11x14 - Boxing Bopp-A-Roo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x14 - Boxing Bopp-A-Roo

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains, secret Ninja
Academies train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three who
would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

You never heard of cutting your losses?

What losses?

l thought we were iust sparring.

Hey, if you can't keep up,
l can get my sister over here.

Oh, you're straight comedy, Shane.


We've talked about the Wind and
Thunder Ninjas working as one.

- What have we said?
- A competitive spirit is healthy...

As long as you don't sacrifice
honour and friendship.

Dude, l was right
in the middle of saying that.

All right, push-ups. Drop!

Good one.

The banner looks great.

lf you had surFing,
l'd be all over this Total Trek.

That'd be fair, you blowing
eveybody outta the water.

And the problem with that is...?

Guys, check this course out.
We start at the skate park,

run to the motocross track
and then urban climb to finish.

You entering, Dustin?

l'm never getting
on a skateboard again.

l've got bruises from last year.

You got an enty form for
my kick-flip challenged friend?

lndividual? Or are you doing
the team competition?

Us? Together?

You got a better chance of seeing me
on blade skates.

Just asking. Well, you're
the second one to sign up, Hunter.

Who was first?

You're toast, dear boy.

Wait, do you hear that?

lt sounds like your hopes and dreams
coming crashing down around you.

And here we see alpha males
in their natural habitat.

Bangize that bang,
my pugilistic pupils!

lf you wanna lose the flab,
you gotta pound the slab!

l am so over this!

You distract him,
l'll open the cargo door.

Velicitousness, vixens!

My tempestuous training wheel
will pump up your pounding.


Do you have any idea how long it
took to do my hair this morning?

Hello! My make-up!

l'm bored, we need a plan.

l'm taking suggestions.

l know, the Rangers, put them
in a class with Bopp-a-Roo.

They'd never last an hour.

What that an actual idea
that came from that pocket of air

- bemeen your ears?
- Come on, Uncle.

Sure, could work.

Your roots are showing.

Well, at least l can go to a salon.

- You'll always be pathetic.
- You wanna piece of me?

You want a piece of this?

That's the way!

You've got to balance yourself
on the bike, OK?

Not too far forwards,
not too far back.

Yo, Shane, have you heard
anything l've said?

Look, all l need to know
is how to beat Hunter.

Dude, have you seen him ride?
He's one step below factoy pro.

Yeah, yeah.

Here goes.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Watch out, man!

- So, what do you call that?
- l'm just getting loose.

Yeah? So is your board, bro.

l gotta beat this guy.
l don't care what l have to do.

My advice to you:
get a stunt double.

- Cool!
- Thought l smelled something.

lt's called defeat. And since this
thing is public, no Ninja tricks.

Splendiferous, gentlemen!
l'm the Boxing Bopp-a-roo.

A battlesome bounty
of bopacious bombacity!

Check me out. l'm the prognificator
of powerFul punches.

- Prog what?
- Forget it. It's time to morph.

- Thunder Storm!
- l say when it's time to morph.

- What?!
- Just stay out of the way.

Now it's time to morph.

- Ninja Storm! Ranger form!
- Thunder Storm! Ranger form!

Hey, didn't you see the signs?
The zoo's that way!

l'm flabbergasted!

- l'll get him.
- No, l will!

Festoonious flames!

Bodacious and banglorious!

l'm tired of tying
to understand this guy.

l'm just plain tired.
Bye-bye, Bopp-a-Roo!

Have you seen my fabulous
spnaglorious wheel of fun?

Hey, you already tried that.

What are you doing?
l said, l'll handle it.

Blubbering, bickering boys.

Ready to get blasted?

Let me handle this, thunder style.

Thunder Staff, full power!

He who rumbles and runs away
lives to brawl another day.

- Hey!
- What?

Power down.

What...? You let him bail.

- l would've pounded that couch potato.
- You?

- All you did was get in my way.
- This is so lame.

l'm going for a run.

This roo's rockacious!

Would you get him to stop bouncing?
He's making me car-sick!

Gladly, sir.

Ohh! My courteousity
is at your commendation,

O mighty munificence!

lsn't it just like you mo to send
a mumble-mouthed marsupial

to battle the defenders of the galay?

But Uncle, he bodaciously
boxed their butts.

He's a bangerific,
bombastic robo-rumbler.

That's it! The next person
who uses a made-up word

has to put a dollar
in the made-up-word jar.

l suppose if you look
on the bright side,

Bop-a-Roo did survive
his first attack.

Yes, sir-roo!

Maybe we should send him back.

But with something... more.

More bountiful boxing gloves?
Or some copious Kelzacks?

What? Those are all words,
Iook them up.

