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04x14 - Hot Rod Bot

Posted: 04/03/23 05:05
by bunniefuu
Need help? Uh, thanks, Cody, but this has been my race
-day tradition since before you were born.

I got it.

And now that the fans are in the stands, let's put the pedal to the metal.

Huxley: Vroom, vroom, everybody.

I'm Huxley Prescott live from the mainland delivering you exclusive triple cup coverage of the first of three revved
-up races, and delivering me into prime time.

The crowd favorite, of course, is racing legend Donatello Capaseco.

Oh, that Donatello.

Oh, the way he negotiates those hairpin turns without throttling back the RPMs uh, bravisimo.

But the real winner may be Bertram Luskey, the local mayor, who's turned the mainland's annual race into his town's biggest draw.

Wait, there's another Mayor Luskey? I think they're brothers, but you wouldn't know it to look at them.

[ Tires screech ]

And they're off.

But hold the phone and dial "W" for, "who is that?" No way.

It couldn't be him.

Oh, he knows better than to do something so reckless.

Yeah, well, knowing better and doing better are two different things.

[ Engines revving ]

Only one driver could catch Donatello that fast.

Together: Blurr.

[ Engine revs ]

A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later, awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now, and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans, serve and protect live in their world, earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others, remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue humans in need, heroes, indeed Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue Rescue Bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way the Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue Rescue Bots
[ Engines revving ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

And the crowd goes wild.

Now, for the best part.

[ Tires screeching ]

Whoo, yeah.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Huxley: Inspired finish, driver.

Who are you? Show us your face.

Oh, man.

Didn't plan on this.

[ Engine revs ]

[ Tires screech ]

That sneak.

What is he thinking? Maybe Blurr has a good reason for entering the race.

And putting on a look
-me victory show? We better keep this to ourselves until I can talk to Blurr.

Yeah, can you imagine if Heatwave found out? Chief: Just heard on the radio, unexpected winner in the big race, huh? Any clue who the driver is?
- Uh, actually
- Just some hotshot who cares more about showboating than actually racing.

If he won, that means he's the best racer.

Doesn't that give him the right to showboat? Best racer? He didn't care about technique, just speed.

He's in need of a serious attitude adjustment, and I intend to give it to him.

I mean, if I ever meet him, of course.

Congratulations, Mayor Luskey Um, this Mayor Luskey On another successful race.

Well, as a mayor of a large city, you always have to be thinking of new and lucrative ways to keep your people happy.

Which is why I suggest we hold this year's championship race on Griffin Rock.

As one of the most advanced islands off the
[ Chuckles ]

Griffin Rock? Why would we do that? My city is bigger and better in every way.

I that is Well, Griffin Rock has things, too Things no other city has.

In fact a little secret We have four very special
[ Groans ]

Taffy factories.

Best Taffy in Maine.

Well, if we ever hold a candy championship, we'll be in touch.

[ Gasps ]


Where you going? Uh, hi, Blades.

Just running a few errands on the mainland.

I won't be gone long, so we can probably just keep this to ourselves.

Okay, good talk.


Well, that wasn't weird at all.

Where was Dani going? She wouldn't tell me.

She's acting very strange.

Oh, do you think she's planning a surprise party for me? My Earth birthday is coming up.

Um, yeah.

That must be it.

I better start practicing my surprised expressions.

[ Clears throat ]

Ah! No! Oh!
[ Engine revving, tires screeching ]

I hope you're proud of yourself.

Pretty much all the time, yeah.

I'm talking about the race.

I know that was you.

[ Tires screech, engine revs ]

No other racer I know would upshift on a steep incline when they're running the outside track.

They burn through their fuel too fast, unless, of course, they're a Cybertronian who doesn't care about fuel or keeping a low profile.

Wow, you know your stuff.

Get in.

I don't want anybody to hear this.

I'm sorry.

It's hard just sitting around here with nothing to do.

Everybody else has their thing.

Heatwave fights fires.

Blades flies.

Salvage makes stuff.

The only thing I do better than anybody else is race, and I can only do that on a track.

Blurr, I know how that feels.

Part of the reason I became a pilot was because Kade and Graham weren't.

But you can't race in public.

What if someone saw you without a driver? If only there was someone who could help me with that.


Absolutely not.

[ Sighs ]

Just once.

The second race is tomorrow.

After that, I'll hang up my steering wheel.


Well, you know what I mean.

But what would Heatwave say, or dad? They won't know.

Tell me there's not a part of you that wants to compete with the big boys.

