20x13 - Dream Snatcher

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x13 - Dream Snatcher

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian Awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat.

They are the Power Rangers Megaforce!

This is the perfect place to watch

tonight's epic meteorite shower.

All those sh**ting stars.

I brought my wish list.

Wow, that's a lot of wishes.

Sure is.

Whenever we saw a sh**ting star,

my dad would tell me to make a wish.

And it would come True.

But I'd get so excited, that I'd forget my wish.

So, I decided to write them all down.

That's a good idea.

Maybe I should write my wish down.

You know you have to say you wishes out loud.

I thought wishes were supposed to be secret.

Ah, not if you want them to come True.


shut up.

I'll race you to Ernie's brain freeze.

Last one there pays.

Come on!

No way!

Hurry up, girls.

Let's show them how it's done.

Hope you brought your wallet, Noah.

[Vrak] behold the mighty Aurora box.

One of the most prized possessions of my royal family.

It has the power to destroy the rangers.

Then let's unlock that power,

and take out the rangers once and for all.

♪ [theme]

♪ megaforce Power Rangers ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers forever ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ rangers forever ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers Megaforce ♪


And we beat the girls here.

Yeah, I guess they're buying.

Come on, Jake. Can't let the girls buy.

We're gentlemen.

He's right.

If you ever want your wish to come true...

You'll buy.

Uh, guys?

Looks at the counter.



I hike every day. I know every shortcut in town.

We already ordered,

and so, if you can bring it over to our table when it's ready.

Oh, and don't forget to pay.

Legend has it that the Aurora box

has the power to magnify a monster's strength

a hundred times.

I can't wait to use it.

I know if you say it's a prized possession,

it must be powerful indeed.

With it, we can turn any monster into an unstoppable force.

Then why waste it on just any monster?

Both bluefur and I should have the honor.

We promise we won't fail you.

We're tired of playing games with these rangers.

Ah, I can feel incredible power emanating from the box.

On second thought, maybe we should test it out

on another monster first.

Okay, but choose this monster wisely.

This power can't be wasted.

Don't worry. We have the perfect monster for the job.

Those Power Rangers are in for quite a surprise.



Ah. Aye-Yi-Yi.

His dreams look delicious.


[Dream snatcher] Time to eat!

Que Bueno.

Another dream eaten, and it's gone forever.

Now to find some little girl's dream for dessert.

Hola, dream snatcher.

Vrak said We'd find you here.

Ole, señor--Bigs and señor--Bluefur.

My pleasure to see you.

Why would your bulk and bigness want to catch up to me,

a poor, obscure, dream-eating loner?

Por qué, señors?

You might be helpful to us.

We have the mighty Aurora box,

and we need to test its secret powers on someone.

Yeah, and you're going to be our guinea pig.

Aye! Tierra Del fuego!

♪ I have a dream hope comes true ♪

♪ that's to sing my songs for you ♪

Hola, my singing supper.

Thanks to the Aurora box,

I can't eat the dreams of people who are awake!


Muchas gracias. such a tasty dream.

Now he'll grow roots of despair.

[Ernie] Your non-fat treats are ready.

I made this extra special for you.

Guaranteed to score points with a certain young lady.

[morpher signal beeps]


Um, I don't need them anymore.

You're such a Kidder.

I'm not going to stop short this time.

This year, I'm going to finish the marathon.

[dream snatcher] And that big dream is going to be my lunch.

A little salty, but delcioso. Gracias.



What is that?

[Red ranger] What happened to them?

[Black ranger] What's happening?

[Pink ranger] They've grown roots!

Saboroso. So yummy in my tummy.

What a fantastico feast.

Ah, si.

You must be the rangers I've been hearing about.

[Blue ranger] What are you doing to these people?

Just dining on the useless dreams

of these useless humans.

[Pink ranger] What?

They call me the dream snatcher.

Usually, dream snatchers eat dreams

only when people are asleep.

But I've been empowered by the Aurora box.

Now I can eat people's hopes and dreams while they're awake.

Their spirits are now imprisoned in my dark dream world.

They'll never escape. [laughs]

[Black ranger] the Aurora box.

[Blue ranger] So Vrak has a new w*apon, huh?

