11x16 - The Samurai's Journey

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x16 - The Samurai's Journey

Post by bunniefuu »


Uh... pff.

Right. Ha ha.

No way, dude.
There's no way he does it.

He is pretty strong
for a little guy.

Quiet. A little respect
for the master.

Watch closely, Rangers.

See, that...

Was radical!

You were saying?

I stand corrected.
But how?

The power comes not from
the body, but from the mind.

Correct, Tori.

Alright, I'm up.

Sure you want to go there?

Look, if he can do it.

I'm going to give it
my best shot.

[ Groans ]

Looks like rodent, one,
Thunder Ranger, zip.

You think you can do it?


Ugh! Ugh!

Yah! Ohh!

Uhh! Oof!

KAPRI: You should be
a Sunday School teacher

because as an evil space ninja,
you're lame.

How could you say something
so horrible?

- It was quite easy.
- LOTHOR: What is it?

She said I was, well, nice.

Girls, girls, don't fight.

You're both evil.

In fact, I myself
have been scared of you.

You think we're evil?

- And beautiful.
- Aw...

And intelligent.

I get it. We're on one of those
hidden-camera shows, right?

Have I told you two lately
how much I love having you here?

He likes us.

He really, really likes us.
I am so happy!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha!

That was rich!

I haven't laughed that hard
since the plague on Velcroix

turned everyone into little
piles of black ooze.

[ Laughing Evilly ]


- Ta-da!
- It's Madtropolis.

He has the power to create
the illusion he's another being.

Just a little thing I do.
It kills at barbecues!

A nice party trick, Zurgane,

but it doesn't exactly scream
"world domination," does it?

But, wait, there's more!

With this, I can capture
the Rangers' energy,

leaving the Earth
completely defenceless!

Now we're getting somewhere.

You have come far
in your training,

but you still have
a long way to go.

Yeah, but you're, like,
a full-on super ninja master.


Oh, what?


Alright, how did you do that?

Oh, ho, ho! You used
some laser beam thing, right?

Or you switched the bricks.

I saw that in a stunt show
at a theme park.


Okay, maybe not.

It's gotta be a trick.

You still don't get it, do you?

Huh? Get what?

Just because someone
isn't a Ranger,

it doesn't make them
completely useless.

I need some air.


You think he's mad at us?

Dude, he's always mad at us.

What did we say?

I fear there is more to this
than mere words, Blake.

You alright?


Just tired
of the lack of respect.

Who says you don't get
any respect?

Cam, everything we're able to do
is because of what you do.

It's not enough.
I want to be part of it.

You want to be a Ranger.

Why don't you talk to Sensei?

I have.
He's forbidden me.

Forbidden you?

A promise you made
when Cam was a little kid.

That's why you won't let him
become a Ranger?

Does one of you have something
you'd like to say?

I'm sorry, Sensei,
but that's kind of weak.

I appreciate your honestly,

Sensei, you always taught us
to make our own decisions.

Yes, but as a parent, there
are greater things to consider.

It is far more complicated.

It seems simple enough to me.

You gotta trust your son, sir.

Cam's the most together
of all of us.

It seems to me
he's make a great Ranger.

Perhaps I have been
a little overprotective.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Cam, your father just wants
what's best for you.

I know that.

You have to tell him
how you feel,

make sure he understands
how important this is to you.

He's the most reasonable,
well, guinea pig I've ever met.

Go talk to him.

Okay, but if he doesn't listen,

I'm not cleaning his cage
for a month.

What hate to break up
this greeting-card moment.

But we're, like, here
to destroy you.

Evil enough for you?



Back off, geek!

I've heard of cities coming
alive, but this is ridiculous.

Everybody's a comedian!

You gonna morph,
or do I have to beg?

You got it.

- Ready?
- Ready.

Ninja Storm!
Thunderstorm! Ranger Form!

Power of Earth!

- Air!
- Water!

Power of Thunder!

Ready? Attack!

Cam, run!

No way!
I can help!

- Huh?
- Uhh!

Now for the drain event!

What's he doing to us?

Try to resist!

I can't!

That ought to do it!

Got them!

You guys are looking pale.

You should try makeup.

I've got colour charts
that will match your skin.

Marah, zip it.

Pleasure doing business
with you, Power Losers!

Are you guys okay?

I feel like I just rode
a -minute moto on a tricycle.

We'd better get you back
to Ops.

Man, that guy worked us.

What happened out there?

Madtropolis drained
your Ranger energy force.

If you fight again, there's a
good chance you won't come back.

Dude, that's harsh.

