11x09 - Snip It, Snip It Good

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x09 - Snip It, Snip It Good

Post by bunniefuu »

Remember, a ninja's
greatest enemy is himself.

You may begin.

OK, I get this.

Ninja stare contest, right?

Maybe we're supposed to fight.

Dude, I don't care how good-looking
you are, you're still going down.


This can't be what Sensei meant.

Come on.

Guys, I don't think
we're supposed to be fighting.

That's it, isn't it?

Why is it so hard for guys
to follow directions?

- I'm tougher than I thought I was.
- Can't believe I kicked my own butt.

Congratulations, Tori.

- She didn't do anything!
- Precisely.

He who battles himself
can never emerge victorious.

- Ninja basics .
- Must have been sick that day.

caution is what wins the day.

This is why it will be Tori
who seeks the jade turtle.

Why do we need
this turtle thing anyway?

Well, when we revived the zords,

several key power spheres
were kept hidden.

Only to be retrieved when you
mastered the skills necessary to do so.

I hope I don't let you down, Sensei.

Trust in yourself.

Your inner ninja
will show you the way.

And this is in case
your inner ninja gets lost.

Thanks, Cam.

- Hey, Tori, you'll be great.
- Thanks.

So what do we do
while Tori's turtle hunting?

I'm glad you brought that up, Dustin.

I have a special ninja project
for the two of you.

An environmental conference,
every bigwig in the city will be there.

Why wasn't I invited?

Because you want to destroy Blue Bay
Harbor instead of preserving it.

Details, details!

They'll be sorry they didn't include me
when I break up the party.

But the Power Rangers
will probably be there to guard it.

I thought we agreed,
nobody mentions the P word.

Now, I want suggestions.

Hello. Uncle? Me?

All right. What is it?


I forgot!
It was really good, I swear!

What are you smiling at?

I'm just so happy!
I'm not the dumb one for once.

Sir, I found the perfect evil space
ninja to disrupt the conference.

From the planet Curotia.

I believe you'll find his special skill
most useful.

Snipster at your service.

Let's take a look, shall we?

I suppose I could use
a bit off the back.

No, sir. He cuts the ties that bind,

making everyone he encounters
unable to agree on anything.

Good work.

And if not, I'm sure we can find
some creative ways

to use those blades on you, Zurgane!

Funny, sir.

We're here for the first annual Blue Bay
Harbor environmental conference.

Dignitaries from all over the city

are gathering to discuss ways to
make the city more energy-efficient.

Is that OK?

OK, so let me get this straight.
We do nothing?

We watch, we listen, and we wait.

Anything happens, we react.

OK, cool.

But in the meantime, could we
find some other place to hide?

- I'm losing my...
- Dude!


OK, Tori, you're not lost.

You're just... slightly off course.

Let this meeting come to order.

Thank you all for coming here today.

If we went to make an
environmental difference globally,

we must start locally.

I thought we agreed no cellphones.

- You didn't turn it off!
- Sorry, I forgot.

What do we do?

- Go for Shane.
- I'm monitoring the police radios.

Disturbances have been reported
around you.

We haven't seen anything.

I take it back. Call you later.

Time to make a few cuts.

- What's with this?
- Maybe they heard about the buffet.

And so we're all in agreement
that we form a committee

to research more fuel-efficient
energy sources

for the city's power supply.

Agree? Did I hear someone say agree?

No, no, no!
There'll be none of that!

There! That should do it!

That is the most ridiculous idea
I have ever heard.

You only think that because
you didn't come up with the idea!

And you have a brilliant suggestion
of your own?

No one's talking to you.
Butt out of this!


Sensei, I've come to a conclusion.

I'm lost.

Remember, Torim
a conclusion is simply the place

where you got tired of thinking.

- I knew you'd say that.
- Good luck, Tori.

Remember to use your inner ninja
to guide you.

Time for me to... cut out.

- What was that?
- The conference!

You didn't happen to see
a giant alien with scissors?

Just checking out his handiwork.

Not about spreading the love, is he?

- You better find him.
- On it.

This is great!

We got him on the ropes!

I'm sharper than that.

- This guy thinks he's a real cut-up.
- Except us.

