20x17 - Rico the Robot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x17 - Rico the Robot

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian, awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers

to fight off this new threat.

They are the Power Rangers megaforce!

It's unthinkable that Creepox, Bigs, Bluefur,

and the Aurora box have all been destroyed.

Earth should've been ours by now.

True, but we still have a little time left, right?

[groans] yes, but not that much.

You and I must complete this mission

before the others arrive.

But how, sir?

I will power up in my cocoon

while you focus on eliminating

those annoying Power Rangers.

I want them gone by the time I emerge.

As you wish.

Once I come out of this cocoon,

I will possess strength beyond description.

Incredible power that will make me unbeatable.

Soon, I will destroy this world myself.

♪ [theme]

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers forever ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ mega ♪

♪ Force ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ rangers forever ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

What a fool you are, malkor.

That cocoon will seal your fate as a failure.

Now's my chance to usurp your power

and prove to my royal family

that I alone deserve to lead.

[metal Alice] Welcome, master.

I've been working on an amazing

new robot prototype.

Wonderful, I need

your superior robot strength

to finally destroy those rangers.

Master, it will be my pleasure.

Good. They've been

a thorn in my side long enough.

Eliminate them now.

[people scream]

go ahead and run.

The way you humans behave is so predictable.

There she is!

Ah, what a surprise.

You've returned. Of course.


You rangers never learn.

Come here now, robot -C- .

Destroy the rangers.

Are you kidding me? Has she tried

to make another Robo Knight?

Well, don't just stand there, robot.

Attack! She must be stopped!

[Rangers] Combine!

Megaforce Blaster, ready!

I don't think so--

[Rangers] Dynamic victory charge!

Shield me! [Screams]

Ugh! This creation is a complete failure!

[Pink Ranger] she left her robot behind.

[Black Ranger] be careful. It could be a trick.

[Yellow Ranger] look, he's moving.

It must be destroyed!

Sensor overload!


[Gasps] wait!

[Robo Knight] what are you doing, Pink Ranger?

Don't hurt it.

He was ordered to attack us But didn't.

He's different.

Are you all right?

Don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Ah... Oh.

You don't have to be scared of me, okay?

Don't have to be scared.

Right, you can trust us.

Hold it, Emma.

I think we're moving to fast.

I'm not so sure we can trust it.

What do the rest of you think?

[Black Ranger] Yeah, maybe it's a setup.

Guys, let's take this slow.

Hmm, he doesn't seem to have any weapons.

And he's acting like he's kind of scared.

[Pink Ranger] he isn't acting evil at all.

[Yellow Ranger] she's right, but what if it does attack?

[Red Ranger] he is metal Alice's creation,

but she abandoned him.

I say we just keep a close eye on him.

Sounds good.

Oh no. Oh no!

Gosei, the rangers

are befriending one of metal Alice's robots!

Calm down, tensou.

Perhaps metal Alice's robot

can give the rangers valuable Intel

about her plans.

All right, open up and say "Ah."

Open up what?

Right, your mouth doesn't open.

metal Alice said he was a complete failure.

Maybe she left him behind because

he's a throw-away prototype.

[Gia] he's responding to Noah's orders.

I think he's pretty shaken up from battle.

Plus he didn't seem to want to fight us.

Poor thing.

He has no friends and nowhere to go.

He has no friends?

He's a robot.

What're we going to do with him?

I say we show him some kindness.

How about we take him to the park

and show him how to have fun?

[all] Rock paper scissors draw!

[Emma Oh, Rico, guess what?

You're it!

Wait-- You named him?

Yes. metal Alice called him robot -C- .

So I went with "Rico."

I actually like it.

Rico. You're it.

Rico it?

[rangers laugh, shout]


Rico, are you okay?

Caught you.

You're it!

Here we go, Rico.

Catch it, Rico!

Aw, too bad. Here, watch. Catch...

what're we doing adopting Rico, Emma?

Because he's good.

I mean, he was built to do harm,

but he resisted it.

I just feel sorry for him.

Rico's a robot.

Hey, nice, Rico!

He has no emotions, and we shouldn't feel for him.

That's what Robo Knight keeps telling us.

Maybe he could become our ally, like Robo Knight.

I got it!



Do you think I'm crazy for trusting Rico?

I wouldn't expect anything different from you, Emma.

You have a big heart.

[guys] Yeah! way to go, Rico!

