11x36 - Down And Dirty

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x36 - Down And Dirty

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains,

secret Winja Academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three
who would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

Previously on
Power Rangers Ninja Storm:

Your days are over, Zurgane.
And mine are just beginning.

l must report to Lothor.
Out of my way.

Disobedient, may be planning
to take over the ship...

Oh... no!

Bye, Motodrone.

l thought we talked about this.

We decided you wouldn't destroy
my generals without permission.

Sir... Do you think high-ranking
Evil Ninja officers grow on trees?

Well, sir,
l'm aware of your frustration.

l simply felt Motodrone
could no longer be trusted.

Well, l guess we'll never know,
will we?

You're too good a warrior
to destroy, Vexacus,

so l'm gonna let you off
with another warning.

But don't let it happen again.

Do you hear me?

Yes sir. You have my word.


Welcome to the Blue Bay MotoCross
and the last qualifier

before the nationals next month.

The top four riders this season
will quali_ for the big show.

So there's lot at stake here.

- You put in a new air filter?
- Yeah.

Did you seal it so no dirt
gets in your air box?

l'm not an idiot.

Hey, has anyone seen Dustin?

- No. l thought he'd be here for sure.
- Thanks, man.

Thanks. Crazy, huh?

- What's that?
- Even if one of us wins,

it's not like we can fly
all over the county, racing.

Dude, l just want to prove
l can beat these clowns.

As long as l do that, man,
it's all good.

- Don't get disappointed!
- What's that mean?

l'm not here to podium.
l want first.

We may be going out as a team,
but we're still racing.

No problems here.

The gate drops, and there they go!
Looks like a clean start for Hunter.

Bradley takes an early lead
on the inside track.

Wow it's Hunter and Bradley in
front, and they are battling.

You wouldn't know
they were brothers!

Coming to the last turn
side by side,

and, oh! Blake takes Hunter's line
and parks him into the berm!

Blake comes out on top
in that exchange.

Folks, that's just good clean racing.

Blake Bradley takes the win!
That was a close race!

Remember, folks, we've got some
freestyle demos after the show,

if you'd like to see some guys
busting out some mad tricks,

we totally recommend it...

- You'll scratch your helmet.
- What was that?

- You totally high-sided me!
- l didn't. You came under me.

- That's ridiculous!
- You wanted a race.

l was racing.

Do you realise l don't make nationals?

So what?
You said you can't go anyways.

Hey. You know what l think?

You're mad you got beat
by your brother.

lf it was these guys,
it would have been a clean pass.

But because it was me...

Hey. Is evemhing all right here?

Just great.

Fan out! l want you to search
evey inch of this ship

until you find that clown Shimazu.

When you do, bring him to me
so that l can destroy him.

l must make my escape

before l meet the same fate
as Zurgane and Motodrone!

OK. OK...

Excuse me. l have duties to do.

Oh, save it.
We know what Vexacus is doing.

- Then get out of my way!
- We can help you.

You mo? You must be kidding.
You're a joke. You're useless.

Now let me through.

You didn't really think we're
as dumb as we act, did you?

Come on,
no one could be that idiotic.

We've been pretending
this whole time.

lt's all be a lie,
Ieading up to this moment.

We've been working
on a little project.

lt's taken a year to complete,
and now it's finally ready.

We're going to take over
Uncle's ship,

and you're going to help us.

Why should l help you?

Because you have no choice. Vexacus
will find you, and when he does,

it'll all be over.

Meet us in the cargo bay in an hour.

lf you want to survive, that is.


- Hey! Where's Hunter?
- He got a ride.

l see.

ls he OK?

- Dustin!
- Thanks, guys.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah, l'm fine.

Since when
did you do freestyle demo?

Yeah, man! l thought you didn't want
to get hurt for racing.

You're not helping.

l'll be waiting in the van.

- What's happening?
- l guess l just miss freestyle.

l've been so busy racing,
l haven't had time to hit the ramp.


- What's that?
- You have a promising racing career.

- You really want to risk that?
- l don't know.

- Why can't l do both?
- You're a great rider, Dustin.

But you're not Travis Pastrana.

Zord bay online.

They always look bigger
from down here.

l'm here, iust like you said.

- These are...
- Our Zords.

- One for me...
- And one for me.

And one for you, Shimazu.

lf you think you can handle it.

Why me? Why not Vexacus?

You saw what happened
to Zurgane and Motodrone.

You're it. You have mo choices.

Come with us and destroy Earth,
or be destroyed.

lt's up to you.

l can't believe he did that.
l mean, what was he thinking?

He stuffed me!
He totally blocked me to the berm!

You don't really expect me
to take sides, do you?

l'm not choosing bemeen you.
That'd be like...

Just admit, he shouldn't
have stepped to me like that.

- However it looked, he didn't mean it.
- There's clean racing and dim racing.

What he did was dim.

All l know is you have to work this
out. You should see my sister and me.

Hey, when my brother and l fight,
Iook out.

l'm not apologising till he does.

l'm not going to him,
no matter what.

