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04x07 - Ghost in the Machine

Posted: 04/03/23 04:58
by bunniefuu
( upbeat theme playing )
BLADES: I can't believe it! Earliween is finally here! I've always wondered, why is it Halloween everywhere else, and arliween' on Griffin Rock? Well, people here thought it was too bad that kids got dressed up for Halloween night, but nobody could see their costumes.

Ah, yes.

Because of the darkness.

KADE: Uh, no, Chase.

Because it's so cold here in October, everybody has to wear boots and parkas.

Which is fine, if you're going as an Arctic explorer.

But not so great for a ballerina costume.


I remember that year.

( Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker" plays )
So, we celebrate Halloween early, when it's still warm.

No snow, no coats, no problem.

Well, a few problems.

Warm means more people on the streets, more emergency calls, and more pranks.

Like the time somebody put Robo
-Baby on top of the flagpole.

Yeah! I remember that year, too.

Gotta go.

Late for school.

Earliween! Woo
-hoo! I suspect most students will be too excited to pay attention today.

Sorry, did you say something? I was thinking about Earliween.

( sighs )
Why do I bother? Isn't it great? We finally get to be a part of it! And wear costumes oh, and trick
-treat! We don't need costumes.

We're robots.

Kids dress up like us! QUICKSHADOW ( over comm)
: Rescue Team.

Come in.

Quickshadow? Where are you? We can barely hear you.

Griffin Rock.

But I can't speak up at the moment.

I'm in a bit of a spot.

It appears two humans are trying to, well, steal me.

- What?
- Really?
- Are you serious?
- No way.

I thought humans were friendly here.

And that they knew we were Are you there? Sorry.

Can't talk any more.

Quickshadow? ( boy laughs )
Bagged it, bro! ( dramatic theme swells )
A routine patrol With four Bots in stasis Years later awoke In the strangest of places Earth was their home now And in addition Optimus Prime Gave them this mission Learn from the humans Serve and protect Live in their world Earn their respect A family of heroes Will be your allies To others remain Robots in disguise Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Humans in need Heroes indeed Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots With Cody to guide them And show them the way Rescue Bots Will be saving the day Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots We'll hook up the crate and book it outta here.

Hate to ruin a good book, but ( dramatic theme playing )
HEATWAVE: Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue! ( sirens wailing )
CHASE: Her Com signal placed Quickshadow in the warehouse district.

Thanks, Chase.

Everybody copy?
- Copy, Dad.

- Got it.

See you there.

( burning in distance )


I hear it too.

( suspenseful theme playing )
( engine whirring )
Whoa! ( dramatic theme playing )
( confused grunt )
MYLES: Thermal scan says nobody's inside.

It must be a self
-driving car.

With a serious security system! ( impressed grunt )
You said it.

Now we really need to get our hands on that thing.

( sirens wailing )

It's the Bots and Brats.

( soft theme playing )
Whoever built this contraption escaped before we arrived.

It was these and I use the term loosely "gentlemen.

" Oh, wonderful.

Evan and Myles.

- And who might they be?
- BOULDER: Hackers.

-based criminals.

And long time adversaries.

One talks, the other doesn't.

And after all this time I am still not sure which is which.

Those two must hold the record for the most prison breaks by now.

KADE: That's right.

They were in jail on the mainland when you told everyone you're aliens! They still think you're robots.

But why did Evan and Myles decide to target Quickshadow? Ha, ha.

Duh! Cause she's a movie car.

I've told you before.

I am not in the cinema.

I merely scanned that car for my vehicle mode.

CHASE: Ah! Evan and Myles must have seen Quickshadow, thought she was the car from the spy films And figured she's worth millions! I'm more than just a pretty chassis, thanks ever so.

What are you doing here, anyway? I thought perhaps you missed me, Heatwave.

( laughs )
She thought you missed Never mind.

I asked Quickshadow to come over to help with Earliween security.

But this changes things.

Evan and Myles aren't gonna give up.

We'd better guard you until we catch them.

I'm clearly quite capable of defending myself from puny humans.

No offense.

Heatwave's right.

Stay alert and stick together, everybody.

Chase, you and I will check Evan and Myles' usual hideouts.

Which do you think I should go with? Ironic pop culture reference? Or classic scary? I have no idea what you're talking about.

Guys, you have to listen to this Oh, hi, Quickshadow! I didn't know you were back.

Life here is full of surprises.

For Earliween, our history teacher let us hear this scary Halloween show.

It played on the radio 70 years ago.

People were afraid of radio? How? There's nothing to see.

Sometimes your imagination can be scarier than any picture.

Especially if it's Crustaceans from the Cosmos.

( scoffs )
MAN ( imitating Orson Welles )
: Ladies and gentlemen, I can see the creatures.

They appear to be enormous lobsters, or or crabs.

And now, their vessel is opening, and something that resembles a spoon is rising out of it.