Zurgane, oblige me.

- Make me magniferous.
- As you wish.

Yeah! Great gargantuan gloves
for a bombastic brouhaha.

Those guys are still at it.

Let me get this straight,
there's a kick-boxing robot kangaroo

bounding around Blue Bay Harbor
and they're playing follow the leader?

We need help here,
something Sensei like.

They must both learn
that the best quality of a leader

is to understand when to be a follower.

Dude's way deep,
especially for a rodent.

- Good run.
- Wait, did you just give me props?

Don't get all weird on me,
l'm just saying.

That maybe Sensei has a point?

The guy's usually pre_ right on.
That's why he's the teacher.

Blake and l are used to being
on our own. No parents, no Sensei,

no-one to answer to
except for each other.

Hey, look, you got us now, all of us.

We look out for each other.
That's the way it's gotta be.

- l hear ya.
- Let's go.

Want to take a guess?

Better not take any chances.

- Ninja Storm!
- Thunder Storm!

- Power of thunder!
- Power of air!

Think he's over here.

That's him all right.

He must've paid for an upgrade.

Dude, we'd better call
for back-up this time.

Cam, that kangaroo clown is back
for round mo, we need help.


- Ready?
- Ready.

- Ninja Storm!
- Thunder Storm! Ranger form!

- Power of water!
- Power of thunder!

Power of earth!

l am one manically mad marsupial!

- What did he say?
- No idea!

A convenient
conflagatoy conflagration!

Bye-bye, rumblfied Rangers!

Exceptional positivity
in our current commotionness.

They are fully in the grasp
of my fingerments.

Take a note: that's dollars
that boxing bonehead owes me.

General Zurgane,
go down and help finish the job.

Yes, sir!

Uncle, what about us?
Bopp-a-Roo was our teacher.

Why can't we go too?

All right, go. At least l'll have
some peace and quiet round here.

l've had enough of this!

Storm Striker!

Thunder Blaster!

- Fire!
- Fire!

- What happened?
- Some kind of shield.

l did it! It worked,
my shield worked!

- How cool am l?
- How lucky are you?

- Great, the whole family's here.
- Let's do this!


Give it up, dude!

Bopp-a-Roo taught us
some bucolic biggerific tricks.

Let's raise the ruckus
to a rarificated roosterment.

- Did you get any of that?
- Not a word.


Look deep into my eyes, Ranger boy.

- Come on, put 'em up!
- You've got it.

You cheated!

- Cam, what's the deal with this guy?
- Bopp-a-Roo can only be destroyed

by deflecting its own energy
back onto itself.

- We need help!
- Any ideas?

Cam, what if there were a way for
Hunter and l to combine energies?

Would that be enough
to bounce the beam back?

We could give it a go. Cam,
can you draw the power from me?

lt's worth a ty. Here goes.

l'm channelling it
into your Ninja sword, Shane.

Got it!

Hope this works.

l got the red Ranger on the ropes!

You're the one who's going down
for the count.

Ninia sword!

Thunder power!

- Ready?
- Totally.

Not so fast. You thought
hers was good?

Ty mine.


That looks pre_ strong.

What now?

What if we combined
all of our weapons?

Hey, that might work!

Thunder storm cannon!

Oh, look at that thing!

Let's get outta here!

You don't have to tell me mice.

Huh? My buddies have bailed!

- Ready?
- Full power!

- Yeah!
- Good one, guys!


l have to admit,
l'm pleasantly surprised.

You underestimated
the power of their leadership.

Oh, no, our teacher's toast.

Let's give 'em more Bopp
till they drop.

That's original.

Scroll of empowerment, descend!

l'm one big Bopper!

- Cam, Zord time!
- On their way.

l've got bouncification
for the both of ya!

l'm feelin' punchy!

Doubly denied!

l'm a hot hoppin' heat hurler!

Shane, Hunter, call the Mini Zord!

- Ready, Hunter?
- Oh, yeah.

Locked and dropped.

l am Mini Zord.

Oh, sweet!

Thunder storm Megazord formation.

- Whoa!
- Lion laser!

This pouch is poached!

At least l don't have to put up
with that monotonous marsupial.

He was starting
to make my skull ache.

What is that horrible noise?

lt's our new hobby, clog dancing!

From Ireland!

Why can't you mo do
something quiet, like yoga?

Or Pilates?

Can you hear me? l'm not yelling
just to hear myself yell, you know.

Oh, it is kind offun.


Nice! Hunter's ripping it up, man.

Go for it, guys!

And the winner of this year's Total
Trek is the team of Shane and Hunter.

Not bad.

Hey, we're tying to learni_
with great knowledgeness.

- What?
- We hang together better now.

At least it's a start.
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