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04x11 - Part Time Heroes

Posted: 04/03/23 05:02
by bunniefuu

- Ready, set, brash!
- Kick! Blades: Welcome back, sports fans.

If you're just joining us, the Griffin Rock brashball team is wiping the floor with themselves in a practice scrimmage leading up to the inner county championship playoffs.

- Why are you talking into your hand?
- Didn't you know? That's how all great sportscasters start out.

- That's right.

- Whoo
-hoo! Yeah, Kade! Whoo
-hoo! All right! Whoa!


- Whoa! Careful, Jerry!
- Sorry, Frankie.

Running late.

Maybe you should take off the moose head? No time! Got deliveries to make!
[Tires screech]

This year, with Kade Burns having a career
-high season, things look promising for the Griffin Rock Moose.


-Meese? Hey, Frankie.

What's the plural of moose?

Automated female voice: Moose is both singular and plural.

One moose, two moose, three moose.


Your new phone is awesome.

But wrong.

It's meeses, I'm sure.

Sorry, you are incorrect.


Isn't it great? I got it with all the money
- I saved up from my babysitting jobs.

- Cool.

- And there he is.

- There he is.

- Way to go.

- Great job, Kade.

Ah, thank you.

Ah, thank you.

All right, guys, let's head home.

Practice like that calls for victory donuts.

Be our mascot, Jerry.

It'll be fun, Jerry.

Fun? It's like doing gymnastics wearing a couch.

What in the hick
-fire? Uhh! Whoa!
[Brakes screeching]

[Loud crash]



Aah! I
-I'm friendly.





Not that friendly.

[Growls, snorts]




Aah! A routine patrol with four bots in stasis
[title music]

years later, awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the Humans, serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others, remain robots in disguise
- # Rescue Bots #
- # roll to the rescue #
- # humans in need #
- # heroes, indeed #
- # Rescue Bots #
- # roll to the rescue # Rescue Bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue Bots will be saving the day
- # Rescue Bots #
- # roll to the rescue # Rescue Bots


[Tires screech]


Hang on everybody.

I'll grab him.

[Moose call]


Blades, we're gonna need some help.

Blades? Dani? How about meese, you know, like geese.

Even that would make sense.

Can we stop talking about this now?

Coms must be broken.


Yeah, so is this hunk of junk.

It's not the coms or your phone.


[Electricity crackling]

The tower is malfunctioning.

Cody, grab the safety flare from my emergency kit.

See if you can get Blades' attention.

[Flares whistling]

What are you doin'? Save me! Aah! Let's try this.


That usually works.

All right, then.


- Uhh! Ah!
- Oh!


What's going on? We saw your emergency flare.

And all the meeses.

That is incorrect.

We needed to get your attention.

The coms weren't working, so Phone networks are down, too, all over the island.

That's okay.

I'm more of a texter.

Who calls anyone anymore, right? That com tower's been acting up since the last big storm.

- Must've finally given out.

- Can it be fixed? Why don't we call Doc and ask him?



Phone's out.

- Why don't we drive up to Doc's?
- One question first.

Why is there a moose driving Jerry's truck? Doc: I've been trying to get this tower replaced since before Frankie was born.

And there's nothing you can do to fix it? I'm trying, but the technology is out of date.

The tower itself is on its last legs.


And I am out of duct tape.

Why doesn't the town just buy a new tower? I mean, really, with all the tech work we do in Griffin Rock? You think it would be a priority.

The town has to have communications.

Even Mayor Luskey must get that.

Ah, you're right, my little Marconi.

I'll call the mayor at once and set up a meeting.


Oh, right.

Phone's out.


Well, I can't be responsible for everything in the city.

Actually, mayor, I believe that is an accurate job description.

According to the balance sheets, there was money set aside for a tower, and it's been spent.

- Oh.

So you did buy a new tower?
- Um, no.

- But the tower money's been spent.

- Um, yes.


But not on the tower.


Communications really have fallen apart.

Um, on the mayor's orders the tower money in fact, all the city's savings, were recently used for something called Yeah, the, uh, uh, um stadium fund.

- What stadium?
- Why, only the biggest new brashball stadium in North America.

Citizens of Griffin Rock, I give you the inflatable, unflappable insta
-adium! Bought online at clearance.

And you're just in time to see us breathe it to life!

Ay, ay, let's see.

Uh, press A and C while holding D.

[Air hissing]

Dani: That's what you spent our money on? It's an investment in our city's future.

Why, with a new stadium, Griffin Rock may be able to lure the brashball big bowl.

- The league championship here?
- That would be so noble.

Noble, indeed! Along with the game come tourists who eat in our restaurants, stay in our hotels, and make us back the tower money in no time.