This is grave news.

We must find a way
to retrieve your powers.

There he is.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

That was too easy!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Alright, it's go time.

You can barely stand.

I'm not going to sit here
while that freak is loose.

Let me adjust your morphers

to give you a temporary
increase in energy,

but it won't last.

Now to blast these Ranger
powers out of existence!

Sorry. We're here
to snuff out your plan.

Hey, that's mine! I stole
from you fair and square!

Aw, man!

Shane, come in!

You've got to conserve energy.

Easier said than done.

Now give that back to me!

I'm taking my ball
and going home.

That's what you think!

Aw, man!
I got a bad feeling about this!

- [ Growling ]
- Huh? Whoa!

Ninja Sword!

Oh, no!

Whoa! I thought
I was fighting Madtropolis!

So did we!

This place is totally crazy.
Watch your back.

I hear you!


You're toast, Madtropolis!

Dustin, Tori!
What are you doing?

You can't fool me!
You're going down!

Tori, no, it's me.


Tell me you saw that.

I saw it,
but I don't know what I saw!

What's the matter? Can't tell
what's real and what's not?

I've had enough
of your mind games!

Aw, you're no fun!
I'm just getting started!

Come on!

Oh, man!


Now what?

Aw, great.

This has got to be him!

I don't know what to do!

Shane, listen to me carefully.


You must trust your heart.

Your eyes may deceive you.

Concentrate, and your
inner ninja will tell you

what is real and what is not.

I'll try, Sensei!


That was too weird!

Tell me about it.

I can't take much more!

The power boost
must be wearing off!

[ Gasps, Groans ]


[ All Gasping, Groaning ]

I'm crashing!

Me too!

This is worse
than an ice-cream headache!

Thanks! Now I'm hungry
on top of everything else!

Now, for the last time,
give that back!

Let me get this straight.

We're just supposed to
hand this over

with all our powers in it?

That's never gonna happen.

Come on, guys!

Thunder Storm Cannon!

But which one of me is real?

One way to find out.


How's this for urban growth?

Scroll of Empowerment, descend!

[ Roars ]

I'm scraping the skies!

End of the road, Rangers!


- Ready, Shane?
- Let's do it!


- Whoa!
- I can't open it.

We don't have time to figure
it out! We gotta stop him!

We need the Megazords!

You'll never last
through a Megazord fight.

We don't have a choice.

We've got to get that sphere
to Ninja Ops.

I've been working
on a new teleportation system.

I hope it's ready.

- Whoa!
- Yeah!

There it goes.

Let's go!

Two Megazords to make my day!

I think I got a lock.

Yes, it worked!

Rangers, I got the sphere.
I'm sending some protection.

It's all you can handle
right now.

We'll take any help we can get!

Locked and dropped!

A scarf?
You sent us a scarf?

- Just go with it.
- If you say so.

It's going to take more than
a giant hankie to fool me!

The heat! I don't have
the strength left to fight it!



Now say goodbye, Rangers.

They're out of energy.
Isn't there anything we can do?

In the past, there was a power
mighty enough to help us.

But there is no sense in longing
for what has been destroyed.

This is no time
for riddles, Dad.

You know something.
What is it?

The Rangers' defeat is at hand.

Would it k*ll you
to crack a smile?

Sir, I don't have a mouth.

Bye-bye, Rangers.

- We'll miss you.
- Yeah.

We will?

It's called sarcasm.
Read a book.


Dad, if there is a way,
you have to tell me.

It is useless to discuss.

We cannot safely predict how
the portal will respond to...

The Scroll of Time.

Of course!


You must not disturb

that which is the natural
progression of time.

If I don't do something,
there won't be any time left.

You know I have to do this.

I have to go back in time and
get the power that will help.

To confront one's past
is an awesome responsibility.

It risks changing everything
you know about the present.

I have to take that chance.

Thanks, Dad.


Hey, Uncle, why did Madtropolis
freeze up like that?

I smell a rat!

Make that a guinea pig.

What has that rabid
little rodent done?

SENSEI: Are you certain
this is the only way?

Our time will be frozen

until the writing on the scroll
fades away.

I can't think of anything more
desperate than this. Can you?

No, I cannot.

And I can't think of any power
source but one that can save us.

I'm going back to the past
to get it.

You must hurry, or you will be
trapped in the past forever.

I know. Let's hope
it doesn't come to that.

You have your mother's
courageous heart

and your father's stubborn head.

Be careful, my son.

I'll be back, Dad.
I promise.

Did it work?

This place looks
exactly the same.

[ Hoofbeats ]
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