11x34 - General Deception

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x34 - General Deception

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains,

secret ninja academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three
who would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

Last time on
Power Rangers Ninja Storm:

Zurgane is as useless
as l thought he would be.

Lothor won't even miss him.

- This weekend we camp.
- Yeah!

This isn't camping.
This is a resort.

- Hey, what's that?
- An upgrade.

With this, l'll be able to give
the Power Rangers

- something they'll never expect.
- What's that?

Prepare to be destroyed.

l thought you said we were
going to get the credit.

All l see is the Ranger Zords
on the ground

and Zurgane ready to take a bow.

You wory too much. Relax.

lf Zurgane takes a bow,
it will be his final one.

l hope so, for our sake.


Where did you get that mode, Cam?

l am the one in charge
of upgrades remember?

Pre_ sweet.

You guys ready to finish this?

- Let's do it!
- Yeah! Locked and dropped.

l'll take that power.

Yes! l got what l came for.

- Yeah! Awesome, guys.
- No more Zurgane!

Don't be so sure.
Zurgane's smart.

- But we trashed his Zord.
- Even if he got out, he's got nothing.

Something doesn't feel right.
It was just too easy.

- You call that easy?
- Go back to your campsite.

l've gotta check something
at Ninja Ops.

l'll go with you.
l'm over the whole camping thing.

Let us know if you find anything out.

l will.
Keep your eyes open out there.

Don't wory.

- Mission accomplished, sir.
- So, you're telling me

that on this disk, is a clone program
of all the Rangers' Zord powers?

Yes, sir.
That's exactly what l'm telling you.

That's brilliant.
l didn't know you had it in you.

- Thank you, sir. l mean, well...
- Only question now is,

- what are you gonna do with it?
- An excellent question.

l am preparing a w*apon so powerFul

that the Rangers will soon
be a distant footnote

- in the earth's histoy.
- Good.

That's what l like to hear.
Cary on, Zurgane.

- You always were my best general.
- Thank you, sir!

Did you hear that?
He always was his best general?

l heard. l heard.

ls this how your brilliant plan
is supposed to go?

l thought the Rangers would get tired
and Zurgane would be destroyed.

Zurgane is tying to take out
the Rangers single-handedly.

He's in way over his head.
This is exactly where we want to be.

You believe Zurgane will fail?

Of course he will.
Histoy is on our side there.

He's failed in evey mission
he's ever attempted.

- So have we.
- Details, details.

But his new w*apon is impressive.

- What if he succeeds?
- He won't. Now, just stand by.

We need to be ready
when he is destroyed.

Then l will take my place
as leader of Lothor's army.

- You mean we will take our places?
- Oh, yes! Of course.

Well, what have we here?

- You girls were spying, weren't you?
- No, we weren't.

No. We were iust polishing the floor.

Yeah! With our ears.

l hope that is true.
Because l'm not vey fond of spies.

No, no!
Look, we're cleaning.

- Silly fools.
- Let's go.

Now, for the final phase.

My new Hyper Zurgane Zord.

Thanks to the Rangers' powers,
you will soon come to life.

Together, we will be unstoppable.

lt iust doesn't seem logical.

Cam, sometimes one must turn away
from a problem

in order to find its solution.

Dad, l've turned evey way l know how.
l'm not sure there even is a problem.

l iust know something isn't right.

Man, l don't know if l can sit
out here and have a good time

after all this stuff.
l just need to chill out for a while.

l, for one, need to fill my grill.
Cheeseburgers, here l come!

Tell me someone brought pickles?

l can't have cheeseburgers
without pickles.

Chill, bro. l brought 'em.

Seconds away from a meal fit for a king.

Oh, what?

Oh, no!

l don't believe this!

- This cannot be happening.
- This nature thing's for the birds.

l say we bag it
and go find some greasy fast food.

Yeah, sure.
Let's all take your car.

Dude, you know l don't have a car.

- All right, l get you.
- We're stuck, stranded, grounded.

We're the cast from Survivor.

This whole trip is turning out
to be one bad idea.

Come on, guys. We're ninjas.
Trained to use what's around us.

Haven't you heard the saying,

''When life gives you lemons,
you make lemonade''?

Well, l didn't see any
Iemon trees around here.

And bemeen you and me, lemonade really
isn't gonna do it for me right now.

lt's a saying.

Let's see what does grow around here.

Spread out, guys.
And nobody comes back without any food.