[ Smacks lips ]

Uh One race.

That's it.

But you have to listen to me on strategy, and we have to make sure nobody recognizes you.


I could use a new look.

Only four security robots.

Well, your town is small, isn't it? Well, we only need four because they're more than robots.

- They're
- They're state of the art.

You won't find equipment like this anywhere else but Griffin Rock.

Chief, have the Rescue Bots transform for Bert.

Rescue Bots, vehicle mode.

Hmm, that's fairly impressive.

Still not sure how a bulldozer fits into a rescue team.

And you Burnses do the driving? A real family of heroes.

There's also a pilot for the copter.

Where is Dani? She's, um, taking a cooking class.

Won't be back till right now.

I've been thinking, why don't you Burnses come to our next mainland race, see how we do things in a real city? Let's go, little brother.

My job's 24/7.

Sorry for all that, but if we're going to have people over from the mainland, we can't let them find out you're aliens.

The mayors Luskey are making our charade difficult.

I can't believe Dani skipped this for another cooking class.

Hard to believe it's the same Dani who served a half thawed turkey on Thanksgiving so she could rebuild an engine block.

[ Engines revving ]

Okay, Blurr, nothing fancy.

Just stick to the plan we agreed on.

Don't worry about a thing.

Sit back, relax, and I'll win for us.

[ Beeping ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Chuckles ]

Who needs technique when you're a natural? If you listened to me, we'd be at the front, Mr.


Oh, think you can drive better? Fine, have at it.

[ Tires screeching ]

Blurr! Blurr: Yee
-haw! Blurr, what are you doing? We have to go back.

Back? It's a race, remember? The finish line is forward.

That driver could be hurt.

Either you turn this wheel, or I do.


All right, hang on.

[ Tires screech ]

Look out.

For the record, this is me listening to you.

- Easy.

Are you hurt?
- Uh, I think I'm okay.

- Come on.

- Shh.

Or maybe not because I think I just heard your car talk.

Stay here.

The paramedics are on their way.

[ Engine revs ]

See what your tantrum did? You're lucky that driver wasn't seriously hurt.

I know.

I messed up.

Seems like that's all I do as a racer and as a Rescue Bot.

You just need to learn to work with a partner, and we can start by winning this race together.

That, I can do.

- Nice move.

- Thanks.

But we'll never catch Donatello.

Move out wide when we get to the turn.

Use the high angle, turn sharp, and take the inside edge.

Hey, that worked.

Now, I think it's time to bring out that Energon boost I've been saving.

Better hold on to something.

Energon? Wait, that's cheat Whoo

Huxley: And as the racers reach the final stretch, it looks like Donatello has this race well in hand.

Wait, hold everything.

This race may not be over yet.

- Noble.

- Blurr, slow down.

This is way too much fun.


[ Sonic boom ]

[ Cracking ]

Attention rescue vehicles, secure the stands now.

[ All grunting ]

[ Tires screech ]

Yes, I did it! I beat Donatello.

[ Chuckles ]

You mean we beat him.

[ Gasps ]

Blurr, look.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Move away from the stands in an orderly manner.

Okay, guys.

You can relax now.

Everyone's safe.

Look at this mess.

That hot shot driver's gonna pay for this.

Get in.

What? You.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Chief Burns! Did you know this was your daughter's fault? I didn't, Mayor, but believe me, I'll get to the bottom of this.

My stadium is ruined.

Now we have to hold the qualifier on Griffin Rock.

Looks like you get your way after all, little brother.

Really? Well, keep up the good work, Chief.

Bert, wait.

We're sorry, dad.

I don't blame you for being upset.

Upset doesn't cover it, Dani.

- Blurr, what were you thinking?
- He wasn't.

He nearly blew our cover and ruined our mission.

I was in disguise.

I mean, we'll totally make it up to you.

Oh, don't worry.

I know you will.

Okay, big brother, feast your eyes on this little beauty, huh? It's my latest invention The directional momentum amplifier.

I have fitted my car with a remote control for our demonstration.

[ Beep ]

[ Engine revs, tires screech ]

That is the car driving normally, but watch what happens when I turn on the DMA.

Allow me, Doctor.

It uses the car's own momentum to make the wheels spin faster with no extra fuel burned or wear on the engine.

So the car can go even faster than it was built to.

And all the cars in today's race will have these, uh, DMA doohickies.

Uh, I have to be on the mainland in an hour, but I am happy to show your racers how to use their new tech before I go.

