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04x05 - Back to Virtual Reality

Posted: 04/03/23 04:57
by bunniefuu
( tranquil theme playing )
( indistinct chatter )
WOMAN: Do you still need sunscreen? TIMMY: Hey, Dad, watch this! TIMMY: This is awesome.

Sorry, Timmy, nobody goes in the water until the lifeguard says it's okay.

TIMMY: Aw, man.

I still do not understand why human children enjoy swimming, but dislike baths.

No water slides.

I can help with that.

( gasping )
KADE: Hey! Hey! Sun screening here.


( beeping )
What's up, Frankie? Cody, you won't believe what I found buried in my Dad's lab.

An old expansion pack for Griffin Rock Element Quest! Noble.

Have you played it yet? Nope.

I'm on my way to install it at the Fun Zone now.

Wanna meet me there? Dad, can I go to the arcade? Well, I'd hate for you to miss this season's final game of Burnso
- Polo!
- Polo! Once the pool gets turned into an ice rink tomorrow, we'll all have to play in skates.

Sorry, Frankie.

Save me a VR pod for later!
- Gah.

- Come on, Kade.

It's not that cold.


Not all of us are members of the Polar Bear Club, Dani.

( grunting )
Whoa! Hey.

You better crank up the pool heater.

I think I can see my breath out here.

Hey, no running.

( low buzzing )
Um, I may have pushed the wrong button.

Ya think? Good thing nobody was in the water yet.

TIMMY: Dad? Anybody seen my dad? ( dramatic theme playing )
Oh boy.

A routine patrol With four Bots in stasis Years later awoke In the strangest of places Earth was their home now And in addition Optimus Prime Gave them this mission Learn from the humans Serve and protect Live in their world Earn their respect A family of heroes Will be your allies To others remain Robots in disguise Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Humans in need Heroes indeed Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots Jerry's under the ice! ( dramatic theme playing )
( grunting )
( coughing )
( panting )
TIMMY: Dad! Are you okay? He just needs to get warm.

And get a quick checkup.

I'll fly you to Dr.


Uh, it looks like the pool's climate control system is frozen on the ice rink setting.

BOULDER: That should be a quick fix.

It'll still take a while for the ice to melt though.

( sighs )
All right folks, looks like we'll have to close the pool a day early this year.

I just put on sunscreen.

( indistinct chatter )
Well, I guess our Burnso
-Polo game is out.

That's too cold for even me.

Sorry, Dad.

What if we did something else together? There's a ton of games we can play at the Fun Zone.

High scores, here I come.

Indoors? I'm in.

Good idea, Cody.

Arcade sounds good to me.

Actually, I think I'll head to the library.

I've been wanting to sign up for my own card.

Video games aren't really in my wheelhouse, son.

Chase and I will just go out on patrol.


I was hoping you'd come check out the new Element Quest with me and Frankie.

Please? You've never tried a virtual reality game before.

Sir, I can patrol solo.

And I'd be happy to check on your building full of wheels as well.

Well I suppose I could give it a try.

( indistinct chatter )
Oh! I got the next anti
-grav game! Oh, I call winner! Chief, if you're not going to keep your tickets, can I have them?
- Tickets?
- For the prizes.


Sure, Blades.

They're all yours.

Okay, swivel rotors, you up for a dance
-off or what? Time to put your feet where your mouth is, what? I don't know, Cody Isn't this the same game that trapped you inside? It doesn't seem safe.

Don't worry, Dad, Doc fixed all those bugs ages ago.

It's been a huge hit here at the Fun Zone.

FRANKIE: Now it'll be a double
-mega hit! This expansion pack has new environments, new challenges, and four player mode! I'd like to try it again.

Didn't get to enjoy it much last time.

Too busy fighting tree monsters.

How about we just see who scores highest on the pinball machine? [PINBALL BELLS RING]

Dad, we have one at home.

But we'll be the first to try this update.

And once word gets out, the line will be out the door.


We're all set.

( electronic theme playing )

This is all inside a computer?
- But everything feels so
- Real.

I know.

Pretty awesome, huh? Hey Dad, try this.

( laughing )


Well, you can't do that in pinball.

( beeping )
Welcome to Griffin Rock Element Quest 2.


I am CAT, Character Assist Technology.

I am here to provide you with guidance.

To end play at any time, simply say, "Game Over.

" Ready, players? Uh I could use a little more practice.

