20x08 - Robo Knight

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x08 - Robo Knight

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off This new threat.

They are the power rangers megaforce!

Okay, class. Okay.

Everyone find a study Buddy to partner up with.

All righty. Your assignment today

will be to collect interesting plant samples--

So we can bring them back to school--

For analysis!

Away you go.

Remember, keep your eyes peeled.

If you don't really watch where you're going,

you might miss something important.


Mr. B, you okay?


Vrak, I just discovered these two earth mutants.

They're made from toxic sludge.

With creepox destroyed,

we need some New allies.

Hmm. They will need to be convinced

to join forces with us.

That should be easy.

I'll just point out the power rangers

are a threat to their survival.



Good. Don't fail me like creepox did.

Don't worry.

Together we'll exterminate the rangers.


♪♪ mega force ♪♪

♪♪ power rangers megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce all together ♪♪

♪♪ mega force ♪♪

♪♪ mega force ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce all together ♪♪

♪♪ mega force ♪♪

♪♪ power rangers megaforce ♪♪

[Emma] This is so nice.

We've been so busy fighting aliens

that I haven't had a chance to get outside in nature.

Our lives are different now.

I haven't had any time for my experiments.

You don't regret it, do you?

Absolutely not.

I mean, I'm proud of who we are.

And what we do. Aren't you?

Of course.

And the best thing is

having you guys as my New best friends.

Let's go this way.

Noah, look.

It's the old factory.

It was closed down years ago because of too much pollution.

You're right. But look at the stream.

It looks like the chemicals are still seeping through.

They probably have been for all these years.

I don't understand how people could do this.

I'll analyze this back at the lab.

[woman screams]

Great Caesar salad.

Bigfoot was here.

Uh, field trip's over.

We better get back to the bus.

Quickly, kids. Follow me.

Big foot?

Nah, there is no such thing.

Must be some kind of hoax. Come on.

Those ugly humans keep getting closer and closer to us mutants.


I need to warn the others.

Malkor was right.

I must get these toxic mutants on our side.

These people didn't care about the environment at all.

I mean, they closed down the plant

but didn't even clean up the chemicals.

It's terrible.

Right now I'm more concerned with that footprint.

Dude, there is no such thing as bigfoot.

Ooh, more toxic sludge!

It's just another drop in the bucket,

proof that the humans don't care.

They turn a blind eye to the mess they've created.

They just keep making things worse.

It's time for them to pay.

Let's give them a wakeup call they can't ignore.

Yeah, actions speak louder than words.

Then action is what we'll take, right?


And just who are you?

A friend who thinks the same way you do.

We share the same goals.

My name is vrak, and soon the humans will discover you too,

unless they're stopped.

How do you propose we do that?

Easily. Form an alliance with me.

We will make all earthlings bend to our will.

Sounds good to me.

Me too.

I'll even bring our toxic Buddy hisser on board.


I knew it. There are toxic chemicals in this sample.

Hey, where's Gia?

I think she was headed to Ernie's brain freeze.

That's a great idea.

That's where I'm headed.


Hi, Jake.

Oh. Hey.

Didn't notice you there.

Just about to head to Ernie's for a fro-Yo.

I was gonna head there too.

Oh, well, you can come with me if you like.

Okay. Yes.

[devices beeping]

Oh, man. Man.

These are the coordinates tensou sent.

But where's the monster?

Split up.

Right. Let's go.


Nothing here.

So where's the monster hiding?

I don't see anything that looks weird.

How about you?


Oh, yeah. This monster looks pretty weird to me.


It's time to destroy some humans.

Back off. You're not destroying anyone.

Ha! Your species has had its day.

My toxic Venom will annihilate all of you.


No chance.

Think again.

No way!

That's not going to happen.

You puny humans think you can stop us?

Us mutants are unstoppable.

I can't wait to Bash these little runts.

I'll stomp you all into dust.

Ha ha!


bigfoot. But how?

You humans closed down that toxic factory,

but never cleaned up the chemicals.


you had the chance to take care of that toxic mess for years.

But did you? No.

No human ever lifted a finger to make things right.

Now it's our time.

Yeah, we've joined forces with the bugs and vrak

to take you humans out.

We never knew just how bad the pollution was.

You brought this upon yourselves.


Think of how harmful toxins and sludge are to you.

And then imagine how it'd feel

to be made of it.

Now we're gonna finish what mankind foolishly started.

What's that?

The destruction of your environment.

You're creating a toxic world.

We'll just speed up the process.

You won't get passed us.

[laughs] once we attack,

you'll become part of the sludge pile.

No, we'll never let you harm the earth!

Or its people.

Hisser, get them!

Look out!

I've got this one. Watch your backs.

Right. We'll take the blobby one.

Got it.

That leaves bigfoot. Right.

Welcome to the club!

Dragon sword! Ki-Yah!

[Laughs] Hey, that tickles.

Try to keep up, silly human.

Shark bowgun!

Now I'm hissing mad!


That the best you can do?




I'm okay.

It's that double club.

We've got to get passed it. Yeah.

Slither spit!

Wait. Where'd he go?

I'll Bump you off.

Phoenix shot!

Us sludge Balls know how to bounce back.

Emma. Troy.

These humans are much weaker than I expected.

No, it's not that these silly humans are much weaker,

it's just that we're much stronger.

And more pollution every day

means more and more power for us mighty mutants.

No way.