And the catcher is, after their dreams are eaten,

their bodies grow roots of despair.

Roots that will make the earth rot away.

After that, all you humans will wither away,

and this world will be ours.

[Pink ranger] We've got to help them.

So, adios muchachos.

And don't be sore losers.

Losers, huh? Ugh.

You think we would let you destroy the earth?

[Pink ranger] and take away people's dreams?

Ole! I am a matador at heart,

and I love a good bull-fight.




Gia! Emma, blast him.

Uno, dos, tres. Ha!

I am muy fuerte.

In fact, I am so strong, You'll be tripping

over the roots of all of humanity's broken dreams.

The Aurora box es lo Maximo.

Vamanos. Let's go.

[Robo Knight] Hostile target neutralized.

[Red ranger] Are we glad to see you.

This is not good.

These roots are making the earth rot.

That monster created these roots

after he ate all these people's dreams.

Dreams? What are dreams?

Dreams are the things humans wish for and believe in.

They are the goals each of us hope to achieve.

For example, one of my dreams is to get some great photos

of the meteorite shower that's happening tonight.

Really? That's your dream?

I thought you had much bigger dreams than just that.

I don't think any dream is too small or too big.


I'm sure your dreams will be muy--Tasty.




Que Bueno. Delightful.

Her dreams devoured, so now she'll sleep forever.

[Yellow ranger] Emma, wake up!

[Red ranger] Stay with us, Emma. Emma!

[Dream snatcher] Hasta la vista!

[Yellow ranger] Emma, wake up.

[Black ranger] Stay with us, Emma.

Where am I?

That monster ate my hopes...

and my dreams.

What am I going to do?

Roots! Emma, wake up! Come on, wake up!

These roots will rot the earth.

I must cut them.


If you chop off the roots, you may hurt these people.

[Emma thinking] That monster even stole a little girl's dreams?

How cruel.

I have to make them believe in their dreams again.

Hey, don't be sad.

It's gonna be okay.

When you get out of here,

what do you want to do first?

I want to go to the beach,

and ride the waves.

What about all of you?

What do you want to do?

Come on, you guys!

Think about all the fun things.

Think about your dreams, your goals, come on!

Look, the roots disappeared.

But only Emma's.

I wonder why.

And I want to have my photographs published in nature magazines,

and I want to help save the rainforest.

Do you remember how many dreams she wrote down?

Maybe there were too many for the monster to eat.

I bet it's because Emma would never let go of her dreams.

No matter what.

Yeah. And knowing Emma,

she'll encourage everyone in that monster's dream world.

Robo Knight, you stay here and protect Emma.

We'll go after the monster.

I will stay.

But if you don't succeed, I will have to act.

[Troy] Let's go.

Hmm. Emma was able to stop her roots from growing.

Her dreams must be more powerful than I thought.

Is that music I hear?

Si And laughter!

Those happy sounds are like a dinner bell to me.

Somewhere in this park

a dream picnic is being dished up for me!

Right here.

Que?--there isn't a real picnic?

Dream on. Just a trick to lure you out.

[Blue ranger] time for your rude awakening.

[rangers] ultra sword, activate.

Hey! Que Passa?

[rangers] ultra mode, activate!

[Gosei] ultra mode, morph!

Let's do this.

I'm going to eat all your dreams.

[dream snatcher] You rangers are too late.

The roots of despair are already rotting the earth.

And soon it will be destroyed.

And tonight there's going to be

hundreds of sh**ting stars in the sky.

You can make all the wishes you want.

I wish that I could have a kitten.

I'd take good care of it.

Of course you would.

What would you call it?

I'll call it...


I love singing.

And I just want to entertain people And make them happy.

I want to finish a marathon.

I want to buy my parents

a trip to Paris for their anniversary.

[woman] I want to visit the grand canyon.

[woman # ] I always wanted to be a ballerina.

[man] I want to climb Mount kilimanjaro.

No, no, no, my tummy. I'm feeling sick.

Aye-Yi. It's like there's a bunch of bats

trying to get out of there.

Hey, I bet Emma's

riling everyone up in that dream world.

Yeah, being sad's just not her. Yeah.

