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04x13 - The More Things Stay the Same

Posted: 04/03/23 05:04
by bunniefuu
( ominous theme playing )
Status report to Optimus Prime.


You may notice that I appear to be very tiny.

Because, in fact, I am.


How to explain Well, the Rescue Bots prepared for their move from the firehouse to the new training center on the mainland.

I didn't realize you were moving moving.

Guess you Bots will be spending most of your time over there from now on.

QUICKSHADOW: Doctor Greene scanned everyone for the security system.

Even the youngest of the group.

Simon says touch your nose.

Wow, CeCe, you learn fast.

Everyone please wait while I perform a security check.

We figured a smart building should have a smart interface.

She controls and monitors the entire training center.

The grand opening was a tremendous success.

( uplifting theme playing )
QUICKSHADOW: And everyone seemed to enjoy the facilities
- Snow crown!
- Ow! Hey! QUICKSHADOW: Which brings me to my predicament.

Blurr built a miniature race track.

Right here.


Minimize us.

QUICKSHADOW: I won, of course.

But after our race, things started going haywire around the center.

Elma, unshrink Blurr and Quickshadow.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

( ominous theme playing )
QUICKSHADOW: And to make matters worse The building's cloaking is failing.

And we can't get out to fix it.

So retract the building.

Go back to hangar mode.

Elma's shut the retractor down.

So that means? The training center will be completely exposed.

People driving by will see it.

And people flying over will see it.

( computer beeping )
I'd best rejoin the others.

Sorry to keep you in suspense, but over and out for now.

A routine patrol With four Bots in stasis Years later awoke In the strangest of places Earth was their home now And in addition Optimus Prime Gave them this mission Learn from the humans Serve and protect Live in their world Earn their respect A family of heroes Will be your allies To others remain Robots in disguise Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Humans in need Heroes indeed Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots With Cody to guide them And show them the way Rescue Bots Will be saving the day Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots Sync an corrections by masaca We're at 80 percent coverage
- and falling.

- DANI: What do I do? Our planes are photographing everything below them.

The training center will be on view for our engineering team.

And the military.

The Bots' cover will be blown.

Dani, you have to stop your test
-flight team from taking off.

I'm only a pilot here, I don't give the orders.

Well, can't you I don't know, break your leg or something? They'll still go without me.

And I'll have a broken leg.

Well yeah.

But it might slow 'em down for a few minutes.

Anything you can do to delay your team's take
-off would help.

We need to buy more time to deal with the hologram.

I'll try my best.

Hey, guys, who's up for another cup of coffee? Graham, how long will it take to fix the training center's disguise? There's no fixing it.

The entire cloaking device, the hardware that actually creates the hologram, is completely fried.

Don't tell me.

There's no backup.

- BOULDER: No, there's a back

- But? It needs to be replaced manually.

Upstairs, near the landing pad.

Then the whole system needs to be re

GRAHAM: Along with the projectors outside.

Which would be an easy five minutes' work if If Elma hadn't locked us in.


Elma is programmed to run diagnostics, right? Can she do one on herself? Good idea.

Maybe she can tell us why she's acting so strange.


Run your self
-diagnostic program and give us the results.

( giggles )

Can't do that.

( sighs )
Um, not to change the subject, but, uh, does nobody care that I'm three inches tall? I mean, that's the problem you should be trying to solve.

I believe that problem extends to both of us.

Yeah, heh, us.

That's what I meant.

Sorry, but your teensy weensy troubles will have to wait.

The failing hologram comes first.

Graham, get the backup device.

I'll find a way up and out to the landing pad.

There is one possibility.

If you climb through the service shaft of the Zoom Tube, and break through this wall, that hallway leads to the landing pad.

As long as you're breaking through things, how about the front door? Mm

Not that easy.

It's a double
-thick Cybertronian alloy, built to withstand pretty much anything.

Although Although what? There's a small panel here that accesses the wires for the entrance intercom system.

Which lead outside to the Palm Projectors! Huh.

What good does that do unless we have somebody who's small enough to Oh.

Oh! We're on it.

( action theme playing )
Hey, hey, wait up! Here's the replacement device.

Once you've removed the old one, line up these electrodes with the pins on the bracket.

- Got it.

- I got it.

I got it.



Um Maybe Cody should have it.

We'll head up.

Graham, Boulder, see if you can figure out what's wrong with Elma.

( Servo beeps )
BOULDER: Not right now, Servo.

We'll find something for you to do soon.

Wonder if they're having any luck with the GroundBridge at the firehouse.

( GroundBridge crackling )

Maybe if I try this.

Okay then.


Is this not the very definition of insanity? Figuratively speaking.

( phone ringing )
Griffin Rock Emergency.

Be right there.

Busy out there.

Traffic light out and a power line down.

Blades, we'll need your help.

Thank goodness.

Not that watching Salvage is boring or anything, but it is.

Something has to work.

I'll keep trying.

( action theme playing )

( engine revving )
QUICKSHADOW: This isn't a rematch.

We're on a mission.

BLURR: Why not have some fun on the way? Wait, stop! If this is another of your tricks No, listen.

You hear that?
( whirring )
What's it doing? What it's programmed to do.

Vacuum us away.

Split up! Hey! Over here, ya big vacu Bully! Ha
-ha! Gotcha! Whoa! Follow me! If we go, we'll go down fighting! So we're giving up on escaping? Fine.

( beeps )

( powering down )

( growls )
Oh, way to go, tool chest.

Thank you, Servo.

You truly are a Bot's best friend.

( beeps )
Two things.

Being this size is officially annoying.

And I'm utterly turned around.


Which way to the front door?
( beeps )
That's weird.

