20x05 - United We Stand

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x05 - United We Stand

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat.

They are the power rangers megaforce!


[both laugh]


After you, I insist.

Stop at the fallen log up ahead!



[both laugh]

So where's this rare flower you want me to check out?

Follow me.


There it is.

This is the magnus bloomus annulus.

It only flowers one day a year.

One day.

They're really hard to find.

I can't believe we're seeing this.

Wow. It's beautiful.

Wonder why it blossoms for only one day.

That's one of nature's secrets.

[camera shutter clicks]

it's things like this

that make our planet so special.

[camera shutter clicks]

want me to take a picture of you with the flower

to prove you found it?

What are best friends for?

Next we'll take some pics together,

[camera shutter clicks] But just for us.

[both giggle]

[Gia] They would ruin my tough girl image.

[morpher beeps]

Yes, Gosei?

[Gosei] report immediately.

We'll be right there.


♪♪♪♪ [theme]

♪♪ megaforce power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ power rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ all together ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ all together ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪♪

[blue ranger] We made it,

Now what?

These are the coordinates.

Let's check it out.

[loogies chitter]


[black ranger] I'm sure they're not alone.

Well, where there's loogies,

it's usually more trouble.

You rangers look smaller

in person.

[black ranger] Whoa! Who's this guy?

Too scared to come down and fight?

Fear isn't in my vocabulary, but you should be afraid.

Especially now.

Why now? What do you want from us?


what do any Alien Beings want from other civilizations, hmm?

Loogies, attack!

[all shout]

Usually I like things that are green.

[black ranger] But not these guys, em.


They put on quite a show. Pretty impressive for humans.

Why is he just standing there?

It's creepy.

It's like he's watching us like rats in a lab.

He's got to go.


Let's examine you up close.

Loogies, attack!

Your loogies don't scare us.

[all] mega blaster!

Come on, Emma, let's take them down.


Absolute unity in battle, interesting.

Why did he leave now?

Whoa! They sure packed it up pretty quick.


[all laugh]

Wow! You girls rocked.

In sync and fearless.

Yes, we were.

You guys were great, too.

Well, we'd love to hang around,

but Emma has some photos to print.

So catch you later.


I have returned.

You're just in time to meet our newest ally.

She claims to be royalty like you.


Urgh. This waiting is intolerable!

How disrespectful! Who does she think she is?

Ha! Females.

[woman laughs]

as the queen of my hive,

I must look my best for my royal subjects.

In contrast to drones like yourself.

When was the last time you had a bath?

Why you!

Really, admiral,

I'm shocked you can stand the stench of your subordinates.

We all know females are much better company than males and deadlier adversaries.

Plus, we're far smarter.

I'll show you who's smarter!


someone needs to learn some manners.

I am the great queen warrior beezara.

I command respect.

Ah, yes. Your excellent reputation proceeds you.

We've heard you are ruthless and very cunning.

How do you plan to help me deal with the humans?

My royal jelly venom

will make all human males my loyal servants.

One taste and they will be unable to refuse my commands.

And the females will fight until they destroy one another.

I plan to start with the girl rangers.


I got the photos. Finally.

Let's go back to my house, pick out our favorites, and upload them.

Cool. But they're just for us.

[both laugh]


And best friends will soon become worst enemies.


You need to be more careful

Hey, I get to see first.


I like it, for once you're not snarly.

I hate it, it's going.

No! Yes!

No! Yes!



Hurry up, dude!

[people chattering]

Game's about to start.

[Noah] you know, I was thinking.

What? That alien from this morning...

[keyboard clicks]

he was different.

He didn't look like an insect.

[whistle blows]



[boys panic]

Silly games for silly boys.

[cries out]

it's time to work for a living.


[Jake] Gonna start without us, dude.

Come on.

Hurry up.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The guys on the soccer field are being att*cked!

Whoa! What?

I'll call the others.

Take them to my hive.

