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04x06 - Vanishing Returns

Posted: 04/03/23 04:57
by bunniefuu
These moves demand court time.

Anybody wanna play Burns Ball? Bye! Off for a hike with Taylor! What about you, Graham? Yes! Granular filters should prevent soil movement.

( snoring )
I'm not even gonna ask.

Chase, wanna play Burns Ball? Tempting.

But I am engrossed in these documentaries on criminality.

( tense theme playing over TV )
Those are gangster films from the 1930's, Chase, not Taking him for a ride.

I did not see that development coming.

Never mind.

Blades? Do you see this? Three hundred and fifty
-three followers.

Almost enough for a convention.



I could have panels about me, and booths about me.

Everyone could dress up like me.

Ah, 354! ( sighs )
( soft theme playing )
I didn't know there were so many varieties of lady slippers.

No way Boulder's missing his gardening tour Heatwave.


You kids sure this fruit is worth it? Oh, hey, Cody.

I'm guessing you're too busy to play Burns Ball too, huh? Till Boulder's finished talking plants.

Have you asked Frankie? She's helping Professor Baranova do research.

Then babysitting.


Hopefully hers doesn't involve apples.

I guess I'll just go practice my moves some more.

In case anybody asks.

Which they probably won't.

( soft theme playing )
The theme restaurant goes here, the mega
-plex there.

It'll be a big investment.

This place seriously needs excitement.

( dramatic theme playing )
A routine patrol with four Bots in stasis Years later woke In the strangest of places Earth was their home And in addition Optimus Prime gave them This mission Learn from the humans Serve and protect Live in their world Earn their respect A family of heroes Will be your allies To others remain robots In disguise Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Humans in need Heroes indeed Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots With Cody to guide them And show them the way Rescue Bots will be Saving the day Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots ( dramatic theme playing )

Now that's how you pick apples.

( powering down )


Battery's dead? ( sirens wailing )
Not much damage outside the square.

I think the expl*si*n was centered by the clock tower.

The only possible cause I see for an expl*si*n here is the gas line under the street.

But it's been turned off for over three years.

There must be something else.

We'll keep looking.

- What happened? Can I help?
- Thanks, Cody.

We have things here.

Why don't you ask Kade?
- Anything I can do?
- Count how many bricks I stack.

- And that'll help?
- Nope.

But it is something you can do.

( barking )
Oh, Wi

How many times do I have to have you fixed? Hey, Priscilla.

I thought you were in France.

- How long have you been back?
- Twenty whole minutes.

And I'm so over it.

I really miss Milan.

- You went to Italy too?
- Yes.

And Ireland, Switzerland, Netherlands all those "lands.

" Ugh.



Not even robot dogs want to hang out with me.

Please don't let this deter you.

Our town is extremely safe, heh.

Well, most of the time.

Well, let's hope so.

A few problems make this place affordable.

A lot make it not worth developing.

Oh, this is Chief Burns.

His Rescue Team protects our fair city.

Well, he didn't do a great job today, did he? WOMAN: Whoa.

That's your team? Huh.

Shut the front door, nobody said anything about robots.

Tourists love robots.

We may need to make the hotel bigger than we thought.

Hotel? Tourists? Mayor, if I could have a word The whole Town voted to keep the Rescue Bots our secret.

It's not about the Bots.

These investors approached me.

They want to make Griffin Rock a vacation destination.

- But we're a quiet town.

- That's part of the charm.

We have plans for a new "Old Town" area on the docks.

Some fine dining, an amusement park So basically, you're paving over the charm.

That merry
-round is on top of the wetlands.

Well, some changes will have to be made, some property sold.

Let's focus on the positive, huh? Shall we continue our tour? ( soft theme playing )

- Ugh.

What was that about?
- Trouble.

Hey, Doc.

Do you have any hover board batteries? Uh, help yourself.

There should be something over in the, uh, battery area.

What are you working on? When the Velgrox visited Griffin Rock, they left behind a few bits of their spaceship.

Careful, CeCe.

Remember Newton's First Law of Motion.

Each piece I've studied has a built
-in cloaking mechanism.

This metal can turn invisible when magnetized.

( electricity crackles )
If something else touches it, nothing happens.

But if something touches the metal the moment it magnetizes that disappears too.

Until you separate them.

But if you rejoin them See? ( laughs )

- Or rather, don't.

- Noble.

I'd better get her back to the anti
-gravity chamber before she discovers Newton's Third Law.

Well, at least I found what I was looking for.