Yes, you thoughtless humans

have been making us more powerful with your pollution for years.


toxic waste in action.


This stuff really is nasty.

It's sapping all my energy.

I can't move!

Once you're all gone, we'll start the real fun.

Yes, we're going to break open

all the chemical tanks everywhere.

The earth will become a sea of slime--

a Paradise for mutants and a graveyard for humans.

No! We'll battle you

with every ounce of strength we have.

Get them!

Slither attack!

Ha! Down for the count.

Guys, keep fighting now matter what.

These humans are more resilient than I expected.

Perhaps a ball of toxic Fire would change that.

Now my slithery, slathery slime

will finish you off forever!

Now my slithery, slathery slime will finish you off forever.



What was that?


Who is it?

[gears whirring]

or what is it?

That symbol.

It's just like Gosei.

Where'd he come from?

I know where he's going.

Straight to the sludge pile.

Stand down, mutants.

You will only get one warning.

I am robo Knight,

protector of the environment,

guardian of the earth.

I knew it. He's on our side.

Huh? Nice.



My slime will take care of you!

I don't think so.

You use noxious elements to hurt the earth.

Environmental threats must be stopped.

A super robot.

Vrak! Explain this.

Why wasn't I told of this robo Knight?

I've never seen him before.

Hmm. Then destroy him!

Yes, sir.

No one can stop our plans. Understood?

Yes, admiral.

Then see to it.

Consider him gone.

He's super powerful.

With him fighting on our side,

we can take these mutants out.

Let's go!

[All shout]


[both] land strike!

Dragon sword!

I'll slam you with my underground attack!

Robo blade.

Advance no further.

Return to surface. Now.

Sky strike!


Sky brothers. Activate!

[Gosei] summon zords.

Crow zord! Phoenix zord!

Dragon zord! Ptera zord!

Hawk zord!

[All] set...ha! Sky blast!

I'm gonna pulverize these runts!

Not now. We need to return to our Lair

and recharge our powers

by bathing in toxic ooze.


So the next time we meet...

prepare to be destroyed, humans.

[all] oh!

They're gone.

Except the snake. Look!

[Hisser] slither spin!

Looks Like my slither Spin move

spelled the end for you, metal man!



it is time to neutralize you.

Vulcan Cannon. Activate.

[Gosei] SUMMON vulcan Cannon.

Vulcan Cannon, set.

Knight dynamic. Activate.

Reaching full power.

Applying maximum force.

Hey, wait!

Knight dynamic, fire!


Threat eliminated.

Oh, he used power cards.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Just like ours. Fascinating.

Robo Knight, thank you.

Yeah, you stopped that monster cold.

My winged Minions will help hisser recover.

Zom-Bats, go!


He's back!

And bigger than ever.

The earth ends now!

The earth ends now!

He's back!

Guess We should have expected this.

I'm not just bigger.

I'm badder!


stay back. Mission underway.

Do not interfere.

Change card.


[Gosei] lion zord, morph.

Did you just see that?




Amazing. He actually turned into a zord.

Robo ram!

[Gia] look, he's got that snake on the run.

Lion mechazord, activate!

That robot's putting pedal to the metal.

He's definitely more than a robot.

You got that right.

And whatever he is, he kicks Butt.

You think rocks can stop me?

I was buried underground for centuries.

Now I must complete my mission

to protect the earth's environment.

Keep coming.

You're about to be scorched and torn.

Time to rock your world!


spin maneuver!

Yah! Stop that, you bucket of bolts.

Robo charge!


That robot spin Move has hisser all spun out.

Get up!


robo Knight's got him now.

Wheel missiles.

Can we talk?

You have threatened the earth's environment.

All threats must be eliminated.

Knight power charge.

Victory strike!


objective completed.



Change card.


[Gosei] robo Knight, morph!

Who are you?

Why didn't Gosei tell us about you?

I didn't know zords could turn into robots.

You're a robot ranger and a zord.

We wanna know all about you.

Glad to have you on our side.


[Jake] what's up with him?

Yeah. Where's he going?

Poor hisser.

I thought he had what it took

to flatten those power rangers.

Hisser may have succeeded

if that robo Knight had not appeared.

Well, we'll just have to find a way to be tougher.


I say the first thing we gotta do

is recycle that robotic tin can!

I have a plan.

A new ranger! A New ranger!

A brand new, totally new, definitely new, undeni--



Gosei, how come you never told us

there was a sixth ranger out there?

Yeah, when were you gonna drop that little piece of info on us?

I didn't tell you because he had been dormant until today.

Just like your zords,

robo Knight comes from the earth.

I created him centuries ago

with the sole mission

to protect the earth's environment.

As the guardian of this planet,

I knew that someday the earth might need

a powerful protector like robo Knight.

I instilled in This super robot

all the admirable qualities a Knight should possess--

Sharp reflexes,

the fearlessness of a lion,

and an unwavering commitment

to his mission to protect nature.

Now the earth itself has awakened him

and called him to action.

He will be invaluable in our fight

to save this planet from alien threat.

So he is on our side.

Yes, but after such a long hibernation,

it appears he has lost some of his memory.

Robo Knight's computer brain

clearly doesn't recall that I created him

or that you are his allies.

Can you fix him?

Robo Knight is a highly complex

artificially intelligent machine.

He needs to relearn that his mission and yours are the same.

Teaching him that will be tricky,

but it is up to you to win him over as an ally.

That is your challenge.
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