[cries out]


I'm on my way, Noah!

Me too! Thanks for waiting, Gia.

I'll show malkor and his cronies

that I mean business.

I'll work these males to the bone.

Stop right there!

Whoa, that's a big bad beetle.

Beetle! How dare you insult me!

I am the queen Bee

and will be addressed as such.

[Noah] it's morphing time!

[Both] Go, go megaforce!

[morphers beep]

[both grunt]

megaforce black!

Megaforce blue!


You impudent humans!

You think this is any way to treat a queen?



Jake! [groans]


[both strain]

Bee venom, it's toxic!

I'm going numb!


[both grunt]

Oh, what happened?

I can't move!

Me neither!

You'll move when I let you.

Once you're in my hive, you'll become my slaves.

Think what an honor it'll be to serve me,

the queen Bee, for the rest of your sorry little lives.

[all] megablaster!

[cries out]

Jake! Noah!

Hey, are you okay?

What happened?

Hello, girls. How did the photos turn out?


How did you know?

Were there any keepers?

Watch out!

Dragon sword!


Buzz off Bee!

I suppose you think that's clever.

Soon all you males will be under my command.


Allow me!

Oh, really?

[cries out]





Tiger claw!


[morpher beeps]

Gia, to summon the megaforce blaster

I need to call "Phoenix shot" first.

Ugh. No way!

Our weapons don't fit together.

[both struggle]

they're not connecting!

What's wrong with the girls?

They can't stop arguing.

That monster knew they were at the photo shop.

She must have done something to them.

Quit it! We got a battle to win!

Don't force it, Emma!

They're not compatible. But we can't wait!

What do you think you're doing?

Good. My spell is working.


Emma, what are you doing?




You two are bitter enemies

and don't you forget it!


[both cry out]


[both groan]

You three, carry me to my hive.


I can't help myself.

Neither can I.

Quickly now!

That's much better.

Ha! No dawdling!

It's been an eon since I've had a manicure.

Make them pretty.

My venom is quite effective, huh?

You should all feel honored

to serve as my slaves.

I can't believe I'm rubbing her stinky feet.

But I can't stop myself.


Strike him!


No! No!




hey! What are you trying to do?

Start a fire? Go gentle.

Aah. Much better.

Hey, foot boy,

don't forget to clean the gunk from my toenails.

Okay. Okay.


Why did I get the feet?




This branch has been broken recently.

They must have gone this way.

Anything could have broken that branch.

I say we figure out where a large amount of people

can hide without being detected.

Logic, Emma.

Clues, Gia.

I'm starting here.

Fine, I'm going this way.



Ah-Ha. I was right.

Enough of your constant complaints!

Clean up this mess

and be grateful that you serve me.


you! I've been waiting for you. Emma!

It's morphing time!

Megaforce pink!





Where's Gia?







Get up!

I don't need you advice!

Girls, what's gotten into you both?

You're best friends!

Not anymore.

I hit them with my venom

After they came out of that photo store.

Now, they can't help but argue.

They'll never be best friends again.



You thought you were so smart, but I found her first.

Sure, but I'm not the one who's tied up in knots.


Land brothers!


[Gosei] Summon zords.


Beetle zord, set!

Beetle blast!

Rhino zord, set!

Rhino blast!

[cries out]

Hey! That stung!

Now it's my turn to sting you.


Gia, break me free!

Why? So you can blow it like last time?


you wouldn't wait to fix the w*apon.


And now the guys are her prisoners.

[cries out]

And now you are, too.

Fight her, not each other!

The monster has put a spell on you both

so you'll destroy each other.

Snap out of it!


you've been best friends since you were six.

Shut your mouths!


They're right. We've always been friends.

And nothing happened between us to change that.

It must have been a spell.

After all, we've always had each other's backs.

[Gia] we're like sisters.

There's no way we'd argue

and hate each other.


We were being forced to hate each other.