Whether she's sad or not,

I ate her dreams, and she can never get them back.

Once she accepts that fact, she will be finito.

Wrong. If someone holds on to their dreams hard enough,

no one can ever take them away.

I will entertain people.

And the world.

I can make it to the finish line.

I will get my parents a trip to Paris.

I will have a kitten.

And I want us all to get out of here together.

Oh, no!

We did it.

The power of your dreams freed them?

Not just me.

The power of all our dreams freed us.

Dreams are what people live for.

I don't understand.

Dreams give us hope.

And by achieving them, it makes our lives worthwhile.

It's what makes us human.

I see.

All of them escaped.

Get him!

Are you loco?

If you think you can beat me, you are dreaming! Que?

Hey dream snatcher,

we're your nightmare.

[Yellow ranger] Go Emma! Yeah.

Robo Knight morph.

Guys, Robo Knight and I will finish this one.

It's over, monster.

Ultra sword, activate.

Ultra mode, activate.

[Robo Knight] Ultra mode, morph.

Wind power. Ultra megaforce pink.

I am Robo Knight, protector of the environment,

guardian of the earth.

Robo blade!

Vine Bender. Activate.

This is not divine. Huh?

Ya! Ultra strike.

Now, to finish this.

Knight dynamic.

Ultra sky dynamic.

[together] fire!



The Aurora box has failed.

Not quite yet, sir.

Zombats, enlarge!

Hola, rangers!

I am now big,

and you are snack-sized like tapas!

Not for long, monster.

[rangers] Mechazords, activate.

Sky megazord, activate.

Zords combine!

Sky brothers, activate.

[Robo Knight] Lion mechazord, activate.

[rangers] sky Gosei great, ready!

[Robo Knight] Gosei Grand megazord...


Zords, combine.

Gosei grand megazord ready.

So much to eat

means giant dreams are coming my way.

Now, fork over those dreams.


Que raro! Their dreams won't come out!


Ugh, this guy's got a one-track mind.

And he's on the wrong track.

You're about to be derailed... permanently.

Yeah, your dream stealing's going to be put to bed for good.

Ow chihuahua!

[Rangers] Sky sonic slam!

This is not bueno!

It's because of hopes and dreams

that people can reach their goals.

[Red ranger] Right.

You monsters know nothing but evil and destruction.

And that's why you'll never beat us.

[rangers] Gosei great grand megazord, activate!

Gosei Great grand megazord, ready!

[Pink ranger] victory charge, activate.

[Gosei] victory charge, ready.

Now, that's scary.

This must end.

Villains who damage and pollute this planet...

[Rangers] will be stopped and punished

by the megaforce.

[rangers] Dual strike!

Is it muy caliente in here, or is it just me?

I guess it's just me!

Well, say adios to dream snatcher.

Another nightmare, thanks to the Power Rangers.

Yes, but the Aurora box is amazing.

We're only beginning to discover its powers.

Yes, dream snatcher was weak.

Our best bet is to use it on ourselves.

♪ Dream your dreams and fight the fight ♪

♪ hold them in your heart so tight ♪

♪ I had a dream I made come true ♪

♪ and now I'm singing my songs for you ♪

♪ wish upon a star one night ♪

♪ your hopes will be your guiding light ♪

♪ dream the dreams and fight the fight ♪

♪ hold them in your heart so tight ♪

What are your dreams, Robo Knight?

I do not have a dream.

I have a mission

to protect the earth.

Hey, do you want to come see

the meteorite shower with us tonight?

No, my mission comes first.

[together] whoa!

Oh, well. I tried.

[Jake] Come on, guys. Let's move, let's move.


You look worried. Why?

I was just thinking about that Aurora box

the monster mentioned.

If it's really as powerful as he says...

maybe it's just a one-time thing.

We can only wish.


Hurry, Emma. It's starting.

Did I hear somebody say "Wish?"

because that's what you guys should be doing right now.


Wow. Look.

That's awesome.

This meteorite shower is Phenomenal.


Since Robo Knight isn't here,

let's make a wish on his behalf.

Hold hands everyone.

We wish that our world

will soon live in peace and harmony.

And that our planet will, one day,

be free of harm and pollution.
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