20x19 - The Human Condition

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x19 - The Human Condition

Post by bunniefuu »

[man] Our world was once a safe and Happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy Earth.

Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian,

awoke and called on a new team of teenagers

to fight off this new threat.

They are the Power Rangers Megaforce!

I feel it, such power.

I am reborn!

Huh, you've emerged from the cocoon.

Was your metamorphosis successful?

Yes, my power has been increased,

but while I succeeded,

I see you have failed to eliminate the Power Rangers.

I guess if I want a job done right,

I must do it myself.

Every one of your attempts has failed.

But now, with my new invincible powers,

I shall go to Earth and finish them.




♪ Power Rangers Megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪





♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪




♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

[girl crying]

Oh, honey, did you trip?

There, there, mommy's got you.



What are tears?


I want to know why humans cry.

Because we do.

But why?

You should ask Emma.

She knows more about tears than me.


Pink Ranger.

What? Robo Knight?

A human child falls and cries out.

The mother hugs the child. Why?

Uh, wait. What?

Why does a mother hug her child?

Because she loves him.


She wants her child to know

how much she cares about him.

That's how a mother--


Hi, Robo Knight.


Yellow Ranger, what is love?

What is love?

Why don't you ask Jake?

He'll tell you all about love.

There is nothing I can learn from him.

Hello. Hello.

Robo Knight, what are you doing here?

Did anyone see you?

There is still much to learn about humans.

I have many questions.

Oh, that's a subject

t hat people have written about for hundreds of years.

[Robo Knight] got it.

It would take more than a life time

to read it all. I just.


Whoa. Let's get out of here.

No cell phones?

Very well.

Your emergence from the cocoon

was sooner than expected, admiral,

but going to Earth yourself is an extreme measure.

No, my new powers must not be wasted.

I have a plan.

Very well.

I will finish the Rangers.

You will hand this mighty ship in the center of their city.

Then I will declare our victory.


[man] Watch out!


Earth will fall to me.

[cell Phone Rings]

[Tensou] A monster has appeared

near the fairview transit station.

I'm on my way, Tensou. Call the others.

Go! Come on!

Glad you could make it, Rangers.

Finally we meet in person.

I am Malkor.

You don't know who you're messing with.

Yeah, how do you even spell that?

M-A-L... what?

It's spells Earth's doom.

All right, guys, it's morphin time.

Go! Go! Megaforce!

Here he comes.

[Malkor] my axe will cut you all down to size.

Face it, Rangers.

The fact is I possess much greater power

than you can even imagine.


Rangers, charge!

These are the Rangers

who defeated all my soldiers?

Such fools to attack me with my new power.

Emma, are you okay?

Did you miss me?

Beating you has been surprisingly easy,

but you are just a small part of the plan.

I will only feel satisfaction

when your entire world trembles before me

and meets its end.

We'll never tremble before you.

Where's Robo Knight?

Tensou must've already called him.

I'm sure he's on his way.

We could use him now.


book completed.


What are you doing?

Uh, I'm just listening to music.

What are those?

Here, dude. You can have them.


You fools still think you can fight me?

Let's do it!

Twistornado card!

Windrush card!

Sea Shower card!


What? What's going on?

Nothing happened. But why?

It's all me!

What's he doing?

Meteor shower!


now I'll let you watch the destruction

of your beloved Earth.

Then I'll come back and finish you off.

We've got to find some way to stop him.

Rangers, Malkor's the Alien's commander.

He has disabled your morphers with a blocking ray,

but we've changed their frequency,

so it won't happen again.

Tensou, call Robo Knight.

Roger that. I have been.


[civilian] what's happening?

People of Earth,

I am admiral Malkor.

This planet now belongs to the Insectoids.

Soon there will be nothing left of your world.

[laughs] Their world crumbles

In the wake of my new power.

Be ready for anything.

Now, who could that be?

Surely not the Power Rangers.

Turn around and face us.


Didn't you hear that the world is coming to its end?

No, we missed that.

Sea shower!


A water attack?

[laughs] Interesting.

Phoenix shot!

Dragon sword!

Hand-To-Hand combat is so primitive.


Better But not good enough.

Planet strike!

My power card worked, but he's still too strong.

We're not finished yet.

[Malkor] Oh, you're finished.

You just don't know it yet.

Your pathetic weapons

pale in comparison

to the invincibility of my powers,

which will soon disintegrate your civilization.

Now you are simply a source of amusement.

Admiral, per your orders,

I've beamed you and the Rangers

to a perfect location,

where you can all witness-- Their world fall apart.