I opened the "smart house" programming to see if there's any clue to Elma's behavior, but it looks like some files are either empty or missing.

Maybe they've been moved to other locations.

I'll take a look.

( grunts )
Huh, too narrow for a Bot.

But not for a human.

I can't let you risk it.


I'm a fireman, remember? And what do firemen do? Um, put out f Yeah, yeah, that too.

We also climb.

Give me the doo

( grunting )
Be careful.

Ah, this is easy.

Found you!
( screams )

( screaming )

( suspenseful theme playing )
Whoa! Is the device okay? I'm fine, thanks.



What happened? Elma popped out of nowhere.

Right in front of me.

She's not a ghost, you know.

I know that.

I wasn't scared.

Just surprised.

I can try again, but You have to.

There's no other way up there.

Everything's locked up shut.

Not everything.

See? We never asked Elma to close the boat dock.

It's still open.

What good will that do? It just leads out to the ocean.


Nice thinking, Cody.

( horn honking )
I see you have found a loophole in the law.

Chief, request permission to pursue.

Sure, go ahead, Chase.

( siren wailing )

( horns honking )

Doesn't Graham usually do this? Are you sure that goes there? I'm sorry, am I not helping? CODY: Blades? Are you there? We could use your help.

Heatwave needs a ride.

How long will it take you to fly to the mainland? Fly? To the mainland? Alone? Uh, Chief really needs me here.

( crackling )
That does not look right.

Blades, why don't you go help Cody? I think we've got things here after all.


But call if you miss my witty commentary.

( ominous theme playing )
Cody, I've stalled as long as I can.

We just got final call for take

How long till you fly over the training center? Not very.

How's it going there? Still working on it.

Hey, Dani, it's not too late to try the broken leg thing.

( groans )
Thanks, Dani.

Let us know when you're close.

( phone beeps )
Text from Graham.

The hologram's down to 50 percent.

Ah, doesn't give us much time.

If we can't fix it
- by the time they fly over
- Found you!
- Ahh!
- Ha.

See? What is this, hide and seek?
( rumbling and whirring )

( ominous theme playing )
Inside! Now! Eww.

What the? Ahh! I'm stuck!
( Servo beeping )

( sniffs )
This is it.

Servo, can you open it?
( beeps )
Uh, after you.

Ever the gentleman, aren't we?
( action theme playing )

- QUICKSHADOW: Watch it.

- BLURR: Sorry.

( grunting )
Hey, no fair.

Ah! Cody, can't talk long.

We'll be flying over the training center in about ten minutes!
( grunting )
Let's hit the water and get out of this funhouse.

Found you again! Hang on!
( suspenseful theme playing )
Hang on!
( grunting )

( uplifting theme playing )
BLADES: Hey! I think that's Dani! Hey, guys Blades, we're on our way out of the tunnel.

How far from shore are you? Just a few minutes.

Make it one minute! All right, all right.

Hey, did you know that
- Dani's flying right over our
- Yes! Whoa.

Heh, that's pretty high.

Uh, how do you think we should Ahh! Stop doing that! You go left, I'll go right.

( action theme playing )
QUICKSHADOW: The other left! Graham.

We're in place and awaiting your go.

Great job.

I'll let you know when the new device is in place.

It better be soon.

We're down to 30 percent coverage.

Heatwave, what's your status? Almost there.

( action theme playing )
There he is.

Never tried this before.

Might be a little tricky.

What do you mean, "tricky?" Hold on to your lunch, tricky.

( grunting )
Noble! So not.

Boulder, where does this thing go? There's a metal box attached to the wall near the doorway.

There are four screws in each corner, that you remove one by one.

( grunts )
That'll work too.


( crashing )

( crackling )

( Kade grunts )
Device in place.

( machine whirring )
And rebooted.

Blurr, Quickshadow, restart the projectors.

( grunting )
Having a spot of trouble.

Perhaps if I get a running start.

Or even better, a turbo start.

( beeps )

( beeps )

( triumphant theme playing )

( sighs )
Hi, Dani! She can't see you.

I know.

But I think she heard me.

Thanks, partner.

Hey! Watch where you're landing.

Sorry about that.


Open the doors.


You didn't ask right.


Sorry, guys.

We still can't figure out what's going on with Elma.

We think her personality files got corrupted somehow.

Wait a minute.

Graham, didn't this trouble start when you uploaded CeCe's scan? GRAHAM: Yes, but that shouldn't matter.

CeCe's file went into the security system, not Elma's programming.

CODY: Are you sure? I can check, but why? Because I think I just figured this whole thing out.

Elma? Simon Says, open the front doors.

( giggles )

- Wh How did you?
- Heatwave was right.

Elma was playing hide and seek with us.

Or at least, CeCe was.

Cody, that's it! Doc mislabeled the extension of CeCe's original file.

I thought we'd fixed it, but it uploaded to Elma's programming instead of the security system.

So CeCe's personality profile took over.

She was running the place.

She just thought she was playing.

- So all we had to do was say
- Simon Says.

Hey! Tell her to turn on the Maximizer.


Okay, I get it.

Simon Says tell her to turn on the Maximizer now.

I guess we have to.

On the other hand I know a dresser drawer he'd fit into nicely.

Very cozy, out of the way.


Very funny.


You are joking, right?
( Salvage groans )

It's working.

I think this is yours.

Are we glad to see you.


While you were away, we fixed a traffic light, stopped a speeder, and helped a wounded pigeon.

Don't forget the downed power line.

While the training center is important, it is imperative to remember our team's first priority, to serve and protect the people of this island.

( GroundBridge crackling )
You're right.

This is our home.

Good to be reminded of that every once in a while.

What do you say, Cody? Give me a hand putting this back?
( soft theme playing )