Got it! Thanks!

Nice job, Rico.

This is so good.

Yeah, thanks for putting this all together.

Jake like Gia.

Rico like Emma.

Smart robot.

We all like each other, Rico.

We're all friends.

Friends. I like playing with Emma

and everyone. It's fun.

I'm glad you're having so much fun.

I want to eat grape.

Rico, how? Your mouth doesn't open.

That makes me sad.

I'm different from everyone else.

I'm not a friend.

Just because you're different

doesn't mean you're not our friend.

Yeah, you're cool.


Best buddies. Forever.

Best buddies, forever.

Hey, how about a group picture?

[Emma] say cheese!



[Chest buzzes]

What's that?

What's what?

The light on his chest just blinked.

Maybe the infrared from my camera activated something.

Not good?

It seems like metal Alice left a sensor in his chest.

A sensor? For what?

So she can give him orders by remote control.

[Noah] luckily, she doesn't know we saved him.

Poor Rico.

Can we remove it?

It would be very dangerous.

metal Alice can activate it at any time.

I knew it! He's a set-up.

Rico? Set-up?


He didn't choose that! He's our friend.

He doesn't choose, Emma. He's a robot.

If she gives him an order, he will follow her command.

Do you really think he's that dangerous?

He was built by our enemy, Emma.

We don't know what he's capable of.

I'm sorry, but we have to be cautious.

Rico? Where did he go?



[Both] Rico!




Where are you?



Why did you run away?

I have a sensor in my body.

I am controlled by metal Alice.

It is bad for the rangers to be with me.

No, Rico.

We want to try to free you from metal Alice.


Being free means that

no one can ever make you do anything

You don't want to do.

You'll be free from her control.

Rico want to be free.


We'll figure it out.

Friends always help each other out.

When they're in need.



[Blue Ranger] neutralizing the sensor without hurting Rico

is going to be very tricky.

[Black Ranger] tensou wasn't sure how the sensor would react.

Anything could happen.

Emma should destroy it with a pinpoint lightning strike.

Me? Uh...

Hey, you have a good aim, Emma.

Emma has a good aim.

Rico trust Emma.

Rico wants friends to be safe.

All right, Everyone. I'll do it.

[Blue] first, Jake and Gia will create a barrier

to contain any possible explosions.

[both] Defenstro, activate!

Then Troy's whirlwind and my waves will combine

creating a tornado to absorb

any explosions that might happen.

All that's left is for Emma's

lightning strike to take out the sensor.

If there's an expl*si*n, the tornado will catch it.

And then Robo Knight can snuff it out by freezing it.


Get ready, Pink Ranger.


Lightning strike.


[Pink Ranger shouts]


Emma, what's wrong?

I can't do it.

If I mess this up,

it could be the end of Rico.

You've shown me something fascinating.

metal Alice! What do you mean?

This has all been an experiment

to analyze the useless human trait

called friendship.

I've learned that it weakens human's


Now, instead of using emotions,

I will use the real power of robots

to take all of you out of this equation.

[Pink Ranger] you don't understand the value of friendship.

Never have-- and never will!

Robots are driven by logic and self-Preservation.

Not trivial emotional bonds.

[red] a cold hunk of metal like you needs

to experience what the power of friendship can do!

[Rangers] Ultra-Mode!


[Gosei] Ultra mode morph!

[Rangers] Earth's defenders

never surrender!

Go go megaforce!

I am Robo Knight.

Protector of the environment.

Guardian of the earth!

Let me show you something about your

so-called power of friendship.

Attack them, r- -C- !


[Rangers gasp]

Rico, no!

Metal Alice, you're heartless!

Why? Because I just erased

all his memories of your good times?

[rangers shout]

[Robo Knight] And now you must be crushed!

Like the machine you are!

[Pink groans] No, Robo Knight!

Rico is being controlled by her!

He can't help it.

Don't hurt him!

Don't be foolish.

You're thinking like a human, Pink Ranger.

Yes, I am!

[Yellow Ranger] Rico, stop it!

[Red Ranger] hold him!

Now that is the robot that I designed.


Rico, we're not your enemy.

It's me, Emma.

Your friend, remember?


It's okay.

[Rico] Enemy, identify!

[Rico] enemy, identify!

[Yellow Ranger] Emma!

This isn't working! We have to attack him.

[Black Ranger] it's a shame, but we have no choice.

[rangers groan]

The glitches in R- -C- are fixed.

