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04x09 - Mayor May Not

Posted: 04/03/23 05:00
by bunniefuu
It's election time again! Yes, folks, Mayor Luskey's seventh term of office is coming to an end, which means his campaign for re
-election is in full swing.

You know, a new mayor might do this town some good.

Huh! Don't hold your breath.

Luskey's a one
-man political machine.

Nobody ever runs against him.

Why does he even bother to still campaign? He wants to assure a landslide.

LUSKEY ( over PA )
: Eh, is this on? And he likes the attention.

Remember, a vote for me is a vote for a man of integrity.

An open book with nothing to hide! ( grunting )
Sometimes I wonder how he stays in office.

People in Griffin Rock have short memories.

You kinda have to, to live here.

You gotta admit, his campaigns are sorta fun.

He always has some crazy stunt planned.

Now I know I promised you all lunch, and you ask "Where is it?" Well, don't look now, but look! I'm having it delivered! ( cheering )
This stunt has disaster written all over it.

( wind whooshing )
( screaming )
LUSKEY: Oh, my! A routine patrol With four Bots in stasis Years later awoke In the strangest of places Earth was their home now And in addition Optimus Prime Gave them this mission Learn from the humans Serve and protect Live in their world Earn their respect A family of heroes Will be your allies To others remain Robots in disguise Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Humans in need Heroes indeed Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots With Cody to guide them And show them the way Rescue Bots Will be saving the day Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots ( screaming )
Dani! What do I do? We have to get above him.

( Luskey stammering wildly )
Nothing to worry about, folks.

It's all under control.

Who likes pepperoni? That's it! I'm calling for an emergency town meeting right now! Wonderful idea.

I'll gladly preside! We have Chief Burns for that.

You are not invited.

( crowd agreeing )
But I
-I'm mayor! You cannot not invite me.

Actually sir, according to the City Charter, they can cannot.

I may be a while.

Save me some dinner.

Anything but pizza.

( people complaining )
Now hold it, folks.

You'll all get your chance.

One at a time.

We've had it up to here with Luskey and his shenanigans! He's reckless and self
-serving! I assure you, Mayor Luskey only wants the best for our town.

Think of his accomplishments.

More like problems! Nonsense.

What problems? Let's go to tape.

Give me that! Oh.

Those problems.

( people talking indistinctly )
The public has spoken, folks.

Surely there's a candidate out there with an unflagging sense of civic duty, a no
-nonsense approach to law enforcement, Chase! Yes? ( laughing )
What's so funny? We're citizens of this town.

Why shouldn't we be taken seriously? I agree.

What are we talking about? You, running for mayor! Frankie and I can be your campaign managers! Chase for mayor? It does have a rather satisfying ring to it.

And it could be a good way to learn more about the human political process in general.

But maybe we should help write your speeches.

I am not fond of public speaking.

Especially in front of others.

And I have my duties as a Rescue Bot.


I could not seek public office without Chief's approval.

I'm all for it.

You could still handle your other duties.

Being mayor here doesn't have to be a full
-time job.


Mayor Luskey sure proved that.

Vacation much? Come on, Chase.

What do you say? I accept your nomination.

( cheering )
BOULDER ( over PA )
: Vote for Chase! Good for Griffin Rock, good for America! Bot's not to like? Vote for Chase! ( laughs )
What a joke! As if a bot could be mayor.

How would he host dinners? Or
-or talk to the mainland? Actually, I handle all your calls to the mainland, sir.

Well, I eat my own dinners.

Frankly, I'm all for Chase running.

A bot in the race will keep out any serious rivals.

( phone rings )
Hello? It's the fire truck bot, sir.

Chase wants to, uh, debate you.

Tell him, bring it on! Nobody argues like H.


Luskey! So, I think it's pretty clear from my record and experience that I know a thing or two about Griffin Rock.

Candidate Chase? Your response? I Um I ( Chase stuttering )
My speech Forget the speech.

Just say what's in your spark.

The mayor claims to know a thing or two about Griffin Rock.

Then I suppose you know that it yields the highest Maine island blueberry crop per capita, has an anthem written for musical saw, and stands on a bedrock of lava.

( impressed murmurs )
Uh Well I don't know about lava, but I know I lava being mayor! ( Luskey chuckling )
Is this on? Let's go to the questions from our crowd.

For Mayor Luskey, "What is your stand on Bond Issue 7
-A on the upcoming ballot?" My, my My stand? Ah, well, uh, I I, uh.

Psst! What is Bond Issue 7
-A? CHASE: Perhaps I can be of assistance.

Bond Issue 7
-A would provide for upgrades in the town's infrastructure.

It would, however, also raise property taxes by one percent over the next decade, amounting to pennies a year for the average citizen.

I believe the benefits far outweigh the costs and am therefore all for it.

( agreeing murmurs )
Noble! Crushed it! Mr.

Mayor, your response? My, my response? My This is a farce! That's my response! An alien bot is in no way qualified to be mayor! The election code requires only that a candidate be a citizen in good standing, and a resident of Griffin Rock for three years.