Mayor, is it too late to return this insta
-adium? Return it? Oh, no, no, no, no.

The brashball big bowl board is coming to Griffin Rock for our next game to inspect the stadium and consider our town as host.

Mayor, everything I've learned in engineering warns against inflatable structures.

No one in the country has mastered them.

Well, this isn't from our country.

It's from it, uh, er, uh I don't know how to pronounce it, but I'm sure it's safe.

[Hissing and stretching]


Nothing to worry about.

If we inflate it, they will come.

But what do we do to communicate until then? Use carrier pigeons? Maybe Salvage can rig something together, at least get the tower working temporarily.

I'll call him on the mainland.


Oh, r

All: Phone's out.



You want an argon beam coagulator? I can find parts to build one for you in 15 minutes.

But this is a little trickier.


Give that a try.

[Cellphone rings, beeps]

This is the chief.

[Static crackling]

Hello, chief.

It's Doc.

I'm standing right next to you.

- What?
- I said I'm Sorry, Doc.

You're breaking up.


Cody: That's not the only thing breaking up.

[Electricity crackling and buzzing]

Look out!
[Boulder grunts]

[metal clanks]

- Cody: Phew.

- Doc: Good work!
- Graham: Thanks, Boulder.

Ah, sorry about that, guys.

That wasn't even the piece I fixed.

It's all right, Salvage.

Whatever you did worked.

See? I have bars.

Should for a while.

Not sure how long though.

That's it.

We need a new tower immediately.

But if the mayor spent the funds,
- where do we get the money?
- I think I know.

Family meeting.

The same way Frankie started babysitting to earn her new holophone, we can raise money by getting part
-time jobs.

- Wait, on top of being rescuers?
- Since it is a civic concern, perhaps all Griffin Rock citizens would want to contribute.

Until they find out that Luskey already spent the city's savings.

At Cody's school, they have bake sales to raise money.

That's a great idea.

I can make my famous cookies.

By my calculations, you would have to sell 287,112.

5 cookies to purchase the new communications equipment.

- That's a lot of olives.

- Olives? Well, yeah.

My secret ingredient.

That explains a lot.

Look, my school needs a part
-time crossing guard.

Griffin Rock taxi needs drivers.

And I can get a job delivering papers.

Hmm, private landscaper wanted.

You're right! This could be fun.

As long as it doesn't interfere with rescues, maybe taking side jobs isn't such a bad idea.

Boulder: Oops.

Pulling weeds is not landscaping and not really my thing.


Huh? Sorry, Boulder.

[Newspaper thuds]

[Rings doorbell]

- Aah!
- Sorry, Graham!
[Newspaper thuds]

- No!
- I'm telling!
[Shouting indistinctly]

Kids! Kids!
[Shouting continues]

Hi, I'm the new tutor.

- What?
- I'm here to teach your kids.

Didn't you say they were having trouble with their math? No, with their bath! You're the new nanny! Wait! No! I don't I don't know how Be back in an hour! M
-Math anyone?
[1970s sitcom music playing]

[Chase revs]

So I says, "here you is, Mac.

" And he says, "who you callin' 'Mac,' Mac?" And then the big palooka stiffs me on a tip.

- Fascinating jargon.

- Okay, mister, uh Chase.

Your application looks good.

You're hired.

- You own your own car?
- In a manner of speaking, yes.

- No!
- I'm telling.

- You can't do that to me.

Welcome to Mary's birthday party.

[Horn honks]


At least one of us gets to keep his dignity.





And now with our traffic report, the newest members of our news team, Dani Burns and Blades.

Thanks, Huxley.

Traffic looks light downtown.

Have a nice commute.

Back to you in the But uh

What? What is it, Blades? Looks like Mrs.

Rubio is heading to the store, and we know how she drives.

[Horns honking]

Am I right?


It's funny because it's true.

Throwing it back to you, H

- H
- It's good television.

All that practice talking into my hand has finally paid off.

Something's smoking.

Let's check it out.

[Chase revs]

Where to, Mac?

[1970s cop show music playing]

[siren wailing]

[Tires squeal]

[Brakes screech]

[Rings doorbell]


Hi, chief.

Is there a problem? No, sir.

Just delivering your large pepperoni pizza.

Dani: Hey, team.

We have a small fire in a dumpster behind a diner.

On my way.

- My pizza?
- Right.


But, um, your money? Got it, Dani.

See you in five.

Boy: Gotcha!
- Aw!
- No fair!
[Mister pettypaws yowls and hisses]

Chase: 10

On my way.

Seatbelt, Mac.


[Siren wailing]

[Brakes squeal]

- What's wrong, dude?
- Ah, used it all at the party.

[Sirens wail]

Chase: No tip? Thank you for nothing, you big palooka.