No problem, it's one of the new features.


Training mode! Training mode started.


( beeping )
( gasps )
Power boosts! Everybody, grab one.

Yeah! Try to get the flag, Dad.

Here goes nothing.

( beeping )
( beeping )
You loose.


Sorry, kids.

It's okay, Dad.

The game gives us as many do
-overs as we want.


Wish real life was like that.

Is everybody done training? 'Cause I'm ready for some real play.

Real play? What were we doing before? The goal of this game is to find and capture a flag at each level.

Please select Water, Fire, Earth, or Air.

- There's a new element?
- I didn't even know that.

BOTH: Air Level.

( tranquil theme playing )

That's in Earth years, right?
- Hm.

Hey, Graham?
- Ah.

Yeah, buddy, what's up? BOULDER ( over intercom )
: They need a driver's license for the library card application.

Can I use yours? ( beeping )
-hoo! Still undefeated!
- Kade!
- How does she do that? Uh, Graham? How about my license plate number? Element Quest Level, Air.


Begin? But there's nothing here.

Figuring it out is part of the game, Heatwave.

Looks like we need to get up there.

Any of those jumpy power things around? I bet there's something hidden nearby to help us out.

Come on.

( beeping )
This game is pretty neat.

Thanks for asking me to whoa! What's this? ( neighing )
Just an NPC.

A character who's in the game, but doesn't play.

What's it for? I'm not sure yet.

Let's wait and see what it does.

Something runs, I chase it.

( beeping )

I am so loving this update.


Dad, do a barrel roll.


( electronic theme playing )
Last one to the flag is a rusted scraplet! ( ominous theme playing )
Air Level complete.

Now, who's up for a rematch? A new player has entered the game.

But that's impossible.

Can't be Morocco.

Can it? Game over.

Rescue Team, huddle up.

We're not certain, but It looks like Doctor Morocco is back.

- What?
- Not funny.

Again? But but he's
-he's in the future.

In France! What? I pay attention.

He just showed up in Element Quest, in virtual Griffin Rock.

Maybe he hacked into the system from a remote location? Hm.

Nobody's breached the firewall, and the game appears to be functioning normally.

So if it wasn't Morocco, then who was it? Cause it's kinda creepy.

And that's not helping.

( shouting )
What? I was totally winning.

( gasps )
Of course.

It's a computer virus.

And it infected the whole arcade! The real Morocco must have built the program years ago.

And then he hid it inside the Element Quest upgrade, knowing someday someone would install it.

BOULDER ( over intercom )
: Hey guys, something's wrong I was about to borrow my first book, a collection of American folk tales, it looks really interesting.

There's one called ( clearing throat )
Oh, right.



Everything at the library has been checked out to Thaddeus Morocco! GRAHAM: The doctor left behind a pretty nasty computer virus, Boulder.

Earth computer trouble Did you try turning it off and on again? Unfortunately, that won't fix this problem.

We'll keep you posted.

It must be using the island's wireless network.

I'd better tell Daddy to lock down the lab's computers.

CHASE ( over intercom )
: Chief, Chase reporting in.

Harrison! I want my money! While on patrol, I came across an unruly crowd at the bank.

It seems Doctor Morocco has claimed the assets of every single account.

CHASE: Fortunately, I arrived in time to save Mr.

Harrison from some understandably upset customers.


I'm not okay.

CHIEF ( over intercom )
: Morocco left behind a computer virus.

Keep the crowd calm while we work on it, okay, partner? Ten

Chase out.


Humor sometimes has a calming affect on humans.

Your attention, please.

Why was the numeral six afraid of its consecutive number? Because seven consumed nine! Ha


The virus is trying to make everything in town Morocco's! Well, that's one way to take over the island.

Okay, the Fun Zone's wireless is off, so the virus won't be able to spread any further.

And my Dad just shut down the lab's computers, so they're safe.

He said to use this program to get rid of the virus here.

Then we should be able to do the same thing to the other infected computers in town, right? ( high
-pitched beep )

It's not working.

The virus must be hiding somewhere my program can't reach.

Or maybe it's not hiding.

What if it's what we found in the game? Wait, you mean the Morocco in virtual Griffin Rock is the virus? It's possible.

All the characters in games are part of the program.

So if we defeat the Morocco in Element Quest then maybe we can get rid of the virus here in the real world!
- I'm in.

- Me too.

You'll need me.

