20x12 - Last Laugh

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x12 - Last Laugh

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian Awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat.

They are the Power Rangers Megaforce!


Oh, cool. Check it.

Oh, cool.


[crowd laughs] What's so funny?

Yeah! Come on!

I know, let's go check it out.

Come on.

Street comics?

Give me a break.

Okay, okay, what's brown and sticky?


A stick!

[audience laughs]

What did the duck say when she bought some lipstick?


Put it on my bill!

[Audience laughs]

these guys are pretty funny.

You're not laughing.

I don't think they're funny.

[Emma] Where's your sense of humor.

I don't think Noah has a sense of humor.

Yeah, same as Robo Knight.

Hey, look, they're silly but it's all about letting go

and laughing. Just listen.

See, that's the straight man

and he feeds lines to the Jokester.


I understand the logic

of teamwork in a comedy duo.

Don't analyze comedy, just go with it.

Why was six scared to get next to seven?


Because seven eight nine and ten!

I just don't get why you guys are laughing.

It's not funny.

It's part of the fun, it's okay.

You just got to try to have fun.


Huh? What's going on?

Come to me, little laugh balls!

You think laughter makes the world go round?

I'm here to end that sound!

Who are you? I mean, what are you?

My name's Nojoke and that's no joke.

I want to silence laughter

because it annoys me.

So when people laugh, I trap them!

Hey, quit it!

Let's out now or I'll kick your Butt!

Gia's in there.

I caught one of your friends.

Well, time's ticking away for her.

Once it runs up, they'll all dissolve in there

and I'll drink them up!

Mmm, yum!

We got to get everyone out of that pod.

Nojoke, out!

Come on!

♪ [Theme]

♪ Megaforce Power Rangers ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers Megaforce ♪

Ha! Hitting them in their funny bones.

Quite clever of you, Vrak.

Humans laugh all the time. They can't help it.

Did you know that babies laugh times a day?

And laughter is contagious.

They have no protection from this monster.

That's good, very good.

Come to think of it, Vrak, I've never seen you even smile.

Things like smiling and laughing

are a complete waste of time.

Right! Only Those pathetic humans laugh.

Not for much longer.

When it comes to laughter, I rather skip it.

We need to save Gia.


No need to Chase him when you have weapons to stop him.

Wait! Hey, Nojoke!

Free Gia and the others!

What do we have here?

You're saying I've got a power ranger in my gourd?

Well, if Gia hadn't laugh so hard,

she would've been out of her gourd

instead of trapped in Mine


Whatever it is, we need to break it.

Before everyone dissolves.

Give that to me!


Here, hold your friend

while I beat up your other friends.

Looks like you could all use some fresh air!

I'm your biggest fan!


[Rangers cry out]

[Rangers groan]

easy target.



Let's get him!

[Both] Twistornado!

That's a light breeze

compared to my winds of discontent!

Choke on that!


[both grunt]

I will protect you.

Too bad I can't stay and play!


He escaped.

Now, how will we save Gia?



Well, it's about time.

How'd it go?

Great! I've captured a lot of laughter,

even caught me a power ranger.


Since humans like to laugh so much,

this plan is full proof.

I'll keep them giggling

until there are no more humans left.

If they laugh long and hard, they can't escape me.

Soon I'll never have to hear that terrible noise again.

No more rangers to deal with

and the earth wiped clean of humans,

that sounds wonderful!



Stop that awful laughing.

If you don't quite, you'll end up trapped in my pod!

Oh! Oh, no!


That's better. Think evil thoughts.

Keep sucking up those happy people

until there's no laughter anywhere.

Don't worry, soon this place will be as quiet as a library.

We need to find that thing

before it drinks those people like a smoothie.

Troy, what are we waiting for? Come on, let's go get Gia.

That monster is gonna make us laugh.

And when he does,

we're gonna get sucked into its pod, too.

I don't care.

What were gonna do then?

I mean, how can we resist laughing?

Just don't laugh.

Laughter is not a necessity.

[morphers beep]

Yes, Tensou.

[Tensou] the monster is back.

City park!

Thank you, Tensou.

I have an idea.

[children giggle]

Perfect! A human buffet of laughter.

My pod will suck them up like a smorgasbord!


My turn! My turn!

Beat it, bozo.

