20x14 - Gosei Ultimate

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x14 - Gosei Ultimate

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

And happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

to destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat.

They are the Power Rangers Megaforce!

Oh! I can feel the aurora box's power.

[electricity crackles]

It's amazing!

Now that we infused it with toxic slime,

we can't lose.

Toxic sludge and goo,

just like the gunk that created us.

We'll unleash this toxic terror on the city

and give those humans a taste of what made us mutants.

It's ready!

Come on, let's go.

Let's show vrak what the box can really do.

Just thinking about a world covered in slime

sends me spinning!

You go, bigs!

We're going to use this royal w*apon

and make ourselves kings!

When we're done, everyone will bow to us.

Right! Now let's go pollute the city!


♪ [theme]

♪ Megaforce Power Rangers ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers Megaforce ♪

[Gosei] Tensou, are you almost done?

[Tensou] Not quite, this is tougher than I thought.


Careful, Tensou.

Whoops, sorry!

But you're making me a little bit nervous.

I understand, but the Rangers need

this new megazord power

to fight the aurora box.

Right! I won't mess up again.


Oh, sorry!

Time to end this world.

Pollutions destroying their world already.

We're just gonna give it a push.


Oh, the power!

Release it!

All right, bluefur.

Let's really have some fun.

Spin me! Sure!

Let's spread that super, stinky slime all over the place!

Oh, faster, buddy, faster!

Come, bigs, really let them have it!


This slime is the beginning of the end!


[man] That slime! [woman] Run!

Toxic waste.

Robo blaster.

Oh, no.

Blasting the slime spread it around even more.

So far so good.

Or should I say so far so bad?

[both laugh]

Hold it right there!

Well, well, the power runts are here.

Careful, he's got that power box again.

And he's using it to spread toxic waste.

We brought you some of the slime we grew up in.

It was your choice

to make this planet bad for you and good for us.

We just cooked it a little for you

and made it badder.

Then we'll clean it all up, including them.

Let's start!

It's morphing time!

[Rangers] Go, go Megaforce!


Megaforce black! Megaforce blue!

Megaforce pink! Megaforce red!

Megaforce yellow!

[Rangers] Earth's defenders never surrender!

Ha! So you want to get dirty?

We'll wipe that dirty smile off your face.

[Rangers yell]

Watch out for his spin attack!



Dragon sword!

Welcome to the club, red!

Push him back!


Reverse slash!


Mutant might!

[Blue Ranger] Fast blast!

You think you're beating us,

but this smoke tells a different story.

You're really just helping us release more toxic fumes.

Let's finish them off!

[Rangers] Combine!

Megaforce blaster!

Dynamic victory charge!


[both cry out]

[Rangers cheer]

Ha! Didn't your mommy tell you

never to turn your back on mutants?


[Rangers groan]

No way, our blast didn't even scratch them!

Allow me to scratch your itch!

[Rangers cry out]

[noah] Impossible!

Don't you get it?

The aurora box has made us

a times stronger than before!

And my evil ooze is a times stickier than before.

See that broadcast tower?

[Emma] Oh, no!

[Bigs] That's slime from my body.

Soon it will cover the city with toxic fumes

and then the whole world!

You guys stink!

A demented mutant with a nasty plan.

We will stop you!

Ha! You can't be everywhere at once.

But my slime can! That's the beauty of it!

You're forgetting something.

Robo Knight!

That we are a team.

What? You will see?

Freeze card.



Grr. I'll smash you!

You'll have to get past us.

That's easy. After all, you're just humans.

[Bluefur] Show them the aurora power!

[electricity crackles]


[Gia] Robo Knight!

Are you okay? I am damaged.

But it is not critical.

We'll finish you off later. We're gonna get more slime.

You froze the toxic matter.

That stopped the chemical reaction.

It will hold for awhile.

That gives us a little breathing room.

[Troy] Very little.

We got to take out bigs before this stuff unfreezes.

I cannot assist you further at this time.

I must restore my systems.

We understand.

[thunder crashes]

I didn't bring my umbrella.--

what a downpour.

Huh? It stopped.

What's that smell?

Oh, I feel sick.

[crowd coughs]

[Bigs laughs]

Those fools thought they could freeze out my slime.

They should've checked the weather forecast.

Yeah! Luckily that rain thawed out all of your frozen slime.

Now, let's watch it work its toxic magic.

