01x58 - Football Season

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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01x58 - Football Season

Post by bunniefuu »


After , years, I'm free!

Its time to conquer earth!

Alpha, rita's escaped!

Recruit a team of
teenagers with attitude!

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Mighty morphin power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ You mighty morphin
power rangers ♪

I'm psyched about football.

You trying out, tommy?

Yeah, but I'm worried
about getting cut.

Left! Right! Left! Right!
Left! Right! Left! Right!

make way for

Angel grove high's newest
most valuable player, boys.

Yeah. Watch out!

We're in training here!

All right, bulky,
try to take me on!

( Roaring )

( Yelling )

( Nervous giggle )

( Yelling )

( Yelling )

( Roaring )

( Everyone laughing )


( Laughing )

Bulk, what have I told you

About roughhousing in the halls?

Oh... That will be
one week of detention

For both of you.

Even bulk's got
more experience than me.

Look, man, just put
the same concentration

Into your football
as you do your karate

And you'll make the team.

I'm sure of it.

Touchdown! Touchdown!

Baboo, look!

That game those humans
are playing looks fun!

Who wants that junk?

Certainly not you.

You could beat them
at their own game.

Join the rhino-blaster
with the putties

And your team is unstoppable!

Let's do that.

I want a smashdown.

- Touchdown?
- Whatever.

( Sighing )

Hey, girls.

Hey, tommy.

What's wrong?

You seem so worried.

Yeah, well, I guess I am.

I just can't help thinking
about the tryouts.

For football?

You're a natural athlete.

You'll do fine.

I never played it.

I spent most of my life
training in karate.

You know, that's quite
an accomplishment

On its own.

Maybe I can help.

Tommy, you're not going
to believe this

But I was
an all-star fullback

During my college days.

No kidding?

Would you be interested
in helping me train?

You got it.

Come on, bulky. Up on your...


Come on! Like an angel!

I can't do this.

It says here that
"many pro football players

"Studied bal-let for grace

And agility."

It makes you light on your feet.

Let me see that.

( Video game sounds )

Well, maybe so.

But if I hear
one twinkle-toe remark

I'm going to cream you
with my tutu.

Ballet. That's funny.

We're going to the park

And play flag football
with the guys.

Want to come along?

It should be good practice.

Thanks, but I'll stay
and get pointers from ernie.

Okay. See you later.

Good luck, tommy.


( Huffing )

Okay. Now, here's
a good exercise

For agility.

Dodge this way three steps.

Back this way, two.
Left, three.

Back this way, two.
Left, three. Right, two.

Let's try it.

Like this?

Oh, man, I feel like
I've got two left feet.

Give it time, tommy.

Try it again. Ready?

Left, three. Right, two.

Easy now.


Zack: and the zackman
throws to billy!

Here, bill.

Hi, guys.

How about a scrimmage?

Trini, you hike the ball.

The rest of you, spread out.

The end zone is down there.


Hut, two, three!


Jase, over here!

There we go!


hey! Hey!

I got it now, baby!


zack, behind you!


Go, billy!

Over here!

( Grunting )

yes! All right, jason!

Concentrate. Keep your eye
on the target and go for it.

Get a foothold,
but don't waver.


Here it goes.

That's it.

( Grunting )

I don't know if I can
do this, ernie.

It's not karate

But don't give up.

You got it in you.

Believe me.

That's it...

Nice and steady.

Light on your feet.

You better know what
you're doing, dimwit.

Trust me. How can you lose
with skullster as coach?

Let's go through
your exercises again.

Come on.

Come on!

Yes. Yes!

Come on! Come on!

He can be taught!

( Groans )

( Bird chirping )

( Groaning )


Jason, over here!

( Grunts )

good catch!

( Yells )

Come on! Go!


Zack, come here.


Here he comes!

There he goes!


Good catch.

All right!

( Groaning )

Come here!

Got you!

nice going, jason.

Time for our putty squad
to get a little practice

Before the big game.

Great idea, goldar.

( Grunts )

jason, out here!


Let's tackle 'em.


Oh! Uh...


( Panting )



We really scored on that one.

( Electronic beeping )

We read you, zordon.


Teleport to the command center


We're on our way.

power rangers, as you can tell

From her latest putty attack,
rita has planned

A football game of her own.

This is her quarterback.

He is quick on his feet
and very cunning.

You must be careful.

That monster looks mean.

And strong.

A crude-looking rhino.

The rhino-blaster
is vicious and strong.

Rita plans to pit her evil team
against yours.