Maybe we should lock them
in Ninja Ops and let them fight.

Yeah! l'll pay to see that.

Dustin, are you all right?

l could use a little help with Hunter.

Yeah, l know. l just got
a lot of things on my mind.

Go for Shane.

- You guys get over here.
- On our way.

- What's going on?
- Look at this.

And more importantly, this.

Come on, Rangers! Where are you?

Don't you wanna come out and play?
Just little old me...

- You know who l think it is?
- Kapri?

You are correct, Tori.
There is no time to waste.

You must intercept her right away,
before she can do any damage.

l'll initiate the Zord sequence,
then join you.

- Right.
- Before you go,

Blake, Hunter...

...remember, whatever differences
you may have now,

you must put them aside
when perForming your Ranger duties.

- l will if he does.
- Don't wory about me.

Well, now we got that settled...

- Ready?
- Ready.

- Ninja Storm!
- Thunder Storm!

Ranger Form!

Ninia Ranger Power!

Storm Megazord!

Thunder Megazord!

There they are,
all my least favourite colours.

- Now it's on!
- Let's do this.

Feel the love, Rangers.
Feel the love.

Power Sphere.
Locked and dropped.


- Oh, man!
- Nice shot, losers.

Man, this is easier
than l thought it would be.

- Hey, why didn't you duck?
- It's you who's got lateral controls.

Excuse me.
What did we just discuss?

Sory, Sensei.
It won't happen again.

Sometimes l'm so glad
l'm an only child.

This isn't working!
l'm going to Lightning Mode.

Wait a minute!

Let's finish this.


What was that?

Remember me?

You didn't think l'd let Kapri get
all the credit, did you, Rangers?


- Tori! Are you all right?
- l think so. Just a little shaken up.

You'll be more than shaken
in a minute, sister.

l'm back online!

Me, too!

Tori, l've got something
to even the odds.

- Stand by. l'm on my way.
- You got it.

Samurai Storm.
Ranger Form.

Power of the Samurai!

- It's Cam!
- And Cam!

And Cam!

- What?
- Hey, fight fire with fire. Right?

They're drones. Use them
to combine with your Megazords.

Talk about multitasking!

Let's check 'em out.

- Tori, be ready!
- Standing by.

Are you ready
to toast these teenagers?

All sequences prepared to fire.

lt's good to be back.

Sire, l must report
a breach in protocol.

Your nieces constructed
Zords of their own,

and are battling the Rangers.

- That's impossible.
- It's true, sir.

Not only that,
but intelligence tells me

they've been faking
this whole time.

What do you mean, faking?

They're not the blithering fools
they would have us believe.

They're actually quite evil,
and rather vicious.

l knew it!

No one could be that stupid.

Shall l destroy them, sir?

Don't be ridiculous.

Blood is thicker than water,

and family is family.

You... you're iust an alien,

so sit back and enioy.

Maximum power!

We're losing! Oh, no!

- l knew this would happen!
- Hey! Don't be a wimp.

Our zords are equipped
with electrical pulse generators.

The Rangers will be disabled
as we speak.

- Hey!
- Are you guys feeling this?

- l am. What is it?
- l don't know.

Don't be down, Green Ranger.

Tori, ready to get in this?

You know it.

Remember me?

What are you doing?

Back off! l hate fish!

Yeah, you go!

Now let's show her
what a real Zord is.

You heard her, guys.

Locked and dropped.

Let's go!

You'll have a mammoth headache
when this is over.

Mammoth Megazord blast activate!


- All right!
- We did it!

Your plan failed!

Yeah, well, at least we had a plan.

- What do you have?
- Besides an escape route.

How dare you?

- You don't like the way we talk?
- No, l don't.

- We can fix that.
- No problem.

- Shall we?
- We shall.

No, no... l didn't mean it!


Poor Shimazu.
That had to hurt.

Oh, well, l never really liked him.

So, now what?

Now, we complete our plan

by overthrowing your uncle,

and then the three of us
will rule Earth together.

Hey, Kell.
Can l talk to you for a second?


Um, l... l've made a decision.

- A decision about what?
- l'm giving up racing.

- What? You're not serious.
- Yeah, l am.

Please tell me this has nothing
to do with what we talked about.

Ah... Iook, l really like racing...

Then why would you give it up?

Because l've realised
that l love freestyle,

and that's what l want to do.

l don't want to let you down,
and you've been so good to me...


Storm Chargers
is about action sports,

and freestyle motocross
is an action sport.

So if that's what you want to do,

then l'm behind you, OOO_.
And so's the shop.

Yeah. Thanks, Kell.
That's awesome.

All right. Five laps.

Five laps, to settle this
once and for all.


Yeah, man! Good race.

- Totally real, that last turn.
- Thanks.

- You were right.
- About what?

What you said earlier.

You beat me fair and square.

lt's hard to admit your little bro
does something better than you.

Listen, man, today l might be better,

tomorrow l might not be.
But we're always going to be bros.

- We just got to remember that.
- Yeah, we do.
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