[glove scrunches]

[Gosei] Emma, the power of friendship

can break the spell.



[Gosei] you have now learned the sky brothers card.

Thank you, Gosei.

Now, let's put it to work.

Sky brothers,


[Gosei] Summon Hawk zord.

Ptera zord!

Crow zord!


Don't worry, Gia. I broke the spell over us.

And now I'll break you free.

Crow blast!


[cries out]


Gia! Emma?

Are you okay?

Yes, thanks to you. You broke the spell.

You're the best.

Are you ready to zap that bug with your best friend?

You bet I am.

Hawk zord,


Hawk blast!



[all cheer]


Still best friends?



I don't believe this!

[Both] Believe it!

[cries out]

United we stand--

Divided we fall.

Ptera zord!

Dino zord!


[energy hums]

[both] Ultimate dino blast!

[both] Now!


[both] Yeah.

[all cheer]

Hey, guys, we're glad to see you.

[mumbles] we're free.

[mumbling continues]

We're free!

Yeah. We knew that.

We're cool.

No sweat-- In your case,

I think it was better the other way.

Girls go for the strong, silent type.

[malkor shouts]

They destroyed beezara!

Ha! They just got lucky.

Doesn't it make you want to

crush those little heroes, Creepox?

It sure does.

I'd like to wipe those smiles off there faces

for good!

I have just the solution.


[Zombats shriek]

You rangers will never destroy me!

I am the queen Bee!

It's morphing time!

[morpher beeps]

[all] go, go megaforce!

[morphers beep]

[all grunt]

megaforce, red!

Megaforce, black!

Megaforce, blue!

Ready, Emma?

Let's take her down.

My thought exactly.

[all] Gosei megazords!


[morphers beep]

[Gosei] summon megazords!

[all] Gosei great megazord,


[Gosei] Summon megazord!

[Power rangers] Gosei great megazord, ready!

This is going to sting a little.


[black ranger] didn't anyone tell you that it's rude to point?


brute force is such an ugly way to win a fight.

But if you insist.

We're in a bit of a bind here guys.

My venom isn't just for humans,

you lump of metal.


We need help.

Right, sky brothers, send us your power.


Sky brothers,


[Gosei] Summon zords.

[cries out]


All right! Let's finish her!

[Power rangers] sky megazord, activate!

Sky Gosei great, ready!

[sonic boom] [all] whoa!


[Power rangers strain]


Bee's wax!

Block her!


[yellow ranger] Counter attack!

Take that!

And that!




Sky Sonic slam!

Oh, no you didn't!

We'll show her--

That best friends stick together.


Let's do it!

[all] victory charge, activate!

[morpher beeps]


[Gosei] ready.

[both] we girls know the True power of friendship.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. And guys.

[yellow and pink ranger] we'll bring your reign of hate and evil

to an end!

[Power rangers] victory charge!


[both] sky strike!

[cries out]

the insects will conquer the world!


[all] Mega rangers, that's a mega win!

[Red ranger] girls, you did great.

[both] United we stand! Divide we fall!


Hey, Noah, can you give me a foot massage?

You were so good!

Not funny.

And neither was the fact that you hit my head with that fan.

Kidding, man.

Seriously, I'm sorry about the fan whack.

I tried to stop.

Hey, guys.


Oh. You're best friends again?

Oh, of course.

We realized that we weren't in our right minds

when we said all that mean stuff.

Whoa, check it out.


hey! I was just showing your photos--


whoa, whoa, whoa.

This hand over the mouth thing

is way too familiar.

Nice picture, girls.


Best friends share secrets.


Emma, you really found the magnus bloomus annulus?

I'm impressed.

Yeah, I did.

[Gia] And you really sent this picture to our local newspaper

So everyone can see us grinning like--



Yeah, I did.

I love it!

Oh, good.

Now everybody knows we're best friends.

I really love pictures of you smiling.

You both look so good in this picture.

Thanks, Jake.
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