As I believe I am.

( crowd cheers )
What do you think of my minimolecular collider, CeCe? Once it's running, this device will provide valuable data that will advance molecular physics.

( blows raspberry )
( sighs )
: Everyone's a critic! The polls are looking great! CHASE I should hope so given that this is a firehouse and I do polish them on a regular basis.

No, these kind of polls.

They show how many people plan on voting for you.

Now you have to really get out there.

Knock on doors, shake hands, and campaign in earnest! And Ernest has agreed to this? What? Huh? Polls, shmoles! All my campaign needs is a big dose of a little Luskey
-style pizzazz! Hey, what's Luskey doing with that bull? It's supposed to be crushing trash at the dump.

We'd better call Dad before this whole town gets trashed.

( mellow country theme playing )
LUSKEY: Vote for me, the no
-bull candidate! I've got the bull by the horn.

( laughs )

Get it? ( snorts, bellows )
Wait! No! Stop! Bad Toro! Heel! ( frightened cry )
( suspenseful theme playing )
( country theme playing )
( people screaming )
( Luskey screams )
Do I have your vote? ( screams )
I can't tell if you're nodding or not.

( screams )
Help! ( mellow theme playing )
Now that I have shaken hands, do you have any babies you would like kissed? BURNS ( over radio )
: Listen up, team.

We have a 415 in progress.

Mechanical bull running wild.

It's already trashed the bank.

( people screaming )
( country theme playing )
Somebody call 911! No need, Citizen.

I am 911.

( screams )
( cheering )
HUXLEY: And with 94 percent of the precincts reporting, we can now predict that Griffin Rock's mayor will be Chase the Rescue Bot! ( stuttering )
: Wha What? Alper! Yes! Woo
-hoo! He won! He won? They like you! They really, really like you! GRAHAM: Way to go, Chase! KADE: Finally, no more Luskey! I knew you could do it! Nicely done, partner.

And now comes the hard part The job.

To prepare, I have studied the writings of Earth's politicians from the past 2,170 years.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Chase, you've made your point.

The town will see bots as equals.

But you can't actually take office.

Your mission is to protect humans.

A mission I believe will be enhanced by being mayor.

( groans )
Ahem, repeat after me: "I," then state your name.

I, then state your name.

No, heh, heh.

Your name.



And your name, Alper.

No! Ugh.

I mean Ugh.

Congratulations, you are now mayor of Griffin Rock.

( crowd cheers )
CROWD ( chanting )
: Speech! Speech! Speech! Rather than speak words, I would prefer to perform deeds.

( crowd cheers )
ALPER: Here are the budgets from the past 15 years, as requested, Mr.

May Er, why are the lights off? After examining our spending, I have determined that City Hall's electric bill is far too high.

From now on, we work in the dark.

Also, we seem to be spending quite a bit of money on keys.

Well Mayor Luskey always lost his.

So he made extras and hid them.


There is far too much waste.

For example If we used two staples instead of three, we would save over seven dollars a year! I have also reviewed our zoning laws, and there is a problem regarding Doctor Greene's lab.

Sir, if I may, there's a lot more to being mayor than just knowing every law and expenditure.

You need to meet with citizens, make nice with business leaders.

You know, help them cut through the red tape? Ah, I understand.

Please bring me all the red tape in the supply closet.

And some scissors.

No, I mean ( sighs )
: Yes, sir.

I wonder how Chase is doing in his first day in office.

Ask him yourself, he's on Line 1.

Chief, it has come to my attention that there are several zoning infractions and long
-unenforced laws that need addressing.

Oh? Such as? Such as Ordinance 519: No dog walking on alternate Fridays.

( chuckles )
: That law's a throwback to before we had a dog park, and The law is the law.

Your ancient Roman politician Marcus Aurelius believed that without laws, we have no civilization.

Well, I don't think he owned any dogs, and besides Then there's the matter of garage sales, which require a seller's permit to operate.

I need you to shut down any that do not comply.

Look, Chase Ahem ( groans )
: Mayor Chase.

I know you mean well, but some folks rely on those garage sales to make ends meet.

And besides, the Rescue can't spend time on these kinds of small matters.

When it comes to the law, there are no small matters.

( disconnect tone )
( screams )

Mayor, you startled me! Did you sleep here? I do not require sleep.

Lucky me.

I spoke to Doc Greene.

He says he has the lab permit you asked for.

He's just picking it up at the Hall of Inspiration.



In the meantime He cannot be allowed to run a research facility in a residential area.

Please shut down the lab temporarily until he produces the permit.

( sighs )
( humming )
( alarms blaring )
What on Jupiter's moons? As promised, folks, an exclusive interview with new Mayor Chase.

But first, you had a statement? Yes, I have been studying traffic patterns and I intend to implement a few changes for the public good.

First of all, statistics indicate most automotive accidents occur on two
-way streets.