[children laugh]

[all laugh]

A laugh here, a laugh there.

Everywhere a laugh, laugh.

I should have been in show business.

I could have been a star!


♪ Ah-Ha, humans, the jokes on you ♪

♪ ah-Ha, humans, the jokes on you ♪

There he is!

Ah! Rangers! Talk about spoiling a moment.

Okay, guys, let's use Noah

and Robo Knight's lack of humor to our advantage.

Since they won't laugh, they can take him out.

Right. Good call.

You guys need to save Gia.

Don't forget to save the others, too.

Good luck. Don't worry.

We got this covered.


Let's do this together, Robo Knight.

Hey, wait for me!

Ow! Now, that's not funny!


You're a joke.

No watch me deliver a punch-line!

You failed to engage the enemy in a synchronized fashion.

What happened?

What happened is you jumped the g*n.

I didn't see any g*n to jump over.

May I jump in?



Follow my lead. Sea shower.

Sea shower!

[Both] Activate!


You guys couldn't hit a target if it slapped you in the face!

So allow me! Take that and that!

And that and that!




You two aren't working together.

Maybe this will tickle your fancy.

Tickle wind!

[both chuckle]

this feels like a thousand feathers.


Stop! I don't like being tickled!

No, it's tickling me pink.

My tickle got them both in a Pickle.

Stop right there!

Guess I'll just have to wing it

until I can get all of you to laugh.


oh! Almost got myself there.

I better put buckles on my chuckles!


time to flap before I flop,

but I'll back with a new routine.

Time to fly!

Hey! Come back here!

Noah, it's just the three of us now.

Robo Knight!

Wait! Where are you going?

I'm not ticklish and I don't laugh.

It appears I must fight this monster alone.

[people chattering]


[woman chatter]

♪ la-la-la-la ♪

Ah! What's the awful noise?

Laughter! Keep it up you cackling hens!

There, you chickens, now you're all cooped up.

[crowd cheers]

Soon there will be no laughter anywhere!

The clock is ticking.

We have to find that monster before it's too late.

He's quick. He appears and is gone before we can do anything.

Then we have to be quicker.

It sure is quiet around here without laughter.


That's it! Tell me a joke, Noah.

You have to make me laugh.

If we laugh, then the monster will come to us.

What? Me tell a joke?

Follow me! Trust me, come on.

Where are we going?

A place where our laughter will Echo.


Uh. What did, uh--


I can't think of a joke. I don't know any.

You're trying too hard.

Okay? Let me try to make you laugh.

[makes noises]



Why did the baseball player get arrested?

For stealing bases.

That's a clever play on words but not funny.

How about this?

What do lawyers where to work?




Urgh. Troy, really?

Fine, how about a science question?

What did the rock say to the geologist?

Don't take me for granite.



Really, Noah?

Granite! That's so dumb, it's funny!


listen to that silence.

It's golden.

All the laughter is gone.

[Noah's laugh echoes] what? No!

Stop it now!

That laughter must be close!


did you hear a new restaurant opened on the moon?

Good food but no atmosphere.


I can't believe you never heard these before.

[morphers beep]

[Tensou] Good work!

The Monster's heading your way.

We did it, it's coming.

[chuckles] don't laugh anymore.

It's time to morph.

Let's go!

Mega Force blue!

Mega Force red!

That laughter is coming from over there!


So you're the ones I head laughing.

Good to see you, too.

You got something we want!

Release those people in the pod!

Or what, you're tell another bad Joke?



Tickle wind!

Let's go!


Your wind game wouldn't work this time.

Stop raining on my parade!

My tickle wind has always been my go to move.

Now, it's my turn.

Your jokes have no effect on me.

Uh, this doesn't look good.

But luckily I've saved the best for last!




[red ranger laughs]

I can't help myself.

[red ranger laughs]


Oh, god. Oh, god.



No, stop.

[red ranger] I really can't stop.

Ha! Fart Jokes never fail!




How could the two of you not laugh at that?

All right, from here on this is no laughing matter.

This is w*r!

I'll hop and bop, until you both drop!


I will end this.

If you won't laugh at my butt,

then take one in the gut.


Good try, boys,

but the show is over for you both!


Good try, boys,

but the show is over for you both!


His combat skills are stronger than expected.

Blue ranger, you need to make sure you do not laugh.

Right, no laughing.