So this emergency isn't about your cat? I told you, it's about my mail.

This is the third letter I've got asking me to sell my property.

When I say no, I mean no.

We hear you, Mrs.


And Mr.


He's been climbing that tree since before he used kitty litter.

And now these people want to buy it out from under us? We won't let anyone force you to leave the home you both love.

( purring )
And you said everyone on the block got the same letters? Grouse Lane must be a highly desirable architectural area.

I'm not so sure.

Dad, have you heard of GRPP, Inc.

? No.

But something tells me the mayor might have.

( phone rings )
Griffin Rock Emergency.

Mayor'll have to wait.

There's a flood in the Hall of Inspiration.

( soft theme playing )
CODY: Hi, Mr.


Cody? Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.

CODY: Wait! Mrs.

Rubio, I'm crossing.

Look out.

Wow, first nobody has time for me now it's like I don't exist.

Or I'm invisible.

( dramatic theme playing )
CODY: Ha, ha.

Thanks for the snack.

This is awesome.

But how'd it happen? Whoa.

Part of the Velgrox spaceship.


It must have magnetized to my board when I put the battery in.

I better get it back to Doc.

MAYOR: Griffin Rock is my town.

CODY: Well, maybe in a little while.


Breezy out, isn't it? I'll get this tech to higher ground.

You two see if you can plug up the leak.

Consider it plugged.

Water pressure's going crazy.

I better turn off the main valve before something else blows.

( grunts )

All the local water's off.

Kade and I'll start bailing this place out.

What do you think could've caused this? Old plumbing? Actually, the pipes here are almost brand new.

- I'm not sure what happened.

- I think I might have an idea.

New pipes don't usually come with a hole already drilled.

DANI ( over comm )
: Dad? The Mayor's out front.

He's kind of MAYOR: You call this protecting? You call this serving? Where's the Chief? DANI: Upset.

( sighs )
Tell him we'll be right there.

( tense theme playing )
These catastrophes have to stop.

At this rate, no one will ever want to re
-develop Griffin Rock.

Frankly, Mr.

Mayor, I think that's a good thing.

People are happy with their town the way it is.

The idea is to improve it.

Make things better for everyone.

HEATWAVE: Everyone? Heh.

Having strangers in town means my team will have to act like robots Permanently.

And you did give us your word to protect our undercover status.

Well, how am I supposed to? I can't just We'll have a meeting.

Tonight at City Hall with the investors.

You and your team can express your opinions there.

Eighteen billion, 19 billion, 20, and snack time.


Huh? How did that happen? ( grunts )
I could've sworn I just Aw, man, I need to catch up on my sleep.

( dramatic theme playing over TV )
Hey, who left the TV on? If someone messed up my DVR schedule, I Huh.

Did anyone see that?
- See what?
- It's alive! Blades, you know that is not possible for a machine.

Excepting some science fiction tropes.


Problem solved.

Anyone seen Cody? I tried his comm, but he's not answering.

I have been looking for him as well.

He mentioned a possible game of Burns Ball.

I'm in.

I mean, if you guys want a real challenge.

HEATWAVE: Burns Ball is supposed to be fun.

That's why we play with Cody.

I'll call his cell.

( phone ringing )
He must've left it here Somewhere.


It's not like Cody to be out of touch like this.

We've been so busy lately, I think we're the ones out of touch.

I need to carve out more time for him.

He deserves that.

( phone ringing )
Emergency dispatch.


And the hits keep coming.

Now there's a fire at the wetlands.


We were just discussing that very area.

How does a fire break out there anyway? Aren't they, you know wet? We'll find out when we get there.

Enough Invisible Boy.

This family likes plain old Cody.

And Burns Ball.

Thank you for joining me.

Please, step into my offices.

Madeline Pynch? Now that we have privacy, I can reveal my ultimate goal for this project.

Feast your eyes on the Griffin Rock Luxury Island Resort.


That is bigger than we imagined.

And more expensive.

It is an island resort.

Shouldn't it be the whole island? Yes, but the locals don't seem interested in selling their homes.

And those wetlands are protected.

I'm working on that.

Which reminds me I need Grouse Lane.

Make sure our next "emergency" is ready to go.

( dramatic theme playing )

What did you hear? ( gasps )
Get him! Stop that boy! ( dramatic theme playing )
This answers your question, Blades.

An oil slick.

( chirping )
Poor little dirty birdy.

Don't worry, I'll get you clean.

This compound will help dissolve any residual petroleum products.