He's now unbeatable.

I don't want to destroy him.

Even if his memory is erased.

He's still our friend.

But how can we make him remember us?

I'm not sure we can.

We have to come up with another plan.

There's only one sure way to stop him and save him.

That sensor on Rico's chest

has got to be destroyed.


Jake, Gia, you need to grab him

and restrain him. Be careful.

Gotcha, we're ready.

Right! Here goes!

We'll do it like we did before.

But Emma and I will create the tornado.

Troy, you do the lightning strike.

[Pink Ranger sighs]

Hey, guys, what's keeping you?

Hurry! We can't hold him for long!


Let's do this. Wait.

[blue and red] huh?

I want to help him.

I'll do it.

[Robo Knight] hold him!

Very Well, Pink Ranger.

Do what you feel you must do.

But be aware that it may not restore his memory.

It's okay.

As long as it will save him.

I've underestimated just how tough r- -C- is.

[Robo Knight] let me freeze him for you first.

Ice-Axe card, activate!

Hurry, he'll only be frozen for a few seconds.

Sea shower!


Twist tornado!


Emma has to hit that narrow opening?

That's right, but with Emma's sharp eye,

she'll be able to hit the target.

Do it, Pink Ranger!

Don't hesitate, Emma.

Rico, I can do this.

Lightning strike.


Here I go!

[Pink Ranger] bulls-Eye!


Yes. You did it!


it worked!

This battle isn't over yet.


I'll just use the backup energy mode to restore him.

He will destroy you all!


[rangers] Oh no!

She reactivated the sensor!

He's still under her control.

His strength will be unparalleled.

Guys, we have no choice but to destroy him.

I understand. We have no choice.

[rangers] Gosei great megazord!


[Gosei] summon megazord!

[Rangers] Gosei great megazord, ready!

[Red Ranger] I wish it didn't come to this.

[chest Buzzes]

r- -C- !

Destroy that hunk of junk!


What? So you really have been

short-circuited by friendship.

That means you're useless to me!

It is time for you to self-destruct!

The self-destruct's not working!

Rico's resisting. He must still remember us.

Then metal Alice will destroy him.

We can't let that happen.

[Pink Ranger] I'm going to save him.

[others] what? Emma!

Rico's been a friend to us.

I must set him free.

Command ship, activate!

[Gosei] Summon command ship!

Trust me, guys.

Emma, what are you going to do?

I'm getting him out of here.


I can still override your system

and blow you to smithereens.

It is you who has betrayed him.


Rico, grab hold!

Hang on, Buddy!

Hang on!

[Rangers] whoa!

[Red Ranger] She took him! [Blue Ranger] this is crazy!

Emma, think about this!


Vrak is not going to be happy about this.

I'm taking you to a safe place, Rico.

Far enough away from metal Alice

that her signal can't reach you.

You're my friend, Rico.

I need to set you free.

Emma set Rico free!


Rico Trust friend Emma!

You remember me!


Hang on!

Rico, we're nearly out of range of metal Alice.

So in a few seconds, you need to let go.

Rico is free!

Yes, now you're free!

Thank you, Emma, for saving me.

And for showing me True friendship.

I will never forget you

and the Power Rangers.

[Pink Ranger cries]

buddies forever.

Buddies forever.

Goodbye, Emma.

Goodbye, Rico.


Robot -C- escaped.

This isn't over, rangers.

[red] and We'll be ready for you.

My prototype failed,

but I have an improved model in the works.

You promised results.

I will not accept another failure.

And results you shall have.

I believe strongly robots are the future.

But time is short.

Are you sure you can do this?

Yes, master. You'll see.

My next design is flawless.

It'd better be.

Or you'll be headed for the scrap heap.

Catch it!

They're having so much fun.

I bet Rico would've liked playing with them.

[boys] nice! Here we go!

I miss Rico so much.

We all do, Emma.

It was really brave of you to set him free.


Everyone should be free.

We should all choose our destiny.

And you helped him do that.

Yeah, I'm happy for him.

Hey, do you remember how Rico kicked that ball?

That was impressive, I mean, with that kind of action,

we could win the world cup.

He learned quick.

He was way better than me at catching the baseball.

He was way better than me at kicking the soccer ball.

Come on, practice makes perfect.


Right here, right here!

Wherever you are, Rico,

just remember that you'll always be in our hearts.

♪ [theme]
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