11x20 - I Love Lothor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x20 - I Love Lothor

Post by bunniefuu »

GIRL: Daddy, you promised you'd
let me take the car to the prom.

You can't do that!

Of course l can .

When you're the father,
you can do the same thing.

Hello, Daddy. l'm a girl.
Not gonna happen.

Oh, well.

As the kids like to say,
it stinks being you.

[ Laughter on television ]

How can you two watch
this mindless drivel?

Pretty easy.

We tapped into the satellite
TV system, and we got telly.

When l was a child, l was
never allowed to watch this rot.

And look how much
better off l am.

A living example
of the best of mankind.

Not according to our research.

ln recent focus groups,
/o find Lothor unlikable.

l'll show them unlikable.

And boys to find Lothor
somewhat disturbing.

l suppose that's a start.

Uncle, we're thinking
maybe you should use

the power of television
instead of despising it.

Keep going.
l'm listening.

Well, conveniently enough, we
have someone in your Alien army

whom l believe may be
of assistance.

He's a big TV producer!

And here he is!

Thank you!
Thank you!

Greetings, one and all!

l am Mr. Ratwell.

Oh, dear.
This may take some work.

Never fear!

They don't call me
the image-maker for nothing.

When l'm done with you,
you're gonna be a huge megastar!

Hey, what's this?

''Real Sport Pro Cook-off''?

Yeah .

Since when is cooking
an action sport?

Real Sport Pro Drinks
has chosen Storm Chargers

to host a series
of cooking demonstrations.

Dude, this stuff is nasty.
l don't care how you cook it.

Stick around.
You might be surprised.



Cam, you taking cooking?

[ Laughter ]

Look, Tori wanted someone
to take the class with her.

Dad said l should get out more.
So here l am.

Yeah, but cooking class?

Oh. Hi.

lt has its advantages.


Dude's got a point.


Oh, great.

l fail to see what lip gloss
and face powder

have to do
with world domination.

Well, it worked for Britney
and Christina. Huh!

l promise l'll give you
a hit TV show.

And if that doesn't work,

there's these
Iove potion tablets.

The Earthlings won't have
any choice

but to fall in love with you
once they eat them.

l won't be needing those!

Ooh !

You see,
l have natural charisma.

l thought cooking was lame.

Who said that?

l mean, everyone should know
how to cook.

Thanks for coming , everyone.

Let's get started.

Today's recipe,
Storm Charger smoothies.

After blending the fruit,
add the yogurt.

How do we know which Ranger
will fall in love?

Does it matter?

There's five of them,
and we only need one.

And then we'll convince him
to help us take over Earth.

Uncle's gonna be, like,
so proud of us.

Plus, l'm gonna get a boyfriend
out of the whole deal.


lt was my idea.
l want a boyfriend.

-Give that to me. l want it.
-Hey. No.


Past the lips, over the gums.

That tasted weird.

Let me see.


-Oh, Kapri!

You totally ruined it.

Not very sweet, is it?

Nothing will ever be
as sweet as you.

Uh, thanks.
l guess.

Why are you grinning at me
like a lovesick baboon?

Because he is one.


Go swing from a tree and let
the humans have a conversation.

Back off.
l saw her first.


-Make me!
-[ Crowd gasps ]

Alright, l will!

[ All shouting ]


Easy, tiger.

That went well, huh?

l want to leave.

Yo, wait up!


[ Gasping ]

l got you a little something.

How sweet.

My very own...

...socket-wrench set.

This is really...

Pathetic and impersonal?

Yeah .

You'd know everything about
being pathetic and impersonal.

A true man would know
what a woman really wants

is acne face wash.

l think l need a little time.


l'll catch you two later.

Look what you did.
You just scared her off.

You gave her tools.

Man, l have had enough.

Tori is mine.

-She didn't seem to think so.

Well, l know so.

And as soon as
you're out of the way,

so will the entire world.

ls that a threat?

Thunder-Samurai duel.

-The beach.
-l'll be there.

So will l.

At a television studio?

l have serious doubts
about this power of television.

You have to trust me on this.

That little box right there
is magic.

Once those TV households get
a load of you,

it'll be a Lothor lovefest!

Well, if you really think so.

This is a closed set.

Security, escort this visitor
to her doom.


[ Laughs ]
You're mine!

And now we'll be following
the Real Sport

executive chef's appearance
on the cooking channel .


-What the...

l read the TV listings
every week.

And l'm pretty sure
this wasn't in there.

Let's go.

Now, that ought to hold you.
[ Laughs ]

-Sir, excellent news.

