20x03 - Going Viral

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x03 - Going Viral

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan

to destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat.

They are the power rangers megaforce!

Dude, I hate pop quizzes.

Stop complaining. Besides, you know this stuff.

[Mr. Burley] no talking during the test.

Come up to see me if you have any questions.

[clock ticks]


[creature growls]


Who are you?

What do you want?

My name is Creepox.

Remember it!

All right, Creepox,

you still haven't told me what you're doing here.

I've come to see whatsort of creature dares challenge us mighty insectoids.

So very soft.

With a single stroke, you'd be crushed.

Humans are a lot tougher than we look.

But I won't fight you just to prove it.

Oh, you'll fight me. Count on it!

[clock ticks]




[school bell chimes]


Mr. Burley?


you all right?

No, I'm fine.

Just fine. Uh-- Oh.

Have a science-Riffic weekend, everyone.

Hey, Gia.

Oh. It's only you.

Well, I guess I had worst reactions.

I don't want some random kid to see my morpher.

I just wanted to ask if I can walk you home.

What? You afraid to walk by yourself?

No. Um--

I just wanted to talk to you,

you know, about this weekend.

Admiral malkor,

I believe we should study these humans

and learn their weaknesses.

I see.

Hah! I already did that!

I tested one this morning, and he wouldn't fight me.

They are weak!

We should begin the invasion at once

and wipe out all the humans.

You may have tested him.

But you did not fight him. Perhaps, vrak is right.

Yuffo, I have need of your scientific skills.

An honor, sir.

How can yuffo serve you?

I want you to find the humans' weakness.

Your wish is my command, master.

Of course, I need some humans to experiment on.

Then capture them. As many as you need.

♪♪♪♪ [theme]

♪♪ megaforce power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ power rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ All together ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ Ranger force ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ All together ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪♪

[knocking at door]


Mr. Burley?

Oh, hi, Noah.

You left your scarf in the classroom.

Did I?

Yes, that certainly sounds like me.

Wow. Cryptozoology.

Esp. Extraterrestrials.

Yes, I'm convinced that science will one day find the answer

to these great mysteries.

Me, too. I've always been fascinated by this stuff.

You have?


The marfa lights,

the piri Ries map,

the jersey devil.

My boy,

I have some pictures of the loch Ness monster

that will blow your mind.

I can carry your books for you if you want.

Wow, how retro of you.


so what did you want to talk to me about?

Well, since we're teammates now,

I thought maybe we shouldget to know each other a little better socially.

Whoa, time out.

Listen, Jake, you're probably a great guy.

In fact,

I think you're--

out of this world.



This is so not what I expected.



I must be dreaming.


That cannot be what I think it is.

It is which is why I need my morpher.

If we don't call the others, they're totally gonna freak.

Well, wait, hang on, hang on.

Let them freak.

Whatever these saucers are up to,

you and I can handle it.

All right, cowboy, let's go.



[panic walla]


Silly humans.


time to start my experiments.

All those saucers turned into one guy?

Are you just gonna watch

or are we gonna do something about it?

[Gia and Jake] it's morphing time!

[both] go, go megaforce!

[both grunt]

megaforce, yellow!

Megaforce, black!

♪♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪♪

Oh, stop all that crying.

We're doing this for science.

[grunts] Hey!

Snake blast!

Tiger blast!


Mega rangers, you're the perfect specimens

for my research program.

Let those people go.

I'm really very sorry,

but I can not allow youto interfere with my experiments.

Unless, you're willing join these volunteers.

That would be a no.

I'm very sorry, but this experiment is over.


In the name of science!

Come on, we can take him.

Just try to keep up.




That's how you do it.

Back off!




On second though, maybe we could use some backup.

Capture those two human samples

and put them with the others.

I'm going to go collect some more.

But they can't be logs.

The shape of the wave definitely indicates

a much larger mass beneath the water line.

Precisely, even a laymancan see that the increasing amplitude indicates--

[saucer sputters by]

Great googly moogly!

Flying Saucers, at last!

Are you seeing this?

Where did he go?

What an extraordinary young man.

[morpher chimes]

guys, it's Gia!


we've got trouble at the beach!

It's crawling with loogies!

I'm on my way.

Hang on, Gia. I'm coming.


Heads up!

Got your back.

Welcome to the party.

Wonder where Noah is.

Hang tough, Gia.


What a magnificent sight!

Three power rangers, what luck!

Let's start my experiment right now!

[all cry out]

Vulnerable to proton blasts.


we don't let injuries stop us.


Thanks, Emma.

He keeps talking about some experiment.

He thinks he's a scientist.

I get it, he wants to see what makes us tick.

And he's gonna start on those people over there.

Probably, wants to see what weapons work best on humans.

Soon my experiments will begin.

I get it, he wants to see what makes us tick.

And he's gonna start on those people over there.

Probably, wants to see what weapons work best on humans.

That's not gonna happen.

More loogies!

Restrain those specimens!

Snake axe! Tiger claw!

Phoenix shot!

Dragon sword!

Saucer wave!

[all grunt]

[all groan]


Excellent, kinetic att*cks are proving highly effective.

And fatigue enhances their effects.

[groans] what next?

Perhaps we'll test their resistance to fire!

[Rangers cry out]

Incendiary att*cks are extremely effective.

At this rate,

destroying the human race

will be child's play.

[pink ranger] no! We need help.

I've got a shock for you!

Shark blowgun! [grunts]

see, Jake? I told you flying saucers were real.

If we live through this, I will never doubt you again.

Sorry to spoil the bromance, guys,

but I think it's time to take this guy down.

Gia's right.

Fury of the Dragon!