No, it's not a spoon.

It's It's ( gasps )
blinding beam of light the color of chowder! Manhattan style.

The soldiers are retreating.

Look out for their claws! Run! It's ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, we have lost contact with our reporter.

We now return to Tiny Umberto and his Orchestra.

And people fell for that? All over the country.

Everybody thought it was a real news report.

They never knew it was only a show til the end.

The acting was very good.

I don't know.

I still miss the pictures.

So, Cody, "Ah," or ( spookily )
: "Ah?" I told you, no costumes.

People need to take us seriously.

( clown horn honks )
( jaunty theme playing )
Who's ready for Earliween? ( honks )
I rest my case.

Oh c'mon.

There is nothing scarier than a clown, right? Right? And where are your costumes? You're looking at 'em.

No sign of Evan and Myles.

Let's head for City Hall.

Mayor wants us on candy patrol.

You're not dressing up either? I'm an officer of the law, Kade.

I have to look like one.

So, no costumes for anybody? Aw, It would be nice to get in the spirit of things.

Perhaps once we are at the event, we can switch to Dino

( roars )
We will have changed our appearance, but will remain mission ready.

All right, fine.

Phew! That gives me another whole year to decide.

Can I ride with you, Quickshadow? Why not.

For Earliween, I will be going as a passenger vehicle.

( crowd cheering )
( short siren wails )
( march theme playing )
Comin' at me, bro.

MYLES: Now! ( suspenseful theme playing )

My GPS is uploading new data.

But I didn't initiate it.

Maybe you should pull over.

QUICKSHADOW: I can't control my steering! No matter what I do, I just keep Whoa! ( laughs )
Where does she think she's going? CHASE: Quickshadow, please note you are exceeding the local speed limit.

QUICKSHADOW: I've lost control of my wheels can't shut down my engine.

And something's taken over my GPS.

GRAHAM: Or someone.

Sounds like an Evan and Myles hack.

They could be controlling you remotely! Whoever it is, they're sending us straight into the ocean! ( dramatic theme swells )
( dramatic theme playing )
( cat screeches )
( sirens wailing )
We're coming, Cody!
- CHASE: Oh! Oh!

Sorry! ( laughs )

- CHASE: Bad driver! Watch me hit the brakes, bro! ( laughs )
( beeps )
( Chase grunts )
MYLES:Denied! Ha
-ha! We have to keep her from reaching the harbor.

Looks like she's headed down Barrel Street.

We'll block her at Lake.

And we'll be ready for her when they turn off.

Just remember, everybody.

Cody's inside.

So be careful.

( dramatic theme continues playing )
We have to slow her down.

Is this gonna be dangerous? I really need to stop asking.

( upbeat theme playing )
( laughs )
Psych! ( beeps )
What are you doing? QUICKSHADOW: Apparently, they're controlling all my equipment.

Huh? Blades! Get out of the way! ( screams )
( screeches )
( dramatic theme playing )
( siren wailing )
Back for more, pops? ( beeping )

- CHIEF: Look out!
- CHASE: Hang on!
- Dad!
- Remind me to apologize.

( siren wailing )
( Cody screams )

Wasn't expecting that.

( grunts )
Isn't this gonna hurt? I can take it.

QUICKSHADOW: So sorry! They're almost at the water! And Quickshadow isn't stopping! Cody! ( beeps )
( gasps )
( ethereal theme playing )
( dramatic theme playing )
Dad! Get in! BLADES: We're right behind you.

BOULDER: Not without me.

I've missed enough sea rescues! Well.

That's one way to get out of handing out candy.

As the only two members of the Rescue Team on dry land, it falls on us to handle any emergencies.

Candy and justice do not dispense themselves.

CHIEF: Cody, are you all right? Yeah, Dad.

Long as I don't open a window.

QUICKSHADOW: Blast these high
-tech gewgaws.

If only I'd scanned something simple, like a unicycle.

We have to figure out how they're controlling you.

If there's a remote on their end QUICKSHADOW: There must be a device on my end as well Or my undercarriage.

Cheeky lads! Well thought out, Cody.

I understand now what the Rescue Bots see in you.


Uh thanks? Since my internal diagnostics are working, I still should be able to transform as well.



Might I trouble you for a lift? DANI: We're on it, Quickshadow.

Blades, lower Boulder into the water.

I'm ready! To the left, Blades.

And faster.

Almost there, Cody.

A little assist and Bob's your uncle.

Actually, his name is Woodrow.

Got it.

Blades, pull me up! Jump, Cody! We have you! ( sighs )
Dani, Blades, be dears and fly me up high, will you?
- Now, drop me Boulder!
- What? Quickly! Before my technology takes over and stops you! That's gonna leave a mark.

There it is! And there it goes.

Huh, good thinking.

Gotta admit impressive stuff.

You should see me on a good day.

Hang on, Quickshadow.

