11x11 - Return of Thunder pt 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x11 - Return of Thunder pt 2

Post by bunniefuu »

It doesn't happen too often,
but here in Blue Bay Harbour,

the weather has become the news.

A cold front is gripping
the city.

No kidding.

Causing an unprecedented

in the heating-oil supply.

You sure you're alright, Dad?

This is the first time
I've been glad to have fur.

Have you had any luck
locating our Rangers?

Nothing. It's like they vanished
into another dimension.

Always a possibility.

Keep trying.

I will.

Oh, man.

I feel like I just got run over
by a full gate of s.

Me too.

Whatever that means.

Hey, where's Shane?

Right here!

I hiked up the hill
to check things out.

We're on an island.

- An island?
- Yeah.

There's no other land or people
around as far as I can see.

Hey, don't bother.

I already tried.

The last thing I remember,
we were playing battling Zords

with Blake and Hunter.

Don't remind me.

There's an explanation.

- I think everything's clear.
- What does that mean?

We've known these guys
for a month.

How much of that time are they
not trying to take us out?

You didn't see Blake
the other day.

Something must've happened when
they want onto Lothor's ship.

When you're ready to get real,
come and talk to me.

I got to find a way
out of here.

We could always trade him in
for a new Ranger.


Maybe a green one.

Wait a minute!

I admit this is brutal.

But you have to allow
for the possibility

that there is some
logical reason for this.

- ( Thunder Rumbles )
- Huh?

- Huh?
- Huh?

- You guys saw that, right?
- I did.


Over there!

Come on!

Hold up!

It came this way.

I saw it.

Good eye, Shane.

You ever wonder, if two
Thunder Ninjas got into a fight

with three Wind Ninjas,
who would win?

No one.

The only way we win
is to work together.

Which I thought we were doing.

Guess you were wrong.

Tell you what.

We'll even give you a head start
if you want to run.

Sorry, Tor.

Whatever's up with these guys,

we're not gonna fix it
by letting them stomp us.

I have no intention
of letting them stomp us.

We don't want to fight you.

But you give us no choice.

Enough talk.

Not this time!


Stop it!

Come on, man!

Blake, that's enough!

Try and keep up!

- Okay!
- Let's go!

We having fun yet?

But there's always this.

Thunder Storm, Ranger form!

Power of thunder!

- Hyah!
- Hyah!

We knew that was coming.

- Ready?
- Ready.

Ninja Storm, Ranger form!

Power of Earth!

- Air!
- Water!

Oh, it's on now!

We're through taking it easy!

You're right. They're not
gonna listen to reason.

If it's them of us, I choose us.

Thank you. Finally
someone's listening to me.

Ninja swords!

Hawk Blaster!

My blaster's bigger than yours!

Ninja beams!


- I'm okay!
- Huh?

Your aim is lame, Dustin.

But I'm not shocked.

Are you? Yah!


Whoa! Whoa!



I hate to admit it, Choobo,
but they're good.

Moody as all get-out.
But good.

Good. Ah, yes.
Thank you.

Choobo, how long
before they finish the job?

It shouldn't take
much longer, I think.

Is anyone else cold?

( Shivering )

What's the deal?

Why do I see my breath?

Well, the island's emergence
has created a cold front

that's enveloping the planet.

You couldn't have picked
an island

that would cause a heat wave?

I suppose we could have.

But we took a vote and decided.

Well, there's the problem.

I knew I should never have
given them the vote.

I'm working
on the heating system.

It should be back in no time.

It better be.

Now, let me see.


What good is destroying
the Power Rangers

if we've all been turned into
alien ice sculptures?

Good point, sir.

This is crazy.

It's never been this cold here.

We've broken every record since
the weather service has existed.

Why couldn't have been a
long-haired Peruvian guinea pig?

I'm worried about having power
to drive the search system.

We have no choice, Cam.

You must find the Rangers.

I'll keep trying, Dad.

ALL: Aah!

( Chuckling )

You've got to stop this.

Say goodbye, Rangers.

Alright. Look.

You obviously have
some serious emotional problems.

You ever consider group therapy?

This is getting really old!

I love dirt as much
as the next guy.

Too bad it doesn't show
in your riding.

You did not just bag
on my riding!


Why are we fighting them?

You want some more?

Hey, wait.

Isn't Dustin our friend?

Blake, this is wrong.

What are you talking about,

Ninja beams!

Storm Striker!



♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

Ninja power!

Now just stay down!

Can we get out of here?

Good idea.

I'm so over this.

LOTHOR: It seems
there's a flaw in your plan.

The Thunder Rangers grow weaker
as their memories grow stronger.

I wouldn't want to be you
if they remember everything.

I have another idea.


Well, what is it?

Let's hear it!

Well, I think that if we...

- ( Whispers )
- Uh-huh?

Oh! Aah! Oh!

Choobo really has Uncle's ear.

It must bug the heck out of you.

He's not a real general,
you know.


- LOTHOR: Girls!
- BOTH: Hmm?