Let's cut to the chase.

- Hey.
- What?

- Huh?
- What are you looking at?

- Are you eyeballing me?
- What if I am?

Knock it off!

Wonder of wonders. Your plan
seems to be working, General.

I live to serve, sir.

Look, it's the blue ranger!
Aw, she sure is pretty!

Are you just going to stand there
while she's alone and vulnerable?

Get to work!

Sir, we'd love to, but we're on
a break. Union rules.

- You know how it goes.
- There must be someone.

Uncle, we have been
practising really hard.

- Yeah, Uncle. Can we do it?
- Say yes.

All right. Anything, as long
as you stop making that noise.

Use your inner ninja to guide you.

Where's it going?


Got it.

Hold it, sister.

Hey, what's in the bag?

Might as well us or we'll use our powers
and take it from you.

That would be the powers
of really bad perfume?

Hello, we're not even wearing any.

Oh, no, you don't.

This is a blast!

Hand over the bag.

Shane, Dustin,
I've run into a little snag.

Shane, Dustin.

Yes, that's it, knock him down!

Well, I guess it's just us girls.

Ninja Storm, Ranger form!

I've been practising with my sword.

A flying sword, real original.
Can you do this?

Oh, please! Flying is so passe.

Let's talk size.

How about a big hand
for the little Ranger?

What do we have here?

No, don't touch that!

It's so pretty!

I've always wanted one of these.

- Whatever it is.
- Give that back!

It's bad. Tori needs help,

but the Snipster's
got to Shane and Dustin.

I must use my telepathic ninja powers
to break his hold on them.

This is taking forever.
Let's kick it up a notch.

Am I good or what?

Use your inner strength to free
yourself from the Snipster's spell.

Sensei was just talking in my head.

Sometimes that guy makes no sense.

Hold on, why am I fighting you?

We were under a spell, dude.

Oh, do you think?

- Hey, and you did it.
- Nice try, scissorhands.

But nothing can break us
apart for long.

Then I'll split you up
the old-fashioned way.

Ninja shuttle battle.

Ninja power!

- Hey, that's mine.
- Not any more.

That does it!

You can blast me, thrash me,

but back away from the turtle.

Ninja sword!

The turtle! Get it!

Hey, just back off.

You know, this is getting us nowhere.

- Is that your way of giving up?
- I'm not giving up.

But this could go on for hours.

We punish you
with a humiliating defeat.

Yeah, that'll happen.

I thought we could
work something out.


- Hope we're not too late.
- Me too.

We got here as fast as we could.
You OK?

No problems.
Everything is taken care of.

Hey! You got the turtle! Right on!

Yeah. Marah and Kapri and I
worked out a little deal.

You traded the jade turtle for rags?

Hello, designer!

You will feel the wrath
of my disappointment later.

Right now, I have to clean up
the mess you made.

Scroll of empowerment, descend!

Now, for the final cut.

This guy's sheer t*rture.
Cam, the zords.

First you must break the turtle. Hurry.

Does he know what I went
through to get this?

- Just do it.
- OK.

What's this?

Cam, are you reading this?

Got it. I'm sending the zords.
I'll let you know the new codes.

- You guys ready?
- Oh, yeah.

I'll take this one, guys.

Power disc.

Locked and dropped.

Serpent sword now!

Rangers, I'm offloading the codes
to you by power disc.

Thanks, Cam.
You always come through.

No problem.

The new w*apon is the turtle mace.
It's amazing.

Sounds great.

I've been shellshocked!

- Round Two to the Rangers!
- Turtle mace, maximum power!

Rock beats scissors.

We did it!

The statue was the hiding place
for the turtle mace technology.

How did the conference turn out?

Though the city leaders
settled many issues,

Lothor still remains a threat
to the Blue Bay Harbor.

Good thing we got their backs.

Yes, it is.

I wonder if Marah and Kapri learned
anything from this adventure?

My hands are getting wrinkled.

Rub-a-dub-dub, girls.

You know I like my Kalzacks clean.

They'll just get destroyed
by the Power Rangers.

For that, start on the walls of
the spaceship when you're through.

- Would you be quiet and scrub?
- I was just...
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