Glad to hear it.

But where'd the oil come from in the first place? ( phone ringing )

Where have you been? I'll tell you later.

But guess what.

Madeline Pynch is back.

Madeline Pynch? Where'd she come from? CODY: Meet me at the firehouse.

It's not safe to talk here.

And then her chauffeur chased me, but I got away.

You were invisible? Madeline Pynch is back? She's taking over the entire island? I wonder if she still has the Verne device.

Wait, wait, wait.

So you're the one who took my chips? She doesn't give up, does she? Yeah, trying to brainwash us with cell phones
- wasn't bad enough.

- Huh.

Or nearly sinking Griffin Rock.

And now she's trying to scare people out of town, so she can buy their land for cheap.

Can't we just arrest her already? Hello? Wetlands burned? Museum flooded? Clock tower singed? We'll have to catch her first.

Right now, she's hiding behind her investors.

I bet the mayor doesn't even know she's involved.

Madeline said something about wanting Grouse Lane.

- Maybe it's her next target.

- Found something.

GRPP, Inc.

has a permit to demolish an unsafe property at 1689 Grouse Lane.

That's Mrs.

Neederlander's house.

It's not unsafe.

Though compliance standards do dictate it could use a new coat of paint.

We better get over there.

Blades, help Cody and Dani look for that alien tech.

If Madeline finds it, who knows what she'll do with it.

Probably make herself invisible.

What? Too obvious? I'm detecting something buried over there.

Not sure what it is.

( tense theme playing )
I'm gonna go with earthquake machine.

Chase, get Mrs.


Unhand me, Blue.

I'm not going anywhere without Mr.


An electro
-mechanical oscillator.

Uh, earthquake machine.

I can't hold it.

Madeline Pynch clearly wishes you to move, Mrs.


No way.

I've survived freak weather, aliens, and kaiju.

Takes more than a little ground shaking to budge this old bird.

( soft theme playing )
Bad news, Dad.

There's no sign of the Velgrox tech anywhere.

All right.

See you back home.

I'm off to City Hall to get the mayor up to date on Madeline.

I hope that makes him see reason.

But Dad I've got an idea for a plan B in case he doesn't.

But I'll need some help from Doc.

And here's the five star restaurant.

Will there be bread pudding? I love bread pudding.


Mayor, we'll carve a statue of you in bread pudding.

Mayor, these investors have another partner.

Madeline Pynch.

Pynch? Preposterous.

She knows she'd be arrested if she came back here.

Arrested? Why? So she is working with you.

She's providing the investment opportunity, but it is our money.

And we still want to pursue this project.

With or without her.

Your call, Mr.


( laughs )
Think of all the good we can do for Griffin Rock.

I am.

Cody? Swordfish.

CODY: That's our code word.

Project Scare Them Off is on.

( electricity crackling )
Command Center, good to go? We're with you, Cody.


With this special filter I made, my monitor will allow us to see what everyone else can't.

Should be quite a show.

Okay, guys.

Follow my lead.

She's back.

She's here.

Who? Madeline Pynch?
- We already
- No.

Charlotte Wayne.

The Lady of Griffin Rock.

( both gasp )
A local ghost.

She haunts the seashore and town.

Uh, but that's just a legend.

A ghost? People love that hokum.

( all gasp )
( Blades imitating ghost moaning )
Paranormal tours.

We can offer stays in haunted hotels.

Okay, this might be a little too haunted.

Even for tourists.

Charlotte Wayne vowed to protect this town.

Planning to build on our wetlands must have been what made her come back.

( moaning )
Just give 'em back.

BLADES: Get out! Get out while you can.

I didn't know, Charlotte.

I'm sorry.

I I don't think that's hokum.

This ghost is real.

( gasps )
We can't build here.

Nobody would visit.

BLADES: Get out.

We're getting.

We're getting.

Maybe that island off of New Zealand is still available.

- You did it.

- Well done.

- Way to go.

- Good job, guys.

You're all clear.

The Investors have left the building.

I wager those scoundrels are half way to the Mainland by now.

Did you like my imitation of Charlotte Wayne? Ooh.

Now that the resort is a no
-go, I'm worried Madeline will disappear too.

Wish we'd been able to arrest her.

And I wish I knew where the tech from my hoverboard went ( barking )
Hush, Wi


When are we getting out of here? It's so boring.

Where is Mother? Right here, Darling.

- Ah.

- Sorry to keep you waiting.

I didn't see you come in.

I know.