We have captured
the Blue Power Ranger.

Not now.
l'm about to make my big debut.

And you're on!

[ Audience cheers ]

Hi, honey.
Where are you off to?

-Uh, the library?
-Oh, that's nice, dear.

l'm glad you're taking
such an interest in school.

l love it!

-[ Growls ]
-How are the reviews?

Not good.

Looks like even the magic
of television

can't make him likeable.

That's where you're wrong.

Let's turn up the love.

Please, give your dear old dad
a little kiss.


They grow up so quickly,
don't they?

MR. RATWELL: They need
all the help they can get.

l love you, darling.

KELLY: l never noticed
how handsome Lothor is.

l want to meet him.
Right now.

Let's go!

Have you seen the new
fall TV lineup, Sensei?


Lothor is using subliminal
signals in his broadcast

to make people fall in love
with him.

Those must be
some serious signals.

We have to shut down
that broadcast.

SENSEl: Hurry.
l will try to reach the others.

How do we know
which studio it is?

[ Women screaming ]

Follow them.

Let's do this.

Ready when you are.

''And they lived
happily ever after.''

-Just like us.
-[ Applause ]

mw .

Earthlings are swarming
the gates of the studio,

begging to do Lothor's bidding.

Am l a genius or what?

There's a complication.

We've spotted Rangers
at the beach. Take care of it!

But l'm the director!

l said move it.


An action scene.
l love it!

[ Laughs ]

Get up!
We're still rolling!


We want Lothor!

Yo, this is pure evil.


We got to get them out of there.

Hey, everybody!

Lothor's a creep
and he's put you under a spell!

No way!
We love Lothor!

Get them!

Excellent, sir.

Your legion is growing
by the minute.

Just wait for my next episode,

when l tell them all
to jump off a cliff.

l'll tune in for that!
[ Laughs ]

That's what you think.

Sensei, Lothor is plotting to
brainwash the world through TV.

He's a little late for that.

But l am working on the problem.

Right now, you must help
Blake and Cam.


l'll handle this guy.

Back off, Blake.
He's mine.

l said l got it!

-Yeah !


You two are ruining my scene!

Right back at you.

That's it!

-Samurai Storm!
-Thunder Storm!

Ranger form!

Green Samurai power!

Power of thunder!

Can we stick to the script?

Hey, can't you see we're busy?

Yeah !
Take a hike!


Isn't that the alien over there?

lt's time you knew the truth.



Stop it, you guys.

My ratings are about to go
through the roof!

[ Gasps ]
Ninja Storm! Ranger form!



l think we lost them.

We better go check
on the others.

-Tori !
-Are you okay?

She won't be for long!

[ Laughs ]

Action !

This episode has it all!

Cam, Blake,
you're under a spell.

You've got to fight it.

This is no spell!

My feelings are real.
And l'm gonna prove it!

Come on, you lovesick stooge!

Show me what you've got!

Blake, don't!

l'll protect you, Tori!

How heroic!


Get back!

You want some more?


Now l'm getting mad !


You've got to get out of here!


Oh, no!



Nobody can be that strong.

Nothing can beat
the power of love!

No! Wait!
Hold on, now!

This is for you, Tori!


Okay, Blake.
You win.

Catch !

Tori, l...




Tori, you okay?

-What happened?
-l don't know.

But l got worked.


Where are we?

Why am l holding this?

This better not be a rerun.

Scroll of Empowerment, descend.

This is the big time!

We'll handle this one.
Right, Cam?

Yeah. He's all ours.
Come on!

Samurai Star Chopper now!


Thunder Zords!

Megazord Formation!


And action!

Hyah !

l got your back, Cam.

No hard feelings.

You know it.

Let's do this!

You got it!

Samurai Thunder Megazord!


Good work, guys.

Check it!
A new combo Megazord!

lt's amazing!

Come on!

Engage rotors!

-We're going up.
-He's going down!

That's what you think!

Lasers charged!

And ready!

P Go, Power Rangers,
go, Wìnja Storm P

P Let's go P

That's a wrap!

-Oh, yeah!

TORl :
Looking good, guys!

[ Groans ]

lf this is a love hangover,

l hope l never
fall in love again.

l hear that.


l mean at least not while
under a spell.

So, what were you gonna tell me
when you said,

''lt's time for her to know
the truth''?


A peace offering.

Since your cooking class
kind of got messed up.

Homemade and from the heart.

TORl :
Fried chicken?

There's something wrong.
This actually looks edible.

DUSTIN: Who ordered takeout?
l'm starved.

Since when does homemade food
come in a bucket?

Busted .
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