You're on!

- What did you find?
- l'm getting a weird energy reading.

l think Zurgane used some sort of
power replicator on us.

- What does that mean?
- It means we're in trouble.

Well, there goes the neighbourhood.

Guys, it's Cam. Sory to tell you this,
but we've got another emergency.

- l hear you, Cam.
- With you, bro.

- On my way.
- Right behind you, dude.

- Ready?
- Ready.

- Ninja Storm.
- Samurai Storm.

Ranger Form.

Ranger Storm Power!

- What's the deal?
- l'm back and you're through.

Zurgane. l knew it.

Let's take him out.

What's the matter, Rangers?
You aren't surprised, are you?

Look out!

l have another surprise for you.
Power disk locked and dropped.

- No way.
- It's a power sphere.

- What a poser.
- l knew it.

- This is brutal.
- Totally brutal.

That's right. A power sphere,
cloned from your own technology.

lt's your move.


Go Zurgane!

- You were saying?
- l was saying,

stop acting like an old lady.
Things are going exactly as l planned.

You can't use our powers against us.

We'll iust see about that.

Maximum power.

Hang on, guys.

- We're hit!
- We're down!

ls eveybody all right?

Now, for the final strike.

Goodbye, Rangers.


Mammoth Zord, online!


Never send an elephant
to do an alien's job.

- He's immobilised it.
- l can't believe it.

Let's put a new spin on this thing.

Sory, not this time.
Batter up!

Rangers, come back
to Ninja Ops at once.

Use the Ninja Firebird
to cloak your retreat.

- Oh, man!
- On our way, Sensei.

Go ahead and retreat.

As long as l have this,
no one can stop me.

Activating Hyper Sword!

Come get me,
or have you finally given up?

He's using our powers
to attack the city.

- We've got to get back out there.
- l need more time

before the Zords'll be ready
to battle again.

How are we gonna fight
without the Zords?

Think, Rangers. What other
resources are at your disposal?

- What about the gliders?
- And the Tsunami cycles?

Excellent thinking. Individually,
your weapons would be overpowered.

But together, your resources
will be significant.

Follow my lead, guys. Maybe we can
draw him out of that thing.

- Behind you.
- l'll bring the Zords

when they're repaired.
Good luck.

l'd better work fast.

Hey, Zurgane! You gonna hide
in that thing all day?

- Yeah! Come out and fight us.
- Or are you too scared?


- Look! No Zords!
- Come and get us!

Enough of this foolishness.

No! Don't leave the Zord!
Have you learned nothing?

The end is near for Zurgane.

l'll fight you on my own!

Go time!

l've almost got it back online.

Hold on, guys!

- Storm Striker!
- Ready?



- No way!
- There's more!

Cam, we're running out of options.

Got it! l'm on my way
and l'm bringing some backup.

- All right!
- If that's the way you want it.

To the Zord!

l'm back in the saddle
and l'm ready to ride.

lt's on now!

What are we doing here?
We should be fighting.

We don't need to fight. One of our
enemies will soon be destroyed.

All we have to do is wait
and see who, then destroy the other.

Time to call out the hurricane.

- You got it!
- Yeah!

Locked and dropped.

Give it your best shot!


Full power!

- It's over for you.
- Not even close.

Mammoth Zord, let's rock!

- Good job!
- Awesome!

Let's go for it!

Let's go. l know how this will end.

Wait! Wait for me!

- Give up.
- Never!

Power Rangers go!
Winja Storm, let's go

- Ready!
- Ready!

Hiya! Fire!

- We rock!
- Yeah!

Here we are.

l can't believe these guys still
wanted to go camping after all this.

- l just want to go to sleep.
- Me, too.

l just didn't want them thinking
l was, well, lame.

Me, too.

l bet Zurgane's in worse shape
than them.

No doubt.

l was so close.

Will there never be a day
that is marked for victoy?

Will l always have to suffer
at the hands of the Power Rangers?

Tell me! When will it end?

Your plan failed. Zurgane lives.

Not for long.

Well, hello, Zurgane.

Vexacus! What are you doing here?

l must admit, Zurgane,
l admire your efforts.

- Is that right?
- You are a warrior to be respected.

- Perhaps we should join forces?
- Not in this lifetime.

You'll pay for that.

The time has come
for a new general to lead.

Your days are over, Zurgane.
And mine are just beginning.

Goodbye, Zurgane.
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