After last time? I'm basically a virtual reality master.

And I'll be the fourth.

But I'm a high score champ.

I pwned every game here! Aren't you more of a pinball guy? I may not have much video game experience, but I have plenty of Morocco experience.

Graham, go help at the library.

Dani, Kade, check on Chase and that bank crowd.

And Frankie, we need you here as tech expert.

Here, take a copy of my anti
-viral program.

It should work once virtual Morocco is defeated.

I don't think we're in Virtual Griffin Rock anymore.


MOROCCO: Welcome to my world.

It won't be yours for long.

Hm, a challenge to my authority Let the games begin! Ugh, the Earth Level.

Okay, watch out for arrows, giant rocks, and scary walking trees.


Attack! Did he say sharks? ( chomping )
( electronic theme playing )
This doesn't make any sense! They're not from this level! Ah! The cake is a lie! ( grunting )
Wait, if they're here from the Water Level then maybe Yes.


Into those boats! [CHOMPING]

Why are things all mixed up? Must be the virus running the game.

( energetic theme playing )
Hey! I thought that thing was on our side.

Our side, our front, our Ha

Everywhere! Cody, ramming speed! Ah! Dragon.

( roaring )
MOROCCO: You lose.


Don't worry, round two's mine! ( alarm blaring )
Oh, it's not working.

I lost access.

I think the virus has control of the booth now.

So if we're all kicked out, it's game over for good.

( roaring )
Ah! Ah! Well, at least I lasted longer than Heatwa Hit it, son.



Attack! Head for cover.

( electronic theme playing )
Shouldn't the Bots be back in the game by now? We need to regroup.

I'm sure they'd be here if they could.

Maybe with Morocco in charge there are no do

How can we win if he keeps changing the rules? This change could work against him.

If we get booted from the game when we lose, maybe Morocco will too.

It's worth a shot.

We're still a little outmatched, though.

( thumping )
Hm, a game of seek
-hide, interesting tactic.

Dad, there's a jump power boost behind those bushes, and I don't think Morocco knows it's there.

You should take it.

Are you sure? I didn't do so well with those last time.

That's what's great about gaming, you learn from your mistakes a lot quicker than you do in life.

Okay, here's what I'm thinking All ye, all ye, out and free! Ah.

I grow bored.

Show yourselves! Ha

Arbor force, take them! Dragon, finish him! ( roaring )
Game over, Morocco! You're a winner! Please add credits to continue.

Please add credits to continue.

We did it.

He's gone.

- Yeah!
- Good riddance.

Way to play.

Now let's get rid of all Morocco's 1
-UPs with my anti
-virus program.

( buzzing )
FRANKIE: Yes! High scores are back.

It worked! Heh, when it's a pineapple.


Get it? Eh, you're right.

Tough crowd.

I too have exhausted my joke library to no avail.

CHIEF ( over intercom )
: All right Team, upload Frankie's fix
-it software.

( beeping )
Okay, boys.

Let 'em through.

( unhappy chatter )
All accounts are back to normal.

It's okay.

( all cheering )
We're virus free here too.

I found a few more to check out.

Then, Dad comes crashing down on Morocco.

It was so noble.

Well played.

But we're not done yet.

But we beat him.

When you booted the Morocco virus from the game, he must have escaped into there! Can a computer virus even do that? It can if it learns as it goes.



You're in our world now, tiny.

And you're not welcome.

( grunts )
BLADES: He's getting away.

Team, we need backup! The Morocco virus printed itself into the real world! ( dramatic theme playing )
Game's up, Morocco.

Oh, we'll see about that, player one.

( sirens wailing )
Sounds like mini
-Morocco thinks he's still in the game.

Yeah, too bad real life doesn't come with power boosts.

It does come with surprises.

Everyone, guide Morocco to the pool.

I have an idea.

Cut him off! DANI: Here he comes.

Ah! ( squeaking )
( gurgling )
Now, Graham.

Now that's how you play a game of Burnso ( all in unison )
: Polo.

Where shall we put this prisoner? Well, since he is tech We could store him in the Best Left Forgotten facility.

But won't he just melt and get loose again? The BLF frozen section.

Daddy mostly uses it to hide his favorite ice cream.

I guess there's more to your video games than I realized, son.

Some of the skills you learn do cross over into real life.

Unfortunately in Griffin Rock, so can other things.

Well, we'll just have to be more careful The next time we play.

( door opens, closes )