Oh, no need, Doc.

These drivers are pros.

They'll figure it out on the track.

Well, what do you think? I think maybe my little brother finally had a big idea.

[ Scoffs ]

So this is what it's like to be grounded.

Somehow I thought that would mean less flying.

Nope, just no racing.

Oh, yeah.

You think you got it bad? At least you get to watch the race.

I'm stuck here at the fire house.

Excuse me, this is a private channel, so why don't you steal someone else's partner
- and watch the race with them?
- Blades.

Tell me, honestly Was he a better partner than me?
[ Sighs ]

Huxley: It's all come down to this The final race to determine who will take home the coveted triple cup.

[ Engines revving ]

[ Tires screech ]

And they're off.

What do you say we really get this race started?
[ Indistinct conversations ]

Better, but how about we make things even more exciting? Uh, I don't know, Bert.

Usually that red light is is a bad thing.

Oh, you worry too much, little brother.

Come on.

I had my private chef make us some race
-day Sushi.

Uh, dad, something's not right.

Looks like the racers can't keep their cars under control.

That is odd.

Stick close to them in case anything goes wrong.

We'll head out, too.

Cody, stay here and keep us updated on what you see.

Robots, transform.

Let's go, team.

[ Tires screeching ]

Oh, no! Ah!
[ Sirens wailing ]

Rough week, huh? Rest for a sec, then we'll get you to a doctor.

This device looks like it was dangerously speeding up the cars.

But where did it come from? Cody, ask the mayor if he knows anything about enhanced racing technology.

Mayor Luskey?
- Yes?
- What? Our Mayor Luskey.

Sir, is there tech that's making the cars go faster, 'cause it's not safe.


These are the best racers in the world.

They can handle a little speed.

Uh, well, you know Sir, I know how big brothers can be and about wanting to prove yourself to your family.

What? No, no.

That's not why I I mean But right now, your citizens are in danger, and they need your help.

Bert, you may do things differently in your big city.

But here on Griffin Rock, we look out for each other.


Uh, Cody, can I borrow your talkie thingy? Chief, it's the mayor.

I tried to turn off the speed devices on the cars, but it's not working.

Thanks for the effort, mayor.

Looks like it's up to us.

- No way am I gonna
- Dani, get him to the doctor.

Blurr, you were given specific orders to stay at the fire house.

I know, but I'm still a Rescue Bot, and that means not sitting back when people are in trouble.

[ Sighs ]

Listen up, we have three other drivers in danger.

Best bet is we split up, each find a place along the route to try and stop them.

Cody: Dad, Mayor Luskey says the cars won't stop until you remove their tech.

Copy that.

You heard Cody, everybody.

Let's end this race.

Rescue Bots, race to the rescue.

Old Canyon Road intersects the race route around the next turn.

Think a runaway ramp will work? It should slow them down enough to get the tech off their tires.

Determining length, speed squared over 30 times surface resistance, a 57
-degree angle should do it.

Kade, Heatwave, we could use your help.

On our way.

Graham: Attention race drivers, there is a runaway ramp a 1/4 mile ahead of your location.

If you can control your cars, steer onto it.

[ Tires screech ]

[ Grunts ]

One driver safe.

Two more to go.

Chief: Our best bet is to press them in with a pincer move.

And then brake.

Understood? Ah, the pincer move A tried
-true rescue stratagem.

And one even I remember from training.


We saw the last racer get past you.

- It's Donatello.

- I think I can catch him.

But I'll need some help.

Just ignore the curves.

Use the middle of the road like it was a straightaway.

Now what? Might be a good time to drive as fast as you always brag you can.

Turn it now.

[ Grunts ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Hey, we won.

Looks like congratulations are in order for Dani Burns, who has won the race and saved the day.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Not so fast.

This car wasn't registered.

She's disqualified.

- What?
- Aw! Bert, I may not have a big town like you, but I know winners when I see them.

[ Grunts ]

- Whoa.

- Oh! Bert? You, too? All these years, we could have been toupee buddies.

- Good going, Dani.

- Excellent performance.

- What do you know?
- Nice going, sis.

That is so noble.

Nice work.

You almost redeemed yourself.

It is inspiring to see speeding put to good use.

Especially when you get a trophy for it.

Actually, I think this should go to someone who taught me what it means to be a real partner Blades.

Me? You mean it? It's heavier than I thought it would be.

Thanks, Dani, and any time you need to get your race car thing on with Blurr, I understand.

And that's what makes you the best partner.