Thus, all streets will now be one

( all gasp )
Okay, but, uh, wouldn't that And the speed limit will now be 10 miles per hour everywhere, at all times, except for rescue vehicles en route to an emergency.

( sighs )
: I think we created a monster.

( honking )
This is all the mayor's fault.

Huh! You think this is bad? He shut down my garage sale.

Now I gotta bring all this stuff to the dump! Ugh! This no dog walking rule is preposterous! How is Cupcake supposed to hold it this long? After only 24 hours in office, the honeymoon is apparently over for our new mayor.

When asked to comment, Mayor Chase said: I was elected to do a job, not win a popularity contest.

Actually, that's kind of what an election is.

BURNS ( over PA )
: Emergency, Team.

There's a billboard about to fall off the roof on South Cherry.

Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue! ( dramatic theme playing )
Chief to Chase.

Will your honor be joining us for the rescue? The mayor extends his apologies, but he has a Council meeting, as well as some business regarding Doc Greene to attend to.

( drivers yelling )
MALE DRIVER: What are you doing? Attention, folks, let's keep traffic moving! How are we supposed to do that with a 10 mile
-hour speed limit? Fair question.

Argh Bad enough he's a no

But Chase's laws are keeping us from doing our jobs! Come on! ( honking and yelling )
Stand back! ( dramatic theme playing )
Blades! Are you close? Right here! DANI ( over PA )
: Sorry, guys.

Had to pick up some hikers on Mt.


Apparently the mayor revoked their permits and they couldn't come down.

BLADES: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm starting to miss Luskey.

HEATWAVE: There it is, the office of our esteemed mayor.

( police siren wailing )
CHASE ( over PA )
: This is the police.

Pull over! Chase, what's this all about? You are in violation of Traffic Code 12: excessive speeding.

But rescue vehicles get an exception.

Don't you listen to your own speeches? That exception is only when going to a rescue, not when returning from one.

I am sorry, but I am only following orders from the mayor.

But you are the mayor! At this moment, I am acting in my capacity as a police vehicle.

But if you would care to meet with me as mayor, I can have my assistant make the arrangements.

For your convenience, you may pay the fine at city hall, by mail, or on

Have an acceptable day.

( tires squeal )

My micro super
-collider! I left it on at the lab! Okay, Doc, but why don't you just I'm locked out! Apparently, Mayor Chase activated the remote security shutdown while I was at the Hall of Inspiration! Chase, why would you possibly Doctor Greene was unable to produce the proper permit for Now you've gone too far.

Being in charge is more than enforcing rules without considering who's affected or what might happen! I'm afraid what might happen just did.

My molecular collider is in the red zone.

Its electrons are bonding in highly unstable ways.

English? It's bad.

If I don't get back into my lab immediately, the resulting fusion could cause an expl*si*n large enough to destroy the island! Pretty sure that's against some laws.

I was, and am, simply attempting to do my duty as mayor.

What about your duty as a Rescue Bot? Doc needs our help to get into the lab and shut down his gizmo.

Are you in? Come on, we'll do it without him.

No! This is my responsibility.

I turned the security system on.

I can turn it back off.

I cannot turn it back off.

What? Oh, my.

The key needed for that is missing.

You told me not to order any copies! And who knows where Mayor Luskey put his.

Cody, I need you to track down our former mayor.

I'll explain later.

I'm headed to Doc's now.

CHASE: You mean we are headed to Doc's.


Alper, cancel my meetings.

I have a rescue to attend.

Welcome back, partner.

( dramatic theme playing )
( Heatwave grunts )
Max titanium alloy.

Not a dent.

Oh, dear! It's happening! Fusion has begun! ( slurping )
Mayor, please! Put down the prune juice! Griffin Rock needs you! Didn't need me on election day, did they? They do now.

Your security override key is the only thing that can protect the island! The key? Well why didn't you say so? Mayor or not, Griffin Rock is my town! Let's go save it! COMPUTER: Twenty seconds.

Nineteen Eighteen It's too late.

FRANKIE: No, it's not! ( country theme playing )
The bull? Again? Now with blue sunglasses.

See? I learn from my mistakes.

( dramatic theme playing )
Which is why, as mayor, I hid these all over town.

Heh, heh.

COMPUTER: Ten Nine Eight Four Three Two ( machine stops )
( sighs )
( cheering )
Finally! ( victorious theme playing )
You okay, Chase? Being mayor is more complicated than I had thought.

Speaking from my spark I almost regret having been elected.

Well, you could always step down.

But I have my civic duty! Traffic jams everywhere, angry citizens, teammates who need you At this point, I'd say stepping down is your civic duty.

It is with great regret that I announce the end of my mayoral career.

I am now resigning ( cheering )
Thank you, but my mind is made up.

As per city charter, my replacement is the election's runner
-up, the former, and about
-again mayor, Mayor Luskey.

I am glad to hear you have learned from your mistakes.

And yours.

Cue the fireworks! ( cheering and screaming )
Please panic in an orderly fashion! ( dramatic theme playing )