11x22 - All About Beevil

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x22 - All About Beevil

Post by bunniefuu »

You guys smoked me again.

I feel like I'm losing time
every lap.

You're on a , dude.
You're supposed to.

I just put that
new carbon-fibre air box on.

Maybe I have to change the jets.

You're Dustin Brooks, right?


You're having trouble
with your top end.

- How'd you know?
- I was watching you out there.

Listen, I just designed a new
four-stroke pipe and sil*ncer.

Full race titanium.

- It'll blow you away.
- Really? How much is it?

It isn't on the market yet.

But if you want,
I could put one on for you.

Let you do some testing.

- No one else has one?
- Nobody.

I can do it at my shop. You can
pick up your bike tomorrow.

Okay. Cool.
Sounds good.

" Brown Road."

This can't be right.

Remind me again how
a massive army of alien warriors

aren't able to defeat six kids

who are barely out
of their feety pyjamas.

In all fairness, sir, they've
got that gerbil on their side.

I thought he was a hamster.
You told me he was a hamster.

No, I didn't.

- Anyway, she said...
- I did not!

Never mind.

Isn't there anyone here
who's good at being bad?

I am, Uncle.

I'll take care of those
Power Rangers once and for all.

No, no, no!

Put that down, Marah!

- Marah, stop!
- Not that button!

Don't touch it!

Oh! Ow!

For once, it's not my fault!

We're supposed to destroy
the guys

in the shiny coloured suits,
Marah, not ourselves!

I have half a mind to trade you
in on another relative!


Dude, you just gave him
your bike?

He seemed cool.

Dustin, when are you
gonna realise

that not everyone deserves
your trust?

Maybe someone at the track
has heard of this guy.

I'm gonna go find out.

- Zzz! ( Laughs )
- Okay.

So we've established I'm not
so good with electronics.

But my friend Beevil
is so good at being bad.

Since when do you have
any friends?

What a dump!

She doesn't look
so scary to me.

Actually, I'm wanted
on planets

for theft, forgery, conspiracy,
destruction of property...

- And don't forget littering.
- Littering?

The most underrated
of intergalactic crimes.

I'm impressed.

Look at these dreary Kelzaks!

Haven't you heard, Lothor?
Red is the new black.

Wow! Amazing!

Kelzaks Furies!
More powerful than ever!

I like your style, Bee.

Yeah. I told you.
She's totally evil.

Which is more than I can say
for you.

From now on, Marah's out
and Beevil's in.

All in favour.

- Yeah! I vote for that!
- Yes!

But she's my friend.

Tell me your plan
to defeat the Rangers.

I'm all ears.

Any luck tracking down
your bike?

It's probably in another state
by now.

- ( Beep )
- What's up, Cam?

I'm picking up a signal
at the power plant.

Blake and I will check it out.

Keep asking around.
We'll call if it gets ugly.

Destroying the power plant will
score me big points with Lothor!


Who did that?



You want to rumble
with the Bumble?

Come on!

How does this grab you?

Stop it!
That tickles!

( Grunts )

No way!

I'll get her!

Are you okay?

She's brutal!

You said it.

You want to play with Beevil?
Come on, boys!

Hey, look out!

( Gasps )


You almost got mowed down
out there.

I guess I wasn't paying
attention to where I was going.

- You're...
- Dustin.

Do I know you?
You look kind of familiar.

I get that a lot.

You've seen one airhead,
you've seen them all.

- I know how you feel.
- You do?

Yeah. People think
I'm a space case, too.

You can't listen.

As long as you're a good person,
that's what really counts.

What's the matter?

I'm not a good person.
I'm not even a good bad person.

You lost me there.

Don't you recognise me?

Maybe this will help.

No way.

You're that evil chick who's
always trying to vaporize us.

You're safe.

They kicked me out
because I'm not evil enough.

Hey, that's crazy.

You're, like, one of
the worst people I've ever met.

You're just saying that
to make me feel better.

No, seriously.
I'm not.

They've replaced me
with my friend Beevil.

And she's, like,
way meaner than me.

Hey, Marah, you ever thought
about turning good?

Like, forever?

- Yeah.
- Yuck.

How do you know
unless you've tried it?

It'd be a great way to get back
at Lothor and all of them.

Hey, wait a minute.

Maybe that would teach
those ingrates a lesson.

But if I want to make them
really mad,

I have to do something so good,
so disgustingly nice

and heroic and...

I have to become a Power Ranger.

Wait a minute. You might be
getting ahead of yourself.

Think about it.
I can help you destroy my uncle.

It'll be so much fun.

( Chuckles )

Time to call in some backup.

( Beep )

I've got to go.

Well, meet me tomorrow
at Blue Bay point.

Same time.

I'll tell you
how to beat Beevil.

I like being good.


Time for you to go back
to your hive.

Buzz off!

I'll fly when I'm good
and ready!

- Cam!
- Are you okay?