[red] No matter where you move us, we'll stand together.

You may be strong,

but even your super powers don't stand a chance

against our ingenuity

and the human will.

Now you're trying my patience.

Haven't you heard?

We're Earth's defenders, and we never surrender.

Guys, use your zords!


I told you before

your weapons won't work on me.

You're wasting my time.

Shark bowgun!

A bold effort, but useless.

Planet strike!

[laughs] How many times must I defeat you?

A hundred? A thousand?

Keep counting.

You picked the wrong planet to attack.


You think this is just about us?

This is our planet we're fighting for, our home,

everyone we know and everyone we love.

We will never surrender.

Just stay down, you pest.

I told you. We won't surrender.

Stay down!


Our cause is just,

and that's our real power.

That's why we'll win!

[Malkor] fools! You have no idea what is coming!

It can't be.

It's an extraterrestrial spaceship,

and it's headed for Earth.

Malkor is taking too long.

No matter. Soon I will crush them all with this ship.

Don't you know might beats right?


[Power Rangers] combine!

Sky power, energize!

Land Power, energize!

Sea Power, energize!

Megaforce Blaster, ready!

Dynamic Victory charge!


[Black] knowing we're Earth's last chance

will give us the strength to defeat you!

Shark bowgun!

Phoenix shot!

Tiger claw!

Snake axe!

My turn.

Dragon sword!

Sky strike!


Well played, Rangers,

but a wise Leader always has a backup plan.


Now you ranges will see

what real power is.

Ew. Disgusting.

Vrak, land the ship as planned.

Moving in.

My ship will crush what's left of your city.

Oh, my, it's getting closer.

It's definitely getting closer.

Good gravy, it's entering the Earth's atmosphere.

He's going to land the ship?

Now you see that all you pathetic humans have no chance,

and you will bow down to me!

It's now or never, guys.

Time to summon the gosei great megazord!

[Together] gosei mechazords,


[Morpher/GOSEI] summon mechazords.

Gosei great megazord, activate!

[Morpher/GOSEI] summon megazord.

Gosei great megazord, ready.

All right, guys, are we ready to do this?


Huh. Such toys.

We have to neutralize that axe.

Only a few more minutes

until total annihilation.

The ship's about to crush us.

Multi-zord attack!

[red] Our zords will finish him!





Now I will show you no mercy!

He just vaporized the zords.

We just need to stop that ship.

Come, vrak.

Crush what's left of these pathetic Power Rangers!

My pleasure.

Rangers, the ship's about to land.


And now the end.

I say we give them a different ending than he wants.

I'm with you.

There must be something we can do.

Whatever it is, count me in.

Definitely. Let's take it down.

I know.

Let's try combining our power cards

into one giant super card.

Let's do it! I'm ready!

Come on!Yeah!

[Gosei] Summon zords.

It's working!

[Blue] Yeah, and it's launching

every zord we've got.


what? Impossible!

He's lost his wings.

Come on, guys. This is our chance.

Ultra gosei great megazord, activate!

[Gosei] summon megazord!

[Red] locked, loaded, and ready to go.

[together] Ultra gosei great megazord, ready.

Victory charge, activate!

Hurry, vrak, crush them.

Let's take them both out.

Earth's defenders never surrender.


victory charge! Ultra Mega strike!

This was not how it was supposed to end.

Yeah, we did it.

Mega Rangers, that's a mega win.

[Jake] and Malkor, check.

So that's where he's been the whole time.

Peace out.

I want to share something I learned, with you.

Check it, Rangers.


[rapping] ♪ I had a lot of questions about human emotion ♪

♪ they were vexing me, hexing me, like some sorcerer's potion ♪

♪ so I followed the advice of my good friend Noah ♪

♪ and to the city library this robot did-A go-a ♪

♪ I found books galore of every shape and size ♪

♪ on a variety of topics ♪

♪ but what opened the eyes of Robo Knight ♪

♪ Robo Knight, the very most, by far ♪

♪ was some knowledge there dropped ♪

♪ by my little homie Todd ♪

♪ who turned me on to hip-hop ♪


Were those not fresh rhymes?

No, Robo Knight,

I think you definitely brought it.

Good. Did you have any trouble while I studied?


just had a little battle where we got rid of the warstar admiral.

The Earth was threatened?

Was it protected?

Relax. It was.

This time we defended the Earth

and took care of it.

Excellent. That news is truly fresh.

[Rangers LAUGH]

[Noah] Yeah, good job, Robo Knight.

[Emma] Yeah.
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