all right if we go?
- Of course.

- Yeah!
- Awesome!



You guys better check in.
I'll make sure your gear's OK.

- We'll check the place out for er...
- Let me guess. Chicks?

- Now that you mention it...
- Come on. I'll cruise with you.

- Cyber Cam?
- Not Cyber Cam.

Who says real Cam can't cruise?

Yeah, so you should come out to
the track some time and watch a race.

- Uh, Hunter...
- Not now, Cam.

Yes, now.

I got to go.
But, nice talking to you.

Come on.

- Oh, great.
- Hey, you lost?

- Do we look lost?
- What a pain!

Kelzek Furies!

Oh, man!

I think we might need
a few extra hands.

- Who are they?
- Who cares?

Let's just do what we came here
to do and get out of here.

- You have to get out of here!
- We're just trying to help.

You can help by standing aside!

And getting out of our way!

Here it is.

OK, everything looks good.
We're right on schedule. You ready?


Where'd they go?

- Kyle, you OK?
- What were you thinking?

You were in trouble.
You should be happy we were there.

By happy they dematerialised. You have
no idea what you're dealing with.

- I'm gone.
- Me, too.

Later, dudes.

They were interested
in this area here.

But it must have been a diversion.

I don't see anything.

- What's wrong with your amulet?
- What do you mean?

- What is it?
- It's frozen.

Frozen? Dude, it's, like,
degrees out!

No kidding.

We'd better get back to Ninja Ops
and do some tests there.

See what this is all about.

Dad, I can't figure out
why the amulet reacted that way.

It's even drawing power
away from the reactors.

- It's never done this before.
- How has it reacted in the past?

Well, once or twice it's gotten
really warm.

But that was only when something
good happened.

One might conclude that...

Since warmth comes from good,
cold must come from bad or evil.

I can't believe I didn't think of that.
I must be losing my edge.

Some concepts,
though they may seem simple,

are the most difficult.

Especially those that pertain
to the powers of good and evil.

Uncle, you know how you like this
whole good news, bad news thing?

Yes, I quite do, actually.

Well, we've got one for you,
a really good one.

You see, the Abyss of Evil
is nearly completely full.

It's ready to explode. Kaboom!

Tons of evil spilling out
over the Earth.

That would be the good news.

For us, yes.
And now the bad.

It's sitting on top of the place
where the Rangers are.

I see. Well, I suppose we'll have to
do something about that.

You have been quite useful, Vexacus.

Now it's your turn
to feed my evil plan!

Sounds like fun.

I never did like him, anyway.

- Where are they?
- Hey!

Where's the scroll?
I've been waiting an eternity!

You have no idea
how angry that makes me!

Good. Use it.

Scroll of Empowerment,

Now, that's what I call power!

I will destroy the Power Rangers and
Lothor's evil empire will be mine!

It's around here somewhere,
I know it is.

Keep up!



- Excellent.
- And it's green. Nice touch.

That's not good.
I'll handle this one myself.

Come on!
I can't believe this!

Yo! What up?

The hydraulic portal to the Samurai
Star Megazord has lost power.

- Bummer, dude!
- There's a manual override lever...

In the green box outside the
entrance to the hangar. I know.

- You programmed that into me.
- I forget sometimes.

See if you can reset it.
I'll call the Rangers.

On my way.

Rangers, there's a big fish
in a little pond you need to deal with.

On our way, Cam.

- Where are you going?
- Uh... bathroom.

- All of you?
- We'll be back, I promise.

This is not good.

- Ready?
- Ready!

- Ninja storm!
- Thunder storm!

Ranger form!

Ninja Ranger power!

- You guys ready to roll?
- You know it!

Bring it!

You should watch your step!

Come on, guys!

Lion blaster!

Strumming his pain with my fingers!

Mammoth zord!

Land shark!

Sorry, Kelly. If they aren't here,
I can't hold up for them.

- But I know they'll be back.
- Then you should have no problems.

Sorry I can't do more.

Victory is mine!

- I don't think so!
- It's thunder time!

Power disc locked and dropped!

Ready for more?

Watch out!

Goodbye, Thunder Rangers!

It's gonna blow!

Get out of there!

- No!
- Yes!

Cam, we've reached
the Thunder Zord wreckage.

It doesn't look good.

Any sign of Hunter and Blake?

I'm getting heat signatures.

But there's a lot of interference.
I can't pinpoint a location.

Keep trying. We'll head back to Ops
and regroup.

All the pieces are coming together.

And look, cyber cam repair service!

Do you have the cybernetic virus?

It's programmed into our PAM.

Good. Shall we?

Oh, let's! I love family outings!

Hello, cyber nephew.

This is so frustrating. I still
can't get a fix on Hunter and Blake.

That's weird! Cyber Cam's gone, too!

Keep trying. Keep trying.

Yes, Cam!

Keep trying!

Hello, nephew!

How did you get in here?

Your reprogammed
cybernetic replica led us inside.

Then I used my DNA hand print,
the same as my brother's.

or what used to be,
to take us the rest of the way.

I am no brother of yours.

- Our family tie has long been broken.
- You'll never get out with him.

I didn't come for him, nephew.
I came for you.

- You're dreaming, Lothor.
- Perhaps.

But is it so wrong to dream
of a world where the ultimate evil

rules over all those who inhabit it?

Where I, Lothor,
command an army of thousands!

And all those who live in my shadow
must bow down to my greatness!

Is that so wrong?

Uh... yes.

Fine. Have it your way.

Trash it all!

Come on, get up!

Get up!

Let him go!


What happened?

- It's trashed!
- No.

Cam! Sensei!

Cyber Cam!

- Where are they?
- They'll be here somewhere.

They have to be. If anyone can
survive this, it's Cam and Sensei.

You won't get away with this,

Whatever you're doing,
it won't work.

Oh, ye of little faith!

Is that any way
to talk to your uncle?

The Scroll of Destiny!

That's been missing from
the Wind Ninja Academy for years.

Before our ceremonious
meeting in the past,

I borrowed it to ensure my future.

It's the key to my master plan.

You base your master plan on some
beat up piece of paper?

This beat up old piece of paper has
accurately predicted everything.

See this part near the bottom?

That's where I destroy Earth
once and for all!

Aren't you missing something?
Where's the rest of the scroll?

Nice try.

But save it.

- I know exactly what happens next.
- No!

It's payback time, nephew!
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