[Rangers cough]

Boy, those fumes are really bad.

Robo Knight was able to stop--

he did it with a special card.

We need to get that card.

Wait, we just need to freeze these toxic fumes.

If we combine our power cards,

I think we can create the same effect.

Great! It's at least worth a shot, right?

Ice axe card!

[Red and Pink Ranger] Wind drive!

Activate! Activate! Activate!

Yes! We did it!

That'll put that slime on ice.

Mmm. Nice!

[Bigs] Surprise!

They're back!

Since you froze our slime again,

we'll just have to unfreeze it.

Ultra Zords, activate!


[Rangers] Ultra mode activate!

[Gosei] Ultra mode, morph.

Ultra sword!

Ultra shmul-tra.

Try my ultra power.




[laughs] Isn't it fitting

That you are getting bashed by the very mutants

that human toxins created?

Aurora blast!

Powering up!

Say goodbye, Rangers!

Watch out!

Aurora blast!

Gia, with me!

[both] Defense Stone, activate!

[Rangers cry out]

Jake! Gia!

My next aurora blast will finish you!

Jake, it's time for you and me to shake things up

mega-quake style.got it.

Cool? Good.

We'll distract him.

New positions!


And go!

Aurora blast!

Mega quake, activate!



Ahh! No!


Ultra slash!

Oh! No, my staff!

We found his weakness.

Good work. Without that staff he's wide open.

Hit him fast and let's finish this!

Gosei ultra sword--

[Rangers] activate!

This looks bad.

[Red Ranger] Guys, let's do this.

[Rangers] Ultra Gosei dynamic, activate!

Ultra strike!

[Ranger yells]

[both scream]



Bigs, where are you?

I'm in the aurora box. It saved me!

We're out of here, buddy!

Huh? No!

Bluefur escaped again.

Oh, boy! So much for that.

Tensou, I'm sensing an even greater threat from the aurora box.

You must work faster to unlock the new megazord

or our Ranger friends will suffer the consequences.

Don't worry, almost done.

They think they destroyed you, bigs.

Well, think again.

The Rangers have no idea what you can do

in your awesome new form.


[zombats shriek]

Oh, yeah!

Come morning, the Rangers are in for a huge surprise!


Wakey, wakey, humans!

And witness the magnificent mess

we mutants can create!



Ah, just in time.

Didn't expect to see me again, huh?

Did you miss me?

What are you up to now, bluefur?

Rangers, I am again fully functional.

It appears you destroyed the mutant bigs.

Think again.

All they did was give the aurora box even more power!

Now, bigs is back in a new form

that's bigger and badder than ever!


It's him! Bigs!

Did you forget that I'm made of slime?

You can't destroy me by blasting me apart.

You just scattered my slime everywhere.

The earth is melting beneath your feet.

It won't on our watch!

Your watch on this earth is ending today!

Tell them what's coming next, big-sy!

The toxic slime from my body

will spread out and cover everything.

Turning the whole earth into one giant bigs.

Soon you will be swimming in purple goo.

And purple goo ain't good for you.

Earth turned into a wasteland?

This cannot be permitted.

You got that right.

We're going to stop it right now!

[Rangers] Megaforce blaster, dynamic victory charge!


We need more power! Right.

I'll give you more power!

I'm ready to go clubbing!




Grab him!

My power's about to grab you!

Oh, yeah!

[Rangers groan]

[Bluefur laughs]

You thought I was a big foot.

Here's a big foot!

[Rangers cry out]

Heads up!



I will fight bluefur.

You must go and stop bigs.

Right! Follow me!

We got to get to the top of that building

before bigs unleashes more of his purple slim!

Come on!

Bluefur, now, it's just you and me.

That's right.

Because thanks to the aurora box

those Rangers will never come out of that building!


They're trying to slow us down.

We've got to get to the top floor!

Right! Let's go!

[cries out]


Back off!

Phoenix kick!

Hiyaah! Hiyaah!

Look who's here.


Let's get him.

Welcome to my world.

Once you enter, you can never leave.

We'll see about that!



Stay alert, everyone.

Huh? What?

There he is!


Get him!

Catch me if you can, Rangers!

He vanished! Where'd he go?

Argh! He's playing games with us.

We need more power.

[Rangers] Ultra mode, activate!

[Gosei] Ultra mode, morph!

Where are we?


What is that?

Welcome to my hangout.