Megaforce red!

Flames of the Phoenix!

Mega Force pink!

Venom of the snake!

Megaforce Black!

Claw of the tiger!

Megaforce yellow!

Bite of the shark!

Megaforce blue!

Earth Defenders never surrender!

[all] power rangers...

[all] mega force!

Stop Messing up my experiments!



Attack! Yes!



you won't stop me from--




Let me go!

If you say so.

Shark blowgun!



[cries out]


Let's try an experiment of our own.

[all] Right! Mega weapons!

[all] Combine!

Target acquired.

Target? You can't mean me?

[both] sky power.

[both] energize!

[both] land power!

[both] energize!

Sea Power!


Mega Force blaster!

[all] ready!

Ha! Bring it on!

[energy pulses]


[all] victory charge!


[cries out]




unleash your pets.

My royal w*apon. I'll send my zombats at once.

Disgusting creatures.

Wherever did you get such filthy abominations?

As royalty, I have access to much more advanced technology.

They're robotic.

Far too complex

for you to understand.

Zombats, go!







How is that possible?

It's not!

The experiment continues!

The experiment continues! Look out!

Hey, you move pretty fast

for such teensy little creatures.

But we destroyed him.

Then we'll just have to do it again.

We need to take him down and keep him there.

Let's try more fire!

What we're doing isn't working.

How are we going to destroy him?

Here me, rangers.

There are even greater powers at your command.

But controlling them requires great skill and discipline.

We're ready, Gosei. We have to be.

[Gosei] then take these power cards and use them wisely.

A card like the one for the mega force blaster.

But it's Blank.

They're zords!

Rangers, we're back in the fight.

[all] morphers ready!

[all] hiyaah!

Gosei Dragon, activate!

Gosei Phoenix, activate!

Gosei Snake, activate!

Gosei, tiger activate!

Gosei Shark, activate!

[Gosei] summon zords!

[Both roar]

[red ranger] Dragon mechazord!

[Pink ranger] Phoenix mechazord!

[Black ranger] snake mechazord!

[Yellow ranger] tiger mechazord!

[Blue ranger] shark mechazord!

Still kicking, eh?

Perhaps some more toxic gas or--


[cries out]




Yes, our mechazords!

Gosei told us the earth would help us protect it

with mighty machines.

[pink ranger] Well, I hope they run on biofuel.

[blue ranger] No, Emma, they run on us.

Our courage, our strength!

That's what gives them power!

to our mechazords! [all] right!


Perhaps we have underestimated the powers these humans possess.

Hm, they can't be doing all this alone.

We must learn what it is that sustains them.

Then we should bend them to our will.



[all] morpher locked!

I'm really flying a Dragon!

Let's put your machines to the test.

Look out!

Man, I wasn't counting on this.

Better try to find some cover.

Hey, that was a little too close for comfort.

I think I'm gettingthe hang of it, but I can't shake these guys.

Hang on, Emma. I'm coming. Huh?

I'm literally flying blind up here.

Ugh. Gotta get out of this smoke!

Emma! Look out!

Ugh! I can't shake him.

Aah! I'm going in.

What do I do now?

Emma, pull up! Okay.


Keep Going, Emma. Stay on course!

But I can't see!

Just trust me.

Ugh! Aah!

He sh**t. He scores!

He nearly gives me a heart attack.

This is incredible.

Such advanced technology.

And we have target lock.

Deploy w*apon pods. And fire.

Score two for the high-Tech approach.

What? Hey!

Gotta reverse the flow!

Come on!

Made it! Whoo-Hoo!

Yeah, let's see what this cat can do!

A girl could get used to this kind of power.

I'll take 'em down.

Ha. They're all yours, hot shot.

Gotta make this look good.

I gotcha now!

Let's go for a spin!

See? We make a good team.

All right, Emma! It's our turn.


guys, the last one's going down.

Impressive, but ultimately futile.

He's indestructible.

So let's resume our experiment, shall we?

Rangers, you must combine your mechazords

just as you combined your weapons.

The power you can unleash as a team is without equal.

Form the megazord.

You heard him!

Form the Gosei great megazord!

[all] right!

I hope this works.

[all] Gosei great megazord, activate!

[Gosei] Summon megazord.

Jake, Gia, go!

Right! Okay.


[grunts] and up!

I'm lined up.

And locked.

Noah, Emma!

On my way. Roger that.

[all] Gosei great megazord, ready!

Whoa! This thing is sick.

It looks fine to me.

So glad I didn't crash.

Now we'll really kick Butt.

Let's finish this guy. For good.


Dragon sword!

[All groan]

Arm the zords!

[all] Ready for launch.


[both] mega punch!


[both] mega kick!

Aah! My aching head.

Quickly, rangers, use the victory charge card.

Let's finish this!

[all] victory charge, activate!

♪♪ Go, go power rangers ♪♪

[Gosei] Ready.

For planet earth.

[all]let's finish him. Victory charge!

I don't like this card game!

Mega strike!

Mega Rangers...awesome!

That's a mega win.

Aah!Well, that was a failed experiment.

If we are to conquer this planet,

we must get rid of those power rangers!

I'm proud of you, rangers.

Your bravery and teamwork saved the day.

Oh, boy! You guys flew. Ugh.




thank you, Gosei.

So we made a pretty good team out there.

Couple hardcore monster busters.

You're really gonna go there?

I saved your baconat least twice, monster buster.

Besides, we never should have gone in by ourselves.

We're supposed to be a team.

All of us.

You're right.

It was much easier when we all worked together.

We're each pretty awesome on our own, though.

But as a team, we're unbeatable.


♪♪♪♪ [rock theme]
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