If they defeat you

Her evil will be unleashed
on angel grove.


I believe our team
is stronger, zordon.

We have a score to settle.

It's morphin time!




Saber-toothed tiger!


If you think
you'll mess up our town

You're way offsides.

Pack up your ball.

We don't want you.

So punch yourself out of here.

Or you'll face power rangers!

You power brats are no match
for my team!

All right, boys.
Quarterback sack!

Ready, hut!

( All yelling )

( All grunting )

You've been sidelined,
power rangers.

Hit the showers!

( All yelling )

What's going on?

Let us out of here!

What is this?

What's going on, you guys?

( Siren wailing )

Oh, no, zordon, I've lost
contact with the rangers.

My worst fear
has been realized.

Rita's monster
has banished the rangers

To the multidimensional vortex.

Neither their communicators
nor their teleporters

Will function
while they are trapped.

We have to do something!

Calm down, alpha.

Try to reconfigure

The teleportation mechanism.

Maybe we can pull

An end run
around rita's monster.

Contact tommy right away.

He may be their only hope.

Right away, zordon.


You got good endurance, tommy.

Hey, ernie, phone.

Take a break, tommy.

We'll start up again later.

Whatever you say.

Thanks, ernie.

( Beeping )

I read you, zordon.

Tommy, teleport to the command
center immediately.

You got it.

Your power is limited,
green ranger

But the other rangers
need you.

They are trapped
in another dimension.

I've got to go to them.

Each time
you use your powers

You will weaken even more.

That's a chance
I'm willing to take.

Let the power protect me.

It's morphin time.


I took out your entire
defensive line.

Oh, yeah?

That may be so

But now you face me,

Fine with me.

The clock hasn't run out yet.

Wand, make my monster grow.

I need dragonzord power.

( Trumpet fanfare )

The special teams.

Give me all you got.

Uh-oh, personal foul.

Take that.

Hey, cheap shot.

Flag on the play.

-Yard penalty.

Well, alpha?

There is no other way.

Green ranger must use
his dragon dagger

To free the other rangers.

However, if he fails,
the dagger will be lost forever

And so will the rangers.

Alpha, we have no choice.

I'll contact green ranger.

( Beeping )

The only way to save your friends

Is to outsmart the rhinoblaster.

Throw the dragon dagger
into the mist.

The rangers may be able
to free themselves.

I'll do whatever it takes
to save them.

May the power protect you.

( Roaring )

I can see now

That the dragonzord and
I are no match for you.

Well, I'm glad you finally
came to your senses.

That makes it easy on both of us.

It's so easy,
I don't believe that it's true.

Won't you let me spend my last
few moments with my friends?

Well, since I'm such
a nice guy...


Hope this works.

Jason, catch.

( Choking )

It was right on target.

I guess I can do it.

Let's finish this guy.

Consider this
your two-minute warning.

The home team is taking back
the field.

( Laughing )

I'm losing power.

Zordon, I'm going down.

Man, I can't do this alone.

Score one for the invaders.

Jason, where are you guys?

it's time to run the blitz.

Yes, all right, my dagger.

( Trumpet fanfare )

What? No way.

Look, it's tommy.

And he's got his dagger.

Thanks, guys.

Dragonzord's back
and ready for action.

( Trumpet fanfare )

Way to go, tommy.

Fourth quarter, ranger

And time's running out.

All right, rangers,
mega-dragonzord power.


( Screaming )

Rangers, good job.

No, not again!

I've got such a headache!

All right, boys and girls

It's my pleasure to announce

The starting offense

For this year's football season.


The angel grove team

First string will be...


All right, jason!

way to go, jason.


Go, billy!


Go, zack!






And paul.

Well, that's it,
ladies and gentlemen.

to our new team.

Oh, no, tommy didn't
make the team.

Wait, looks like you dropped
something, mr. Kaplan.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I seem to have made an error here.

There are more names.

Well, well,
well, well

I'm pleasantly surprised.

So, let's introduce bulk.

All right, bulk.

We're still working
on the agility part.

But last but not least,
I would like

To introduce to you
our new star quarterback


( Crowd cheering )

How about a round of applause
for our new team.

way to go, you guys!

I don't know how

To thank you, ernie.

I never could have done it
without you.

You worked hard
for this, tommy

And I'm really proud of you.

Way to go, bro.

That is morphinomenal news.

Congratulations, tommy.

We're glad you're on our team.

Wow, guys, I don't know
what to say.

I didn't think I could do it.

Hey, after you play
football against rita

You can play against any team.
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