Prepare the beam!

I love beams!

What kind of beam is it?

Never mind.


( Both Groaning )

Careful, guys.

Oh, my head.


Where are we?

Are you alright?


What are you guys doing here?

You guys okay?


What happened?

They seem themselves.

( Echoing ) Hey!

You down there in the bug suits!

He better not be talking to us.

I'm talking to you!

I worked too hard
for you to mess things up now!

- Supertoxipod!
- ( Laughs )

You can't keep
a good snail down!

Did you miss me?

Watch out!


Didn't we already fight
this guy?

But he smells even worse.

( Laughs )

Everything about me is worse.

Oh, now what does he want?


I want to sink this island
with you on it!

I want to cause
an atmospheric reaction

that will drop the temperature
to degrees below zero.

I want payback!

( All Shouting )

Oh, man!

How'd they get here?

Maybe they got a group rate!

Blake, we got to help them.

All over it, bro.

Let's do it.

Not so fast!

Hey! ( Grunts )

Listen to me, Crimson Ranger.

Your brother has betrayed you.

- Hear me?
- That's crazy.

- When I say.
- MARAH: This is exciting!

Not yet.

And now!


Blake, look out!



( Groaning )

Are you okay, dude?

I don't know.

I think so.

I feel kind of weird.

Here's the real deal.

You can't trust
your brother anymore.

That pretty Blue Ranger
has convinced him to join them.


What are you babbling about?

I'd never turn on my brother.

You're the one
with the evil plan.

Tell him the truth.

He deserves to know
you've betrayed him

and your poor, lost parents.

Hunter, don't listen to hom.
It's all lies.

You're trying to destroy us.

My own brother.



What's the matter?
Have you lost your Ninja mind?

You don't deserve to call
yourself a Thunder Ranger.

You traitor!

Don't you remember anything
that's happened?

You sold me out
to those Wind weasels!

Whoa! Now they're fighting
each other!

That's crazy!

Dude, why do you have to be
so crabby?

You okay?


- Whoa!
- Whoa!

What's that?

Toxic steam!

The island is sinking fast.

Soon the Earth will be
one giant snow cone.

And you can't do a thing
about it!

- Want to bet?
- Yeah!

Huh? Huh?

Boom! Toxic facial!

Oh, no!


Now what?

I get it.

He's fighting
because of the steam.

Like I said.

What's taking so long?

Finish off those Rangers so we
can take control of the planet!

It'll be a cold new world!


Yes, General!

It's slime time!

Now you'll pay!


Hunter, wait!

- Stop!
- Don't do it!

You brought this
on yourself, Blake.

You're not thinking straight.

You got zapped
with that beam, remember?

More lies!

Don't listen to him!

But I...

Hunter, look into your heart.

You know the truth.

Aah! Aah!

Get out of there!

Aah! Aah!

What's happening to me?

The steam got him!

Right in the face!

It's going from bad to worse!


This is the end, Blake!

- No!
- No!

Don't hurt him.

We're not trying to hurt him.

We're trying to hold him.

No! Stop!

Come on!

You're stronger than this!



Think about everything
we've been through.

This isn't you.


( Grunts, Sighs )

I'm sweating.

Is anyone else sweating?

I believe that would be
the extra heat you ordered, sir.

Well, fix it!

Yes, sir.

I'm roasting
like a Christmas ham.

First it's too cold.

Then it's too hot.

Am I a general or a handyman?


Hunter, please!

You have to stop!

( Grunting )

Get off him!

This has gone far enough!

Ninja smoke screen!


Come back!
I'm not through with you!

You blew it!

This was not in the plan!

( Growls )

( Panting )

Right here, guys.

Blake, wake up.

Please wake up.

What's happening to him?

( All Gasp )


- Hey.
- It's alright.

You're alright.

( Wind Whistling )

Bad news, Dad.

The temperature's dropping
one degree every hour.

It will quickly become

for us to sustain life.

I tapped into
a military satellite.

The disturbance traces back to
an island in the South Pacific.

It's a volcanic formation
sinking at a rate

directly proportionate
to the drop in climate here.

The island's submersion is
triggering this weather change.


I don't know of any way
to stop it.

I fear the island's appearance

and the Rangers' disappearance
is not a random event.


A decent temperature in here.

Well done, Zurgane.

Thank you, sir.

Now, what about
our little island get-together?

It appears the Wind Rangers

and Navy Thunder Ranger
formed an alliance.

I hate it when they form

Where is Choobo?

Looking for the Rangers.

When will that island
finish sinking?

Within hours.

Then we'll say goodbye
to the Power Rangers and Choobo.

I was getting tired
of his whining, anyway.

Hunter is the only family
I have.

He's always been there for me.

And now he needs my help.

For the first time in our lives,
he needs me.

I'm not going to let him down.

We'll do whatever we can.

Shane, that wasn't us
back there.

I know.

I should have known.

We're there for you, bro.


Where are you?

Blake! Blake!
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