Wait a second.

Oh! Almost got myself there.

I better put a buckle on my chuckles.

I've got it.

I know how to stop this joker.

Please explain.

You can't hide from me!

What are they doing? Huh?

You think a plan like that will really work?

It's the best I can come up with.

It's simple logic.

If we can get him to laugh,

he'll get sucked into his own pod.

But I can't do this alone.

I'll need your help to make this work.

Then let's work together to take this monster down.


ah, finally!

How did the secret meeting go?

We shall see.


lighting strike.







That's your big plan, try to zap me?

But you missed!

No, that was just the warm up act.


What're you waiting for?

[clears throat]

Let's try this one.


Why do seagulls fly over the sea?


If they flew over the bay,

They'd be bagels.

[wind whistles]





He's laughing!

Gosh darn it!


it's working!

He's making himself Laugh into his pod.

I must stop, but I can't!

I have to destroy the pod!

Yes! They're free!



Ha! They did it!

Hey, thanks, guys.

It's not over yet.

Are you okay?

Guys, I actually told a joke.

No one makes a joke out of me!


[rangers] ultra zords, activate!


[Gosei] summon zords.

Okay, guys, let's do this.

[rangers] ultra mode, activate!

[Gosei] Ultra mode morph.

Storm power!

Ultra Megaforce red!

Wind power!

Ultra Megaforce pink!

Rock power!

Ultra Megaforce black!

Jungle power!

Ultra Megaforce yellow!

Wave power!

Ultra Mega force blue!

[Rangers] Earth's defenders never surrender!

Go, go Megaforce!

[Rangers yell]

I am Robo Knight.

Protector of the environment.

Guardian of the earth.

[all] Ultra Megaforce!

Let's go!

Don't make me laugh.

You can't beat me!

[cries out]

That wasn't funny!


robo blast.



Okay, guys,

let's do this.

[rangers] Ultra powers, dynamic strike!

[Red ranger] Ultra strike!

Knight dynamic.


[cries out]

That blundering Nojoke will turn us into

the laughing stock of the entire galaxy!

Sorry, sir.

I thought that by exploiting an INVOLUNTARY human weakness,

like laughing, we would destroy the humans once and for all.

It was a good plan, Vrak.

But the monster failed us all.

Now, he must redeem himself.

Yes! Zombats!

[Zombats shriek]

now, I can drink down the laughter in One giant gulp!

Not on our watch!

[Rangers] Mechazords, activate!

[Gosei] Summon mechazords.

[rangers] Gosei great megazord, activate!

[Gosei] Summon megazord.

[rangers] Gosei great megazord, ready!

Change card.



Lion zord, morph.


zords combine.

[Gosei] summon megazord.

[Robo Knight] Gosei grand megazord, ready!

Uh-Oh! Double trouble.

Well, you can both eat dirt together!



These are beyond hurricane force winds.

Blustery isn't it?

[black ranger] the only way to stop that wind bag

is to end that wind.

Got it. Noah, call the sea zord.

Yeah, let's throw some cold water on his act.

Sea brothers, activate!

[Gosei] summon sea zords.

[rangers] sea Megazord, activate!

Sea Gosei great, ready!

Noah, go.

Time to dampen his spirits!

Thar she blows!


my wings are soaked!

Take this!

Hey! It is not working!



Victory charge.



Those who damage and pollute this planet

will not be forgiven by the earth nor me.


Victory charge, grand strike!

[Cries out]



This isn't funny!


[red ranger] Megaforce rangers, that's a mega win.

[Noah] thanks for all your help.

Especially for being the straight man to my lame joker.

And for trusting in me.

I was just doing my job.

Hey, Noah,

so how did you make the monster laugh?


I did a stand up routine with Robo Knight.

Stand up!


Oh, you and Robo Knight.

But you couldn't think of joke to tell me?

And how did you get Robo Knight to do it?

He trusted me.

He's a pretty good straight man.

Here, watch.

Hey, Robo Knight.

Why do birds fly south for the winter?

It's easier than walking.

[all laugh]

that was the logical answer.

Hey, guys, I got more!

What did one wall say to the other?

Meet you at the corner.


A little advice, Buddy,

Don't quit your day job.


Meet you at the corner, do you get it?

Wall? Corner?

Why didn't you say that earlier, seriously?
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