It's him!


You're inside the aurora box!

There is no way for you to escape now.

Look out!


It's over, Rangers!

I've got this all wrapped up!



Your friends will soon be trapped.

While bigs finishes them off,

I'll finish you!

Bluefur, you talk too much.

I'll suck away your energy to make me stronger!

I'm losing strength.

Me too. And I can't reach my w*apon.


Our only hope is to tap into our ultra powers!

Do it!

[Rangers strain]


Fury of the dragon!

Megaforce red!

Cut the tentacles!

My shark bite did the trick.

Ultra swords, activate!

[Rangers] For the earth!

[Rangers yell]

Gosei Ultra Sword!

Ultra strike!

[Rangers yell]


[Bigs cries out]


Bigs was destroyed?

And you are next.

[cries out]

Robo blade.


This is for bigs!


This is for the earth.

Knight dynamic, activate.

[Gosei] Ready.

[Robo Knight] Knight dynamic, fire!


Still, the Rangers will never escape the aurora box!

Bigs should've finished them off.

Bluefur better not fail me, too.


[zombats shriek]



Now, to avenge my fallen comrade!

Change card.



[Gosei] Lion zord, morph!

Summon megazord.

[Robo Knight] Zords, combine.

Gosei grand megazord, ready.


Let me begin with you!

Gosei, are you there?

No answer. He can't read us.

We'll have to do this on our own.

Yeah, it's completely dead.


The lights are going out.

The aurora box is imploding! So we're trapped here!

Stay focused. There must be a way out.


Oh, Gosei, Gosei!

I think I've done it!

Not a moment too soon.

Let's do it!


It's so dark.

Guys, I want you to know what an honor it's been

to serve by your side.

[thunder crashes]

[Gosei] Megaforce!

It's Gosei!

It's the top of the Command center.

Wait, it's a space ship now!

[Rangers] Wow.

Hello, Rangers.

You came for us!

[Gosei] And I always will.

Here is your new ship.

It's amazing!

[Gosei] Use your ultra mode

To call for your Zords.

You heard him. Ultra mode!

[Gosei] Summon Ultra Zords.

The ultra Zords, what are they doing?

[ultra Zords roar]

The Zords! Melding into the ship.

[Gosei] Rangers, your bravery as earned you this new power.

Megaforce, I present

the Gosei ultimate Command ship.

Team, let's use it well.

[Rangers yell]


Gosei ultimate is more powerful

than anything you've piloted before.

Hold on tight.


You will fall prey to my vicious vengeance!

Nothing can stop me!


It's stomping time.

What? The aurora box?

How did they destroy it?

The Rangers escaped!

Ahh! These blasts are powerful!


[Red Ranger] Woo!

Did you see the conversion controls?

This ship can morph.

I figured that.

But what does it morph into?

Let's find out.

[Gosei] Command ship, transform.

[Red Ranger] This ship is such an upgrade in power and style

I can't wait to see what it turns out to be.

[Black Ranger] It's doing it, check it out!

[Blue Ranger] It's a new megazord!

[Rangers] Gosei ultimate megazord, ready!

Let's see what this baby can do.

Ultimate megazord, huh?

Well, it's time to dish out

some ultimate payback for bigs!


[cries out]

Double sword spin attack!

[cries out] [Red Ranger laughs]

Thanks, Gosei, we're loving this new fire power.

Oh, no, my club!

Why you--

all right, let's take this big boy down.

Huh? What was that?

[Blue Ranger] Let's see what this button does.

[Gosei] Ultimate laser cannons, targeting.

[Red Ranger] Fire!


[Rangers] Ultimate charge!


[Gosei] Ready.

[Rangers] Gosei ultimate megazord,

Lock on target!

Victory charge! Ultimate strike!



How could we lose?

We had the box!


Nicely done, Rangers.

Threat eliminated.

Yes! Great job, guys! We did it, guys!

[Red Ranger] Mega Rangers, that's a mega win.

Thanks for saving us, Gosei.

Whoa, hey!

Yeah, the new ship rocks!

Whoa! Really?

Thank Tensou.

He worked hard to help unlock the command ship.

You have proven you deserve to wield its power.

That's right! Boom!

But you must use it wisely.

We'll do our best, Gosei.


Does that mean we can't take it for a joyride?

Uh. I don't think so, Jake.

What? I was just asking.

[all laugh]
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