Uh, Chase, you might wanna work on your people skills.

[Coins rattle]

Graham: Okay, at this rate, we'll be able to buy that new tower in 10 years and 4 months.

[All groan]

Not a great first day, but that doesn't mean we should give up.

Right, Cody?

- He had a long day, poor kid.

- And he just got a second job.

He's taking over for Jerry as the moose mascot.

Oh, that reminds me.

The big brashball game is tomorrow.

- I'll have to leave the new job early.

- I'm not doing the clown.

Actually, the mayor has asked that we all be at the game.

In stealth mode, of course, what with the out
-town officials.

I will inform my taxi dispatcher that I must take time off my shift.

He will not be pleased.


Cross with caution.

Cross with caution.

You could walk faster, though.

Come on.


Cross with caution!
[Sighs deeply]

Not much going on this morning, Huxley.

Blades: We got cars driving up one side and wait.


More coming down the other way.

Pretty exciting.

My advice? Don't drive with the head on.


Sharma: Yes! That's right! The whole family is coming.

- So we'll need to
- No cell phones, please.

- It is hard to focus on the road.

- What, what? No, no.

That's just the silly driver.

Anyway I will write you a citation for distracting conduct.

Yeah, buddy.

That's not even a thing.


Look it! You're not going the right way! Hands off my wheel, bub.

Give it.

Ah, give it.

Give it!
[Tires screeching]

- Salvage: Look out!
- Boulder: Whoa! Yeah, hi, I'm doing all the work.

You're just standing there.

Blocking traffic.

That's the job.

Hey! Look it! Hey, watch where you are going!
- Chase: Please, sir, I
- Look out!
[Crash, garbage cans clatter]

Blades: Update you might wanna avoid the corner of Franklin and Front streets.

That's one way to empty them.

- Are you okay, Mr.

- This is the worst taxi ever! And you, bub, are not much of a fare.

You had one job.

One job! Watch for cars.

Why weren't you watching for pedestrians? All right.

All right.

It's time to face facts.

We just can't do these jobs and our rescue work.

- Dani: Yeah.

- Heatwave: True.

- Chase: I concur.

- Right, dad.

- That's what I was thinking.

- Duh.

We'll have to think of a new way to fund that tower.

But for now, we have a game to get to.

Go moose! Go moose! Shake your caboose!
[Crowd cheering]

No more excuse es.

Let's go, mooses!


Hey, bro.

You there? Um yeah.

I must've left my cleats at home.

Do me a fave.

Pick them up, bring them to the stadium for me.

And leave these kids? Absolutely!
[Crowd cheering]


Welcome to Griffin Rock!
- I know you'll enjoy every moment.

- We'll see.

Kade! Thanks, bud.

You saved the day.

What'd he forget this time?
- His cleats.

- Wait, cleats? Yeah, you know, sports shoes with little spikes.

- Spikes?!
- Oh, no.

[Horn blows]

Man: Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose!

- Kade, the shoes!
- The stadium, it'll pop!


[Loud pop, air hissing]


Everybody, take off your shoes!

[Chuckles nervously]

Uh, nothing to worry about.

[Air continues hissing]

Just a minor Why isn't this thing ugh! Oh!
[Sirens wail]


- Dani, what's going on?
- The stadium's taking on water.

Blade: It's starting to sink.

- Graham, Kade, is Cody with you?
- We have him, dad.

But it's getting a little squishy down here.

Dani: Please head quickly but orderly to the exits.

[All screaming]

Tell them to follow me.

Ladies and gentlemen, attention! Follow the moose! He will lead you to an exit.

Follow the moose!
[Screaming continues]

- The stadium!
- Follow me.

One, two, three.

[Rescue Bots groan]

That's everybody.

You're lucky I don't expel you from the entire league after that little catastrophe.

[Tires screech]

I'll call you! Eh, well, once we fix our phones.

- Maybe now you can get that refund.

- Discount sale.

No refunds.

I'll call High Tide to come clean up.

He'll love this story.

I I'm sorry.

- I
- I
- I really thought this would work.

Now we have no stadium and no tower.

We tried our best, but we can't do our rescue work and hold down part
-time jobs.

That's why you all took on extra work? To help raise money for the town?

How very generous.

Well, here's what I owe you for the pizza, and let's just call this a tip.

I am happy to make an offering if you promise you will never work as a taxi again.

Gladly, you big palooka.

- Man: Do you take credit card?
- Man: All right, here you go.

- All right, here you go.

- Here you go.

I guess this means I go back to talking into my hand.

We can still do our traffic reports, even if it's just for us.

Mayor Luskey, can you hear me? Hello? Eh hello? Hello?! Oh, don't tell me this thing doesn't Oh.




Um, hello?