We'll need that as evidence.

Of course.

And, as proof that a Cybertronian will not be controlled on this or any other planet.


Play back that last part.

( audio rewinding )
Of course.

And, as proof that a Cybertronian will not be controlled on this or any other planet.

That isn't a car or a robot.

None of "em are.

Or ever have been!" They're, what'd she say? ( grunts )


Dude they're aliens! ( confused grunt )
Give up? Uh, uh.

This makes things more interesting, and that Quickshadow more valuable! I called the Mayor to apologize for missing the candy handout, but it sounds like Chase and Graham are doing fine without us.

CHASE: Please form an orderly line! ( meows )
Alphabetical order.

Pirate does not come before ninja! Now that everything's back to normal, we can go to the party! Trick
-treating, apple bobbing ( groans )
Or, we could stay home and scowl.

( spooky laugh )
Uh, guys? I don't remember anybody carving this pumpkin.

Ah! It's haunted! MYLES: So, Chief, here's the sitch.

You hand over Little Miss Spy Car, or we upload this video we made and the whole world sees your bots are freaks from outer space.

As proof that a Cybertronian will not be controlled on this or any other planet.

We'll be heroes, while you all end up in jail for aiding and abetting alien invaders! Meet you at the docks.

One hour.

( mutters )
Oh yeah.

This pumpkin will self
-destruct in one second.

So, I guess we're not trick
-treating? ( upbeat theme playing )
Got back as fast as we could.

Is it true? Evan and Myles have threatened to expose us? They have a video they said they'll upload if we don't hand over Quickshadow.

Even if we do what they want, I bet they still tell everyone.

Why not beat them to it? What if we let Earth know we're aliens.

- Bad idea.

- Certainly not! CODY: Sorry, Boulder.

It'd be like the old radio show I heard in class.

Everybody panicked, even though it was about make
-believe aliens.

Well, what if we were make believe aliens? But, we're not.

At least I'm not, I can't speak for all of you.

But if we make believe we're make believe Perhaps the world will think we are make believe as well.

CODY: Right! If Evan and Myles can make a video, so can we! Great idea.

But we only have an hour, remember? We'll need help from everyone on the island! C'mon! My team and I appreciate everybody pitching in.

Think of it as a big Earliween prank.

Who knows, it might become a new tradition! Mayor Luskey, do you still have some of the mini
-Bot souvenirs from your last campaign? I'll go get them.

Set up that green screen over by the fountain, guys.

Here's your script, Mr.


I, uh, usually write my own copy.

( sighs )
This is TV news legend Huxley Prescott Well, I suppose this will do.

And here's your part, Mayor.

Uh, "run for your lives.

" "Run for your lives!" "“Run for your lives!" Ooh.

( laughs )
That's good, yes.

Camera ready, Kade? Okay, places everyone! And action! ( suspenseful theme playing )
How delightful to see you again.

Apparently, I'm here to surrender.

Oh, yeah! That's the deal.

Right then.

Let's get on with it.

Uh! What the Sorry, lads, but this treat has just turned into a trick.

Too late! Evan already uploaded "Aliens are Real" to the Internet.

It tells everything about you and your buddies.

-crossed, imagine that.

And it's going viral! There's already almost a million hits.


Good thing we've created a sequel.

Which is just going live.

These things are not from Earth they are alien invaders! This is TV news legend Huxley Prescott bringing you the ongoing story of the alien invasion of Griffin Rock, Maine! CHIEF: Resistance is futile.

Resistance is ( spooky theme playing )
Run! Run I say! Run for your lives! ( screams )
( confused grunt )
That's so fake! Nobody's gonna believe that.

Then I suppose we've succeeded.

CHIEF: Resistance is futile! Resistance is futile! It's too late for us here.

We're toast.

With extraterrestrial butter and jam.

But you, on the mainland, do what you can! Save yourselves! Save your aah! CODY: And cut.

“Aliens are Real 2” is a wrap, everybody.

( laughter )
( upbeat theme playing )
And from Griffin Rock, we all wish you ALL: Happy Earliween! QUICKSHADOW: Well look at that.

We've gone viral as well.

But No! Our movie is real! You are aliens! Sad case.

What Doc Greene would call “seriously delusional.

” They just need some rest.

In a nice cell at the mainland prison.

MYLES: But it's true! Somebody listen! They're here already! You're next! You're next! ( Evan grunting )
CHIEF: Chase and I will follow her on the ferry to the mainland.

The D.


will have a long list of charges.

Grand theft auto, kidnapping, And blowing up a perfectly good pumpkin.

Now I see why my teacher played that old radio show in history.


So you guys wouldn't tear up the classroom on Earliween? No Kade.

To show us that it doesn't matter if something's on the radio, or the Internet.

You can't always tell if it's real or not.

I couldn't agree more.

Now can we go trick
-treating? ( spooky laughter )