There's a new Queen Beevil
in town.

And she's gonna take you down.

Don't bet on it.

Bye, honeys!

Beevil? That's who Marah
was talking about.

She was telling the truth.


Hey, Marah.

You showed up.

I met Beevil.

You're right.
She's seriously bad.

I know.

That's why you need me.

I don't know.

Just give me a chance
to be good.



- What do I have to do?
- Okay.

So I stole this
from uncle's ship.

It can neutralise Beevil,
but it has to be charged

with a power source
equal to her strength.

Where am I supposed to
find that?

I don't know.

Don't you guys have
secret headquarters

with really cool stuff?

It's . in the morning.

Would you mind telling me
what you're doing?

I'm telling you,
Marah wants to change.

And I believe her.

Man, did you miss
the whole Choobo thing?

He told us the same thing.
It ended up being a trap.

How do we know it's not
a b*mb or tracking device?

Lothor's g*ons can't be trusted.

Marah's not a goon.
She's just a little confused.

( Chuckles )
Dude, you are so into her.

No, I'm not.

I mean,
she's kind of cute, but...

No, she really wants to help us.

( Beeping )

We shall see.
Beevil has returned.

- Let's go.
- Wait. I have to charge this.

Sorry, but that's your choice.
We got to go.

Are you aware of the risk
you are taking, Dustin?

Sensei, you've always told us
a ninja's most valuable w*apon

is his instinct.

I just know there's some good
somewhere inside Marah.

I hope you are right.

There she is!

Well, well, well.

Five little Rangers
all in a row!

- Back off!
- Yeah. Right!

Kelzak Furies!

Nice suits.
I bet we still kick your butts.


These guys must be supercharged!

I'm evil with a capital "B"!


I knew she'd show. You see?
Marah really has changed.


What's the deal, Marah?

I'm not here
for a quitting bee, Beevil.

I'm gonna take you down.

Give it your best shot!


- Go!
- Yeah!


( Laughs )
Get up!

I'm not through with you yet!

Bye-bye, girlfriend!



It's ready!

Dustin, be careful.

Oh, so sorry.
( Laughs )

Now for the final sting!



Got it!


This won't hurt a bit.

That was awesome!

She stopped the alien freak
from destroying us.

Of course I wouldn't let
Beevil destroy you.

I want to do that myself.

At last!
The truth!

Thanks for the energy boost,

Our plan worked like a charm!

You can thank
the dum-dum Ranger for that.

- You lied to me.
- Well, duh.

Dustin was the only one
who trusted you.

Who saw any good in you.

This is how you pay him back?

That's low, even for you.

Hey, it's not my fault
he's dumber than me.

No one makes a fool of me.

Ninja Storm, Ranger form!

Power of Earth!

Oh, goody!

Get them.

They're swarming all over me!

Me too!

Suggestions, Cam?

Cyber Cam, activate Ninja Sword,
Gold mode!

I was wondering when you were
gonna bust those out.

These rock!

These are strong.

Ninja Sword Gold, power up!

Catch me if you can.

Ninja Sword Gold, Water Blade!

- Had enough?
- You wish!

You're strong, but foolish!

Ninja Sword Gold, Dirt Blade!

Goodbye, Bee!

Ninja Sword, power down!

You don't think I came

Who's the queen bee now?

- Huh?
- Great.

I thought we were friends.

Smell you later.

This one is all mine!

- Go for it.
- Yeah.

Cyber Cam,
Star Megazord for one!

Manual solo drive in effect.

# Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm #

Let's do this!

I'm waiting!
( Laughs )

Thanks, Cyber Cam!

No worries, dude.

Locked and dropped!

Star Blazer!

No fair!


( Sighs )
What a day.

Well, Marah,
I must say I'm impressed.

You may have failed.

But at least you did it
with style.

Did you see the look
on the Yellow Ranger's face

when she called him
a dum-dum?

The way you gained his trust
and then cut him down!


What a performance.


I sure got him good.

Wait a minute.
You like him.

You really, really like him.

That is a lie
I'm evil through and through.

And don't you forget it.


( Coughs, Grunts )


You okay?

( Sighs )
Man, I'm such a chump.

I'll never trust anyone again.

If you hadn't trusted us,
we wouldn't be here.

Everyone makes mistakes.

Well, first that bike guy,
then Marah.

Hey, don't blame yourself.

That girl is bad news.

There was just something
about her eyes.

They seemed so sincere.

Don't even go there.

Dustin, there's
somebody here for you.

Can you tell him
I'm not here or something?

I think you'll ready
want to see this.

( Laughs )

Dude, I'm so sorry.

The printer messed up the
address on my business cards.

You must've thought
I was a kook.

You have no idea
how stoked I am right now.

Your bike's dialed in.
Let me know how it rides.

Hey, sweet.
Thanks, man.

( Laughs )

See, sometimes you just got to
trust people.
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